Gotowa bibliografia na temat „Chaos theory”
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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Chaos theory"
Bates, Jane. "Chaos theory". Nursing Standard 28, nr 41 (11.06.2014): 26–27.
Pełny tekst źródłaSereno, Prartho. "Chaos Theory". Radical Teacher 122 (28.04.2022): 105–6.
Pełny tekst źródłaGOLDENSOHN, BARRY. "CHAOS THEORY". Yale Review 107, nr 2 (2019): 86.
Pełny tekst źródłaMoore, Alison. "Chaos theory". Nursing Standard 15, nr 31 (18.04.2001): 14–16.
Pełny tekst źródłaManning-Morton, Julia. "Chaos theory". Nursery World 2015, nr 9 (4.05.2015): 26–27.
Pełny tekst źródłaLafollette, Hugh, i Niall Shanks. "Chaos Theory". Idealistic Studies 24, nr 3 (1994): 241–54.
Pełny tekst źródłaDevaney, R. L. "Chaos Theory". Science 260, nr 5111 (21.05.1993): 1173.
Pełny tekst źródłaBates, Jane. "Chaos theory". Nursing Standard 28, nr 28 (12.03.2014): 26–27.
Pełny tekst źródłaMcGuire, Elaine. "Chaos Theory". JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 29, nr 2 (luty 1999): 8–9.
Pełny tekst źródłaDiggs, Walter W. "Chaos Theory". JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 29, nr 7/8 (lipiec 1999): 8.
Pełny tekst źródłaRozprawy doktorskie na temat "Chaos theory"
何振林 i Albert Ho. "Chaos theory and security analysis". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaHo, Albert. "Chaos theory and security analysis /". [Hong Kong] : University of Hong Kong, 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaKennedy, R. Scott. "Synthesis of chaos theory & design". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1994.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe design implications of chaos theory are explored. What does this theory mean, if anything, to landscape architecture or architecture?
In order to investigate these questions, the research was divided into four components relevant to design. First, philosophical- chaos offers a nonlinear understanding about place and nature. Second, aesthetical- fractals describe a deep beauty and order in nature. Thirdly, modeling-it is a qualitative method of modeling natural processes. Lastly, managing- concepts of chaos theory can be exploited to mimic processes found in nature. These components draw from applications and selected literature of chaos theory.
From these research components, design implications were organized and concluded. Philosophical implications, offer a different, nonlinear realization about nature for designers. Aesthetic conclusions, argue that fractal geometry can articulate an innate beauty (a scaling phenomenon) in nature. Modeling, discusses ways of using chaos theory to visualize the design process, a process which may be most resilient when it is nonlinear. The last research chapter, managing, applications of chaos theory are used to illustrate how complex form, like that in nature, can be created by designers.
Master of Landscape Architecture
Koperski, Jeffrey David. "Defending chaos: An examination and defense of the models used in chaos theory /". The Ohio State University, 1997.
Pełny tekst źródłaThweatt-Bates, Jennifer Jeanine. "Chaos theory and the problem of evil". Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2002.
Pełny tekst źródłaGhosh, Archisman. "TIME-DEPENDENT SYSTEMS AND CHAOS IN STRING THEORY". UKnowledge, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaKlages, Rainer. "Deterministic chaos and diffusion: from theory to experiments". Diffusion fundamentals 2 (2005) 24, S. 1-2, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaBullock, Mercedes. "Translating “Lunokhod”: Textual Order, Chaos and Relevance Theory". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaHarrell, Maralee. "Chaos and reliable knowledge /". Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaKrcelic, Khristine M. "Chaos and Dynamical Systems". Youngstown State University / OhioLINK, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaKsiążki na temat "Chaos theory"
Whitman, John. Chaos Theory. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaWhitman, John. Chaos theory. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaCopyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress), red. Chaos theory. New York: Jove Books, 2001.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaA, Louw J., red. Chaos and quantum chaos. Singapore: World Scientific, 1986.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaBanerjee, Santo, Şefika Şule Erçetin i Ali Tekin, red. Chaos Theory in Politics. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaDavid, Abraham Frederick, i Gilgen Albert R. 1930-, red. Chaos theory in psychology. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1995.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaDavid, Abraham Frederick, i Gilgen Albert R. 1930-, red. Chaos theory in psychology. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1995.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaTsonis, Anastasios A. Chaos: From Theory to Applications. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1992.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaG, Matinyan S., i Müller Berndt 1950-, red. Chaos and gauge field theory. Singapore: World Scientific, 1994.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaSkiadas, Christos H., i Charilaos Skiadas, red. Handbook of Applications of Chaos Theory. Boca Ration : Taylor & Francis, 2016.|“A CRC title.”: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaCzęści książek na temat "Chaos theory"
Kelly, Jerry S. "Chaos". W Social Choice Theory, 36–49. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Pełny tekst źródłaBungartz, Hans-Joachim, Stefan Zimmer, Martin Buchholz i Dirk Pflüger. "Chaos Theory". W Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology, 291–314. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaForgues, Bernard, i Raymond-Alain Thietart. "Chaos Theory". W The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, 226–30. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaSavi, Marcelo A. "Chaos Theory". W Understanding Complex Systems, 283–99. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Pełny tekst źródłaForgues, Bernard, i Raymond-Alain Thietart. "Chaos Theory". W The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, 1–5. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaJohnston, Nicholas E., i James Brian Aday. "Chaos theory". W Encyclopedia of Tourism, 147–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaJohnston, Nick E., i J. Brian Aday. "Chaos Theory". W Encyclopedia of Tourism, 153–54. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Pełny tekst źródłaMichaelides, Panayotis G. "Chaos Theory". W 21 Equations that Shaped the World Economy, 241–53. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Pełny tekst źródłaAndonov, Sasho. "Theory of Chaos". W Learning and Relearning Equipment Complexity, 163–77. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Pełny tekst źródłaJohnston, Nicholas E., i James Brian Aday. "Chaos theory, tourism". W Encyclopedia of Tourism, 1–2. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaStreszczenia konferencji na temat "Chaos theory"
Buza, Barna "BoyC". "Chaos theory". W ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 computer animation festival. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaRichardson, Kristen A. "Electric Field Control of Seizure Propagation: From Theory to Experiment". W EXPERIMENTAL CHAOS: 8th Experimental Chaos Conference. AIP, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaNekhamkina, Olga A. "Period Adding Transition in Thermal Patterns of Pd-Catalyzed CO Oxidation. Experiment and Theory". W EXPERIMENTAL CHAOS: 8th Experimental Chaos Conference. AIP, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaRuelle, David. "Ergodic Theory of Chaos". W Optical Bistability. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaJust, Wolfram, Ekkehard Reibold i Hartmut Benner. "Time–Delayed Feedback Control: Theory and Application". W 5th Experimental Chaos Conference. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaMaldonado, J. A., i J. A. Hernandez. "Chaos Theory Applied to Communications -- Part I: Chaos Generators". W Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaZhao, Hong, i Xueying Zhang. "SIP Steganalysis Using Chaos Theory". W 2012 International Conference on Computing, Measurement, Control and Sensor Network (CMCS). IEEE, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaAvasare, Minal Govind, i Vishakha Vivek Kelkar. "Image encryption using chaos theory". W 2015 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT). IEEE, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaSmith, A., A. Monti i F. Ponci. "Robust Controller Using Polynomial Chaos Theory". W Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting. IEEE, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaNarimanov, Evgenii E., i Viktor A. Podolskiy. "Light in Microresonators and Chaos Theory". W Integrated Photonics Research and Applications. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaRaporty organizacyjne na temat "Chaos theory"
Mueller, Theodore H. Chaos Theory and the Mayaguez Crisis. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, marzec 1990.
Pełny tekst źródłaDurham, Susan E. Chaos Theory for the Practical Military Mind. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, marzec 1997.
Pełny tekst źródłaDobson, Rhea E. Chaos Theory and the Effort in Afghanistan. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, luty 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaFote, A., S. Kohn, E. Fletcher i J. McDonough. Application of Chaos Theory to 1/f Noise. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, luty 1988.
Pełny tekst źródłaMitchell, Glenn W. The New Math for Leaders: Useful Ideas from Chaos Theory. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, marzec 1998.
Pełny tekst źródłaJohnson, Darfus L. Wizards of Chaos and Order: A Theory of the Origins, Practice, And Future of Operational Art. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, maj 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaWilliford, R. E., i C. F. Jr Windisch. Final report on the application of chaos theory to an alumina sensor for aluminum reduction cells. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzec 1992.
Pełny tekst źródłaWilliford, R. E., i C. F. Jr Windisch. Final report on the application of chaos theory to an alumina sensor for aluminum reduction cells. Inert Electrodes Program. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzec 1992.
Pełny tekst źródłaCai, Y., M. W. Wambsganss i J. A. Jendrzejczyk. Application of chaos theory in identification of two-phase flow patterns and transitions in a small, horizontal, rectangular channel. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), luty 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaSoloviev, Vladimir, Andrii Bielinskyi, Oleksandr Serdyuk, Victoria Solovieva i Serhiy Semerikov. Lyapunov Exponents as Indicators of the Stock Market Crashes. [б. в.], listopad 2020.
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