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Supply, Western Australia Steering Committee for Research on LandUse and Water. Stream salinity and its reclamation in south-west Western Australia. Leederville, WA: Water Authority of Western Australia, Water Resources Directorate, 1989.

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Schofield, N. J. The impact of agricultural development on the salinity of surface water resources of south-west Western Australia. Leederville, WA: Water Authority of Western Australia, 1988.

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Strawbridge, M. The extent, condition and management of remnant vegetation in water resource recovery catchments in south Western Australia: Report to the Natural Heritage Trust. East Perth, W.A: Water and Rivers Commission, 1999.

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John, Abrams, red. Companies we keep: Employee ownership and the business of community and place. Wyd. 2. White River Junction, Vt: Chelsea Green Pub. Co., 2008.

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William, Greider, red. The company we keep: Reinventing small business for people, community, and place. White River Junction, Vt: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2005.

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Schofield, N. J. Water interactions with land use and climate in south western Australia: Presentation to the Hydrology and Forest Practice Workshop, Canberra, 13-17 November 1989. Leederville, WA: Water Authority of Western Australia, 1990.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A management review of the Charleston Naval Complex Redevelopment Authority. Columbia, S.C: Legislative Audit Council, 2000.

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Council, South Carolina General Assembly Legislative Audit. Report to the General Assembly: A management and performance review of the South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority. [Columbia, S.C.] (620 Bankers Trust Tower, Columbia 29201): The Council, 1995.

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Council, South Carolina General Assembly Legislative Audit. Report to the General Assembly: Department of Health and Environmental Control's implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1994.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A sunset review of the Department of Health and Environmental Control's health services. [Columbia, S.C.]: The Council, 1996.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the Department of Health and Environmental Control's SUPERB Fund and Underground Storage Tank Program. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1995.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of South Carolina school bus operations. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 2001.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the South Carolina Insurance Reserve Fund. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1995.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: Cost savings strategies for the South Carolina Medicaid program. Columbia, S.C: Legislative Audit Council, 2001.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1996.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: Options for Medicaid cost containment. Columbia, S.C: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 2003.

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Council, South Carolina General Assembly Legislative Audit. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the state operations of the Adjutant General. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 2000.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A limited-scope review of the Department of Social Services. [Columbia, S.C.]: The Council, 1991.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the Public Service Commission. Columbia, S.C: Legislative Audit Council, 2003.

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Council, South Carolina General Assembly Legislative Audit. Report to the General Assembly: A limited-scope review of the South Carolina State Department of Education. Columbia, SC: The Council, 1996.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of competition for the Department of Transportation's road paving contracts. Columbia, S.C: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 2001.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the Department of Revenue's vehicle assessment guides. Columbia, S.C: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 2000.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A limited-scope review of the Residential Property Tax Relief Program. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1999.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the Medical University of South Carolina and University Medical Associates. Columbia, S.C: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 1999.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of selected operations of the State Housing Finance and Development Authority. Columbia, S.C: Legislative Audit Council, 2003.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the implementation of the South Carolina Family Independence Act. Columbia, SC: The Council, 1996.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: Education and safety issues at the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind. Columbia, S.C: Legislative Audit Council, 2003.

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Council, South Carolina General Assembly Legislative Audit. Report to the General Assembly: A review of the higher education performance funding process. Columbia, S.C: Legislative Audit Council, 2001.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A performance audit of the South Carolina Resources Authority Infrastructure Funding Program. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1994.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: A limited-scope review of long term care and related services for the elderly. Columbia, S.C: The Council, 1993.

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South Carolina. General Assembly. Legislative Audit Council. Report to the General Assembly: An administrative review of the Department of Commerce. Columbia, S.C: South Carolina Legislative Audit Council, 2002.

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(Foreword), William Grieder, red. The Company We Keep: Reinventing Small Business for People, Community, And Place. Chelsea Green, 2006.

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Cottle, David, i Lewis Kahn, red. Beef Cattle Production and Trade. CSIRO Publishing, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/9780643109896.

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Beef Cattle Production and Trade covers all aspects of the beef industry from paddock to plate. It is an international text with an emphasis on Australian beef production, written by experts in the field. The book begins with an overview of the historical evolution of world beef consumption and introductory chapters on carcass and meat quality, market preparation and world beef production. North America, Brazil, China, South-East Asia and Japan are discussed in separate chapters, followed by Australian beef production, including feed lotting and live export. The remaining chapters summarise R&D, emphasising the Australian experience, and look at different production systems and aspects of animal husbandry such as health, reproduction, grazing, feeding and finishing, genetics and breeding, production efficiency, environmental management and business management. The final chapter examines various case studies in northern and southern Australia, covering feed demand and supply, supplements, pasture management, heifer and weaner management, and management of internal and external parasites.
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