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Macdonald, L. W. "Realistic visualisation of cultural heritage objects". Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2015.

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This research investigation used digital photography in a hemispherical dome, enabling a set of 64 photographic images of an object to be captured in perfect pixel register, with each image illuminated from a different direction. This representation turns out to be much richer than a single 2D image, because it contains information at each point about both the 3D shape of the surface (gradient and local curvature) and the directionality of reflectance (gloss and specularity). Thereby it enables not only interactive visualisation through viewer software, giving the illusion of 3D, but also the reconstruction of an actual 3D surface and highly realistic rendering of a wide range of materials. The following seven outcomes of the research are claimed as novel and therefore as representing contributions to knowledge in the field:  A method for determining the geometry of an illumination dome;  An adaptive method for finding surface normals by bounded regression;  Generating 3D surfaces from photometric stereo;  Relationship between surface normals and specular angles;  Modelling surface specularity by a modified Lorentzian function;  Determining the optimal wavelengths of colour laser scanners;  Characterising colour devices by synthetic reflectance spectra.
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Tornari, Vivi. "Holographic interference : structural deformation detection applied to cultural heritage objects". Thesis, University of Sunderland, 2013.

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Interference is a fundamental physical phenomenon proving the wave nature of energy. It is based on wave superposition forming natural waveeffects expressed both in nature under random selective conditions as well as in laboratory scientific experiments by carefully controlled selection of parameters. Science generates a number of technology applications using the inherited properties of waves after their superposition in space termed interference. These interfering waves have extremely rare properties compared to their initial physical systems and become entities with measurable quantities which can be used to quantify qualities in other phenomena, mechanisms, and physical objects with variety of physical properties. These waves are currently fully explored in theoretical and experimental physics finding many modern applications and enlightening the way to longstanding questions. Remote non contact study of surfaces and their reactions visually witnessing internal subsurface and unknown bulk information without need to implement destructing forces or penetrating irradiation to trace them and without interacting with it or interfering with the results is one of the most challenging modern applications of interference physics. Apart from everyday life applications artworks’ conservation is a field that interference properties are uniquely suited. It is the quality of light wave interference that is being utilised in this body of research and summarised in the present thesis. The context of the presented thesis unfolded in next chapters is constructed in one book on a contextual rather than chronological order. The contextual base presentation is achieved through clustering same context published articles that have resulted over the course of years of research which have been published in review journals, conference proceedings or governmental publications. The formation of laser interference fringe patterns and their exceptional qualitites in application for structural diagnosis with defect detection and definition, their unique properties utilised in studies of environmental and climate effects, the prototype optical geometries and novel experimental methodologies envisaged to solve specific application problems are presented along with examination on theoretical matters of exploring interference properties, qualities, geometries and their outmost final product the interference fringe pattern. Thus in this thesis the aim is to prove the contribution of the experimental research publications to the study of interference patterns as a highly sophisticated structural diagnostic tool in the complicated problems of Cultural Heritage applications. The implementation of interference phenomena and the development in experimental investigations applied in inhomogeneous, anisotropic, shape variant, multilayered, multicomposition cultural heritage objects, paves the way to implement “fringe patterns” as a scaleless (scale independent) diagnostic detector allowing generation of novel tools and practices on problem solving projects. The developments are beyond the specific application and are extended to other fields of science and technology. The articles and bibliography cited within the text including author's publications utilised as sources in the writing of this thesis are referenced in square brackets and are explicitly listed in ANNEX I The list of publications of the author is shown in ANNEX II. The originals of author's publications supporting the thesis are provided after the Annex II as have been published. Due to limitation in number of pages there is not included a section to present the fundamental principles of the phenomena presented here instead a list of books commonly found in most University libraries is provided for interested readers as BIBLIOGRAPHY at the last paragraphs of ANNEX I.
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Beltran, Sanchidrian Victòria. "Vibrational spectroscopies study of Pinus resin in materials from cultural heritage objects". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016.

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Many historical objects have coatings or varnish layers on the surface. In order to determine their conservation and historical contextualization is necessary to know its origin, why they were applied, the application technique and how they aged. In this context we found that one kind of material used is diterpenic resin obtained from species of the Pinaceae family. A search in historical sources from 9th to 19th centuries was performed in order to know how Pinaceae resin was used during history. It has been observed that resins from certain Pinaceae species such as Abies alba Mill. or Larix decidua Mill. were mainly applied in valuable objects. On the other hand, Pinus species were mainly used in daily objects without artistic merit. Moreover, it is also noted that, generally, coatings made from Pinaceae species resin include also other resins, essential oils, drying oils, etc. However, the analytical data obtained from varnishes and coatings of historical objects from our geographical environment, demonstrate that Pinus resin was used in a wider range of objects than the ones mentioned in consulted historical sources. The analysis of varnish and coating layers is very intricate. Besides the complexity of its composition, these layers are very thin, <20 µm, and they are on the surface so many interferences can be found like deposition products or even remains of biological activity. This work is focused on the study of main compounds of Pinaceae species resins used in varnishes and coatings. Particularly, it is centred in resin from Pinus genus species: its aging processes and its markers in FTIR and Raman spectra in order to detect the oxidation degree of this material. The main analytical techniques used are vibrational spectroscopies µRaman and µFTIR. While these techniques have some limitations, particularly its low sensitivity, they provide information from a wide range of molecular and intermolecular bonds. Additionally, analysis are fast, the cost is moderate and have a reduced environmental impact, since waste generated is very low. Obtained results have been used for the analysis of coatings and varnishes from historical objects. These analysis have been performed with optimized sample preparation methods and using complementary analytical techniques such as optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX) and analytical techniques with synchrotron sources for small heterogeneous samples with complex structure (µSR-FTIR in Diamond Synchrotron Light Source, Oxfordshire and µSR-XRD Synchrotron ALBA-CELLS, Barcelona).
A la superfície de molts objectes d’interès històric s ’hi troben capes de vernís o recobriments dels quals, per la seva conservació i contextualització històrica, és necessari conèixer el seu origen, la raó per la qual van ser aplicats, la tècnica d’aplicació i com els ha afectat el pas del temps. En aquest context ens trobem que un dels materials que ha estat àmpliament utilitzat és la resina diterpènica obtinguda d’espècies de la família Pinaceae. S’ha dut a terme una cerca en tractats i manuscrits d’entre els segles IX i XIX per veure quin impacte tenia el seu ús i com s ’aplicaven històricament. S'ha observat que resines d’espècies com ara Abies alba Mill. o Larix decidua Mill. eren principalment reservades per vernissos i recobriments d'objectes de valor artístic. En aquests tractats també es pot veure que l’ús principal de la resina extreta d’espècies de Pinus era per vernissos i recobriments d'objectes d’ús quotidià i, generalment, de poc valor artístic. De la mateixa manera, s'observa que habitualment els recobriments fets amb resina de Pinaceae contenien també altres tipus de resines, olis essencials, olis assecants, etc. No obstant això, les dades analítiques obtingudes d’objectes artístics de diferents èpoques del nostre entorn geogràfic, van indicant que la resina de Pinus era més àmpliament emprada del que es descriu a les fonts històriques consultades. La complexitat de l’anàlisi d’aquestes capes de vernís o recobriments, més enllà de la complexitat de la seva composició, és que acostumen a trobarse en capes de molt poc gruix, <20 μm, i que es tan en contacte amb l’ambient, i per tant s ’hi pot trobar també deposició de pols i, fins i tot, res idus d’activitat biològica. Aquest treball es centra en l’estudi dels components principals de les resines de la família Pinaceae utilitzades en vernissos i recobriments. Concretament en les espècies del gènere Pinus , els proces s os d’envelliment i l’obtenció de marcadors als espectres de FTIR i Raman per detectar-ne el grau d’oxidació del material. Les tècniques d’anàlisi principals han estat les espectroscòpies vibracionals μFTIR i μRaman. Si bé aquestes tècniques presenten algunes limitacions, especialment pel que fa a la sensibilitat, permeten obtenir informació d’un ampli ventall d’enllaços moleculars i intermoleculars. A més, les anàlisis són ràpides, el seu cost és relativament baix i tenen un reduït impacte mediambiental, ja que la generació de residus és gairebé nul·la. Els resultats obtinguts s ’han utilitzat per l’anàlisi de recobriments d’objectes d’interès històrico-artístic. Per dur a terme aquestes anàlisis s ’han optimitzat mètodes de preparació de mostra i utilitzat tècniques analítiques complementàries, com ara la microscòpia òptica i la microscòpia electrònics de ras treig (SEM-EDX) i l’ús de tècniques associades a la llum sincrotró quan la quantitat, heterogeneïtat i estructura de les mostres ho han fet necessari (μSR-FTIR al Sincrotró Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire i μSR-XRD al Sincrotró ALBA-CELLS, Barcelona).
En la superficie de muchos objetos de interés histórico se encuentran capas de barniz o recubrimientos de los que, por su conservación y contextualización histórica, es necesario conocer el origen, por qué motivo fueron aplicados, la técnica de aplicación y cómo les ha afectado el paso del tiempo. En este contexto nos encontramos que uno de los tipos de materiales utilizados son las resinas diterpénicas obtenidas de especies de la familia Pinaceae. Se ha llevado a cabo una búsqueda en tratados y manuscritos de entre los siglos IX y XIX para conocer sus usos y cómo se han aplicado a lo largo de la historia. Se ha observado que resinas de ciertas especies de Pinaceae como Abies alba Mill. o Larix decidua Mill. eran principalmente reservadas a los objetos de valor artístico. En estos tratados también se comprueba que las resinas de las especies de Pinus se usaban principalmente en objetos de cotidianos y generalmente de poco valor artístico. Además se observa que, generalmente, los barnices hechos a partir de resinas de especies de Pinaceae suelen incluir también otras resinas, aceites esenciales, aceites secantes, etc. Sin embargo, los datos analíticos de los barnices y recubrimientos de objetos artísticos de diferentes épocas de nuestro entorno geográfico, van indicando que la resina de Pinus era más ampliamente empleada de lo que se describe en las fuentes históricas consultadas. La dificultad del análisis de estas capas de barniz o recubrimientos, además de la complejidad de su composición, reside en que suelen encontrarse en capas de muy poco grosor, <20 μm, y que están en contacto con el ambiente, de modo que en la superficie se puede encontrar también deposición de polvo e, incluso, residuos de actividad biológica. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de los componentes principales de las resinas de la familia Pinaceae usadas en barnices y recubrimientos. Concretamente se centra en la resina de las especies del género Pinus, sus procesos de envejecimiento y la obtención de marcadores en los espectros de FTIR y Raman para detectar el grado de oxidación del material. Las técnicas analíticas principales han sido las espectroscopias vibracionales μFTIR y μRaman. Si bien estas técnicas presentan algunas limitaciones, especialmente en cuanto a la baja sensibilidad, permiten obtener información de un amplio abanico de enlaces moleculares e intermoleculares. Además, los análisis son rápidos, su coste es relativamente bajo y tienen un reducido impacto medioambiental, dado que la generación de residuos es prácticamente nula. Los resultados obtenidos se han utilizado para el análisis de recubrimientos de objetos de interés histórico-artístico. Para llevar a cabo estos análisis se han optimizado los métodos de preparación de muestra y se han usado técnicas analíticas complementarias, como la microscopía óptica, la microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM-EDX) y el uso de técnicas asociadas a la luz sincrotrón cuando la cantidad, heterogeneidad y estructura de las muestras lo han hecho necesario (μSR-FTIR en el Sincrotrón Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire y μSR-XRD en el Sincrotrón ALBA-CELLS, Barcelona).
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Wu, Sarina. "Ethnopolitics and intangible cultural heritage in Inner Mongolia, China". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016.

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Haber, Agnes [Verfasser]. "Analysis of porous media and objects of cultural heritage by mobile NMR / Agnes Haber". Aachen : Hochschulbibliothek der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 2012.

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Ip, Holly, i 葉浩莉. "Ashes of the after death: the tangible and intangible heritage of bamboo-paper ritual objects". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2012.

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When it comes to ritual ceremonies like Qing Ming, Chong Yang, Yu Lan, one will see all kinds of fascinating ritual paper offerings, ranging from the traditional to fashionable-living necessities, even though the recipients are dead. The types of ritual paper offerings can be categorized into paper materials (joss paper), bamboo-paper objects (traditional crafts), and non-bamboo framed objects (contemporary crafts). Though the life of these ritual paper objects is very short, because they are burned soon after they are made, they are designed and crafted in a very unique way. The topic of ritual paper objects is a very interesting one; however, it has hitherto received little scholarly attention from a heritage conservation perspective. It is found that a large body of literature mentions ritual paper objects in the context of the funeral ceremony. Building on the existing studies, this dissertation will demonstrate and recognize the cultural significance of the art and craft of bamboo-paper objects in Chinese culture with reference to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), and thereby suggest ways for safeguarding this traditional craftsmanship.
Master of Science in Conservation
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Ahmad, Samin Ishtiaq. "What controls algal greening of sandstone heritage? : an experimental approach". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.

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Recent observations have shown that many sandstone buildings, including important components of the UK's cultural heritage, are becoming covered with green algal growths. This is likely to result from recent changes in air quality and the impacts of a changing climate. The northern regions of the UK in particular have an abundance of sandstone heritage and, given the likelihood of warmer, wetter winters here, algal growth on vulnerable monuments is likely to become a primary conservation concern over the next 50 years. Observations of sandstone monuments in the northern regions of the UK, in particular in Belfast (Northern Ireland), Sheffield and Edinburgh have highlighted that algal greening is notably patchy. This is likely due to the array of factors which affect the bioreceptivity of host substrates such as sandstone. The bioreceptivity of a substrate (its ability to become colonised by microbes such as green algae) is dependent on inherent, external and architectural factors. The role of these factors and the interrelationships between them requires further study. This thesis aims to investigate the inherent, external and architectural factors which encourage colonisation of sandstone by green algae through an integrated programme of laboratory and field experimentation. The primary objectives of this study are: to develop improved laboratory experimental methods to control and monitor algal growth, to investigate the role of external, inherent and architectural factors and to explore the fundamental role of moisture in the development of algal greening. In order to address these objectives, laboratory and field experiments have been linked within an integrated overall methodology. Short-term laboratory experiments have investigated the bioreceptivity of four British sandstones (Peak Moor, Dungannon, St Bees and 'baluster stone') to single and mixed green algal treatment with Stichococcus bacillaris, Chlorella vulgaris and Desmococcus olivaceus, under controlled conditions. Two field experiments have also been conducted. The first exposed unweathered blocks of Dungannon sandstone in the wet environment of Derrygonnelly, Northern Ireland for 30 months. The second exposed reclaimed sandstone balusters in a shaded and exposed site in central Oxford for 12 months. The laboratory and field experiments presented utlilise a range of simple and accessible methods to monitor biofilm development (for example novel methods to map biomass) and changes in substrate condition (such as monitoring surface moisture movements with weight change and hand-held moisture meters, and using light microscopy to help visualise the impact of green algal biofilms). The results presented in this thesis confirm that moisture plays a fundamental role in the development of green algal biofilms. In laboratory experiments, colonisation often occurred within a consistent moisture zone and preferential greening in field experiments was observed in areas of frequent moisture movement. External factors have been shown to have a strong influence, in laboratory experiments where marine salts were applied, these were found to delay colonisation by around seven days. Furthermore, salts resulted in inhomogeneous patterns of colonisation, similar to those observed in scoping studies conducted in Sheffield. Laboratory experiments have also demonstrated that inherent substrate factors such as high porosity and presence of certain minerals (such as clay laminations in Dungannon) can increase the primary bioreceptivity of sandstone surfaces. Field experiments have demonstrated that architectural factors such as aspect and geometry can increase the bioreceptivity of exposed samples. In particular, preferential greening was observed on the dynamically wetted south west facing blocks in Derrygonnelly and on exposed compared with shaded balusters in Oxford. Greening was also concentrated in areas of rainwater flows and stores. Investigation of the role of external, inherent and architectural factors in the development of algal greening as provided by this project, supplies useful information for those managing our sandstone cultural heritage. This will enable more informed decisions to be made over appropriate management and conservation strategies for the future.
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He, Shuaishuai. "Developing relations between heritage conservation and urban revitalization : lessons from China". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.

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The overall aim of this thesis is to further understanding of the developing relations between heritage conservation and urban revitalization, by following the on-going World Heritage List nomination process for the Grand Canal in China. A review of the history and current situation of heritage conservation and urban revitalization establishes several key gaps in knowledge, for example, the field of systematic heritage conservation is still left blank. Taking advantage of the opportunity to work with this on-going nomination, the project examines the nature and challenges of heritage conservation research and practice for a heritage property of large scale and complexity, in the form of four linked studies. A critique of the national level nomination process to date illustrates the complexity of the task, and concludes that systematic heritage conservation has not been established as a concentrated and nation-wide heritage conservation activity in China. Focusing on the municipal level nomination process to date through a case study of the city of Zhenjiang (and Yangzhou as a comparator) establishes key reasons why one city has been more successful than the other in its participation in the World Heritage List nomination. A second case study, of the Xi Jin Ferry area in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Province), provides a fuller account of the ways in which heritage conservation can contribute to, and work with, urban revitalization. Drawing on the case of Xi Jin Ferry, a theoretically-informed, but practically-viable approach to linking heritage conservation and urban revitalization is developed which learns from the past and looks to the future. Building on the empirical research projects, a critique of existing approaches to heritage conservation of large, complex sites leads to a proposal for a 'Heritage System' framework which would facilitate future evaluations and improve the prospects for on-going management of the Grand Canal.
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Shyllon, Ololade Olakitan. "The right to the return of African cultural heritage : a human rights perspective". Diss., University of Pretoria, 2007.

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This research focuses on how many African cultural objects found their way to Western museums or private collections. Therefore the author examines to what extent African states have succeeded in their quest for the return of their cultural objects and what the inadequacies in the current international legal regime for the return of cultural objects are. Can the return of African cultural objects properly be identified as a human right issue and will such identification present better chances for their return? Also look at how existing international human rights mechanisms are applied in the quest for the return of African cultural objects. Focuses on the specific African countries of Nigeria and Ethiopia in respect of their efforts towards the return of their tangible and moveable cultural heritage.
Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2007.
A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Eshete of the Faculty of Law, University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Centre for Human Rights
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Tanner-Kaplash, Sonja. "The common heritage of all mankind : a study of cultural policy and legislation pertinent to cultural objects". Thesis, University of Leicester, 1989.

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Government policy is subject to many influences, which may range from a philosophical position arising from changes in the value systems of a given society, to logistic considerations, such as available methods of implementation and the prevailing economic structure. The value system known as "the common heritage of all mankind" - the long-term global stewardship of natural and man-made resources - is explored in this thesis in the context of cultural policies, specifically those concerning cultural objects. Heritage, linked to the concept of inheritance as a legally protected future interest, is traced in its historical migration from the private sphere to the development of national public assets to an international awareness of global stewardship. Implementing legislation is a salient indicator of cultural policy; the cyclical relationship in which legal precepts internalized by a society from earlier laws become integral to the cycle of policy formulation and application is illustrated, featuring legislation from several States. While the thesis is cast within a particular philosophical framework, practical economic realities are among the most important logistic considerations for government policy development. Illicit activities have been recognized as a major threat to cultural objects in the modern world, in addition, these objects are frequently "luxury goods" for which historically, regulation and taxation have been the rule rather than the exception; the thesis argues for a practical, domestic and economic approach to the problem of protection. This implies control of cultural objects in some form, including the documentation of significant pieces. The thesis conclusions propose that both the responsibilities and associated costs could be defrayed and shared by governments and the private sector by means of a licensing program.
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HUNTER, Andrew, i a. hunter@ecu edu au. "Philosophical Justification and the Legal Accommodation of Indigenous Ritual Objects; an Australian Study". Edith Cowan University. Community Services, Education And Social Sciences: School Of International, Cultural And Community Studies, 2006.

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Indigenous cultural possessions constitute a diverse global issue. This issue includes some culturally important, intangible tribal objects. This is evident in the Australian copyright cases viewed in this study, which provide examples of disputes over traditional Indigenous visual art. A proposal for the legal recognition of Indigenous cultural possessions in Australia is also reviewed, in terms of a new category of law. When such cultural objects are in an artistic form they constitute the tribe's self-presentation and its mechanism of cultural continuity. Philosophical arguments for the legal recognition of Indigenous intellectual `property' tend to assume that the value of Indigenous intellectual property is determinable on external criteria.
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Papatheodorou, Artemis. "Ottoman policy-making in an age of reforms : unearthing Ottoman archaeology in the 19th and early 20th centuries". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2017.

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This thesis discusses the Ottoman policies on archaeology in the aftermath of the initiation of the Tanzimat reforms (1839) and until the end of the Ottoman Empire (1923). It explores the activities of the central state, the autonomous Principality of Samos in the Aegean, and the Hellenic Literary Society at Constantinople. Primary and secondary sources in Ottoman Turkish, Katharevousa Greek, Modern Turkish and Modern Greek, English and French inform the analysis. The first chapter looks at the contexts within which an Ottoman interest in archaeology emerged. It discusses the rise of archaeology as a distinct area of scientific and scholarly research in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the encounters of the Ottomans with western archaeologies in that period, and those domestic intellectual dynamics that made them receptive to archaeology. The second chapter focuses on the Ottoman legislation on antiquities, and secondarily looks at related institutional developments. It discusses at length the emergence of an Ottoman voice on archaeology through the crystallisation of increasingly comprehensive and mature sets of rules and procedures on heritage management. By looking at the autonomous Principality of Samos, the third chapter shifts the attention to the western periphery of the empire, and explores how the Greek Orthodox, when outside the direct control of the central state, could develop their own understanding of, processes and structures regarding archaeology. The fourth chapter looks, for the first time in the literature, at the archaeological activities of the Hellenic Literary Society at Constantinople, and discusses the contribution of Ottoman society to the promotion of archaeological research and the protection of monuments. Overall, this thesis provides a critical analysis of the emergence of the concept and practice of archaeological heritage protection in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
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Vukovic, Kresimir. "The Roman festival of the Lupercalia : history, myth, ritual and its Indo-European heritage". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.

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The Roman festival of the Lupercalia is one of the most discussed issues in the field of pre-Christian Roman religion. Hardly a year goes by without an article on the subject appearing in a major Classics journal. But the festival presents a range of issues that individual articles cannot address. This thesis is an attempt to present a modern analysis of the phenomenon of the Lupercalia as a whole, including literary, archaeological and historical evidence on the subject. The first section presents the ancient sources on the Lupercalia, and is divided into five chapters, each analysing a particular aspect of the festival: fertility, purification, the importance of the wolf and the foundation myth, the mythology of Arcadian origins, and Caesar's involvement with the Lupercalia of 44 BC. The second section places the Lupercalia in a wider context, discussing the festival's topography and the course of the running Luperci, its relationship to other lustration rituals, and its position in the Roman calendar, ending with an appraisal of the changes it underwent in late Antiquity. The third section employs methods from linguistics, anthropology and comparative religion to show that the Lupercalia involved a ritual of initiation, which was also reflected in the Roman foundation myth. The central chapter of this section discusses the methodology used in comparative Indo-European mythology, and offers a case study that parallels the god of the festival (Faunus) with Rudra of Vedic Hinduism. The last chapter considers other parallels with Indian religion, especially the relationship between flamen and brahmin. The thesis challenges a number of established theories on the subject and offers new evidence to show that the festival has Indo-European origins, but also that it played an important role throughout Roman history.
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Littaye, Alexandra. "Finding time in the geographies of food : how heritage food discourses shape notions of place". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016.

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This thesis presents a multi-sited and multi-scalar ethnography of the processes and practices through which producers attempt to designate food as heritage. Grounded in cultural geography, it adopts a cultural economy approach to addressing concerns within agro-food studies by joining in conversation notions of heritage, place-making and time. By underlining the intrinsic relation between articulations of time and constructions of place, this thesis further maps the alternative geographies of food. It engages with three overarching questions, drawing on research conducted within two heritage-based food initiatives in Mexico and Scotland, both linked to the Slow Food movement. These produce, respectively, a traditional sweet called pinole and 'real' bread. The thesis asks: what objectives are pursued through the heritagisation of food whereby various actors strategically coin foods as heritage? How is time articulated in the discourse of heritage food, and how do heritage food networks and producers understand time as a component of food quality? Finally, what senses of place emerge from the various uses of time as a quality in global, translocal and local heritage food discourses? This thesis explores Slow Food's heritage qualification scheme and the ensuing commodification of heritage food, as well as translocal networks, and practices of 'slow' production. Through empirical engagements it argues that the qualification of heritage foods is multifunctional and that various articulations of time enable small-scale producers to engage with a plethora of socio-economic and political issues. Numerous and at times conflicting constructions of place surface from the discourses woven around these two heritage products and problematise identity formation and narratives of the past linked to producers and communities. This thesis concludes that the constructions of place associated with heritage foods depend not only upon the authority and circumstances of actors articulating a heritage discourse, but also on the scale of the dissemination of that discourse, and on the notions and understandings of time associated with heritage and place.
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Hunter, Andrew G. "Philosophical justification and the legal accommodation of Indigenous ritual objects; an Australian study". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2006.

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Indigenous cultural possessions constitute a diverse global issue. This issue includes some culturally important, intangible tribal objects. This is evident in the Australian copyright cases viewed in this study, which provide examples of disputes over traditional Indigenous visual art. A proposal for the legal recognition of Indigenous cultural possessions in Australia is also reviewed, in terms of a new category of law. When such cultural objects are in an artistic form they constitute the tribe's self-presentation and its mechanism of cultural continuity. Philosophical arguments for the legal recognition of Indigenous intellectual `property' tend to assume that the value of Indigenous intellectual property is determinable on external criteria.
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Dedecker, Kevin. "Multifunctional Hybrid materials for the capture and detection of volatile organic Compounds : Application to the preservation of cultural heritage objects". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.

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Lors de leur stockage ou de leur exposition, les objets du patrimoine sont soumis à des processus physico-chimiques d’altération liés à leur environnement et en particulier à l’action de polluants primaires (e.g. dioxyde de soufre, oxydes d’azote), secondaires (ozone) ou de composés organiques volatils (COVs). Il a été démontré que ces gaz/vapeurs se comportent comme des agents d’hydrolyse et d’oxydation. L’acide acétique fait partie des COVs ayant un impact considérable et reconnu dans la conservation des objets du patrimoine en particulier des films photographiques. En vue de lutter contre ses effets délétères, ce projet de thèse s’est focalisé sur la conception de nouveaux matériaux poreux hybrides multifonctionnels appelés « Metal-Organic Frameworks » (MOFs) pour la capture sélective de l’acide acétique en présence d’humidité (40% humidité relative) et à température ambiante. Les remarquables propriétés d’adsorption (sensibilité, sélectivité et capacité) et la grande versatilité des MOFs (balance hydrophile/hydrophobe, taille/forme des pores,…) ont été utilisés pour préconcentrer de façon sélective l’acide acétique en milieu humide. Les matériaux les plus performants ont ensuite été préparés sous forme de nanoparticules pour l’élaboration de films minces de qualité optique afin d’en étudier les propriétés d’adsorption et de co-adsorption (acide acétique/eau) par ellipsométrie. L’incorporation de nanoparticules métalliques plasmoniques a ensuite été effectuée afin de concevoir un capteur colorimétrique. L’objectif final de ce travail est de concevoir un nouveau type d’adsorbant caractérisé par une capacité et une sélectivité d’adsorption élevée et dont on pourrait aisément déterminer le niveau de saturation en acide acétique afin d’anticiper son remplacement et ainsi assurer la préservation des objets stockés et exposés dans les musées
During their storage or their exhibition, the cultural heritage objects undergo physicochemical alteration processes related to their environment and in particular to the action of primary (e.g. sulfur dioxide, nitric oxides), secondary (ozone) pollutants or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). It has been demonstrated that these gases/vapors are involved in hydrolysis and oxidation reactions. Among the most common VOCs encountered in museums, Acetic acid has a significant and recognized role in the deterioration of cultural heritage objects such as photographic films. In order to face this issue, this Ph.D. thesis focused on the design of new porous multifunctional hybrid materials denoted « Metal-Organic Frameworks » (MOFs) for the selective capture of acetic acid in the presence of moisture (40% relative humidity) and at room temperature. The remarkable adsorption properties (sensitivity, selectivity and capacity) and the great versatility of MOFs (hydrophicity/hydrophobicity balance, size/shape of pores,…) were used to preconcentrate selectively the acetic acid in humid conditions. The most performing materials were then prepared as nanoparticles and then used for the elaboration of high optical quality thin films in order to study the coadsorption (acetic acid/water) properties of MOFs by ellipsometry. The incorporation of plasmonic metal nanoparticles was then carried out in order to design a colorimetric sensor. The final objective is to devise a novel type of adsorbent that integrates a high VOC adsorption capacity and selectivity under humid conditions and an easy on-line monitoring of their saturation capacityin order to anticipate its replacement and therefore ensure the preservation of the stored and exhibited objects in museums
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Chatzikidi, Katerina. "Children of the land and children of the Saint : heritage, religion, and territoriality in a Brazilian quilombo". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2017.

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This dissertation is looking at quilombo grassroots land and identity politics as they transpire in a compound of Black rural communities in the north of the state of Maranhão, Brazil. One of the main questions this thesis asks is: How do communities mobilise resources in defence of their territories when formal means of establishing land claims have been exhausted? Based on ethnographic research conducted over fifteen months my analysis delves into strategies employed by peasant groups for the assertion of their collective land ownership. This assertion taps into specific ethno-racial legislation and it is especially directed towards Evangelical Christians, whom the majority of Catholic quilombola residents regard as their territorial and religious antagonists. This thesis's broadest argument is that this territorial defence mainly materialises through two streams of action: religious and cultural grassroots activism. It is argued that creative uses and articulations of cultural and religious practices, and the creation of a network of alliances, transpire as the most relevant means of 'informal' community politics. More specifically, I argue that local ceramic production (intrinsically attached to notions of a 'quilombo heritage') and religious festivities in honour of the local patron saint contribute to the preservation of a specific quilombo territoriality. In the ethnographic context examined, this territoriality is inherently attached to popular Catholicism and notions of quilombola cultural identity. Employing approaches from agrarian, peasant politics, quilombo, and heritage studies, this dissertation seeks to illuminate the dynamic relation between local perceptions of land and territoriality in the 'lands of Santa Teresa'. Overall, this thesis aims at contributing to those studies that explore the diversity and creativity of politics 'from below'.
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Leiboff, Jacklyn Marett. "Reconstructing the Role of Cultural Significance in the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (Cth)". Thesis, Griffith University, 2005.

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This thesis proposes a reconstruction and reconceptualisation of the cultural significance provisions of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (Cth). It takes the form of a critical study of the role, function and legal effectiveness of these provisions, and proposes the development of new understanding of what is involved in the construction of cultural significance by law. This thesis is being carried out in both the conceptual and practical domain. However, it is neither a theoretical study nor an exercise in doctrinal exegesis on its own, but relies on both to undertake a practical and functional study into the operation of this legislation and its practices. By drawing on the insights of cultural legal studies and museums studies in which to critically examine the law and its practices, it may be characterised as an intersectional and interdisciplinary study that provides an exchange between law and the policy and practices of the field with which it is engaging. The cultural significance provisions of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (Cth) are used to decide whether culturally significant objects should be kept in Australia for the benefit of the national interest. If an object is 'culturally significant enough', it will be refused an export permit. Because the legislation intrudes on the rights of property owners, decisions to refuse export permits may be reviewed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal ('the AAT'). However, this thesis argues that the interpretation of the cultural significance provisions by the AAT has reconstructed their meaning into existing legal forms and categories, by imposing law's analytical conception of objects. This method analytically separates the physical manifestation of the object from the discursive factors on which its cultural significance is based. As a result, the cultural significance provisions cannot effectively explain what makes an object culturally significant, in particular when a physically insignificant, but highly culturally significant object has to be tested against these provisions. As a result the conceptual basis on which the legislation rests is in an unsatisfactory state. At one level, the problems with the interpretation of the cultural significance provisions are, in part, derived from the tension between the market and the national interest that characterises this area of law. The clash between the market and national interest was at the forefront of the policy debates surrounding the introduction of the legislation into Australia. A case study shows how political and commercial pressures may influence decision-making when no criteria exist to decide whether objects are culturally significant or not. This case study considers how paintings and other fine art objects are dealt with under the cultural significance provisions, focussing on a dispute about the protection of contemporary indigenous art that entered the public arena in 1999, which leaves the impression that cultural significance decision-making operates in a vacuum that will allow for any outcome that may be commercially or politically palatable. At a more prosaic level, this study reveals that fundamental problems exist in the practical functioning of the legislation and its administration. The cultural significance provisions themselves are cumbersome and difficult to follow. The legislation relies on the advice and input of specialists in a range of areas of expertise relating the Australia's cultural heritage to assist with the process of decision-making. However, the practices of cultural significance decision-making and the legislative structure are disconnected, meaning that the experts in the field are making recommendations based in one discourse, while law's analysis follows a different method. This thesis argues that the 'cultural significance provisions' can only be effectively construed and interpreted if the narrative and discursive framework for 'cultural significance assessment' used by the museums sector are overtly embraced within law's conception of what makes an object 'culturally significant'. It sets out and explains the cultural significance assessment techniques used by Australian museums to evaluate the cultural significance of objects. The 'discursive techniques' of the museological method are tested against existing cultural significance decision-making. It will be shown that this method provides reasoned explanations for an object's cultural significance, and the adoption of this methodology would lead to an improved decision-making process. However, this thesis concludes by observing that fundamental policy issues will impact on any proposals for change.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Griffith Law School
Full Text
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Musalkova, Johana. "Silesian identity : the interplay of memory, history, and borders". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2018.

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This dissertation provides an ethnographic account of contemporary Opavian Silesian identity (or identities) and its negotiations. In particular, it is concerned with the question of how Silesian identity is being negotiated by various social actors in and between the town of Opava and the neighbouring area of Hlučín, which together comprise the tourist region of Opavian Silesia. In focusing on Opava and the Hlučín area, inhabited by Opavians and Hlučíns respectively, I not only explore the internal constitution of a group and analyse its narrative accounts, but also pay special attention to the social organisation of the differences between these two groups. The aim of this project is not to address the question of whether Silesian identity exists objectively, which is taken for granted by the majority of scholars working on Silesian identity do, but rather to explore how various social actors negotiate and utilise the concept, including these scholars themselves. I start from the premise that identities are relational, situational, and instrumental, and throughout the dissertation I focus on the groups' external and internal contestations, exploring the ways in which various social actors try to overcome these differences. The present negotiations over Silesian identity have proved to be problematic in all their temporalities, as they relate to issues in the past, the present and possibly the future. I therefore investigate how certain versions of the past are being reconstructed and negotiated in the present, how these versions inform and reflect on the present, and the possible implications of this for the future. I consider competing representations of Silesian-ness and competing reconstructions of the past that are related to it through the theoretical framework of 'dominant v. demotic discourses' and 'difficult heritage', focusing on commemoration practices, tourism, the politics of display, and hierarchies of knowledge.
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Belhi, Abdelhak. "Digital Cultural Heritage Preservation : enrichment and Reconstruction based on Hierarchical Multimodal CNNs and Image Inpainting Approaches". Thesis, Lyon, 2020.

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Le patrimoine culturel joue un rôle important dans la définition de l'identité d’une société. La préservation physique à long terme du patrimoine culturel reste fragile et peut induire de multiples risques liés à la destruction et aux dommages accidentels. Les technologies numériques telles que la photographie et la numérisation 3D ont fourni de nouvelles alternatives pour la préservation numérique. Cependant, les adapter au contexte du patrimoine culturel est une tâche difficile. En effet, la numérisation complète des objets culturels (visuelle avec une copie digitale et historique avec des métadonnées) n'est facile que lorsqu'il s'agit d’objets physiquement en bon état possédant toutes leurs données (entièrement annotés). Cependant, dans le monde réel, de nombreux objets culturels souffrent de dégradation physique et de perte d'informations. Habituellement, pour annoter et conserver ces objets, les institutions culturelles font appel à des spécialistes de l'art, à des historiens et à d'autres institutions. Ce processus est fastidieux, nécessite beaucoup de temps et de ressources financières et peut souvent s’avérer inexact. Notre travail se concentre sur la préservation effective et rentable du patrimoine culturel, basée sur des méthodes avancées d'apprentissage automatique. L'objectif est de fournir un Framework à la phase d'enrichissement du processus de préservation numérique du patrimoine culturel. A travers cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles méthodes permettant d’améliorer le processus de préservation des objets culturels. Nos défis sont principalement liés au processus d'annotation et d'enrichissement des objets dont les données sont manquantes et/ou incomplètes (annotations et données visuelles) ; ce processus est souvent inefficace lorsqu’il est effectué manuellement. Nous introduisons diverses approches basées sur l'apprentissage automatique et l'apprentissage profond pour compléter automatiquement les données culturelles manquantes. Nous nous concentrons principalement sur deux types essentiels de données manquantes : les données textuelles (métadonnées) et les données visuelles.La première étape est principalement liée à l'annotation et à l'étiquetage des objets culturels à l'aide de l'apprentissage profond. Nous avons proposé des approches exploitant des caractéristiques visuelles et textuelles disponibles des objets culturels pour effectuer efficacement leur classification. (i) La première approche est proposée pour la Classification Hiérarchique des objets afin de mieux répondre aux exigences de métadonnées de chaque type d’objets et augmenter les performances de classification. (ii) La seconde approche est dédiée à la Classification Multimodale des objets culturels où un quelconque objet peut être représenté, lors de la classification, avec les métadonnées disponibles en plus de sa capture visuelle. La deuxième étape considère le manque d'informations visuelles lorsqu’il s’agit d’objets culturels incomplets et endommagés. Nous avons proposé dans ce cas, une approche basée sur l'apprentissage profond à travers des modèles génératifs et le clustering d’images pour effectuer la reconstruction visuelle d’objets culturels. Pour nos expérimentations, nous avons collecté une grande base de données culturelles mais nous avons sélectionné les tableaux d’arts pour nos tests et validations car ils possèdent une meilleure qualité d’annotation et sont donc mieux adapté pour mesurer les performances de nos algorithmes
Cultural heritage plays an important role in defining the identity of a society. Long-term physical preservation of cultural heritage remains risky and can lead to multiple problems related to destruction and accidental damage. Digital technologies such as photography and 3D scanning provided new alternatives for digital preservation. However, adapting them to the context of cultural heritage is a challenging task. In fact, fully digitizing cultural assets (visually and historically) is only easy when it comes to assets that are in a good physical shape and all their data is at possession (fully annotated). However, in the real-world, many assets suffer from physical degradation and information loss. Usually, to annotate and curate these assets, heritage institutions need the help of art specialists and historians. This process is tedious, involves considerable time and financial resources, and can often be inaccurate. Our work focuses on the cost-effective preservation of cultural heritage through advanced machine learning methods. The aim is to provide a technical framework for the enrichment phase of the cultural heritage digital preservation/curation process. Through this thesis, we propose new methods to improve the process of cultural heritage preservation. Our challenges are mainly related to the annotation and enrichment of cultural objects suffering from missing and incomplete data (annotations and visual data) which is often considered ineffective when performed manually. Thus, we propose approaches based on machine learning and deep learning to tackle these challenges. These approaches consist of the automatic completion of missing cultural data. We mainly focus on two types of missing data: textual data (metadata) and visual data.The first stage is mainly related to the annotation and labeling of cultural objects using deep learning. We have proposed approaches, that take advantage of cultural objects’ visual features as well as partially available textual annotations, to perform an effective classification. (i) the first approach is related to the Hierarchical Classification of Objects to better meet the metadata requirements of each cultural object type and increase the classification algorithm performance. (ii) the second proposed approach is dedicated to the Multimodal Classification of cultural objects where any object can be represented, during classification, with a subset of available metadata in addition to its visual capture. The second stage considers the lack of visual information when dealing with incomplete and damaged cultural objects. In this case, we proposed an approach based on deep learning through generative models and image data clustering to optimize the image completion process of damaged cultural heritage objects. For our experiments, we collected a large database of cultural objects. We chose to use fine-art paintings in our tests and validations as they were the best in terms of annotations quality
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Malveiro, Ana Mateus. "Expor para divulgar: a memória das exposições de eletricidade e rádio e eletricidade realizadas em Portugal nas décadas de 20 e 30 do século XX". Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2014.

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Esta dissertação aborda as exposições de eletricidade e as exposições de rádio e eletricidade realizadas em Portugal nas décadas de 1920 e 1930, com os objetivos de conhecer os objetos elétricos do quotidiano doméstico e recuperar a memória destas exposições como eventos importantes na divulgação das aplicações de eletricidade. O estudo dos objetos de uso do quotidiano que estiveram presentes nos stands dos certames liga-se com a necessária valorização do património móvel de eletricidade, que tem sido pouco estudado, preservado e valorizado em Portugal. Como propostas de valorização patrimonial apresentam-se: a construção de um website sobre a “V Exposição de Rádio e Electricidade”, realizada em 1934 no Palácio de Exposições do Parque Eduardo VII e um inventário do património móvel de uso doméstico realizado com base numa ficha construída por nós; a realização de uma possível exposição temporária onde os objetos inventariados seriam expostos ao público; Expose to Disclose - The Memory of Electricity and Radio and Electricity Exhibitions held in Portugal in the 20s and 30s of the XXº century. Abstract :This dissertation focus on the electricity and radio and electricity exhibitions held in Portugal in the 1920s and 1930s. Its main goals are to improve the knowledge about everyday domestic electrical appliances to recover the memory of these exposures, as important events in the dissemination of applications of electricity. The study of the everyday domestic electrical appliances which were in the stands during this exhibitions binds with the necessary enhancement of the electrical movable heritage, which has been rarely studied, preserved, and valued in Portugal. The proposals for asset valuation are: the construction of a website about the "V Exposição de Rádio e Electricidade" held in 1934 at the Palácio de Exposições of Parque Eduardo VII; the inventory of movable heritage household using a record built by us and finally the realization of a temporary exhibition where objects inventoried would be exposed to the public.
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Janerikaitė, Danutė. "Turistų pasitenkinimo Kauno miesto senamiesčio kultūros paveldo objektais vertinimas". Bachelor's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013.

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Darbo objektas – turistų pasitenkinimas. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti turistų pasitenkinimą Kauno m. senamiesčio kultūros paveldo objektais. Darbo tikslui pasiekti suformuluoti tokie uždaviniai: 1) pateikti turistų pasitenkinimo kultūros paveldo objektais teorinį pagrindimą; 2) įvertinti turistų srautus Kauno mieste; 3) apžvelgti pagrindinius Kauno m. senamiesčio kultūros paveldo objektus; 4) atlikti turistų pasitenkinimo Kauno m. senamiestyje esančiais kultūros paveldo objektais analizę. Tyrimo rezultatai. Atlikus turistų pasitenkinimo Kauno m. senamiestyje esančiais kultūros paveldo objektais analizę nustatyta, kad kultūros paveldo objektai, kuriuos vidutiniškai aplankė 86 proc. visų tyrime dalyvavusių respondentų – pagrindinė senamiesčio gatvė, Kauno rotušė ir Kauno pilis. Pasak didžiosios respondentų dalies, Kauno miesto senamiestis - graži, jauki, saugi, tvarkinga, švari, unikali miesto vieta, kurioje objektai tarpusavyje dera. Vertinant respondentų pasitenkinimą atskirais Kauno senamiesčio kultūros paveldo objektais pastebėta, jog tyrime dalyvavę turistai labiausiai patenkinti bendra senamiesčio atmosfera, rotuše, senamiesčio architektūra, Kauno pilimi. Trečdalis respondentų, apsilankiusių Kauno miesto senamiestyje pastebėjo keletą trūkumų: šioje miesto dalyje per mažai turistams įdomių šios rūšies objektų, dalis kultūros paveldo objektų yra neapšviesti, sunkiai randami. Tyrimo išvados. Nepaisant respondentų įvardintų kelių Kauno miesto senamiesčio, kaip kultūros paveldo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Object of thesis – tourists’ satisfaction. Purpose of thesis – evaluate tourists’ satisfaction with Kaunas old town cultural heritage objects. To reach purpose of thesis there were formulated next tasks: 1) to present theoretical substantiation of tourists’ satisfaction with cultural heritage objects; 2) to evaluate stream of tourists in Kaunas city; 3) to examine main cultural heritage objects in Kaunas old town; 4) to accomplish analysis of tourists’ satisfaction with cultural heritage objects in Kaunas old town. Results of research. After accomplishing tourists’ satisfaction with Kaunas old town cultural heritage analysis, was established, that 86% of respondents, who completed the inquest, were visiting these cultural heritage objects – main Kaunas old town street (Vilniaus str.), town hall and Kaunas castle. According to the respondents answers, Kaunas old town – beautiful, cozy, secure, tidy, clean, unique part of the city, where different objects haggle with each other. While analyzing tourists’ satisfaction with different cultural heritage objects in Kaunas old town, can be seen, that respondents, who participated in inquest, highly satisfied with the atmosphere of an old town, town hall, architecture of an old town, Kaunas castle. One third of respondents, who visited Kaunas old town, had noticed few disadvantages: in this part of town there are not enough of cultural heritage objects, cultural heritage objects are unlit, and also it is hard to find them. Leaning... [to full text]
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Chorošilova, Ginaitaitė Kristina. "Šiaulių apskrities kraštovaizdžio vertybių tvarkymas ir organizavimas". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2007.

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Natūralus gamtinis kraštovaizdis dažnai yra naikinamas, keičiamas, arba sukuriamas naujas kultūrinis kraštovaizdis. Esant tokiai situacijai, būtina išsaugoti teritorijas, turinčias ekologinę, socialinę bei kultūrinę reikšmę. Įvertinta Šiaulių apskrityje esančių kraštovaizdžio vertybių naudojimo ir apsaugos sistema bei jų tvarkymo organizavimas. Analizės rezultatai parodė, kad problematiškiausios yra kultūros paveldo ir gamtos vertybių teritorijos. Vykstant žemės grąžinimo procesams, savavališkų statybų invazijai, dėl žmonių žemo ekologinės savimonės lygio, šios teritorijos gali prarasti vertybinį funkcionavimo pagrindą, skatinti didesnę ar mažesnę natūralaus kraštovaizdžio biodegradaciją. Norint apsaugoti kraštovaizdžio vertybių kultūrinę vertę, sustabdyti gamtinio kraštovaizdžio nykimą gamtinio karkaso bei saugomose teritorijose, atliekamas Šiaulių apskrities generalinio plano koncepcijos strateginių pasekmių vertinimas; rengiami saugomų teritorijų planavimo dokumentai; kompleksiškai organizuojama saugomų teritorijų priežiūra; vykdomi NATURA 2000 saugomų teritorijų tinklo gamtotvarkiniai projektai.
Natural landscape very often is being destroyed, replaced or created as a new cultural landscape. In such a situation it is very important to preserve areas, which has got it’s own ecological, social and cultural significance. The main purpose of this work is to estimate the valuable landscape’s, located in Šiauliai district, usage, protection system and how it’s regulation is being organized. As results of the analysis show, the biggest problems meet cultural heritage and valuable natural areas. While land rehabilitation is being in progress, illegal building is being held, because of people misbehavior, these areas may loose they own natural values, bigger or smaller natural landscape destruction may began. Trying to protect natural landscape’s cultural values, stop its disappearance and destruction in natural frame and conservation areas, general (long term) plan concept ional strategies consequences in Šiauliai district estimation is being held, conservation areas planning documents being created, conservation areas completed supervision being organized, NATURA 2000 conservation area’s network landscape management projects being arranged.
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Alloteau, Fanny. "Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes de l'altération atmosphérique des verres et étude d'un traitement de protection à base de sels de zinc". Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017.

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Parmi la grande diversité des productions de verres anciens appartenant aux collections muséales (vaisselle, vitres, vitraux, bijoux, perles, incrustations, statuettes, mosaïques, émaux, céramiques glaçurées…), une proportion importante montre à leur surface les signes sévères d’une altération atmosphérique (présence de sels alcalins, fracturation) conduisant à une perte de transparence voire une perte irréversible de matière. Ces œuvres sont produites essentiellement à partir du Moyen-Âge (XIIe-XIIIe siècle), avec une forte représentation aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Les verriers ont en effet appliqué alors de nouvelles recettes par rapport à celles des périodes anciennes conduisant à une instabilité chimique du verre vis-à-vis de l’humidité ambiante. Quant aux œuvres actuellement en bon état de conservation, elles sont également susceptibles de se dégrader au cours du temps, selon leur composition et leur condition de conservation. À ce jour, le meilleur moyen de protection mis en œuvre par les conservateurs et les restaurateurs pour ralentir sensiblement cette altération est le contrôle de la température et de l’humidité de l’environnement de conservation (vitrines d’exposition spécifiques, réserves de musée). Cependant, afin de préserver cet important patrimoine culturel, il est d’un intérêt majeur de proposer de nouvelles solutions de protection qui soient à la fois plus efficaces et moins coûteuses pour les musées. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit le présent projet de thèse. Il vise d’une part à faire progresser la compréhension des mécanismes d’altération atmosphérique des verres d’oxyde, d’autre part à mettre au point un traitement de protection à base de sels de zinc adapté au contexte muséal. En s’inspirant de procédés industriels qui exploitent de manière empirique l’effet protecteur des ions zinc (stockage et transport du verre plat, produits de lavage du verre en lave-vaisselle), nous avons en effet d’ores-et-déjà mis en évidence le fort potentiel de très faibles quantités de sels de zinc pour réduire efficacement les cinétiques d’altérations de compositions verrières altérables du patrimoine
In the cultural heritage field, it is of major concern to develop new protective methods for ancient glass objects that decay under atmosphere. In this framework, two complementary research directions are undertaken. The first one aims to get a better understanding of the glass atmospheric alteration mechanisms at a small scale. The second one is focused on the potentiality of a zinc salt surface treatment. By the mean of accelerated ageing experiments (temperature and humidity control) of replica glasses (alkali silicates), untreated or zinc salts treated, the evolution of the glass surface and sub-surface with atmospheric alteration are evaluated at different scales (macro – nano). These surface modifications are compared to the properties of hydrated layers of ancient glass objects that have been altered over decades. The influence of the ageing temperature and the glass composition on the atmospheric alteration mechanisms are highlighted. In particular, these parameters affect the proportion of alkali elements that are retained into the hydrated layer, which would severely impact the glass chemical durability. Positive effect of a zinc salt treatment to reduce the replica glasses hydration kinetics is shown with ageing experiments at 80 °C or 40 °C, when the glass surfaces are not pre-altered before the deposit. The formation of thermally activated zinc species that react with the glass surface are put in evidence as well as their predominant role in the protection mechanisms. Therefore, a zinc salt treatment might be considered if a heating step of the glass object is accepted (around 60 °C). However, the treatment performances seem to be strongly dependent on the surface alteration degree before the deposit. This point is critical for the relevance of the treatment for the glass artwork conservation and should be investigated deeper. Others directions of research are arisen in this work and should be followed to propose new protective methods in the longer terms
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Durier, Marie-Gabrielle. "Contribution of geochemistry and geochronology to the knowledge of the history of the uses of modern musical instruments". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2022.

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Le travail de thèse présenté ici s'inscrit dans une stratégie générale initiée par le Musée de la musique de Paris visant à intégrer des approches archéométriques dans les efforts de documentation des instruments de musique en tant qu'objet d'usage, témoin matériel des exigences musicales et culturelles environnantes. Les instruments de musique ayant été produits selon des pratiques artisanales de transmission orale, ils sont rarement associés à des sources écrites précises.L'objectif de cette recherche est d'explorer la faisabilité et les limites d'interprétation de deux techniques avancées largement appliquées sur les archéomatériaux, la géochronologie 14C (chronologie) et la géochimie isotopique du strontium (traceur d'origine géographique), aux problématiques spécifiques des collections muséales d'instruments modernes, datés essentiellement des 17ème et 18ème siècles. Nos recherches se sont concentrées sur les vernis huile de lin/colophane, porteurs de l'histoire matérielle des usages. Le corpus d'étude a été étendu au mobilier et aux hippomobiles du début du 18e s. En effet, les vernis originaux à base d'huile de lin et de colophane y ont été conservés et les problématiques d'usage s'y trouvent aussi présentes. Le corpus comprend également des cordes de boyaux anciennes, celles-ci étant témoin de l'usage musical de l'instrument de musique.Le partenariat entre le Musée de la musique de Paris et le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) combine l'expertise indépendante du musée avec les technologies les plus pointues pour les mesures d'activité 14C (MICADAS) et d'isotopie du strontium (MC-ICP-MS Neptune). Ce travail repose sur ces deux approches combinées à la documentation historique et une large palette d'outils d'analyse en caractérisation des matériaux.Le volet géochronologie 14C de cette recherche a débouché sur le développement de protocoles d'échantillonnage et de traitements chimiques permettant d'analyser les matériaux du patrimoine selon leur nature. L'environnement chimique complexe et composite des revêtements nécessite, en effet, des développements méthodologiques pour extraire le "bon" carbone à dater. L'étude a également apporté des éléments pour d'approfondir la connaissance des objets analysés et leurs usages, comme l'impact de certaines restaurations, le réemploi de matériaux ou la nature de certains ingrédients.Le volet d'étude de provenance par isotopie du strontium s'est concentrée sur une étude de faisabilité sur les liants organiques (colophane). La conservation de la signature 87/86Sr depuis le substratum jusqu'à la résine de pin et la colophane obtenue par distillation a été validée par les analyses isotopiques sur un corpus de couples sol/résine et de trios sol/résine/colophane d'origine connue. Une sélection de colophanes trouvées sur le marché actuel fournit des mesures cohérentes du rapport 87/86Sr avec les cartes géochimiques.Cette recherche doctorale met en évidence l'état d'avancement des adaptations méthodologiques de la géochronologie 14C et de la géochimie isotopique du strontium appliquées aux vernis anciens à l'huile/colophane du 17ème et du 18ème siècle. Elle montre la possibilité de surmonter des écueils tels que la taille de l'échantillon pour la datation au radiocarbone (en respectant l'intégrité des objets du patrimoine) ou la réduction du niveau de contamination pour les mesures isotopiques sur les résines de pin. Elle a fait l'objet de trois publications (Durier et al. 2019 Radiocarbon, Durier et al. 2021 Heritage Science, Durier et al. 2022 Techné). La recherche ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour aborder les questions de contrefaçon non documentées, de retouches, d'interventions d'entretien ou de restauration sur les instruments de musique, et pour mettre en évidence des liens entre les anciens centres de production de résines naturelles et les centres historiques de fabrication de violons
The PhD study presented here is part of a general strategy initiated by the Musée de la musique in Paris to integrate archaeometrical approaches in the efforts to historically document musical instruments, as object of use bearing the material testimony of the surrounding musical and cultural demands. Since musical instruments were produced following artisanal practices encompassing oral tradition and transmission, they are rarely associated with accurate early written sources.The aim of this research is to explore the feasibility and the limits of adapting two advanced techniques widely applied on archeomaterials, 14C geochronology and isotope geochemistry, to the issues of modern instrumentarium kept museum collections, essentially dated from the 17th to the late 18th c. Our investigations focused on 14C dating and 87/86Sr isotope ratio measurements applied on linseed oil/colophony varnishes, bearing the material traces of the history of uses. The material corpus was extended to pieces of furniture and horse-drawn carriages mainly from the early 18th c. Indeed, the original varnishes comprising linseed oil and colophony were preserved and the issues of the history of uses are also present. In addition, the corpus includes early gut strings, as a testimony of the musical use of the instrument.The partnership between the Musée de la musique in Paris and the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) combines the museum independent expertise with the sharpest technologies for 14C dating (MICADAS) and Sr isotope measurements (MC-ICP-MS NEPTUNE). This PhD study is based on these two approaches, which also combine historical documentation and the wide range of analysis methods commonly available in museum institutionsThe 14C geochronology study leads to the development of sampling protocols and chemical treatments for analyzing Heritage materials according to their nature. The complex and composite chemical environment of the coatings requires methodological developments to extract the “right” carbon to be dated. The study also provided new insights to deepen the knowledge on the analyzed objects and their uses, such as the impact of some restorations, the reuse of materials or the nature of ingredients.The provenance study using Sr isotope measurements is a feasibility study applied on organic binders, especially colophony. The conservation of the 87/86Sr signature from the bedrocks to the pin resin was validated though isotope analyses applied on a corpus of pine soil/resin couples and pine soil/resin/colophony trios. Selected colophony found in the current market provide 87/86Sr ratio measurements consistent with geochemical maps.This PhD research highlights the different technology limits and the state of advancement in the methodological adaptations of 14C geochronology and isotope geochemistry applied on early oil/colophony varnishes dated from the 17th and the 18th century. It shows the possibility to overcome pitfalls such as the sample size for 14C dating (respecting the integrity of heritage objects) or the reducing of the contamination level for isotope measurements on pine resins. Three articles were published (Durier et al. 2019 Radiocarbon, Durier et al. 2021 Heritage Science, Durier et al. 2022 Techné). The research opens up new perspectives to address the issues of counterfeiting, retouching, maintenance or restoration interventions on musical instruments, and to unravel connection between early centers of production of natural resins and centers of violin making
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Alloteau, Fanny. "Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes de l'altération atmosphérique des verres et étude d'un traitement de protection à base de sels de zinc". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017.

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Parmi la grande diversité des productions de verres anciens appartenant aux collections muséales (vaisselle, vitres, vitraux, bijoux, perles, incrustations, statuettes, mosaïques, émaux, céramiques glaçurées…), une proportion importante montre à leur surface les signes sévères d’une altération atmosphérique (présence de sels alcalins, fracturation) conduisant à une perte de transparence voire une perte irréversible de matière. Ces œuvres sont produites essentiellement à partir du Moyen-Âge (XIIe-XIIIe siècle), avec une forte représentation aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Les verriers ont en effet appliqué alors de nouvelles recettes par rapport à celles des périodes anciennes conduisant à une instabilité chimique du verre vis-à-vis de l’humidité ambiante. Quant aux œuvres actuellement en bon état de conservation, elles sont également susceptibles de se dégrader au cours du temps, selon leur composition et leur condition de conservation. À ce jour, le meilleur moyen de protection mis en œuvre par les conservateurs et les restaurateurs pour ralentir sensiblement cette altération est le contrôle de la température et de l’humidité de l’environnement de conservation (vitrines d’exposition spécifiques, réserves de musée). Cependant, afin de préserver cet important patrimoine culturel, il est d’un intérêt majeur de proposer de nouvelles solutions de protection qui soient à la fois plus efficaces et moins coûteuses pour les musées. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit le présent projet de thèse. Il vise d’une part à faire progresser la compréhension des mécanismes d’altération atmosphérique des verres d’oxyde, d’autre part à mettre au point un traitement de protection à base de sels de zinc adapté au contexte muséal. En s’inspirant de procédés industriels qui exploitent de manière empirique l’effet protecteur des ions zinc (stockage et transport du verre plat, produits de lavage du verre en lave-vaisselle), nous avons en effet d’ores-et-déjà mis en évidence le fort potentiel de très faibles quantités de sels de zinc pour réduire efficacement les cinétiques d’altérations de compositions verrières altérables du patrimoine
In the cultural heritage field, it is of major concern to develop new protective methods for ancient glass objects that decay under atmosphere. In this framework, two complementary research directions are undertaken. The first one aims to get a better understanding of the glass atmospheric alteration mechanisms at a small scale. The second one is focused on the potentiality of a zinc salt surface treatment. By the mean of accelerated ageing experiments (temperature and humidity control) of replica glasses (alkali silicates), untreated or zinc salts treated, the evolution of the glass surface and sub-surface with atmospheric alteration are evaluated at different scales (macro – nano). These surface modifications are compared to the properties of hydrated layers of ancient glass objects that have been altered over decades. The influence of the ageing temperature and the glass composition on the atmospheric alteration mechanisms are highlighted. In particular, these parameters affect the proportion of alkali elements that are retained into the hydrated layer, which would severely impact the glass chemical durability. Positive effect of a zinc salt treatment to reduce the replica glasses hydration kinetics is shown with ageing experiments at 80 °C or 40 °C, when the glass surfaces are not pre-altered before the deposit. The formation of thermally activated zinc species that react with the glass surface are put in evidence as well as their predominant role in the protection mechanisms. Therefore, a zinc salt treatment might be considered if a heating step of the glass object is accepted (around 60 °C). However, the treatment performances seem to be strongly dependent on the surface alteration degree before the deposit. This point is critical for the relevance of the treatment for the glass artwork conservation and should be investigated deeper. Others directions of research are arisen in this work and should be followed to propose new protective methods in the longer terms
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Balnienė, Aida. "Nykstančių Kauno centro architektūros objektų įvertinimas: medžiaga virtualiam pateikimui". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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Atliktas tyrimas, kurio pagrindinis tikslas – Senamiesčio ir Naujamiesčio teritorijose esančių blogos ir avarinės būklės architektūros objektų įvertinimas, pagrindinį dėmesį atkreipiant į objektų reikšmingumo lygį, kaitą ir atnaujinimo galimybes. Aptarta bendra paveldosauginė tiriamos teritorijos situacija, teritorijų ribos ir veiklos reglamentavimas jose. Atlikti vizualiniai tyrimai, fotofiksacija, sudarytas nykstančių architektūros objektų sąrašas, objektai suklasifikuoti stilistiniu ir fizinio sunykimo požiūriu. Pristatomas šių objektų išsidėstymas ir architektūrinė sankloda. Sudaryti žemėlapiai: 2011 metais patikslinta 2006 metų blogos būklės Kauno Senamiesčio (20171) ir Naujamiesčio (22149) architektūros objektų sklaida. Išskirtos architektūros objektų nykimo priežastys. Darbas taikomojo pobūdžio. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos nykstančių Kauno centro objektų esamos situacijos pristatymui internetinėje medijoje. Pasiūlytas koncepcinis nykstančio Kauno centro paveldo pateikimo internete modelis. Siekis - demokratizuoti priėjimą prie kultūros vertybių, skatinti aktyvų santykį su jomis.
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the emergency condition of architectural objects located in the Old town and New town areas of the city. The main emphasis was put on the significance of the objects, their change and reconstruction options. The analysis discusses overall situation of area under heritage protection, the territorial limits and related regulation of activities. The analysis was conducted by multiple ways, i.e. on-site visits, photo shoots, etc. Consequently a list of endangered architectural objects was prepared by classifying them based on stylistic and physical deterioration perspectives. The location and architectural structure of the objects shall be also presented. The following maps where prepared in 2011: a revised version of dissemination of emergency condition architectural objects in Kaunas Old town (20171) and New town (22149) of year 2006. The causes of architectural objects loss were examined as well. It should be noted that the study may be approached as a guideline since recommendations are provided regarding endangered architectural objects located in Kaunas city center and their presentation to the online media. The results of the study suggest a conceptual model of online presentation of endangered architectural objects in Kaunas city center. The goal of the study is to democratize the access to cultural values and promote a strong active relationship with them.
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Ekström, Eriksson Sanna. "Mörkt Kulturarv : En analys av Armémuseums basutställning". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM, 2014.

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Syftet med min undersökning var att få svar på hur Armémuseum i Stockholm representerar temat krig i basutställningen och hur museipersonalen förhåller sig till denna representation. Jag önskade även veta vad för sorts kulturarv Armémuseums anställda ansåg vara problematiskt att presentera. Jag intervjuade fyra personer från Armémuseum och via metoden “thick description” och Aronssons flanörperspektiv som grundar sig i promenadetnografin, gjort utförliga anteckningar av mina observationer från deras basutställning. Studien grundar sig i ett musei- och kulturarvsvetenskapligt perspektiv, där studier om hur kulturarv presenteras på museer är ett vanligt ämne. Mina teoretiska grundpelare har bland annat varit Gregory Ashworth, Sharon MacDonald, Laurajane Smith, Rihannon Mason och Peter Aronsson som alla menar att synen och bearbetningen av mörkt kulturarv påverkas av politiska värderingar, tiden och hur det framställs på museer. Resultatet av studien kommer fram till att Armémuseums anställda vill förmedla att krig är hemskt och som ofta går hand i hand med lidande, död och orättvisor. Armémuseum vill problematisera krig genom att presentera de “vanliga” soldaterna och deras familjers liv under krig, eftersom de var dem som ofta fick lida krigets bitterhet. Armémuseums personal vill inte bara visa upp vapen utan även visa de vardagliga objekten och situationerna eftersom de förmedlar den mänskliga närvaron i basutställningen. Därför har Armémuseums personal utformat basutställningen på ett sådan sätt att man som besökare ska känna sympati för dem som fick och fortfarande får lida på grund av krig. Ofta använder museet sig av iscensatta miljöer med dockor för att ge en tredimensionell bild av dessa människor. Armémuseums anställda har inte funnit några objekt svåra att ställa ut, vilket kanske kan bero på att de har den inställningen att krig bör problematiseras. Vem och vilka det är som egentligen tjänar på krig är frågor som är tidlösa. Det går exakt lika bra att fråga samma frågor idag som för några hundra år sedan, svaren är kanske densamma. Och det är det som Armémuseum vill förmedla till sina besökare: “Varför krigar människan?”, “För vilka krigar vi?” “Vilka är det som får lida?” och “Vilka representeras vanligtvis i historien och på museer?”. För som sagt, dessa frågor tycks ständigt vara aktuella och återkommande. Armémuseum vill väcka besökarnas intresse och åsikter angående krig, vart man ställer sig i diskussionen är upp till besökarna själva att avgöra.
In this thesis I examine how Army Museum in Stockholm, Sweden, exhibits the heritage of war in their permanent exhibition “War and Peace”. The museum is a governmental activity. The aim of my research is to study how the Army Museum employees relate to the representation of war and how this is expressed in the permanent exhibition. I have chosen to focus on the representation of war at the permanent exhibition and therefore chosen only to interview people who have worked on the design of the permanent exhibition. No visitors were interviewed because it was how the staff relates to the representation of war that I wanted to study. I use qualitative methods in my study using observations at the study site and interviews with the museum employees. I'm using a museum and cultural scientific perspective in my study, which is the study of how society sorts out, preserves and convey cultural heritage. Researchers who have figured as my theoretical counsellors include; Sharon MacDonald, Gregory Ashworth, Laurajane Smith. All those researchers mean that the view and adaption of “dark heritage” are influenced by political values, time and how it is presented in the exhibit. The study comes to the conclusion that the Army Museum wants to convey that war is horrible, especial for those who live with it in their everyday life. Army Museum exhibits war in such a way that it is not glorified. Instead they have chosen to problematize war and let its horrors be presented. The museum employees think it is important to encourage visitors to understand that war often goes hand in hand with death and suffering. The staffs do not think any item, so far, has been difficult to exhibit. This thesis is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural heritage.
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PECORELLI, MARICA LEONARDA. "Semi-Active Structural Control for the Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage". Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2016.

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A number of natural hazards, such as earthquakes, flood, landslides, wildfires and cyclones can threaten the integrity of the Cultural Heritage with potentially devastating effects. The reduction of the seismic vulnerability of the cultural legacy constitutes a question of utmost importance especially in countries where vast Cultural Heritage combines with a medium/high seismic risk, such in Italy. From the second half of the 20th century the scientific community conceived a series of resolutions and recommendations to the aim of mitigating the seismic vulnerability of the Cultural Heritage. For many years most efforts focused on the protection of historical buildings. Only recently non-structural objects with recognised historical, artistic or expressive significance started to gain prominence in earthquake engineering studies. The damage suffered by these artworks can either derive from their direct exposure to earthquakes (inherent vulnerability) or it can be a consequence of the vulnerability of their container (indirect vulnerability). Within this framework the present thesis investigates the markedly non-linear seismic dynamic behaviour of art objects in 2D and proposes a novel strategy to reduce the inherent vulnerability to overturning. This novel mitigation strategy uses a bang-bang control to regulate the adjustable stiffness of a semi-active anchorage. More specifically, feedback and feedback-feedforward strategies are proposed and investigated in order to set in real-time the stiffness of the anchorage. Numerical simulations under different excitation conditions were conducted to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms. The simulations also assess the robustness of the algorithms with respect to noises and timing issues. Art objects controlled by the proposed control strategies present a higher stability and a lower vulnerability compared to uncontrolled art objects. The topics summarised above are developed in the thesis in the following order. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the seismic protection of art objects. The sources of both inherent and indirect vulnerability are described together with current methodologies for their evaluation. Chapter 2 presents an extensive review on the rocking motion of rigid bodies starting from the rocking model proposed by Housner in 1963. Chapter 3 reports on the seismic retrofitting strategies currently in use to reduce the overturning vulnerability of art objects. Limitations of the existing strategies are also pointed out. Chapter 4 describes a novel semi-active control system that reduces the inherent vulnerability of art objects to overturning. This chapter also describes the analytical model and the Matlab® code of the rocking motion, the two control strategies investigated to stabilize art objects and two performance indices to evaluate the benefit of the proposed control are defined. Possible solutions are examined for the practical realization of anchorages with adjustable stiffness. Chapter 5 investigates numerically the performances afforded by the two control strategies described in Chapter 4. In particular, the efficacy of the proposed control is validated with respect to synthetic ground motions. Chapter 6 extends the validation of the proposed control to real seismic accelerograms. To this aim, 100 registrations with diverse spectral characteristics were selected. Chapter 7 comments on the main results of the thesis, draws conclusions and presents some directions for future research.
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Hess, M. "A metric test object informed by user requirements for better 3D recording of cultural heritage artefacts". Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2015.

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This research is motivated by the potential of digital technologies for 3D optical surface recording of museum artefacts and cultural heritage, and aims to enable heritage professionals to produce fit-for-purpose 3D digital records for research. The thesis is considering the idea if a digital surrogate object can be indistinguishable from the original against both qualitative and quantitative metric assessments with outcomes of the work being expressed through a new metric test object and case studies with real objects carried out by the author. The thesis investigates user requirements for 3D image quality using a series of research methods including semi-structured interviews with comparative testing of real artefacts next to digital representations and psychometric methods for image quality testing adapted from 2D to 3D image assessment. Outcomes of this work provide key information about: viewing habits and current recording tools, motivations for 3D imaging, and digital image criteria required for visual inspection and condition reporting. These are validated through interviews with stakeholders to generate a new set of 3D quality metrics which can be used to plan and assess 3D imaging of artefacts. User requirements highlighted a range of metrics that might be explored numerically including spatial and structural resolution and dimensional recording capabilities of optical surface recording systems. This thesis focusses on form metrology through a purpose designed metric artefact in order to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art 3D capture technologies. A procedure for close range imaging system characterization has been developed and aimed at use by heritage professionals. The combination of metrics from quantitative comparative sensor testing with findings from qualitative testing have led to a planning tool connecting object properties, sensor metrology capabilities and user requirements. A better understanding has been gained of how technologies produce fit-for-purpose 3D digital records and conclusions are presented in a framework for 3D projects and better 3D recording of cultural heritage artefacts. Examples of the framework are given as case studies carried out by the author.
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Kizis, Vilmantas. "Sakralinio paveldo objekto pritaikymas piligriminiam turizmui (Tytuvėnų bažnyčios ir vienuolyno ansamblio pavyzdžiu)". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Sakralinio paveldo objekto pritaikymas piligriminiam turizmui. Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojama sakralinių erdvių tematika, apžvelgiami jų pritaikymo turizmo reikmėms aspektai, pateikiama klasifikacija, charakteristikos, apžvelgiama sakralinių kultūros paveldo objektų raida ir jos ypatumai, piligriminio turizmo samprata ir svarbiausi Lietuvos piligriminio turizmo objektai. Sąlyginai darbą galima skirstyti į dvi dalis: pirmojoje nagrinėjami teoriniai aspektai, o antrojoje pateikiama pasiūlymų kaip pritaikyti sakralinio paveldo objektus piligriminiam turizmui, įvertinamos alternatyvos, atliekamas anketinis tyrimas, siekiant išsiaiškinti lankytojų nuomonę apie Tytuvėnų bažnyčios ir vienuolyno ansamblio pritaikymo piligriminiam turizmui galimybes ir ištirti lankytojų demografinius bei socialinius rodiklius, lankantis Tytuvėnų bažnyčios ir vienuolyno ansamblyje. Tyrimo objektu pasirinkti sakralinio paveldo objektai, o baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra: išanalizuoti ir įvertinti Kelmės rajono Tytuvėnų miestelio Švč. Mergelės Marijos bažnyčios ir bernardinų vienuolyno pritaikymo piligriminiam turizmui galimybes ir įvertinti šiame objekte besilankančių asmenų motyvus, lūkesčius ir jų išpildymo galimybes, pritaikant objektą piligriminiam turizmui. Praktiniai sakralinio kultūros paveldo objektų pritaikymo piligriminiam turizmui pasiūlymai formuluojami atlikus Tytuvėnų bažnyčios ir vienuolyno pritaikymo piligriminiam turizmui studiją. Apžvelgus piligriminio turizmo sampratą ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Adjustment of sacred objects to pilgrim tourism. At the final master's work sacred spaces and subjects are analyzed, an overview of their application needs of the tourism aspects, the classification, characteristics, an overview of the sacred objects of cultural heritage development and its features, the concept of pilgrim tourism and the Lithuanian most important pilgrimage tourism objects are provided in this work. Conditionally work can be divided into two parts: the first is dedicated to theoretical aspects, while the second provides suggestions as to adapt the sacral cultural heritage to pilgrim tourism, evaluation of alternatives, a questionnaire survey to ascertain the opinion of visitors Tytuvėnai ensemble of churches and monasteries adaptation to pilgrim tourism and visitors to explore the demographic, social and motivation indicators, visits to churches and Tytuvėnai monastery ensemble. Investigation to choose the cultural heritage of sacral objects, and the final objective is: based on the acquired theoretical knowledge, to analyze and assess the town of Kelme district Tytuvėnai St. Mary's Church and Bernadine monastery adaptation to pilgrim tourism opportunities and to assess the reasons for people visiting the site, the fulfillment of their aspirations and opportunities, using the object for pilgrim tourism. Practical sacral objects subordinate to the cultural adaptation of pilgrim tourism proposals formulated by the church and monastery of Tytuvėnai monastery... [to full text]
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Lowson, Alice Adelaide Booker. "Routing-out portable antiquities : a biographical study of the contemporary lives of Tamil antiquities". Thesis, University of Exeter, 2017.

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Developing the idea of an ‘object biography’, as defined by Kopytoff (1986), this thesis challenges a fixed, static concept of antiquities and their present meanings by focusing on the routes they travel through space and time as they circulate through the hands of unauthorised finders, dealers and collectors. The research has been carried out in India, focusing on the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. As a non-Western country with a period of colonial history, India is an ideal location to explore not just the diversity and mutability of these meanings but also the tensions between authorized and divergent viewpoints regarding the value and management of the past. My methodology has drawn on theoretical models from the social sciences that approach the production of meaning in and through material culture as an organic and on-going process of human-object relations. Through a process of qualitative surveying using purposive sampling and semi-structured interviews, two distinct object case studies have been devised and investigated: the circulation of structural and household antiques from the 19th and 20th century houses of the Nagarathar Chettiars, and the excavation of coins, beads, jewellery and figurines in the riverbeds of Tamil Nadu and their subsequent sale, collection and circulation. In the course of fieldwork I have recorded over 55 hours of interactions with 107 respondents in locations across Tamil Nadu, as well as Bangalore, Mumbai, Jodhpur and London. I have supported this data with photographs, fieldnotes, and internet sources. In my analysis of this data I have argued that many people in Tamil Nadu and South India feel a sense of distance and alienation from the world of ‘heritage’ as defined and managed by the government, while at the same time people are engaged in their own processes of meaning-making through the old objects they engage with and circulate on a daily basis. The objects studied in this thesis are not seen as pertaining to the ‘sleeping’ realm of antiquities and authorized heritage, but to the ‘waking’ realm of active circulation, use and transformation. Furthermore, in the variety of ways that people engage with and transform these objects we can see the negotiation of relationships with the past and identities in the present at a time of rapid social and economic change in India.
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Varkalytė, Aistė. "Širvintų rajono savivaldybės gamtos ir nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo objektų išsaugojimo vertinimas". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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Lietuvoje sukurta daug įvairaus rango, paskirties, dydžio, skirtingos funkcinės paskirties saugomų teritorijų. Širvintų rajone saugomos teritorijos užima 4,2 proc. rajono ploto. Paveldo objektai – atskiri arba tankias grupes sudarantys gamtos ir kultūros paveldo objektai – kraštovaizdžio elementai, kuriems dėl jų vertės teisės aktais nustatytas specialus apsaugos ir naudojimo režimas. Tyrimas atliktas siekiant įvertinti minėtų objektų apsaugą Širvintų rajone. Šiame darbe atlikta norminių dokumentų, teritorijų planavimo, mokslinių darbų ir kitos aktualios literatūros analizė, nuvykus į Kultūrinį Kernavės rezervatą apžiūrėti paveldo objektai ir įvertinta jų būklė. Pagrindinis tokių objektų apsaugos tikslas – perleisti paveldą ateities kartoms. Vienas svarbiausių uždavinių paveldo objektų saugojime – atsakingas šių objektų stebėjimas ir jų būklės vertinimas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Širvintų rajono nekilnojamojo kultūros ir gamtos paveldo teritorijos yra geros būklės, nuolat vykdomi objektų būklės gerinimo darbai, nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo objektų teritorijų naudojimas ir apsauga yra reglamentuota pakankama teisine baze.
Lithuania has created a lot of protected areas, which differ in ranks, purpose, size and function. In Širvintos district protected territories cover 4,2 percent of area. Heritage sites - individual or groups of natural and cultural heritage objects – are the landscape elements, which are protected by special statutory protection and recovery mode. Aim of the research is to evaluate the protection of natural and cultural heritage in Širvintos district. This work analyzes normative documents, planning, research papers and other relevant literature, presents results of on-site evaluation of heritage objects in Kernave Cultural Reserve. The main purpose of the protection of these objects is to conduct the heritage to future generations. This is achievable only with the help of responsible observation and evaluation of condition of these objects. The results show that in Širvintos district areas of immovable cultural and natural heritage are in good condition, regularly maintained. Protection and use of immovable cultural heritage objects are regulated by a sufficient legal basis.
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Šimkutė, Aurelija. "Nekilnojamųjų kultūros paveldo objektų rekonstrukcijos analizė". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2007.

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Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo objektų rekonstrukcijos strategijos politiką bei įvertinti jos efektyvumą, apžvelgti užsienio šalyse esamas sąlygas nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldui išsaugoti, pateikti pasiūlymus Lietuvos kultūros paveldo objektų rekonstrukcijos strateginei būklei pagerinti. Atlikta SWOT analizė, apibendrinanti ir sujungianti išorinės aplinkos ir išteklių analizės rezultatus, suklasifikuojant nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo strategiją lemiančius veiksnius į keturias grupes: stiprybės, silpnybės, galimybės ir grėsmės. Šiame darbe bus taip pat aptariama nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo dabartinė būklė ir jų išsaugojimo bei rekonstrukcijos strategija. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, apžvalginis skyrius,analitinė – metodinė dalis, mokslinė – tyriamoji dalis, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 60 p. teksto be priedų, 22 iliustr., 14 lent., 62 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai.
The main aim of this graduation – analyse of reconstruction strategy policy of objects of the real estate of a cultural heritage and estimate it’s efficiency, review available conditions in foreign countries to protect of a real estate of a cultural heritage also to present suggestions to make better strategy of reconstruction of objects of the real estate of a cultural heritage. Acted a comprehensive analyses of the SWOT, summarized and conjoint the external environments and analysis of resouces results, classified subjects who determine organizations strategy in four groups: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. There will be consideration of the real estate of a cultural heritage present conditions, it’s preservation and strategy of reconstruction. Structure: introduction, review chapter, analytical-methodical section, scientific-research section, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consist of: 60 p. text without extras, 22 pictures, 14 tables, 62 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.
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Nascimento, Natali da Assunção Gonçalves do. "O baralho de cartas como objecto de comunicação da cultura popular". Master's thesis, Faculdade de Arquitectura, 2011.

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Tese de Mestrado em Design de Comunicação.
Hoje em dia os jogos de cartas e mais especificamente os baralhos de cartas, são vistos como objectos que fazem parte da vida quotidiana, das horas de lazer onde várias pessoas se juntam sem um propósito específico, apenas o de ocupar o tempo livre. Esta dissertação tem como objecto de estudo o baralho de cartas reinterpretando- o como potencial objecto de comunicação do conhecimento popular (tornando físico e de acesso fácil algum património imaterial). Consideramos que actualmente existe uma crescente perda e desvalorização da cultura popular, (este conhecimento não faz parte do quotidiano das pessoas) bem como uma separação das diferentes faixas etárias de população, não existindo troca de conhecimentos entre as diferentes gerações. A criação de um baralho de cartas com provérbios tradicionais portugueses vem tentar colmatar de uma forma mais lúdica esse afastamento de gerações e consequente desaparecimento da cultura popular. O objectivo será difundir os provérbios, gerar troca de conhecimento e propiciar a união das várias gerações Pretendemos com esta investigação criar um baralho que seja interessante para as gerações mais velhas não esquecendo as suas vivências e capacidades. Cativar as gerações mais novas através de um jogo ilustrado, difundindo entre elas a cultura popular, da qual se encontram distantes, unindo assim diferentes gerações (unir os avós que vivem em zonas desertificadas aos netos que vivem nas grandes cidades). O baralho de cartas a desenvolver neste projecto manterá as características dos baralhos convencionais já conhecidos, tal como os quatro naipes, as diferentes as figuras, os ases e os números. Mantendo assim a capacidade para se jogar os jogos já conhecidos, utilizamos assim o baralho de cartas como objecto difusor dos provérbios. A este baralho será adaptado um sistema de pontos que obrigue o utilizador a ler e a reter informação sobre os provérbios inscritos em cada carta do baralho, para que ocorra transmissão do conhecimento popular. Sendo o baralho de cartas um objecto de baixo custo que está ao alcance de todas as classes sociais, pretendemos tirar partido desta característica, levando através do baralho a desenvolver nesta dissertação, o conhecimento popular a um maior número de pessoas, unindo os mais novos com as gerações mais experientes, num jogo que é do agrado de todos.
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Marcinkevičiūtė, Daiva. "Buvusių karinės paskirties objektų konversija". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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Apleistos karinės teritorijos yra aktualus klausimas visoje Rytų Europoje, nes, pasibaigus Šaltajam karui, čia tapo nebenaudojami daug karinės paskirties statinių, kurių konversijos problematika nagrinėjama magistro darbe. Darbą sudaro įvadas, 3 dalys, išvados ir priedai. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjama su konversija susijusių Europos organizacijų ir JAV gynybos departamento parengta medžiaga bei kiti dokumentai apie XIX–XX a. karinių teritorijų vertę ir turistinį potencialą, jų konversijos teikiamas galimybes, konversijos dalyvius, jos valdymo struktūrą, finansavimo mechanizmus ir specifines marketingo strategijas, paramą teikiančias organizacijas, konversijos modelius. Antrojoje dalyje informacija apibendrinama ir papildoma bei suformuojamas konversijos paramos informacinės sistemos modelis. Trečiojoje dalyje, naudojant daugiakriterinį vertinimo metodą „ARAS“, palyginami 29 įgyvendinti konversijos projektai. Darbo apimtis – 129p. su priedais. Darbe yra 36 paveikslai, 31 lentelė, 97 bibliografiniai šaltiniai, 3 priedai.
Abandoned military sites is an important issue in whole Eastern Europe as after the Cold War here many military objects have been desolated. The conversion of these sites is studied in the master thesis. The paper consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions and annexes. In the first chapter the publications of European conversion organisations and USA department of defence are researched besides the other relevant documents related to XIXth–XXth c. military sites value, touristic potential, possibilities for conversion, conversion actors, management structure, financing mechanisms, specific marketing strategies, supporting organisations and conversion models. In the second chapter the information is colligated and accessed and a new model for a supporting conversion database is formed. In the third chapter the Additive Ratio Assessment (Aras) Method in Multicriteria Decision-Making is applied to compare 29 realised conversion projects. Paper has 129 pages (annexes included), 36 pictures, 31 tables, 97 bibliographical sources, 3 annexes.
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Tauhyl, Ana Paula Moreli. "Alfabetização do olhar: aprender pelos objetos e suas representações". Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.

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Esta dissertação descreve e analisa um conjunto de atividades educativas realizadas a partir de alguns produtos do Laboratório de Estudos sobre a Cidade Antiga - Labeca: o videodocumentário \"Siracusa Cidade Antiga\", mapas, plantas, fotografias e desenhos de reconstituições provenientes do banco de dados do laboratório e maquetes das cidades gregas de Poseidônia, Priene, Olinto e Selinonte. As atividades tiveram como objetivos divulgar a produção do Labeca e testar este material com o público alvo, buscando ampliar a visão da Grécia antiga comumente presente na escola; trabalhar o fazer ciência, por meio do oficio do arqueólogo; entender as diversas linguagens que constituem as formas de representação dos objetos, podendo, assim, exercer o pensamento crítico em relação a elas; e despertar o olhar do público para o universo das coisas materiais. Como público alvo da pesquisa, selecionamos duas turmas do 1º. Ano do Ensino Médio da Escola de Aplicação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Os alunos participaram de três encontros: apresentação do videodocumentário em sala de aula, visita ao MAE/USP para um trabalho com os mapas, plantas, fotografias, reconstituições e maquetes e, por fim, o manuseio de objetos arqueológicos e contemporâneos, novamente em sala de aula. Aplicamos três questionários aos alunos durante os encontros, os quais tinham por objetivo diagnosticar as impressões do público sobre o conjunto de atividades e se sua perspectiva em relação à Arqueologia e às cidades gregas antigas se modificou ao longo dos encontros. Os resultados que obtivemos a partir do questionário final, aplicado 70 dias após o primeiro, demonstraram que, de acordo com a concepção dos próprios alunos, a visão que tinham sobre Arqueologia foi modificada. Também pudemos verificar que outras características ligadas às cidades gregas passaram a compor o imaginário dos alunos sobre o tema, além daquelas elencadas no questionário inicial.
This Master thesis describes and analyses a set of educational activities created from some products developed by the Laboratory for the Study of the Ancient City (Labeca - MAE/USP). These products are the DVD \"Siracusa Cidade Antiga\" (\"Syracuse, Ancient City\"), maps, plans, photographs, reconstructions and models of four ancient Greek cities - Poseidonia, Olynth, Priene and Selinus. The activities aimed at divulge Labeca\'s products by testing them with the audience, seeking to expand the vision of ancient Greece commonly presented in school. The project had another three goals. The first was to show how the scientific thinking of the archaeologist works. The second one aimed at presenting to the students the diversity of languages used to represent things and how these languages must be criticized. Our last goal was to draw the students\' attention to the material things surrounding them. As audience, we selected two classes of the 1st. year of High School from the Escola de Aplicação of the Faculdade de Educação (Faculty of Education) in the University of São Paulo. Initially, the students watched the DVD \"Siracusa Cidade Antiga\" (\"Syracuse, Ancient City\") in their classroom. A few weeks later, they visited the MAE/USP, where they were presented to maps, plans, photographs, reconstructions and models of four ancient Greek cities. Finally, we paid a second visit to their classroom and the students had the chance to handle archaeological and contemporary objects. Three questionnaires were submitted to the students by the end of each meeting. They aimed at diagnosing the public reaction to the set of activities and identifying whether their perspective on archaeology and ancient Greek cities had changed throughout the meetings. The answers from the last questionnaire, which was applied seventy days after the first one, showed some changes about the students\' perception of Archaeology, according to themselves. Furthermore, we observed that other characteristics linked to the Greek cities were included in the imaginary of the students, in addition to those listed by them in the initial questionnaire.
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Bojana, Pašajlić. "Trgovački objekti sa prelaza XIX u XX vek u Kragujevcu – identitet i uloga medija". Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, 2020.

Pełny tekst źródła
Rad istražuje trgovačke objekte nastale u periodu prelaza iz 19. u 20.vek u Kragujevcu kao prostore koji definišu vizuelni identitet gradai sagledava njihov nastanak i razvoj. Navedeni objekti predstavljajunajlepše trgovačke objekte nastale u okviru jezgra grada Kraguejvca.Zbog pozicije koje zauzimaju kroz različite istorijske periode idruštvena uređenja oni prolaze kroz vizuelne i namensketransformacije koje se udaljuju od njihovog primarnog vizuelnogidentiteta. Kako bi kriterijumi vezani za očuvanje objekata kaoznačajnog kulturnog nasleđa i nosioca vizuelnog identiteta mestabili adekvatno sprovedeni potrebno je oformiti posebne pravilnikeodnosno dopune zakona koji će biti predmet proučavanja ovog rada.
The paper examines the trade buildings created during the transition from the19th to the 20th century in Kragujevac as spaces that define the visualidentity of the city and research their emergence and development. Thesefacilities represent the most beautiful trade buildings created within the coreof the city of Kragujevac. Because of the positions they occupy throughdifferent historical periods and social arrangements, they undergo visual andpurposeful transformations that move away from their primary visual identity.In order for the criteria related to the preservation of objects as a significantcultural heritage and the bearer of the visual identity of the city to be properlyimplemented, it is necessary to establish special regulations or amendmentsto the law that will be the subject of study of this paper.
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Brayet, Aurélie. "Des modes d’appropriation des objets techniques de la vie quotidienne : le cas des Arts ménagers culinaires". Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2017.

Pełny tekst źródła
Négligés par l’histoire des techniques, les objets de la vie domestique et du quotidien sont abordés dans cette thèse sur travaux, par le prisme des Arts ménagers culinaires. L’omniprésence des objets techniques à la maison et particulièrement en cuisine est inversement proportionnelle à l’intérêt accordé à ces objets en histoire des techniques. Témoins et acteurs, les objets culinaires sont en interrelations avec hommes et femmes. Ces objets sont imaginés, construits, achetés, donnés, utilisés, acceptés, rejetés, usés, détournés, modifiés, idéalisés, aimés, transmis, détestés, jetés, conservés, exposés… Autant de rapports et de modes d’appropriation qui révèlent des liens permanents entre les hommes et les femmes, inventeurs, concepteurs, utilisateurs, conservateurs, et des objets qui évoluent et se modifient à leurs contacts. Appropriation scientifique, patrimoniale, muséale, individuelle, sociétale ou encore familiale sont ainsi mises en avant. Ces échanges, confrontations et co-constructions sont interrogés et différents niveaux d’appropriation déclinés, afin de faire ressortir les valeurs heuristiques de ces objets (particulièrement l’autocuiseur et le réfrigérateur). Dans un XXe siècle élargi (1880-1980) en insistant sur l’entre-deux-guerres (objets assimilés à de la science) et les Trente Glorieuses (objets de consommation), l’analyse des cristallisations culturelles, politiques, sociales, techniques et géopolitiques inscrites dans ces objets familiers est abordée dans approche comparative afin de cerner la spécificité d’un mode d’appropriation français des Arts ménagers culinaires
Often overlooked in the history of technology, objects of domestic, everyday life will be examined in this thesis through the lens of the culinary « Arts Ménagers » (the household culinary arts). The omnipresence of technical objects at home and especially in the kitchen is inversely proportional to the interest given to these objects in the history of technology. Witnesses, actors, culinary objects are interrelated with men and women. These objects are designed, constructed, bought, donated, used, embraced, discarded, worn out, misused, modified, idealized, loved, passed down, hated, preserved, displayed ... numerous relations and modes of appropriation which reveal permanent connections between men and women, inventors, designers, users, curators, and objects that evolve and change with their interactions. Appropriation by science, heritage, society, museums, families, and individuals, are consequently highlighted. These exchanges, confrontations, and co-constructions are questioned and different levels of appropriation are broken down in order to highlight the heuristic values of these objects (particularly the pressure cooker and the refrigerator). This work covers an expanded twentieth century (1880-1980), placing special emphasis on the interwar period (objects considered as science) and the glorious thirties (objects of consumption). The analysis of the cultural, political, social, technological and geopolitical crystallisations of these familiar items is studied in a comparative approach in order to identify the specificity of the French mode of adoption of the Culinary “Arts ménagers”
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Barňák, Tomáš. "Přístupy k znovuvyužití památkových objektu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012.

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The thesis briefly defines basic concepts of the basic landmarks and distribution. Options owners of historic buildings, their rights and obligations. Outlines the options are and what support may be listed structures by the State of the European Union and by various endowment funds for recovery and subsequent use for the future and future generations. Analyzes aspects of the approach to the use of selected monuments.
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Almeida, Cármen Dolores Avó Baião Ferreira de. "Objectos melancólicos... : fotografia, património e construção da memória a colecção do Grupo pró-Evora (1890-1920)". Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2003.

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A actual cultura de proliferação patrimonial, reveladora da revalorização da memória e das identidades locais, traduz-se, entre outros aspectos, por um interesse crescente pelo património fotográfico. A par da evolução dos conceitos de património e museu, a fotografia ganhou novos significados, pelo que novas reflexões se levantam no campo do estudo das colecções fotográficas. A partir de um caso concreto – a Colecção do Grupo Pró-Évora – evidencia-se a importância de encarar cada imagem como um "mapa de significados", que permita ir além da sua mera aparência visual. Do estudo conclui-se que a Colecção reproduz o imaginário patrimonial do Grupo Pró-Évora e que se integra de forma activa na construção da imagem pretendida para a cidade pelos seus membros. Face à extensão da Colecção e ao que nela se reflecte do ponto de vista da memória colectiva local, propõe-se a sua musealização e classificação como Bem Móvel de Valor Concelhio. /*** Abstract - The current interest in the culture of heritage, revealing the importance of memory and the local identities means, among other aspects, a growing interest in the photography heritage . Side by side with the evolution of the concepts of heritage and museum, the photography won new meanings in such a manner that new reflections about the study of photo collections must be done. Starting from a real case, the collection of Grupo Pró-Évora, it's possible to prove the important of looking at each image as a “map of meanings" which allow people to go beyond its visual appearance. The present study demonstrates that the collection reflects itself not only the heritage imaginary of the Grupo, but it also gives the true image of the town, the one, the members want to be known. Being such a rich and important collection, besides its value as collective memory, it's believed it should be musealised and classified as Valuable Council Heritage Property.
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Hille, Frédérique. "Bandes de jeunes ! Pensée sociale et pensée professionnelle, entre communication et héritage : la construction des représentations professionnelles d'un objet sensible dans le champ de l'éducation spécialisée". Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2015.

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Cette thèse porte sur les représentations professionnelles de la bande de jeunes dans le champ de l'éducation spécialisée. Conçue comme objet de représentation sensible, la bande de jeunes est entendue comme une édification mythique qui, dans l’imaginaire, renvoie à une certaine perception de la jeunesse. Au travers de trois enquêtes, cet objet est abordé dans ses aspects constituants, une communication médiatique héritée, et constitués, un produit socio-cognitifs. Les représentations sont lues sous le prisme de la professionnalisation, un processus inscrit dans une dynamique représentationnelle qui permet le passage des savoirs du quotidien à des savoirs professionnels. Les deux premières enquêtes relèvent de préalables à l'investigation du champ professionnel de l'éducation spécialisée, au travers d'un diagnostic de communication diachronique (la bande de jeunes dans la presse de la Belle Époque et dans la presse des trente dernières années) et d'un diagnostic de la nature de l'objet (objet affectif non-cognitif, objet sensible). La troisième enquête se propose d'aborder les représentations de la bande de jeunes chez les éducateurs spécialisés comme la traduction professionnelle d’une édification mythique, donnant naissance à des savoirs professionnels plus ou moins distincts des savoirs du quotidien. Si les éducateurs praticiens dénoncent en premier lieu la bande de jeunes comme préjugés ou stéréotype et y applique une grille de lecture sociale (exclusion, précarité), les éducateurs en formation se distinguent par une négation de cet objet (que cela soit en terme de stéréotypie ou d'explication sociale)
This thesis concerns the professional representations of the band of youths in the field of the special education. Conceived as sensitive object of representation, the band of youths is understood as a mythical construction which, in the imagination, reflects a certain perception of the youth. Through three inquiries, this object is approached on its constituent aspects, an inherited media communication, and constituted, a product socio-cognitive. The representations are read under the prism of the professionalization, a process registers in a representational dynamics which allows the passage of the knowledges of the everyday life to the professional knowledges. The first two inquiries are prerequisites in the investigation of the professional field of the special education, through a diagnosis of diachronic communication (the band of youths in the press of the « Belle Époque » and in the press of the last thirty years) and of a diagnosis of the nature of the object (non-cognitive emotional object, sensitive object). The third inquiry suggests approaching the representations of the band of youths at the educators specialized as the professional translation of a mythical construction, giving birth to professional knowledges more or less different from knowledges of the everyday life. If the educators practitioners denounce first of all the band of youths as the prejudices or stereotype and applies it a social key for reading (exclusion, precariousness), the educators in training distinguish themselves by a negation from this object (that it is in term of stereotypy or social explanation)
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Lesaffre, Gaelle. "Objets de patrimoine, objets de curiosité : Le statut des objets extra-occidentaux dans l'exposition permanente du musée du quai Branly". Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2011.

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La question du statut des objets issus des sociétés extra-occidentales conservés dans les musées occidentaux restait posée, jusqu'à récemment, dans les termes du paradigme construit au cours du vingtième siècle opposant le statut ethnographique au statut esthétique, et à partir d'une conception intrinsèque du statut des objets. La controverse suscitée par l'annonce du projet du musée du quai Branly au sein des communautés anthropologique et muséale en témoigne. Cette recherche propose de renouveler l'approche du statut des objets extra-occidentaux en adoptant une conception extrinsèque du statut des objets. Elle repose sur deux analyses sémiotiques successives de l'exposition permanente du musée du quai Branly. La première vise à analyser séparément et exhaustivement les registres médiatiques de l'espace, scriptovisuel et audiovisuel qui composent, avec le registre des objets, l'exposition ; la seconde à analyser, au sein d'un corpus restreint d'unités d'exposition, l'interaction des registres, dans le but final d'identifier les processus interprétatifs producteurs du sens des objets. L'objectif de cette double analyse consiste à vérifier que l'exposition permanente du musée du quai Branly assigne le statut d'objet de patrimoine aux objets issus des sociétés extra-occidentales qu'il conserve.La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à restituer la construction de la question de recherche, qui porte surle caractère patrimonial du statut des objets de musée extra-occidentaux, et à rendre compte des moyens méthodologiques mis en oeuvre pour y répondre. La deuxième partie, consacrée aux résultats de l'analyse séparée des registres, confirme que les marqueurs nécessaires à l'assignation du statut patrimonial des objets extra-occidentaux, les mondes d'origines ailleurs et muséaux, sont bien certifiés dans l'exposition. Elle montre également la mobilisation particulière du registre de l'espace. L'ensemble incite à formuler l'hypothèse que l'espace ne constitue pas un interprétant des objets, que les mondes d'origine ailleurs et muséaux occupent une place secondaire dans l'assignation du statut des objets et, finalement, que les objets sont les principaux interprétants des objets. Enfin, la troisième partie permet de vérifier que la certification de l'appartenance des objets à leur double monde d'origine est bien réalisée par le traitement muséal, l'exposition assigne donc bien le statut de patrimoine aux objets exposés, mais elle montre aussi que les éléments de la certification apparaissent comme secondaires, tandis que la production du sens des objets par la relation entre les objets favorise l'assignation d'un autre statut de l'objet : le statut de curiosité. En s'appuyant sur la production de la signification des objets par le dispositif d'exposition pour le visiteur, cette recherche permet de penser, plus largement, la capacité de l'exposition à proposer un discours neutre qui modifie son opérativité, et qui permet à l'institution muséale de se placer dans une posture de délégation du sens produit par l'exposition.
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Fučíková, Petra. "Oceňování stavebních prací z kamene při restaurování nemovitých historických objektů". Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016.

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The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current situation in valuation of restoration works during construction work, and then to define and standardize the construction work of stone during the restoration of immovable historical monuments. The dissertation moves further knowledge about the issue of restoration work valuation and brings benefits at both theoretical and practical level. In the first part thesis deals with the detailed definition of basic terms, namely restoration, cultural heritage, calculations and costs. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to international comparisons of the historical monuments care in the Czech Republic and France. The result is a comparison of selected indicators of historical monuments care in the Czech Republic and France. Further the attention in the second part is devoted to the pricing development and standardization in construction and restoration, as well as to the pricing of construction work. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to the actual research work, which is focused on the methodology of determining the price of stone construction work in the restoration of the historical buildings. Based on the results of the research there are presented conclusions and proposals of solutions to the existing issue. It is primarily about defining the scope of the building technical documentation with respect to the requirements of restoration, defining direct and indirect costs and profits of construction work of stone in the restoration of historical buildings. At the end of this section there are defined conclusions from the research, which summarize the determination of price list and its description. An integral part of this dissertation is a proposal for the further development and possible solutions of this specific issue.
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Rymkevičiūtė, Agnė. "Kultūros paveldo objektų bei vietų atstatymas Europoje ir Lietuvoje XX a. antroje pusėje - XXI a. pradžioje: teorija ir praktika". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Kultūros paveldo objektų bei vietų atstatymas Europoje ir Lietuvoje XX a. antroje pusėje - XXI a. pradžioje: teorija ir praktika Santrauka Atstatymas kaip specifinis paveldo „išsaugojimo“, tiksliau - jo originalios būsenos susigrąžinimo veiksmas, šiuolaikinėje paveldosaugoje yra griežtai ribojamas ir pateisinamas tik išskirtiniais atvejais. Istorinių paminklų ir vietų atstatymas ypatingai tapo svarbus XX amžiuje, kai pasauliniai karai sunaikino nemažą dalį istorinių vietų ar atskirų objektų. Darbo objektas – kultūros paveldo objektų ir vietų atstatymo fenomenas. Šio reiškinio fenomenalumui atskleisti pasirinkti ryškiausi XX a. antros pusės ir XXI a. pradžios atstatymo pavyzdžiai Europoje bei Lietuvoje. Ypatingas dėmesys atkreiptinas į Antrojo pasaulinio karo sunaikintų objektų ir vietų atstatymą. Todėl, atsižvelgiant į tai, pasirinkti dviejų, labiausiai karo nuniokotų Europos šalių – Lenkijos ir Vokietijos – atstatymo pavyzdžiai. Tai – Varšuvos senamiestis, Frankfurto Giotės namai, Drezdeno Frauenkirche, Berlyno Karališkieji rūmai. Lietuvos atveju analizuojami šie atstatymo pavyzdžiai - Trakų salos pilis, tarpukario paminklai, Valdovų rūmai ir Vilniaus istorinio geto būdingi fragmentai. Dažnai kultūros paveldo objektų ir vietų atstatymai praktikoje prieštarauja paveldosaugos teisėje bei teoretikų veikaluose vyraujančiai atstatymo sampratai. Todėl kyla klausimas – kodėl ir kaip yra atstatomi tam tikri kultūros paveldo objektai ir vietos? Kodėl tam tikrais laikotarpiais jie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Objects and Sites in Europe and Lithuania: Theory and Practice (second half of the 20th c. - 21st c.) Summary Reconstruction as a specific undertaking of heritage „preservation“, to be precise – the recovery of its original state, is strictly limited by contemporary conservation law and is legitimized only at exceptional cases. The reconstruction of historical monuments and sites turned to be notably significant in 20th c. after the damages caused by the World Wars. The object of the thesis is the phenomenon of reconstruction of cultural heritage objects and sites. The most salient examples in Europe and Lithuania (second half of the 20th c. - 21st c.) are chosen here for the revelation of the reconstruction phenomenon. Exclusive regard is paid to the reconstruction of historical objects and sites ruined during the Second World War. Therefore the reconstruction examples are chosen here of two the most of all injured countries during the War – Poland and Germany. These are – the old town of Warsaw, Goethehaus in Frankfurt, Dresden‘s Frauenkirche, Stadtschlos in Berlin. The reconstruction examples analysed in the case of Lithuania are – castle of Trakai, the monuments of the first Independence, Grand Duke Palace and the typical fragments of Vilnius historical ghetto. Frequently the reconstructions of historical monuments and sites disagree/ed to the mainstream conception in the conservation charters and theory works. Consequently the question... [to full text]
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Markytánová, Eva. "Financování obnovy a údržby památkových objektů". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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This thesis analyzes the possibilities of financing the rehabilitation and maintenance of historical buildings in the Czech Republic with the practical application of the city Vimperk. The theoretical part discusses the importance of cultural heritage and the preservation of monuments, including its legislation and the manner of its organization. Various options for financing of survival sights both from domestic and foreign sources are discussed in detail. First the South Bohemian town Vimperk is introduced with monuments in its territorial jurisdiction in the practical part. Furthermore, this part approaches the system of the performance of local public administration and system for implementing conservation at the level of the city and South Region. A large space is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of sources of funding utilized conservation in this city, there are also recommended other appropriate support options. The subsidy programs of the South Bohemian Region, the Ministry of Culture, European and other foreign funds are mentioned. The amount of tables and graphs are added especially in this part for the better illustration. Information needed for the development of this work were obtained from the literature, Internet resources and personal consultations at the municipal office Vimperk and ROP Southwest.
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Brezovský, Jindřich. "Konverze objektu dormitory na hostel a jeho nové řešení v Tomioka Silk Mill, Japonsko". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2012.

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Diploma thesis called “CONVERSION OF DORMITORY TO HOSTEL AND NEW DESIGN OF HOTEL, TOMIOKA SILK MILL JAPAN“ was elaborated according to the regulations in the form of architectural study. The topics of this thesis were two variants of possible conversion of accommodation for workwomen (dormitory). The partial assignment comprised solution to the arrangement of greenery in the atrium of the dormitory, and revitalization of plateau. The building is located in the premise of a former silk mill in the city Tomioka in the Gunma prefecture on the Honshu island in Japan. The conversion of the building for the novel purpose required replenishment of necessary facilities, and some building interventions to assure operation of the hostel. In both variants, partial adjustment of the original building was needed. However, all changes had to maintain proportions and volume of the building not to compromise the original concept of whole premise as well as the skyline of the city. The adjustments of the original building of dormitory consisted of a completion of the entrance portal including a foyer, and a reception with the base of operation. Large glass areas in combination with exposed concrete were used as construction materials. These materials were selected so that the new structures (monolithic ferroconcrete) are clearly distinguishable from original ones (wood). The Internal atrium was designed in the style of modern japan garden with various types of surfaces (vegetation – moss; mineral – gravel and stones). Variant 1 – the new constructions of the two facility buildings. Building A is washroom building, and building B is catering building with toilets. The volumes of individual objects were formed by simple prisms rotated by 30° a 60° against axis of dormitory. These volumes complied with dimensions of the original building. The building A protruded on the edge of the slope, and it was paneled with glass plates. The building B was glassed-in from the south, while the northern side was constructed from exposed concrete in a compact way. The building A was divided to two symmetric parts by a central wall for both structural and functional purposes. At the end of the building, there was an ofuro (swimming pool) providing views of the surrounding mountains. Typological solution of the building B included separate toilets with a mixed washroom, which were located in the northern part of the building. In the southern part, the space for catering was divided to an operational space, and a space for visitors by a dispensing counter. The building A was from reinforced concrete and was founded on the base plate. The central wall represented the main load-bearing structural element that prevents transverse breakage. The central wall was anchored into the ground with piles. The building B was also from reinforced concrete and was based on the strip foundations. Variant 2 – the extension was formed as a simple prism that complied with the rectangular system of the premise and dimensions of the original dormitory building. Employed materials of the new constructions were concrete and glass similarly to the other new extensions. To ensure intimate environment, the glass part of a façade was enclosed by a bamboo fence. This space was also used as a viewable green garden. The building was typologically divided to the parts for women and men. Both parts were equipped with ofuro. The building was monolithic ferroconcrete skeleton based on the footings.
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Sharkawi, Maissoun. "Les pressoirs à olives à vis en fer à activation manuelle du XIXe siècle comme objet de patrimonialisation, dans le contexte du patrimoine culturel palestinien". Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.

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Cette thèse expose dans quel environnement social et historique, la notion du patrimoine culturel palestinien fut formulée au cours de deux derniers siècles. L’étude se base sur un travail de terrain visant à la réalisation d'un inventaire sur les pressoirs à vis en fer à activation manuelle (autrement dit PVFM), existant encore in situ dans la région rurale du gouvernorat de Ramallah. Cet inventaire est une première étape de valorisation du patrimoine lié à la production de l’huile d’olive, illustrant la Palestine à travers la proto-industrie rurale qui existait dès la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. L’illustration de l'histoire par en bas, à travers ces traces, ainsi que la documentation de l’évolution des ces techniques sont des outils essentiels pour promouvoir et se réapproprier de cette partie du patrimoine en tant qu’élément intégral de la culture, de l’histoire et de l’identité palestinienne, tout en l’intégrant à la culture méditerranéenne de l’huile d’olive en général
This thesis explores the social and historical environment in which the concept of Palestinian cultural heritage has been formulated throughout the past two centuries. The study, which is based on fieldwork, relies on an inventory of the manually operated, iron screw-mechanism olive presses (MISP) that still exist in situ in the rural area of the Ramallah governorate. This inventory constitutes an essential step in evaluating the heritage linked to the production of olive oil and in illustrating the rural proto-industry that existed by the second half of the 19th century in Palestine. Illustrating the bottom-up history of these findings and documenting the evolution of these techniques in view of offering a tool for the promotion and re-appropriation of this part of heritage as an inherent part of Palestinian culture, history and identity while incorporating it as an integral part of the greater Mediterranean olive oil culture
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Friberg, Olivia. "Vargarna från öst : En objektbiografisk studie av kanonerna på Gripsholms slott". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia, 2021.

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This study has aimed to understand Suggan and Galten as its history and story has changed through time. To achieve this a biography perspective are applied. Suggan and Galten is war trophies taken from Russians during the Livonian war (1558-1583) and now presented at Gripsholm castle. Apart from understanding their history this study is going to discuss Suggan and Galtens role as war trophies, furthermore how they relate to society both now and then. But also, how they are viewed upon as cultural heritage.  This thesis has been based on a litterature study with supplementary illustrations to put Suggan and Galten in a larger context. In the litterature study an object biographical perspective has been obtained to be able to study the entire life story. Materiality and agency have also been used to explain human relationships to the cannons and to try to clarify peoples actions around them. The object biographical perspective has verified several aspects of Suggan and Galtens life journey. With the help of the theoretical starting point, the development of the cannons from Äldre Vasatiden to the present day has partly been accounted for. The study describes how Suggan and Galten were casted in Moscow by casting master Andrei Chekhov. How they were used by the Russian army in the Livonian war. Then taken over by the Swedes and shipped to Sweden. Once on Swedish soil, they participated in a trophy parade and then became cultural heritages at Gripsholm castle. War trophies refer to an object taken during conquest, which Suggan and Galten were. Furthermore, they have been used as war trophies in parades to demonstrate the power of the royal family. It was also during this time that the cannons began to develop into a cultural heritage. Only when the cannons were placed at Gripsholm castle where they considered as cultural heritage.
Studien har undersökt Suggan och Galtens livshistoria från tillverkningen i Ryssland till utställningen på Gripsholms slott. Syftet och frågeställningarna har varit att förstå och tydliggöra Suggan och Galtens utveckling genom tid och rum. Samt att redogöra för kanonerna som krigstroféer och varför dem blivit det. Slutligen har kulturarvsfrågan diskuterats utifrån objekten och hur de har speglats i samhället både då och nu.  Uppsatsen har baserats på en litteraturstudie med kompletterande bildmaterial för att sätta Suggan och Galten i ett större sammanhang. I litteraturstudien har ett objektbiografiskt perspektiv erhållits för att kunna studera hela livshistorien. Materialitet och agens har också använts för att förklara människans relation till kanonerna och för att försöka klarlägga personers handlingar kring dem. Det objektbiografiska perspektivet har verifierat flera aspketer av Suggan och Galtens livsresa. Med hjälp av den teoretiska utgångspunkten har kanonernas utveckling från Äldre Vasatiden fram till idag delvis kunnat redogöras för. Studien redogör för hur Suggan och Galten gjöts i Moskva av gjutmästare Andrej Chokhov. Hur de användes av den ryska armén i livländska kriget för att sedan övertas av svenskarna och skeppas till Sverige. Väl på svensk mark deltog de i troféparaden för att sedan bli ett kulturarv på Gripsholms slott.  Krigstroféer syftar på föremål som tagits under erövring vilket Suggan och Galten gjordes. Vidare har de som krigstroféer använts i triumfparader i syfte till att påvisa kungafamiljens makt. Det var även under den här tiden som kanonerna började utvecklas till ett kulturarv. Först när kanonerna placerades på Gripsholms slott ansågs de som fulländade kulturarv.
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Sakdavong, Jean-Christophe. "Un modèle orienté objet pour la programmation distribuée fondé sur des classes de configuration". Toulouse 3, 1996.

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Cette these traite d'un modele de programmation dedie a la programmation orientee objet dans les systemes distribues. Le modele propose est appele d-hector et il permet d'etendre un langage oriente objet sequentiel a la programmation parallele et distribuee. Celui-ci apporte la notion de classes distribuables a partir desquelles il est possible d'instancier des objets distribues. Le modele d-hector a ete concu selon l'idee qu'il est possible de separer les classes distribuables en trois composants fondamentaux. Il s'agit des classes fonctionnelles (attributs et methodes), des classes de synchronisation et des classes de configuration. L'utilisation du concept d'objet avec heritage a permis de definir des hierarchies specifiques aux trois genres de composants. Les classes fonctionnelles sont les classes telles qu'elles sont connues dans les langages orientes objet imperatifs et servent a la description des fragments d'objets appeles representants. Les classes de synchronisation sont dediees a la synchronisation des objets distribues. Les classes de configuration sont l'originalite principale de ce travail. Les classes de configuration definissent la configuration dynamique d'objets distribues et leur routage associe a l'aide d'un systeme de regles d'evolution. Une implantation du modele d-hector s'appuyant sur le langage c++ est presentee. Cette implantation a necessite l'ecriture en c++ d'un noyau d'execution distribue utilisant un haut degre de parallelisme et de distribution
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