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Green, P. "Equine rhinopneumonitis". Veterinary Record 124, nr 15 (15.04.1989): 409. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.124.15.409-c.

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BRYANS, J. T., i G. P. ALLEN. "Equine viral rhinopneumonitis". Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE 5, nr 4 (1.12.1986): 837–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.20506/rst.5.4.273.

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Абишева, Айгерим, А. Abishov, К. Maikhin, В. Kaiypbay, N. Syrym i К. Alikhanov. "CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EQUINE RHINOPNEUMONIA VIRUS AK-2011". Ġylym ža̋ne bìlìm 1, nr 1 (70) (25.03.2023): 131–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.52578/2305-9397-2023-1-1-131-137.

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Equine rhinopneumonitis is an acute, highly contagious disease found virtually worldwide. The object of the studies was the AK-2011 strain isolated from the horses suffering from rhinopneumonitis during an outbreak of abortions. The viability of the AK-2011 strain was assessed using a continuous line of calf trachea cells, a continuous line of calf kidney cells, a continuous line of sheep kidney cells, a continuous line of bovine kidney cells, a continuous line of green monkey kidney cells, a continuous line of Syrian hamster kidney cells, a primary trypsinized culture of horse kidney cells grown in tubes and flasks, and the AK-2011 laboratory strain of equine rhinopneumonitis virus with biological activity of 6.0 lg TCID50/cm3. Sequencing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis were performed. The virus isolated from the ORF68 gene in Kazakhstan appeared to be the most similar to the T-953 and 2222-03 strains isolated in the USA and Australia, respectively, in terms of phylogenetics. As to primary infections, cytopathic effects (CPE) induced by the AK-2011 virus stain (dilution 101) in calf trachea and horse kidney cell cultures were stable from the 1st to 10th passages, with biological activity of 5.75-6.00 lg TCID50/cm3. CPE caused by the virus were apparent on days 2-3, further developed intensively, and extended to 60-80% of the cell monolayer on days 5-7. In calf kidney, sheep kidney, green monkey kidney, and bovine kidney cell cultures, the same changes were observed 1-2 days later. The changes were slow, and by day 7-10 CPE extended to no more than 30-50% of ​​the cell monolayer. An attenuated strain AK-2011 of equine rhinopneumonitis virus was obtained. It was considered a candidate for the manufacture of a vaccine for equine rhinopneumonitis. Thus, the attenuated strain AK-2011 of the equine rhinopneumonitis virus was characterized.
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Straw, Barbara. "Abortion due to equine rhinopneumonitis". Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 7, nr 4 (styczeń 1987): 238–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0737-0806(87)80074-6.

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Browning, G., D. Bulach, N. Ficorilli, E. Roy, B. Thorp i M. Studdert. "Latency of equine herpesvirus 4 (equine rhinopneumonitis virus)". Veterinary Record 123, nr 20 (12.11.1988): 518–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.123.20.518.

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Burki, F. "Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccination—an unsettled problem". Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 8, nr 1 (styczeń 1988): 65–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0737-0806(88)80115-1.

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Prapirnyi, V. V., i G. V. Ponomarenko. "Modern aspects of equine rhinopneumonitis (literature review)". Veterinary science, technologies of animal husbandry and nature management, nr 5 (2020): 127–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2020.05.23.

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В статье представлены современные сведения о герпесвирусах, вызывающих ринопневмонию у лошадей. Приводятся данные о клинических проявлениях болезни, методах диагностики и вакцинопрофилактики. Приведены результаты серологических исследований в ИФА поголовья лошадей Алматинской области - найдены антитела как к EHV-1, так и к EHV-4. Разработанная тест-система для ПЦР позволяет эффективно диагностировать ринопневмонию у лошадей в коневодческих хозяйствах Казахстана. Полногеномное секвенирование местного штамма EHV-1 показало изменения в геноме после аттенуирования штамма методом многократных пассажей в культуре клеток. Contemporary data on equine herpesviruses causing rhinopneumonitis in horses are present in this paper. Data on clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosing and vaccine prophylaxis are given. The results of serological studies of the population of horses in the Almaty region in ELISA are presented - antibodies were found both to EHV-1 and EHV-4. The developed PCR makes it possible to effectively diagnose rhinopneumonitis in horse breeding farms in Kazakhstan. Whole genome sequencing of the local strain EHV-1 showed changes in the genome after strain attenuation after multiple passages in cell culture.
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Alekseenkova, Svetlana, i Konstantin Yurov. "Equine herpetic infection: features of pathogenesis and diagnosis". Russian veterinary journal 2020, nr 2 (10.12.2020): 13–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.32416/2500-4379-2020-2-13-17.

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Equine alphaherpesviruses ― causative agents of rhinopneumonitis−viral abortion (EHV-1) and rhinopneumonitis (EHV-4) ― represent the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, genus Varicellovirus. EHV-1 causes abortion, respiratory pathology, and neurological disorders in horses of different ages. EHV-4 causes predominantly respiratory disease in foals and sporadic abortions in mares. In the etiopathogenesis of herpesvirus infections EHV-1 and EHV-4, the determining factors are pronounced tropism to epithelial cells, persistence in a non-replicative form, and unpredictable reactivation of a persistent virus with its release into the environment. EHV-1 and EHV-4 have similar antigenic determinants and cross-react in serological reactions. The high level of antigenic relationship between EHV-1 and EHV-4 can make it difficult to interpret serologic results in natural infections. The EHV-1 and EHV-4 strains in active circulation are genetically rather conservative. The exception is the new EHV-1 strains with a mutation in the gene encoding viral DNA polymerase, which caused outbreaks of neuroparalytic disease in some European countries and the United States. In several cases, the neurological syndrome has been reported due to use of some commercial vaccines
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Alexeyenkova, S. V., i K. P. Yurov. "Characterization of high virulent strains of equine rhinopneumonitis virus". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 548 (2.09.2020): 042041. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/548/4/042041.

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Huang, J., C. A. Hartley, N. P. Ficorilli, B. S. Crabb i M. J. Studdert. "Glycoprotein G deletion mutants of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV1; equine abortion virus) and EHV4 (equine rhinopneumonitis virus)". Archives of Virology 150, nr 12 (1.08.2005): 2583–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00705-005-0607-9.

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Higgins, William P., James H. Gillespie i Douglas S. Robson. "Studies of maternally-acquired antibodies in the foal to equine influenza A1 and A2, and equine rhinopneumonitis". Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 7, nr 4 (styczeń 1987): 207–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0737-0806(87)80061-8.

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Neustroev, M. P., N. P. Tarabukina i S. G. Petrova. "A way to increase the effectiveness of vaccination against infectious abortion in the herd horse breeding". Rossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka 1, nr 1 (15.01.2019): 55–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s2500-26272019155-57.

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Studied the possibility of using Sakhabactisubtil probiotic based on strains of bacteria Bacillus subtilis c zeolite to enhance the immunogenicity of inactivated vaccines against equine rhinopneumonitis, and the Salmonella abortion horses herd keeping. At the end of the experience in the month of March experienced group of pregnant mares is considered in comparison with the control showed a higher content of representatives of the normal intestinal microflora – bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria, Enterococcus and spore-bearing aerobic bacteria. Vaccinated mares is adjusted disrupted gut microbiota, promotes the immunobiological responsiveness of the body. As a result, the effectiveness of inactivated vaccines is increased by 12.1%.
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Bererhi, H., i R. Kabouia. "Sero-epidemiologic survey of the equine rhinopneumonitis in the region of Khenchela (Algeria)". Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 3, nr 5 (maj 2012): 221–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.5251/abjna.2012.

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Dambacher, G. "The illness of a whole group of horses from equine herpes virus 1(Rhinopneumonitis) with neurological course". Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine 8, nr 4 (1992): 225–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.21836/pem19920403.

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Nagesha, H. S., J. R. McNeil, N. Ficorilli i M. J. Studdert. "Cloning and restriction endonuclease mapping of the genome of an equine herpesvirus 4 (equine rhinopneumonitis virus), strain 405/76". Archives of Virology 124, nr 3-4 (wrzesień 1992): 379–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf01309818.

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Akhmetzhanova, Moldyr, Nurlan Akhmetsadykov, Yerkin Krykbayev i Damir Khussainov. "REFINING OF STATIONARY CULTIVATION MODES OF THE EHV-1/K STRAIN OF EQUINE RHINOPNEUMONITIS VIRUS". 3i intellect idea innovation - интеллект идея инновация 3 (2023): 3–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.52269/22266070_2023_3_3.

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The purpose of these studies is to develop stationary cultivation regimes to determine the most effective ways of viral antigen accumulation while controlling the accumulation kinetics. The novelty of the conducted research is the use of modern methods for analyzing the kinetics of accumulation of the equine rhinopneumonia virus in various modes. Modern production of immunobiological preparations and diagnostic test systems relies primarily on cost-effectiveness. Traditionally, for the accumulation of virus-containing material, a stationary cultivation method is used, which has a number of advantages, primarily associated with the absence of the need for expensive equipment, consumables, and great opportunities for controlling fungal and bacterial contamination, with low staff qualifications. Virological, microbiological, technological and analytical methods of management and control of stationary cultivation of the EHV-1 strain of equine rhinopneumonia virus were used in the work. As a result of the research, a mathematical model of stationary cultivation of the EHV-1 strain was developed, based on the influence of external and internal factors on the kinetics of virus accumulation, with subsequent implementation of the results into the production process. With a standard production process, the biological activity of the virus was 5.75 lg TCID50/cm3, which, when recalculated, is 500 thousand viral particles per 1 cm3, and when the production process was modified using a mathematical model, the virus activity was raised to 6.5 lg TCID50/cm3 , which, when recalculated, is 3 million viral particles per 1 cm3.
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Lodetti, E., F. Simone i L. Nardelli. "Neutralization Tests for Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Equine Rhino-, Porcine Entero-, Aujeszky- and Rhinopneumonitis Viruses". Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe B 19, nr 10 (13.05.2010): 848–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0450.1972.tb00378.x.

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Nayel, Mohamed, Samy Kasem, Noriko Fukushi, Nagwan El-Habashi, Ahmed Elsify, Akram Salama, Hany Hassan, Tokuma Yanai, Kenji Ohya i Hideto Fukushi. "Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 ORF76 Encoding US9 as a Neurovirulence Factor in the Mouse Infection Model". Pathogens 13, nr 10 (2.10.2024): 865. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pathogens13100865.

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Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) causes rhinopneumonitis, abortion, and neurological outbreaks (equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy, EHM) in horses. EHV-1 also causes lethal encephalitis in small laboratory animals such as mice and hamsters experimentally. EHV-1 ORF76 is a homolog of HSV-1 US9, which is a herpesvirus kinase. Starting with an EHV-1 bacterial artificial chromosome clone of neuropathogenic strain Ab4p (pAb4p BAC), we constructed an ORF76 deletion mutant (Ab4p∆ORF76) by replacing ORF76 with the rpsLneo gene. Deletion of ORF76 had no influence on replication, cell-to-cell spread in cultured cells, or replication in primary neuronal cells. In Western blots of EHV-1-infected cell lysates, an EHV-1 US9-specific polyclonal antibody detected multiple bands ranging from 35 to 42 kDa. In a CBA/N1 mouse infection model following intranasal inoculation, the parent and Ab4p∆ORF76 revertant caused the same histopathology in the brain and olfactory bulbs. The parent, Ab4p∆ORF76, and revertant mutant replicated similarly in the olfactory mucosa, although Ab4p∆ORF76 was not transported to the olfactory bulbs and was unable to infect the CNS. These results indicated that ORF76 (US9) plays an essential role in the anterograde spread of EHV-1.
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RUIZ, J., J. MARTINEZ, C. CORTES, A. LÓPEZ HERRERA i A. GÓNGORA. "Encuesta serológica de anticuerpos al virus de la rinoneumonitis equina en caballos criollos de siete municipios del piedemonte llanero". Orinoquia 11, nr 2 (1.09.2007): 66–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.22579/20112629.160.

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Titulo en ingles: Serological antibodies survey to the virus of equine rhynopncumania in creole horses of seven municipalities of the piedemonte llanero.RESUMEN: La rinoneumonitis viral equina es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia en varios países y que ocasiona severas pérdidas económicas a la industria equina; es producida por los herpesvirus equinos tipos 1 y 4 (HVE-1 y 4). Poco se conocía de esta enfermedad en Colombia, sin embargo desde el primer aislamiento viral realizado en el año 2001, surgió la necesidad de conocer la prevalencia en las diferentes regiones y poblaciones equinas. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la prevalencia serológica a los HVE-1 y HVE-4 en caballos criollos destinados a actividades de trabajo en siete municipios del Meta. Se realizó una encuesta transversal en 105 equinos prove- nientes de los municipios de San Martín, Acacias, Castilla la Nueva, Guamal, Restrepo, Cumaral y Paratebueno. Se utilizó un test de ELISA indirecto para detectar la presencia de anticuerpos dirigidos contra la glicoproteína G del HVE-1 y HVE-4 (Svanovir™ EHV1/EHV4-Ab ELISA). La población estaba conformada por machos (56,2%) y hembras (43,8%). La seropositividad para el HVE-1 fue 1.92% y HVE-4 91.35%. La seropositividad por munici- pio para el HVE-1 fue Castilla la nueva 0,24% (1/24) y Acacias 0.11% (1/11), no se encontraron reactores positivos para los otros municipios. Respecto al HVE-4 San Martin 77.7% (7/9), Acacias 100% (11/11), Castilla la nueva 87,5%(21/24), Cumaral 95% (19/20), Restrepo 90% (18/20) Guamal 81.8% (9/11) y Paratebueno 100% (10/10). De acuerdo con la edad, la mayor seropositividad para el HVE-4 se encontró en el grupo entre 5- 7 años, seguido del grupo de menos de 4 años. Se concluye que la seropositividad al HVE-1 es baja lo que contrasta con una alta seropositividad al HVE-4. Este hallazgo confirma la presencia del virus en esta población, la cual ya había sido evidenciada recientemente en caballos destinados a actividades deportivas. Quizás el au- mento de eventos feriales a donde asisten un alto número de animales y el posterior contacto con los caballos dedicados a actividades de trabajo podría explicar la diseminación del virus a esta población.Palabras clave: Anticuerpos, ELISA, equinos, herpesvirus, rinoneumonitis.ABSTRACT: The equine viral rhinopneumonitis is a high prevalence disease in several countries and that inflicts severe eco- nomic looses to the equine industry; it is produced by Equines herpesvirus types 1 and 4 (EHV-1 and 4). Not much was known of this disease in Colombia until first viral isolation made in 2001, it arose the necessity of knowing the prevalence in different regions and equines populations in the country. The objective of this study was to know the serologic prevalence EHV-1 and EHV-4 in Creole horses destined to working activities in seven municipalities of Meta. It was made a cross-sectional survey in 105 equines belonging to the municipalities of San Martin, Acacias, Castilla la Nueva, Guamal, Restrepo, Cumaral and Paratebueno. To detect the presence of antibodies, it was used an indirect ELISA directed against G glycoprotein of EHV-1 and EHV-4 (Svanovir™ EHV1/EHV4-Ab ELISA). The population was conformed by males (56.2%) and females (43.8%). The seropositivity for the EHV-1 was 1,92% and 91,35% for the EHV-4. The seropositivity by municipality for the EHV-1 was: Castilla la Nueva 0.24% (1/24) and Acacias 0,11% (1/11); There were not positive reactors for the other municipalities. About the EHV-4 in San Martin 77,7% (7/9), Acacias 100% (11/11), Castilla la Nueva 87.5% (21/24), Cumaral 95% (19/20), Restrepo 90% (18/20) Guamal 81,8% (9/11) and Paratebueno 100% (10/10). According to the age, the highest seroposi- tivity to the EHV-4 were in the group between 5-7 years, followed by the group of less than 4 years. We conclude that the seropositivity to the EHV-1 is low, in contrast with a high seropositivity to the EHV-4. This finding confirms the presence of the virus in this population recently demonstrated in horses used to sport activities. Perhaps the increase of ferial events in where they attend a high number of animals and the later contact with the horses dedicated to work activities could explain the dissemination of the virus to this population.Key Words: Antibodies, ELISA, Equines, herpesvirus, rhinopneumonitis
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Lazić, Sava, Tamaš Petrović, Maja Velhner, Dubravka Milanov, Sara Savić i Branka Vidić. "LABORATORY DIAGNOSTICS OF CURRENT INFECTIOUS DISEASES ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS". Archives of Veterinary Medicine 3, nr 1 (28.06.2010): 93–105. http://dx.doi.org/10.46784/e-avm.v3i1.196.

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One of the greatest challenges of modern laboratory diagnostic is selection of methods and procedures for fast and reliable diagnostic. Contemporary laboratory diagnostic is faced with the request to develop the technologies for rapid detection of agents and identification of biological features, as for example pathogenicity, group affiliation, sensitivity, or even genetic sequencing. Beside the aforementioned requests, laboratory diagnostic must implement numerous international standards and apply the principles of good laboratory practice. By compliance to international standards, i.e. good laboratory practice, laboratory diagnostic has considerably been improved, especially regarding the validity of the obtained results. With the aim to improve laboratory diagnostic of infectious diseases in veterinary medicine, this paper presents the demands of the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006 (General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories), SRPS ISO 15189:2008 (Medical Laboratories – Particular Requirements for Quality and Competence) as well as the demands of World Organization for Animal Health (O.I.E). Implementation of these standards is presented through the procedures of laboratory diagnostic of most important bacterial and viral animal infections on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. This paper presents the demands regarding the reference material, equipment, workspace and staff, for the laboratory diagnostic of the following diseases: anthrax, leptospirosis, paratuberculosis, Q fever, chlamydiosis, tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis, brucellosis, listeriosis, pasteureliosis, salmonellosis, clostridiosis, Aujeszky’s disease, blue tongue, rabies, infectious bronchitis in poultry, influenza, atypical poultry plague, infectious bursitis, Mareck’s disease, bovine viral diarrhea, enzootic bovine leukosis, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, equine infectious anemia, equine rhinopneumonitis, equine viral arteritis, maedi-visna, classical swine fever and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.
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Saleh, Asmaa G., Nagwan El-Habashi, Hoda A. Abd-Ellatieff, Osama M. Abas, Shehata Anwar, Hideto Fukushi i Tokuma Yanai. "Comparative Study of the Pathogenesis of Rhinopneumonitis Induced by Intranasal Inoculation of Hamsters with Equine Herpesvirus-9, Equine Herpesvirus-1 strain Ab4p and Zebra-borne Equine Herpesvirus-1". Journal of Comparative Pathology 180 (październik 2020): 35–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2020.08.002.

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Gradil, Carlos, i H. S. Joo. "A radial immunodiffusion enzyme assay for detection of antibody to equine rhinopneumonitis virus (EHV-1) in horse serum". Veterinary Microbiology 17, nr 4 (sierpień 1988): 315–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0378-1135(88)90045-4.

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Ploszay, G., J. Rola, M. Larska i J. F. Zmudzinski. "First report on equine herpesvirus type 4 isolation in Poland – evaluation of diagnostic tools". Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 16, nr 3 (1.09.2013): 493–500. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/pjvs-2013-0069.

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Abstract Upper respiratory tract infections are still a serious problem in breeding and racing horses. The most common virological factors are EHV1 and EHV4, which are both a major cause of secondary infections. High EHV4 seroprevalence in Polish horses indicates a high transmission rate of this pathogen among horses and increases the need for proper diagnostics. The aim of this study was to develop a reliable laboratory diagnostic scheme for upper respiratory tract infections and to describe the first isolation of EHV4 in Poland. Twenty one nasal swabs collected from young horses under the age of 2 years showing clinical signs of equine rhinopneumonitis were tested with duplex PCR for simultaneous detection and differentiation between EHV1/EHV4. Positive samples were then subjected to virus isolation in Vero cells. Additionally, real-time PCR was developed which allowed viral copy numbers to be quantified and enabled defining that a DNA load below 103 copies per 1 ml of the sample reflected latent infection or decline of the disease. However, the sensitivity of traditional PCR proved to be sufficient in the diagnostic of the lytic infections and allowed identification of 10 EHV4 infected horses from which 3 strains were successfully isolated in cell culture. Another four EHV4 positive results were obtained by real-time PCR; but, a high Ct (threshold cycle) and a low virus DNA copy number suggested a latent infection. This report describes the first successful isolation of EHV4 from Polish horses.
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Radalj, Andrea. "Genetic Characterization of Equine Herpesvirus 1 from Clinical Cases and Asymptomatic Horses in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina". Pakistan Veterinary Journal 41, nr 04 (1.10.2021): 567–473. http://dx.doi.org/10.29261/pakvetj/2021.062.

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Equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) causes considerable economic loss to the equine industry and is spread among susceptible animals during the cycles of latency and reactivation, causing rhinopneumonitis, abortion, and neurological disease. Nucleotide polymorphisms within ORF30 and ORF68 sequences of the viral genome are associated with strain neuropathogenicity and geographical origin. A total of 142 tissue and nasal swab samples from apparently healthy unvaccinated horses were examined to ascertain EHV-1 distribution, diversity, and clinical significance considering the results of virus isolation, sequence analysis, and anamnestic data. The ORF30 and ORF68 molecular study of these circulating strains and archival isolates from abortion storms aimed to contribute to the perception of strain pathogenicity and origin. EHV-1 was detected by PCR and virus isolation in 81 and 45.1% of the analyzed samples, respectively, and 82.1% of the representative samples were neuropathogenic strains. The ORF68-based grouping was restricted by the pronounced polymorphism of Balkan EHV-1 strains, and only two isolates were assigned to group 4. The cases of abortion were caused by neuropathogenic strains that also circulate within the horse population with no documented outbreaks of disease. It was evident that strain virulence is not solely accountable for the development of clinical symptoms in affected animals. Neural tissue is significant for virus latency and reactivation, considering the number of EHV-1 isolates from apparently healthy stressed horses. Special care must be taken when accommodating together immunologically naive and latently infected horses since asymptomatic carriers silently shed EHV-1.
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Ruiz Sáenz, Julián. "Rinoneumonitis Equina: un riesgo para la cría y la salud de la población equina colombiana". Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias 17, nr 2 (19.07.2016): 156–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.323936.

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Resumen Rinoneumonitis Equina (RE) es un término amplio por medio del cual se describe una de las enfermedades contagiosas más serias que pueden padecer nuestros equinos, la cual es el resultado de la infección por un virus de la familia Herpesviridae, siendo responsables de la enfermedad los tipos: Herpesvirus equino-1 y 4 (EHV-1 y EHV-4). Ambos son de distribución mundial y son factores de riesgo potenciales para caballos de todas las edades y categorías, particularmente los potros. La infección por EHV-1 y EHV-4 se caracteriza por una infección primaria en el tracto respiratorio, la cual puede variar de moderada a severa según el estado inmunológico del animal infectado. La infección por EHV-1 particularmente, puede progresar a través de la mucosa respiratoria y llegar a causar abortos en los últimos meses de gestación, muerte perinatal de potros, e incluso sintomatología nerviosa. En muchas ocasiones la infección primaria por EHV-1 y EHV-4 esta seguida por un estado de latencia viral, en el cual los caballos se encuentran totalmente sanos. Luego de una situación de estrés (transporte, cambio de medio, gestación, etc.) el virus puede reactivarse en estos animales infectados e infectar a otros caballos sanos. Para la identificación de los animales infectados existen gran cantidad de técnicas, siendo la más apropiada el aislamiento viral, seguida de una confirmación serológica de la entidad. Durante la infección en el tracto respiratorio, el virus puede aislarse de secreciones nasales; también de muestras de hígado, pulmón, bazo o timo de fetos abortados o de una muestra de sangre tomada al animal en la fase aguda de la enfermedad. Actualmente esta enfermedad se encuentra reportada en el país, sin embargo aún no se toman las medidas necesarias para contrarrestar sus posibles daños, tanto para la industria equina como para la economía nacional. Palabras clave: aborto, epizootia, herpesvirus, latencia, mieloencefalopatía. Summary Equine Rhinopneumonitis is an ample term by means of it, is described one of the more serious contagious diseases than can suffer our horses. It is the result of the infection by a virus of the Herpesviridae family, being responsible for the disease two types: Equine Herpesvirus-1 and 4 (EHV-1 and EHV-4). Both are of world-wide distribution and are potential risk factors for horses of all ages and categories, particularly the colts. The infection by EHV-1 and EHV-4 is characterized by a primary infection in respiratory tract, which can vary of moderate to severe according to the immunological state of the infected animal. The infection by EHV-1 particularly, can progress through the mucus respiratory and get to cause to abortions in the last months of gestation, perinatal death of colts, and even nervous sings. In many occasions the primary infection by EHV-1 and EHV-4 this followed by a state of viral latency, in which the horses are totally healthy. After a stress situation (means transport, environmental changes, pregnancy, etc.) the virus can reactivate itself in these infected animals and infect other healthy horses. For the identification of the infected animals, a great amount of techniques exists, being the most appropriate the viral isolation, followed of a serologic confirmation of the virus. This can be isolated of nasal secretions, during the infection in respiratory tract, also of samples of liver, lung, spleen or thymus of the aborted fetuses and a simple blood sample taken to the animal in the acute phase of the disease. There are actually reports of the disease in our country, but the necessary measures are not even taken to resist their possible damages and injuries, as much for the equine industry as for the national economy. Key words: abortion, epidemic, herpesvirus, latency, myeloencephalopathy.
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Ruiz Sáenz, Julián. "Prevención y control de la rinoneumonitis equina". Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias 18, nr 1 (19.07.2016): 11. http://dx.doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.323995.

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Resumen La rinoneumonitis equina es una enfermedad devastadora, que puede provocar grandes pérdidas económicas en un criadero de caballos y en general en la economía nacional. Esta enfermedad ya ha sido reportada en el país y por esto, realizar un diagnóstico epidemiológico certero es primordial; también es importante, conocer cuáles son las estrategias de prevención existentes a escala mundial, las cuales se enfocan principalmente al establecimiento y mantenimiento de los programas de vacunación, que van desde la inmunización con antígenos virales hasta el uso de las vacunas de DNA; a la división y mantenimiento de los caballos en grupos aislados y a impedir la entrada o diseminación del virus en los criaderos. Para los casos en los cuales la prevención no es suficiente, se hace necesario tomar medidas de control adecuadas, como lo son el diagnóstico oportuno, las medidas de aislamiento, cuarentena y desinfección; y el tratamiento terapéutico de los casos individuales. El objetivo, por lo tanto, del presente artículo, es ampliar el conocimiento acerca de estas estrategias para adaptarlas a nuestro medio con el fin de minimizar la diseminación del virus en el país y la posible presentación de epizootias a nivel nacional. Summary Equine rhinopneumonitis is a devastating disease, that can cause great economic lost in a horse's farm and general in the national economy. This disease already has been reported in Colombia and it is fundamental to make an epidemiological diagnosis. It is also very important to know which are the existing prevention and control strategies on a world wide basis, which principally are in focus on the vaccination programs, on the division and segregation of the horses in isolate group and diminish the entrance and the dissemination of the virus in the farms. For cases in which prevention strategies are not sufficient, it is necessary took right measures as an opportune diagnosis, isolation, quarantine and desinfection and the therapeutic management of individual cases. By this, the objective of the present article is to extend the knowledge about this strategies to adapt them to our means, to diminish the dissemination of the virus around the country and the possible presentation of an epidemy at a national level.
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Rollinson, Elizabeth A. "Comparative efficacy of three 2′-fluoropyrimidine nucleosides and 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (BW B759U) against pseudorabies and equine rhinopneumonitis virus infection in vitro and in laboratory animals". Antiviral Research 7, nr 1 (styczeń 1987): 25–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0166-3542(87)90036-2.

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"equine rhinopneumonitis". CABI Compendium CABI Compendium (7.01.2022). http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/cabicompendium.84010.

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Vala, J. A., M. D. Patel, S. M. Parmar, S. V. Mavadiya, S. A. Mehta i D. R. Patel. "Epidemiological Aspects of Equine Herpes Virus Infection in South Gujarat, India". Indian Journal of Animal Research, Of (14.06.2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.18805/ijar.b-4393.

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Background: The equine herpes viruses (EHV) are highly infective pathogens of all members of the Equidae family worldwide. EHV-1 predominantly associated with the abortion, neonatal death, neurological diseases, whereas, EHV-4 is mostly associated with the respiratory disease, generally termed as equine rhinopneumonitis. This present investigation was planned to study sero-prevalence of EHV-1/4 infections in horses of south Gujarat, India. Methods: A total of 253 horses showing symptoms of respiratory illness or having history were screened by indirect ELISA test. While, blood samples were analysed for various haematological parameters. Effects of risk factors were studied and statistical analysis of data was done. Result: Over all prevalence of EHV-1/4 infection was 16.60% in South Gujarat, India. Effects of various risk factors (age, sex, breed, and locality) were non-significant. Means of all haematological parameters were in normal range and significant difference was not observed between sero-positive and sero-negative horses. Population of mid cells (monocytes) was found significantly higher (p less than 0.05 in sero-positive horses as compare to sero-negative horses.
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Abisheva, Aigerim, Abdikalyk Abishov, Kuralay Khairullaeva, Kuandyk Shynybayev, Berik Kalissynov, Kydyrbay Maikhin, Aidyn Kydyrmanov, Kobey Karamendin, Anda Valdovska i Nazym Syrym. "AK‐2011 strain for the development of a vaccine against equine rhinopneumonitis". Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 5.04.2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tbed.14531.

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"Novel serological method to diagnose equine rhinopneumonitis based on an indirect ELISA". Equine Veterinary Journal 56, S60 (wrzesień 2024): 102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/evj.14382.

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"Control of the respiratory form of equine rhinopneumonitis among yearlings at a breeding and training farm by updating their vaccination program". Equine Veterinary Journal 56, S60 (wrzesień 2024): 66–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/evj.14317.

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