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Barry, Ian Eric. "Microstructuring of lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaJaeger, Nicolas August Fleming. "Integrated optical devices in lithium niobate". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaApplied Science, Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of
Wessel, Rudolf. "Modelocked waveguide lasers in lithium niobate /". Paderborn : HNI, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaJorgensen, Jonathan David. "Electon paramagnetic resonance of lithium niobate heavily doped with chromium and lithium niobate codoped with magnesium and iron". Thesis, Montana State University, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaMohamedelhassan, Ashraf. "Fabrication of Ridge Waveguides in Lithium Niobate". Thesis, KTH, Fysik, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaHarun, Ahmad Mukifza. "Treparation of lithium niobate nanocrystals and nanocomposites". Thesis, University of Leeds, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaAbernethy, Joyce Anne. "Novel devices in periodically poled lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaChen, Li. "Hybrid Silicon and Lithium Niobate Integrated Photonics". The Ohio State University, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaHarhira, Aïssa. "Photoluminescence polaron dans le niobate de lithium : approche axpérimentale et modélisation". Thesis, Metz, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaBecause of their electro-optical, non-linear optical and photorefractive effet, lithium niobate crystals (LN) are used in many applications such as modulation, filtering, holographic storage or frequency conversion. Its known that the photorefractive effect is influenced by both extrincic deep centers (Fe2+ and Fe3+ in most cases) and by niobium antisites (Nbli5+) which constitute preferential sites to trap an electron hence giving a small bound polaron (Nbli4+). This defect is characterized by a photo_indiced obsorption (API) broad band in the NIR range, as well as slightly Stokes shifted photoluminescence band (PL). We presnt nerein an experime,tal study of the polaron related PL in iron doped congruent lithium niobate as a function of temperature and incident intensity in CW and pulsed regime. We also propose a phenomenological threecenter model as an interpretation of all observed results. We show that the PL permits one to determine the concentration of deep centres in congruent LN in trace amounts, whatever their nature. For Fe 2+ ions, the sensitivity is typically around 0,25 ppm at RT, which is better than absorption spectroscopy. In addition, unlike other techniques, the PL is spatially resolved (micrometer scale) which allows to maps the concentration of deep donors, hence its potential for characterizating waveguides, integrated optical components and other microstructures
Valdivia, Christopher E. "Light-induced ferroelectric domain engineering in lithium niobate & lithium tantalate". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaWellington, Iain. "Direct UV writing of structures in lithium niobate and lithium tantalate". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaPaul, Marcus. "Synthesis and characterisation of transition metal-doped lithium niobate and lithium tantalate". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaJaeger, Nicolas August Fleming. "Voltage induced optical waveguide modulators in lithium niobate". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1989.
Pełny tekst źródłaApplied Science, Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of
Pooley, Marina J. "The preparation and characterisation of nanocrystalline lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Kent, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaSones, Collin Lawrence. "Domain engineering techniques and devices in lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaMcCoy, Michael Anthony. "Microstructural characterization of titanium : lithium niobate optical waveguides /". The Ohio State University, 1990.
Pełny tekst źródłaPeace, Daniel C. "Thin-film Lithium Niobate for Integrated Quantum Optics". Thesis, Griffith University, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Environment and Sc
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
Full Text
Pozza, Gianluca. "Development of an Optofluidic Platform in Lithium Niobate". Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaL’optofluidica è un promettente settore di ricerca interdisciplinare con altrettante interessanti applicazioni tecnologiche. Questo grazie al suo ampio potenziale in settori quali la medicina, la chimica, la biologia e le scienze ambientali. In questo contesto uno studio di materiali innovativi che includa le loro proprietà, la loro efficienza, i loro limiti e la loro possibilità di produrre dispositivi miniaturizzati è fondamentale per superare le attuali strategie adottate. Un materiale promettente per soddisfare i requisiti dell’optofluidica è il Niobato di Litio (LN o LiNbO3), un materiale conosciuto per le sue eccellenti proprietà ottiche lineari e non lineari e che qui discutiamo per la prima volta in un contesto optofluidico. In questo lavoro abbiamo dimostrato l’applicabilità del Niobato di Litio come substrato altamente integrabile e adattabile per l’optofluidica. Abbiamo infatti sviluppato tutti i diversi stadi che possono essere interconnessi per realizzare una piattaforma con funzionalità complesse optofluidiche: dalla produzione di gocce, alla loro manipolazione, al loro trasporto in canali microfluidici realizzati nel cristallo, fino all’analisi ottica delle stesse. In particolare nella tesi sono presentati il primo generatore di gocce a giunzione a T completamente fabbricato su Niobato di Litio e la prima guida d’onda a canale in Titanio diffuso accoppiata con un canale. Infine abbiamo proposto il primo studio completo sulla bagnabilità del Niobato di Litio. Per quanto riguarda lo stadio ottico, abbiamo realizzato dei convertitori di frequenza ottica, dispositivi che giocano un importante ruolo nel progetto, in quanto possono essere usati come sorgenti laser integrate con emissione nell’intervallo verde-blu, uno spettro che trova molte applicazioni nell’ambito biologico. In questo contesto abbiamo realizzato il primo convertitore di frequenza con configurazione PPLN realizzato su Niobato di Litio drogato Zirconio, un nuovo tipo di drogante che prevenendo il danno ottico è in grado di aumentare l’intensità di lavoro e l’efficienza di conversione di questi dispositivi. Abbiamo infine implementato il processo per produrre guide ottiche a canale monomodo per diffusione di Titanio, dispositivi necessari per connettere le diverse parti del circuito ottico. In conclusione con questo lavoro abbiamo implementato un’ampia categoria di dispositivi, per la prima volta tutti contemporaneamente integrabili su un singolo substrato. Abbiamo perciò aperto la strada verso un’elevata integrazione di funzionalità optofluidiche su Niobato di Litio.
Reza, Selim. "Acoustooptically tunable waveguide lasers in erbium doped lithium niobate". [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaKuo, Hsin-Hui. "Investigation of an electrooptic tunable filter in lithium niobate". Texas A&M University, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaBenmouhoub, Chafia. "Lab-on-chip opto-électronique sur Niobate de Lithium". Thesis, Besançon, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe work of this thesis is part of a project of a Lab-On-Chip development intended for biosensing. The de-signed platforms are based on integrated optical circuits on lithium niobate. The peculiarity of these circuits isthat they incorporate the phenomenon of interference with the function of guiding light waves. The interferometricfunction is provided by a Fabry-Perot cavity embedded in a straight waveguide and a Mach-Zehnder structure.When the surface of these circuits substrates is biofunctionalized, these microsystems become sensitive to targetmolecules. This sensitivity results in a variation of the effective index of the propagation wave by evanescent cou-pling and modifying the resonance conditions of the Fabry-Perot resonator. The real challenge of this work liesin the biofunctionalization of lithium niobate. To our knowledge, this guided optics favorite material thanks toits exceptional physical properties has been hitherto rarely subject to chemical surface modifications. Successfulimplementation of amino functions on the surface of this material has generating a covalent bond between thissubstrate and the functional groups of the probe molecules. Due to the high affinity between avidin and biotin, thiscouple served as a model for the development of biosensors. A real-time monitoring of surface interactions wasmade possible by experimentation on one of biosensors
Swanson, Claudia H., Michael Schulz, Holger Fritze, Jianmin Shi, Klaus-Dieter Becker, Peter Fielitz i Günter Borchardt. "Examinations of high-temperature properties of stoichiometric lithium niobate". Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaScott, Jeffrey Gordon. "Laser-assisted surface and domain microstructuring of lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaJones, Julian Kelly. "Diffusively doped thulium- and ytterbium-lithium niobate waveguide lasers". Thesis, University of Southampton, 1995.
Pełny tekst źródłaSwanson, Claudia H., Michael Schulz, Holger Fritze, Jianmin Shi, Klaus-Dieter Becker, Peter Fielitz i Günter Borchardt. "Examinations of high-temperature properties of stoichiometric lithium niobate". Diffusion fundamentals 12 (2010) 48, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaNutt, Alan C. G. "Techniques for fabricating integrated optical components on lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaChen, Bo Xu Chang-Qing. "All-optical quasi-phase-matched lithium niobate wavelength converters". *McMaster only, 2006.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaManzo, Michele. "Engineering ferroelectric domains and charge transport by proton exchange in lithium niobate". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Kvantelektronik och -optik, QEO, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaQC 20150325
Barety, Jean-Philippe. "Génération du second harmonique dans des guides d'ondes réalisés par échange protonique dans le Niobate de Lithium". Nice, 1986.
Pełny tekst źródłaChirila, Madalina M. "Characterization of point defects in nonlinear optical materials". Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xi, 125 p. : ill. (some col.) Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-125).
Mhaouech, Imed. "Étude du transport de charges dans le niobate de lithium massif et réalisation de fonctions électro-optiques dans le niobate de lithium périodiquement polarisé". Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe first part of this thesis is devoted to the modeling of transport phenomena in the LN. From a critical analysis of the usual band models, we show their inadequacy in the case of LN and we propose a hopping model based on the theory of small polarons. We first study by Monte-Carlo simulation the population decay of bound polarons NbLi4+ in deep traps FeLi3+. We show that the traps (FeLi3+) have particularly large effective radii, which increase further at decreasing temperature, and considerably limit the diffusion lengths of the polarons. The results of simulations are then compared with experimental results obtained by different techniques; Light-induced absorption, Raman, Holographic storage and Pump-Probe. The second part of this thesis is devoted to electro-optical applications in the periodically poled LN (PPLN). Under the effect of an electrical voltage, the refractive index of the PPLN is periodically decreased and increased, thus forming an electrically activatable index grating. A first component using the electro-optical effect in PPLN has been developed and demonstrated experimentally. In this component, the light is deflected under the effect of the electrical voltage by the index grating. This Bragg deflector achieves a diffraction efficiency of close to 100% with a low drive voltage of the order of 5 V. A second component has also been proposed, where light propagates perpendicularly to the domain walls of the PPLN. In this configuration an electro-optic Bragg reflector can be realized
Majkić, Aleksej. "Electro-optically tunable microring resonators in fluorine-implanted lithium niobate /". Zürich : ETH, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaGrisard, Arnaud. "Lasers guides d'onde dans le niobate de lithium dopé erbium". Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 1997.
Pełny tekst źródłaDans cette perspective, un mécanisme prépondérant de réduction du gain aux fortes concentrations de dopant, caractéristique des cristaux dopés dans la masse, a été identifié et une méthode originale développée pour évaluer simplement ses effets de façon quantitative.
Ce mémoire souligne l'excellent accord entre les prévisions théoriques du modèle d'amplification optique mis en place puis adapté au cas de guides monomodes et les mesures réalisés sur les composants fabriqués dans le même temps par diffusion de bandes de titane dans des substrats dopés dans la masse et en surface.
Ceci a permis d'observer pour la première fois l'effet laser en continu dans des guides d'onde sur niobate de lithium dopé à l'erbium dans la masse et pompés par une diode à 1,48 µm. L'intégration de modulateurs électro-optiques a également conduit à l'observation d'impulsions déclenchées. Pour l'instant limitées par la puissance de pompe disponible, elles devraient pouvoir atteindre plusieurs centaines de watts de puissance crête avec des durées de quelques nanosecondes.
Nguyen, Giang Thach, i thach nguyen@rmit edu au. "Efficient Resonantly Enhanced Mach-Zehnder Optical Modulator on Lithium Niobate". RMIT University. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchmarje, Nicole. "Lithium niobate piezocomposites for high temperature applications in nondestructive testing". Thesis, University of the West of Scotland, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaManzo, Michele. "Influence of selective proton exchange on periodically poled lithium niobate". Thesis, KTH, Kvantelektronik och -optik, QEO, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaLoni, Armando. "An experimental study of proton-exchanged lithium niobate optical waveguides". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1987.
Pełny tekst źródłaMills, P. A. "Volume holographic infra-red filters in iron doped lithium niobate". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaZisis, Grigorios. "Laser-induced ferroelectric and photonic structures in lithium niobate crystals". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaHer, Jyh-Yan, i 何志元. "Optical Waveguides on Lithium Niobate". Thesis, 1994.
Pełny tekst źródła國立成功大學
In recent years, due to the improvements of the techno- logies of optical fiber and semiconductor laser technology, the integrated optics has been widely used in many applica- tion fields. Lithium Niobate with its novel electro-optic effect was employed as the optical modulation material in integrated optics. In order to transfer optical wave, the waveguide is fabricate in the Lithium Niobate by two differ- ent method: proton exchange and titanium indiffusion in this thesis. The optical characteristic of the waveguide are mea- sured. The influence of process parameters on the optical characteristic are discussed. And hope that the results could found the base of integrated optics production for the late researcher.
Chen, Chieh-Ting, i 陳玠廷. "Waveguide Faricaiton on Lithium Niobate and Third-harmonic Generation in Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguides". Thesis, 2002.
Pełny tekst źródła國立臺灣大學
In this thesis, we report the fabrication of channel waveguides on LiNbO3 and PPLN. The second harmonic generation and third harmonic generation in such waveguides are also discussed. Here, two methods were used for waveguide fabrication. One was the annealed proton exchange (APE) method with benzoic acid melt and the other was the proton exchange vapor (PEV) method with benzoic acid vapor. The characteristics of the waveguides showed the dependencies on guiding width, proton exchange time, annealing time and wavelength. With these two methods, single-mode and multi-mode waveguides were fabricated on LiNbO3 and periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN) under different fabrication conditions. Second-harmonic and sum-frequency generations with a 1560 nm femtosecond source were implemented in the fabricated waveguides. The same nonlinear processes were also implemented on bulk PPLN for comparison. Since the effective extraordinary refractive index was different in a waveguide, the phase-matching condition based on the Sellmeier equation was no longer accurate. Also, because the propagation constants varied among single-mode and multi-mode waveguides, their phase-matching conditions were different. Therefore, the results of nonlinear wavelength conversion were slightly different between bulk PPLN and waveguides of different geometries.
Merola, Francesco. "Lithium Niobate: optical properties and applications". Tesi di dottorato, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaRost, Timothy Alan. "A thin film lithium niobate ferroelectric transistor". Thesis, 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaLee, Bing-heng, i 李秉衡. "Fabrication of Local Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate". Thesis, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródła國立臺北科技大學
The processing methods for local periodically poled x-cut and z-cut lithium niobate are studied in this thesis. Local periodically poled structures are produced on lithium niobate by applying a voltage on the periodical electrodes located on the ridge. The effects of process parameters on the domain inversion results are also discussed. For the local periodically poling on x-cut lithium niobate, inductive coupled plasma etching technology is utilized to form the ridge structure. The characteristics of inductive coupled plasma etching technology are described and the effects of process parameters on the etching rate and the etching quality are discussed. As the 500V voltage is applied on the electrodes, local periodically poled structure with the duty-cycle near 50% is successfully fabricated in the ridge region. In order to periodically pole z-cut lithium niobate in the local region, the ridge is formed by using the proton exchange etching technology. As the voltage is applied on the periodical electrodes on the ridge, polarization inversion is mainly induced on the two sides of the ridge. The cause for the partial polarization inversion is that the electric field on the electrode edges is larger than that near the center of the electrode. In order to enhance the uniformity of polarization inversion region, a uniform electric field in the ridge region is required such that the periodical domain inversion with the 50% duty cycle can be effectively fabricated. Local periodically poled lithium niobate has the advantage of effective reduction of the domain inversion voltage.
Fan, Chih-Bin, i 范智彬. "Fabrication of Microdisk Resonator on Lithium Niobate". Thesis, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródła國立臺北科技大學
This thesis on the research of micro-disk resonator on lithium niobate with under-cut structure. With its horizontal and vertical high refractive index contrast, making it a more effective limitation of the light field in order to reduce light transmission caused by the loss.Under-cut structure is fabricated by using ion implantation and wet etching techniques to achieve, the process produced a specific pattern on lithium niobate. The chromium film and photoresist are used to wet etching and ion implantation mask respectively.By using helium ion implantation in lithium niobate crystal, it caused the lattice damage in particular depth. Then the wet etching of lithium niobate can remove the damaged area. Experimentally, we use this process to produce the micro-disk resonator device with under-cut structure. It has certain amount roughness of surface in traditional wet etching. In this study,we use two technique a short etching of proton exchange and high-temperature heat treatment. The former is the proton exchange which increase lithium niobate crystal lattice damage. To increases the lattice damage will help to accelerate the etching rate, and the roughness of substrate is first etched. The latter is close to the melting temperature of lithium niobate. The surface of lithium niobate will reflow, so the surface tension help to do some modification. If lithium niobate with high temperature the lithium oxide will out-diffusion, we have to suppress it. We placed some powder of lithium niobate to suppress lithium oxide out-diffusion in heat treatment process. We use the tapered fiber to replace optical waveguide. In this paper, taper fiber produce as electro-heating method, heat generated by arc discharge soften the fiber and it will stretch by step motor.
Gill, Douglas Max. "Incorporation and characterization of erbium in lithium niobate". 1994.
Pełny tekst źródłaTypescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-103).
Yang, Shih-Yuan, i 楊詩遠. "Electro-Optic Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate Directional Couplers". Thesis, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródła國立中央大學
In this study, we have used simulated annealing method to calculate the aperiodic domain inversion structure in LiNbO3 crystal. Moreover, we have applied this kind of structure on the electro-optically directional coupler. With the aperiodically poled LiNbO3 directional coupler (APPLNDC), it made the difference coupling result with periodically poled LiNbO3 directional coupler (PPLNDC). According to the difference arrangement of the poling structure, the directional coupler can get the difference coupling result, and thus APPLNDC can be more adjustable. In this study, our aperiodical design can make the APPLNDC get the higher fabrication tolerance, higher switched bandwidth and higher voltage tolerance. Furthermore, we fabricate the APPLNDC chip to verify our simulation result. We used our standard lithography process and Titanium diffusion process to fabricate directional coupler and the aperiodically poled LiNbO3 was made by our standard CLN(congruent LiNbO3) poling process. After the poling process, we used the E-gun and Thermal machine to fabricate the electrode. Finally, we did the cutting and the end-face polishing process, then the APPLNDC chip was ready to be measured. On the APPLNDC chip, there are different coupling length of the directional couplers. With the aperiodically poled LiNbO3, different coupling length of the directional couplers can have the same working voltage to reach crossover state at approximately 30V, and reach the straight-through state at approximately 50V. The average switched voltage is roughly 17.85V. The aperiodically LiNbO3 also can enhance the working bandwidth of the directional couplers. By our measurement, the APPLNDC can work from 1493.88nm to 1643.05nm, so the bandwidth is approximately 149.17nm. Compare to PPLNDC’s bandwidth 61.53nm, APPLNDC is 2.42 times boarder than PPLNDC. Directional coupler as an optical communication component, the bandwidth increases, the transmission capacity can also be increased, the characteristics of broadband has become a major advantage of this study. In the future, the APPLNDC can also be used to apply a coplanar waveguide electrode to modulate the light in a traveling wave, to make it a high-speed modulated optical switcher, or to further develop an integrated optical logic gate. By using the aperiodically poled LiNbO3 and then applying the high-speed modulated electrode, the electro-optically switched directional coupler will obtain more application and increase the competitiveness in the optical communication. This study have got the Best Students Poster Award in CUDOS:2017workshop. I was the second author: Hung-Pin Chung, Shih-Yuan Yang, Sung-Lin Yang, Tsai-Yi Chien, Kuang-Hsu Huang, Yen-Yu Chou, Kai Wang, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Yen-Hung Chen. “Electro-optic aperiodically poled Lithium Niobate directional couplers” CUDOS 2017 Annual workshop, Australia, Best Poster award of nonlinear quantum photonics, (2017).
Chang, Wen-Che, i 張文哲. "Fabrication of Under-Cutting Structures on Lithium Niobate". Thesis, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródła國立臺北科技大學
Waveguide devices with under-cutting structure on lithium niobate are produced in this thesis. By means of high index contrast of the under-cutting structure in the lateral and vertical directions, the propagating optical field can be effectively confined and the propagation loss of the curve waveguide with small radius is reduced. Under-cutting structure is formed by using ion-implantation and wet-etching techniques. In the experiments, chromium and photoresist are used as wet-etching mask and ion-implantation mask, respectively. He+ ion implantation is utilized to produce the lattice-damage region at the specified depth in lithium niobate. By the wet-etching technique, the lattice-damage region beneath the ridge structure is removed to form under-cutting structure. By using the proposed method, various waveguide devices with under-cutting structure, including straight waveguide, microring resonator, microdisk resonator, are fabricated. The effects of the fabrication parameters on the under-cutting structure are also discussed. For the fabricated microring resonators with under-cutting structure, the measured FSR is close to the theoretical one.
Li, Zhen Hong, i 李鎮宏. "A study of improved lithium niobate optical waveguides". Thesis, 1995.
Pełny tekst źródłaChang, Ren Woei, i 張人偉. "Crystal Growth and Raman Spectra of Lithium Niobate". Thesis, 1993.
Pełny tekst źródła