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Association, American Immigration Lawyers, red. E visa form book: Treaty trader and investor (E) visa questionnaires and supplemental information forms required by U.S. consular posts abroad. Washington DC: American Immigration Lawyers Association, 1990.

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S, Goldstein Richard, i American Immigration Lawyers Association, red. E visa form book: Treaty trader and investor (E) visa questionnaires and supplemental information forms required by U.S. Consular posts abroad. Wyd. 2. Washington, DC (1400 Eye St., NW, Suite 1200, Washington 20005): American Immigration Lawyers Association, 1991.

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Foddy, William H. Constructing questions for interviews and questionnaires: Theory and practice in social research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

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Manus. Compass E Managerial Practices Profile - Self Questionnaire Instrument. Pfeiffer Wiley, 1998.

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Moore, David S. E-stat Pack for the Basic Practice of Statistics 3e + Student Questionnaire. W.H. Freeman & Company, 2004.

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Me, Dakal. 27 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 12 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 7 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 4 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 24 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 29 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 13 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 15 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 26 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 10 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 25 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 6 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 19 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 9 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 17 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 8 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 21 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 30 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 2 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 22 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Style APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO itp.

Me, Dakal. 28 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 3 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 5 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Style APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO itp.

Me, Dakal. 20 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 11 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 23 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 1 an D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Me, Dakal. 18 Ans D�j�: Ce Livre Est un Questionnaire une Id�e Cadeau Originale � Offrir Pour un Anniversaire de Mariage / Rencontre / Saint Valentin Ou Toute l'ann�E. un Souvenir Durable d'une Relation Amoureuse. Independently Published, 2020.

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Olejnik, Iwona, red. Qualitative and quantitative methods in sustainable development. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.18559/978-83-8211-072-2.

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Systematic research and comprehensive analyses allow to monitor the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Obviously, when you are interested in the selected issue of sustainable development, it is worth using data from the secondary sources in the first place. This e-book presents a few selected methods that will allow you to answer the questions: how to gather data and how to analyse them? Among the data collection methods presented in this book, we have chosen both: qualitative, in particular focus group interview, and quantitative—based on a questionnaire. In terms of data analysis methods, we present three methods: factor analysis, structural equation modelling and data envelopment analysis. The examples presented in this book relate to sustainable development, for example: sustainable consumption, ecological culture, better nutrition, agricultural development and many more. The book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 “Qualitative methods” presents the issues concerning the methodology of qualitative research, designing a focus group interview, conducting a focus group interview and analysis of qualitative data using the CAQDAS programs. The main goal of Chapter 2 titled “Quantitative methods” is to exhibit the basics of survey research that can be used in analyses of sustainable development. In particular, this part presents the measurement levels, questionnaire design, population and sample, and the ways of presenting the results of quantitative research. Chapter 3 “Factor analysis in sustainable development research” describes the basic theoretical aspects of factor analysis. The second part of this chapter presents an example of the use of this method in research on sustainable consumption. The last part of this chapter presents case study of the use of factor analysis in research on managers’ ethics in retail industry. Chapter 4 titled “Structural equation modelling in sustainable development research” is dedicated to the structural equation modeling methods applied to solve sustainable development research problems. A structural equation model is an abstraction of reality, and the researcher's job is to build a model that approximates that reality as closely as possible. And the aim of Chapter 5 “Data envelopment analysis methods in sustainable agricultural development research” is to determine the relative technical efficiency of representative agricultural farms from the individual European Union countries.
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Internet Phone Mail And Mixedmode Surveys The Tailored Design Method. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2014.

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Commission, European. European Community Household Panel (Echp): Methods : Survey Questionnaires Waves 1-3 (Theme 3--Population and Social Conditions. Series E, Methods). European Communities, 1997.

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Economia sostenibile: rischi e opportunità per il sistema bancario italiano. AIFIRM, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.47473/2016ppa0031.

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The transition towards a sustainable economy, i.e. towards business models that are able to reconcile the typical objectives of economic and financial management with environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects and implications, is gaining increasing attention from all the main stakeholders, be they representatives of the political, scientific and social world, regulatory and supervisory authorities, market investors, workers and consumers. The companies, both industrial and financial, that will best respond to this market trend will be those that address ESG issues not as a pure response to public and regulatory pressure, but those that make it a lasting competitive advantage and longterm growth, taking an active leadership position in sustainability. For the banking sector, in particular, the implications will be considerable, given the fundamental role that banks play in financing the economy and businesses. In fact, being able to accurately identify the sectors, companies and business initiatives most exposed to these trends will be a fundamental factor in being able, on the one hand, to understand, identify, measure and effectively mitigate the new risks associated with them and, on the other, to promptly seize the new opportunities linked to the support and financing of the reconversion towards a more sustainable economy. In the current context, moreover, a great opportunity in this sense is represented by the possibility of channelling towards sustainable economy initiatives a substantial share of the public funds made available by Eurozone governments for the relaunch of the economy following the pandemic emergency. The objective of the position paper is to analyze the strategic priorities in addressing the risks and opportunities associated with the transition to a sustainable economy, to identify the initiatives with greater added value for the market and the respective enabling factors for their concrete implementation. The position paper is divided into four parts: 1. Market context and state of the art of Italian banks; 2. ESG in the banking sector; 3. ESG for non-financial institutions; 4. Key success factors and the role of risk management. Chapter 5 also includes the results of a questionnaire prepared by the Commission to which 31 banks responded, representing around 95% of the total assets of the Italian banking system.
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Pereira, Erlândia Silva, i Rogério de Melo Costa Pinto. Rodas de Conversa Dialógicas: O processo de criação de uma metodologia de investigação e intervenção em saúde. Brazil Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.31012/978-65-5861-198-1.

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The present research constitutes as a research-intervention carried out with Control Agents of Zoonoses (CCZ) - Dengue Control Program. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention of the Dialogical Conversation Wheels for refinement of the perception of Quality of Life of these workers. In the midst of this, the variations of the perception of the Quality of Life by the participants when inserted in the Wheels are identified. For that, the WHOQOL-bref instrument is used to collect quantitative data related to the Quality of Life of the research subjects, and the Dialogical Conversation Wheels as a tool for collecting qualitative data and also as a mediating space between the questionnaire and the workers. The methodology used thus involves both the quantitative and content analysis of these data, as well as an analysis of the workers' discourse from their speeches in the Dialogical Conversation Wheels, in which the researcher appropriates a Freirean look to carry out the discussion, which presents the speech of the participants of the Wheels itself in an elucidatory and explanatory way. . From the analysis of the four domains evaluated by the WHOQOL-breaf: Physical, Psychological, Social and Environmental, what can be perceived about the differences of scores (percentage) between the moments of the research, is, firstly, that there is a significant change in the perception of QV between at least two of the moments, which is expressed between moments 0 and 1, with the realization of five wheels between them.The main result that can be perceived concerns the fact that the Dialogical Conversation Wheel fulfills its objective, as the aspects related to quality of life are discussed, the return to the questionnaire is carried out in a more reflective way, in which the instrument itself can approach the reality of these people. It is also explicit that it is not any group that allows us to refine the perception about quality of life, since the Wheel of Dialogic Conversation is organized in such a way as to provide reception, encounters / confrontations of the subjects with the other, in a singular way, with himself, facing the stagnation and the massification of his daily life to denaturalize what is constructed as his life.
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Conducting Research Surveys Via E-Mail and The Web. RAND Corporation, 2002.

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