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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Outcrop and seismic study"


Qu, Dongfang, Peter Frykman, Lars Stemmerik, Klaus Mosegaard i Lars Nielsen. "Upscaling of outcrop information for improved reservoir modelling – exemplified by a case study on chalk". Petroleum Geoscience 27, nr 4 (14.04.2021): petgeo2020–126.

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Outcrops are valuable for analogous subsurface reservoirs in supplying knowledge of fine-scale spatial heterogeneity pattern and stratification types, which are difficult to obtain from subsurface reservoir cores, well logs or seismic data. For petrophysical properties in a domain where the variations are relatively continuous and not dominated by abrupt contrasts, the spatial heterogeneity pattern can be characterized by a semivariogram model. The outcrop information therefore has the potential to constrain the semivariogram for subsurface reservoir modelling, even though it represents different locations and depths, and the petrophysical properties may differ in magnitude or variance. However, the use of outcrop-derived spatial correlation information for petrophysical property modelling in practice has been challenged by the scale difference between the small support volume of the property measurements from outcrops and the typically much larger grid cells used in reservoir models. With an example of modelling the porosity of an outcrop chalk unit in eastern Denmark, this paper illustrates how the fine-scale spatial correlation information obtained from the sampling of outcrops can be transferred to coarser-scale models of analogue rocks. The workflow can be applied to subsurface reservoirs and ultimately improves the representation of geological patterns in reservoir models.
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Ramdani, Ahmad, Andika Perbawa, Ingrid Puspita i Volker Vahrenkamp. "Acoustic impedance to outcrop: Presenting near-surface seismic data as a virtual outcrop in carbonate analog studies". Leading Edge 41, nr 9 (wrzesień 2022): 599–610.

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Outcrop analogs play a central role in understanding subseismic interwell depositional facies heterogeneity of carbonate reservoirs. Outcrop geologists rarely utilize near-surface seismic data due to the limited vertical resolution and difficulty visualizing seismic signals as “band-limited rocks.” This study proposes a methodology using a combination of forward modeling and conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) to translate seismic-derived acoustic impedance (AI) into a pseudo-high-resolution virtual outcrop. We tested the methodology on the Hanifa reservoir analog outcropping in Wadi Birk, Saudi Arabia. We interpret a 4 km long outcrop photomosaic from a digital outcrop model (DOM) for its depositional facies, populate the DOM with AI properties, and forward calculate the band-limited AI of the DOM facies using colored inversion. We pair the synthetic band-limited AI with DOM facies and train them using a cGAN. Similarly, we pair the DOM facies with outcrop photos and train them using a cGAN. We chain the two trained networks and apply them to the approximately 600 m long seismic-derived AI data acquired just behind the outcrop. The result translates AI images into a virtual outcrop “behind-the-outcrop” model. This virtual outcrop model is a visual medium that operates at a resolution and format more familiar to outcrop geologists. This model resolves subseismic stratigraphic features such as the intricate downlap-onlap stratal termination at scales of tens of centimeters and the outline of buildup facies, which are otherwise unresolvable in the band-limited AI.
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Anne, M. Schwab, W. Homewood Peter, S. P. van Buchem Frans i Razin Philippe. "Seismic forward model of a Natih Formation outcrop: the Adam Foothills Transect (northern Oman)". GeoArabia 10, nr 1 (1.01.2005): 17–44.

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ABSTRACT The platform carbonates of the Natih Formation (Albian-Turonian) are hydrocarbon reservoirs throughout the Middle East. This study uses a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic model built from the Natih outcrops of the Adam Foothills Transect, in northern Oman, as the basis for the construction of synthetic seismic sections along the Natih outcrops. The model covers the seaward progression from a proximal carbonate platform to a distal intrashelf basin. Three third-order depositional sequences had been identified and correlated across the outcrops, and facies were mini-core plugged for petrophysical data measurement, which were then used to construct an impedance model from the stratigraphic model. This impedance model was used to construct synthetic seismic sections with a zero phase Ricker wavelet at varying peak frequencies (80 Hz, 60 Hz and 40 Hz). The high-frequency synthetic seismic identified seismic characteristics of specific depositional environments, notably the organic-rich intrashelf basin, the platform margin and the platform interior. These seismic characteristics were very subtle on the lower frequency data, but could nonetheless be identified. A seismic line passing through a nearly analogous setting in the subsurface Natih was used to try and identify the characteristics observed on the synthetic seismic data. Many of the synthetically-produced characteristics were found on the industry seismic, which shows that this method is a good way of using the detail of the outcrop to help with predictions on the lower frequency/resolution seismic.
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Milad, Benmadi, i Roger Slatt. "Impact of lithofacies variations and structural changes on natural fracture distributions". Interpretation 6, nr 4 (1.11.2018): T873—T887.

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Understanding and predicting the impact of lithofacies changes and structural effects on fracture distributions is vitally important to optimize a drilling location and orientation. To evaluate and model fracture intensity of the Late Ordovician-Silurian-Early Devonian Hunton Group carbonates in Oklahoma, natural fractures were studied at different scales using borehole images, three outcrops (two horizontally bedded outcrops and one anticline outcrop), and seismic data. Natural fractures identified from eight horizontal well borehole images include conductive (open), partially open, mineralized (closed), and induced fractures. Four fracture sets were identified from borehole images and from the two horizontally bedded outcrops. A 3D fracture intensity model was populated, from the fracture intensity logs at the boreholes, and compared with a 3D lithofacies model. Principal component analysis from lithology logs produced input to a self-organizing map to classify and cluster electrofacies. Thin sections and borehole images corroborate the electrofacies around the wellbores, whereas 3D seismic data were used as constraints to build a 3D lithofacies model. A 3D lithofacies model resulted from the extrapolation of the lithofacies from the well scale to the regional seismic scale. In this study area, lithofacies and structure are interrelated and control fracture distributions. Lithofacies is the primary control, whereas structure is the secondary control. Three lithofacies (wackestone, mudstone, and mud-dominated wackestone) were identified. A positive relationship between the fracture intensity and the presence of wackestone was observed at well locations and in the mapped subsurface area. The other two lithofacies do not exhibit high fracture abundance. Structural effects influence fracture distributions near faults and positive curvature areas in the subsurface measured on the 3D seismic data. For the Hunton Anticline outcrop exposure, there was a positive linear relationship between fracture intensity and changes in curvature for the mudstone and mud-dominated wackestone and an exponential relationship for the wackestone textures. The integration of lithology and structure from multidisciplinary, multiscalar data (i.e., outcrops, image logs, and 3D seismic) helps to identify and predict the fractured zones in the Hunton carbonates and can be used for horizontal well planning as well as stimulation programs. More importantly, this study proposes a generic model to predict the variability of fractures at different scales of curvatures combined with lithology changes and can be used for other carbonate reservoirs.
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Wang, Fred P., Jiachun Dai i Charles Kerans. "Modeling dolomitized carbonate‐ramp reservoirs: A case study of the Seminole San Andres unit—Part II, Seismic modeling, reservoir geostatistics, and reservoir simulation". GEOPHYSICS 63, nr 6 (listopad 1998): 1876–84.

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In part I of this paper, we discussed the rock‐fabric/petrophysical classes for dolomitized carbonate‐ramp rocks, the effects of rock fabric and pore type on petrophysical properties, petrophysical models for analyzing wireline logs, the critical scales for defining geologic framework, and 3-D geologic modeling. Part II focuses on geophysical and engineering characterizations, including seismic modeling, reservoir geostatistics, stochastic modeling, and reservoir simulation. Synthetic seismograms of 30 to 200 Hz were generated to study the level of seismic resolution required to capture the high‐frequency geologic features in dolomitized carbonate‐ramp reservoirs. At frequencies <70 Hz, neither the high‐frequency cycles nor the rock‐fabric units can be identified in seismic data because the tuning thickness of seismic data is much greater than the average thickness of high‐frequency cycles of 6 m. At frequencies >100 Hz, major high‐porosity and dense mudstone units can be better differentiated, while the rock‐fabric units within high‐frequency cycles can be captured at frequencies higher than 200 Hz. Seismic inversion was performed on the 30- to 200-Hz synthetic seismograms to investigate the level of seismic resolution required to recover the high‐resolution inverted impedance logs. When seismic data were noise free, wavelets were known and sampling rates were high; deconvolution techniques yielded perfect inversion results. When the seismic data were noisy, the inverted reflectivity profiles were poor and complicated by numerous high‐frequency spikes, which can be significantly removed using the moving averaging techniques. When wavelets were not known, the predictive deconvolution gave satisfactory inversion results. These results suggest that interwell information required for reservoir characterization can be recovered from low‐frequency seismic data by inversion. Outcrop data were collected to investigate effects of sampling interval and scale‐up of block size on geostatistical parameters. Semivariogram analysis of outcrop data showed that the sill of log permeability decreases and the correlation length increases with an increase of horizontal block size. Permeability models were generated using conventional linear interpolation, stochastic realizations without stratigraphic constraints, and stochastic realizations with stratigraphic constraints. The stratigraphic feature of upward‐shoaling sequences can be modeled in stochastic realizations constrained by the high‐frequency cycles and rock‐fabric flow units. Simulations of a fine‐scale Lawyer Canyon outcrop model were used to study the factors affecting waterflooding performance. Simulation results show that waterflooding performance depends strongly on the geometry and stacking pattern of the rock‐fabric units and on the location of production and injection wells.
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Wang, Fred P., F. Jerry Lucia i Charles Kerans. "Modeling dolomitized carbonate‐ramp reservoirs: A case study of the Seminole San Andres unit—Part I, Petrophysical and geologic characterizations". GEOPHYSICS 63, nr 6 (listopad 1998): 1866–75.

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Major issues in characterizing carbonate‐ramp reservoirs include geologic framework, seismic stratigraphy, interwell heterogeneity including rock fabric facies and permeability structure, and factors affecting petrophysical properties and reservoir simulation. The Seminole San Andres unit, Gaines County, West Texas, and the San Andres outcrop of Permian age in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, were selected for an integrated reservoir characterization to address these issues. The paper is divided into two parts. Part I covers petrophysical and geologic characterization, and part II describes seismic modeling, reservoir geostatistics, stochastic modeling, and reservoir simulation. In dolomitic carbonates, two major pore types are interparticle (includes intergranular and intercrystalline) and vuggy. For nonvuggy carbonates the three important petrophysical/rock fabric classes are (I) grainstone, (II) grain‐dominated packstone and medium crystalline dolostone, and (III) mud‐dominated packstone, wackestone, mudstone, and fine crystalline dolostone. Core data from Seminole showed that rock fabric and pore type have strong positive correlations with absolute and relative permeabilities, residual oil saturation, waterflood recovery, acoustic velocity, and Archie cementation exponent. Petrophysical models were developed to estimate total porosity, separate‐vug porosity, permeability, and Archie cementation exponent from wireline logs to account for effects of rock fabric and separate‐vug porosity. The detailed and regional stratigraphic models were established from outcrop analogs and applied to seismic interpretation and wireline logs and cores. The aggradational seismic character of the San Andres Formation at Seminole is consistent with the cycle stacking pattern within the reservoir. In particular, the frequent preservation of cycle‐based mudstone units in the Seminole San Andres unit is taken to indicate high accommodation associated with greater subsidence rates in this region. A model for the style of high‐frequency cyclicity and the distribution of rock‐fabric facies within cycles was developed using continuous outcrop exposures at Lawyer Canyon. This outcrop model was applied during detailed core descriptions. These, together with detailed analysis of wireline log signatures, allowed construction of the reservoir framework based on genetically and petrophysically significant high‐frequency cycles. Petrophysical properties of total and separate‐vug porosities, permeability, water saturation, and rock fabrics were calculated from wireline log data. High‐frequency cycles and rock‐fabric units are the two critical scales for modeling carbonate‐ramp reservoirs. Descriptions of rock‐fabric facies stacked within high‐frequency cycles provide the most accurate framework for constructing geologic and reservoir models. This is because petrophysical properties can be better grouped by rock fabrics than depositional facies. The permeability‐thickness ratios among these rock fabric units can then be used to approximate fluid flow and recovery efficiency.
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Fakhruddin, Rakhmat, Taufi k. Ramli i Hanif Mersil Saleh. "WELL AND OUTCROP CORRELATION IN THE EASTERN PART OF AKIMEUGAH BASIN, PAPUA: MESOZOIC PLAY POTENTIAL". Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas 41, nr 2 (29.06.2020): 75–87.

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Mesozoic sediments are the main objective for hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern part of Akimeugah Basin, Papua. However, little information is currently available on paleogeography and subsurface distribution of the Mesozoic rock unit. This study analyzed Mesozoic rock unit from outcrops at Wamena and surrounding area to wells data in the eastern part of Akimeugah Basin, Papua. Outcrop and well correlation was made to interpret paleogeography of Mesozoic unit. This study was using existin 2D seismic and passive seismic tomography data to determine the distribution of Mesozoic rock unit in the subsurface and its hydrocarbon potential. The Mesozoic rock unit in the eastern part of Akimeugah Basin is divided into four formations based on their lithological characteristic. Respectively from old to young, Kopai, Woniwogi, Piniya and Ekmai Formation. The depositional environment of Mesozoic rock unit in the southern part of the study area is shore/tidal to shelf and basin fl oor in the northern part. Three Mesozoic potential plays in the studied area are divided into 1) Central Range Mountains thrust-fold belt play, 2) Akimeugah low land thrust-fold belt play and 3) Tanah Merah pinch-out play. The results presented in this paper are expected to be a guide for further hydrocarbon exploration in the study area. Mesozoic sediments are the main objective for hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern part of Akimeugah Basin, Papua. However, little information is currently available on paleogeography and subsurface distribution of the Mesozoic rock unit. This study analyzed Mesozoic rock unit from outcropsat Wamena and surrounding area to wells data in the eastern part of Akimeugah Basin, Papua. Outcrop and well correlation was made to interpret paleogeography of Mesozoic unit. This study was using existing 2D seismic and passive seismic tomography data to determine the distribution of Mesozoic rock unit in the subsurface and its hydrocarbon potential. The Mesozoic rock unit in the eastern part of Akimeugah Basin is divided into four formations based on their lithological characteristic. Respectively from old to young, Kopai, Woniwogi, Piniya and Ekmai Formation. The depositional environment of Mesozoic rock unit in the southern part of the study area is shore/tidal to shelf and basin fl oor in the northern part. Three Mesozoic potential plays in the studied area are divided into 1) Central Range Mountains thrust-fold belt
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Gai, Shaohua, Ailin Jia, Yunsheng Wei i Ruohan Liu. "Characterization and Modelling of Multiscale Natural Fractures in Shale Reservoirs: A Case Study from a Block in the Southern Sichuan Basin". Geofluids 2022 (7.10.2022): 1–11.

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Natural fractures are vital to the efficiencies of drilling and completion operation. The purpose of this paper is to characterize and model multiscale natural fractures in shale reservoirs. Based on the seismic and log responses, as well as outcrop and core observations, we divide natural fractures into Macro, Meso, and Micro three scales. Macroscale fractures are the faults picked directly in seismic profiles. Also, Mesoscale fractures are the natural fracture corridors analyzed by ant tracking technique in 3D seismic data. Furthermore, Microscale fractures are the fractures observed in imaging logs and cores. The fracture intensity is obtained by the correlation between ant tracking attributes and fracture density in borehole. The fracture aperture, dip, and azimuth are three main parameters, which are recognized by the loggings and cores. Stochastic modelling is applied to factures. We find that faults identified by the ant tracking result are excellent in line with Macroscale faults interpreted directly from seismic data. In addition, Mesoscale fractures are indicated from the ant tracking result, which are in accord with breakpoint in the well and in keeping with tectonic history of the area. Such high consistency indicates the ant tracking result is reliable. Moreover, image logs and cores reveal that it mainly develops high angle natural fractures and the fracture aperture is about 1 mm. The fracture strike includes three sets (NNW-SSE, NE-SW, and NNE-SSW). The distribution of the natural fractures in discrete fracture network (DFN) system is distributed controlled by the ant tracking result. Comparing the histograms of DFN results and fracture characterized by seismic and logging responses, as well as outcrop and core observation, it suggests that the major part of the observed natural fractures is retained into our DFN model.
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Stucchi, Eusebio, Francesco Mirabella i Maria Grazia Ciaccio. "Comparison between reprocessed seismic profiles: Seismologic and geologic data — A case study of the Colfiorito earthquake area". GEOPHYSICS 71, nr 2 (marzec 2006): B29—B40.

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Seismic reflection data are used to reconstruct the subsurface geologic structures below the Umbria-Marche region in Italy, a highly seismogenic area with a recent history of seismic activity (the 1997–1998 Colfiorito sequence). We reprocess three vibroseis seismic profiles (acquired in the early 1980s for hydrocarbon exploration) whose stacked sections were optimized for relatively deep oil targets. On the reprocessed seismic profile closest to the epicentral area, we construct the main reflectors to a depth of about 4 s (two-way time) and compare this interpretation with the available hypocenters of the 1997 earthquakes. The improvements in visualizing the shallow and deep reflections provide a better correlation between the reflectors and the observed surface structures as well as a better delineation of the basement-rock geometry. We find that part of the Colfiorito sequence is localized around some of the reflectors in the reflection profile, which we interpret as related to the active normal faults that outcrop at the surface.
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Kokusho, Takaji, i Tomohiro Ishizawa. "Site Amplification during Strong Earthquakes Investigated by Vertical Array Records". Geosciences 11, nr 12 (14.12.2021): 510.

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A number of vertical array records during eight destructive earthquakes in Japan are utilized, after discussing criteria for desirable requirements of vertical arrays, to formulate seismic amplification between ground surface and outcrop base for seismic zonation. A correlation between peak spectrum amplification and Vs (S-wave velocity) ratio (base Vs/surface Vs) was found to clearly improve by using Vs in an equivalent surface layer wherein predominant frequency or first peak is exerted, though the currently used average Vs in top 30 m is also meaningful, correlating positively with the amplification. We also found that soil nonlinearity during strong earthquakes has only a marginal effect even in soft soil sites on the amplification between surface and outcrop base except for ultimate soil liquefaction failure, while strong nonlinearity clearly appears in the vertical array amplification between surface and downhole base. Its theoretical basis has been explained by a simple study on a two-layered system in terms of radiation damping and strain-dependent equivalent nonlinearity.
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Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Outcrop and seismic study"


Schwab, Anne Marie. "Improved seismic stratigraphic interpretation of carbonates using outcrop data". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2003.

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Carbonate systems hold vast amounts of the world's oil reserves, and seismic data is the largest subsurface data set in the oil industry. Thus it is vital that new advances be made in using seismic data to construct predictive subsurface models. This thesis uses three key case studies to demonstrate how carbonate outcrops can enhance seismic stratigraphic interpretation and create subsurface predictive models in carbonates. The methodology involves detailed outcrop characterization, a seismic simulation of the outcrop data, and an iterative interpretation of the subsurface data and outcrop data to produce a predictive subsurface model. Seismic-scale outcrops are used to construct seismic simulations of two carbonate settings: an isolated platform margin, and a low angle ramp. Forward seismic modelling of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic outcrop models is used to create the seismic simulations, and is a very powerful way to calibrate geological information and seismic data. The outcrop platform architecture of a shelfal algal mound field was applied to interpreting subsurface seismic data using forward seismic modelling of well logs. Interpretation of multi-frequency synthetic seismic outcrop simulations identified specific seismic characteristics for various carbonate depositional environments, which enhanced the confidence in interpretations of the subtle seismic characteristics on lower frequency subsurface seismic as being caused by actual geologic characteristics. This is particularly critical in the platform and ramp margin areas where interpretation pitfalls could occur, for example, missing the platform or ramp margin or interpreting the data as seismic artefacts. The platform, or ramp, margin is a key seismic geometry to identify on subsurface data. Its identification aids in the prediction of the platform architecture, and the spatial relationships between the basin (potential source rocks) and the platform (potential reservoir). The comparison between outcrop and subsurface data can be used at either the exploration or production scale. At the exploration scale the main aim is to identify the platform margin, while the main aim at the production scale is to identify the reservoir architecture, predict stratigraphic traps, and to use the subsurface data to obtain reservoir parameters as input for reservoir models.
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Claussmann, Barbara. "Dépôts de transport en masse le long de rides chevauchantes : nouvelles contraintes sur l'évolution tectonostratigraphique des bassins associés à la subduction (Marge Hikurangi, Nouvelle-Zélande)". Thesis, Amiens, 2021.

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Le long des marges actives, la croissance de rides anticlinales chevauchantes et les processus tectoniques associés sont souvent cités comme étant l'une des causes principales entrainant des déstabilisations de pente et du transport en masse de sédiments au dos des prismes de subduction. Les dépôts associés (MTDs) sont très variés, ne serait-ce que le long d'une même marge, et leur nature, origine et expression peuvent témoigner de l'évolution tectonostratigraphique des bassins sédimentaires liés à la subduction (e.g., bassins perchés). Ce travail présente une analyse haute résolution des caractéristiques et mécanismes de mise en place des sédiments déstabilisés en examinant des MTDs miocènes affleurant dans la partie interne émergée de la marge Sud-Hikurangi (Île du Nord, Nouvelle-Zélande). Des données régionales de sismique réflexion marine ont aussi été utilisées afin d’analyser les géométries et architectures de plus grande échelle. Les résultats témoignent de l'importance des rides structurales dans le contrôle du remplissage sédimentaire des bassins. Différents styles de MTDs sont générés en fonction de leur position structurale (forelimb et backlimb) et à des moments spécifiques du développement des rides et des bassins perchés. Ceci suggère que les MTDs sont de puissants marqueurs tectonostratigraphiques. Ici, ils ont aidé à reconstruire, à des périodes clés, l'évolution de deux bassins et de la marge Hikurangi elle-même. Cette étude offre de nouvelles perspectives sur les interactions entre la déformation et la sédimentation pouvant être essentielles pour la compréhension de l’évolution des marges actives, de leurs risques géologiques et pour leur exploration
Along active margins, the prevalence of thrust ridges and tectonic processes (e.g., uplift, slope oversteepening) is generally called out as one of the main recurrent reasons for generating slope failures and mass wasting on subduction complexes. The resulting mass-transport deposits (MTDs) are often seen to vary strongly along a single margin and therefore, this research work proposes to investigate their nature, origin and significance in the frame of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of subduction-related sedimentary basins (e.g., trench-slope basins [TSBs]). Here, we present high-resolution outcrop-scale insights on both the characteristics and mechanisms of emplacement of the failed sediments by examining thrust-related MTDs from the Miocene cropping out in the emerged southern portion of the Hikurangi subduction margin (eastern North Island of New Zealand). Regional offshore seismic reflection data are also used to offer a broader overview and understanding of these systems through the study of the larger scale geometries and architectures. Results show the role and importance of the thrust ridges in controlling the TSB infilling. Different styles of MTDs are generated from different structural positions (forelimb and backlimb) and at specific times of thrust-ridge and TSB development. This suggests that MTDs are powerful tectonostratigraphic markers. Here, they help to unravel the evolution of two TSBs and more largely of the Hikurangi Margin at key periods. This study provides new insights on the close interplays between deformation and sedimentation, understandings of which may be key for geohazard, exploration and geodynamic predictions along active margins
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Williams, Huw Davies. "Investigating controls on carbonate platform geometry using forward modelling, outcrop and synthetic seismic studies". Thesis, Cardiff University, 2010.

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Outcrop and laboratory analysis of the South Wales carbonate ramp validated the model hypothesis that a high rate of sediment transport is likely a dominant control on the development of a low gradient carbonate geometry. Several other ramp examples are also shown to portray diagnostic features similar to the South Wales ramp example, implying significant magnitudes of sediment transport in each case and further supporting the hypothesis that ramps are transport-dominated systems.
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Szuman, Magdalena Katarzyna. "Forward seismic modelling and spectral decomposition of deepwater slope deposits in outcrop and subsurface". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2009.

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This project aimed to constrain the interpretation uncertainties associated with reflection seismic data of deep-water slope deposits.  The basic premise of the project is that seismic data is affected by small-scale architectural elements and even conventional low-frequency data may contain clues of the sub-seismic geometries.  These can be decoded by understanding the interaction between internal elements and the seismic wavelet.  A series of outcrop-derived forward seismic models was created, representing different types of outcrop based slope deposits.  The seismic interpretation of the forward models was based on amplitude analysis supplemented by instantaneous attributes and spectral decomposition. In order to create realistic synthetic seismograms, input models included geometries whose thickness was as low as 1% of the resolution limit.  By revealing the influence of small-scale structures on synthetic seismic data at the high end of the spectrum (70Hz to 100Hz), the knowledge of tuning effects and the interaction between interfering reflections at lower frequencies (i.e. 20, 40 and 60Hz) could potentially be significantly improved. The gained experience was then applied to real seismic data.  It was proven that small-scale geometries have an additional, highly significant effect on the composite reflection. Because of the inherent non-uniqueness in seismic reflection, the specific seismic forward models of particular outcrop analogues can only be used as guides to the seismic interpretation of the particular architectural elements of a subsurface deposit and not as definite models against which one can definitely pattern match real and modelled seismic data.  as burial depth increases, so does the non-uniqueness of the seismic interpretation of seismic data from deposits whose internal geometries are around/below the tuning thickness.
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Garyfalou, Aikaterini. "Integrated analysis of mass transport deposits : outcrop data, seismic interpretation & fast Fourier transform analysis". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2015.

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Zhang, Hongjie. "Spectral decomposition of outcrop-based synthetic seismic data, applied to reservoir prediction in deep-water settings". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2014.

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Deveugle, Peter. "A comparative study of reservoir modelling techniques using high-resolution outcrop datasets". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2011.

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This PhD project describes a high-resolution, three-dimensionanal model of two parasquence sets of the late Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, a fluvial dominated deltaic reservoir analogue exposed in Utah, USA. The model was first used to quantify the facies architecture of this analogue and then as the reference to compare stochastic modelling techniques: 1) object based modelling (OBM); 2) sequential indicator simulation (SISIM); 3) multiple point statistics (MPS); and 4) spectral component geologic modelling (SCGM).
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Li, Pan. "Architecture and sedimentology of slope channel fills : an outcrop- and subsurface-based study". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2017.

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Slope channel systems represent significant but highly variable deep-water stratigraphic features and reservoir targets. Variations in architecture and component facies can take place along strike, depositional dip and stratigraphically. A better understanding of these variations permits improved sedimentological and architectural models. By integrating two outcrops (San Clemente, California and Baja California, Mexico) and one subsurface example (offshore Nile Delta), this study provides an opportunity to investigate cross-channel asymmetry, stratigraphic evolution and variability, vertical facies trends, and controls of slope channel systems. This study demonstrates that cross-channel asymmetry in facies and architecture is a lithology- and scale-independent feature, and preferentially occurs at channel bends and in the upper part of slope channel systems. Facies and architectural asymmetry are generally expressed as amalgamated, coarser-grained deposits displaced to the steeper channel edge (outer bend), and finer-grained deposits dominate towards the gentler channel edge (inner bend). A comparison of the systems exposed in Mexico and buried in the subsurface reveals a similar evolutionary trend, from initial sediment erosion/bypass, through early-stage laterally amalgamated channels, late-stage sinuous channels with levees/terraces, and final abandonment. However, pronounced variations exist in the late stage (e.g., presence or absence of lobes), and abandonment stage (e.g., presence or absence of MTDs plugging and channel avulsion). Additionally, for the first time, this study quantitatively demonstrates that early-stage and late-stage architectural elements are characterized by distinct patterns in preferred vertical facies transitions, based on Markov chain analysis of vertical successions. This study also suggests that both extrabasinal factors (e.g., relative sea-level) induced flow energy cycles and intrabasinal factors (e.g., folding and faulting, MTDs, channel bends) can exert a significant control on the architecture and/or evolution of slope channel systems.
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Tsang, Hin-sui Calvin, i 曾憲瑞. "The diagnostic features of fault zones from core samples and outcrop study in Hong Kong". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2004.

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Tsang, Hin-sui Calvin. "The diagnostic features of fault zones from core samples and outcrop study in Hong Kong". Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2004.

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Książki na temat "Outcrop and seismic study"


Baradar, Majid. Seismic design solved problems. Wyd. 6. Belmont, Calif: Professional Publications, 2012.

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Lindeburg, Michael R. Seismic design principles for the California special civil seismic examination. Wyd. 8. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 2007.

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345 solved seismic design problems. Wyd. 5. Belmont, Calif: Professional Publications, 2009.

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Baradar, Majid. 345 solved seismic design problems. Wyd. 5. Belmont, Calif: Professional Publications, 2009.

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345 solved seismic design problems. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 1995.

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Baradar, Majid. 345 solved seismic design problems. Wyd. 3. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 1997.

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Baradar, Majid. 345 solved seismic design problems. Wyd. 4. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 2000.

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345 solved seismic design problems. Wyd. 2. Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, 1995.

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Corporation, Geophysical Development. Gulf of Mexico Miocene shelf seismic study: Final report. Houston, TX: Geophysical Development Corporation, 2002.

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Amin, M. An analytical study of seismic threat to containmnent integrity. Washington, DC: Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1989.

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Części książek na temat "Outcrop and seismic study"


Weber, K. J. "The Use of 3-D Seismic in Reservoir Geological Modelling". W The Geological Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogues, 181–88. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.

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Bridge, J. S., i S. D. Mackey. "A Theoretical Study of Fluvial Sandstone Body Dimensions". W The Geological Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogues, 213–36. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.

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Ghosh, Barnali, i S. K. Prasad. "Seismic Response Study on Kaswati Dam". W Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 271–79. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Bhattacharjee, Shiladitya, Lukman Bin Ab Rahim, Ade Wahyu Ramadhani, Midhunchakkravarthy i Divya Midhunchakkravarthy. "A Study on Seismic Big Data Handling at Seismic Exploration Industry". W Intelligent Computing and Innovation on Data Science, 421–29. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Bardan, Virgil. "Sampling Multidimensional Seismic Data - A Study Case". W Acoustical Imaging, 829–34. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1992.

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Jackson, Ian. "The laboratory study of seismic wave attenuation". W Mineral and Rock Deformation: Laboratory Studies, 11–23. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 1986.

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Akhmedov, Mashrap, i Rustam Abirov. "Seismic Vulnerability of Individual Housing: Case Study". W Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 127–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Dreyer, T., L. M. Fält, T. Høy, R. Knarud, R. Steel§ i J. L. Cuevas. "Sedimentary Architecture of Field Analogues for Reservoir Information (SAFARI): A Case Study of the Fluvial Escanilla Formation, Spanish Pyrenees". W The Geological Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogues, 57–80. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.

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Cui, Weizhen, Xingyu Xu, Zhengpeng Hou, Feng Zhang i Fuxing Liu. "Study on seismic performance of oil storage tank based on seismic response analysis". W Advances in Civil Engineering: Structural Seismic Resistance, Monitoring and Detection, 95–100. London: CRC Press, 2022.

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Galperin, E. I., I. L. Nersesov i R. M. Galperina. "Spatial Characteristics of Seismic Regime". W Borehole Seismology and the Study of the Seismic Regime of Large Industrial Centres, 200–224. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Outcrop and seismic study"


Taufani, L. "Utilization of Digital Mapping and Outcrop Model to Assess Reservoir Characterization and Quality Index: Study Case from Ngrayong Formation in the Randugunting Block, East Java". W Indonesian Petroleum Association 44th Annual Convention and Exhibition. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2021.

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Digital mapping and digital outcrop modeling are the current state of the art in geology that incorporated traditional field geological mapping and digital technique. Integration of these two techniques produce a realistic earth model that could help to understand its petroleum prospectivity. Our study aims to provide a workflow and illustrate preliminary reservoir characterization as well as reservoir quality index assessment from mapping and digital outcrop model in the area with lack of subsurface dataset, such as limited well and seismic data distribution due to an early exploration stage. We utilized a mix siliciclastic-carbonate outcrop of Ngrayong formation in the Randugunting Block, East Java, collecting several measuring sections and followed by rock sampling per certain interval. Drone acquisition was implemented in the area of interest to generate high resolution 3D outcrop model. The measuring section later on tied with digital outcrop model, producing structural and stratigraphic model. In addition, subsurface reservoir parameters from well and seismic were integrated in order to add accuracy value to our model from surface perspective. Facies and properties model were populated and Reservoir Quality Index (RQI) was calculated to suggest any potential flow units. Our results show excellent alignment between structural, facies, properties model and reservoir quality index to illustrate characteristic of reservoir in the study area. Uncertainty comes from geostatistical approach, data acquisition quality, and theoritical assumption where multiple sensitivity analyses were conducted to optimize the model. Methodology presented in this study can help to assess the reservoir characterization and quality index in the early exploration stage. Thus, reservoir distribution, potential flow units and petroleum prospectivity will be mostly predictable. In addition, this study has successfully visualized and manifested preliminary 3D subsurface reservoir characterization in area with lack of subsurface dataset and reduced significant capital expenditure cost (CAPEX) for acquisition new data on early exploration phase.
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Wardaya, P. D. "Characterizing the Seismic Response of Naturally Fractured Basement Reservoir in Sumatra Area: Towards an Efficient Seismic Exploration Strategy". W Indonesian Petroleum Association 44th Annual Convention and Exhibition. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2021.

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Although only contributes few to the total oil and gas production, fractured basement reservoir is one of the important unconventional reservoirs in Indonesia. It was estimated that the gas reserve in basement in South Sumatra is about 6 TCF (trillion cubic feet). Most of the existing geophysical methods is not intended to explore events within the basement. In fact, majority of basement reservoir discovery was coincident. Despite its significant contribution to Indonesia’s gas production, the exploration success story in the fractured basement play is still poorly documented. The challenges and difficulties in their characterization are higher than the conventional reservoir. This study presents an integrated geological and geophysical approach to improve the outcome of seismic imaging of the fractured basement reservoir. A comprehensive geological study and geophysical modelling were conducted to provide an efficient strategy for designing an optimum seismic survey in imaging the fractures within the basement. Both surface and subsurface data were thoroughly analyzed to yield a reliable representation of the subsurface fracture model at basement level. Outcrop sample analysis combined with aerial remote sensing analysis were performed as input to digital outcrop modelling. The modelling was intended to provide information about fracture orientation, length, and density. This will provide a fracture property in the surface which is related to the fracture properties in subsurface. The resulting fracture properties was then used as an input to evaluate the seismic wave response during its propagation in the reservoir. Seismic modelling has been done using a 2D finite-difference full wavefield approach in a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) accelerated computing system. We observe how fracture properties affect the propagating seismic wavefield. Wave scattering is observed more prominently around the fracture tip when the fracture plane is orthogonal to wavefield direction.
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Ramdani, Ahmad, Pankaj Khanna, Sander de Jong, Gaurav Gairola i Volker Vahrenkamp. "How In-Place Volumes of Subsurface Reservoir Models are Impacted by Using 3d High-Resolution Outcrop Analogue Data. A Case Study Using Depositional Architectural Heterogeneity of Stromatoporoid/Coral Buildups of the Hanifa Fm, Saudi Arabia". W International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2022.

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Abstract High porosity-high permeability stromatoporoid/coral facies are important components of the Late Jurassic carbonate reservoirs in the Middle East. This facies exhibits sub-seismic depositional heterogeneities that subsurface models often overlook due to the limited interwell resolution of subsurface data. Understanding the effect of this facies on the 3D distribution of static reservoir properties and uncertainty in volumetric calculations of hydrocarbons in-place will improve estimates of the ultimate recovery and hence reservoir development decisions. A 3D high-fidelity outcrop-based geocellular depositional model that honors the spatial and petrophysical heterogeneity of the stromatoporoid/coral facies was constructed based on the Hanifa reservoir outcrop analog in central Saudi Arabia. The model was constructed from a 1.2 km × 1 km drone photogrammetry survey, measured sections (total length 150m) and spectral gamma-ray data, &gt;200 thin sections, a 50 m-long core, a 19 km-long network of 2D and 3D Ground Penetrating Radar, and 600 m-long 2D seismic profiles. The facies model was populated with porosity and permeability equivalent to subsurface reservoir facies and utilized as the baseline petrophysical model for the comparison study. A set of pseudo wells at ~1 km spacing were simulated from the model capturing the model's 1D facies stacking and properties around the wellbore. The pseudo wells were utilized to stochastically build facies and static reservoir models scenarios to replicate the baseline model from limited well data. The volumetric calculation of each realization is compared with the baseline to investigate the range of volumetric uncertainty that would be introduced by the lateral distribution of stromatoporoid/coral facies. Early results show that depending upon the modeling methodology, the volumetric discrepancy between stochastic simulations and the deterministic outcrop baseline model is ~10-15%. Using a high-fidelity outcrop-based reservoir model, we have demonstrated the strong influence of 3D depositional heterogeneity of the stromatoporoid/coral facies on the uncertainty associated with hydrocarbon in-place volumes. We conclude that a static reservoir model can be significantly improved by using data-driven geological models that reflect the 3D heterogeneity of depositional facies.
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Wang, Xiaoyang, Min Li, Xiaobin Zhang, Shuqin Li, Zhichao Yang, Longjiang Jing, Zhen Yang i in. "A case study of cavity excitation method for seismic acquisition in the limestone outcrop area of eastern Sichuan, China". W Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2022.

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Brandes, Christian, Ulrich Polom i J. Winsemann. "Integrating High-resolution Shear Wave Seismics and Outcrop Data:A Case Study from Northern Germany". W 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Workshops. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV, 2012.

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Xu, Jim, Carl Costantino, Charles Hofmayer i Herman Graves. "Finite Element Models for Computing Seismic Induced Soil Pressures on Deeply Embedded NPP Structures". W ASME 2006 Pressure Vessels and Piping/ICPVT-11 Conference. ASMEDC, 2006.

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This paper discusses computations of seismic induced soil pressures using finite element (FE) models for deeply embedded and/or buried (DEB) stiff structures, such as those appearing in the conceptual designs of structures for advanced reactors. For DEB structures, the soil-structure interaction (SSI) effect is expected to have a strong influence on the estimate of the seismic induced soil pressures, especially for stiff structures embedded in soft soil strata. In this paper, two FE models are developed using the SASSI and LS-DYNA computer programs, representing respectively the substructure subtracting method and explicit FE algorithm. SASSI utilizes the wave propagation theory and the principle of superposition to treat the SSI phenomenon. In the LS-DYNA analysis, an attempt is made to apply the direct approach to the SSI effect, which treats the near field soil with an explicit FE mesh that is connected to a transmitting boundary to approximate wave propagation in the half-space. The structural model used for the study is derived from the characteristics of a conceptual design for an advanced reactor. The structure is founded in a soft soil overburden underlain by a rock and the input seismic motion is specified at rock outcrop and has a zero period acceleration (ZPA) equal to 0.3 g, typical of review level earthquakes for nuclear power plant structures in the Central and Eastern United States. Various depths of burial (DOB) for the structure are considered in the analysis to afford an assessment of the DOB effect on the seismic induced soil pressure estimates determined by these methods. Comparisons and discussions of the analysis results computed by the two approaches are provided.
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Charlton, T. R. "Mid-crustal detachment beneath southern Timor-Leste: seismic evidence for Australian basement in the Timor collision complex (and implications for prospectivity)". W Indonesian Petroleum Association 44th Annual Convention and Exhibition. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2021.

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Seismic data originally acquired over SW Timor-Leste in 1994 shows two consistent seismic reflectors mappable across the study area. The shallower ‘red’ reflector (0.4-1s twt) deepens southward, although with a block-faulted morphology. The normal faults cutting the red marker tend to merge downward into the deeper ‘blue’ marker horizon (0.5-2.8s twt), which also deepens southward. Drilling intersections in the Matai petroleum exploration wells demonstrate that the red marker horizon corresponds to the top of metamorphic basement (Lolotoi Complex), while the blue marker horizon has the geometry of a mid-crustal extensional detachment. We see no indications for thrusting on the seismic sections below the red marker horizon, consistent with studies of the Lolotoi Complex at outcrop. However, surficial geology over much of the seismic survey area comprises a thin-skinned fold and thrust belt, established in 8 wells to overlie the Lolotoi Complex. We interpret the fold and thrust belt as the primary expression of Neogene arc-continent collisional orogeny, while the Lolotoi Complex represents Australian continental basement underthrust beneath the collision complex. In the seismic data the basal décollement to the thrust belt dips southward beneath the synorogenic Suai Basin on the south coast of Timor, and presumably continues southward beneath the offshore fold and thrust belt, linking into the northward-dipping décollement that emerges at the Timor Trough deformation front. The same seismic dataset has been interpreted by Bucknill et al. (2019) in terms of emplacement of an Asian allochthon on top of an imbricated Australian passive margin succession. These authors further interpreted a subthrust anticlinal exploration prospect beneath the allochthon, which Timor Resources plan to drill in 2021. This well (Lafaek) will have enormous significance not only commercially, but potentially also in resolving the long-standing allochthon controversy in Timor: i.e., does the Lolotoi Complex represent ‘Australian’ or ‘Asian’ basement?
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Suseno, P. "High Resolution Correlation of Sequence Stratigraphy to Stipulate Further Hidrocarbon Prospect in A Mature Field : Case Study of Limau Field, South Sumatera Basin". W Indonesian Petroleum Association 44th Annual Convention and Exhibition. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2021.

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The Limau Trend Structure is located in the South Sumatera Basin of Indonesia. The main reservoir in this field is the Talang Akar Formation which is deposited in a fluvial complex that changes gradually into a shallow marine depositional environment in a transgressive phase of 3rd order sequence. The sediment deposit was developed from the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene. A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the 3rd to 4th order was interpreted from the subsurface data (core and well log) combined with the outcrop observation that resulted in a comprehensive input for building a geological model. Based on this framework, the transgressive phase series in each parasequence set produces restricted sediment deposits that have the potential for stratigraphic traps. On the other hand, the amalgamated sands of the regression phase will be related to the structural traps. The RMS amplitude volume from seismic multi attributes analysis shows that the facies is changing with the reservoir distribution. The seismic attributes such as VpVs indicate a hydrocarbon presence. The combination of all data reveals that the stratigraphic traps are the main trapping mechanism in the Limau field. The field development works are now focusing in the northern area, on the transgressive phase of the 4th order parasequence set. It composes of a fluvial complex cycle that has a high potential for a virgin geometrically restricted (lense shaped) reservoir rather than well-connected and sand-rich maximum regressive reservoir facies. This transgressive phase reservoir of parasequence set (4th order) at the Northern Belimbing Field was proven by 2 (two) recently drilled wells. Both wells showed very good hydrocarbon indications and produced oil with an initial rate of 174 bopd & 1265 bopd respectively. These results confirmed the oil prospectivity within the transgressive phase of the 4th order parasequence set at the Northern Limau Trend. The initial resources estimation in the Northern Belimbing Field contains 65 MMBO. This is very promising for the development of the Belimbing Field, Limau Trend.
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Bahesti, F. "Deep Dive Into The Mesozoic Play Potential Beneath The Batui Thrust: A Case Study in The Offshore Matindok, The Eastern Arm of Sulawesi". W Indonesian Petroleum Association 44th Annual Convention and Exhibition. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2021.

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This article summarized the exploration ideas and methods for a closer look at the Mesozoic hydrocarbon potential in the Banggai Basin, offshore Matindok, Eastern Arm of Sulawesi. The area is one of the Pertamina EP’s working area which located in the frontier basin that has an acreage exceeding 10,000 sqkm. A major portion of the Mesozoic play in the basin is still under explored, whilst/whereas the existence of an active Cenozoic petroleum system in the offshore Matindok has been confirmed by Tiaka Producing Field. The main challenge in exploring the Mesozoic section in the Matindok Block is imaging it below the ophiolite complex / ultra-mafic layer of the Batui thrust, as well as the thick Neogene carbonate. These barriers inhibit the penetration of seismic energy that resulted in low-quality seismic data beneath the thrust. In order to generate its play concept, massive exploration efforts have been conducted in the Matindok Block since 2017. It consists of onshore geological fieldwork, high-resolution satellite data processing, and the new acquisition of shallow-marine transition 2D seismic data. Potential mature source rocks of the Triassic Tokala marine shale was found in the outcrops nearby the Batui thrust. In the seismic interpretation, the equivalent Jurassic to Cretaceous outcrops that dominated by the fluvio-deltaic sandstones, have been interpreted as pinched-out features along the margin of half graben structures. This area was compressed during the Late Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene shortening events, and intensively imbricated the Cenozoic to present-day sediments on the Batui thrust, but put the Paleozoic - Mesozoic half-grabens beneath the Batui thrust decollement. Finally, the finding of this study is able to demonstrate the petroleum-system risks assessment of the Mesozoic hydrocarbon potential.
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Amer, Aimen, Ali Gadalla Najem, Mubarak Al-Hajeri, Sergio Courtade i Per Salomonsen. "Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of Kuwait Formation, Linking Facies Architecture to Hydrocarbon Occurrence". W SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract The objective of this study is to perform forward stratigraphic modeling on the Kuwait Formation (also known as Kuwait Group) exposed stratigraphic succession along the Jal Az-Zor escarpment to explain the enigmatic occurrence of an elongated NW-SE geobody mapped from subsurface data at northern Kuwait. Outcrop measurements such as; stratigraphic successions, facies distribution, critical facies trends, and paleocurrent analysis have been collected along the 60 km length of the Jal Az-Zor escarpment. Such measurements were combined with thin section lab analysis to reveal the various sedimentary processes such as wave activity, grain size distribution, sediment supply sources, accommodation space, and erosional rates. These measurements were combined with subsurface data such as seismic attributes to reconstruct the paleography of the area and run a forward stratigraphic model simulation. The vertical succession was also utilized to reconstruct the relative sea-level fluctuation through time to develop an accurate model. Forward stratigraphic modeling resulted in building a robust and reliable facies distribution 3D model for the Jal Az-Zor escarpment that demonstrates the complex facies architecture. The model shows the various stacking patterns of several depositional sequences that are observed in the field as well as the subsurface. The enigmatic geobody mapped from seismic as a channel system in previous publications turned out to be a paleoshoreline. This shoreline is composed of high-quality sands as a result of an elevated level of wave activity. Reworking of barrier island sands was also found to be responsible for the enhanced reservoir quality. Consequently, regardless of the subsurface structure, the main driver of successful hydrocarbon accumulation is directly linked to the NW-SE trending paleoshoreline. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time forward-stratigraphic modeling is performed along the Jal Az-Zor escarpment in north Kuwait and using such an approach to unravel Kuwait Formation heavy hydrocarbon subsurface occurrences.
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Raporty organizacyjne na temat "Outcrop and seismic study"


Tokarz, F., i D. Coats. Seismic Safety Study. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maj 2006.

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Smith, I. R., i K. Lesk-Winfield. Seismic shothole drillers' log-derived thematic GIS, Northwest Territories and northern Yukon: bedrock outcrop and subcrop, geohazards, and muskeg thickness. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2010.

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Hills, R. G., i H. C. Hardee. Feasibility study for a periodic downhole seismic source. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maj 1989.

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Amin, M., P. Agrawal i T. Ahl. An analytical study of seismic threat to containment integrity. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), lipiec 1989.

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MacFarlane, Eric R., i Richard C. Lee. Los Alamos Seismic Rupture Directivity Study of PF-4. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), kwiecień 2013.

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Hamblin, A. P. Paskapoo groundwater study part IV: detailed outcrop measured sections of the Paskapoo formation in the Red Deer region, Alberta. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2007.

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West, Phillip Bradley, David Michael Weinberg i James Russell Fincke. Empirical Study Of Tube Wave Suppression For Single Well Seismic Imaging. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maj 2002.

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Baker, Cleon, i William Rock. Seismic Characterization Study of the Advanced Inertial Test Laboratory (AITL) Report. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, grudzień 2008.

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West, P. B., D. M. Weinberg i J. R. Fincke. Empirical Study Of Tube Wave Suppression For Single Well Seismic Imaging. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maj 2002.

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Spence, G. D., J. A. Hole, I. Asudeh, R. M. Ellis, R M Clowes, T. Yuan i K. M M Rohr. A Seismic Refraction Study in the Queen Charlotte Basin, British Columbia. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1991.

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