Artykuły w czasopismach na temat „Neuronal discrimination”
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Deng, Yingchun, Peter Williams, Feng Liu i Jianfeng Feng. "Neuronal discrimination capacity". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36, nr 50 (1.12.2003): 12379–98.
Pełny tekst źródłaBoynton, Geoffrey M., Jonathan B. Demb, Gary H. Glover i David J. Heeger. "Neuronal basis of contrast discrimination". Vision Research 39, nr 2 (styczeń 1999): 257–69.
Pełny tekst źródłaHeeger, D. J. "Neuronal correlates of contrast detection and discrimination". Journal of Vision 2, nr 10 (1.12.2002): 13.
Pełny tekst źródłaSpitzer, H., R. Desimone i J. Moran. "Increased attention enhances both behavioral and neuronal performance". Science 240, nr 4850 (15.04.1988): 338–40.
Pełny tekst źródłaLi, Wu, Peter Thier i Christian Wehrhahn. "Contextual Influence on Orientation Discrimination of Humans and Responses of Neurons in V1 of Alert Monkeys". Journal of Neurophysiology 83, nr 2 (1.02.2000): 941–54.
Pełny tekst źródłaAdibi, Mehdi, i Ehsan Arabzadeh. "A Comparison of Neuronal and Behavioral Detection and Discrimination Performances in Rat Whisker System". Journal of Neurophysiology 105, nr 1 (styczeń 2011): 356–65.
Pełny tekst źródłaMatsumora, Takehiro, Kowa Koida i Hidehiko Komatsu. "Relationship Between Color Discrimination and Neural Responses in the Inferior Temporal Cortex of the Monkey". Journal of Neurophysiology 100, nr 6 (grudzień 2008): 3361–74.
Pełny tekst źródłaOrban, Guy A., i Rufin Vogels. "The neuronal machinery involved in successive orientation discrimination". Progress in Neurobiology 55, nr 2 (czerwiec 1998): 117–47.
Pełny tekst źródłaArabzadeh, Ehsan, Colin W. G. Clifford, Justin A. Harris, David A. Mahns, Vaughan G. Macefield i Ingvars Birznieks. "Single tactile afferents outperform human subjects in a vibrotactile intensity discrimination task". Journal of Neurophysiology 112, nr 10 (15.11.2014): 2382–87.
Pełny tekst źródłaSmith, Jackson E. T., i Andrew J. Parker. "Correlated structure of neuronal firing in macaque visual cortex limits information for binocular depth discrimination". Journal of Neurophysiology 126, nr 1 (1.07.2021): 275–303.
Pełny tekst źródłaSanders, Teresa H., Mark A. Clements i Thomas Wichmann. "Parkinsonism-related features of neuronal discharge in primates". Journal of Neurophysiology 110, nr 3 (1.08.2013): 720–31.
Pełny tekst źródłaBrown, M. W., i Z. I. Bashir. "Evidence concerning how neurons of the perirhinal cortex may effect familiarity discrimination". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 357, nr 1424 (29.08.2002): 1083–95.
Pełny tekst źródłaMarshel, James H., Yoon Seok Kim, Timothy A. Machado, Sean Quirin, Brandon Benson, Jonathan Kadmon, Cephra Raja i in. "Cortical layer–specific critical dynamics triggering perception". Science 365, nr 6453 (18.07.2019): eaaw5202.
Pełny tekst źródłaTremblay, N., M. C. Bushnell i G. H. Duncan. "Thalamic VPM nucleus in the behaving monkey. II. Response to air-puff stimulation during discrimination and attention tasks". Journal of Neurophysiology 69, nr 3 (1.03.1993): 753–63.
Pełny tekst źródłavon Heimendahl, Moritz, Pavel M. Itskov, Ehsan Arabzadeh i Mathew E. Diamond. "Neuronal Activity in Rat Barrel Cortex Underlying Texture Discrimination". PLoS Biology 5, nr 11 (13.11.2007): e305.
Pełny tekst źródłaRodríguez-Sanchez, Antonio J., John K. Tsotsos, Stefan Treue i Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo. "Comparing neuronal and behavioral thresholds for spiral motion discrimination". NeuroReport 20, nr 18 (grudzień 2009): 1619–24.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchiff, Steven J., Tim Sauer, Rohit Kumar i Steven L. Weinstein. "Neuronal spatiotemporal pattern discrimination: The dynamical evolution of seizures". NeuroImage 28, nr 4 (grudzień 2005): 1043–55.
Pełny tekst źródłaZheng, Yi, Jianbo Gao, Justin C. Sanchez, Jose C. Principe i Michael S. Okun. "Multiplicative multifractal modeling and discrimination of human neuronal activity". Physics Letters A 344, nr 2-4 (wrzesień 2005): 253–64.
Pełny tekst źródłaHernandez, A., A. Zainos i R. Romo. "Neuronal correlates of sensory discrimination in the somatosensory cortex". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97, nr 11 (16.05.2000): 6191–96.
Pełny tekst źródłaChiba, Atsushi, Ken-ichi Oshio i Masahiko Inase. "Neuronal representation of duration discrimination in the monkey striatum". Physiological Reports 3, nr 2 (luty 2015): e12283.
Pełny tekst źródłaNakao, M., K. Ohmura i R. Sato. "Hardware-based adaptive system for discrimination of neuronal spikes". Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 26, nr 4 (lipiec 1988): 360–66.
Pełny tekst źródłaZhou, Jingyang, i Chanwoo Chung. "How does perceptual discrimination relate to neuronal receptive fields?" Journal of Vision 23, nr 9 (1.08.2023): 5708.
Pełny tekst źródłaMERIGAN, WILLIAM H. "Cortical area V4 is critical for certain texture discriminations, but this effect is not dependent on attention". Visual Neuroscience 17, nr 6 (listopad 2000): 949–58.
Pełny tekst źródłaBerberian, Nareg, Amanda MacPherson, Eloïse Giraud, Lydia Richardson i J. P. Thivierge. "Neuronal pattern separation of motion-relevant input in LIP activity". Journal of Neurophysiology 117, nr 2 (1.02.2017): 738–55.
Pełny tekst źródłaHashimoto, Kosuke, Bibin B. Andriana, Hiroko Matsuyoshi i Hidetoshi Sato. "Discrimination analysis of excitatory and inhibitory neurons using Raman spectroscopy". Analyst 143, nr 12 (2018): 2889–94.
Pełny tekst źródłaHeuer, Hilary W., i Kenneth H. Britten. "Optic Flow Signals in Extrastriate Area MST: Comparison of Perceptual and Neuronal Sensitivity". Journal of Neurophysiology 91, nr 3 (marzec 2004): 1314–26.
Pełny tekst źródłaZhivago, Kalathupiriyan A., i Sripati P. Arun. "Texture discriminability in monkey inferotemporal cortex predicts human texture perception". Journal of Neurophysiology 112, nr 11 (1.12.2014): 2745–55.
Pełny tekst źródłaBrody, Carlos D., Adrián Hernández, Antonio Zainos, Luis Lemus i Ranulfo Romo. "Analysing neuronal correlates of the comparison of two sequentially presented sensory stimuli". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 357, nr 1428 (29.12.2002): 1843–50.
Pełny tekst źródłaYu, Bo, Terrence Mak, Xiangyu Li, Leslie Smith, Yihe Sun i Chi-Sang Poon. "Stream-based Hebbian Eigenfilter for real-time neuronal spike discrimination". BioMedical Engineering OnLine 11, nr 1 (2012): 18.
Pełny tekst źródłaSeiferth, Nina Y., Katharina Pauly, Thilo Kellermann, N. Jon Shah, Gudrun Ott, Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann, Tilo Kircher, Frank Schneider i Ute Habel. "Neuronal Correlates of Facial Emotion Discrimination in Early Onset Schizophrenia". Neuropsychopharmacology 34, nr 2 (25.06.2008): 477–87.
Pełny tekst źródłaRomo, Ranulfo, Adrián Hernández, Antonio Zainos i Emilio Salinas. "Correlated Neuronal Discharges that Increase Coding Efficiency during Perceptual Discrimination". Neuron 38, nr 4 (maj 2003): 649–57.
Pełny tekst źródłaSeiferth, N. Y., K. Pauly, V. Backes, T. Kellermann, U. Habel, N. J. Shah, S. Ruhrmann, B. Herpertz-Dahlmann, F. Schneider i T. Kircher. "0356 EMOTION DISCRIMINATION AND ITS NEURONAL CORRELATES IN EARLY PSYCHOSIS". Schizophrenia Research 86 (październik 2006): S72—S73.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchaefer, Andreas T., Kamilla Angelo, Hartwig Spors i Troy W. Margrie. "Neuronal Oscillations Enhance Stimulus Discrimination by Ensuring Action Potential Precision". PLoS Biology 4, nr 6 (16.05.2006): e163.
Pełny tekst źródłaAltmann, L., H. J. Luhmann, J. M. Greuel i W. Singer. "Functional and neuronal binocularity in kittens raised with rapidly alternating monocular occlusion". Journal of Neurophysiology 58, nr 5 (1.11.1987): 965–80.
Pełny tekst źródłaZorick, Todd, i Jason Smith. "Generalized Information Equilibrium Approaches to EEG Sleep Stage Discrimination". Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2016 (2016): 1–8.
Pełny tekst źródłaTramo, Mark Jude, Gaurav D. Shah i Louis D. Braida. "Functional Role of Auditory Cortex in Frequency Processing and Pitch Perception". Journal of Neurophysiology 87, nr 1 (1.01.2002): 122–39.
Pełny tekst źródłaGschwend, Olivier, Nixon M. Abraham, Samuel Lagier, Frédéric Begnaud, Ivan Rodriguez i Alan Carleton. "Neuronal pattern separation in the olfactory bulb improves odor discrimination learning". Nature Neuroscience 18, nr 10 (24.08.2015): 1474–82.
Pełny tekst źródłaMountcastle, V. B., i M. A. Steinmetz. "Cortical Neuronal Periodicities and Frequency Discrimination in the Sense of Flutter". Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 55 (1.01.1990): 861–72.
Pełny tekst źródłaTsunada, Joji, i Toshiyuki Sawaguchi. "Neuronal Categorization and Discrimination of Social Behaviors in Primate Prefrontal Cortex". PLoS ONE 7, nr 12 (28.12.2012): e52610.
Pełny tekst źródłaDragoi, Valentin, Jitendra Sharma, Earl K. Miller i Mriganka Sur. "Dynamics of neuronal sensitivity in visual cortex and local feature discrimination". Nature Neuroscience 5, nr 9 (5.08.2002): 883–91.
Pełny tekst źródłaLi Hegner, Yiwen, Ralf Saur, Ralf Veit, Raymond Butts, Susanne Leiberg, Wolfgang Grodd i Christoph Braun. "BOLD Adaptation in Vibrotactile Stimulation: Neuronal Networks Involved in Frequency Discrimination". Journal of Neurophysiology 97, nr 1 (styczeń 2007): 264–71.
Pełny tekst źródłaDragoi MIT, V., J. Sharma, E. K. Miller i M. Sur. "Dynamics of neuronal sensitivity in primate V1 underlying local feature discrimination". Journal of Vision 2, nr 7 (15.03.2010): 126.
Pełny tekst źródłaAllegra, Manuela, Lorenzo Posani, Ruy Gómez-Ocádiz i Christoph Schmidt-Hieber. "Differential Relation between Neuronal and Behavioral Discrimination during Hippocampal Memory Encoding". Neuron 108, nr 6 (grudzień 2020): 1103–12.
Pełny tekst źródłavan Veelen, C. W. M., G. Rijksen i G. E. J. Staal. "Discrimination between neuronal and glial cell tumours by pyruvate kinase electrophoresis". Acta Neurochirurgica 91, nr 3-4 (wrzesień 1988): 126–29.
Pełny tekst źródłaSpengler, Friederike, Timothy P.L. Roberts, David Poeppel, Nancy Byl, Xiaoqin Wang, Howard A. Rowley i Mike M. Merzenich. "Learning transfer and neuronal plasticity in humans trained in tactile discrimination". Neuroscience Letters 232, nr 3 (wrzesień 1997): 151–54.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchul, J. "Neuronal basis for spectral song discrimination in the bushcricket Tettigonia cantans". Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 184, nr 4 (10.05.1999): 457–61.
Pełny tekst źródłaFolarin, R., S. John, O. Oyenuga, N. Tijani, O. Otulana i E. Mbonu. "Olfacto-protective roles of Nigella sativa oil in Harmaline-induced essential tremor modelling". Annals of Health Research 6, nr 2 (17.05.2020): 218–29.
Pełny tekst źródłaWiest, Michael C., Eric Thomson, Janaina Pantoja i Miguel A. L. Nicolelis. "Changes in S1 Neural Responses During Tactile Discrimination Learning". Journal of Neurophysiology 104, nr 1 (lipiec 2010): 300–312.
Pełny tekst źródłaKomoltsev, Ilia, Olga Salyp, Aleksandra Volkova, Daria Bashkatova, Natalia Shirobokova, Stepan Frankevich, Daria Shalneva i in. "Posttraumatic and Idiopathic Spike–Wave Discharges in Rats: Discrimination by Morphology and Thalamus Involvement". Neurology International 15, nr 2 (27.04.2023): 609–21.
Pełny tekst źródłaGroschner, Lukas N., i Gero Miesenböck. "Mechanisms of Sensory Discrimination: Insights from Drosophila Olfaction". Annual Review of Biophysics 48, nr 1 (6.05.2019): 209–29.
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