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Alves, Andrew David Charles, i aalves@unimelb edu au. "Characterisation of Single Ion Tracks for use in Ion Beam Lithography". RMIT University. Applied Sciences, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaKopniczky, Judit. "Nanostructures Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy : Ion Tracks and Nanotextured Films". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Univ.-bibl. [distributör], 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaSpohr, Reimar. "Ion Tracks for Micro- and Nanofabrication : From Single Channels to Superhydrophobic Surfaces". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Materialfysik, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaVlasukova, L. A., V. N. Komarov, V. A. Skuratov i V. N. Yuvchenko. ""Etchability" of ion tracks in Si02/Si and Si3N4/Si thin layers". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaSpohr, Reimar. "Ion tracks for micro- and nanofabrication from single channels to superhydrophobic surfaces /". Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaNiklas, Martin Anthony [Verfasser], i Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Schlegel. "Cell-fluorescent ion track hybrid detector: A novel hybrid technology for direct correlation of single ion tracks and subcellular damage sites in clinical ion beam / Martin Anthony Niklas ; Betreuer: Wolfgang Schlegel". Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaDedera, Sebastian [Verfasser], i Ulrich A. [Akademischer Betreuer] Glasmacher. "Visualization of Ion-Induced Tracks in Carbonate Minerals / Sebastian Dedera ; Betreuer: Ulrich A. Glasmacher". Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaKusumoto, Tamon. "Radial electron fluence around ion tracks as a new physical concept for the detection threshold of PADC detector". Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe structure and formation process of latent tracks in poly(allyl diglycol carbonate), PADC, have been examined using the combination of FT-IR spectrometry and a Monte Carlo simulation. The generation amount of OH groups is almost equivalent to the loss amount of ether. An important role of the secondary electron that the carbonyl can be broken only when more than two electrons pass through a single repeat unit is clarified by experiments using low LET radiations. Results of high energy protons lead us to the elucidation of the difference between etchable and un-etchable tracks. Based on these results, a new physical concept of Radial Electron Fluence around Ion Tracks, which is defined as the number density of secondary electron that pass through the cylinder surface with a certain radius is proposed for the detection threshold of PADC using Geant4-DNA. Obtained knowledge is helpful to find appropriate molecule arrangements for new etched track detector with desired sensitivities
Petrov, Alexander. "Principles of production of new devices for micro- and nanoelectronics on the base of materials with ion tracks". [S.l. : s.n.], 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaKhalil, Ali Saied, i askhalil2004@yahoo com. "Heavy-Ion-Irradiation-Induced Disorder in Indium Phosphide and Selected Compounds". The Australian National University. Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaDelgado, Adriana de Oliveira. "Estudo da formação de rastos nucleares em polímeros". Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe research in the field of material modification with ion implantation has greately improved, stimulated by technological applications in biology, medicine, electronics and other related areas. One of the correlated aspects in understanding these new materials is the identification and characterization of the damage produced by ion beam irradiation. In this work, we propose to identify the microscopic modification in polymers, after their irradiation with a high energy beam. Three polymers have been used: polycarbonate foils (Makrofol KG), 8 µm thick; polyalyl diglycol carbonate PADC (CR39) 900 µm thick and cellulose nitrate(LR115) 12 µm thick. The samples were irradiated with 350 MeV Au beam from the Cyclotron accelerator at Hahn-Meitner Institut (HMI) in Berlin. The Makrofol samples were placed in a 6-foil stack positioned in normal direction relative to the incident beam, in order to stop the projectiles. The irradiations were performed with ion fluences of 10^8, 10^9 e 10^11 ions/cm^2. The CR39 and LR115 samples, thicker than the range, were irradiated with the fluency of 10^9 ions/cm^2. The investigation of structural damage in the samples, after irradiation, was performed through analytical techniques such as: Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (FTIR), X Ray Difraction (XRD), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA), and Etching, followed by pore characterization using an optical and a scanning electron microscopes. The FTIR analysis of the samples showed a decrease in the number of simple bonds and an increase in the number of double and triple bonds, after irradiation. Moreover, it was observed that the damage intensity increases with the mean stopping power of Au. The XRD analysis allowed the observation of crystallinity decrease in Makrofol, and gave indications about a possible deviation in CR39 density, after sample irradiation, and no variation in LR115 samples. The methodology proposed using ERDA technique was not eficient to determine the H atoms teor in the polymers after irradiation, so, it was not possible to get conclusive results from the data. In the pore analysis, after etching, different behaviors were observed. The CR39 samples showed an evolution from a porous surface to a sharply peaked surface and a pore opening rate Va = 1,213 (17) µm/h was obtained. On the contrary, different Makrofol KG foils preserved the porous topography for different etching times. The pore opening rate showed dependence with ion stopping power in the irradiation. Comparing samples with similar values of stopping power, the result is that Makrofol Va is three times greater than the obtained to CR39.
Lixandrão, Filho Arnaldo Luis 1983. "Estudos de "annealing" de traços de íons e traços de fissão em muscovita". [s.n.], 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-31T19:22:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LixandraoFilho_ArnaldoLuis_M.pdf: 11489211 bytes, checksum: 0e5e2fdcd3551b722c60d418964284ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016
Resumo: O trabalho consistiu em estudar a muscovita como termocronômetro. Por ter pequena quantidade de urânio, abaixo de 5 partes por milhão, a utilização direta é inviável. Dessa forma, irradiamos placas de muscovita com íons de $^{238}U$ moderados por folhas de alumínio (resultando em diferentes energias) e com diferentes ângulos de incidência, com a finalidade de analisar o comportamento da muscovita com traços de íons e também para que esses íons criassem canais com o objetivo de revelar maior quantidade de traços fósseis. Realizamos planejamento utilizando algorítimo D-ótimo para realizar tratamentos térmicos com diferentes tempos e temperaturas, a fim de obter dados de ''annealing'' para a muscovita. Medimos o comprimento dos traços de íons projetados com as seguintes dependências: massa do íon, tempo de ''annealing'', temperatura de ''annealing'', energia de incidência e ângulo de incidência. Os parâmetros energia de incidência, ângulo de incidência e características do íon, não são considerados em nenhum dos modelos disponíveis na literatura. Assim sendo, formulamos um novo modelo empírico para a cinética de ''annealing'': $l = l_0 + a*energia - e^{\left(\frac{temperatura}{b + c*log(tempo)}\right)}$, $l$ sendo comprimento do traço com ''annealing'' e $l_0$ o comprimento sem ''annealing'' e, as constantes $a$, $b$ e $c$ ajustadas a partir dos dados experimentais. As constantes $a$ e $L_0$ são as variáveis relativas ao ângulo de incidência, tipo do íon e energia. Este modelo, além de ter um número menor de parâmetros, com uma simples modificação, $\frac{L}{L_0} = 1 + A.e^{\frac{T}{b}},\ b = B+C.ln(t)$, pode ser aplicado também para traços de fissão confinados. Nesse caso são apenas 3 parâmetros, $A$, $B$ e $C$ e o modelo ajustado possibilita a análise térmica em qualquer mineral que possuir dados experimentais. Neste trabalho mostramos o ajuste para os seguintes minerais: apatita, zircão, epídoto e muscovita. A partir dos traços de íons que sofreram ''annealing'' conseguimos ajustar parâmetros e obtivemos resultados consistentes com trabalhos anteriores. Um deles foi a previsão de \citeauthor{Bigazzi1967} que, possivelmente, utilizou amostras de superfície à 303K. Com esse resultado, validamos que traços de íons podem gerar bons resultados no estudo de ''annealing'' em laboratório e em tempos geológicos. Por fim, desenvolvemos um aplicativo que contempla: o ajuste dos parâmetros do modelo aos dados experimentais de modo automático, a obtenção de índices térmicos (temperatura de fechamento e zona de ''annealing parcial'') independente do mineral e a reconstrução de histórias térmicas para múltiplos minerais a partir de vínculos geológicos, da idade e de uma lista de comprimento de traços confinados. Além dessas características, a inédita ferramenta utiliza interface ''web'' que pode ser utilizada em qualquer plataforma e sistema operacional. Por fim, os resultados significativos foram: novos dados de ''annealing'' de traços de íons em mica muscovita, novo modelo empírico para abordar a cinética do ''annealing'' para traços de íons ou fissão e um aplicativo para tratamento de dados, ajuste, obtenção de índices térmicos e histórias térmicas
Abstract: In this work we studied muscovite as a thermocronometer. Muscovite have low amount of uranium, below 5 parts per million. Because of that it is impractical to be used as thermocronometer. Thus irradiating it with swift heavy ions of $ ^ {238} U $, moderated by aluminum foil (resulting in different energies) and with different angles of incidence is one way to analyze the behavior of muscovite ion tracks. These tracks can act like channels to the acid, chemical etching, revealing more fossil traces. We carry out experimental planning using D-optimal algorithm do thermal treatments at different times and temperatures in order anneal muscovite tracks. We measured the length of the ion tracks created with the following dependencies: ion mass, annealing time and temperature, impact energy and angle of incidence. The incidence of energy parameters, angle of incidence and ion characteristics are not considered in any of the models available in the literature. Therefore, we have developed a new empirical model for the kinetics of annealing: $l = l_0 + a*energia - e^{\left(\frac{temperatura}{b + c*log(tempo)}\right)}$, $l$ annealed fission track length and $l_0$ fission track length and the constants $a$, $b$ and $c$ adjusted from the experimental data . The constants $a$ and $L_0$ are related to the angle of incidence, type of ion and energy. This model, besides having fewer parameters, with a simple modification, $\frac{L}{L_0} = 1 + A.e^{\frac{T}{b}},\ b = B+C.ln(t)$ may also be applied to confined fission tracks. The adjusted model , with only 3 parameters, $A$, $B$ and $C$, enables thermal analysis in any mineral that has experimental data. We show fitting for the following minerals: apatite, zircon, epidote and muscovite. From the annealed ion tracks we fit the data to get all parameters and obtained results consistent with previous work. One was that we predict that \citeauthor{Bigazzi1967}, possibly, used surface samples with 303 K. With this result, we validate that ions tracks can generate good results using annealing laboratory data extrapolated to geological time. Finally, we developed an application with the following features: automatic model fitting to experimental data, simulation of thermal index (closure temperature and partial annealing) independent of the mineral and the reconstruction of thermal histories for multiple minerals from geological. In addition to these features, the application has web interface and can be used on any platform and operating system. Finally, the most significant results of this work were: new experimental annealing data of ion tracks in muscovite, new empirical model to increase the knowledge of the ion or fission tracks annealing kinetics and an application for data processing, fit and simulation of thermal index and thermal histories reconstruction
Mestre em Física
Kanike, Vanaja. "“Acid-spike” effect in spurs/tracks of the low/high linear energy transfer radiolysis of water : potential implications for radiobiology and nuclear industry". Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaAbstract : Hydronium ions (H3O+) are formed within spurs or tracks of the low or high linear energy transfer (LET) radiolysis of pure, deaerated water at early times. The in situ radiolytic formation of H3O+ renders the spur and track regions temporarily more acid than the surrounding medium. Although experimental evidence for an acidic spur has already been reported, there is only fragmentary information on its magnitude and time dependence. In this work, spur or track H3O+ concentrations and the corresponding pH values are obtained from our calculated yields of H3O+ as a function of time, using Monte Carlo track chemistry simulations. We selected four impacting ions and we used two different spur and track models: 1) an isolated “spherical” spur model characteristic of low-LET radiation and 2) an axially homogeneous “cylindrical” track model for high-LET radiation. Very good agreement was found between our calculated time evolution of G(H3O+) in the radiolysis of pure, deaerated water by 300-MeV incident protons (which mimic 60Co gamma/fast electron irradiation) and the available experimental data at 25 °C. For all cases studied, an abrupt transient acid pH effect, which we call an “acid spike”, is observed during and shortly after the initial energy release. This acid-spike effect is virtually unexplored in water or in a cellular environment subject to the action of ionizing radiation, especially high-LET radiation. In this regard, this work raises a number of questions about the potential implications of this effect for radiobiology, some of which are briefly evoked. Our calculations were then extended to examine the effect of temperature from 25 to 350 °C on the yield of H3O+ ions that are formed in spurs of the low-LET radiolysis of water. The results showed an increasingly acidic spike response at higher temperatures. As many in-core processes in a water-cooled nuclear reactor critically depend on pH, the question here is whether these variations in acidity, even highly localized and transitory, contribute to material corrosion and damage.
Oganesyan, Vartan Rubenovitch. "Untersuchung des Porenöffnungsprozesses latenter Spuren leichter niederenergetischer Ionen in CR-39 mittels elektrolytischer Ätzung". Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaOganesyan, Vartan Rubenovitch. "Untersuchung des Porenöffnungsprozesses latenter Spuren leichter niederenergetischer Ionen in CR-39 mittels elektrolytischer Ätzung". Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaGehrke, Hans-Gregor [Verfasser], Hans [Akademischer Betreuer] Hofsäss, Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Jooß, Jörn [Akademischer Betreuer] Große-Knetter, Hans-Ulrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Krebs, Markus [Akademischer Betreuer] Münzenberg i Michael [Akademischer Betreuer] Seibt. "Electrical characterization of conductive ion tracks in tetrahedral amorphous carbon with copper impurities / Hans-Gregor Gehrke. Gutachter: Hans Hofsäss ; Christian Jooß ; Jörn Große-knetter ; Hans-ulrich Krebs ; Markus Münzenberg ; Michael Seibt. Betreuer: Hans Hofsäss". Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchiedt, Birgitta. "Characterization and application of ion track-etched nanopores". [S.l. : s.n.], 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaLindeberg, Mikael. "High aspect ratio microsystem fabrication by ion track lithography". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Univ.-bibl. [distributör], 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaYu, Jie. "Oxidation of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, UHMWPE, containing traces of cobalt ion". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaKATSUOKA, LIDIA. "Agentes complexantes no controle analitico de tracos de fluoreto por eletrodo ion-seletivo". reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaMade available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:01:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 02809.pdf: 6234365 bytes, checksum: 25107a337d71b51089353992495839d5 (MD5)
Dissertacao (Mestrado)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
Toimil, Molares Maria Eugenia. "Fabrication and characterisation of copper nanowires electrochemically deposited in etched ion track membranes". [S.l. : s.n.], 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchiedt, Birgitta [Verfasser], i Reinhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Neumann. "Characterization and application of ion track-etched nanopores / Birgitta Schiedt ; Betreuer: Reinhard Neumann". Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaFokin, Maria Alexandra. "Space-Time Analysis of Magmatism: Evidence for a Early Cryogenian Plume Track in Eastern Laurentia". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaMaster of Science
Pełny tekst źródłaA dessorção de íons secundários induzida por impacto de projéteis velozes é um fenômeno de interesse tanto da pesquisa fundamental dos processos de colisão quanto da Física de Superfícies, Biociência e Astrofísica. O modelo teórico de dessorção iônica induzida por elétrons baseado na formação de um traço nuclear é aprimorado no presente trabalho. Considera-se que o traço seja composto por um infratraço de carga positiva e um ultratraço de carga negativa. Ao chegarem na superfície do sólido, os elétrons secundários emanados do infratraço geram íons que são em seguida acelerados por ação do campo elétrico produzido pelos traços. Os dados experimentais escolhidos para testar o modelo correspondem à dessorção iônica induzida em filmes finos de gelo (H2O) por íons de nitrogênio de 1,7 MeV. As velocidades de emissão e as massas dos íons dessorvidos foram determinadas pela técnica de tempo- de-vôo. Empregou-se um detector de íons composto por um par de placas de microcanais e por um anodo sensível à posição de impacto dos íons. Os dados obtidos pela técnica XY-TOF mostram diferenças de simetrias na distribuição angular dos íons secundários. Em especial, observou-se emissão quase isotrópica dos agregados leves em relação a normal à superfície, contrastando com a dos agregados pesados que apresenta distribuição assimétrica atribuída a um efeito de memória da direção do projétil durante a emissão iônica. Um acordo entre os resultados do modelo e os dados experimentais é considerado razoáve
Secondary ion desorption induced by impact of fast projectiles is an important phenomenon not only because it is directly connected to atomic collision processes in solids, but also to practical implications in the Physics of Surfaces, Bioscience and Astrophysics. A theoretical model describing the desorption induced by secondary electron (SEID) produced in nuclear tracks is extended in the present work. It considers that the nuclear track is composed by a positive charged infratrack and a negative charged ultratrack. Secondary electrons emanated from infratrack reach the surface of the solid and generate molecular ions which are accelerated by an electric field produced by the track. The experimental data obtained by a 1.7 MeV nitrogen beam inducing electronic sputtering on condensed water target are used to test the SEID model. The initial velocity vectors and the masses of the emitted ions were obtained by the time-of-fight technique equipped with a position sensitive delay line detector XY-TOF. The data obtained by the technique show differences of symmetries in the angular distribution of the secondary ions. In particular, isotropic emission was observed for light clusters in relation to normal to the surface, contrasting with heavy clusters that show an asymmetric distribution attributed to nuclear track memory direction during the emission. The agreement between the model results and experimental data is considered reasonable.
La desorción de iones secundarios a partir de la incidencia de proyectiles rápidos en superficies es un fenómeno de gran interés científico en áreas de Física de Colisiones (interacciones ión-sólido), Física de Superficies, Bio-ciencia y Astrofísica. En esta Tesis fue desarrollado un modelo teórico para describir el proceso de desorción iónica inducida por los electrones emitidos durante la formación del trazo nuclear. El modelo considera que el trazo trazo nuclear. Las predicciones del modelo fueron comparadas con las mediciones de las especies emitidas por la incidencia de iones de nitrógeno de 1,7 MeV en películas delgadas de hielo (H2O). Las especies emitidas y sus velocidades iniciales fueron determinadas utilizando la técnica tiempo de vuelo (TOF). Fue utilizado un detector formado por un par de placas de micro canales con un ánodo sensible a la posición de impacto de los iones (técnica XY-TOF). Dos tipos de distribuciones angulares de los iones secundarios fueron observadas: isotrópica para masas pequeñas y anisotrópica para masas grandes. La distribución angular de masas grandes es preferencialmente simétrica a la dirección de incidencia del proyectil con respecto a la normal a la superficie y se debe al efecto de memoria del trazo nuclear sobre la dirección de incidencia del proyectil. Los resultados teóricos y los valores experimentales concuerdan parcialmente.
Nkosi, Mlungisi Moses. "Preparation and physico-chemical properties of nickel nanostructured materials deposited in etched ion-track membrane". Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe development of finely dispersed powders and superfine-grained materials intended for application in various areas of science and engineering is one of the challenges facing modern nanotechnology. Thus, specific fundamental and applied research was required in order to consolidate advancement made in preparing nano- and submicron crystalline composite materials.
Useful templates for electrochemical deposition of nanowires include porous alumina films formed by anodic oxidation of aluminium, nuclear track-etched porous membranes, nanochannel array-glass and mesoporous channel hosts. The properties of the nanowires are directly related to the properties of the nanoporous templates such as, the relative pore orientations in the assembly, the pore size distribution, and the surface roughness of the pores. The template synthesis method, based on the use of porous polymeric and inorganic matrixes, is now actively used for synthesis of such composite materials. The method allows the chemical and/or electrochemical synthesis of nano- and microstructured tubes and wires consisting of conducting polymers, metals and semiconductors.
In this study various technological challenges relating to template synthesis and development of nickel nano- and microstructures on adequately strong and durable substrates were investigated. The two methods used were the electrochemical and chemical deposition. &ldquo
Hard nickel&rdquo
bath solution was used for optimal nickel deposition. This optimization included investigating variables such as the template structure, type of electrolyte and form of electrolytic deposition. Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to investigate the structures of template matrixes and the resultant materials. The cyclic voltammetry method was applied for the analysis of electrochemical properties and hydrogen evaluation reaction of nano- and microstructured nickel based electrodes. The activity of composite nano- and microstructured materials in various configurations resulting from pore filling of template matrices by nickel was explored. Studies of the physical structure and chemical properties of the nanostructured materials included investigating the necessary parameters of template matrices. The optimum conditions of synthesis, which allowed development of materials with the highest catalytic activity, were determined. 
The effect of the template structure on microcrystallinity of the catalyst particles was established using the XRD method. Different new types of non-commercial asymmetric ion track membranes has been tested for nanostructure preparation. The catalytic activity of the new developed nanomaterials is higher as compared to materials using commercial templates. The procedures to modify the newly developed nickel catalyst with Pt, Pd and Pt-Pd alloy have been developed. The Pt and Pt-Pd alloy containing catalyst showed the best performance in water electrolysis. In this work, the promising role for specific application of the new materials in hydrogen economy has been demonstrated.
Hinrichs, Joachim. "Geochemical tracers in the deep-sea and the North Sea Geochemische Tracer in der Tiefsee und in der Nordsee /". [S.l. : s.n.], 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaCline, David James 1956. "Tracer experiments using bromide ion and two bacteriophages during soil aquifer treatment studies". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1992.
Pełny tekst źródłaAdeniyi, Olushola Rotimi. "Ion track modification of polyimide film for development of palladium composite membrane for hydrogen separation and purification". Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaSouth Africa s coal and platinum mineral resources are crucial resources towards creating an alternative and environmentally sustainable energy system. The beneficiation of these natural resources can help to enhance a sustainable and effective clean energy base infrastructure and further promote their exploration and exportation for economics gains. By diversification of these resources, coal and the platinum group metals (PGMs) especially palladium market can be further harnessed in the foreseeable future hence SA energy security can be guaranteed from the technological point of view. The South Africa power industry is a critical sector, and has served as a major platform in the South African socio-economic development. This sector has also been identified as a route towards an independent energy base, with global relevance through the development of membrane technologies to effectively and economically separate and purify hydrogen from the gas mixtures released during coal gasification. The South Africa power industry is a critical sector, and has served as a major platform in the SA&rsquo
s socio-economic development. This sector has also been identified as a route towards an independent energy base, with global relevance through the development of membrane technologies to effectively and economically separate and purify hydrogen from the gas mixtures released during coal gasification. Coal gasification is considered as a source of hydrogen gas and the effluent gases released during this process include hydrogen sulphide, oxides of carbon and nitrogen, hydrogen and other particulates. In developing an alternative hydrogen gas separating method, composite membrane based on organic-inorganic system is being considered since the other available methods of hydrogen separation are relatively expensive.
Zhanbotin, A. Zh, A. S. Yessenbekov, M. M. Saifulin i V. V. Saiko. "Field Emission from an Array of Free-standing Copper Nanowires Grown in PET Ion-track Membranes". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaRauber, Markus [Verfasser], Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Ensinger i Christina [Akademischer Betreuer] Roth. "Controlled Synthesis of Nanowire Assemblies by Ion-Track Template Electrodeposition / Markus Rauber. Betreuer: Wolfgang Ensinger ; Christina Roth". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaIssa, Ragiab. "Experimental and mathematical modelling of metal ion-humic acid-silicate minerals interactions". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaAdeniyi, Olushola Rotimi. "Swift heavy ion irradiation of polyester and polyolefin polymeric film for gas separation application". University of the Western Cape, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe combination of ion track technology and chemical etching as a tool to enhance polymer gas properties such as permeability and selectivity is regarded as an avenue to establish technology commercialization and enhance applicability. Traditionally, permeability and selectivity of polymers have been major challenges especially for gas applications. However, it is important to understand the intrinsic polymer properties in order to be able to predict or identify their possible ion-polymer interactions thus facilitate the reorientation of existing polymer structural configurations. This in turn can enhance the gas permeability and selectivity properties of the polymers. Therefore, the choice of polymer is an important prerequisite. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) belongs to the polyester group of polymers and has been extensively studied within the context of post-synthesis modification techniques using swift heavy ion irradiation and chemical treatment which is generally referred to as ‘track-etching’. The use of track-etched polymers in the form of symmetrical membranes structures to investigate gas permeability and selectivity properties has proved successful. However, the previous studies on track-etched polymers films have been mainly focused on the preparation of symmetrical membrane structure, especially in the case of polyesters such as PET polymer films. Also, polyolefins such as polymethyl pentene (PMP) have not been investigated using swift heavy ions and chemical etching procedures. In addition, the use of ‘shielded’ material on PET and PMP polymer films prior to swift heavy ion irradiation and chemical etching to prepare asymmetrical membrane structure have not been investigated. The gas permeability and selectivity of the asymmetrical membrane prepared from swift heavy ion irradiated etched 'shielded' PET and PMP polymer films have not been determined. These highlighted limitations will be addressed in this study. The overall objective of this study was to prepare asymmetric polymeric membranes with porous surface on dense layer from two classes of polymers; (PET and PMP) in order to improve their gas permeability and selectivity properties. The research approach in this study was to use a simple and novel method to prepare an asymmetric PET and PMP polymer membrane with porous surface and dense layer by mechanical attachment of ‘shielded’ material on the polymer film before swift heavy ion irradiation. This irradiation approach allowed for the control of swift heavy ion penetration depth into the PET and PMP polymer film during irradiation. The procedure used in this study is briefly described. Commercial PET and PMP polymer films were mechanically ‘shielded’ with aluminium and PET foils respectively. The ‘shielded’ PET polymer films were then irradiated with swift heavy ions of Xe source while ‘shielded’ PMP polymer films were irradiated with swift heavy ions Kr. The ion energy and fluence of Xe ions was 1.3 MeV and 106 respectively while the Kr ion energy was 3.57 MeV and ion fluence of 109. After swift heavy ion irradiation of ‘shielded’ PET and PMP polymer films, the attached ‘shielded’ materials were removed from PET and PMP polymer film and the irradiated PET and PMP polymer films were chemically etched in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and acidified chromium trioxide (H2SO4 + CrO3) respectively. The chemical etching conditions of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ PET was performed with 1 M NaOH at 80 ˚C under various etching times of 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes. As for the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ PMP polymer film, the chemical etching was performed with 7 M H2SO4 + 3 M CrO3 solution, etching temperature was varied between 40 ˚C and 80 ˚C while the etching time was between 40 minutes to 150 minutes. The SEM (surface and cross-section micrograph) morphology results of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET and PMP films showed that asymmetric membranes with a single-sided porous surface and dense layer was prepared and remained unchanged even after 12 minutes of etching with 1 M NaOH solution as in the case of PET and 2 hours 30 minutes of etching with 7 M H2SO4 + 3 M CrO3 as observed for PMP polymer film. Also, the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film showed the presence of pores on the polymer film surface within 3 minutes of etching. After 12 minutes chemical etching with 1 M NaOH solution, the dense layer of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film experienced significant reduction in thickness of about 40 % of the original thickness of as-received PET polymer film. The surface morphology of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film by SEM analysis revealed finely distributed pores with spherical shapes for the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film within 6 minutes of etching with 1 M NaOH solution. Also, after 9 minutes and 12 minutes of etching with 1 M NaOH solution of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film, the pore walls experienced complete collapse with intense surface roughness. Interestingly, the 12 minutes etched swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated PET did not lose its asymmetrical membrane structure despite the collapse of the pore walls. In the case of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film, SEM morphology analysis showed that the pores retained their shape with the presence of defined pores without intense surface roughness even after extended etching with 7 M H2SO4 + 3 M CrO3 for 2 hours 30 minutes. Also, the pores of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer films were observed to be mono dispersed and not agglomerated or overlapped. The SEM cross-section morphology of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film showed radially oriented pores with increased pore diameters in the PMP polymer film which indicated that etching was radial instead of lateral, and no through pores were observed showing that the dense asymmetrical structure was retained. The SEM results revealed that the pore morphology i.e. size and shape could be accurately controlled during chemical etching of swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated PET and PMP polymer films. The XRD results of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET revealed a single diffraction peak for various times of chemical etching in 1 M NaOH solution at 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes. The diffraction peak of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET was observed to reduce in intensity and marginally shifted to lower angles from 25.95˚ 2 theta to 25.89˚ 2 theta and also became broad in shape. It was considered that the continuous broadening of diffraction peaks due to an increase in etching times could be attributed to disorderliness of the ordered region within the polymer matrix and thus decreases in crystallinity of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film. The XRD analysis of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer films indicated the presence of the diffraction peak at 9.75˚ 2 theta with decrease in intensity while the diffraction peaks located at 13.34˚, 16.42˚, 18.54˚ and 21.46˚ 2 theta disappeared after chemical etching in acidified chromium trioxide (H2SO4 + CrO3) after 2 hours 30 minutes. The TGA thermal profile analysis of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET did not show the evolution of volatile species or moisture at lower temperatures even after 12 minutes of etching in 1 M NaOH solution in comparison with commercial PET polymer film. Also, it was observed that the swift heavy ion irradiated layered’ etched PET polymer film started to undergo degradation at a higher temperature than untreated PET which resulted in an approximate increase of 50 ˚C in comparison with the commercial PET polymer film. The TGA results of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film revealed an improvement of about 50 ˚C in thermal stability before thermal degradation even after etching in acidified chromium trioxide for 2 hours 30 minutes at 80 ˚C. Spectroscopy (IR) analysis of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET and PMP polymer films showed the presence of characteristic functional groups associated with either PET or PMP structures. The variations of irradiation and chemical etching conditions revealed that the swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated etched PET polymer film experienced continuous degradation of available functional groups as a function of etching time and also with complete disappearance of some functional groups such as 1105 cm-1 and 1129 cm-1 compared with the as-received PET polymer film which are both associated with the para-substituted position of benzene rings. In the case of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film, spectroscopic (IR) analysis showed significant variations in the susceptibility of associated functional groups within the PMP polymer film with selective attack and emergence of some specific functional groups such as at 1478 cm-1, 1810 cm-1 and 2115 cm-1 which were assigned to methylene, CH3 (asymmetry deformation), CH3 and CH2 respectively Also, the IR results for swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer showed that unsaturated olefinic groups were the dominant functional groups that were being attacked by during etching with acidified chromium trioxide (H2SO4+CrO3) which is an aggressive chemical etchant. The gas permeability analysis of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET and PMP polymer films showed that the gas permeability was improved in comparison with the as-received PET and as-received PMP polymer films. The gas permeability of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET increased as a function of etching time and was found to be highest after 12 minutes of chemical etching in 1 M NaOH at 80 ˚C. In the case of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP, the gas permeability was observed to show the highest gas permeability after 2 hours 30 minutes of etching in H2SO4 + CrO3 solution. The gas permeability analysis for swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ PET and PMP polymer films was tested for He, CO2 and CH4 and the permeability results showed that helium was most permeable compared with CO2 and CH4 gases. In comparison, the selectivity analysis was performed for He/CO2 and CH4/He and the results showed that the selectivity decreased with increasing in etching time as expected. This study identified some important findings. Firstly, it was observed that the use of ‘shielded’ material on PET and PMP polymer films prior to swift heavy ion irradiation proved successful in the creation of asymmetrical polymer membrane structure. Also, it was also observed that the chemical etching of the ‘shielded’ swift heavy ion irradiated PET and PMP polymer films resulted in the presence of pores on the swift heavy ion irradiated side while the unirradiated sides of the PET and PMP polymer films were unaffected during chemical etching hence the pore depth could be controlled. In addition, the etching experiment showed that the pores geometry can be controlled as well as the gas permeability and selectivity properties of swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated etched PET and PMP polymer films. The process of polymer bulk and surface properties modification using ion-track technology i.e. swift heavy ion irradiation and subsequent chemical treatment of the irradiated polymer serves to reveal characteristic pore profiles unique to the prevailing ion-polymer interaction and ultimately results in alteration of the polymer characteristics.
Rahmanian, Shirin [Verfasser], i Oliver [Akademischer Betreuer] Jäkel. "Application of Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors for Cellular Dosimetry in Ion Beam Radiotherapy / Shirin Rahmanian ; Betreuer: Oliver Jäkel". Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaTed, Malmgren, i Mojsovski Radovan. "Track It - Utveckling av ett plattformsöverskridande gränssnitt till en spårningsapplikation". Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe success of a user interface´s design is very much dependant on the users learnedroutines and personal preferences. This study aims to discover if it is possible to develop auser interface, which is to be used in a GPS-tracking application, can satisfy users of themajor development platforms (Android, iOS). Android and iOS have their ownimplementations of various user interface areas and compromises in the design are neededto make the user interface compelling to both sides. The interface is created with bothAndroid and iOS guidelines in mind, as well as generic design principles discovered inearlier research. A SUS study was conducted to get a usability score on the user interface,and a small interview was used to retrieve pros and cons in the interface. The data gatheredfrom the study was then analysed. The information was then used as a guide in an iterativedevelopment step of the existing design. In this iteration the design issues are corrected tosuit the preferences of the users. The result of the final material is then analysed and aconclusion is presented to the reader.
Spende, Anne [Verfasser], Christina [Akademischer Betreuer] Trautmann i Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Ensinger. "Surface Modification of Etched Ion-Track Polymer Membranes by Atomic Layer Deposition / Anne Spende. Betreuer: Christina Trautmann ; Wolfgang Ensinger". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaCassinelli, Marco [Verfasser], Christina [Akademischer Betreuer] Trautmann i Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Ensinger. "Thermoelectric Properties of Bi1-xSbx Nanowires Electrodeposited in Etched Ion-Track Membranes / Marco Cassinelli. Betreuer: Christina Trautmann ; Wolfgang Ensinger". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaLachamp, Philippe. "Organisation et mise en place des synapses glutamatergiques dans le noyau du tractus solitaire du rat". Aix-Marseille 3, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaGlutamate is the main excitatory transmitter in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), a sensory relay nucleus which receives visceral afferents. We describe a subpopulation of glutamatergic axon terminals that co-express both vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluT1 and VGluT2) in the rat NTS. We show that this sub-population of terminals originate from visceral afferent fibers. Synaptogenesis in the rat NTS begins before birth. We describe two other periods of synapse formation that take place during the first postnatal month. We show that a proportion of the synapses formed after birth correspond to glutamatergic synapses. We next demonstrate that the GluR2 subunit of the AMPA receptor and the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor are both localized within synapses at the onset of synaptogenesis in the rat NTS. No change in localization of the GluR2 subunit occurs with development whereas, in adults, the NR1 subunit is mainly found at extrasynaptic locations
Bäckström, Gloria. "Protons, other Light Ions, and 60Co Photons : Study of Energy Deposit Clustering via Track Structure Simulations". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för sjukhusfysik, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaNguyen, Quoc Hung [Verfasser], Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Ensinger i Reinhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Neumann. "(Bio)Molecular Transport and Recognition in Heavy Ion Track-Etched Polymeric Nanopores / Quoc Hung Nguyen. Betreuer: Wolfgang Ensinger ; Reinhard Neumann". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaVan, Heerden Michael Rudi. "Improving the selectivity of the radio-labelling of ion exchange resin tracers for positron emission particle tracking". Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaAlruwaili, Manal Abluk. "PERFORMANCE OF THE HEAVY FLAVOR TRACKER (HFT) DETECTOR IN STAR EXPERIMENT AT RHIC". Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaLiamsuwan, Thiansin. "Development of Monte Carlo track structure simulations for protons and carbon ions in water". Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Fysikum, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Submitted. Paper 5: Submitted.
Colin, Michel. "Possibilités d'analyses de traces d'éléments légers par activation aux ions lo urds ¹¹B et ¹⁵N /". Lausanne, 1987.
Pełny tekst źródłaBertschik, Michael. "The kinematical parameters of minor mergers and their observational traces". [S.l. : s.n.], 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaJanulyte, Aurika. "Etude physico-électrique et optimisation métrologique d'un spectromètre de masse pour la détection temps réel de traces de dioxines". Aix-Marseille 1, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaTo increase the ion trap mass spectrometer metrological performance to better detect large molecular weight compounds, i. E. , dioxines, a systematic study of the different mass spectrometric detection stages was performed. In order to increase the ion trap's resolution and sensitivity, different parameters were tested to determine the influence of the corresponding stage's effect of the given parameter on the ion confinement leading to 'damaged' ion spectra. First, principally, power supplies electrical and ion trap's mechanical defects were studied. Secondly, the wave generator electrical environment was studied. In order to confine large molecular mass ions within an ion trap, higher voltage amplitude the wave generator was developed. This wave generator respected criteria of frequency and voltage amplitude stability to better confine large molecular ions such as dioxines
Lamotte, Maxime. "Etude du signal optique des chambres à fission et évaluation de son exploitation pour un système de mesure neutronique d'un réacteur de génération IV Development and first use of an experimental device for fission-induced spectrometry applied to neutron flux monitoring SCENA: A simulation tool for radiation-induced gas scintillation Simulation of heavy-ion slowing-down tracks with the SCENA code Design and irradiation test of an innovative optical ionization chamber technology Pulse-reactor core monitoring with an innovative optical neutron detector". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis PhD thesis details the study of luminescence produced in gaseous detectors as fission chambers, to evaluate its use in 4th generation nuclear reactor power monitoring, as ASTRID.Energy deposition in the gas, from heavy-ions produced during nuclear fission in a fission chamber is usually used for its charge generation ability, that can be detected with electrodes. Such method has been used since the beginning of atomic era present disadvantages, and necessary improvements have been assessed.By estimating fission chamber gas excited states production, one can deduce intrinsic light emission, and its detection by appropriate photo-detectors. Use of an optical signal against an electric one improves dependability of a neutron flux monitoring system, immune to electromagnetic noise.Spectroscopic studies of a nuclear plasma in a self-designed analytical device allows observation of typical gas scintillation emission lines. Analysis of emission lines reinforce optical detection attraction, as pressure and gas composition can be monitored online.Alongside our experiments, a simulation code dedicated to heavy-ions induced cold-plasma excited levels population has been produced to optimise future detectors relying on optical emission. Typical times encountered for excited states generation and their position around an ionization track have been estimated.Several neutron detector prototypes based on the sole gas scintillation principle have been assessed in cold neutron beam lines of the Orphée reactor, to validate a proof of concept for neutron monitoring. Experiments on the Cabri reactor allowed quantification of detection limit, linearity and dynamic range of our system.The positive outcomes provided by these 3 lines of work validate the proof of concept of passive, on-line, and self-diagnosed neutron detection with high dependability in harsh environments
Dehon, Christophe. "Méthodes d'ionisation dans un spectomètre de masse FTICR transportable : application à l'analyse de traces et au couplage synchrotron". Paris 11, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaIon trapping mass spectrometry techniques allow to keep, select, react and detect charged particles. Transportable Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometers based on permanent magnets have been developed in the laboratory for detection of compounds in the mass range 1-500u. Ionization techniques such as electron impact, chemical ionization and other photoionisation techniques are available in the FTICR cell. The first goal of this thesis was development of Chemical Ionization (CI) precursors for quantitative analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) traces in air in these instruments. Proton Transfer Reaction (PTR) using H3O+, known as an efficient, soft and generalist technique, was shown to perform well for CI-FTICR analysis of complex mixtures. Use of more selective PTR precursors such as protonated dimethylether or protonated xylene was also achieved. In order to extend the range of analyzed VOCs, other ion-molecule reactions were studied such as hydride abstraction by CF3+, proton capture in negative mode by OH–, or reactions of metal complexes such as cyclopentadienylcobalt. These reactions proved to be efficient for CI analysis of alkanes and/or halogenated compounds. A second part of this work has consisted in coupling the instrument with synchrotron sources in order to induce VUV photoionization of molecules or ions in the ICR cell. Two types of experiments were achieved : photoionization of gas mixtures similar to the neutral components of Titan ionosphere and study of subsequent ion-molecule reactions that prove to be induced by N2+ photoionization of Xe+ to Xe2+, allowing accurate determination of xenon double ionization threshold
Ucar, Aziz. "Developments for the TOF straw tracker". [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaVillegas, Navarro Fernanda. "Micro/nanometric Scale Study of Energy Deposition and its Impact on the Biological Response for Ionizing Radiation : Brachytherapy radionuclides, proton and carbon ion beams". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Medicinsk strålningsvetenskap, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaKrieg, Janina [Verfasser], Christina [Akademischer Betreuer] Trautmann i Ralph [Akademischer Betreuer] Krupke. "Characterization of individual Bi2Te3 nanowires electrodeposited in etched ion-track membranes for nano-ARPES and electrical transport studies / Janina Krieg ; Christina Trautmann, Ralph Krupke". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródła