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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Evaluation and open source"
Fuggetta, Alfonso. "Open source software––an evaluation". Journal of Systems and Software 66, nr 1 (kwiecień 2003): 77–90.
Pełny tekst źródłaConfino, Joel P., i Phillip A. Laplante. "An Open Source Software Evaluation Model". International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications 1, nr 1 (styczeń 2010): 60–77.
Pełny tekst źródłaCastro, Hélio, Goran Putnik, Alrenice Castro i Rodrigo Dal Bosco Fontana. "Open Design initiatives: an evaluation of CAD Open Source Software". Procedia CIRP 84 (2019): 1116–19.
Pełny tekst źródłaPark, Ju-Byung, i Hae-Sool Yang. "Quality Evaluation Method of Open Source Software". Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 13, nr 5 (31.05.2012): 2353–59.
Pełny tekst źródłaGautam, Aparna. "Evaluation of Open Source Markup Validation Tools". International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology V, nr X (30.10.2017): 1707–12.
Pełny tekst źródłaM. Johnson, Wayne, Matthew Rowell, Bill Deason i Malik Eubanks. "Comparative evaluation of an open-source FDM system". Rapid Prototyping Journal 20, nr 3 (14.04.2014): 205–14.
Pełny tekst źródłaSilva, Elise, Jessica Green i Cole Walker. "Source evaluation behaviours of first-year university students". Journal of Information Literacy 12, nr 2 (4.12.2018): 24.
Pełny tekst źródłaOlla, Phillip. "Open Source E-Learning Systems". International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes 4, nr 4 (październik 2012): 33–43.
Pełny tekst źródłaAbdullah, Himli S. "Evaluation of Open Source Web Application Vulnerability Scanners". Academic Journal of Nawroz University 9, nr 1 (17.02.2020): 47.
Pełny tekst źródłaGood, Kenneth, i Kenneth Roy. "Open plan privacy index measurement source speaker evaluation". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121, nr 5 (maj 2007): 3035.
Pełny tekst źródłaRozprawy doktorskie na temat "Evaluation and open source"
Othman, Bassam. "Open source : evaluation of database modeling CASE". Thesis, University of Skövde, Department of Computer Science, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaOpen source software is becoming increasingly popular and many organizations are using them, such as apache (used by over 50% of the world’s web servers) and Linux (a popular operating system). There exist mixed opinions about the quality of this type of software.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate quality of open source CASE-tools and compare it with quality of proprietary CASE-tools. The evaluation concerns tools used for database modeling, where the DDL-generation capabilities of these tools are studied. The study is performed as a case study where one open source (two, after experiencing some difficulties with the first tool) and one proprietary tool are studied.
The results of this study indicate that open source database modeling CASE-tools are not ready to challenge proprietary tools. However software developed as open source usually evolve rapidly (compared to proprietary software) and a more mature open source tool could emerge in the near future.
Tekir, Selma Koltuksuz Ahmet. "An Implementation Model For Open Sources Evaluation/". [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaAli, Murad. "Performance Evaluation of an Open-source Multicast Router". Thesis, KTH, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaOpen-source routing has gained momentum in the last few years due to expensive proprietary network hardware and software. People and organizations want more control on routing hardware and software. Inspired by the success of open-source software, and contributions by researchers and many volunteer developers across the globe, there are two open-source routing stacks in the market which are quite promising in terms of performance and features, namely Quagga and XORP. These routing daemons can run on many different hardware and operating systems, and are free to download and customize according to personal preference. Today, assembling a router from off-the-shelf hardware and open-source software is a matter of a few minute efforts. Nowadays, open-source software has become an integral part of many commercial network products.
This thesis presents a performance evaluation study of an open-source multicast router. Open-source routing software is used to build a fully functional, high-performing open-source multicast router. The multicast router is running the XORP (pronounced as Zorp) routing software installed on the Debian Linux operating system. A testbed which consisted of three open-source routers was created, where different performance and operational tests were conducted. The tests mainly concerned the evaluation of the multicast routing functionality of an open-source router in a production-like environment where triple-play services were provided to the customers. Linux Differentiated Services were used to provide quality of service to three different traffic classes. Besides these tests, reliability, router management and interoperability with proprietary routers were also evaluated.
Nilsson, Mikael. "Open-source Workflow Evaluation : An evaluation of the Activiti BPM Platform". Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi och medier, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaJagannathan, Srivatsan. "Comparison and Evaluation of Open-source Cloud Management Software". Thesis, KTH, Kommunikationsnät, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaBarkmann, Henrike. "Quantitative Evaluation of Software Quality Metrics in Open-Source Projects". Thesis, Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe validation of software quality metrics lacks statistical
significance. One reason for this is that the data collection
requires quite some effort. To help solve this problem,
we develop tools for metrics analysis of a large number of
software projects (146 projects with ca. 70.000 classes and
interfaces and over 11 million lines of code). Moreover, validation
of software quality metrics should focus on relevant
metrics, i.e., correlated metrics need not to be validated independently.
Based on our statistical basis, we identify correlation
between several metrics from well-known objectoriented
metrics suites. Besides, we present early results of
typical metrics values and possible thresholds.
Wang, Jiayi. "Evaluation of open source IP based embedded system with Linux". Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för elektronikkonstruktion, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaNallapati, Shiva Chaitanya, i Viswa VardhanReddy Karna. "Performance Evaluation of Various Open Source Projects Providing SIP Functionality". Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för datavetenskap och kommunikation, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaYelleswarapu, Mahesh Chandra. "An Assessment of the Usability Quality Attribute in Open Source Software". Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för datavetenskap och kommunikation, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaBallester, Lafuente Carlos. "Evaluating Security in Open Source Consumer Applications". Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaIntroduction The aim of this Master Thesis is to develop a software security guideline that will be used for evaluating methods and measuring security in open source projects with a high security implication such as healthcare applications for example, where the privacy and security is a crucial factor. Background Theory First section of thesis is focused on presenting the appropriate background theory that will be needed for a good understanding of the rest of the thesis, like vulnerabilities, common security attacks, definition of the client-server technology, risk analysis and specific theory about Indivo and the healthcare field. Methods The method chosen to develop the guideline was the waterfall model as time was quite limited and only one iteration could be done. Thats why no other methods like the spiral model were used, as they require several iterations until achieving functionality. Results After applying the guideline, several vulnerabilities were found, like session hijacking or capturing login information on real time. The guideline proved to be useful in revealing serious security issues that should be fixed, and into describing the purpose and the logic of decisions made in early stages like organizational or design stage. Conclusion Both the development of the Security Guideline and the posterior testing of the guideline were considered successful, as a working methodology was established and several security issues were revealed in Indivo.
Książki na temat "Evaluation and open source"
Using open-source information effectively: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, June 21, 2005. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2007.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaCorral, Luis, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi, Jelena Vlasenko i Anthony I. Wasserman, red. Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaL, Cooper Cary, red. Open source leadership. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaGadman, Sean. Open source leadership. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaBrügge, Bernd, Dietmar Harhoff, Arnold Picot, Oliver Creighton, Marina Fiedler i Joachim Henkel. Open-Source-Software. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaGiotitsas, Chris. Open Source Agriculture. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaIvanov, Vladimir, Artem Kruglov, Sergey Masyagin, Alberto Sillitti i Giancarlo Succi, red. Open Source Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaDamiani, Ernesto, Brian Fitzgerald, Walt Scacchi, Marco Scotto i Giancarlo Succi, red. Open Source Systems. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaNeteler, Markus, i Helena Mitasova. Open Source GIS. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.
Pełny tekst źródłaBordeleau, Francis, Alberto Sillitti, Paulo Meirelles i Valentina Lenarduzzi, red. Open Source Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaCzęści książek na temat "Evaluation and open source"
Courtney, Patrick, Olivier Michel, Angelo Cangelosi, Vadim Tikhanoff, Giorgio Metta, Lorenzo Natale, Francesco Nori i Serge Kernbach. "Cognitive Systems Platforms using Open Source". W Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Intelligent Systems, 139–68. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaCabano, Michele, Cesare Monti i Giulio Piancastelli. "Context-Dependent Evaluation Methodology for Open Source Software". W Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation, 301–6. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaHerdt, Vladimir, Daniel Große i Rolf Drechsler. "An Open-Source RISC-V Evaluation Platform". W Enhanced Virtual Prototyping, 21–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaStrobbe, Christophe, Bert Frees i Jan Engelen. "Accessibility Evaluation for Open Source Word Processors". W Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 575–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaGossow, David, Peter Decker i Dietrich Paulus. "An Evaluation of Open Source SURF Implementations". W RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV, 169–79. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaSantana, Sonia R., Lucrecia R. Perero, Amalia G. Delduca i Gladys N. Dapozo. "Evaluation of Open Source Tools for Requirements Management". W Computer Science – CACIC 2019, 188–204. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaAlexandrino, Katiuska, Jorge-Luis Pérez-Medina, Patricia Acosta-Vargas, Mario Gonzalez i Rasa Zalakeviciute. "Evaluation of Open Source Mobile Phone Weather Applications". W Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 192–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaLee, Eun-Ser, i Haeng-Kon Kim. "Evaluation of Risk Items for Open Source Software". W Software and Network Engineering, 111–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaAndrade, Sandro, i Filipe Saraiva. "Principled Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses in FLOSS Communities: A Systematic Mixed Methods Maturity Model Approach". W Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices, 34–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaKerkiri, Tania, i Angela-Maria Paleologou. "Do Open Source LMSs Support Personalization? A Comparative Evaluation". W Communications in Computer and Information Science, 57–66. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaStreszczenia konferencji na temat "Evaluation and open source"
Bender, Melvin, Erkin Kirdan, Marc-Oliver Pahl i Georg Carle. "Open-Source MQTT Evaluation". W 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC). IEEE, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaRistov, Sasko, i Marjan Gusev. "Security evaluation of open source clouds". W IEEE EUROCON 2013. IEEE, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaCarrasco, Rafael C. "An open-source OCR evaluation tool". W the First International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaSampaio, Diogo, i Jorge Bernardino. "Evaluation of Firewall Open Source Software". W 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaMolnar, Arthur-Jozsef, i Simona Motogna. "Longitudinal Evaluation of Open-source Software Maintainability". W 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaBarcomb, Ann. "Episodic volunteering in open source communities". W EASE '16: 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaLederer, Stefan, Christopher Mueller, Benjamin Rainer, Markus Waltl i Christian Timmerer. "An open source MPEG DASH evaluation suite". W 2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). IEEE, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaMajchrzak, Tim A., Tobias Jansen i Herbert Kuchen. "Efficiency evaluation of open source ETL tools". W the 2011 ACM Symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaKoponen, Timo. "Evaluation Framework for Open Source Software Maintenance". W 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA'06). IEEE, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaIsmail, Ahmed A., Haitham S. Hamza i Amira M. Kotb. "Performance Evaluation of Open Source IoT Platforms". W 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things (GCIoT). IEEE, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaRaporty organizacyjne na temat "Evaluation and open source"
Gert, Godfree, Nicole Villarreal i Liwen Gu. Evaluation of open-source software for use with a clothing virtual try-on system. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaMichelson, Brenda. Open Source Considerations. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, październik 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaDennis, Brian R., Joel Allred, Charles N. Arge, Gordon D. Holman, Andrew Inglis, Richard Schwartz, Albert Shih, Anne K. Tolbert i Dominic Zarro. Open Source White Paper. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, grudzień 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaRigdon, James. Snippet Open-Source Specification. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), sierpień 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaHissam, Scott, Charles B. Weinstock, Daniel Plakosh i Jayatirtha Asundi. Perspectives on Open Source Software. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, listopad 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaLacy, Susan Whitney, i Steven J. Plimpton. Open Source Software for HPC. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), lipiec 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaRichard Arnett, Richard Arnett. ChromatograDIY: Open-Source Chromatography Effort. Experiment, luty 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaEngler, Dawson, i David Dill. The Open Source Hardening Project. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, lipiec 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaRigdon, James. Snippet Open-Source Specification Synopsis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), sierpień 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaSeiferth, C. J. Open Source and These United States. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, kwiecień 1999.
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