Gotowa bibliografia na temat „Grille d’aubes”
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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Grille d’aubes"
Beaulne, Stéphane. "Les troubles neurosensoriels chez cinq enfants autistes d’âge préscolaire". Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 24 (15.01.2014): 36–58.
Pełny tekst źródłaTalbot, Serge, Denis Drouin i Viateur Lemire. "Un système pour l’analyse du temps actif d’intervention positive". Revue des sciences de l'éducation 10, nr 3 (27.11.2009): 487–502.
Pełny tekst źródłaForgues, Éric. "L’effectivité de la Loi sur les langues officielles, proposition d’une grille d’analyse". Articles, nr 17 (21.12.2021): 196–220.
Pełny tekst źródłaBlanchette, Cynthia. "Proposition d’une grille de lecture innovante des processus de mobilités intra-organisationnelles responsables". Management & Sciences Sociales N° 31, nr 2 (1.07.2021): 98–110.
Pełny tekst źródłaCaron, Roxane, Dominique Damant i Catherine Flynn. "Refuser d’être désignées. Des identités imposées, négociées et revendiquées". Refuge 34, nr 2 (10.12.2018): 124–34.
Pełny tekst źródłaMigdad, Safa, Amjad Joma i Olivier Arvisais. "Impact de la stratégie d’apprentissage par projets sur l’acquisition des compétences en leadership parmi les élèves réfugiés palestiniens à Gaza". Didactique 2, nr 1 (10.03.2021): 4–39.
Pełny tekst źródłaSimonet, François. "Évaluer : actions composites et postures multiples ?" VST - Vie sociale et traitements N° 163, nr 3 (2.08.2024): 103–9.
Pełny tekst źródłaIcher, Adrien, Valérie Houot, Jordan Sibeoni, Hugo Phulpin, Gaël Galliot, Alice Belloc, Karine Faure i Tudi Gozé. "Étude qualitative de l’implémentation de la COP 13 dans une institution accueillant des personnes vivant avec un trouble psychotique sévère d’évolution lente". Perspectives Psy 61, nr 2 (kwiecień 2022): 162–73.
Pełny tekst źródłaTurgeon, Laurier, i Louise Saint-Pierre. "Le patrimoine immatériel religieux au Québec". Ethnologies 31, nr 1 (9.11.2009): 201–33.
Pełny tekst źródłaBagri, Séro, Clarisse Tama Imorou, Isaac Sambo i Zacharie Badjagou. "Coproduction de l’offre d’éducation préscolaire communautaire dans la commune d’Adjohoun au Bénin : analyse des dynamiques sociopolitiques". L’éducation en débats : analyse comparée 14, nr 1 (18.07.2024): 155–79.
Pełny tekst źródłaRozprawy doktorskie na temat "Grille d’aubes"
Gao, Feng. "Advanced numerical simulation of corner separation in a linear compressor cascade". Thesis, Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe increasing demand to reduce the mass of aircraft jet engines and emissions of aircraft propulsion requires to make the compression system of engines more compact, since this component accounts for about 40%-50% of the total mass. However, at a given overall pressure ratio, decreasing the number of stages will raise the compressor blade loading per stage. The blade loading is extremely restricted by different three-dimensional flow loss mechanisms. One of them is the corner separation that forms between the blade suction side and the hub or shroud. Although some works previously investigated the mechanisms and the parameters of corner separation, it is still difficult to propose an effective control method of the corner separation. That is mainly due to two reasons: (i) the lack of knowledge of the physical mechanisms, (ii) the nowadays classical RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) turbulence models are not capable to accurately predict the corner separation, since they cannot correctly describe the turbulent transport mechanisms. RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) and LES (large-eddy simulation) simulations are here presented on a compressor cascade configuration, in comparison with experimental data obtained at LMFA (from separate works). The RANS approach globally over-estimates the corner separation, whereas a significant improvement is achieved with the LES, especially for the blade surface static pressure coefficient and the total pressure losses. The corner separation region, which is the main source of the total pressure losses, is shown to generate large-scale energy-containing eddies. The bimodal histograms of the streamwise velocity that were observed experimentally seem to be confirmed by the LES results. Concerning the streamwise velocity fluctuations (RMS), both the experiment and the LES show some profiles with two peaks. Finally, thanks to the LES approach, the turbulent kinetic energy budget, which represents the balance between the production, dissipation and transport terms, are computed and analyzed. This may help the improvement of RANS turbulence modeling
Ezzine, Mouhamed Mounibe. "Etude de dispositifs passifs et actifs de réduction du bruit d’interaction soufflante–redresseur". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2024.
Pełny tekst źródłaTwo approaches to reduce aeroacoustic noise associated with the OGV of aircraft engines have been examined in this thesis. The first relies on passive solutions, using materials such as porous foam and wire mesh to attenuate noise. The effectiveness of these materials has been tested in various configurations, demonstrating a noise reduction capacity of up to 6 dB under certain conditions, although this efficiency may be affected by factors such as flow velocity. The second part of the study focused on active techniques, particularly the use of piezoelectric cells for noise control. These technologies have shown a notable reduction in noise, reaching up to 15 dB in some cases, although noise amplification has been noted in other situations, emphasizing the importance of precise design in the application of these technologies. Finally, numerical optimization of acoustic impedance on aerodynamic profiles was explored, aiming to further reduce noise generated by turbulent flows. This approach identified optimal impedance values, leading to significant noise reductions for certain frequencies. The results suggest that precise selection of acoustic impedance on profile surfaces can be an effective method for minimizing aeroacoustic noise, although profile geometry may influence the results. Overall, these studies highlight the potential of different strategies for aeroacoustic noise reduction, while emphasizing the need for careful application tailored to specific conditions to maximize their effectiveness
Części książek na temat "Grille d’aubes"
Landfried, Carrie C. "III. Liens affectifs, liens littéraires : les affinités que nous révèle la correspondance de Nathalie Sarraute avec d’autres Nouveaux Romanciers". W Nathalie Sarraute aujourd’hui, 47–64. Hermann, 2023.
Pełny tekst źródłaALGMI, Nadjah, i Jean-Paul MEREAUX. "Une grille de lecture des défaillances d’entreprises versus réalité du Covid-19". W Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 167–74. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaDEJEAN DE LA BÂTIE, Alice. "A l’aube de l’ère pénale sanitaire". W Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 251–55. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaRaporty organizacyjne na temat "Grille d’aubes"
Reilly, Elena, Elizabeth Serlemitsos i Julieth Sebba Bilakwate. Considérations clés : Participation des enfants dans le contexte des flambées épidémiques en Afrique de l’est et australe. Insitute of Development Studies, czerwiec 2024.
Pełny tekst źródłaHrynick, Tabitha, Godefroid Muzalia i Myfanwy James. Considérations clés : Communication des risques et engagement communautaire pour la vaccination contre la mpox dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo. Institute of Development Studies, lipiec 2024.
Pełny tekst źródła