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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "JTECH (Program)"


Knuteson, R. O., H. E. Revercomb, F. A. Best, N. C. Ciganovich, R. G. Dedecker, T. P. Dirkx, S. C. Ellington i in. "Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer. Part I: Instrument Design". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 21, nr 12 (1.12.2004): 1763–76.

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Abstract A ground-based Fourier transform spectrometer has been developed to measure the atmospheric downwelling infrared radiance spectrum at the earth's surface with high absolute accuracy. The Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) instrument was designed and fabricated by the University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center (UW-SSEC) for the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program. This paper emphasizes the key features of the UW-SSEC instrument design that contribute to meeting the AERI instrument requirements for the ARM Program. These features include a highly accurate radiometric calibration system, an instrument controller that provides continuous and autonomous operation, an extensive data acquisition system for monitoring calibration temperatures and instrument health, and a real-time data processing system. In particular, focus is placed on design issues crucial to meeting the ARM requirements for radiometric calibration, spectral calibration, noise performance, and operational reliability. The detailed performance characteristics of the AERI instruments built for the ARM Program are described in a companion paper.
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Knuteson, R. O., H. E. Revercomb, F. A. Best, N. C. Ciganovich, R. G. Dedecker, T. P. Dirkx, S. C. Ellington i in. "Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer. Part II: Instrument Performance". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 21, nr 12 (1.12.2004): 1777–89.

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Abstract The Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) instrument was developed for the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program by the University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center (UW-SSEC). The infrared emission spectra measured by the instrument have the sensitivity and absolute accuracy needed for atmospheric remote sensing and climate studies. The instrument design is described in a companion paper. This paper describes in detail the measured performance characteristics of the AERI instruments built for the ARM Program. In particular, the AERI systems achieve an absolute radiometric calibration of better than 1% (3σ) of ambient radiance, with a reproducibility of better than 0.2%. The knowledge of the AERI spectral calibration is better than 1.5 ppm (1σ) in the wavenumber range 400– 3000 cm−1.
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Cheng, Anne Ru, Tim Hau Lee, Hsin I. Ku i Yi Wen Chen. "Quality Control Program for Real-Time Hourly Temperature Observation in Taiwan". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33, nr 5 (maj 2016): 953–76.

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AbstractThis paper introduces a quality control (QC) program for the real-time hourly land surface temperature observation developed by the Central Weather Bureau in Taiwan. There are three strategies involved. The first strategy is a range check scheme that inspects whether the observation falls inside the climatological limits of the station to screen out the obvious outliers. Limits are adjusted according to the station’s elevation. The second strategy is a spatial check scheme that scrutinizes whether the observation falls inside the derived confidence interval, according to the data from the reference stations and the correlations among the stations, to judge the reliability of the data. The scheme is specialized, as it employs the theorems of unbiased and minimum error estimators to determine the weights. The performance evaluation results show that the new method is in theory superior to the spatial regression test (You et al.). The third strategy is a temporal check scheme that examines whether the temperature difference of two successive observations exceeds the temperature variation threshold for judging the rationality of the data. Different thresholds are applied for the data observed in different times under different rainfall conditions. Procedurally, the observation must pass the range check first and then go through the spatial or the temporal check. The temporal check is applied only when the spatial check is unavailable. Post-examinations of the data from 2014 show that the QC program is able to filter out most of the significant errors.
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Roemmich, Dean, Jeffrey T. Sherman, Russ E. Davis, Kyle Grindley, Michael McClune, Charles J. Parker, David N. Black i in. "Deep SOLO: A Full-Depth Profiling Float for the Argo Program". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 36, nr 10 (październik 2019): 1967–81.

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AbstractDeployment of Deep Argo regional pilot arrays is underway as a step toward a global array of 1250 surface-to-bottom profiling floats embedded in the upper-ocean (2000 m) Argo Program. Of the 80 active Deep Argo floats as of July 2019, 55 are Deep Sounding Oceanographic Lagrangian Observer (SOLO) 6000-m instruments, and the rest are composed of three additional models profiling to either 4000 or 6000 m. Early success of the Deep SOLO is owed partly to its evolution from the Core Argo SOLO-II. Here, Deep SOLO design choices are described, including the spherical glass pressure housing, the hydraulics system, and the passive bottom detection system. Operation of Deep SOLO is flexible, with the mission parameters being adjustable from shore via Iridium communications. Long lifetime is a key element in sustaining a global array, and Deep SOLO combines a long battery life of over 200 cycles to 6000 m with robust operation and a low failure rate. The scientific value of Deep SOLO is illustrated, including examples of its ability (i) to observe large-scale spatial and temporal variability in deep ocean temperature and salinity, (ii) to sample newly formed water masses year-round and within a few meters of the sea floor, and (iii) to explore the poorly known abyssal velocity field and deep circulation of the World Ocean. Deep SOLO’s full-depth range and its potential for global coverage are critical attributes for complementing the Core Argo Program and achieving these objectives.
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Tridon, Frédéric, Alessandro Battaglia, Pavlos Kollias, Edward Luke i Christopher R. Williams. "Signal Postprocessing and Reflectivity Calibration of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program 915-MHz Wind Profilers". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30, nr 6 (1.06.2013): 1038–54.

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Abstract The Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program has recently initiated a new research avenue toward a better characterization of the transition from cloud to precipitation. Dual-wavelength techniques applied to millimeter-wavelength radars and a Rayleigh reference have a great potential for rain-rate retrievals directly from dual-wavelength ratio measurements. In this context, the recent reconfiguration of the ARM 915-MHz wind profilers in a vertically pointing mode makes these instruments the ideal candidate for providing the Rayleigh reflectivity/Doppler velocity reference. Prior to any scientific study, the wind profiler data must be carefully quality checked. This work describes the signal postprocessing steps that are essential for the delivery of high-quality reflectivity and mean Doppler velocity products—that is, the estimation of the noise floor from clear-air echoes, the absolute calibration with a collocated disdrometer, the dealiasing of Doppler velocities, and the merging of the different modes of the wind profiler. The improvement added by the proposed postprocessing is confirmed by comparison with a high-quality S-band profiler deployed at the ARM Southern Great Plains site during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment. With the addition of a vertically pointing mode and with the postprocessing described in this work in place, besides being a key asset for wind research wind profilers observations may therefore become a centerpiece for rain studies in the years to come.
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Leeper, Ronald D., Jared Rennie i Michael A. Palecki. "Observational Perspectives from U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) and Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) Network: Temperature and Precipitation Comparison". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 32, nr 4 (kwiecień 2015): 703–21.

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AbstractThe U.S. Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) network was formed in the early 1890s to provide daily observations of temperature and precipitation. However, manual observations from naturally aspirated temperature sensors and unshielded precipitation gauges often led to uncertainties in atmospheric measurements. Advancements in observational technology (ventilated temperature sensors, well-shielded precipitation gauges) and measurement techniques (automation and redundant sensors), which improve observation quality, were adopted by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) into the establishment of the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN). USCRN was designed to provide high-quality and continuous observations to monitor long-term temperature and precipitation trends, and to provide an independent reference to compare to other networks. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how diverse technological and operational choices between the USCRN and COOP programs impact temperature and precipitation observations. Naturally aspirated COOP sensors generally had warmer (+0.48°C) daily maximum and cooler (−0.36°C) minimum temperatures than USCRN, with considerable variability among stations. For precipitation, COOP reported slightly more precipitation overall (1.5%) with network differences varying seasonally. COOP gauges were sensitive to wind biases (no shielding), which are enhanced over winter when COOP observed (10.7%) less precipitation than USCRN. Conversely, wetting factor and gauge evaporation, which dominate in summer, were sources of bias for USCRN, leading to wetter COOP observations over warmer months. Inconsistencies in COOP observations (e.g., multiday observations, time shifts, recording errors) complicated network comparisons and led to unique bias profiles that evolved over time with changes in instrumentation and primary observer.
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Tokay, Ali, Leo Pio D’Adderio, David B. Wolff i Walter A. Petersen. "Development and Evaluation of the Raindrop Size Distribution Parameters for the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation Program". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 37, nr 1 (styczeń 2020): 115–28.

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AbstractThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission ground validation program uses dual-polarization radar moments to estimate raindrop size distribution (DSD) parameters, the mass-weighted mean drop diameter Dmass, and normalized intercept parameter NW, to validate the GPM Core Observatory–derived DSD parameters. The disdrometer-based Dmass and NW are derived through empirical relationships between Dmass and differential reflectivity ZDR, and between NW, reflectivity ZH, and Dmass. This study employs large datasets collected from two-dimensional video disdrometers (2DVD) during six different field studies to derive the requisite empirical relationships. The uncertainty of the derived Dmass(ZDR) relationship is evaluated through comparisons of 2DVD-calculated and ZDR-estimated Dmass, where ZDR is calculated directly from 2DVD observations. Similarly, the uncertainty of the NW(ZH, Dmass) relationship is evaluated through 2DVD-calculated and Dmass and ZH-estimated NW, where Dmass and ZH are directly calculated from 2DVD observations. This study also presents the sensitivity of Dmass(ZDR) relationships to climate regime and to disdrometer type after developing three additional Dmass(ZDR) relationships from second-generation Particle Size Velocity (PARSIVEL2) disdrometer (P2) observations collected in the Pacific Northwest, in Iowa, and at Kwajalein Atoll in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The application of P2-derived Dmass(ZDR) relationship based on precipitation in the northwestern United States to P2 observations collected over the tropical ocean resulted in the highest error among comparisons of the three datasets.
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Demaria, Eleonora M. C., David C. Goodrich i Kenneth E. Kunkel. "Evaluating the Reliability of the U.S. Cooperative Observer Program Precipitation Observations for Extreme Events Analysis Using the LTAR Network". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 36, nr 3 (marzec 2019): 317–32.

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AbstractThe detection and attribution of changes in precipitation characteristics relies on dense networks of rain gauges. In the United States, the COOP network is widely used for such studies even though there are reported inconsistencies due to changes in instruments and location, inadequate maintenance, dissimilar observation time, and the fact that measurements are made by a group of dedicated volunteers. Alternately, the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network has been consistently and professionally measuring precipitation since the early 1930s. The purpose of this study is to compare changes in extreme daily precipitation characteristics during the warm season using paired rain gauges from the LTAR and COOP networks. The comparison, done at 12 LTAR sites located across the United States, shows underestimation and overestimation of daily precipitation totals at the COOP sites compared to the reference LTAR observations. However, the magnitude and direction of the differences are not linked to the underlying precipitation climatology of the sites. Precipitation indices that focus on extreme precipitation characteristics match closely between the two networks at most of the sites. Our results show consistency between the COOP and LTAR networks with precipitation extremes. It also indicates that despite the discrepancies at the daily time steps, the extreme precipitation observed by COOP rain gauges can be reliably used to characterize changes in the hydrologic cycle due to natural and human causes.
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Martini, Kim I., David J. Murphy, Raymond W. Schmitt i Nordeen G. Larson. "Corrections for Pumped SBE 41CP CTDs Determined from Stratified Tank Experiments". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 36, nr 4 (kwiecień 2019): 733–44.

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AbstractSea-Bird Scientific SBE 41CP CTDs are used on autonomous floats in the global Argo ocean observing program to measure the temperature and salinity of the upper ocean. While profiling, the sensors are subject to dynamic errors as they profile through vertical gradients. Applying dynamic corrections to the temperature and conductivity data reduces these errors and improves sensor accuracy. A series of laboratory experiments conducted in a stratified tank are used to characterize dynamic errors and determine corrections. The corrections are adapted for Argo floats, and recommendations for future implementation are presented.
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Seaman, Curtis J., Yoo-Jeong Noh, Steven D. Miller, Andrew K. Heidinger i Daniel T. Lindsey. "Cloud-Base Height Estimation from VIIRS. Part I: Operational Algorithm Validation against CloudSat". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34, nr 3 (marzec 2017): 567–83.

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AbstractThe operational VIIRS cloud-base height (CBH) product from the Suomi–National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite is compared against observations of CBH from the cloud profiling radar (CPR) on board CloudSat. Because of the orbits of SNPP and CloudSat, these instruments provide nearly simultaneous observations of the same locations on Earth for a ~4.5-h period every 2–3 days. The methodology by which VIIRS and CloudSat observations are spatially and temporally matched is outlined. Based on four 1-month evaluation periods representing each season from June 2014 to April 2015, statistics related to the VIIRS CBH retrieval performance have been collected. Results indicate that when compared against CloudSat, the VIIRS CBH retrieval does not meet the error specifications set by the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 3.7 km for all clouds globally. More than half of all matching VIIRS pixels and CloudSat profiles have CBH errors exceeding the 2-km error requirement. Underscoring the significance of these statistics, it is shown that a simple estimate based on a constant cloud geometric thickness of 2 km outperforms the current operational CBH algorithm. It was found that the performance of the CBH product is impacted by the accuracy of upstream retrievals [primarily cloud-top height (CTH)] and the a priori information used by the CBH retrieval algorithm. However, even when CTH errors were small, CBH errors still exceed the JPSS program error specifications with an RMSE of 2.3 km.
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Książki na temat "JTECH (Program)"


National Science Foundation (U.S.). JTEC/WTEC program summary. Baltimore, Md: Loyola College in Maryland, 1992.

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D, Oxender, Japanese Technology Evaluation Program i United States. Dept. of Commerce., red. Japanese Technology Evaluation Program (JTECH): Biotechnology panel final report. Springfield, Va: National Technical Information Service, 1985.

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D, Oxender, Japanese Technology Evaluation Program i United States. Dept. of Commerce., red. JTECH (Japanese Technology Evaluation Program) panel report on biotechnology in Japan. Springfield, Va: National Technical Information Service, 1985.

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J, Economy, i Japanese Technology Evaluation Program, red. Japanese Technology Evaluation Program - JTECH panel report on advanced materials in Japan. Springfield, Va: National Technical Information Service, 1986.

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United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, National Science Foundation (U.S.) i JTECH (Program), red. JTECH panel report on the Japanese Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO) Program. McLean, Va: Science Applications International Corp., 1988.

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Rogers, Patricia N. JTEC program summary. Redaktorzy Japanese Technology Evaluation Center (Loyola College in Maryland), JTECH (Program) i National Science Foundation (U.S.). Baltimore, Md: Loyola College in Maryland, 1991.

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M, Holdridge Geoffrey, JTECH (Program), WTEC (Program), JTEC (Program) i National Science Foundation (U.S.), red. JTEC/WTEC Annual report and program summary 1993/94. Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1994.

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