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Malka, Irit. Day care centers and working mothers. Jerusalem: Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, 1990.

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New York (State). Legislature. Legislative Commission on Expenditure Review. State day care centers: Program audit. Albany, N.Y. (111 Washington Ave., Albany 12210-2277): The Commission, 1986.

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WSO Human Resources Development Committee, Cheyenne Federal Executive Council i United States. Bureau of Land Management, red. Day care referral. [Washington, D.C.?: Bureau of Land Management, 1989.

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Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission., Montgomery County Planning Board, Child Care Management Resources (Organization), Giegerich & Associates. i John Elicker Architects, red. Child care centers in park settings. [Silver Spring, Md.]: The Commission, 1987.

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Hegeman, Carol R. Child care in long term care settings. Albany, N.Y. (194 Washington Ave., Albany 12210): The Foundation, 1985.

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Press, Oryx, red. Directory of child day care centers. Phoenix, Ariz: Oryx Press, 1986.

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Commission, North Carolina Child Day Care. Child day care center: Standards. [Raleigh]: North Carolina Dept. of Human Resources, Division of Facility Services, Child Day Care Section, 1987.

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United States. Superintendent of Documents. Day care. [Washington, D.C.?]: U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., 1989.

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Gordon, Horobin, red. Why day care? New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1987.

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Vance, Mary A. Day care centers for children: A bibliography. Monticello, Ill., USA: Vance Bibliographies, 1987.

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Garrett, Anne. The Child care center workbook. [Boston]: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, DCPO/Office of Programming, 1987.

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Cathy, Fooks, red. Child care in Ontario, the debate over commercial day care. [Toronto]: Ontario Legislative Library, Legislative Research Service, 1987.

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ill, Judkis Jim, red. Going to day care. New York: Putnam, 1985.

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Youth, California Legislature Senate Select Committee on Children and. Hearing on child care/community care licensing. Sacramento, CA (State Capitol, Box 942849, Sacramento 94249-0001): Joint Publications, 1988.

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Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service, red. Child day care. [Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 1989.

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Center, Chicago Architectural Assistance, i Chicago (Ill.). Dept. of Human Services., red. Planning a licensed day care center. Chicago: The Center, 1986.

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National Day Care Information Centre (Canada). School-age child care. [Ottawa]: Health and Welfare Canada, 1985.

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Care, Manitoba Child Day. Licensing manual for day care centres, 1986. Winnipeg, Man: Child Day Care, Manitoba Community Services, 1986.

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Indiana State Board of Health. Public Health Research Division., red. Adult day care in Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind: Indiana State Board of Health, Bureau of Policy Development, Public Health Research Division, 1988.

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United States. Food and Nutrition Service. Nutrition and Technical Services Division., Colorado. Dept. of Health, Child & Adult Care Food Program., Consumer and Food Economics Institute (U.S.), United States. National Marine Fisheries Service. i Washington (State). Superintendent of Public Instruction., red. Quantity recipes for child care centers. [Denver, Colo.]: Colorado Dept. of Health, Child and Adult Care Food Program ; [Olympia, Wash.], 1994.

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United States. Food and Nutrition Service. Nutrition and Technical Services Division. Quantity recipes for child care centers. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, 1993.

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North Carolina. Department of Human Resources. Division of Facility Services. Child Day Care Section. Child day care requirements. Raleigh]: North Carolina, Dept. of Human Resources, Division of Facility Services, Child Day Care Section, 1988.

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Washington (State). Dept. of Social and Health Services. Minimum licensing requirements for child day care centers. [Olympia]: Washington State Dept. of Social & Health Services, 1991.

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Muzzy, Kirk. Opening day at Loretta's Day sCare Center. Charlottesville, VA: Petra Pub. Corp., 1999.

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Phillips, Tamara. Day care ABC. Niles, Ill: A. Whitman, 1989.

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Vance, Mary A. Day care centers for the elderly: A bibliography. Monticello, Ill., USA: Vance Bibliographies, 1987.

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Baker, Maureen. Child care services in Canada. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, 1985.

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Gunn, Marlene. Food purchasing for child care centers. University, MS: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, 2005.

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Annabelle, Godwin, Schrag Lorraine i San Fernando Valley Child Care Consortium. Infant Task Force., red. Setting up for infant/toddler care: Guidelines for centers and family child care homes. Washington, D.C: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1996.

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Brand, Jeffrey. My day care book. Mt. Rainier, Md: Gryphon House, 1985.

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Worth, Bonnie. Little blue day care. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

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Scott, Maryanne. A day in child care. [Gosford, N.S.W.]: The Publishing Queen, 2009.

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South Africa. Department of National Health and Population Development. Guide-lines for day care. Pretoria: Dept. of National Health and Population Development, 1993.

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Nebraska Health & Human Services System. Department of Regulation & Licensure. Child care center standards. Lincoln, Neb: Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services, Regulation and Licensure, 1998.

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Connecticut. Dept. of Human Resources. Child day care: Progress and potential : report on the status of day care in Connecticut. [Hartford]: The Department, 1986.

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Blau, David. The supply of quality in child care centers. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1999.

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Barbeau, Carole. Work-related child-care centres in Canada--2001. Hull, Quebec: Human Resources Development Canada, Labour Program, 2001.

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Neyrand, Gérard. Sur les pas de la Maison verte: Des lieux d'accueil pour les enfants et leurs parents. Paris: Syros, 1995.

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Illinois. Department of Public Health. Important information for parents with children in day care centers. Springfield, Ill: Illinois Dept. of Public Health, 1991.

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Service, United States Internal Revenue. Establishing a child care facility. [Washington, D.C.?]: Dept. of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, 1989.

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United States. Internal Revenue Service. Establishing a child care facility. [Washington, D.C.?]: Dept. of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, 1989.

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Massachusetts. Division of Capital Planning and Operations. Office of Programming. The child care center workbook. Boston]: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, DCPO/Office of Programming, 1988.

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ill, Murphy Patti Beling, red. Day care days. Boston, Mass: Little, Brown, 1999.

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Sciarra, Dorothy June. Developing and administering a child care center. Wyd. 3. Albany: Delmar, 1995.

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Sciarra, Dorothy June. Developing and administering a child care center. Wyd. 2. Albany, N.Y: Delmar, 1990.

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Massachusetts. Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Information regarding social day care and adult day health programs. Boston, Mass: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Elder Affairs, 1995.

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Huttunen, Eeva. Day care as growth environment. Helsinki: National Board of Social Welfare in Finland, 1989.

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Pennella, Ann M. Financing day care in Maryland: A guide to the day care financing programs. [Annapolis]: Maryland Dept. of Economic and Employment Development, 1990.

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Child Care Management Resources (Organization), Giegerich & Associates., John Elicker Architects, Montgomery County Planning Board, Urban Interdependencies i Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission., red. Small child care facilities in residential areas. [Silver Spring, Md.]: Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, 1987.

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Montana. Dept. of Public Health and Human Services. Montana child care provider handbook. Missoula, MT: Montana Dept. of Public Health and Human Services, 1996.

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