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Moussa, Roger. "Variabilité spatio-temporelle et modélisation hydrologique : application au bassin du Gardon d'Anduze". Montpellier 2, 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaLefebvre, Jérôme. "Modélisation des systèmes membranaires à micro-organismes immobilisés. Etude de l'évolution spatio-temporelle et des paramètres influençant ces systèmes". Rouen, 1994.
Pełny tekst źródłaTeurlai, Magali. "Modélisation multi-échelle de la dynamique spatiale de la Dengue : application à la Nouvelle-Calédonie et à la région Pacifique". Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaSince the 1970's, the frequency of vector-borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya or Zika has significantly increased in the Pacific region. Understanding the factors and mechanisms underlying the spatio-temporal distribution of these diseases provides useful information regarding their control and prevention. In this thesis, we identified dengue spatio-temporal patterns and used modeling tools to identify the factors associated to an increased epidemiological risk at a regional scale (Pacific), a territorial scale (New-Caledonia), and a city scale (Noumea, the capital of New-Caledonia).Every five to seven years, dengue spreads over the entire Pacific as large epidemics caused by the introduction and regional diffusion of one of the four dengue virus serotypes. In New Caledonia, dengue has a seasonal epidemic pattern. The emergence of an epidemic requires specific climatic conditions. The identification of these conditions led to the implementation of an operational early warning system to predict dengue annual epidemic risk. Spatially, at the territorial scale, during epidemic years, high levels of viral circulation are found in areas with higher mean temperature and higher local population densities. Whether at the territorial scale or at the city scale, the spatial diffusion of the virus during epidemics caused by the re-emergence of the same serotype seems limited by the population immunity created by past epidemics. This thesis highlights the complexity and the multi-factorial aspect of vector-borne diseases, and discusses the usefulness of a multi-scale approach in modelling their epidemiology. Besides enhancing our understanding of dengue epidemiology over the Pacific area, we also developed a methodological framework that can be used in other geographical or epidemiological settings for the spatio-temporal analysis and modeling of epidemiological surveillance data
Gautier, Denis. "Analyse des rapports entre l'organisation spatiale et la gestion des ressources renouvelables appliquée aux paysages de châtaigneraie en Cévennes". Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaLe, Menach Arnaud. "Epidémiologie prévisionnelle de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des maladies infectieuses pour l'évaluation des stratégies de contrôle : application aux épizooties et aux maladies vectorielles". Paris 6, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaSalazar, Liliana. "Modélisation et analyse spatiale et temporelle des jeux vidéo basées sur les réseaux de Pétri". Paris, CNAM, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaVideo games are studied from an analytical point of view. Our research work is strongly centred on the writing methodology currently used in industry. This original space-writing method is not formalized and the absence of specialized tools complicates its design process and analysis. We propose the application of formal techniques for definition of existing space-time relationships in the game scenario. The analysis is carried out in two interdependent phases taking into account the relationships between player's actions order and the game universe. Petri Nets are used to describe action sequencing. For game level topologic representation, we used hypergraphs. We have showed how our model allows analysis and validation of coherence for space-time relationships in game 1evels. As for design tools, we presented how this model can be integrated in the existing process of Game Design
Degenne, Pascal, i Pascal Degenne. "Une approche générique de modélisation spatiale et temporelle : application à la modélisation de la dynamique des paysages". Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaDegenne, Pascal. "Une approche générique de modélisation spatiale et temporelle : application à la modélisation de la dynamique des paysages". Thesis, Paris Est, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaSciences dealing with reality be it related to nature, society or life, use models. Some of these models describe the relations that exist between measurable properties of that reality, without detailing the interactions between its components. Other models describe those interactions from the point of view of the individuals that form the system, in which case the overall behaviour is not defined a priori but observed a posteriori. In both cases, it can be noted that the scientist is often limited in its capacity to describe the structures, especially those spatial, which support the interactions. We propose a modelling approach that can be considered intermediate, where the system is studied by examining the nature of the interactions involved and the graph structures needed to support them. By unifying the description of spatial, functional, social or hierarchical relationships, we attempt to lift constraints induced by the form of spatial representation that are often chosen a priori. The basic concepts of this approach have been formalized, and were used to define and build a domain specific language, called Ocelet. The tools related to the implementation of the language have also been developed and assembled into an integrated modelling and simulation environment. It was then possible to experiment our new modelling approach and the Ocelet language by developing models for a variety of dynamic landscapes situations
Sallah, Kankoe. "Diffusion spatio-temporelle des épidémies : approche comparée des modélisations mathématiques et biostatistiques, cibles d'intervention et mobilité humaine". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaIn the first part of this thesis, we have developed a malaria transmission metamodel based on the susceptible-infected-resistant compartmental modeling framework (SIR) and taking into consideration human mobility flows between different villages in the Center of Senegal. Geographically targeted intervention strategies had been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of malaria both within and outside of intervention areas. However, combined interventions targeting both vector and host, coordinated on a large scale are needed in regions and countries aiming to achieve malaria elimination in the short/medium term.In the second part we have evaluated different methods of estimating human mobility in the absence of real data. These methods included spatio-temporal traceability of mobile phones, mathematical models of gravity and radiation. The transport of the pathogen through the geographical space via the mobility of an infected subject is a major determinant of the spread of an epidemic. We introduced the impedance model that minimized the mean square error on mobility estimates, especially in contexts where population sets are characterized by their heterogeneous sizes.Finally, we have expanded the framework of assumptions underlying the calibration of the gravity models of human mobility. The hypothesis of a zero inflated distribution provided a better fit and a better predictability, compared to the classical approach not assuming an excess of zeros: Poisson, Quasipoisson
Guillot, Gilles. "Modélisation statistique des champs de pluie sahéliens : application à leur désagrégation spatiale et temporelle". Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1998.
Pełny tekst źródłaAubé, Martin. "Modélisation de l'évolution spatiale et temporelle de l'épaisseur optique des aérosols à l'échelle régionale". Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaRaillard, Nicolas. "Modélisation du comportement extrême d'un processus spatio-temporel : applications en océanographie et météorologie". Rennes 1, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaIn this thesis, the extremes of an important oceanographic variable for application will be studied: the significant wave height. This quantity is observed precisely thanks to remote sensing with the satellites. However, this data source produce complex data set with data irregularly spaced in space and time. This issue is central for studding extreme values, since few models are suited to such data. Two models are described in this document. First, we introduce an interpolation model, based on the estimation of displacements sea-states structures, thanks to particle filters. Then, an estimation of the covariance structure of the displaced field is applied to obtain and interpolation scheme. This technique leads to an improvement of usual approaches, but is insufficient to cope with extremes. Secondly, we develop a procedure to model the threshold exeedances for a process observed at irregular time steps or with missing observations. We propose a model based on methods from multivariate threshold exceedances and from extremes of stochastic processes, together with an estimation procedure inspired by composite likelihood techniques. Then, we show both the consistency of the estimators and the practical behaviour with simulations. Last, we use real datasets of significant wave height and see that taking into account every excess leads to an improvement in the estimation of return level and in describing the lengths of extreme events
Coulon, Antoine. "Stochasticité de l'expression génique et régulation transcriptionnelle -- Modélisation de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle des structures multiprotéiques". Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaOsman, Julien. "Connaissances expertes et modélisation pour l'exploitation d'images d'observation de la Terre à hautes résolutions spatiale, spectrale et temporelle". Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe future Earth observation space missions, Venµs and Sentinel (1 and 2), will provide us with a flow of data unseen in terms of spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. To use these data efficiently for the generation of land cover maps or change detection, we need fast, robust approaches that require as little supervision as possible. For instance, a concrete use of these data could be the identification, as early as May, of the area growing corn in all the South-West part of France. Or obtaining a monthly land cover map, in a slight delay, on large areas. Images alone don't allow us to reach such goals. Nevertheless, other information is available, which hasn't been really used. The main goal of this thesis is to identify available prior information, evaluate its revelance, and introduce it in preexisting processing chains to assess its contribution. We focused on agriculture monitoring. The information we used is knowledge on farming practices (crop rotations, irrigation, crop class alternation, etc) and the size and the topography of the fields. We mainly worked with 2 sources of prior knowledge: * Knowledge contained in databases such as the Registre Parcellaire Graphique (RPG). We used data mining methods to extract it. * Knowledge provided by experts. We modeled it with 1\up{st} order logic rules. One contribution of this thesis is the selection and assessment of a tool allowing us to extract and process information in a way that we can introduce it efficiently in preexisting classification algorithms: Markov Logic. Markov Logic is a statistical tool able to work with both information from databases and information modeled with logic rules. We show that using these data increases the quality of the land cover maps. We also show that this information allows us to obtain real time maps, whose quality increases with the arrival of new information. As a conclusion of this thesis work, we provide outlooks for applying the same methodology to other areas, such as the monitoring of tropical forests dans generic land cover mapping
Gascon, Tania. "Impact de la résolution spatiale et temporelle des entrées pluviométriques pour la modélisation hydrologique en Afrique de l'Ouest et implication dans l'utilisation des produits satellitaires : Etude de cas sur le Bassin de l’Ouémé au Benin". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaIntertropical climates are characterized by a strong space-time variability of precipitation that can produce persistent dry spells and extreme rainfall events within the same region. These extreme climatic conditions directly impact water resources and flood occurrences, threatening populations that are highly vulnerable to natural hazards. This is especially the case in West Africa, where an increasing number of flood events has been reported over the last twenty years while the dry conditions that have started in the 1970's still prevail nowadays. While a significant climate warming is already observed in this region, there is more to come, with possible changes of the patterns of rainfall variability. It is thus of primary importance to better apprehend how sensitive is the hydrological response of West African catchments to small scale rainfall variability. Numerical models explicitly simulating the hydrological processes have already been tested and calibrated to represent the rainfall-runoff relationship of these catchments. They require high resolution (typically a few kilometers in space and one hour or less in time) rainfields as inputs, so as to account properly for the small scale variability of precipitation. However, this requirement is difficult to meet in a region where operational networks have a density which often does not exceed one gauge per 10000 km² and provide daily measurements only. Satellite remote sensing is consequently seen as a remedy to the shortcomings of ground monitoring, especially as it provides a continuous monitoring in space and time, but satellite rainfall products are still far from reaching the high space-time resolution mentioned above. In such a context, the sensitivity of hydrological models to the resolution of their forcing rainfields is an important topic, rarely tackled as such in the literature dealing with hydrological modeling based on satellite data.This PHD thesis thus focus on two related questions : i) how degrading the space-time resolution of forcing rainfields is influencing the response of hydrologic models, assuming that this degradation of the resolution has no influence on the biases ? ; ii) what are the consequences of using satellite rainfall products – which combine low resolution and bias problems – for simulating the response of catchments in tropical regions?To that end the AMMA-CATCH data set of the Ouémé catchment (13150 km2) in Benin is used. The high density recording raingauge network allows the computation of fine resolution rainfields (0.05°; 30 minutes), used as inputs to the DHSVM hydrological model, providing reference series of river flows at the outlet of the catchment
Zaharescu, Andrei. "Contributions à la reconstruction spatiale et temporelle à partir de plusieurs caméras". Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaLe, Guyader Damien. "Modélisation des activités humaines en mer côtière". Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaVerrier, Sébastien. "Modélisation de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle des précipitations à la sub-mésoéchelle par une approche multifractale". Phd thesis, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaRegard, Vincent. "Variations temporelle et spatiale de la transition subduction-collision : tectonique de la transition Zagros-Makran (Iran) et modélisation analogique". Phd thesis, Aix-Marseille 3, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaRaillard, Nicolas. "Modélisation du comportement extrême de processus spatio-temporels. Applications en océanographie et météorologie". Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaZahar, Yadh. "Modélisation spatiale et temporelle des précipitations extrêmes et érosives en Tunisie centrale en vue de l'aménagement des petits bassins hydrologiques". Nice, 1994.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe research work presented in this thesis addresses two essential methodological themes: the study of extreme rainfalls, and the analysis of the rainfall erosivity in central tunisia. The first part of the study, devoted to the statistical analysis of the rainfall series, has highlighted the following aspects: the good fit between gumbel's and montana's laws at the seasonal and annual series of maxima for various time lags ranging from 30 minutes to 24 hours and the link between the b perameter of montana's law and the gradex ratio of the daily autumnal and annual rainfalls, as well as the independence of this parameter vis-a-vis the return intervals. The statistical analysis of extreme rainfalls may thus be well characterized using the three parameters that are the decenial rainfall on a daily basis,the daily gradex and the b parameter of montana's law. These three parameters are estimated from the rainfall series and have ben mapped. Such maps present the advantage of being generated from recent data collected over the study area. The practical application of part one of the study has finally consisted in providing a regionally valid methodology of aid to planners in predetermining extreme rainfalls on an hourly basis at any given point and for durations ranging from 30 minutes to 24 hours. Part two is devoted to the analysis of rainfall erosivity. The methodological procedure has been based on a stochastic rainfall generator and on the rainfall-erosivity model of wischmeier. It was observed that the distribution of the r inde of rainfall erositivy in relation of rainfall parameters is especially strong with the 30 minutes intensities because of their short duration. The maximum erosive event in the year is often extremely erosive, such that the sum of the extreme episodes over long periods accounts for over 50% of the measured erosion. These episodes are most commonly observed in spring, and especially in autumn
Alglave, Baptiste. "Inférer la distribution spatio-temporelle des espèces d’intérêt halieutique et identifier leurs habitats essentiels : modéliser l’échantillonnage préférentiel et le changement de support pour intégrer des sources de données hétérogènes". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaMapping fish distribution and identifying fish essential habitats grounds is key to ensure species renewal and manage the marine space. Information on the location of fish essential habitats and specifically of fish spawning grounds is still lacking for many harvested species.The reference data to map fish distribution and identify spawning grounds are scientific survey data. These data benefit from a standardized sampling protocol. However, due to their costs, they also generally suffer from a low sampling density in space and time. In particular, they generally occur once or twice a year and they may mismatch fish reproduction.Commercial declarations combined with Vessel Monitoring System data could prove highly valuable to complement the information brought by scientific survey data as fishermen landings provide information on the full year with a much denser sampling density. In this PhD, we developed an integrated statistical framework that allows to combine commercial and scientific data sources to infer fish distribution in space and time. Our approach accounts for fishermen targeting behavior towards areas of higher biomass (preferential sampling) and allows to infer fine scale species distribution based on spatially aggregated declarations data (change of support). We demonstrate the ability of the framework to produce monthly maps of fish distribution and to identify aggregation areas during reproduction season. We also outline the potential applications of the framework for Marine Spatial Planning and discuss several extensions that could be added to the actual model
Tadé, Valentina. "Modélisation de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la température de surface pour un sol homogène avec relief". Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaL'approche 1D développée pour les modèles simplifiés consiste à exprimer la température en un point de la surface du sol avec relief comme une combinaison d'une température "ombre" et d'une température "soleil" du sol équivalent plat horizontal. Les phénomènes prépondérants de la variabilité de la température sont isolés par la réalisation de mesures en extérieur sur une maquette à profil sinusoïdal. Les mesures obtenues permettent de valider le code thermique 3D de référence.
Différents modèles analytiques 1D sont développés et validés par rapport à ce code. L'application de la méthode "ombre/soleil" par passage dans l'espace de Fourier conduit à une bonne concordance entre le modèle et la solution de référence 3D.
Rannou, Klervi. "Tessellations à base de champs aléatoires gaussiens. Application à la modélisation spatiale et temporelle de l'endothélium cornéen humain". Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaTessellations, also called mosaics, are used to model many structures, for example cellular arrangements in biology or grains in material science. The most known tessellation is the Voronoï diagram which partitions the space from a set of points, called germs. The innovative approach of this thesis is to use Gaussian random fields to generate germs and random distances. The use of random fields allows to simulate a great variety of tessellations in terms of cells forms and sizes.To study the properties of each type of tessellation, they are characterized: first, by studying the germs, including their spatial distribution, and then by analyzing the cells geometry and morphometry. These tessellations are also compared to other known tessellations.The human corneal endothelium is a mono-layer of cells forming a regular hexagonal mosaic at birth, and losing his regularity later. The corneal graft quality is given by some observations made on the endothelial mosaic (cells density, the homogeneity of cells sizes and shapes).A database of endothelium images allows to characterize the evolution with age of the corneal mosaic. The originality is to estimate the age of an endothelium based on the measures computed to characterize the tessellations, and finally to set up a promising method to evaluate if a corneal evolution is normal
Grillot, Christine. "Fonctionnement hydrologique et dynamique des nutriments d'une rivière intermittente méditerranéenne en étiage et en crues. Analyse spatiale et temporelle". Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaQuatre modes hydrologiques ont été identifiés. (1) A l'étiage, la rivière s'assèche et les rejets des STEPs sont la seule contribution au débit de la rivière. (2) A la reprise de l'écoulement, des crues rapides se succèdent, liées soit au ruissellement sur les zones urbaines, voire agricoles, soit aux sources karstiques. (3) Les crues de hautes eaux sont provoquées par la mise en charge du karst. (4) Le tarissement commence quand la source karstique la plus en amont s'arrête. D'une année à l'autre, la durée et les caractéristiques des modes hydrologiques sont très variables.
La mise en œuvre d'une modélisation conceptuelle, axée sur les événements de crues rapides, a permis de reproduire convenablement les crues de reprise d'écoulement.
Le niveau de contamination de la rivière est faible et les variations de flux sont liées aux crues. Trois modes de dynamique des nutriments ont été distingués. (1) Lors des périodes d'accumulation, les nutriments issus des rejets des STEPs, sont stockés dans le lit de la rivière : le phosphore est précipité, l'azote est dénitrifié. (2) Lors des crues de reprise d'écoulement, les nutriments, surtout le phosphore, sont remobilisés dans le lit de la rivière. (3) Lors des crues de hautes eaux, les nutriments proviennent du bassin versant et des sources karstiques.
Cette étude montre comment la dynamique des nutriments est liée au fonctionnement hydrologique : l'étiage est une période critique du point de vue du niveau de contamination et de l'accumulation des nutriments, et les crues rapides provoquent leur remobilisation.
Philippe, Christelle. "Analyse de la pollution atmosphérique aux échelles locale et régionale. Modélisation spatiale et temporelle à l'aide d'une méthode de scénarii épisodiques". Phd thesis, INSA de Rouen, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaPhilippe, Christelle. "Analyse de la pollution atmosphérique aux échelles locale et régionale. Modélisation spatiale et temporelle à l'aide d'une méthode de scénarios épisodiques". Rouen, INSA, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaGuekie, Simo Aubin Thibaut. "Effets de la variation spatiale et temporelle des propriétés des terrains sur les défaillances des réseaux enterrés". Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe interactions between shallow groundwater and sewer network are generally complex. The aim of this research is to study the impact of the water table level variation on the damages of the buried pipes. For this purpose, a three-dimensional (3D) numerical groundwater flow model of the shallow multi-aquifer of the Bordeaux urban area, within a 83 km2 area (Mérignac, Pessac, Talence), is developed, calibrated and validated. In order to do this, in a first step, a conceptual model was built based on stratigraphic descriptions of the boreholes. A geostastistical study was carried out to build the limits of the geological layers and the piezometrical maps from the measurement campaigns of water table levels. Then, an original methodology to transform the description of lithological units to local hydraulic conductivity values is proposed and the reconstruction of hydraulic conductivity fields at the urban scale was performed based on geostatistical methods. In a second step, hydrogeological conditions were simulated using the finite-difference groundwater flow model MODFLOW-2005 (Visual Modflow ©). The hydrogeological parameters were then calibrated manually and automatically based on water table elevation data measured in July 2010, October 2010 and March 2010. The model validation covered 6890 days, from June 1993 to may 2012. The results showed that the simulated heads are quite accurate and reproduce the main dynamics of the system at 35 piezometers. The spatial and temporal distribution of the heads of the piezometers simulated permitted to identify the flooding zones of the sewer network by comparing the piezometric head with the altitude of the networks. The sectors where the pipes are damaged were localized in the zone wherein there is low probability of flooding. Additionally, the natural hydrologic environment, taken as a sole factor, cannot explain the pipe breakage phenomena
Klein, Olivier. "Modélisation et représentations spatio-temporelles des déplacements quotidiens urbains : Application à l'aire urbaine Belfort-Montbéliard". Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaTime and daily mobility are, nowadays, essential criteria characterizing the quality of life and territories attractiveness in modern societies. However, the temporal approach and its relation with space are not enough taken into account by actors to analyze their territories functioning. That gap can be partly explained, by the deficiency, the maladjustment and the lack of relevance of the cartographic representations that are used. This research proposes a reproducible methodological process for political actors to help them in taking coherent and adapted planning decisions. Putting the map, and most overall the picture – reasoning tool and communication channel – in the core of the process should make exchanges, talks and consultations easier between various territories actors. Considering data and the associated management systems deficiencies, this thesis applies to establish a type of data to build in order to finalize an adapted data structure. It also develops a theoretical research on spatiotemporal data visualization and integrates the whole in an operational prototype. Applications at different scales on the Belfort-Montbéliard Urban Area illustrate the visualization’s possibilities and allow a better understanding of phenomena and processes on work
Talbot, Grégoire. "L'intégration spatiale et temporelle du partage des ressources dans un système agroforestiers noyers-céréales, une clef pour en comprendre la productivité ?" Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaMeasurements on experimental silvoarable agroforestry plots (mixed tree-crop) showed exceptionally high productivity, with yields more than 30% higher compared to the separate crop and tree systems. We developed a 3-D process-based model (Hi-sAFe) and used it to (1) test if the spatiotemporal integration of resources sharing (light, water, nitrogen) between species could explain this productivity and (2) assess how agroforestry design or management may affect this productivity. We developed a novel method for the analysis of simulated data to identify and sort the processes determining yield by order of importance. The model was parameterized and calibrated on a hybrid walnut / durum wheat located on the Restinclières field (Hérault, France). After a detailed analysis of the functioning of this system, we explored by virtual experiments its response to design choices: (1) phenological traits of associated species, and (2) density and location of trees on the plot. The comprehensiveness of the Hi-sAFe model provides a new insight into the functioning of agroforestry systems. It clarifies the complexity of the real system. Our results put forward a deterministic interpretation of the performance of each species and of the total productivity of the crop-tree association (Land Equivalent Ratio). The analysis of virtual experiments offers practical ways for optimizing agroforestry systems
Dhokkar, Sonia. "Etude des phénomènes thermiques dans un MOSFET en commutation : mesure de la température à haute résolution spatiale et temporelle par radiométrie proche infrarouge et confrontation à un modèle thermique". Poitiers, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaLecocq, Franck. "Distribution spatiale et temporelle des coûts des politiques publiques de long terme sous incertitudes: théorie et pratique dans le cas de l'effet de serre". Phd thesis, ENGREF (AgroParisTech), 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaVerdugo, Nicolás. "Caractérisation et modélisation de la variabilité spatiale de la phénologie de la vigne à l’échelle intra-parcellaire". Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe knowledge and monitoring of grapevine phenology over several seasons are important requirements for the characterization of vine regions, climate change studies and planning of various production activities such as irrigation, fertilization, phytosanitary applications and harvesting at the vine field scale. However, the main studies developed on grapevine phenology consider the vine field as a homogeneous unit of management and do not take into account the spatial variability observed at this spatial scale. Based on previous studies highlighting a significant variability at the within field level in viticulture, this doctoral research aims to characterize the spatial variability of grapevine phenology at the vine field scale, relating the main factors that determine this variability and proposing a spatial prediction model that considers the variability of phenology. In order to answer the above objectives, experiments were carried out in four vine fields located in the Maule Valley (Talca, Chile), considering the main red (Cabernet Sauvignon and Carménère) and white (Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc) cultivars planted in Chile. This experiment was carried out over 6 years between years 2009 and 2015. Within each vine field, a regular grid with 12 sampling sites per hectare was defined. Measurements of grapevine phenology, berry maturity (sugar accumulation), plant water status, vegetative expression, yield, climatic variables (temperature and relative humidity), soil physical properties, among others, were performed on each site. The main results showed the existence of a significant spatial variability of the phenological development at the within-field scale, observed for both key phenological stages (budburst, flowering and veraison) and sugar accumulation in berries. This spatial variability was spatially organized and stable over seasons, being comparable even with the observed variability at important spatial scales such as regional or vine valley. At the within-field scale, topography (elevation difference) was identified as the main integrative factor affecting the spatial variability of both grapevine phenology and maturity. If there is no variability in the topography, the soil characteristics become the second factor of the spatial variability of grapevine phenology, while plant variables (vegetative expression and yield) explained the observed variability in sugar accumulation at this scale. The temporal stability observed for the spatial variability of the phenological stages and sugar accumulation of berries allowed an empirical spatial model to be proposed. The model characterizes the spatial variability of these variables at the vine field scale. The originality of the approach is to use a single measurement of the grapevine phenology or sugar accumulation in the berries performed in the field (reference site) and a combination of site-specific coefficients estimated through historical data. The spatial model presented the best results when compared with classical sampling methods, allowing maps of key phenological stages and sugar accumulation to be obtained. This methodology could be used as a practical tool for the planning site-specific management operation at the vine field scale where phenology is essential for decision-making
Ardon, Jean. "Modélisation probabiliste de la dépendance spatiale et temporelle appliquée à l’étude du péril sécheresse dans le cadre du régime français d’indemnisation des catastrophes naturelles". Thesis, La Rochelle, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis work was performed at CCR, a French reinsurance company, within the studies that are conducted to model natural disasters, and particularly the drought hazard. Drought is the word used to denote the shrink-swell clay phenomenon that damages individual houses. These researches are related to an internal model that estimates the annual cost of a drought. This model crosses insurance data and soil moisture data to evaluate the cost of a occured event. CCR wants this model to be improved towards a probabilistic version by conceiving a generator of drought events that have to be realistic, although they are fictive. This generator will allow the estimation of the probability distribution of the drought cost. In order to conceive a fictive event generator for CCR’s drought model, mathematical tools have been used to model dependence between spatio-temporal random variables. The chosen method consists of studying and modeling separately spatial dependence and temporal dependence. Temporal dependence is modelized with time series models such as classical decomposition and autoregressive processes. Spatial dependence is modelized with kriging and copula theory. Spatial random noise is generated with a copula and then time series models are applied to rebuild original process. Kriging is used when generated data need to be interpolated, for example when data are generated only on a subset of the main grid. Results of the generator exploitation are given. They will be used by CCR for provisionning and pricing. These results will also be used for the estimation of the two-hundred-year cost of natural disasters within the new European Solvency II Directive
Vignolles, Cécile. "Modélisation de la production agricole à moyenne échelle - apport du couplage des mesures par satellite à haute résolution spatiale et à haute fréquence temporelle". Toulouse 3, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaTalbot, Grégoire. "L'intégration spatiale et temporelle du partage des ressources dans un système agroforestier noyers-céréales : une clef pour en comprendre la productivité ?" Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaSaval, Arnaud. "Modèle temporel, spatial et sémantique pour la découverte de relations entre événements". Caen, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe popularity of social networks and new forms of communication has led to the emergence of new sources of information that should be studied. Anyone is able to publish and highlight information of interest. Today, these behaviors appear as ways to track a topic of interest: eg H1N1. However, the automatic processing of such information needs to be improved in order to define semantically a topic of interest (the implications of the Tsunami in Myanmar). This thesis propose a semantic extension of the modeling of events in time and space to represent the evolution of these topics of interest. This report explains how to use the introduced formalism to define the methods of reasoning on a knowledge base structured to improve the representation of the situation by discovering relationships in this information
Minout, Mohammed. "Modélisation des aspects temporels dans les bases de données spatiales". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaEtant donné ces nouveaux besoins, cette thèse se focalise sur la modélisation et l'implantation des aspects temporels dans bases de données. En effet, la conception d'une application de base de données se fait par un enchaînement de trois phases (conceptuelle, logique et physique). Au niveau conceptuel, plusieurs modèles conceptuels ont été proposés intégrant les caractéristiques temporelles et spatiales.
Malheureusement, au niveau logique, les modèles de données des SGBD actuels n'offrent pas les concepts nécessaires pour implanter le modèle conceptuel spatio-temporel. Nous proposons donc de nouvelles règles de traductions d'un schéma conceptuel, basé sur le modèle MADS (Modélisation des Applications à des données spatio-temporelles), en un schéma logique MADSLog pour les modèles cibles à savoir :relationnel et relationnel-objet. Chaque règle transforme un concept structurel, temporel et spatial du modèle MADS en un ou plusieurs concepts supportés par la cible. Par exemple, la propriété spatiale définissant la géométrie d'un type d'objet est traduite par la création d'un nouvel attribut de type spatial dans ce type d'objet. Un outil CASE(Computer-Aided Software Engineering) appelé Schema Translateur est développé dans cette thèse implémentant toutes les règles de traductions.
La traduction de schémas conceptuels en schémas logiques peut impliquer une perte sémantique en raison de la différence de la puissance d'expression entre le modèle conceptuel et le modèle de données des SGBD existants. D'où la nécessité de générer un ensemble de contraintes d'intégrité afin de préserver la sémantique définie dans le schéma conceptuel. Ces contraintes sont exprimées à ce niveau par des formules logiques.
Avec l'apparition de GML (Geographic Markup Language ) qui est conçu pour la modélisation, le transport et le stockage d'informations géographiques. Nous transformons également le schéma conceptuel MADS en GML. De nouveaux schémas GML temporel et spatial sont définis qui peuvent être employés par n'importe application de base de données spatio-temporelle.
Au niveau physique, nous proposons une méthode d'adaptation du schéma logique en schéma physique pour le modèle relationnel-objet.
Elle permet de définir les tables, les types abstraits, les types d'objets, les domaines, etc. Notre proposition permet aussi la génération des contraintes d'intégrité au niveau physique. En effet, chaque contrainte d'intégrité (structurelle, temporelle ou spatiale) qui est définie en calcul logique est exprimée soit directement par des contraintes déclaratives ou soit par des déclencheurs du SGBD choisi. Les déclencheurs spatiaux sont fondés sur les fonctionnalités prédéfinies dans Oracle, alors que les déclencheurs temporels sont basés sur les opérateurs et méthodes appliquées sur les types temporels.
Enfin, la traduction de requêtes est une deuxième clef de cette recherche. Le but de la traduction de requêtes, exprimées en algèbre, étant de reconstituer l'information au sens MADS à partir de la base de données stockées dans le SGDB cible. Elle permet de traduire les expressions algébriques MADS, qui sont définies sur le schéma conceptuel et non sur le schéma physique, en requêtes opérationnelles qui peuvent être exécutées sur une base de données spatiale et temporelle sous un SGBD ou un SIG.
Doctorat en sciences appliquées
Netto, André Maciel. "Transfert d'eau et de solutés dans un sol agricole hétérogène : analyse de différents types de mesures, de la variabilité spatiale et modélisation monodimensionnelle". Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1998.
Pełny tekst źródłaTesson, Jim. "Histoire sismique des failles normales de la région du Lazio-Abruzzo (Italie) : implications sur la variabilité spatiale et temporelle du glissement sismique au sein d'un système de faille". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe use of $^{36}$Cl cosmogenic nuclide as a paleo-seismological tool to determine the seismic history of normal faults provide continuous records over the past 10 000 to 20 000 yrs. The modeling of the $^{36}$Cl concentrations measured at the surface of an exhumed fault-plane allows determining the age and the displacement of the past seismic events that successively exhumed the fault-plane. The available modeling approach is however unable to attest for the unicity of the inferred scenario, which makes the estimate of the associated uncertainties difficult. An other limitation concerns the long-term history of the fault-plane prior its post-glacial exhumation (inheritance), that is not fully accounted for in this model (Schlagenhauf et al., 2010). We have developed a reappraisal of this model that accounts for the inheritance history, and includes a procedure of data inversion to 1) determine all parameters of the exhumation history at once, 2) attest for the unicity of the proposed scenario, and 3) precisely determine the associated uncertainties. Applying our new modeling to 11 normal faults previously studied in Central Apennines, we observe a large variability of their seismic activity over the last 10 000 - 45 000 yrs, with slip-rate acceleration reaching 2-20 times their long-term slip-rate. In particular, our results suggest that the seismic activity of normal faults in Central Apennines could be controlled by intrinsic properties of the faults (such as their long-term slip-rate, fault-length, segmentation, state of structural maturity), and by visco-elastic stress transfers between faults
De, Wit Anne. "Brisure de symétrie spatiale et dynamique spatio-temporelle dans les systèmes réaction-diffusion". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1993.
Pełny tekst źródłaBellec, Stéphanie. "Surveillance spatiale et spatio-temporelle de l'incidence des leucémies aiguës de l'enfant en France". Paris 11, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaPoirier, Nicolas. "Un espace rural en Berry dans la longue durée : expérience de micro-analyse des dynamiques spatio-temporelles du paysage et du peuplement dans la région de Sancergues (Cher)". Phd thesis, Université François Rabelais - Tours, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaL'originalité principale de ce travail réside dans la variation des échelles de temps et d'espace, et s'inscrit par bien des aspects dans la démarche microhistorique, afin de favoriser une approche des pratiques spatiales à l'échelle élémentaire des sociétés anciennes, celle du finage. La combinaison de la micro-échelle spatiale et du temps long favorise en effet un meilleur repérage des ruptures et des continuités dans l'occupation du sol.
Mais considérer l'évolution d'un espace depuis la Protohistoire jusqu'au 19e s. implique la nécessité de traiter plusieurs sources différentes. La définition des modalités de leur croisement est un des objectifs méthodologiques de ce travail. Chacune d'elles doit être analysée distinctement, en fonction de ses conditions de production, et après une évaluation et une prise en compte rigoureuse des biais qu'elle produit. L'approche diachronique de l'espace retenu est donc la synthèse d'une étude archéologique (à partir de données acquises au cours de prospections au sol), d'une étude historique (fondée sur les textes) et d'une étude morphologique (réalisée sur les plans anciens et le cadastre « napoléonien »). Le recours à une démarche régressive permet ici une exploitation plus efficace de sources documentaires lacunaires, dispersées et plus rares à mesure que l'on remonte dans le temps.
La restitution de la dynamique de l'habitat tout d'abord, abordée au travers des sources archéologiques issues de la prospection au sol et du dépouillement des archives médiévales et modernes, a permis d'identifier plusieurs épisodes de développement et de recul du tissu de peuplement.
L'analyse du réseau viaire contemporain et sub-contemporain a favorisé, par la nature même de l'objet d'étude, une variation d'échelle du micro vers le macro. Cette variation de la focale d'observation a permis de mesurer l'insertion de la zone d'étude dans les réseaux de communication sub-actuels et passés.
Par une approche hiérarchique inspirée de l'écologie du paysage, la morphologie du parcellaire permet de lire les différents niveaux d'organisation qui régissent le paysage, de l'échelle du cours d'eau à celle du point de peuplement.
La documentation écrite de l'époque moderne, à travers la mention de nombreuses entités religieuses ou politico-administratives, illustre l'aboutissement d'un processus de définition de territoires à échelle locale, qui s'amorce sans doute dès la période médiévale avec l'émergence et l'affirmation de circonscriptions comme les paroisses et les seigneuries.
Enfin, les espaces de la pratique ont été abordés, notamment grâce aux données archéologiques. Les territoires agraires, que délimite l'emprise des épandages de mobilier associé aux fumures, permettent la lecture de l'évolution diachronique de la localisation des espaces mis en culture, leurs rapports aux lieux habités et aux contraintes physiques du milieu, à l'échelle des déplacements quotidiens.
Sur le plan méthodologique, ce travail a été l'occasion de définir des outils propres à étudier les dynamiques de l'occupation du sol de manière diachronique et à favoriser les comparaisons micro-régionales, notamment par la mise en œuvre de modélisations statistiques et spatiales au sein d'un SIG. Ces comparaisons permettent ainsi de discerner les évolutions témoignant de tendances communes et d'autres de particularismes locaux. La variation d'échelle du micro vers le macro favorise alors la remise en cause de schémas souvent construits à petite échelle et sur le silence des sources écrites.
Drouineau, Mathilde. "Modélisation prospective et analyse spatio-temporelle : intégration de la dynamique du réseau électrique". Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaGaudart, Jean. "Analyse spatio-temporelle et modélisation des épidémies : application au paludisme à P. falciparum". Aix-Marseille 2, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaLamarque, Penelope. "Une approche socio-écologique des services écosystémiques. Cas d'étude des prairies subalpines du Lautaret". Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaDuval-Destin, Marc. "Analyse spatiale et spatio-temporelle de la stimulation visuelle à l'aide de la transformée en ondelettes". Aix-Marseille 2, 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaLamarque, Pénélope. "Une approche socio-écologique des services écosystémiques. Cas d'étude des prairies subalpines du Lautaret". Thesis, Grenoble, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe ecosystem service (ES) concept is increasingly used in different scientific disciplines and is spreading into policy and business circles to draw attention to the benefits that people receive from biodiversity and ecosystems. Nevertheless, while the number of case studies considering various dimensions of the interactions between ecosystems and land use via ES has been steadily increasing, integrated research addressing interrelationships between biodiversity, ES and land use has remained mostly theoretical. This thesis aims through a socio-ecological approach to understand: (1) Which ES are potentially delivered given ecological dynamics, (2) how these ES are perceived by stakeholders in terms of value and knowledge, (3) how human management affects ES delivery, and (4) how ES are taken into account in land management decisions, thereby considering feedbacks from ecosystem to the land use system through ES. To address these questions, an interdisciplinary study was conducted on Villar d'Arène (French Alps) a municipality where the subalpine landscape is shaped by extensive mountain livestock farming. Statistical modelling and geographical information systems where combined to analyse the determinants of the spatial distribution of biodiversity and ES within the landscape using ecological (including plant functional traits), biophysical and land-use data. The following ES were mapped: agronomic value, aesthetic value, water quality, carbon storage, soil fertility, soil moisture, conservation of plant diversity and pollination. These allowed us to quantify trade-offs and synergies in the current landscape and to identify key management types supporting multifunctionality. The dynamics of ES was projected under four different scenarios integrating climatic, socio-economic and land-use changes, which were developed using a participative approach with regional experts and local farmers. Analyses of projected scenario impacts showed that ES synergies and trade-offs evolve differently when considering direct effects of climate on ecosystems, and/or their indirect effects through farmers adaptive responses. Interviews with local stakeholders (experts from nature conservation and agricultural extension, farmers and inhabitants) of mountain grasslands showed that the ES concept is still relatively unknown in explicit terms. Nevertheless after defining ES to interviewees, they expressed a variety of relevant interests and knowledge. Although all stakeholders valued a common set of ecosystem services (agronomic value, aesthetic value, water quality, and conservation of plant diversity), we identified negative and positive representations of the effects of grassland management on ecosystem services, depending on stakeholders perceptions of the relationships between soil fertility and biodiversity, and biodiversity and the other services. Finally, a role-playing game explored how ES cognition mediated environmental feedbacks on farmers' behaviours. Results emphasized the influence of other factors such as socio-economic or climatic context, topographic constraints, social value of farming or farmer individual and household characteristics, on the link between ES and land-management decisions. This case study demonstrates the interest of an integrated approach decomposing the feedback loop from ecosystems to land use when studying ES for scientific or policy purposes
Joumaa, Chibli. "Analyse de données évolutives par caractérisation spatio-temporelle et modélisation stochastique de la mobilité". Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaRemou, Charaf. "Identification et dimension spatio-temporelle des conflits territoriaux dans les projets d'aménagement à Mayotte". Thesis, Tours, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe island of Mayotte, a piece of France in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and East Africa, is an insufficiently equipped territory. It was the victim of a succession of never stable legal status, not promoting a policy of planning. But since the change of status of the island in to a departmental authority in 2001 (101 th French department in 2011), Mayotte begain its mutation. Thus, the new goal of the island is to catch up with the metropolis and other Overseas Departments (DOM). But here, more than elsewhere, development projects are a source of tension due to a combination of many factors, including the status of land governed by two jurisdictions, the customary on the one hand, and the French law on the other hand