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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Online catalogs User education"


Chisman, Janet, Karen Diller i Sharon Walbridge. "Usability Testing: A Case Study". College & Research Libraries 60, nr 6 (1.11.1999): 552–69.

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Usability testing is a technique for identifying difficulty that individuals may have using a product. Usability tests of the Washington State University (WSU) Libraries’ online public access catalog (OPAC), Article Indexes, Full Text, More, and Other Library Catalogs sections revealed problem areas. A task force used test findings to recommend solutions that led to the participation of the working group involved in designing search screens, the libraries’ User Education Department, and Innovative Interfaces Inc., the OPAC vendor. Solutions are currently being implemented.
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Kumar, Shiv. "Relationship of OPAC users' satisfaction with their demographic characteristics, computer skills, user education, user assistance and user-friendly OPAC". Electronic Library 32, nr 1 (28.01.2014): 106–23.

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Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to identify whether user demographic characteristics, computer skills, user education, user assistance and user-friendly OPAC (online public access catalog) have an impact on their satisfaction in the context of users in an Indian university setting. Design/methodology/approach – The survey method was utilized and a questionnaire was designed to collect data. The study is based on a sample of the 384 questionnaires from the three universities located in the Union Territory of Chandigarh and Punjab State. To analyze the data collected, SPSS package (version 14.0) was used, and also to produce requisite cross-tabulations. Chi-square testing was performed to determine the association of user satisfaction with the variables covered in the study. Findings – The findings highlighted that overall there was a low degree of satisfaction among the users. With the exception of academic majors, in general, there were no significant differences between satisfaction and user demographic characteristics. Overall satisfaction was significantly higher for those who were possessed with adequate knowledge on OPAC, and had received staff assistance, as well as necessary education on OPAC. The study showed that satisfaction with ease of usage of OPAC was higher. It was also found that users were well-equipped with computers and had attained skills while frequently searching the web, however, it was also revealed that mere possession of computer skills was not sufficient for efficient use of OPAC, resulting in the attainment of a high level of satisfaction. Originality/value – The paper brings out the fact of how user demographic characteristics, computer skills, user education, user assistance, and user-friendly OPAC, influence user satisfaction in a university educational set up. The findings will be beneficial for increasing user satisfaction levels in order to retain existing OPAC users because OPAC will continue to be a necessary tool for accessing quality academic information available in both print and electronic format.
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Mubdik, M. Ahsanul, Delliana Eka W i Fachrul Kurniawan. "Development of E-Business towards Labor Market for Higher Education". Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE) 1, nr 2 (9.11.2019): 34.

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The internet business is used for information exchange, product catalogs, promotional media, e-mails, bulletin boards, electronic questionnaires, and mailing lists. The internet can also be used to dialogue, discuss, and consult with consumers online, so that consumers can be involved proactively and interactively in the design, development, marketing, and sale of products. By using the internet, we can run an electronic business or commonly called e-business as a means of expanding employment opportunities. Given the smaller quota to find employment, that ebusiness is the right solution for college graduates.
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Tjiptasari, Fitriana. "Evaluasi katalog online perpustakaan menggunakan pendekatan Salton and Mcgill". Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan 11, nr 1 (28.02.2019): 48–57.

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Kajian ini bertujuan untuk evaluasi katalog online perpustakaan FIP UNY dalam perspektif manajemen dan pengguna perpustakaan menggunakan pendekatan Salton and McGill. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif-analitis. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Nilai recall menunjukkan angka 30.61%, sedangkan nilai precision menunjukkan angka 75.92% untuk subjek pendidikan anak, dengan penggunaan pada simple search dan advanced search. 2) Sistem mampu menemukan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam kurun waktu 0,4 detik. 3) Pada poin upaya pengguna, belum ada modul khusus yang disediakan untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam mengakses katalog online. Terutama pada bagian menu pengguna, di mana belum ada menu HELP, tentang tata cara menelusur. Perpustakaan hanya menyediakan fasilitas “Live Chat” dan “Ask Librarian”. 4) Tampilan katalog online sesuai dengan standar SLiMS Meranti. Kendala pengguna adalah apabila pengguna tidak menekan menu “detil cantuman”, maka pengguna tidak akan mengetahui keberadaan koleksi yang tersebar di tiga kampus. 5) Koleksi yang dihimpun perpustakaan FIP masih didominasi oleh buku teks. This study aims to evaluate the library's online catalog of UNY FIP in perspective of management and library users use the approach of Salton and McGill. The research approach used is qualitative, with a type of descriptive-analytical research. The data used are the primary data and secondary data. The results of a study indicates that 1) the value of recall demonstrated numbers 30.61%, while the value of precision showed numbers 75.92% at subject of child’s education, with usage on simple search and advanced search. 2) the system is able to find the needed information within 0.4 seconds. 3) On the point of user effort, there is no special module provided to facilitate users in accessing the online catalog. Especially in the user menu section, where there is no HELP menu, about how to search. The library only provides "Live Chat" and "Ask Librarian" facilities. 4) Display online catalog in accordance with SLiMS Meranti standard. The constraints of the user if the user is not pressing the menu "listing details", then the user will not know the existence of the collection dispersed across three campuses. 5) Collections compiled by the library FIP still dominated by textbooks.
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Novotny, Eric. "I Don’t Think I Click: A Protocol Analysis Study of Use of a Library Online Catalog in the Internet Age". College & Research Libraries 65, nr 6 (1.11.2004): 525–37.

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A protocol analysis study was undertaken to explore how a Web-savvy generation of library users searches the online catalog. Eighteen users, including experienced and novice searchers, were recruited. Participants agreed to be recorded and to express their thoughts aloud while searching. Analysis of these data has revealed several distinct trends. Most notable among these trends has been the impact of Internet search engines on user expectations. Given the influence of the Web, these assumptions are likely common throughout higher education. This research reveals where bottlenecks occur and provides insights into how libraries can design systems that help users around trouble spots.
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Chewe, Pailet Chewe, i Eness M. M. Chitumbo. "Perceptions of distance students on the efficacy of Online Public Access Catalogue as an information retrieval tool at the University of Zambia". Zambia ICT Journal 2, nr 1 (29.06.2018): 1–6.

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The survey aims to investigate distance students’ perceptions of the efficacy of the online catalogue as a tool for information retrieval at the University of Zambia. A survey research design has been adopted in the study. Convenient sampling method was used to select 160 distance students. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed to undergraduate distance students. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyse quantitative data into frequencies and percentages. The study established majority of distance students rarely used the online public access catalogue in exploiting the resources in the university library. Instead they employed shelf-to-shelf browsing in information searching and retrieval skills. Lack of proper orientation and user education were identified as major factors militating against their maximum utilization and exploitation of the resources in the university library. The findings of the study will inform stakeholders on how best to turn around the negative trends of OPAC.
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Krishnamoorthy, P., i C. Muthusamy. "Usage of Online Public Access Catalogue by Faculty Members of Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College: A Case Study". Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology 8, nr 3 (5.11.2018): 15–18.

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This paper aims to gift the results of a survey conducted to see the effective use of online Public Access Catalogs (OPAC) at the library of Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College in Chennai. The paper examines the result from a questionnaire based survey conducted at the library. 50 samples of the form were distributed in a random way between the employees of Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College in Chennai out of which 48 completed and valid questionnaires (96.00 %) were received for analysis. The information received from the respondents through these questionnaires was analyzed. Thus, the study clearly highlighted the requirement for associate degree education programme module for users to market the effective use of OPAC. An effort is formed through this study to gift the difficulties Janus-faced by users at engineering college libraries, in looking for data victimization OPAC. This paper provides helpful empirical proof for librarians and therefore the analysis community on the usage of OPAC in libraries of engineering colleges. The results of this study are going to be helpful for librarians at Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College in Chennai and additionally to different librarians around the state and country. This paper provides original information from library finish users in engineering college, relating to their expertise whiles victimization OPAC.
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Smith, Virginia. "Online Catalogs and the User". Public Library Quarterly 7, nr 3-4 (grudzień 1986): 71–82.

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Rachmadita, Renanda Nia, i Wibowo Arninputranto. "Analisis kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas layanan perpustakaan di perguruan tinggi vokasi dengan metode servqual dan importance-performace analysis". Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi 14, nr 2 (4.12.2018): 214.

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Introduction. Library in Vocational Higher Education is required to provide the best services in facilities, learning environmentbased on the characteristics of vocational education. This study aims to measure the level of satisfaction of library services in vocational colleges. Data Collection Method. The questionnaires were distributed to 150 respondents including students and lecturersbased on five dimensions of Servqual. Data Analysis. The analysis was conducted by identifying the gap between perception and expectation using Importance-Performance Analysis method. Results and Discussions. Overall, the analysis if the gap for all Servqual dimensions was negative. Some services needto be improved to meet user expectations. By using Importance-Performance Analysis, itwas found that the attribute P10 (Library needs to provide an adequate online catalog) should be prioritized..Conclusions. It is expected that the library can improve the services based on the users’ needs.
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Muslim, Budiman. "Strategi Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Perpustakaan Umum Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19". LIGHT : Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 1, nr 1 (30.06.2021): 40–45.

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In connection with the enactment of Work From Home (WFH) for employees engaged in public services, physical distancing policies, and other health procedure rules so that public services are not carried out optimally, the phenomenon of an online service system appears. Noting this phenomenon and seeing the efforts made by public service providers in dealing with this pandemic situation, library services also need to adapt by implementing an online service system. Changes or adjustments to services are a must so that the function of the library remains in demand and is useful for many people. The research was conducted qualitatively by utilizing secondary data sources obtained from official publications of agencies and institutions, applicable laws and regulations, and other related publications. Limitations in the implementation of services during the pandemic should be an opportunity for libraries to innovate. During the COVID-19 pandemic, libraries can use the following library service strategies: online public access catalog-based online search services, independent circulation services, delivery-based services, on-site reading services, user education services, collection proposal services, webinar services, information literacy services, and library and librarian consulting services.
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Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Online catalogs User education"


Evans, Paul. "A multimedia system to instruct novice users of online library catalogues". View thesis, 1996.

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Evans, Paul. "A multimedia system to instruct novice users of online library catalogues". Thesis, View thesis, 1996.

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The research reported here focuses on the application of multimedia to the teaching of information skills in academic libraries. Specifically, the research project has involved the development and evaluation of a multimedia system to instruct novice users of online library catalogues. The research has included an investigation of the characteristics and needs of novice library users. The ways in which novices approach using library-based information technologies which may be applied to any instructional programme for teaching novices how to use library-based information technologies. The research project has involved the development of a comprehensive multimedia system based on the theoretical model. The multimedia system was designed using Macromedia Director v.4.04. The production techniques and operation of the multimedia system are described in some detail. The multimedia system was evaluated and tested using formative evaluation strategies. The evaluation involved the prototype system being reviewed by expert librarians, and multimedia producers, as well as novice users of online library catalogues. The information gathered during the evaluation was used to make suggestions about improvements to the design of the prototype. The results of the evaluation are reported and analysed.
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Golub, Koraljka. "Subject retrieval in web-based library catalogs". Licentiate thesis, Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science, 2003.

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This thesis has been motivated by past research, problems and realizations that online library catalog users frequently perform subject searches – using keywords, subject headings and descriptors – and these searches have yielded unsatisfactory results. Web-based catalogs or WebPACs (Web-based Online Public Access Catalogs), belonging to the so-called third generation of online catalogs and providing a wide variety of search options, remain largely underutilized despite the continuous advancement of information retrieval systems. Users still encounter a number of problems, such as those related to translating their concepts to the language of the catalog’s system and cross-references prepared to this purpose. Subject access in online library catalogs can be provided through different access points. To that purpose natural and controlled indexing and retrieval languages are used, and each among them has its advantages and downsides. Natural language indexing is performed by the computer, in which process words from defined fields are automatically extracted. Controlled indexing languages are those in which selection of terms to be assigned to documents is manually performed. These are, for example, classification systems, subject heading languages and thesauri. During the 1970s, a consensus was reached that the best retrieval results are gained when using both types of indexing languages simultaneously. Apart from indexing languages, it is necessary to take into account user search behavior; and while designing user interface one has to allow for the users’ skills and knowledge - ensuring instruction, help and feedback information at every step of the retrieval process. The aim of the research was to determine the variety and quality of subject access to information in WebPACs of British university libraries, including searching by words or classification marks, natural and controlled languages, browsing options, and forming simple and complex queries in order to conclude about existing advancements, offered models and employed methods and compare them to WebPACs of Croatian university libraries.
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Cameron, Nancy G. "User Experience Design in Online Nursing Education". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017.

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Zhang, Jing, i Vlad Vamoș. "How does the UX Design of video conferencing software affect student engagement in online education?" Thesis, Jönköping University, JTH, Avdelningen för datateknik och informatik, 2021.

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Even before the spread of COVID-19 video conferencing software has seen a steady rise in use. Due to their convenient way of offering a way of seeing the other participants live while talking to them, it is quite easy to see why this kind of software became more and more used throughout the years. Now, during the pandemic, video conferencing software is more used than ever before, especially in learning environments. Nevertheless, studies show that student engagement is rather low with university students who take part in online learning. Throughout this paper, we venture into discovering the reasons behind this lack of engagement and how it can be improved from a User Experience Design standpoint. With findings resulted from several previous studies and identified student problems and needs from those papers we created a prototype to test which features and design elements affected student engagement.
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KU, CHENG-HSIN. "Extending the Technology Acceptance Model Using Perceived User Resources in Higher Education Web-Based Online Learning Courses". Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2009.

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The purpose of this research was to examine students' acceptance of the World Wide Web Course Tools (WebCT) online learning system. The Perceived Resources and Technology Acceptance Model (PRATAM) was created based on previous research to address the factors of perceived resources, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, behavioral intention to use and actual system use. The aim for this research was to investigate the critical determinants and provide the causal relationships regarding students' acceptance behaviors when using WebCT. While institutions are expecting to adopt online learning to reach more students, there are still many challenges for institutions to retain students in their online courses. The literature review conducted in this research indicated that the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has successfully explained students' behaviors when they use educational information systems. In addition, the additional perceived resources variable in the PRATAM also showed a significant influence on the other belief and intention variables. The study analyzed a total of 115 students responses in two surveys administered during two WebCT based courses taught at a large southeastern public university. The beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behavioral constructs of PRATAM showed significant goodness-of-fit indices and coefficient of determination after analyzing the data in both surveys. However, the results indicated several exceptions on PRATAM's constructs and causal relationships. First, the path coefficient between perceived resources to behavioral intention to use in both pre-test and post-test were insignificant. Second, the path coefficient between behavioral intention to use and actual system use in pre-test was insignificant. Third, the path coefficient between perceived resources and perceived usefulness in post-test were insignificant. In addition, the research also suggested an additional link between perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to use at the pre-test data. Overall, this research validated the influences of PRATAM's constructs factors to students' acceptance behaviors toward WebCT. The findings of this research could provide a guideline for future implementations of online learning systems in higher education.
Department of Educational Research, Technology and Leadership
Education PhD
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Robertson, Andrew David. "Massively multi-player online role-playing games in the secondary school classroom". Thesis, University of Canterbury. Education, 2007.

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This research suggests applications in an instructional design programme that makes use of Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games (MMORPGs) in a classroom setting. The report suggests that teaching and learning programmes which use MMORPGs should cross curricula and pedagogical theorems within literacy learning. It hypothesises that without the clear and effective development of instructional design which embodies good planning; the involvement and engagement of students in preparatory work, questioning, rich learning tasks, goal setting and evaluation, and prospective activities, few school programmes will use MMORPGs as powerful and engaging learning instruments.
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Johansson, Lisa, i Tobiasson Sara A. "Att främja det oväntade : Serendipitet i digitala bibliotekskataloger". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM, 2020.

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Introduction. Studies have been conducted on serendipitous encounters in the physical library environment. In this study, we aimed instead to look at features in the online library catalog that can lead to serendipitous en-counters. The aim was also to see if libraries took active steps to promote serendipity in their online library cata-logs. Method. A heuristic evaluation of four online library catalogs was conducted. The set of heuristics used was based on previous research, with the aim of identifying facets of a serendipitous environment. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with librarians from three of the researched libraries. The results from the heuristic evaluation and the transcripts of the interviews formed the data for the analysis. Analysis. Thematic analyses were carried out on the data. The data from the heuristic evaluation and the interviews were analyzed and presented separately, leading up to a joint summary. Results. Most of the online library catalogs had features like "Similar items" and book recommendations, which can lead to serendipitous encounters. Librarians often experience a lack of influence over their online library catalogs. Librarians identified problems such as patrons expecting their online library catalog to function more like a web search engine, for example, Google Search. Conclusion. The online library catalogs have features that promote serendipitous encounters but we identified problems in how they are best designed. Using an integrated interface for the online library catalog and the library's website was one way to give the librarians more influence over their interface, which increased their likelihood to provide it with more information and content. We suggest further research with an extensive approach of serendi-pitous encounters not only in the online library catalog but also in other digital library environments such as web-sites, social media, blogs and apps. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Reeder, Elaine M. "Student Perceptions and Sense of Self-efficacy Regarding Interface Design and Consistency in an Online Learning Environment". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2018.

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The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate student perceptions of the design and consistency of the online learning environment in relation to motivation, satisfaction, and self-efficacy. Through surveys, think-aloud observation sessions, and reflection interviews, data were collected concerning student perspectives of design and consistency in the online learning environment. SPSS was used to process the survey data and a multi-step process was used to code the observations and interviews. Nine categories emerged from the analysis: (1) frustration; (2) excitement; (3) feeling of being lost; (4) confusion; (5) disgust; (6) positivity; (7); anxiety; (8) understanding; (9) action. The findings are discussed and recommendations for future research are provided to inform future development of online courses.
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Van, Staden Corne Johandia. "User experience evaluation of electronic moderation systems : a case study at a private higher education institution in South Africa". Thesis, 2017.

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The transformation of a manual paper-based moderation process into an electronic moderation (eModeration) process poses unique challenges. These challenges concern academic processes, people and the user experience of interactive systems. eModeration can improve the user experience of assessment processes while lowering the risk of delaying the process or losing scripts. Despite the benefits associated with optimising assessment procedures, particularly examination procedures, the use of eModeration in South Africa is limited. There are several possible reasons for a lack of eModeration adoption ranging from infrastructure and technical issues through to organisational and human factors. The focus of this study is on the human factors involved in eModeration. Since no User Experience Evaluation Framework for eModeration existed at the time of this research, an in-depth study was conducted based on the experiences of eModeration users in the context of private higher education institutions. The study focused on identifying the most important user experience constructs for the evaluation of an eModerate system within the context of private higher education institutions in South Africa towards proposing a framework. The study was based in the fields of Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction with eModeration being the application domain. The research used a Design Science Research methodology, which involved the development and testing of a User Experience Evaluation Framework for eModeration. The data generation methods included interviews with deans, eModerators and management, as well as a survey that included responses from both moderators and deans. The research was conducted at Midrand Graduate Institute and evaluated at Monash University. The study makes a validated contribution towards identifying the most important user experience constructs. The identified constructs were utilised in the design and development of the User Experience Evaluation Framework for eModeration, which can be used along with the evaluation criteria tool to evaluate eModerate systems.
Information Science
D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Systems)
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Książki na temat "Online catalogs User education"


National Library of Medicine (U.S.). NLM online databases. Bethesda, Md: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1986.

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National Library of Medicine (U.S.). NLM online databases. Bethesda, Md: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1986.

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Elizabeth, Frick, i Canadian Library Association, red. A Place to stand: User education in Canadian libraries. Ottawa, Ont: Canadian Library Association, 1988.

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Liao, Yupei. Wo guo da xue tu shu guan xian shang gong yong mu lu shi yong zhe li yong zhi dao fang shi zhi yan jiu. Taibei Shi: Han Mei tu shu you xian gong si, 1992.

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Pask, Judith M. User education for online systems in libraries: A selective bibliography, 1970-1988. Metuchen, N.J: Scarecrow Press, 1990.

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Slack, Frances. OPACs: Using enhanced transaction logs to achieve more effective online help for subject searching. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI Dissertation Services, 2002.

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National Library of Medicine (U.S.). NLM online databases and databanks. [Bethesda, Md: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1991.

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National Library of Medicine (U.S.). NLM online databases and databanks. [Bethesda, Md: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1991.

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Linda, Keenan, i Reagan Michael 1943-, red. Search sheets for OPACs on the Internet: A selective guide to U.S. OPACs utilizing VT100 emulation. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1991.

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Böllmann, Elisabeth. Bibliotheksautomation und Benützerschulung in Grossbritannien: Bericht über eine Studienreise, April-Juni 1984. Graz: Universitätsbibliothek Graz, 1985.

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Części książek na temat "Online catalogs User education"


Shen, Ruixiang. "User Experience in the Era of O2O - Service Design Revolution of the Online Education". W Design, User Experience, and Usability: Novel User Experiences, 216–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Dyer, Harry T. "Enmeshing the User and Design: How Is Identity Managed Online?" W Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education, 93–116. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Han, Jiadong, i Yan Wang. "User Experience Design of Online Education Based on Flow Theory". W Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 219–27. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Delnoij, L. E. C., J. P. W. Janssen, K. J. H. Dirkx i R. L. Martens. "Designing an Online Self-assessment for Informed Study Decisions: The User Perspective". W Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education, 74–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThis paper presents the results of a study, carried out as part of the design-based development of an online self-assessment for prospective students in higher online education. The self-assessment consists of a set of tests – predictive of completion – and is meant to improve informed decision making prior to enrolment. The rationale being that better decision making will help to address the ongoing concern of non-completion in higher online education. A prototypical design of the self-assessment was created based on an extensive literature review and correlational research, aimed at investigating validity evidence concerning the predictive value of the tests. The present study focused on investigating validity evidence regarding the content of the self-assessment (including the feedback it provides) from a user perspective. Results from a survey among prospective students (N = 66) indicated that predictive validity and content validity of the self-assessment are somewhat at odds: three out of the five tests included in the current prototype were considered relevant by prospective students. Moreover, students rated eleven additionally suggested tests – currently not included – as relevant concerning their study decision. Expectations regarding the feedback to be provided in connection with the tests include an explanation of the measurement and advice for further preparation. A comparison of the obtained scores to a reference group (i.e., other test-takers or successful students) is not expected. Implications for further development and evaluation of the self-assessment are discussed.
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Vilenchik, Dan. "An Unsupervised Approach to User Characterization in Online Learning and Social Platforms". W Mathematics (Education) in the Information Age, 15–36. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Wang, Wentao, i Qi Feng. "Knowledge Graph Design: A Way to Promote User Experience for Online Education". W Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory, Methodology, and Management, 776–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Zhang, Chuqiong, i Chang Xiao. "Research on Course Experience Optimization of Online Education Based on Service Encounter". W Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research and Design, 652–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Zapata Rivera, Luis Felipe, i Maria M. Larrondo Petrie. "Models and Smart Adaptive Interfaces for the Improvement of the Remote Laboratories User Experience in Education". W Online Engineering & Internet of Things, 416–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Ossowska, Katarzyna, Liliana Szewc, Paweł Weichbroth, Igor Garnik i Marcin Sikorski. "Exploring an Ontological Approach for User Requirements Elicitation in the Design of Online Virtual Agents". W Information Systems: Development, Research, Applications, Education, 40–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Hamid, Md Montaser, Tanvir Alam, Md Forhad Rabbi, Khalad Hasan, Anastasia Kuzminykh i Mohammad Ruhul Amin. "Emergence of Polarization and Marginalization in Online Education System of Bangladesh Due to COVID-19: Challenges and Policies to Ensure Inclusive Education". W Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Diversity, Well-being, and Social Development, 224–38. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Online catalogs User education"


Tupan, Tupan, i Retno Asihanti Setiorini. "The Role of Libraries in Research Institutions in Supporting Data Disemination and Scientific Works". W International Conference on Documentation and Information. Pusat Data dan Dokumentasi Ilmiah, 2020.

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Scientific data and papers generated from research activities are assets that need to be preserved so it could be reused in the future. To increase the use of scientific data and papers, it is necessary to disseminate scientific data and papers. This narrative review research was conducted to determine the role of libraries in disseminating data and scientific papers. This research was conducted to answer the following questions. First, what is the role of libraries in supporting the process of data dissemination and scientific works? Second, what support does the library provide in supporting data dissemination and scientific works? Thirdly, what resources are available in the library to assist in the process of data dissemination and scientific work? The narrative review method is carried out by analyzing related scientific articles. The search was carried out using online journal references indexed in the Scopus database. The results of the narrative review analysis show that libraries play a role in providing online data and information services, as well as encouraging open access to data and scientific papers. Libraries also play a role in providing access and dissemination of data and scientific works, and in conducting user education. The support provided by the library is to expand research data management, create research data management guidelines, create datasets to share research data, and improve information dissemination techniques through reference services, social networks, websites, mils, and OPAC. Resource support provided by libraries in supporting data dissemination and scientific work is establishing a data visualization clinic, providing a catalog of research data, developing data repositories, improving library services and resources related to data dissemination and scientific works to the public, and promoting institutional repositories.
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Petrova, Stefka, Alexander Sergeev, Iglika Getova i Iva Kostadinova. "ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOGS IN BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF SEVEN-YEAR EVOLUTION". W 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2019.

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Kononenko, Irina. "Saratov Writers Literary Museum at the Central City Library". W Sixth World Professional Forum "The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations". Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, 2021.

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The Literary Museum of Saratov Writers established at the Central City Library is the memorial center and, at the same time, it is to reflect current trends in the books of Saratov authors. The concept was conceived within the partnership of the Library and Saratov Regional Union of Russian Writers. The museum provides educational and cultural services, offers tour of its exhibitions and uses information technologies: maintains its e-catalog, provides online services, digitizes and publishes books by Saratov authors on the website of the Central City Library.
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Banjanin, Bojan, Magdolna Pál, Vladimir Dimovski, Savka Adamović i Ana Lilić. "3D printing in the education of graphic engineering and design students". W 10th International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of technical sciences, Department of graphic engineering and design,, 2020.

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Today, 3D printing is taking its constantly growing part in a lot of different manufacturing industries, educational institutions and a lot of entrepreneurship and home businesses. Besides prototyping and proof of concept, utilization of 3D printing is undoubtedly spreading its roots in manufacturing of production and spare parts but also in aiding research and teaching processes. 3D printing has reinforced the self-employed segment of market called makers but also has influenced forming a significant number of educational online video channels. A lot of crowdfunded web sites promote affordable desktop 3D printers and 3D modellers and designers who design models exclusively for 3D printing, taking its specificity into account. Also, a community of designers, through 3D printing hubs where their work can be purchased, are thriving. There is also a massive trend in developing new materials for 3D printing such as electrically conductive composites, fire-resistant materials and materials with high strength or resilience. In the graphic industry, there is some progress regarding the utilization of 3D printing in the form of tactile maps and picture books, manufacturing customizable packaging, embossing tools, making parts for colour measuring equipment and printing of textiles. However, there is undoubtedly undiscovered usage intended for improvements in this branch of industry. The first part of this research aims to present existing researches and projects regarding the usage of 3D printing in creative and interdisciplinary industries such as graphic industry. The second part of this paper focuses on different initiatives in aiding educational process worldwide, and some of the methodology of implementing 3D printing in education. In the final part of this research, the potential of 3D printing for educational purposes of graphic engineering and design students is discussed. Methodology for getting theoretical and practical knowledge is proposed through a designed catalogue of 3D printing parameters. The purpose of this catalogue is to introduce undergraduate students with one of the most used and affordable 3D printing technique known as Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and to provide them with basic knowledge of 3D printing parameters which further on can be expanded and supplemented.
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Zhi, Tang, Qian Qiang i Wang Shengze. "The topological model of online user customized service". W 2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2012). IEEE, 2012.

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Pisoni, Galena. "Moodle vs Sakai: evaluating user experience for online entrepreneurship education". W 2019 17th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA). IEEE, 2019.

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Stojkov, Ivana. "Neknjiževni tekstovi u bukvarima – metodičke mogućnosti u savremenom društvenom kontekstu". W Nauka, nastava, učenje u izmenjenom društvenom kontekstu. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education in Uzice, 2021.

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The aim of the paper is to determine the representation of non-literary texts in spelling books and their compliance with the Program of Teaching and Learning for the first grade of primary education (2017). Nine spelling books from different publishers from the Textbook Catalogue for the first and fifth grades of primary education (2019) were analyzed. The study shows the types and functions of programming non-literary texts: texts from spelling book, popular and informative texts. In addition to spelling books, these texts can be found in magazines, encyclopedias, but also on the Internet. Contemporary social context, online teaching and the use of modern technologies affect on the revised access to teaching content, as well as the selection of non-literary texts that we will show in one part of the study. We have come to the conclusion that in the spelling books most represented are non-literary spelling books texts, that there are informative and the least popular texts, and that there is no compliance of selected non-literary texts in the spelling books with the Program with suggestions on how to use them functionally in revised social circumstances.
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Shan Wei-feng, Huang Meng i Li Jun. "An online examination system supporting user-defined question type". W 2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Bosch, Nigel, Eddie Huang, Lawrence Angrave i Michelle Perry. "Modeling Improvement for Underrepresented Minorities in Online STEM Education". W UMAP '19: 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.

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Ghemri, Lila. "A User Centered Approach to Managing Privacy in Online Social Networks". W InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: USA. Informing Science Institute, 2015.

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Since their initial introduction in the early 90’s, the popularity of web based online social networking sites has been growing exponentially, encompassing millions of users. As these social networks continue to grow and become more popular, users’ different social circles (friends, family, and colleagues) are very likely to collide, as they all coexist under the same infrastructure. Considering the different levels of relationships between a user and their social circles, concerns about privacy arise. How does a user conceal private data? Who has access to it? And what is the most effective way in managing it? Many different approaches have been taken by online social network providers to give users more control over their data, but these methods have not always been affective, resulting in the misuse of the data or unintentional disclosure. We propose a new framework that aims at reducing risks of privacy violation by giving the user better and more intuitive ways to manage their social circles and control who accesses what type of data.
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