Artykuły w czasopismach na temat „Outcrop and seismic study”
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Qu, Dongfang, Peter Frykman, Lars Stemmerik, Klaus Mosegaard i Lars Nielsen. "Upscaling of outcrop information for improved reservoir modelling – exemplified by a case study on chalk". Petroleum Geoscience 27, nr 4 (14.04.2021): petgeo2020–126.
Pełny tekst źródłaRamdani, Ahmad, Andika Perbawa, Ingrid Puspita i Volker Vahrenkamp. "Acoustic impedance to outcrop: Presenting near-surface seismic data as a virtual outcrop in carbonate analog studies". Leading Edge 41, nr 9 (wrzesień 2022): 599–610.
Pełny tekst źródłaAnne, M. Schwab, W. Homewood Peter, S. P. van Buchem Frans i Razin Philippe. "Seismic forward model of a Natih Formation outcrop: the Adam Foothills Transect (northern Oman)". GeoArabia 10, nr 1 (1.01.2005): 17–44.
Pełny tekst źródłaMilad, Benmadi, i Roger Slatt. "Impact of lithofacies variations and structural changes on natural fracture distributions". Interpretation 6, nr 4 (1.11.2018): T873—T887.
Pełny tekst źródłaWang, Fred P., Jiachun Dai i Charles Kerans. "Modeling dolomitized carbonate‐ramp reservoirs: A case study of the Seminole San Andres unit—Part II, Seismic modeling, reservoir geostatistics, and reservoir simulation". GEOPHYSICS 63, nr 6 (listopad 1998): 1876–84.
Pełny tekst źródłaWang, Fred P., F. Jerry Lucia i Charles Kerans. "Modeling dolomitized carbonate‐ramp reservoirs: A case study of the Seminole San Andres unit—Part I, Petrophysical and geologic characterizations". GEOPHYSICS 63, nr 6 (listopad 1998): 1866–75.
Pełny tekst źródłaFakhruddin, Rakhmat, Taufi k. Ramli i Hanif Mersil Saleh. "WELL AND OUTCROP CORRELATION IN THE EASTERN PART OF AKIMEUGAH BASIN, PAPUA: MESOZOIC PLAY POTENTIAL". Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas 41, nr 2 (29.06.2020): 75–87.
Pełny tekst źródłaGai, Shaohua, Ailin Jia, Yunsheng Wei i Ruohan Liu. "Characterization and Modelling of Multiscale Natural Fractures in Shale Reservoirs: A Case Study from a Block in the Southern Sichuan Basin". Geofluids 2022 (7.10.2022): 1–11.
Pełny tekst źródłaStucchi, Eusebio, Francesco Mirabella i Maria Grazia Ciaccio. "Comparison between reprocessed seismic profiles: Seismologic and geologic data — A case study of the Colfiorito earthquake area". GEOPHYSICS 71, nr 2 (marzec 2006): B29—B40.
Pełny tekst źródłaKokusho, Takaji, i Tomohiro Ishizawa. "Site Amplification during Strong Earthquakes Investigated by Vertical Array Records". Geosciences 11, nr 12 (14.12.2021): 510.
Pełny tekst źródłaMullins, James, Helena van Der Vegt i John Howell. "Combining process-based models and multiple-point geostatistics for improved reservoir modelling". Petroleum Geoscience 27, nr 3 (26.02.2021): petgeo2020–012.
Pełny tekst źródłaVan Houtte, C., O. J. Ktenidou, T. Larkin i A. Kaiser. "Reference stations for Christchurch". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 45, nr 4 (31.12.2012): 184–95.
Pełny tekst źródłaDavis, E. E., D. S. Chapman, M. J. Mottl, W. J. Bentkowski, K. Dadey, C. Forster, R. Harris i in. "FlankFlux: an experiment to study the nature of hydrothermal circulation in young oceanic crust". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 29, nr 5 (1.05.1992): 925–52.
Pełny tekst źródłaBEZERRA, FRANCISCO HILÁRIO REGO, VANILDO PEREIRA DA FONSCECA i FRANCISCO PINHEIRO LIMA FILHO. "Seismites: origin, criteria of identification and examples from the Quaternary record of Northeastern Brasil". Pesquisas em Geociências 28, nr 2 (31.12.2001): 205.
Pełny tekst źródłaKammann, Janina, Alireza Malehmir, Bojan Brodic, Mattia Tagliavento, Lars Stemmerik, Egon Nørmark, Holger Lykke-Andersen i Lars Nielsen. "Deep onshore reflection seismic imaging of the chalk group strata using a 45 kg accelerated weight-drop and combined recording systems with dense receiver spacing". GEOPHYSICS 84, nr 4 (1.07.2019): B259—B268.
Pełny tekst źródłaRamdani, Ahmad, Thomas Finkbeiner, Viswasanthi Chandra, Pankaj Khanna, Sherif Hanafy i Volker Vahrenkamp. "Multiattribute probabilistic neural network for near-surface field engineering application". Leading Edge 40, nr 11 (listopad 2021): 794–804.
Pełny tekst źródłaKelly, Trevor B., i Grant D. Wach. "Analysis of factors influencing the interpretation of a digitally examined fluvial meanderbelt system: Joggins Formation, Nova Scotia". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 57, nr 4 (kwiecień 2020): 524–41.
Pełny tekst źródłaDubos-Sallée, Noalwenn, André Fourno, Jeanneth Zarate-Rada, Véronique Gervais, Patrick N. J. Rasolofosaon i Olivier Lerat. "A complete workflow applied on an oil reservoir analogue to evaluate the ability of 4D seismics to anticipate the success of a chemical enhanced oil recovery process". Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 75 (2020): 18.
Pełny tekst źródłaCarpenter, Chris. "Data-Analysis Approach Aids Reservoir-Quality Prediction of Microporous Carbonates". Journal of Petroleum Technology 74, nr 02 (1.02.2022): 89–92.
Pełny tekst źródłaMOURA, ANA CATARINA A., PAULO H. S. DE OLIVEIRA, JOAQUIM M. FERREIRA, FRANCISCO H. R. BEZERRA, REINHARDT A. FUCK i ADERSON F. DO NASCIMENTO. "Seismogenic faulting in the Meruoca granite, NE Brazil, consistent with a local weak fracture zone". Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 86, nr 4 (grudzień 2014): 1631–39.
Pełny tekst źródłaAlaei, Behzad, i Anita Torabi. "Seismic imaging of fault damaged zone and its scaling relation with displacement". Interpretation 5, nr 4 (30.11.2017): SP83—SP93.
Pełny tekst źródłaGrech, P. V., i I. A. Dyson. "AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF THE EARLY TRIASSIC REWAN GROUP, BOWEN BASIN". APPEA Journal 37, nr 1 (1997): 192.
Pełny tekst źródłaPei, Yangwen, Douglas A. Paton, Rob J. Knipe, W. Henry Lickorish, Anren Li i Kongyou Wu. "Field-based investigation of fault architecture: A case study from the Lenghu fold-and-thrust belt, Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau". GSA Bulletin 132, nr 1-2 (19.06.2019): 389–408.
Pełny tekst źródłaTROCMÉ, VINCENT, EMILY ALBOUY, JEAN-PAUL CALLOT, JEAN LETOUZEY, NICOLAS ROLLAND, HASSAN GOODARZI i SALMAN JAHANI. "3D structural modelling of the southern Zagros fold-and-thrust belt diapiric province". Geological Magazine 148, nr 5-6 (5.08.2011): 879–900.
Pełny tekst źródłaAl-Fahmi, Mohammed, L. Cooke Michele i John C. Cole. "Modeling of the Dammam outcrop fractures: Case study for fracture development in salt-cored structures". GeoArabia 19, nr 1 (1.01.2014): 49–80.
Pełny tekst źródłaLin, Song, Yuan Li, Denggui Luo i Yanlin Fu. "Research on the fracture structure and activity of the Qinling Mountains thrust nappe system in western Hubei". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 57, nr 1 (styczeń 2020): 1–15.
Pełny tekst źródłaWu, Wei-Jhe, Chien-Min Su i Chau-Huei Chen. "The Investigation of Shallow Structures at the Meishan Fault Zone with Ambient Noise Tomography Using a Dense Array Data". Applied Sciences 12, nr 12 (8.06.2022): 5847.
Pełny tekst źródłaRamli, Taufik, M. Heri Hermiyanto Z i Andy Setyo Wibowo. "SHALE GAS SWEET SPOT POTENTIAL OF TUNGKAL GRABEN, JAMBI SUB-BASIN SOUTH SUMATERA BASIN". Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas 42, nr 3 (11.12.2019): 109–14.
Pełny tekst źródłaTari, Gábor Csaba, Viktória Németh, Ferenc Horváth † i Viktor Wesztergom. "A regional Alpine graphite décollement level beneath the NW Pannonian Basin". Földtani Közlöny 149, nr 3 (29.09.2019): 279.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchofield, Nick, Richard Newton, Scott Thackrey, Douglas Watson, David Jolley i Chris Morley. "Linking surface and subsurface volcanic stratigraphy in the Turkana Depression of the East African Rift system". Journal of the Geological Society 178, nr 1 (11.09.2020): jgs2020–110.
Pełny tekst źródłaBartha, István Róbert, Dániel Botka, Vivien Csoma, Lajos Tamás Katona, Emőke Tóth, Imre Magyar, Lóránd Silye i Orsolya Sztanó. "From marginal outcrops to basin interior: a new perspective on the sedimentary evolution of the eastern Pannonian Basin". International Journal of Earth Sciences 111, nr 1 (30.10.2021): 335–57.
Pełny tekst źródłaKagami, Hiroshi, Shigeyuki Okada, Keishi Shiono, Mete Oner, Marijan Dravinski i Ajit K. Mal. "Observation of 1- to 5-second microtremors and their application to earthquake engineering. Part III. A two-dimensional study of site effects in the San Fernando Valley". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 76, nr 6 (1.12.1986): 1801–12.
Pełny tekst źródłade Franco, R., L. Petracchini, D. Scrocca, G. Caielli, G. Montegrossi, A. Santilano i A. Manzella. "Synthetic Seismic Reflection Modelling in a Supercritical Geothermal System: An Image of the K-Horizon in the Larderello Field (Italy)". Geofluids 2019 (28.03.2019): 1–21.
Pełny tekst źródłaMaurizio, Ercoli, Pauselli Cristina, Romana Cinti Francesca, Forte Emanuele i Volpe Roberto. "Imaging of an active fault: Comparison between 3D GPR data and outcrops at the Castrovillari fault, Calabria, Italy". Interpretation 3, nr 3 (1.08.2015): SY57—SY66.
Pełny tekst źródłaStepp, J. Carl, Ivan Wong, John Whitney, Richard Quittmeyer, Norman Abrahamson, Gabriel Toro, Robert Youngs, Kevin Coppersmith, Jean Savy i Tim Sullivan. "Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses for Ground Motions and Fault Displacement at Yucca Mountain, Nevada". Earthquake Spectra 17, nr 1 (luty 2001): 113–51.
Pełny tekst źródłaBurberry, Caroline M., R. M. Joeckel i Jesse T. Korus. "Post-Mississippian tectonic evolution of the Nemaha Tectonic Zone and Midcontinent Rift System, SE Nebraska and N Kansas". Mountain Geologist 52, nr 4 (1.10.2015): 47–73.
Pełny tekst źródłaBurhannudinnur, M., i C. K. Morley. "Anatomy of growth fault zones in poorly lithified sandstones and shales; implications for reservoir studies and seismic interpretation; Part 1, Outcrop study". Petroleum Geoscience 3, nr 3 (wrzesień 1997): 211–24.
Pełny tekst źródłaCaf, Abidin B., i John D. Pigott. "Dolomitization geometry and reservoir quality from supervised Bayesian classification and probabilistic neural networks: Midland Basin Leonardian Wichita and Clear Fork Formations". Interpretation 9, nr 2 (22.04.2021): T585—T598.
Pełny tekst źródłaDixit, Nilesh C., i Catherine Hanks. "Basement Structure and Styles of Active Tectonic Deformation in Central Interior Alaska". Geosciences 11, nr 3 (10.03.2021): 127.
Pełny tekst źródłaLyu, Bin, Qin Su i Kurt J. Marfurt. "Tomographic velocity analysis and wave-equation depth migration in an overthrust terrain: A case study from the Tuha Basin, China". Interpretation 6, nr 1 (1.02.2018): T1—T13.
Pełny tekst źródłaTempa, Karma, Komal Raj Aryal, Nimesh Chettri, Giovanni Forte i Dipendra Gautam. "Sensitivity analysis of input ground motion on surface motion parameters in high seismic regions: a case of Bhutan Himalaya". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22, nr 6 (7.06.2022): 1893–909.
Pełny tekst źródłaRasmussen, Erik S., Karen Dybkjær i Stefan Piasecki. "The Billund delta: a possible new giant aquifer in central and western Jutland". Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Bulletin 4 (20.07.2004): 21–24.
Pełny tekst źródłaLarsen, Michael, Brian Bell, Pierpaolo Guarnieri, Henrik Vosgerau i Rikke Weibel. "Exploration challenges along the North Atlantic volcanic margins: the intra-volcanic sandstone play in subsurface and outcrop". Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference series 8, nr 1 (27.10.2016): 231–45.
Pełny tekst źródłaKolyukhin, Dmitriy, Anita Torabi, Audun Libak, Behzad Alaei i Tatiana Khachkova. "Statistical Analysis of Displacement and Length Relation for Normal Faults in the Barents Sea". Geosciences 8, nr 11 (14.11.2018): 421.
Pełny tekst źródłaXia, Zhao Hui, Ming Zhang, Bin Ren, Liang Chao Qu, Ze Hong Cui, Ling Li Liu, Yong Yang i Shuang Zhen Cao. "Important Factors to Propose High-Produced New Development Wells in CBM Project". Advanced Materials Research 1030-1032 (wrzesień 2014): 2578–81.
Pełny tekst źródłaBurgin, Hugo B., Khalid Amrouch, Mojtaba Rajabi, David Kulikowski i Simon P. Holford. "Determining paleo-structural environments through natural fracture and calcite twin analyses: a case study in the Otway Basin, Australia". APPEA Journal 58, nr 1 (2018): 238.
Pełny tekst źródłaSiregar, Rahmat Nawi, Maria Evalina Purba i Ahmat Munawir Siregar. "Analisa Produksi Panas Radiogenik, Densitas dan Kecepatan Seismik dari Singkapan Batu Granit Panas Bumi Nyelanding, Bangka Selatan". Science, and Physics Education Journal (SPEJ) 3, nr 2 (29.06.2020): 103–12.
Pełny tekst źródłaBerry, M. D., D. W. Stearns i M. Friedman. "THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FRACTURED RESERVOIR MODEL FOR THE PALM VALLEY GAS FIELD". APPEA Journal 36, nr 1 (1996): 82.
Pełny tekst źródłaJonoud, S., O. P. P. Wennberg, G. Casini i J. A. A. Larsen. "Capturing the Effect of Fracture Heterogeneity on Multiphase Flow During Fluid Injection". SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 16, nr 02 (8.05.2013): 194–208.
Pełny tekst źródłaFreitag, Simon, Michael Drews, Wolfgang Bauer, Florian Duschl, David Misch i Harald Stollhofen. "Reconstructing post-Jurassic overburden in central Europe: new insights from mudstone compaction and thermal history analyses of the Franconian Alb, SE Germany". Solid Earth 13, nr 6 (21.06.2022): 1003–26.
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