Artykuły w czasopismach na temat „Dynamics”
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Przeglądaj artykuły w czasopismach z różnych dziedzin i twórz odpowiednie bibliografie.
f, f. "Designing for Dynamics in Dynamic Narrative Inquiry". Asian Qualitative Inquiry Association 2, nr 2 (31.12.2023): 77–94.
Pełny tekst źródłaRaza, Md Shamim, Nitesh Kumar i Sourav Poddar. "Combustor Characteristics under Dynamic Condition during Fuel – Air Mixingusing Computational Fluid Dynamics". Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science 1, nr 1 (8.08.2015): 20–33.
Pełny tekst źródłaSTRADTMANN, Hinnerk. "1D14 Examples for European assessment of vehicle's dynamic running behaviour(Vehicles-Dynamics)". Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH 2015 (2015): _1D14–1_—_1D14–12_.
Pełny tekst źródłaSun, Ao, i Ting Qiang Yao. "Modeling and Analysis of Planar Multibody System Containing Deep Groove Ball Bearing with Slider-Crank Mechanism". Advanced Materials Research 753-755 (sierpień 2013): 918–23.
Pełny tekst źródłaFeng, Zengming, Fuliang Suo i Yabing Cheng. "58793 MESHING MECHANISM AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF NEW SILENT CHAIN(Dynamics of Machine Components)". Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010.5 (2010): _58793–1_—_58793–5_.
Pełny tekst źródłaCho, J. I., J. Y. Kim i T. W. Park. "62931 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS ON THE NEXT GENERATION HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY VEHICLE(Railroad System Dynamics)". Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010.5 (2010): _62931–1_—_62931–6_.
Pełny tekst źródłaGough, Craig A., Takashi Gojobori i Tadashi Imanishi. "1P563 Consistent dynamic phenomena in amyloidogenic forms of transthyretin : a molecular dynamics study(27. Molecular dynamics simulation,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)". Seibutsu Butsuri 46, supplement2 (2006): S287.
Pełny tekst źródłaCilione, Pier Alberto Porceddu. "La Potenza della Musica: La Questione della Dynamis tra Musica e Filosofia". Philosophy of Music 74, nr 4 (30.12.2018): 957–82.
Pełny tekst źródłaKortelainen, Samuli, Antero Kutvonen i Lauri Lättilä. "Technology Portfolio Dynamics". Journal of Innovation Management 1, nr 2 (31.12.2013): 125–39.
Pełny tekst źródłaBiyani, Manish, T. Aoyama i K. Nishigaki. "1M1330 Solution structure dynamics of single-stranded oligonucleotides : Experiments and molecular dynamics." Seibutsu Butsuri 42, supplement2 (2002): S76.
Pełny tekst źródłaMureithi, Njuki W. "Karman Wake Dynamics and Vortex Induced Vibration Control : A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective". Proceedings of the Dynamics & Design Conference 2008 (2008): _B1–1_—_B1–6_.
Pełny tekst źródłaHIDAI, MASATAKA, KENJIRO GODA, KATSUYUKI IWASAKI i TAKAO WATANABE. "1D24 Coupled Simulation of Vehicle Dynamics and Aerodynamics for Train(Vehicles-Dynamics)". Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH 2015 (2015): _1D24–1_—_1D24–6_.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchwab, A. L., i J. D. G. Kooijman. "58786 Controllability of a bicycle(Vehicle Dynamics & Control including Tire Dynamics)". Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010.5 (2010): _58786–1_—_58786–7_.
Pełny tekst źródłaSATOH, Keita, Ryotaro OHKAWA, Hironori A. FUJII, Kenji UCHIYAMA i Kazuhiro IIJIMA. "63695 STUDY ON FUNDAMENTAL DYNAMICS OF VERY LONG TETHER SYSTEM(Aerospace Dynamics)". Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010.5 (2010): _63695–1_—_63695–7_.
Pełny tekst źródłaYang, Yingrui. "Principles of Economic Externality Dynamics Economic Dynamics and the Standard Model (V)". Journal of Electrical Electronics Engineering 3, nr 4 (21.08.2024): 01–13.
Pełny tekst źródłaMukharlyamov, R. G., i Zh K. Kirgizbaev. "Modeling of dynamics processes and dynamics control". BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS 114, nr 2 (28.06.2024): 165–77.
Pełny tekst źródłaWu, Xiang, i Ling Feng Tang. "Review of Coupled Research for Mechanical Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics of Reciprocating Compressor". Applied Mechanics and Materials 327 (czerwiec 2013): 227–32.
Pełny tekst źródłaCurtis-Jones, Alison. "Dynamic dichotomies: How can the body be a dynamic archive?" Dance, Movement & Spiritualities 10, nr 1 (1.10.2023): 99–124.
Pełny tekst źródłaPešková, V. "Dynamics of oak mycorrhizas". Journal of Forest Science 51, No. 6 (10.01.2012): 259–67.
Pełny tekst źródłaLeroy, Xavier, i Michel Mauny. "Dynamics in ML". Journal of Functional Programming 3, nr 4 (październik 1993): 431–63.
Pełny tekst źródłaRisher, D. W., L. M. Schutte i C. F. Runge. "The Use of Inverse Dynamics Solutions in Direct Dynamics Simulations". Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 119, nr 4 (1.11.1997): 417–22.
Pełny tekst źródłaWu, Jian-Bo, Shu-Jia Li, Hong Liu, Hu-Jun Qian i Zhong-Yuan Lu. "Dynamics and reaction kinetics of coarse-grained bulk vitrimers: a molecular dynamics study". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, nr 24 (2019): 13258–67.
Pełny tekst źródłaPark, Dongil, i Doohyung Kim. "Vibration Analysis of the Flexible Beam Using Dynamic Solver K_Sim". Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical & Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2208-2379) 2, nr 12 (31.12.2015): 01–06.
Pełny tekst źródłaSlavgorodska, Maria, i Alexander Kyrychenko. "Structure and Dynamics of Pyrene-Labeled Poly(acrylic acid): Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study". Chemistry & Chemical Technology 14, nr 1 (20.02.2020): 76–80.
Pełny tekst źródłaKabra, Uma D., i Martin Jastroch. "Mitochondrial Dynamics and Insulin Secretion". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, nr 18 (7.09.2023): 13782.
Pełny tekst źródłaInagaki, Mizuho, Atsushi Kawamoto, Takanori Abekura, Atsushi Suzuki, Jan Ruebel i Jens Starke. "63881 Coupling Analysis of Dynamics and Oil Film Lubrication on Rotor : Floating Bush Bearing System(Vehicle Dynamics & Control including Tire Dynamics)". Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010.5 (2010): _63881–1_—_63881–9_.
Pełny tekst źródłaSun, Zejun, Jinfang Sheng, Bin Wang, Aman Ullah i FaizaRiaz Khawaja. "Identifying Communities in Dynamic Networks Using Information Dynamics". Entropy 22, nr 4 (9.04.2020): 425.
Pełny tekst źródłaMartinez-Vasquez, Adrian H., Rafael Castro-Linares, Abraham Efraím Rodríguez-Mata i Hebertt Sira-Ramírez. "Spherical Inverted Pendulum on a Quadrotor UAV: A Flatness and Discontinuous Extended State Observer Approach". Machines 11, nr 6 (23.05.2023): 578.
Pełny tekst źródłaSugiyama, Ayumu, Tetsunori Yamamoto, Hidemi Nagao, Keigo Nishikawa, Nobutaka Numoto, Kunio Miki i Yoshihiro Fukumori. "1P567 Molecular dynamics study of dynamical structure stability of giant hemoglobin from Oligobrachia mashikoi(27. Molecular dynamics simulation,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)". Seibutsu Butsuri 46, supplement2 (2006): S288.
Pełny tekst źródłaZhu, Zhiqiang. "Control Analysis of Propagation Dynamics on Networks". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2224, nr 1 (1.04.2022): 012092.
Pełny tekst źródłaDeng, Xiaojun, Haitao Li i Jun Lin. "1D35 The Dynamic Character of Air Spring and its Influence on the Bogie Bounce Mode(Vehicles-Dynamics)". Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH 2015 (2015): _1D35–1_—_1D35–6_.
Pełny tekst źródłaKrasovskii, Nikolay A., i Alexander M. Tarasyev. "TRAJECTORIES OF DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM AND REPLICATOR DYNAMICS IN COORDINATION GAMES". Ural Mathematical Journal 10, nr 2 (28.12.2024): 92.
Pełny tekst źródłaHe, Chunyan, Zaigang Chen, Wanming Zhai, Jianzheng Jiang i Kaiyun Wang. "A spatial dynamics model for heavy-haul electric locomotives considering the dynamic coupling effect of gear transmissions". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 233, nr 9 (13.01.2019): 961–73.
Pełny tekst źródłaToxvaerd, Søren. "Discrete dynamics versus analytic dynamics". Journal of Chemical Physics 140, nr 4 (28.01.2014): 044102.
Pełny tekst źródłaABRAMS, P. A. "‘Adaptive Dynamics’ vs. ‘adaptive dynamics’". Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18, nr 5 (25.08.2005): 1162–65.
Pełny tekst źródłaAlder, Berni J. "Slow dynamics by molecular dynamics". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 315, nr 1-2 (listopad 2002): 1–4.
Pełny tekst źródłaTelem, Dory, Alexander Laufer i Aviad Shapira. "Only Dynamics Can Absorb Dynamics". Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 132, nr 11 (listopad 2006): 1167–77.
Pełny tekst źródłaBae, Changwoo, Seungtae Oh, Jeonghoon Han, Youngsuk Nam i Choongyeop Lee. "Water penetration dynamics through a Janus mesh during drop impact". Soft Matter 16, nr 26 (2020): 6072–81.
Pełny tekst źródłaQin, Guodong, Huapeng Wu i Aihong Ji. "Equivalent Dynamic Analysis of a Cable-Driven Snake Arm Maintainer". Applied Sciences 12, nr 15 (26.07.2022): 7494.
Pełny tekst źródłaYamagami, Shigemasa, Tetta Hashimoto i Koichi Inoue. "OS23-6 Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of Pulsating Heat Pipes for LED Lightings(Thermo-fluid dynamics(2),OS23 Thermo-fluid dynamics,FLUID AND THERMODYNAMICS)". Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2015.14 (2015): 283.
Pełny tekst źródłaJin, Kun Feng, i Ting Qiang Yao. "Multi-Body Contact Dynamics Analysis of Angular Contact Ball Bearing". Applied Mechanics and Materials 444-445 (październik 2013): 45–49.
Pełny tekst źródłaTian, Fu Yang, Yu Dao Li, Zhen Wang i Fa De Li. "Efficient Recursive Dynamics and Real Time Simulation of Flexible Space Robots System". Advanced Materials Research 842 (listopad 2013): 546–52.
Pełny tekst źródłaChen, Zhitian, Weijian Wen i Weijun Yang. "Adaptive Visual Control for Robotic Manipulators with Consideration of Rigid-Body Dynamics and Joint-Motor Dynamics". Mathematics 12, nr 15 (2.08.2024): 2413.
Pełny tekst źródłaYoon, Hyungchul, Kevin Han i Youngjib Ham. "A Framework of Human-Motion Based Structural Dynamics Simulation Using Mobile Devices". Sensors 19, nr 15 (24.07.2019): 3258.
Pełny tekst źródłaKim, Dave, i Namkug Ku. "Heave Compensation Dynamics for Offshore Drilling Operation". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, nr 9 (6.09.2021): 965.
Pełny tekst źródłaZwetsloot, Alexander James, Gokhan Tut i Anne Straube. "Measuring microtubule dynamics". Essays in Biochemistry 62, nr 6 (4.10.2018): 725–35.
Pełny tekst źródłaChen, Yujiao, Binbin Pei, Jiuxing Zhang, Haojun Xu i Chaozhe Wang. "Dynamic radar cross section similarity study based on dynamic time warping". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2882, nr 1 (1.11.2024): 012077.
Pełny tekst źródłaTang, Liang, Yi Zhang i Hua Deng. "Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Underactuated Prosthetic Hand". Advanced Materials Research 655-657 (styczeń 2013): 400–407.
Pełny tekst źródła������ i Kirill Zuykov. "Modeling of Project Management Systems Dynamics". Russian Journal of Project Management 2, nr 4 (6.12.2013): 25–36.
Pełny tekst źródłaUmeno, Akira, Ken-ichiro Shimokura, Takao Kakizaki i Kenji Kogure. "Dynamic Modeling of Robot Force Control System and Its Application to a Parts Handling Task". Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 6, nr 4 (20.08.1994): 312–17.
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