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Parrinder, Patrick. Failure of theory: Essays on criticism and contemporary fiction. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1987.

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Awosika, Olawale. Criticism and the modes of fiction. Benin City, Edo State [Nigeria]: Ambik Press, 1997.

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Parrinder, Patrick. The failure of theory: Essays on criticism and contemporary fiction. Totowa, N.J: Barnes & Noble Books, 1987.

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The failure of theory: Essays on criticism and contemporary fiction. Brighton: Harvester, 1987.

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Keith, W. J. An independent stance: Essays on English-Canadian criticism and fiction. Erin, Ont: Porcupine's Quill, 1991.

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Novel judgements: Legal theory as fiction. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2011.

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Barr, Marleen. Alien to femininity: Speculative fiction and feminist theory. New York: Greenwood, 1987.

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Robertson, P. J. M. The Leavises on fiction: An historic partnership. London: Macmillan, 1988.

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Using Lacan, reading fiction. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.

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Jerome, Delamater, Prigozy Ruth i Hofstra University, red. Theory and practice of classic detective fiction. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1997.

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Bloom, Clive. Cult fiction: Popular reading and pulp theory. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

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Rereading heterosexuality: Feminism, queer theory and contemporary fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

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Techniques for living: Fiction and theory in the work of Christine Brooke-Rose. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2010.

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Cult fiction: Popular readings and pulp theory. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

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Bloom, Clive. Cult fiction: Popular readings and pulp theory. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1996.

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Narrativity: Theory and practice. Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press, 1992.

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Bloom, Clive. Cult fiction: Popular reading and pulp theory. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

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Bloom, Clive. Cult fiction: Popular reading and pulp theory. London: Macmillan, 1996.

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Douglas, Tallack, i University of Nottingham. Critical Theory Group., red. Literary theory at work: Three texts. London: B.T. Batsford, 1987.

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Caserio, Robert L. The novel in England, 1900-1950: History and theory. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1999.

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Douglas, Tallack, red. Literary theory at work: Three texts. Totowa, N.J: Barnes & Noble, 1987.

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Mwaanga, Sibalwa. The state of scholarship in Zambian fiction in English. [Lusaka]: University of Zambia, Dept. of Literature and Languages, 1992.

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Ruddick, Nicholas. Ultimate island: On the nature of British science fiction. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1993.

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Norman, Stuart. Fact and fiction: Exploring English literature. Austin Macauley, 2010.

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Acheson, James. Samuel Beckett’s Artistic Theory and Practice: Criticism, Drama and Early Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, 1996.

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Approaches to fiction. Lublin [Poland]: Folium, 1996.

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Collective, Feminist Review. Fiction and Theory: Issue 74: Crossing Boundaries (Feminist Review). Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

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MacNeil, William P. Novel Judgements: Legal Theory As Fiction. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

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MacNeil, William P. Novel Judgements: Legal Theory As Fiction. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

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MacNeil, William P. Novel Judgements: Legal Theory As Fiction. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

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MacNeil, William P. Novel Judgements: Legal Theory As Fiction. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

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Ball, Donald L. Samuel Richardson's Theory of Fiction. De Gruyter, Inc., 2018.

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Phelan, James. Experiencing Fiction: Judgments, Progressions, and the Rhetorical Theory of Narrative (THEORY INTERPRETATION NARRATIV). Ohio State University Press, 2007.

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Short Story Criticism: Criticisim of the Works of Short Fiction Writers (Short Story Criticism). Gale Cengage, 2005.

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Prigozy, Ruth, i Jerome Delamater. Theory and Practice of Classic Detective Fiction. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 1997.

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Carroll, Rachel. Rereading Heterosexuality: Feminism, Queer Theory and Contemporary Fiction. Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

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T. A. Shippey (Other Contributor) i English Association (Other Contributor), red. Fictional Space: Essays on Contemporary Science Fiction (Philosophy and Literary Theory). Humanities Press Intl Inc, 1991.

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Cult Fiction: Popular Reading and Pulp Theory. Palgrave Macmillan, 1998.

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Perkin, J. Russell. Reception-History of George Eliot's Fiction. University of Rochester Press, 2010.

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Experiencing Fiction: Judgments, Progression, and the Rhetorical Theory of Narrative. Ohio State University Press, 2007.

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Experiencing Fiction: Judgments, Progression, and the Rhetorical Theory of Narrative (Theory and Interpretation of Narrative). Ohio State University Press, 2007.

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Cosmopolitanism and Consumerism in Contemporary Women's Popular Fiction (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory). Routledge, 2007.

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Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works Short Fiction Writers (Short Story Criticism). Thomson Gale, 2003.

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Russell, Perkin J. A reception-history of George Eliot's fiction. 1987.

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Newns, Lucinda. Domestic Intersections in Contemporary Migration Fiction. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Tougaw, Jason. Strange Cases: The Medical Case History and the British Novel. Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.

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Palmisano, Joseph. Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers (Short Story Criticism). Gale Cengage, 2005.

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Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers (Short Story Criticism). Thomson Gale, 2004.

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Witalec, Janet. Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers (Short Story Criticism). Thomson Gale, 2003.

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Witalec, Janet. Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers (Short Story Criticism). Gale Cengage, 2003.

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