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04–255 Belcher, Diane D. Trends in teaching English for Specific Purposes. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 165–186.04–257 Burden, P. (Okayama Shoka U., Japan; Email: burden-p@po.osu.ac.jp). An examination of attitude change towards the use of Japanese in a University English ‘conversation’ class. RELC Journal (Singapore),35,1 (2004), 21–36.04–258 Burns, Anne (Macquarie U., Australia; Email: anne.burns@mq.edu.au). ESL curriculum development in Australia: recent trends and debates. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 261–283.04–259 Bush, Michael D. and Browne, Jeremy M. (Brigham Young U., USA; Email: Michael_Bush@byu.edu). Teaching Arabic with technology at BYU: learning from the past to bridge to the future. Calico Journal (Texas, USA), 21, 3 (2004), 497–522.04–260 Carlo, María S. 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EFL learners' vocabulary development in the real world: interests and preferences. English Teaching (Anseongunn, South Korea), 59, 2 (2004), 43–58.04–264 Corda, Alessandra and van den Stel, Mieke (Leiden U., The Netherlands; Email: a.corda@let.leidenuniv.nl). Web-based CALL for Arabic: constraints and challenges. Calico Journal (Texas, USA), 21, 3 (2004), 485–495.04–265 Crawford, J. (Queensland U. of Technology, Australia; Email: j.crawford@qut.edu.au). Language choices in the foreign language classroom: target language or the learners' first language?RELC Journal (Singapore), 35, 1 (2004), 5–20.04–266 Derewianka, Beverly (Email: bevder@uow.edu.au). Trends and issues in genre-based approaches. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 2 (2003), 133–154.04–267 Esteban, Ana A. and Pérez Cañado, Maria L. (U. de Jaén, Spain). Making the case method work in teaching Business English: a case study. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 2 (2004), 137–161.04–268 Fang, Xu and Warschauer, Mark (Soochow University, China). Technology and curricular reform in China: a case study. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 2 (2004), 301–323.04–269 Foster, James Q., Harrell, Lane Foster, and Raizen, Esther (U. of Texas, Austin, USA; Email: jqf@hpmm.com). The Hebrewer: a web-based inflection generator. Calico Journal (Texas, USA), 21, 3 (2004), 523–540.04–270 Grabe, William (Northern Arizona University, USA). Research on teaching reading. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 44–69.04–271 Grünewald, Andreas (University of Bremen, Germany). Neue Medien im Unterricht: Status quo und Perspektiven. [New media in the classroom: status quo and perspectives.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 6 (2004), 4–11.04–272 Hahn, Laura D. (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA). Primary stress and intelligibility: research to motivate the teaching of suprasegmentals. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 2 (2004), 201–223.04–273 Hai, T., Quiang, N. and Wolff, M. (Xinyang Agricultural College, China; Email: xytengha@163.com). China's ESL goals: are they being met?English Today (Cambridge, UK), 20, 3 (2004), 37–44.04–274 Hardy, Ilonca M. and Moore, Joyce L. (Max Planck Institute of Human Development, Germany). Foreign language students' conversational negotiations in different task environments. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 25, 3 (2004), 340–370.04–275 Helbig-Reuter, Beate. Das Europäische Portfolio der Sprachen (II). [The European Language Portfolio (II).] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 173–176.04–276 Hughes, Jane (University College London, UK; Email: jane.hughes@ucl.ac.uk), McAvinia, Claire, and King, Terry. What really makes students like a web site? What are the implications for designing web-based learning sites?ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 1 (2004), 85–102.04–277 Jackson, J. (The Chinese U. of Hong Kong). Case-based teaching in a bilingual context: perceptions of business faculty in Hong Kong. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 3 (2004), 213–232.04–278 Jenkins, Jennifer (Kings College London, UK). Research in teaching pronunciation and intonation. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA.), 24 (2004), 109–125.04–279 Kanda, M. and Beglar, D. (Shiga Prefectural Adogawa Senior High School, Japan; Email: makiko-@iris.eonet.ne.jp). Applying pedagogical principles to grammar instruction. RELC Journal (Singapore), 35, 1 (2004), 105–115.04–280 Kang, I. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Email: iyang@mail.kaist.ac.kr). Teaching spelling pronunciation of English vowels to Korean learners in relation to phonetic differences. English Teaching (Anseonggun, South Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 157–176.04–281 Kiernan, Patrick J. (Tokyo Denki University, Japan; Email: patrick@cck.dendai.ac.jp) and Aizawa, Kazumi. Cell phones in task based learning. Are cell phones useful language learning tools?ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 1 (2004), 71–84.04–282 Kim, Eun-Jeong (Kyungpook National U., South Korea; Email: ejkbuffalo@yahoo.co.kr). Considering task structuring practices in two ESL classrooms. English Teaching (Anseongunn, South Korea), 59, 2 (2004), 123–144.04–283 Kondo, David and Yang, Ying-Ling (University of Fukui, Japan). Strategies for coping with language anxiety: the case of students of English in Japan. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 3 (2004), 258–265.04–284 Lin, Benedict (SEAMO RELC, Singapore). English in Singapore: an insider's perspective of syllabus renewal through a genre-based approach. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 2 (2003), 223–246.04–285 Lu, Dan (Hong Kong Baptist U., Hong Kong; Email: dan_lu@hkbu.ac.hk). English in Hong Kong: Super Highway or road to nowhere? Reflections on policy changes in language education of Hong Kong. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 370–384.04–286 Lui, Jun (U. of Arizona, USA). Effects of comic strips on L2 learners' reading comprehension. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 2 (2004), 225–243.04–287 Lukjantschikowa, Marija. Textarbeit als Weg zu interkultureller Kompetenz. [Working with texts as a means to develop intercultural competence.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 161–165.04–288 Lüning, Marita (Landesinstitut für Schule in Bremen, Germany). E-Mail-Projekte im Spanischunterricht. [E-Mail-Projects in the Spanish classroom.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 6 (2004), 30–36.04–289 Lyster, R. (McGill U., Canada; Email: roy.lyster@mcgill.ca). Differential effects of prompts and recasts in form-focussed instruction. Studies in Second Language Acqusition (New York, USA), 26, 3 (2004), 399–432.04–290 McCarthy, Michael (University of Nottingham, UK) and O'Keeffe, Anne. Research in the teaching of speaking. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 26–43.04–291 Mitschian, Haymo. Multimedia. Ein Schlagwort in der medienbezogenen Fremdsprachendidaktik. [Multimedia. A buzzword for language teaching based on digital media.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 131–139.04–292 Mohamed, Naashia (U. of Auckland, New Zealand). Consciousness-raising tasks: a learner perspective. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 3 (2004), 228–237.04–293 Morrell, T. (U. of Alicante, Spain). Interactive lecture discourse for university EFL students. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 3 (2004), 325–338.04–294 Nassaji, Hossein and Fotos, Sandra. Current developments in research on the teaching of grammar. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 126–145.04–295 Pérez Basanta, Carmen (U. of Granada, Spain; Email: cbasanta@ugr.es). Pedagogic aspects of the design and content of an online course for the development of lexical competence: ADELEX. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 1 (2004), 20–40.04–296 Read, John. Research in teaching vocabulary. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 146–161.04–297 Rössler, Andrea (Friedrich-Engels-Gymansium in Berlin, Germany). Música actual. [Contemporary music.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 4 (2004), 4–9.04–298 Sachs, Gertrude Tinker (Georgia State U., USA; Email: gtinkersachs@gsu.edu), Candlin, Christopher N., Rose, Kenneth R. and Shum, Sandy. Developing cooperative learning in the EFL/ESL secondary classroom. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 338–369.04–299 Seidlhofer, Barbara. Research perspectives on teaching English as a lingua franca. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 200–239.04–300 Silva, Tony (Purdue U., USA) and Brice, Colleen. Research in teaching writing. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 70–106.04–301 ková, Alena. Zur jüngeren germanistischen Wortbildungsforschung und zur Nutzung der Ergebnisse für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. [The newest German research in word formation and its benefits for learning German as a foreign language.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 140–151.04–302 Simmons-McDonald, Hazel. Trends in teaching standard varieties to creole and vernacular speakers. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 187–208.04–303 Smith, B. (Arizona State U. East, USA; Email: bryan.smith@asu.edu). Computer-mediated negotiated interaction and lexical acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 26, 3 (2004), 365–398.04–304 Son, Seongho (U. Kyungpool, South Korea). DaF – Unterricht digital. [A digital teaching of German as a foreign language.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 2 (2004), 76–77.04–305 Spaniel, Dorothea. Deutschland-Images als Einflussfaktor beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache. [The images of Germany as an influencing factor in the process of learning German.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 166–172.04–306 Steveker, Wolfgang (Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium Wuppertal, Germany). Spanisch unterrichten mit dem Internet – aber wie? [Internet-based teaching of Spanish – how to do this?] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 6 (2004), 14–17.04–307 Stoller, Fredricka L. Content-based instruction: perspectives on curriculum planning. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Cambridge, UK), 24 (2004), 261–283.04–308 Thompson, L. (U. of Manchester, UK; Email: linda.thompson@man.ac.uk). Policy for language education in England: Does less mean more?RELC Journal (Singapore), 35,1 (2004), 83–103.04–309 Tomlinson, Brian (Leeds Metropolitan U., UK; Email: B.Tomlinson@lmu.ac.uk). Helping learners to develop an effective L2 inner voice. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 2 (2003), 178–194.04–310 Vandergrift, Larry (U. of Ottawa, Canada). Listening to learn or learning to listen?Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 3–25.04–311 Vences, Ursula (University of Cologne, Germany). Lesen und Verstehen – Lesen heißt Verstehen. [Reading and Comprehension – Reading is Comprehension.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 5 (2004), 4–11.04–312 Xinmin, Zheng and Adamson, Bob (Hong Kong U., Hong Kong; Email: sxmzheng@hkusua.hku.hk). The pedagogy of a secondary school teacher of English in the People's Republic of China: challenging the stereotypes. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 323–337.04–313 Zlateva, Pavlina. Faktizität vs. Prospektivität als Stütze beim Erwerb grammatischer Erscheinungen im Deutschen. [Factuality versus Prospectivity in aid of the acquisition of grammar phenomena in German.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 158–160.