Rozprawy doktorskie na temat „Micromechanics”
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Evans, Christabel. "Micromechanisms and micromechanics of Zircaloy-4". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaYap, Siaw Fung. "Micromechanics and powder compaction". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaOlsson, Erik. "Micromechanics of Powder Compaction". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Hållfasthetslära (Avd.), 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaQC 20150122
Borodulina, Svetlana. "Micromechanics of Fiber Networks". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Hållfasthetslära (Inst.), 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaQC 20160613
Lei, Sheng-Yuan. "Deformation micromechanics in composite structures". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaLangroudi, Arya Assadi. "Micromechanics of collapse in loess". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaCiomocos, M. T. "Micromechanics of agglomerate damage processes". Thesis, Aston University, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaGong, Lei. "Deformation micromechanics of graphene nanocomposites". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaPantina, John Peter. "Interactions and micromechanics of colloidal aggregates /". Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file 2.77 Mb., 193 p, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaRussell, Benjamin Peter. "The micromechanics of composite lattice materials". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaLi, Hong. "Experimental micromechanics of composite buckling strength". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988.
Pełny tekst źródłaEichhorn, Stephen J. "Deformation micromechanics of regenerated cellulosic fibres". Thesis, University of Manchester, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaMohammadi-Aghdam, Mohammad. "Micromechanics of unidirectional metal matrix composites". Thesis, University of Bristol, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaSharma, Rajdeep. "Micromechanics of toughening in polymeric composites". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 195-206).
The macroscopic tensile toughness of glassy homo-polymers is often limited due to either localized crazing followed by failure [e.g., polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA), polystyrene (PS)], or cavitation-induced brittle failure under high triaxiality [e.g., polycarbonate (PC)]. Judicious choice of polymer composites alleviates the above concerns by spreading the inelastic deformation and damage throughout the material, thereby increasing the macroscopic toughness. This thesis focuses on the micro- and macro-mechanics of two polymer composite systems - ductile/brittle PC/PMMA microlaminates and rubber-toughened PS. Ductile/brittle microlaminates are comprised of alternating layers of ductile polymer (e.g., PC) that inelastically deform by shear yielding, and brittle polymer (e.g., SAN, PMMA) that undergo crazing in tension. The layer thicknesses are typically in the sub-micron to tens of micron range. We have modeled the deformation and axial tensile toughness of PC/PMMA micro-laminates. Experiments indicate that the macroscopic ductility of ductile/brittle polymeric laminates depends on several factors such as the thickness of the brittle and ductile layers, the volume fraction of the ductile component, as well as strain rate.
(cont.) The nominally brittle layer can undergo in-elastic deformation by both crazing and shear-yielding, with the relative contribution of these mechanisms being dependent on the laminate morphology and strain rate. In particular, with decreasing brittle layer thickness, the inelastic behavior of the brittle layer is dominated by shear-yielding. We present a micromechanical model for two-phase ductile/brittle laminates that enables us to capture the macroscopic behavior, as well as the underlying micro-mechanisms of deformation and failure, in particular the synergy between crazing and shear yielding. The finite element implementation of our model considers a two-dimensional and three-dimensional representative volume element (RVE), and incorporates continuum-based physics-inspired descriptions of shear yielding and crazing, along with failure criteria for the ductile and brittle layers. The interface, between the ductile and brittle layers, is assumed to be perfectly bonded. The model is used to probe the effect of laminate parameters, such as the absolute and relative layer thicknesses, and material properties on the behavior during tensile loading. In addition, our modeling approach can be generalized to other laminate systems, such as two-phase brittle-1/brittle-2 and three-phase ductile-I/brittle/ductile-2 laminates, as well as to more complex loading conditions.
(cont.) Results from our studies reveal that the 2D RVE does not adequately capture the effect of volume fraction of the constituents on the laminate toughness. However, the 3D RVE captures the effect of volume fraction based on the extent of craze tunneling through the width of the specimen; at high volume fractions of PC, crazes emanating from the surface do not tunnel through the specimen width significantly, while at low volume fractions of PC, the crazes tunnel through the entire specimen width. The 3D RVE captures the strain-rate effect on toughness based on the greater rate-sensitivity of shear yielding compared to craze initiation, thereby increasing the craze density in the laminate at higher rates. The length-scale effect is captured by the 3D RVE, based on decrease in the craze opening rate and damage confinement by the PC layers. It is well-known that the incorporation of a small volume fraction (10-25 %) of micron-order size, compliant and well-dispersed rubbery particles in (brittle and crazeable) polystyrene (PS) yields considerable dividends in tensile toughness at the expense of reduction in stiffness and yield strength. In commercial rubber-toughened PS, the rubbery particles often have a composite "salami" morphology, consisting of 70-80 % volume fraction of sub-micron PS occlusions dispersed in a topologically, continuous polybutadiene (PB) phase.
(cont.) While it is recognized that these composite particles play the dual role of providing multiple sites for craze initiation in the PS matrix and allow the stabilization of the crazing process through cavitation/fibrillation in the PB-phase within the particle, the precise role of particle morphology, as well as the particle-matrix interface are not well understood or quantified. This work probes the micromechanics and macromechanics of uni-axial tensile deformation and failure in rubber-toughened PS through axi-symmetric finite element representative volume element (RVE) models that can guide the development of blends of optimal toughness. The RVE models reveal the effect on craze morphology and toughness by various factors such as particle compliance, particle morphology, particle fibrillation and particle volume fraction. The principal result of our study is that particle compliance and particle heterogeneity alone cannot account for the macroscopic behavior of HIPS, as well as the experimentally observed craze profile. Fibrillation/cavitation of PB domains within the heterogeneous particle provides the basic key ingredient to account for the micro- and macro-mechanics of HIPS.
by Rajdeep Sharma.
Capolungo, Laurent. "Modeling of the size effect in the plastic behavior of polycrystalline materials". Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaGarmestani, Hamid, Committee Member ; Johnson, Steven, Committee Chair ; McDowell, David, Committee Member ; Qu, Jianmin, Committee Co-Chair ; Cherkaoui, Mohammed, Committee Co-Chair.
Sertse, Hamsasew M. "Micromechanics Based Failure Analysis of Heterogeneous Materials". Thesis, Purdue University, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaIn recent decades, heterogeneous materials are extensively used in various industries such as aerospace, defense, automotive and others due to their desirable specific properties and excellent capability of accumulating damage. Despite their wide use, there are numerous challenges associated with the application of these materials. One of the main challenges is lack of accurate tools to predict the initiation, progression and final failure of these materials under various thermomechanical loading conditions. Although failure is usually treated at the macro and meso-scale level, the initiation and growth of failure is a complex phenomena across multiple scales.
The objective of this work is to enable the mechanics of structure genome (MSG) and its companion code SwiftComp to analyze the initial failure (also called static failure), progressive failure, and fatigue failure of heterogeneous materials using micromechanics approach. The initial failure is evaluated at each numerical integration point using pointwise and nonlocal approach for each constituent of the heterogeneous materials. The effects of imperfect interfaces among constituents of heterogeneous materials are also investigated using a linear traction-displacement model. Moreover, the progressive and fatigue damage analyses are conducted using continuum damage mechanics (CDM) approach. The various failure criteria are also applied at a material point to analyze progressive damage in each constituent. The constitutive equation of a damaged material is formulated based on a consistent irreversible thermodynamics approach. The overall tangent modulus of uncoupled elastoplastic damage for negligible back stress effect is derived. The initiation of plasticity and damage in each constituent is evaluated at each numerical integration point using a nonlocal approach. The accumulated plastic strain and anisotropic damage evolution variables are iteratively solved using an incremental algorithm. The damage analyses are performed for both brittle failure/high cycle fatigue (HCF) for negligible plastic strain and ductile failure/low cycle fatigue (LCF) for large plastic strain.
The proposed approach is incorporated in SwiftComp and used to predict the initial failure envelope, stress-strain curve for various loading conditions, and fatigue life of heterogeneous materials. The combined effects of strain hardening and progressive fatigue damage on the effective properties of heterogeneous materials are also studied. The capability of the current approach is validated using several representative examples of heterogeneous materials including binary composites, continuous fiber-reinforced composites, particle-reinforced composites, discontinuous fiber-reinforced composites, and woven composites. The predictions of MSG are also compared with the predictions obtained using various micromechanics approaches such as Generalized Methods of Cells (GMC), Mori-Tanaka (MT), and Double Inclusions (DI) and Representative Volume Element (RVE) Analysis (called as 3-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) in this document).
This study demonstrates that a micromechanics based failure analysis has a great potential to rigorously and more accurately analyze initiation and progression of damage in heterogeneous materials. However, this approach requires material properties specific to damage analysis, which are needed to be independently calibrated for each constituent.
Al-Geroushi, Rajab A. "Probabilistic micromechanics of clay compression and consolidation". Thesis, McGill University, 1988. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=75856.
Pełny tekst źródłaA micromechanics approach has been used in this research; a microelement scale has been introduced and a set of formulations (i.e., stress transfer, fluid flow equation, and volumetric constitutive equation) has been developed for this scale. The passage from the microelement to the global scale has been established by using evolution equations. These equations have been solved by using numerical techniques (finite difference and finite element). The prediction of the developed models is discussed.
Uguz, Agah. "Micromechanics of crack extension in aluminium alloys". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1990.
Pełny tekst źródłaCheung, Lok Yee Geraldine. "Micromechanics of sand production in oil wells". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaO'Donovan, John. "Micromechanics of wave propagation through granular material". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaTang, Tian. "Variational Asymptotic Micromechanics Modeling of Composite Materials". DigitalCommons@USU, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaOlsson, Erik. "Micromechanics of Powder Compaction and Particle Contact". Licentiate thesis, KTH, Hållfasthetslära (Avd.), 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaRashidian, Bizhan. "Micromachined devices based on PVDF-TrFE". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.
Pełny tekst źródłaFrazier, Albert Bruno. "The use of polyimide for the development of micromachined materials, processes and devices". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.
Pełny tekst źródłaMilne, Neil Graeme. "Finite element analysis of electrostatic axial-drive and wobble micromotors". Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 1994.
Pełny tekst źródłaOsman, Mohammad Shahril. "Measurement of granular contact forces using frequency scanning interferometry". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2002.
Pełny tekst źródłaStapleton, A. M. "Micromechanics and fatigue initiation in Ti-6Al-4V". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaGu, Xiaohong. "Micromechanics of model carbon-fibre/epoxy-resin composites". Thesis, University of Manchester, 1995.
Pełny tekst źródłaHejda, Marek. "Deformation micromechanics of single glass fibre reinforced composites". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaCarman, Greg P. "Micromechanics of finite length fibers in composite materials". Diss., Virginia Tech, 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaCarapella, Elissa E. "Micromechanics of crenulated fibers in carbon/carbon composites". Thesis, This resource online, 1992.
Pełny tekst źródłaCase, Scott Wayne. "Micromechanics of strength-related phenomena in composite materials". Thesis, This resource online, 1993.
Pełny tekst źródłaGuck, Jochen Reinhold. "Optical deformability micromechanics from cell research to biomedicine /". Access restricted to users with UT Austin EID Full text (PDF) from UMI/Dissertation Abstracts International, 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaSmith, Carmen Alexis. "Micromechanics of the through-thickness deformation of paperboard". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaIncludes bibliographical references (p. 171-172).
An experimental investigation of the behavior of paperboard has been performed, focusing on the identification of the mechanisms of through-thickness deformation. Experiments have been conducted at the microscopic and macroscopic levels, the difference between the two being the length scale. Experiments at the microscopic level were performed in a scanning electron microscope, allowing concurrent viewing of the deformation as it took place with acquisition of load vs. displacement data. The experiments at the macroscopic level confirm the mechanisms observed at the microscopic level and provide more accurate, continuum-level stress-strain data. The motivation for the investigation is the modeling of the creasing process, in which a sheet of paperboard is punched and folded along a narrow line to create a corner for packaging. Creasing experiments indicate that out-of-plane shear damage during punching and normal delamination during folding govern the quality of the resulting crease. Experiments in out-of-plane tension, compression, and simple shear have been performed to investigate the behavior of paperboard under these simple loading conditions. The results show that normal and tangential delamination at the interfaces between layers is of extreme importance in the behavior of paperboard in tension and shear. Damage in the form of micro cracks occurs almost from the onset of strain and culminates in large-scale delamination coincident with a large decrease in the strength of the material. In compression, the behavior is mostly elastic and is governed by densification of the material. The brief initial stages of deformation involve plastic elimination of voids. This is followed by non-linear elastic stiffening of the material via densification.
by Carmen Alexis Smith.
Le, Menn Flora-Maud. "Micromechanics of cavitation in confined soft polymer layers". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaEvery second, 29 Tb of data are exchanged on the internet, and more than 90% of it travels through fiber-optic cables. The glass fibres are protected by several layers of polymer resins of different mechanical properties. The rapidity of the coating process leads to a build up of internal stresses that can eventually provoke cavitation in the first coating, decreasing the fibre protection. To shed some light on this cavitation behaviour, we investigated elastomer networks based on di-(meth)acrylate functionalized oligomers (PPG8000) and acrylate monomers (EHA and PEA) polymerised in a flash (less than 1 second at high UV intensities). Both the formulation and the polymerisation protocol are comparable to the industrial coatings, making it a representative model system. After an investigation of the influence of the polymerisation process on the network structure, we characterized the material properties (elasticity, strain hardening, toughness) in uniaxial traction test and bulge inflation.Finally, we designed and built an original set-up to test thin confined layers of one to several hundreds of micrometers under mainly hydrostatic traction in a sphere against flat geometry. With this set-up we could observe the nucleation and growth of the cavities as a function of load in real time. From finite element simulations we also determined the local hydrostatic pressure at the location of the first cavitation event. For all formulations and tested thicknesses, the cavitation resistance was well above the theoretical limit of 5E/6. However, reduced thicknesses also led to an increased dispersion to high values of measured pressures for the first cavitation event. The difference in confinement showed a reproducible effect on the cavitation behaviour. Thick samples (500 µm) presented one cavitation event that transitioned to a mode I fracture over the whole sample: decreasing the confined thickness led to multiple cavitation events that appeared to be stabilized over a longer range of applied load. The transition of these multiple cavitation events into mode I fracture processes was observed and analysed. We saw marked differences between the different model formulations and suggest that both toughness and a high level of strain hardening of the elastomer have an effect on the cavities morphology during their growth
Brzesowsky, Rolf. "Micromechanics of sand grain failure and sand compaction = Micromechanica van het breukgedrag van zandkorrels en van het compactie gedrag van zand /". [S.l. : s.n.], 1995.
Pełny tekst źródłaFu, Yuhong. "Rapid solution of large-scale three-dimensional micromechanics problems /". Digital version accessible at:, 1998.
Pełny tekst źródłaXie, Mayue. "Interface problems in micromechanics and effective composite property analysis". Related electronic resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available full text, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaSachtleber, Michael. "Surface roughening and micromechanics of plastically strained aluminum sheets /". Aachen : Shaker, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaAcharya, Sunil. "Micromechanics of asperity interaction in wear a numerical approach /". Connect to OhioLINK ETD Center, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródła"December, 2005." Title from electronic dissertation title page (viewed 09/17/2006) Advisor, Arkady I. Leonov; Co-Advisor, Joseph P. Padovan; Committee members, Joseph P. Padovan, Gary R. Hamed, Erol Sancaktar, Rudolph J. Scavuzzo, Jr.; Department Chair, Sadhan C. Jana; Dean of the College, Frank N. Kelley; Dean of the Graduate School, George R. Newkome. Includes bibliographical references.
Raghunathan, Seema L. "Texture and micromechanics of Forged Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaGoutianos, Stergios. "Micromechanics of compressive failure in carbon-fibre polymer composites". Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaYang, Jiecheng. "DEM-CFD analysis of micromechanics for dry powder inhalers". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaChen, Ting-Ting S. M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Microstructure and micromechanics of the sea urchin, Colobocentrotus atratus". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
"June 2011." Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 128-132).
The purpose of this research is to study the porous microstructure and the micromechanics of the exoskeletal armor of the helmet urchin, Colobocentrotus atratus. Its unusual reduction in spines forms a smooth tiling of millimeter-sized, flattened polygonal protective aboral spines. Each aboral spine articulates with the underlying test via a ball-and-socket joint and the microstructure of each aboral spine is a porous network of single-crystal magnesium-doped calcite with a few percent of intercalated organic. Methods of microstructural characterization and simulation were developed through the investigation of the urchin's microstructure and the finite element model. With the high resolution scans from X-ray microcomputed tomography at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, Beamline 2BM, visualization and characterization of a complex porous network in three-dimensions was possible, providing a more quantitative insight into the geometry of the microstructure not characterized before in urchin biology literature. The galleried stereom of the individual spines were found to possess a gradient in volume fraction with distance from the socket ranging from 90% at the ball-and-socket joint to 50% at the outer surface. The axial direction of the galleried structure radiates outwardly from the socket and terminated perpendicular to the outer surface of the aboral spine. Additionally, with the microcomputed tomography results, an efficient and more accurate finite element model of an entire aboral spine along with the microstructural properties was created. The galleried mesh (average pore size ~ 15 microns) was modeled using three-dimensional elastic finite element analysis that consisted of a microstructurally-based parametric representative volume element with periodic boundary conditions. Various loading configurations were simulated to obtain anisotropic stiffness tensors and resulted in an orthotropic effective mechanical behavior with the stiffness in the plane transverse to the long axis of the galleried microstructure (E1, E2) approximately half the stiffness in the axial direction (E3). With parametric simulations, E3 was found to decrease linearly from 0.87 of the solid elastic modulus (Es) to 0.34 of Es as the volume fraction decreases from 0.88 to 0.46. In the transverse direction, E1 and E2 also decrease linearly from 0.49 of Es to 0.18 of Es within the same range of volume fraction. Spatial gradients in density were also modeled, corresponding to the gradient in porosity in the aboral spine. From simulation of blunt indentation by both a conical indenter and flat plate indenter, the graded porosity of the microstructure exhibits an expected lower overall stiffness and lower stress state than the solid material, but also serves to increase the strains near the exterior surface of the aboral spine while reducing the strains near the joint. This open-pore structure and trabeculae alignment results in a directional strengthening due to inhomogeneous deformations in the porous structure and provides resistance against blunt impacts and containment of penetration into the surface of the aboral spine.
by Ting-Ting Chen.
Venkovic, Nicolas. "Nanoindentation relaxation study and micromechanics of Cement-Based Materials". Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis work assesses the mechanical behavior of cement-based materials through different length scales. First, the mechanical properties of concrete produced with effective microorganisms (EM)-based bioplasticizer are investigated by means of statistical nanoindentation, and compared to the nanomechanical properties of concrete produced with ordinary superplasticizer (SP). It is found that the addition of EM-based bioplasticizer improves the strength of C–S–H by enhancing the cohesion and friction of solid nanograins. The statistical analysis of indentation results also suggests that EM-based bioplasticizer inhibits the precipitation of C–S–H of higher density. Second, a multiscale micromechanics-based model is derived for the poroelastic behavior of cement paste at early age. The proposed approach provides poroelastic properties required to model the behavior of partially saturated aging cement pastes. It is shown that the model predicts the percolation threshold and undrained elastic modulus in good agreement with experimental data. A stochastic metamodel is constructed using polynomial chaos expansions to propagate the uncertainty of the model parameters through different length scales. A sensitivity analysis is conducted by post-treatment of the meta-model for water-to-cement ratios between 0.35 and 0.70. It is found that the underlying uncertainty of the effective poroelastic proporties is mostly due to the apparent activation energy of calcium aluminate at early age and, later on, to the elastic modulus of low density calcium-silicate-hydrate.
Bandorawalla, Tozer Jamshed. "Micromechanics-Based Strength and Lifetime Prediction of Polymer Composites". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2002.
Pełny tekst źródłaPh. D.
Pullawan, Tanittha. "Interfacial micromechanics of all-cellulose nanocomposites using Raman spectroscopy". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaZhang, Pan. "A virtual grain structure representation system for micromechanics simulations". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaShabrov, Maxim N. "Micromechanical modeling of void nucleation in two phase materials /". View online version; access limited to Brown University users, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaKim, Young Woon. "Micromachined movable platforms as integrated optic devices". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997.
Pełny tekst źródła