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Navarro Arredondo, Alejandro. "PARLIAMENTARY RESEARCH SERVICES IN LOCAL CONGRESES". POLIS 16, nr 2 (7.01.2020): 121–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.24275/uam/izt/dcsh/polis/2020v16n2/navarro.

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Carneiro, José Carlos, i Manuel Vaz. "Reportagem: O Congresso anual do Colégio Americano de Medicina Desportiva". Revista de Medicina Desportiva Informa 13, nr 4 (1.07.2022): 22–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.23911/acsm_2022_jul.

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“Decorreu entre 31 de Maio a 04 de Junho de 2022 no Centro de Convenções de San Diego, Califórnia (EUA), o American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 2022 Annual Meeting and World Congresses, um dos maiores congressos da área da medicina desportiva e das ciências do desporto e que abrange uma diversidade imensa de tópicos, desde a sa.de populacional ao acompanhamento clínico do atleta de alta competição, assim como a ciência básica do exercício e a sua translação clínica. Na realidade, este foi um Congresso 3 em 1, pois ocorreu em conjunto o 69th Annual Meeting do ACSM, o 13º World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® … e o World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and Vascular Health...”
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Walker, Christopher J. "Restoring Congress’s role in the modern administrative State". Revista de Direito Administrativo 277, nr 2 (24.08.2018): 15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12660/rda.v277.2018.76703.

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<p>Restaurando a função do Congresso no Estado administrativo moderno</p><p> </p><p>In Congress’s Constitution, Josh Chafetz provides a timely and compelling historical account of the powers Congress possesses to compete with the other branches of government in our separation-of-powers framework. This Review makes two main observations. Particularly in light of the rise of the regulatory state, Part I explains how the toolbox of congressional powers Chafetz assembles can play a critical role in overseeing and influencing federal agency regulatory activities. Part II then offers a word of caution concerning Congress’s use of this toolbox without also passing laws. To restore Congress’s proper role in the modern administrative state, it is not enough for members of Congress to effectively oversee regulatory lawmaking. Congress must regularly legislate — to reauthorize and modernize the statutes that govern federal agencies, to respond to regulatory activity with which Congress disagrees, and to preserve the separation of powers between legislation and regulation.</p><p> </p><p>Na obra <em>Congress’s Constitution</em>, Josh Chafetz apresenta um relato histórico oportuno e convincente dos poderes que o Congresso possui para competir com os outros ramos do governo em nosso cenário de separação de poderes. Esta revisão faz duas observações fundamentais. Particularmente à luz da ascensão do estado regulador, a parte I explica como a caixa de ferramentas dos poderes do Congresso sugerida por Chafetz pode desempenhar um papel crítico na supervisão e influência das atividades reguladoras das agências federais. A parte II oferece uma palavra de cautela sobre o uso que o Congresso faz dessa caixa de ferramentas sem aprovar leis. Para restaurar o papel apropriado do Congresso no estado administrativo moderno, não é suficiente que os membros do Congresso supervisionem efetivamente o processo legislativo regulador. O Congresso deve legislar regularmente — reautorizar e modernizar os estatutos que governam as agências federais, responder à atividade regulatória com a qual o Congresso discorda e preservar a separação de poderes entre a legislação e a regulamentação.</p>
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Barbosa, Etienne Baldez Louzada, i Juarez José Tuchinski dos Anjos. "Questão de materialidade: a carteira escolar no congresso da instrução pública do Rio de Janeiro (1883)". Revista Educação e Emancipação 13, nr 3 (9.12.2020): 113. http://dx.doi.org/10.18764/2358-4319.v13n3p113-136.

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O artigo em tela volta-se para o Congresso da Instrução Pública, planejado para ocorrer no Rio de Janeiro, capital do Império, no ano de 1883. Toma como objeto de análise as discussões relacionadas à carteira escolar, e à sua materialidade, presentes nas Atas e Pareceres do congresso, publicadas apesar de o congresso efetivamente não ter sido realizado por falta de verbas. Valendo-se da metodologia da pesquisa histórica, o artigo persegue um duplo objetivo: 1) compreender o movimento de organização de tal congresso naquele período; 2) identificar que modelos de carteira foram debatidos e indicados como os mais adequados para serem utilizados nas escolas.Palavras-chave: Carteiras escolares. Congresso da instrução. Cultura material escolar.Materiality issue: the school desk at the congress of public instruction of Rio de Janeiro (1883)ABSTRACTThe article in question turns to the Congress of Public Instruction, which was planned to take place in Rio de Janeiro, capital of the Empire, in 1883. It takes as object of analysis the discussions related to the school desk and its materiality present in the Congressional Proceedings and Reports, which were published despite the fact that the Congress was not actually held due to lack of funds. Using the methodology of historical research, the article pursues a double objective: 1) to understand the movement of organizing such a congress in that period; 2) identify which desk models were discussed and indicated as the most suitable for use in schools.Keywords: School desks. Congress of instruction. School material culture.Cuestión de materialidad: el pupitre escolar en el congreso de instrucción pública de Río de Janeiro (1883)RESUMENEl artículo en cuestión se refiere al Congreso de Instrucción Pública, que estaba previsto que tuviera lugar en Río de Janeiro, capital del Imperio, en 1883. Toma como objeto de análisis las discusiones relacionadas con el pupitre escolar y su materialidad presentes en las Actas y Pareceres del congreso, las cuales fueron publicadas a pesar de que el Congreso no se realizó efectivamente por falta de fondos. Utilizando la metodología de investigación histórica, el artículo persigue un doble objetivo: 1) comprender el movimiento de organizar tal congreso en ese período; 2) identificar qué modelos de pupitre se discutieron e indicaron como los más adecuados para su uso en las escuelas.Palabras clave: Pupitres escolares. Congreso de instrucción. Cultura material da la escuela.
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Galak, Eduardo, Ivan Marcelo Gomes i Fabio Zoboli. "Pedagogia crítica e críticas à pedagogia na Educação Física: análises em congressos do Brasil e da Argentina (Pedagogía crítica y críticas a la pedagogía en Educación Física: análisis en congresos de Brasil y de Argentina)". Ágora para la Educación Física y el Deporte 23 (26.11.2021): 98–118. http://dx.doi.org/10.24197/aefd.0.2021.98-118.

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Objetiva analisar as produções do conhecimento e os posicionamentos epistemológicos frente à crítica aos modelos pedagógicos da Educação Física no Brasil e na Argentina. Como campo empírico se elegeu dois grandes congressos específicos da disciplina de ambos os países: Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CONBRACE) e Congreso Argentino de Educación Física y Ciencias (CEF&C). Foram selecionados para análise os trabalhos vinculados a “Epistemologia da Educação Física” dos dois últimos eventos de cada país (2017 e 2019). Como resultado observamos uma constante critica a modernidade como objetivo e ao mesmo tempo como motivo para estabelecer críticas a pedagogia da Educação Física. ***** El objetivo es analizar las producciones de conocimiento y los posicionamientos epistemológicos frente a la crítica a los modelos pedagógicos de la Educación Física en Brasil y en Argentina. Como campo empírico se eligieron dos grandes congresos específicos de la disciplina de ambos países: el Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CONBRACE) y el Congreso Argentino de Educación Física y Ciencias (CEF&C). Fueron seleccionados para este estudio los trabajos vinculados a la “Epistemología de la Educación Física” en las dos últimas ediciones de cada país (2017 y 2019). Como resultado observamos una constante crítica a la modernidad como objetivo y, al mismo tiempo, como motivo para establecer críticas a la pedagogía de la Educación Física.
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Pekez-Pavliško, Tanja, Nina Vrdoljak i Anja Aleksić. "Organization of International Medical Congresses as Possibility for Extending Croatian Tourist Offer". Acta Economica Et Turistica 2, nr 2 (1.12.2016): 211–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/aet-2016-0018.

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AbstractOrganization of international medical congresses is a perfect example of multidisciplinary cooperation with professional medical associations and Medical schools on one side and professional congress organizers on the other. Medical congresses are perhaps most frequent congresses in the world. Organization of medical congresses can be achieved in a number of ways: Organizers can be local professional associations or Medical schools, international professional associations and international professional congress organizers. To be nominated for organization of a congress, successful cooperation of medical professionals is needed, especially doctors and professional congress organizers. Success largely depends on knowledge of the availability of conference halls, available accommodations in the vicinity of the congress halls, ease of access to the congress destination, expectancies of possible candidates who will attend in connection to the congress destination, lobbying for nomination for organization of a congress. This article will analyze availability of conference halls in Croatia, accommodation capacities, transport possibilities. For the needs of this article, pilot questionnaire was constructed about demands of possible participants and their preferable destinations to be visited. Statistical analysis of Medical congresses in Europe is also shown according to geographical spreading. Concluding the article, we show that better education of medical staff about the possibilities of professional congress organizing are very important, as well as sharing of the experiences from big congresses among the medical professional in the field of medical congress organization. With multidisciplinary approach of all participants in organization of the congress (Ministry of Tourism, Croatian Tourist Association, Croatian Associations of professionals in congress tourism, hotels, medical professionals) Croatia could be much better recognized as destination for organizing medical congresses.
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López Cardona, Diana María. "Los pre-congresos como espacios de formación y cualificación docente: la experiencia del V Congreso Popular en Defensa de la Educación Pública. AMPLa Rioja (Argentina)". Nodos y Nudos 4, nr 33 (29.07.2012): 17. http://dx.doi.org/10.17227/01224328.2070.

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El artículo presenta la experiencia de los pre-congresos como espacios de formación docente, para ello tomalos realizados en el marco del V Congreso en Defensa de la Educación Pública, llevado a cabo el 8 y 9 deJunio de 2012, por la Asociación de Maestros y Profesores (AMP) de La Rioja, Argentina; se exponen lasactividades y reflexiones que surgieron a partir de la asesoría político/pedagógica que la autora desarrollóantes y durante el proceso del Congreso, como una experiencia transformadora que enriquece las prácticasde los/as docentes, la formación y la consolidación de espacios congresales de maestros/as y profesores,sobre la base de la participación activa de los mismos en un proceso de reflexión/acción.
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Novik, Alexander, Irina Sedakova i Anastasia Kharlamova. "Rules and Norms, Freedom, and Regulation: The 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF)". Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore 87 (grudzień 2022): 229–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.7592/fejf2022.87.sief15.

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The review of the 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), one of the first virtual events of such a scale, highlights modern tendencies in anthropology, ethnology, and folklore. The authors of the review observe the growing interdisciplinarity, the use of adjacent disciplines, and the politization and socialization of the traditional academic research. The Congress’s eighteen streams included topics customary for the SIEF congresses (“Archives & Sources”, “Narratives”, “Food”, “Material Culture and Museums”, etc.) as well as new ones (“Posthumanism”, “Intersectionality”), with over 1000 presentations in total. There is a detailed overview of several panels and streams, including those dedicated to the new folklore and changes in rituals due to the pandemic. The authors note the broadening geography of the participants and, as a result, the increasing number of academic traditions covered at the Congress, which was possible partly thanks to the virtual format.
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Fernandes, Flavio Cesar F., i Evelyn Rios. "Alocação de referees para avaliar trabalhos submetidos a um congresso de grande porte: modelo e caso ENEGEP". Production 11, nr 1 (czerwiec 2001): 5–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0103-65132001000100001.

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Este artigo apresenta uma experiência real de implantação de um modelo de Pesquisa Operacional para realizar a alocação de referees para avaliar trabalhos submetidos a um congresso de grande porte. Utilizando os dados reais do XV ENEGEP (Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção)/ I ICIE (First International Congress of Industrial Engineering), foi mostrada a grande superioridade do método computadorizado sobre o método real. No congresso seguinte XVI ENEGEP / II ICIE o modelo efetuou a alocação de 403 referees para avaliar 954 trabalhos. O modelo se mostrou totalmente validado e algumas imprecisões que surgiram se deveu a informações não totalmente corretas sobre alguns referees. E também apresentado o uso deste modelo no processo de avaliação de trabalhos ligados à área de Gerência submetidos ao XXI ENEGEP Nas conclusões são feitas algumas considerações que poderão ser incorporadas em futuros congressos no sentido de aprimorar ainda mais o processo de avaliação de trabalhos, que sem dúvida alguma, é um dos processos mais críticos na organização de congressos científicos de grande porte.
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Garritz, Andoni. "Congreso, congresos, congresos, congresos, congresos". Educación Química 6, nr 1 (30.08.2018): 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.22201/fq.18708404e.1995.1.66727.

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<span>Esta editorial es más bien una propuesta, quizá sea muy ingenua para llevarse a cabo; pero al fin proponer no cuesta: ORGANICEMOS EN MÉXICO, CADA DOS O TRES ANOS, UNA GRAN REUNIÓN NACIONAL DE QUÍMICA, CONVOCADA POR TODAS LAS ASOCIACIONES Y CON LA ASISTENCIA DE TODOS LOS INTERESADOS DEL GREMIO. Erase una vez un país con una muy pequeña y muy modesta comunidad química, que se reunía una vez al año al cobijo de una asociación pionera de profesionales.</span>
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Andrade, Vitor Augusto de, Stela Carpini, Ricardo Schwingel, Thiago Rodrigues Araújo Calderan i Gustavo Pereira Fraga. "Publicação de trabalhos científicos apresentados em Congresso de Trauma no Brasil". Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões 38, nr 3 (czerwiec 2011): 172–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0100-69912011000300006.

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OBJETIVO: Analisar a proporção de trabalhos apresentados no XXI Panamerican Congress of Trauma, VIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Atendimento Integrado ao Traumatizado (SBAIT) e X Congresso Brasileiro das Ligas do Trauma (CoLT) que foram publicados integralmente. MÉTODOS: Nos eventos citados que foram sediados em Campinas, em 2008, foram apresentados e publicados os resumos de 347 trabalhos. Para avaliar a proporçãode trabalhos completos publicados foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo observacional consultando as bases de dados biomédicas PubMed e SciELO, com apoio do Google, a partir do título dos resumos e da listagem de autores. RESULTADOS: Dos 347 trabalhos considerados, 25 (7,3%) eram de serviços estrangeiros e 322 (92,7%) de nacionais. Dez (2,9%) trabalhos foram publicados, dos quais, seis (1,7%) da área de enfermagem e quatro (1,2%) de medicina. Dentre estes, foram identificados quatro publicações de tese e apenas um dos trabalhos internacionais foi publicado. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de haver um grande número de trabalhos apresentados em congressos de trauma no Brasil, as publicações nesta área são raras. A academia e as sociedades de cirurgia precisam estimular a submissão de trabalhos científicos mesmo antes da apresentação em congressos a fim de serem avaliados para publicação em revistas indexadas.
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Shaidi, Leonard P. "The Role of UNAFRI in the Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders:An Overview". Journal of African Law 39, nr 2 (1995): 183–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s002185530000632x.

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The Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (the Ninth Congress), was held in Cairo, Egypt from 29 April to 8 May, 1995. It followed the sequence of United Nations quinquennial congresses on the prevention of crime and die treatment of offenders which began in 1955 as a direct continuation of die international penitentiary congresses that had been organized by the International Penal and Penitentiary Commission (IPPC) since the 19tii century. The congresses are convened by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on die basis of General Assembly Resolution 415(V) of 1950. The Nindi Congress was attended by delegates from 138 states, several United Nations offices and organs, including specialized agencies, various inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations and over 190 individual experts. This was die first time the Congress was held on the African continent.
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Çulpan, Meftun, Asıf Yıldırım, Abdullah Erdem Canda, Timuçin Çil, Mahmut Gümüş i Selami Albayrak. "First virtual uro-oncology meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic: 10th Online Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress". Yeni Üroloji Dergisi 16, nr 3 (22.10.2021): 215–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.33719/yud.2021;16-3-865211.

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Objective: COVID-19 has rapidly spread and has become a pandemic by affecting the whole world. During this period, many scientific congresses and educational meetings had to be canceled because of preventive measures. In this report, we aimed to share our first live virtual congress experience, described its process of transformation from face to face to virtual congress and report the attendees and speakers’ satisfaction. Material and Methods: Eurasian Uro-oncological Association (EUA) decided to organize the 10th Eurasian Uro-oncology congress in June 2020 at Göbeklitepe, Şanlıurfa in Turkey. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee decided to organize the first virtual scientific congress in Turkey. The planned duration of the congress was reduced from 4 days to 2 days and each speaker was planned to give the speech online during the presentation via ZOOM program (San Jose, CA). Results: A total of 704 persons registered to the congress. It was the highest number of participants among whole congresses that was organized by EUA. In this congress, there were 199 oral presentations, 25 interactive e-posters and 12 video presentations. During the congress, each participant attended the congress for an average of 387 minutes. It was identified that the majority of the participants were quite satisfied with the program offered. In general, participants were fairly satisfied with the quality of images and sound, chat functionality, questions & answers section and technical support. Conclusion: In this report, we shared the outcomes of our first virtual congress experience in Turkey through the 10th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress. Today, virtual congresses have become the "new normal" and offer cheaper events with larger participation in the comfort of home. Keywords: Congress, COVID-19, online, virtual, urology
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Boğan, Mustafa, Mustafa Sabak, Mehmet Karadağ, Fatma Boğan, Mehmet Murat Oktay i Behçet Al. "Finally they are convinced and will release the cheque this upcoming sunday and verbally told to collect it." IMC Journal of Medical Science 15, nr 2 (25.08.2021): 38–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/imcjms.v15i2.55879.

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Background and objectives: Science congresses have begun to be recognized as a tourism model that named as congress tourism. The hotels where the National Emergency Medicine Congresses are hosted, which are held once a year, contribute to congress tourism.The aim of this study is to find out views of attendees of emergency medicine congresses about the congress and presentations. Methods: A survey form consisting of 16 questions (without demographic question) was shared with participants attending the 14th National Emergency Medicine Congress of the Association of Emergency Medicine Specialists (EPAT) by SMS, e-mail, and social media messenger programs (WhatsApp, etc.). Results: A total of 238 participants took part in the study of whcih73.9% (n = 176) were male. The age of the majority (68, 28.6%) participants was between 35 to 39 years. Maximum participants (n = 95, 39.9%) were specialist titleholders and the majority's (n = 81, 34.0%) length of service was 6-10 years. Of the total particinats, 73.1% and 65% expressed that curiosity about the scientific content and refreshing the knowledge respectively were the reasons for attending the conferences. Conclusion: Even if congresses are held in holiday hotels, participants are more interested in scientific content. Paramedical activities and visuals used in presentations are viewed positively. Although there are very intense programs in the congress, the majority of the participants stated that they would listen to eight presentations most efficiently. Ibrahim Med. Coll. J. 2021; 15(2): 38-43
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Chizh, V. "Section of Psychiatry at the XIII International Medical Congress in Paris". Neurology Bulletin VIII, nr 3 (24.12.2020): 195–222. http://dx.doi.org/10.17816/nb54370.

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For me, there is no doubt about the complete failure of the XIIIth Medical Congress; the main goals of international congresses were not achieved and the vast majority remained dissatisfied with this congress. The main goal of the congresses is to familiarize themselves with the current state of science: the members who have presented their reports, of course, wish to familiarize as many comrades as possible with their work; members who have not submitted reports wish to familiarize themselves with new works of interest to them. The second purpose of the congresses is to get closer to associates; it is clear that the participants in international congresses wish to get to know each other and get close to foreign comrades.
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Battegay, Raymond. "An Historic Overview of the IAPG: The Beginnings of IAGP and its Later Development". FORUM, nr 3 (lipiec 2009): 121–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/foru2009-002011.

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- This paper gives a brief historic overview of IAGP. When the first International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Toronto, Canada, in 1954, J L Moreno initiated the formation of the International Committee of Group Psychotherapy whose name was later changed to the International Council of Group Psychotherapy. At the fifth International Congress of Group Psychotherapy held in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1973, the name was again changed and the International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP) was born. Approximately every third year since that time an International Congress has taken place at different cities around the world. At the Board Meeting during the sixteenth International Congress held in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2007, it was decided to change the name to the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes to reflect the larger interests of members. It will be under this name that the seventeenth International Congress will be held in Rome. In addition to the major International Congresses, Pacific Rim Regional Congresses and Regional Mediterranean Congresses have also been successfully organised, always attracting large numbers of participants. Since 1973 a number of subgroups have been formed for the different branches of Group Psychotherapy. The development of IAPG has been possible only because of the commitment of Board members and volunteers.
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Morgan, Kevin. "Bolshevization, Stalinization, and Party Ritual: The Congresses of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1920-1943". Labour History Review: Volume 87, Issue 2 87, nr 2 (1.07.2022): 141–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.3828/lhr.2022.6.

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This paper examines the national congresses of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) in the period of the Communist International (1919- 43). Both in Britain and internationally, communist party congresses in this period lost any independent decision-making role and became a mechanism activated and controlled from above. Not surprisingly, they have attracted little serious scholarly notice in their own right, but this paper identifies three themes deserving consideration: first, that of the congress as a field of tension between inherited notions of delegatory democracy and the Comintern’s top-down version of democratic centralism; second, that of its growing importance as a site of symbolic demonstration and ritualized group action; and third, that of bolshevization and Stalinization as processes that can be traced through these changing conceptions of the congress’s role. Each theme is considered here in a separate section. These employ a three-party periodization that supports an argument of the CPGB’s early but protracted bolshevization. Further watershed moments in the late 1920s and the mid-1930s can both in different ways be identified with Stalinization. These, however, did not so much resolve as displace the tensions with wider labour movement practices.
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Batra, A., M. Bartels, L. Aicher, T. Hefler i G. Buchkremer. "Psychiatrists meet on the web: the chance for a virtual congress. Results and experiences from the First International Internet Congress on Psychiatry 1997". European Psychiatry 14, nr 1 (marzec 1999): 57–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0924-9338(99)80718-4.

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SummaryFrom December 1–31, 1997, the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in co-operation with the Department of Information Technology, University of Tübingen, Germany, organised the first virtual congress on psychiatry in the Internet. The congress was aimed at facilitating exchange of results of psychiatric studies and ideas and at stimulating discussion among interested colleagues. Almost 100 participants from 17 countries on four continents took part in this event. Sixteen contributions were presented and discussed. The problems and opportunities of this medium in the organisation and running of congresses are presented and discussed. The experience gained in this congress suggests that the Internet will find increasing use as a medium for medical congresses within the next few years.
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Reis Soares, João Paulo, i João Rodrigo Santos da Silva. "A prática no ensino de botânica: o que dizem os principais congressos?" Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática 11, nr 6 (18.10.2020): 73–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.26843/rencima.v11i6.2360.

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Este trabalho tem como objetivo levantar documentos referentes às principais publicações em congressos de Botânica e Ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Para tal, analisa os seguintes congressos: Congresso Nacional de Botânica (CNBot), Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Biologia (ENEBIO), Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências (ENPEC), Congreso Internacional Enseñanza de las ciencias todos ocorridos entre os anos 2013-2017. Desta forma esta pesquisa visa à compreensão das práticas no ensino de botânica, onde se almeja uma melhor compreensão das principais dificuldades no ensino do tema. A pesquisa aponta que, apesar de muitas atividades diferenciais estarem sendo desenvolvidas no ensino de botânica, boa parte dos trabalhos ainda estão arraigados em uma abordagem conteudista e baseada na memorização, enfatizando a real necessidade de novos estudos sobre o tema, bem como melhorias nos cursos de formação de professores.
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Кресин, Алексей, i Aleksey Kresin. "International congresses of comparative law as a form of research activities: towards the 90th anniversary of the International academy of comparative law". Comparative Research In Law and Politics 2, nr 1 (15.06.2014): 1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/5042.

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The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the history of international congress of comparative law, the principles and mechanisms for their organization, the evolution of their program, as well as intermediate congresses and other forms of the International Academy of Comparative Law activities. The dynamics and geography of the publication of works of Congress are analyzed. The author concludes that IACL congresses are the form of exercise big-scale international research projects, reconstructs their stages and principles, compares them with projects within other international organizations.
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Alkatout, Ibrahim, Veronika Günther, Sandra Brügge, Johannes Ackermann, Magret Krüger, Dirk Bauerschlag, Nicolai Maass i in. "Involvement of medical students in a surgery congress: impact on learning motivation, decision-making for a career in surgery, and educational curriculum". Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 171, nr 7-8 (14.01.2021): 182–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10354-020-00802-w.

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SummaryDuring the preclinical period of medical school, the clinical relevance of theoretical knowledge is given little attention. Medical students of the second year were invited to participate in an interdisciplinary congress for robot-assisted and digital surgery. The students had to evaluate the impact of the congress on their learning motivation, decision-making for a career in surgery, and relevance for their educational curriculum. Participation in the congress increased their learning motivation for preclinical subjects, and significantly increased their interest in a surgical career. Most students considered active involvement in medical congresses a valuable supplement to the medical curriculum. Congress participation during the preclinical period was ranked positively by medical students. Greater learning motivation and enthusiasm for the pilot teaching project as well as for surgical disciplines were registered. Thus, early involvement of medical students in scientific congresses should be an integral part of their educational curriculum.
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Hassan, Neelam, Leonieke JJ van Mens, Uta Kiltz, Laura Andreoli, Concha Delgado-Beltran, Pavel V. Ovseiko, Laure Gossec i Laura C. Coates. "Gender equity in academic rheumatology: is there a gender gap at European rheumatology conferences?" RMD Open 8, nr 1 (marzec 2022): e002131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/rmdopen-2021-002131.

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ObjectivesTo obtain an overview of gender equity at European rheumatology conferences.MethodsThe proportion of women invited as either moderators or speakers to the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) annual congresses and national conferences in Europe was calculated from the published congress materials from EULAR annual congresses (2015–2019) and the 2019 national conferences of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Data from EULAR congresses were further categorised by type of session. Significance testing was conducted using χ2 tests with the level of statistical significance set at p<0.05.ResultsThe proportion of combined women moderators and speakers at EULAR varied from 40% to 43% between 2015 and 2019 with no obvious trend over time. There were higher proportions of women in the Health Professionals in Rheumatology and People with Arthritis and Rheumatism sessions (>50% consistently). However, these sessions represent <25% of EULAR congress invitations. Representation of women at the EULAR congress in 2019 (39.6%) was significantly higher than at the national congresses in France (28.6%) and Germany (29.6%) but similar to that observed in Italy (33.7%), Spain (41.7%) and the UK (42%).ConclusionWomen account for less than half of invited moderators and speakers at the conferences reviewed. Compared with historical EULAR data in 2003 (16%) and in 2004 (19%), the gender gap at EULAR congresses has narrowed considerably, but there remains a need to monitor and improve women’s representation.
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Holii, Roman. "The phaleristic items (1919–1939) which are collected in the Institute of Research of Library’s Art Resources of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv". Proceedings of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv, nr 11(27) (2019): 516–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.37222/2524-0315-2019-11(27)-22.

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The library holds 87 phaleristic awards 1919–1939, from Austria, Great Britain, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine, USA. Among these awards we can conditionally distinguish the following thematic groups: Ukrainian and Ukrainian related awards, foreign phaleristic, international professional congresses. In these groups it is possible to distinguish subgroups representing different individual aspects of social life in Ukraine and in other countries in 1919–1939. Ukrainian and Ukrainian related honors include: Ukrainian-language honors made in Ukraine; honors of the Ukrainian Diaspora; non-Ukrainian-language honors made on Ukrainian lands. Foreign phaleristics are represented by thematic subgroups: state distinctions (Serbian Order of Saint Sava, Polish medals, etc.); non-state public awards; phalleristics of public organizations (the Red Cross, associations of librarians, doctors, electricians, technicians and others); German and Polish phaleristics on the occasion of a plebiscite in Silesia in 1921; monuments of cultural and artistic events; business awards (ASEA, Leica, Germany) and more. Distinctions of international professional congresses concern mainly medical organizations: I General Congress of Slavic Physicians in Warsaw 1927; The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Congresses of the Union of Slavic Dermatologists (in Warsaw in 1929, in Belgorod in 1931 and in Prague in 1934); The Third International Pediatricians Congress, London, 1933; IX International Congress of Dermatologists in Budapest 1935. Available in the library’s collection a memorial award of the International Congress of the World Union of Electricity Producers and Distributors in Paris, 1928 (two variants of decoration with different mounting methods). Keywords: phaleristics, awards, international professional congresses.
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Manion, Melanie. "When Communist Party Candidates Can Lose, Who Wins? Assessing the Role of Local People's Congresses in the Selection of Leaders in China". China Quarterly 195 (wrzesień 2008): 607–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0305741008000799.

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AbstractThis article draws on Party and government documents, Chinese-language books and articles, interviews and firsthand observation, and electoral outcome data to contribute to the emerging literature on the changing role of people's congresses in mainland China. It focuses on the crucially important but neglected relationship between local congresses and local Communist Party committees in the selection of congress and government leaders. It analyses the 1995 reforms to Party regulations and the law, which resulted in electoral losses of more than 17,000 Communist Party candidates in the first set of elections after 1995. It concludes that the reforms created the conditions for local congress delegates to matter – and delegates responded. More broadly, it concludes that congressional assertiveness has significant (although not radical) implications for the relationship between the congresses and Party committees. The winners in the broader (not narrowly electoral) sense of the term are both the congresses and the ruling Communist Party, strengthened as an organization with selection of leaders opened up to more players.
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Prokopowicz, Dariusz, i Jan Rakowski. "REPORT ON THE 5TH CONGRESS OF MODERN ECONOMY ORGANIZED BY KPH OIG ON NOVEMBER 22, 2017: POSTULATED LEGISLATIVE CHANGES AND DRAFT LAWS". International Journal of Legal Studies ( IJOLS ) 2, nr 2 (29.12.2017): 363–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0012.2259.

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As part of its activities, the Industrial and Commercial Congregation of the Polish Chamber of Commerce organizes periodically implemented meetings, conferences and congresses, during which debates regarding the need for systemic improvement of economic, normative, fiscal, etc. conditions are made to small and medium-sized companies in the trade sector operating in Poland. The main events integrating entrepreneurs, local government, economists, people of art and politicians organized periodically by the Industrial and Commercial Congregation of the Polish Chamber of Commerce include the Congresses of Polish Economy and the Congresses of Modern Economy. One of the last events of this type was organized by KPH OIG on November 22, 2017. The 5th Congress of Modern Economy. The issues discussed at the Congress debates continued the previous topics from the other KPH OIG congresses. Also draft laws and legislative changes were presented in the close connection with the legal regulations on the commercial business entities of the SME sector in Poland.
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Theodoro, Luciana Santos Almeida, i Francisco Gilson Rebouças Porto Junior. "OS OLHARES DA COMUNICAÇÃO ORGANIZACIONAL NO BRASIL PARA O ENSINO SOB O PARADIGMA DA COMPLEXIDADE". Revista Observatório 5, nr 5 (1.08.2019): 999–1021. http://dx.doi.org/10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2019v5n5p999.

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RESUMO Inseridos em um mundo onde o processo de ensino-aprendizagem carece superar a visão conteudista para se tornar, no mínimo, eficiente, já não é possível pensarmos em pesquisas sobre formação na área da comunicação organizacional sem antes relacioná-la a novas metodologias que objetivam melhorias em sala de aula. Nesse contexto é que esse artigo pretende buscar como o termo Paradigma da Complexidade tem aparecido nos artigos publicados nos Anais do Congresso da Abrapcorp, o mais representativo da área no Brasil. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Paradigma da Complexidade; Abrapcorp; Congresso. ABSTRACT Inserted in a world where the teaching-learning process needs to overcome the contentist vision to become, at least, efficient, it is no longer possible to think about research on training in the area of ​​organizational communication without first relating it to new methodologies that aim at improvements in the classroom. In this context, this article intends to look for how the term Complexity Paradigm has appeared in articles published in the Annals of the Congress of Abrapcorp, the most representative of the area in Brazil. KEYWORDS: Complexity paradigm; Abrapcorp; Congress. RESUMEN Insertado en un mundo donde el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje necesita superar la visión contendiente para ser, al menos, eficiente, ya no es posible pensar en la investigación sobre capacitación en el área de comunicación organizacional sin primero relacionarla con nuevas metodologías que apuntan a mejorar En el aula. En este contexto, este artículo tiene la intención de buscar cómo ha aparecido el término Paradigma de complejidad en los artículos publicados en el Annals of Abrapcorp Congress, el más representativo del área en Brasil. PALABRAS CLAVE: paradigma de complejidad; Abrapcorp; Congreso.
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Jurcoi, Emanuel. "The significance of the Congress of Union and Reorganization held on November 9-10, 1935, in Arad". Journal of Church History 2021, nr 2 (1.12.2021): 79–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/jch.2021.2.5.

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"Abstract: The Baptist cult had organized the following congresses: Pre-Congress of 1919 (Buteni), Congress of 1920 (Buteni), 1922 (Oradea), 1928 (Curtici), 1931 (Talpoş), 1932 (Timişoara), 1935 (Arad). Between 1932 and 1934, so-called fractional congresses were organized. The congress of 1935 in Arad is labeled as the congress of union and reorganization because in 1932 the Union of Christian Baptist Churches in Romania split. In this study I will analyze both the reunion process or reunion attempts, the motivation of the reunion and the description of the reunion congress. Attempts and initiatives to reunite the two Baptist unions have been identified both within the country, by the Romanian Baptist diaspora and by the World Alliance of Baptists. The motives for the reunion were related to the rights of the Baptists, their desire for peace, and their spiritual duty to spread the gospel. The strong characters of the two unions could not be overcame except by the sufferings of the persecuted Baptists, such as raising awareness of the death of one of the most meek, industrious, and wise, and humble people of the Baptists of that time — Theodor Sida. In Arad, the Baptists organized events in sumptuous buildings since 1929 - the ordination of Lucaşa Sezonov to the Red Church, 1930 - Southeast European Baptist Congress in the Arad Theater building, 1935 - Congress of the reunion of Baptists at the White Cross Hotel and 1945 - Congress Romanian Baptist Union at the Cultural Palace in Arad."
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Frank, Peter. "The Twenty-Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: A Personal Assessment". Government and Opposition 25, nr 4 (1.10.1990): 472–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-7053.1990.tb00398.x.

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TO PARAPHRASE ALEXANDER YAKOVLEV, THE ONLY predictable thing about the 28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) would be its utter unpredictability.Twice brought forward from its original planned date (February 1991), it began its deliberations in Moscow's Palace of Congresses on 2 July 1990. Little optimism attended the opening. Instead, the mood was nervous and jittery, angry and spiteful. Gone were the self-congratulation, unanimity and routinized ovations of previous congresses. Society at large was stubbornly indifferent to what was happening in the Kremlin; the Party was riven with dissent, while the Congress delegates themselves were in a fractious, belligerent mood.
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Pływaczewski, Emil W. "Zapobieganie przestępczości i sprawiedliwość karna z perspektywy Kongresów Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych". Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem 43, nr 4 (31.12.2021): 543–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.19195/2300-7249.43.4.41.

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For over 65 years, the United Nations has held congresses aimed at strengthening international cooperation against expanding crime. The First Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders took place in Geneva in 1955. Sixty-six years later, in 2021, this tradition continued, postponed by the Covid-19 epidemic, as the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice took place in the former capital of Japan — Kyoto. The aim of the paper is to present the most important achievements of all 14 congresses, especially focusing on the development of UN standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. The author also presents the history of the participation and activities of Polish participants of the Congresses (official delegates and individual experts) in the years 1960–2021. The general conclusion is that the institution of the UN Crime Congresses is a major high-level forum to steer the development of the rule of law, to promote global security and good governance, and to improve the response to crime.
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Dos Santos, Isabelly Raiane Silva. "Formação Omnilateral Docente e a Mercantilização de Eventos Acadêmicos e Científicos da Área de Educação". Latin American Journal of Development 3, nr 4 (9.08.2021): 2467–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.46814/lajdv3n4-053.

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RESUMO Defende-se que formação de professores, além de ser continuada, deve apresentar um caráter contínuo. Na procura por essa formação, docentes buscam a participação em cursos e eventos acadêmicos e científicos. Entretanto, a partir do avanço do Toyotismo e da aprendizagem flexível, eventos, como congressos, têm sua realização motivada por aspectos do capital. A partir disso, os objetivos dessa pesquisa são investigar a relação estabelecida entre a execução de eventos acadêmicos e científicos e a mercantilização da educação, expor situações que evidenciem a ideologia do capital presente na execução de um evento acadêmico e científico e indicar pontos relevantes do evento que poderiam contribuir para a superação do docente acrítico e fragmentado pelo capitalismo. Dados foram coletados a partir da análise da organização e execução de um congresso. Ao final, foi verificado que, embora guiado por aspirações capitalistas, eventos, como o analisado, podem constituir uma forma de superação do docente unilateral. ABSTRACT It is argued that teacher training, besides being continuous, must have an ongoing character. In the search for this training, teachers seek participation in courses and academic and scientific events. However, from the advance of Toyotism and flexible learning, events, such as congresses, have their realization motivated by aspects of capital. From this, this research’s objectives are to investigate the relationship established between the execution of academic and scientific events and the education commodification, to expose situations that show the capital ideology present in the execution of an academic and scientific event, and to indicate relevant points of the event that could contribute to overcoming the uncritical and fragmented teacher by capitalism. Data were collected from the analysis of a congress organization and execution. In the end, it was found that, although guided by capitalist aspirations, events, such as the one analyzed, can constitute a way of overcoming the unilateral teacher.
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Wroblewski, Slawomir, i Nurzhan Ussenbayev. "A new paradigm for meetings and events studies". Menadzment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu 10, nr 1 (2022): 107–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/menhottur2201107w.

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The aim of the article is to propose a new way of perceiving and researching meetings and events, which in turn will contribute to our understanding of how to stimulate the development of this sector more effectively. Thus far, researchers have tended to emphasize the economic importance of meetings. The article presents an innovative research approach concerning one specific type of meetings, namely "congresses". This new paradigm focuses on the institutional role of congresses. The analysis has identified the functions that congresses perform in relation to market stakeholders and the relationships between them that create cooperation. Convention Bureaus and Congress Ambassadors were identified as new institutions that have added to the development of the entire congress market. As the most important for the development of Meeting Industry, the article indicates the synergy between the stakeholders of the sector and the activation of the demand side by strengthening the role of associations.
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Eisler, Riane. "Contracting or Expanding Consciousness: Foundations for Partnership and Peace". Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies 5, nr 3 (11.12.2018): 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.24926/ijps.v5i3.1600.

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The Congreso Futuro (Futures Congress), sponsored by the President of Chile, was established in 2011 “as a bridge that connects ideas, people and views that change the world with our society.” The 2018 Futures Congress included 40 panels featuring 130 presenters. Riane Eisler gave two plenary speeches, both featuring a Consciousness focus. In the Master’s Closing of Congress Speech delivered on January 20, 2018 at the Salón Honor – Congreso Nacional (Honor Hall of the former National Congress) in Santiago, she summarized the partnership/domination paradigm as a model for understanding our history and our current societies. She concluded by describing four societal cornerstones (family relations, gender relations, economics, and language and narrative) that support domination or partnership systems.
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Starostenko, Eleonora V. "Decisions of the Сongress of the Orthodox military clergy of the Southwestern front in Proskurov in 1917". Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, nr 4 (12.10.2022): 35–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.33581/2520-6338-2022-4-35-42.

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The decisions of the congresses of the military and naval clergy, held at the beginning of the 20th century, remain little studied to this day. Turning to this topic, researchers most often focus on the decisions of congresses of all-Russian significance which is the 1st All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy (July 1914, Petrograd), less often on the decisions of the 2nd All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy (July 1917, Mogilev). However, front-line congresses also played an important role in the history of the institute of military priests: they took place in the Southwestern (5–7 May 1917), Western (24–28 May 1917), Romanian (25 June 1917) and Northern (26–28 June 1917) fronts. This article discusses the work of the first of them which is the Сongress of the Orthodox military clergy of the Southwestern front in Proskurov in May 1917. The author of the article analyses the main decisions of this congress. The attitude of the military clergy of the front to the war, participation in the political parties, organisation of cultural and educational activities are shown. The proposals of the delegates on the reorganisation of the administration of the department and the introduction of an elective principle are analysed. It is shown whether the opinion of the participants of the congress in Proskurov coincided with the decisions of the 2nd All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy in Mogilev. The article was prepared on the basis of archival documents and materials of the periodical press. In particular, documents from the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive (Saint Petersburg) such as protocols of the sessions of the Сongress of the Orthodox military clergy of the Southwestern front, the resolutions of the protopresbyter on the decisions of the congress, the protocols of the sessions of the 2nd All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy were used.
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Prinsloo, W. S. "Verslag: ‘Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) 1989 International Meeting’, 6 tot 9 Augustus 1989 te Kopenhagen, Denemarke; en ‘The XIII Congress of the International Organization for the study of the Old Testament (IOSOT)’, 27 Augustus tot 1 September 19". Verbum et Ecclesia 11, nr 1 (18.07.1990): 74–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ve.v11i1.1013.

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"Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) 1989 International Meeting". 6-9 August 1989, Copenhagen, Denmark; and "The XIII Congress of the International Organization for the study of the Old Testament (IOSOT)". 27 August to 1 September 1989, Leuven, Belgium This article is a report on the IOSOT Congress at Leuven. Belgium, and the SBL Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. It contains brief summaries of the more important papers read and indicates some of the more significant trends which emerged at the two congresses.
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Treier, Shawn. "Where Does the President Stand? Measuring Presidential Ideology". Political Analysis 18, nr 1 (2010): 124–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/pan/mpp035.

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Although estimating the revealed preferences of members of Congress is straightforward, estimating the position of the president relative to Congress is not. Current estimates place the president as considerably more ideologically extreme than one would expect. These estimates, however, are very sensitive to the set of presidential positions used in the roll call analyses for the 103rd through 109th Congresses. The president often obtains more moderate ideal point estimates relative to Congress when including positions based on signing bills into law.
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Fisher, A. "Concerning the congress of Russian gynecologists." Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases 8, nr 1 (14.09.2020): 67. http://dx.doi.org/10.17816/jowd8167.

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Kotova, Elena. "The last Congress of the Holy Alliance. Alexander I and K. L. Metternich in Verona in 1822". ISTORIYA 13, nr 9 (119) (2022): 0. http://dx.doi.org/10.18254/s207987840022834-6.

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The last congress of the Holy Alliance was held 200 years ago. The era of congresses has played an important role in the history of Europe. During this period, the foundations of the Vienna system of international relations were laid, formulated at the Congress of 1814—1815. The concert of European powers that developed at that time — Russia, Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia — determined world politics. The revolutions of 1820—1821 in European countries became a serious challenge to the Vienna system. At the congresses of the Holy Alliance, measures were developed to combat the revolutionary and national liberation movement. Alexander I and Metternich were among the leading actors in international politics of that time. The article pays special attention to their relationship.
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Panchenko, A. M., i Yu V. Timofeeva. "Military scientific libraries at the First All-Russia Congress of Libraries (On 110-th anniversary of the Congress)". Scientific and Technical Libraries, nr 6 (29.07.2021): 111–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.33186/1027-3689-2021-6-111-128.

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For the first time, the findings of the comprehensive study of the contribution of military scientific libraries to the First All-Russia Congress of Libraries held on June 1-7, 1911, are published. The study was based on archival and prerevolutionary published sources. Four participation forms are distinguished: 1) preparation for the congress (leading role in various commissions organizational, preparatory commission for academic and special libraries, presidium of the section of public, academic and special libraries, as well as in the development of questionnaires for academic libraries); 2) work at the congress (speeches delivered by A. R. Voynich-Syanozhentsky and S. D. Maslovsky, discussions, chairing sections, secretarial responsibilities at the sections); 3) activity at the exhibition (presentations); 4) analysis and evaluation of the congress and its results. The study enabled to specify, systematize and significantly expand the knowledge of the role of military scientific libraries in preparation, organization and work of the First All-Russia Congress of Libraries. The historical experience of joint efforts of military and other library types evidences on the efficiency of such cooperation and the need to use it at the present stage.The findings will be useful for the professionals at military scientific and scientific libraries developing cooperation, as well as for researchers investigating into the history of military libraries, and organizers of library events, e.g. congresses, forums, congresses, symposia, assemblies.
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Kashkovsky, V. G., D. V. Kropachev, D. G. Gubareva i E. D. Chervova. "MINERAL CONTENT OF HONEY HARVESTED IN ECOLOGICALLY SAFE AREA OF WESTERN SIBERIA". Innovations and Food Safety, nr 4 (28.12.2018): 17–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.31677/2311-0651-2018-0-4-17-21.

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In taste and biological evaluation of all monilinia and polimernye varieties of honey collected by bees from plants of Western Siberia, received the highest recognition in our country and in the international market. Honey from Mountain Shoria was demonstrated three times at the world congresses on beekeeping and each time received the highest rating and was awarded with a gold medal. The awards were presented in 1965, at the XX Congress in Bucharest, at the XXIII Congress in Moscow in 1971 and at the XXXXVI Congress in Korea in 2016.
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Gushiken, Yuji. "Autocrítica da Folkcomunicação nas Ciências da Comunicação: Avaliação do GP na Intercom 2017". Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação 19, nr 42 (2.07.2021): 195. http://dx.doi.org/10.5212/rif.v.19.i42.0010.

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Neste artigo, buscamos narrar, registrar e avaliar os procedimentos que caracterizam as práticas acadêmicas e os temas pesquisados em uma comunidade científica no âmbito do Grupo de Pesquisa em Folkcomunicação, Mídia e Interculturalidade do 40º Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação, realizado em 2017 pela Intercom, em Curitiba, capital do Paraná. Trata-se da busca de uma autocrítica, no sentido de observar como e em que medida a instituição e o desenvolvimento de procedimentos próprios do ambiente científico instituem e legitimam a caracterização científica do GP em meio ao Congresso da Intercom, considerando a inserção das Ciências da Comunicação nas demandas do Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação (SNPG). Grupo de Pesquisa em Folkcomunicação; Intercom 2017; Autocrítica; Ciências da Comunicação. In this article, we seek to narrate, record, and evaluate the procedures that characterize academic practices and the topics researched in a scientific community within the Research Group on Folkcommunication, Media and Interculturality of the 40th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences, held in 2017 by Intercom in Curitiba, capital of Paraná. It is a search for self-criticism, in the sense of observing how and to what extent the institution and development of procedures specific to the scientific environment institute and legitimize the scientific characterization of the GP in the midst of the Intercom congress, considering the insertion of Communication Sciences in the demands of the National Graduate System (SNPG) Research Group on Folkcommunication; Intercom 2017; Self-criticism; Communication Sciences. En este artículo buscamos narrar, registrar y evaluar, en una perspectiva autocrítica, los procedimientos que caracterizan las prácticas académicas y los temas investigados en una comunidad científica dentro del Grupo de Investigación en Folkcomunicación, Medios e Interculturalidad del 40º Congreso Brasileño de Ciencias de la Comunicación, realizado en 2017 por Intercom, en Curitiba, capital de Paraná. Es una búsqueda de la autocrítica, en el sentido de observar cómo y en qué medida la institución y desarrollo de procedimientos propios del ámbito científico instituyen y legitiman la caracterización científica del grupo de investigación del congreso de Intercom, considerando la inserción de las Ciencias de la Comunicación en las demandas del Sistema Nacional de Posgrado (SNPG). Grupo de Investigación en Folkcomunicación; Intercom 2017; Autocrítica; Ciencias de la comunicación.
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Van Horn, Carl E. "Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The 99th Congress and Economic Policy". PS: Political Science & Politics 19, nr 01 (1986): 23–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1049096500017108.

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The first session of the 99th Congress was a year of wrenching institutional and political realignment. Facing monstrous structural budget deficits in excess of $200 billion a year. Congress struggled to adjust its distributive urges to the unpleasant realities of a redistributive era. Unlike previous budget crises that were caused by economic events beyond Congress's control, the current problem was created by an unwillingness to raise sufficient revenues to pay for the nation's defense and social program commitments. Frustration, gridlock, and partisan warfare eventually ended in surrender to the Executive Branch: a balanced-budget act was adopted that could radically alter Congress's power of the purse.During the 99th Congress, many Democratic members also continued to realign their policy positions in accordance with contemporary economic and political forces. Democrats in Congress searched for an appealing formula that would ensure political survival and continued control of the House. But the strain of reconciling their traditional public philosophy with conservative trends left Democrats demoralized and in disarray.
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Van Horn, Carl E. "Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The 99th Congress and Economic Policy". PS 19, nr 1 (1986): 23–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0030826900625316.

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The first session of the 99th Congress was a year of wrenching institutional and political realignment. Facing monstrous structural budget deficits in excess of $200 billion a year. Congress struggled to adjust its distributive urges to the unpleasant realities of a redistributive era. Unlike previous budget crises that were caused by economic events beyond Congress's control, the current problem was created by an unwillingness to raise sufficient revenues to pay for the nation's defense and social program commitments. Frustration, gridlock, and partisan warfare eventually ended in surrender to the Executive Branch: a balanced-budget act was adopted that could radically alter Congress's power of the purse.During the 99th Congress, many Democratic members also continued to realign their policy positions in accordance with contemporary economic and political forces. Democrats in Congress searched for an appealing formula that would ensure political survival and continued control of the House. But the strain of reconciling their traditional public philosophy with conservative trends left Democrats demoralized and in disarray.
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Pellikaan-Engel, Maja. "Humankind at a Turning Point? Feminist Perspectives". Hypatia 13, nr 1 (1998): 232–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1527-2001.1998.tb01361.x.

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This paper was presented at the XIX World Congress of Philosophy, “Mankind at a Turning Point: Philosophical Perspectives” held in Moscow, August 22-28, 1993. The author, representing the International Association of Women Philosophers, criticizes the use of “Mankind” in the Congress title and incorporates a resolution, subsequently passed unanimously by the steering committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophic, that calls for the use of non-sexist language at future World Congresses.
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Monteiro Rodrigues et Al, Luis. "Proceedings Book - Luso-Brazilian Meeting of Physiology, 2020". Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research Journal 17, nr 2 (listopad 2020): 1–292. http://dx.doi.org/10.19277/bbr.17.2.243.

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Montironi, R. "Calendario Congressi - Congress Calendar". Urologia Journal 62, nr 4 (sierpień 1995): 650–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/039156039506200438.

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Gregorić, Marina, Margareta Nađ i Martina Gregorić. "Potential of Congress Tourism in the Republic of Croatia in Comparison to Neighboring Destinations". Acta Economica Et Turistica 2, nr 2 (1.12.2016): 195–209. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/aet-2016-0017.

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AbstractThe phenomenon of globalization has led to the development of various selective forms of tourism. One of them is MICE tourism known in Croatia as a business form of tourism. Business tourism is still a relatively new concept and covers all aspects of business travel. The development of business travel has led to the development of congress tourism as a separate form of business tourism which is the focus of this paper. Congress tourism is a lucrative segment of the tourist offer that often takes place out of the tourist season. It requires quality congress facilities which can meet the needs of the participants and organizers of the congress. The main role of congress tourism is to gather participants from different countries and promote different products, services, training, education and many other fields of business while at the same time it promotes the hosting destination and its tourism attractions. The aim of this paper is to research and determine the current situation, supply and demand of the Croatian meetings and congress industry in comparison with the neighbouring destinations, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Serbia. The study and comparison between three destinations imply changes that need to take place to improve the congress offer, to detect what the competitive position of the Republic of Croatia is, which marketing activities to improve so that the Republic of Croatia can become a competitive destination in the region and Europe. Congress tourism as a form of business tourism in Croatia is growing. The most prominent cities in this form of tourism are Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Opatija. The objectives pursued in Croatian congress offer are: the number of participants in congresses, strengthening the quality of congress offer and infrastructure, ensuring coordinated actions of stakeholders and increasing the recognition and awareness of Croatia as a congress destination. Since joining the EU, Slovenia has become an interesting destination for other members of the EU. Congress activity in Slovenia is booming, with a growing number of modern equipped convention venues with modern facilities for implementation of convention events. Slovenia has three major congress destinations; Ljubljana, Portorož and Bled that meet the conditions for organizing congresses. The Republic of Serbia with its tourism development strategy, presented business tourism as a potential selective form of tourism that can contribute to increasing tourist traffic of local and foreign tourists. Congress destinations that represent an ideal destination for congresses are: Belgrade, Novi Sad and Zlatibor. The application of sustainable development in the area of congress tourism plays an important role in form of preservation of resources and environmental protection. Therefore, congress tourism should be managed in a way to meet economic, social, ecological and aesthetic needs of a destination. Methodology used in this research paper consists of desk research, descriptive method, historical method, method of analysis, synthesis and comparative method. Beside secondary data analysis through literature review data are induced from Central Bureau of Statistics, the Institute for Tourism, Zagreb Tourist Board, Tourist Board of Opatija, The Dubrovnik Tourist Board, Serbian Convention Bureau and Research as well as from available published articles, books and internet data related to Slovenian business tourism. This research paper contributes to further scientific research and improvements needed in order to continuously develop and increase the size and quality of business tourism.
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Maruev, V. A. "THE CONGRESSES OF TRANSBAIKAL GOLD INDUSTRY ENTREPRENEURS IN 1898 – 1919". Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, nr 2 (29.06.2017): 58–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.21603/2078-8975-2017-2-58-61.

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The article features an analysis of projects of congresses of gold miners in Transbaikal and correspondence concerning the organization of these congresses in 1898 – 1919. It is the first time a number of documents of the State Archive of Irkutsk region and the State Archive of the Transbaikal region have been examined. The article describes the history of the origin and development of the Congress of prospectors, as an independent institution. It illustrates the evolution of the role of the Congress as a body representing the collective interests of gold industry entrepreneurs. The article reveals contradictions between the gold miners they faced in addressing the issues. The research identifies the key interests and problems of gold miners at the turn of XIX – XX centuries On the basis of documents on the organization of congresses it examines the situation of workers, development of medical Affairs, the condition of routs of communication in the mines. The conclusion is made about the value of the documents of the congresses for the study of issues of social, technical and financial challenges of gold mining. The archival data reveal the effect of Russia's participation in the RussoJapanese and First World wars on its gold production. The obtained results allow a more detailed study of the gold mining past of this region.
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Polenakovic, Momir H., i Goce Spasovski. "Sixth Congresses of the Macedonian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs (MSNDTAO) – Stimulus for the Development of Nephrology in N. Macedonia". PRILOZI 41, nr 3 (1.11.2020): 95–121. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/prilozi-2020-0051.

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AbstractThe Macedonian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs (MSNDTAO) was established on September 1, 1992 in order to stimulate the development of nephrology and to unite experts from all professions interested in the research and treatment of kidney patients. Momir H. Polenakovic was elected President of MSNDTAO.The First congress of MSNTAO was held in Ohrid from October, 7 to 10, 1993 in hotel “Desaret” under the auspices of the first President of R. Macedonia, Kiro Gligorov. During the Congress, the Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs (BANTAO) was formed on October 9, 1993. The idea of cooperation with the Department of Nephrology from the Ege University, Izmir, R. Turkey was promoted. Some of the presented papers were published in the Proceedings “Nephrology ’93” as a supplement to the Macedonian medical review. The “Doctrine for performing nephrological activity in the Republic of Macedonia” was also promoted.The Second congress of MSNDTAO was held in Struga, R. Macedonia from September, 6 to 10, 1997 together with the Second BANTAO Congress. Selected papers were printed in the Macedonian Medical Review.The Third congress of MSNDTAO was held from May, 30 to June 2, 2001 in Skopje, at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA). Proceedings of papers was also published.In 2011 M. H. Polenakovic was elected Honorary President of MSNDTAO for life, and Goce Spasovski was elected the current President of MSNDTAO.The Fourth congress of MSNDTAO was held in Ohrid from June, 21 to 24, 2012 together with the Fourth Meeting of the South-Eastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group (SEEPNWG).The Fifth congress of MSNDTAO was held from June, 9 to 12, 2016 in Skopje, at MASA together with the 6th Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group (SEPNWG) Meeting and IPNA (International Pediatric Nephrology Association) Teaching Course. The VIII Macedonian-Croatian Nephrology Days were also held during the Congress.The Sixth congress of MSNDTAO was held from September, 26 to 29, 2019 along with the 15th BANTAO Congress, in Skopje, at MASA. The Congress also marked the 80th anniversary of the birth of M. H. Polenakovic.Apart from the participants from R. Macedonia, the congress was attended by renowned nephrologists from Europe and the world.A novelty of the last congresses was the organization of 9 CME (Continuing Medical Education) courses with famous lecturers. CME courses supported by the ERA-EDTA and / or the ISN were as follows: 2005 - Ohrid (BANTAO), 2006 - Skopje (MSNDTAO), 2009 - Skopje (MSNDTAO), 2010 - Skopje (ERA-EDTA - ESAO), 2011 Skopje (ERA-EDTA - EUTox group), 2012 - Ohrid (MSNDTAO), 2014 -Skopje (MSNDTAO), 2016 - Skopje (MSNDTAO), 2018 - Skopje (MSNDTAO - ERA-EDTA & ISN), 2019 - Skopje (BANTAO - ISN & ERA-EDTA).In addition to the congresses, MSNDTAO has held meetings with nephrological associations from the neighboring countries as Croatia, Serbia, Albania and Kosovo.The congresses of MSNDTAO contributed to the introduction and education of doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney patients. They were a strong stimulus for the development of nephrology in R. Macedonia and beyond.
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Pieronek, Tadeusz. "Kongresy eucharystyczne w praktyce pastoralnej Kościoła". Prawo Kanoniczne 31, nr 1-2 (5.06.1988): 43–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.21697/pk.1988.31.1-2.04.

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Durante il terzo pellegrinaggio in Polonia del papa Giovanni Paolo II si svolgerà il II Congresso Eucaristico Nazionale. Gli iniziatori dell’idea dei Congressi furono persone (tra le altre Signorina Tamisier e San Pietro Eymard), la cui spiritualità era caratterizzata da spirito di penitenza, devozione alla Madonna ed al Sacro Cuore di Gesù. Ë sintomatico il fatto che questa idea sia nata tra i cattolici laici in Francia alla fine del XIX secolo. I primi Congressi ebbero luogo in Francia, ma dopo aver ottenuto l’appoggio della Santa Sede si diffusero in tutti continenti, cosi che nel 1985 si erano già svolti 43 Congressi internazionali. Molti paesi, tra gli altri la Francia,' l’Italia, la Germania, la Polonia, gli Stati Uniti hanno organizzato Congressi eucaristici nazionali. Per esempio soltanto in Italia nel 1983 si erano già svolti 20 Congressi eucaristici nazionali. In Polonia si è riuscito ad organizzare soltanto un Congresso nazionale, a Poznań nel 1930, ed i preparativi per l’oganizzazione in Polonia di un Congresso eucaristico internazionale sono stati interrotti dalla II guerra mondiale. Congressi eucaristici su scala ridotta furono organizzati in Polonia da diocesi e parrocchie. Nel periodo tra le due guerre mondiali, nel quale furono organizzati tutti questi Congressi, se ne svolseno più ii 25. La tem atica dei Congressi e le loro parole d’ordine furono molto diverse, ma sebbene fossero sempre legate all’Eucarestia, molto spesso toccarono perô la problematica della giustizia sociale. Soltanto dopo il Concilio Vaticano II la Chiesa ha le norme canonico-liturgiche, che determinano più da vicino che cosa siano e come vadano organizzati i Congressi eucaristici.
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KURACINA, WILLIAM F. "Sentiments and Patriotism: The Indian National Army, General Elections and the Congress's Appropriation of the INA Legacy". Modern Asian Studies 44, nr 4 (22.10.2009): 817–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0026749x09990291.

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AbstractThis paper considers the extent to which Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army (INA) contributed to India's liberation from British imperialism. The fundamental issue examined is why leaders of the Indian National Congress appropriated the INA legacy, contrary to two decades of non-violent struggle and regardless of the incompatibility of Bose's ideology and strategic vision. Drawing on published sources that chart policy decisions and illustrate the attitudes of leading actors in the formulation of Congress policy, this paper hypothesizes that Congress leaders defended INA prisoners-of-war and questions why the Congress apparently abandoned its long-established principles for immediate political gains, only to re-prioritize anew India's national interests once the public excitement over the INA had quietened. It illustrates that the Congress's overt and zealous defence of the INA was intended to harness public opinion behind an all-India issue rooted in sentimentalism and patriotism. The paper concludes that such support was crucial to the Congress's post-war electioneering campaign and was designed to counter the Muslim League's equally emotive electoral messages.
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