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Grieco, Francesco. "Le rôle de la poussière carbonée dans le milieu interstellaire en tant que catalyseur pour la formation de molécules et la croissance des grains". Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2024.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis Thesis presents a comprehensive study of the interaction between dust grains andvarious gas-phase species in the ISM. The main results involve the use of surfaces likeices and coronene, a surface that resembles polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),with gas-phase H and O elements. We investigate how dust grains can catalyze the formation of new molecules through processes like adsorption, diffusion, surface reactions and desorption in typical ISM conditions.The Thesis includes three experimental Chapters (4, 5 and 6), performed at LERMACYUby using the FORMOLISM setup, that are complemented by two theoretical studies(Chapters 8 and 9), conducted with Cloudy and Nautilus codes at UGent. The experiments focus on the role that different dust grain surfaces and ice layers have onthe Binding Energies (BEs) of molecules (Chapter 4), on the experimental formation ofH2 on coronene up to 250 K (Chapter 5) and on the formation of solid water on dustat temperatures up to 85 K (Chapter 6). Several astrophysical implications are alsodiscussed.The results presented in Chapter 5 show how H2 can form in molecular clouds with dusttemperatures >20 K and this is extremely relevant to explain the efficient H2 and starformation in high redshift galaxies. Chapter 6 gives new insights on the formation oficy mantles that could be forming at higher temperature than previously demonstrated,being a significant way to explain the gas-phase elemental O depletion observed in suchconditions. Moreover, the disappearance of PAHs in the transition from diffuse to denseclouds could be explained by the dust grains starting to be covered by ice layers. InChapter 8 we study the effect of the high temperature experimental H2 formation onPAHs on the location of the dissociation front (DF) in a classical PDR picture, bymodelling it with Cloudy. From a basic implementation of the experimental results ofChapter 5 in the code, it has been challenging to quantify such effect. This underlineshow a lot of work still needs to be done on models to better match observations. InChapter 9 some questions regarding O depletion in translucent clouds and grain growthintroduced in Chapter 6 are addressed with Nautilus. By using an innovative strategy,we were able to reproduce C and O depletions in translucent cloud conditions by lockingthem in two separate surface species upon adsorption, reproducing the molecular structure ratio of organic carbonates.This Thesis shows the incredible catalytic nature of PAHs and their capacity to enablechemisorption processes for the formation of molecules at high dust temperatures. Thisis an important result that can be linked to the new discoveries reporting the possibilityof having grain growth at lower nH
Fiske, Thomas Haukli. "Correlation of Catalyst Morphology with Attrition Resistance and Catalytic Activity of Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts". Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaPaliga, James Francis. "Developing Earth-abundant metal-catalysts for hydrofunctionalisation". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaLarge, Benjamin. "Activation sélective de naphtalènes et synthèse d'architectures polycycliques étendues". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaBecause naphthalene has recently emerged as a fundamental platform in medicinal chemistry, the development of methodologies leading to diversely functionalised naphthalene-based platforms has become a prime concern of the scientific community. Indeed, experimental conditions previously optimised for benzene and other aromatic rings cannot always be applied to naphthalene. These methods can sometimes lead to different results, as a consequence of the lower aromaticity of the naphthalene core.In this context, this thesis is dedicated to the naphthalene and its derivatives. Various methods to selectively functionalise the different positions of the naphthalene core and synthetic pathways to extended polycyclic architectures were developed.Next, we focused on naphthalene precursors, especially on tetralones. Using a strategy involving a transient directing group, the position 8 of these bicycles was successfully arylated and the resulting compounds were successfully converted into other polycyclic platforms. In addition, DFT calculation have been used to explain the regioselectivity observed during the synthesis of extended fluorenones, and to study the mechanism of directed arylation of tetralones
Meyer, Simon [Verfasser]. "Carbide Materials as Catalysts and Catalyst Supports for Applications in Water Electrolysis and in Heterogeneous Catalysis / Simon Meyer". München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaHruby, Sarah Lynn. "Catalytic domains in porous catalysts". [Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University], 2009.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaMcGregor, James. "Heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation : catalysts and catalytic processes". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaRichardson, John Michael. "Distinguishing between surface and solution catalysis for palladium catalyzed C-C coupling reactions: use of selective poisons". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaGill, Christopher Stephen. "Novel hybrid organic/inorganic single-sited catalysts and supports for fine chemical and pharmaceutical intermediate synthesis". Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaCommittee Chair: Jones, Christopher; Committee Member: Agrawal, Pradeep; Committee Member: Teja, Amyn; Committee Member: Weck, Marcus; Committee Member: Zhang, John.
Nguyen, Joseph Vu. "Design, synthesis, and optimization of recoverable and recyclable silica-immobilized atom transfer radical polymerization catalysts". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaBeckler, Robert Kendall. "Polynuclear metal complexes as model mixed oxide catalysts". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1987.
Pełny tekst źródłaLiu, Hongying. "Syntheses, structures, and catalysis of polynuclear metal complexes". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989.
Pełny tekst źródłaDamian, Karen Serena. "Pd catalysed synthesis of phosphines for homogeneous catalysis". Thesis, St Andrews, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaClarke, Richard John. "Mesopore immobilised bis(oxazoline) catalysts for enantioselective catalysis". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaJenkins, Patrick L. "Electrochemical and catalytic investigation of catalysis by gold". Thesis, Cardiff University, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaXu, Jiahui. "Catalytic properties of nano ceria in heterogeneous catalysis". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaRosenthal, Daniel Jay. "Estimating the acid site density of silica-alumina by infrared spectroscopy using a selective reactant poison". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaNixon, David J. "Catalytic behaviour of nickel-based catalysts operating on simulated biogas : optimisation through oxygen addition, temperature variation and catalyst modification". Thesis, Keele University, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaGuo, Chris. "Alkane Oxidation Catalysis by Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalyst". Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaGuo, Chris. "Alkane Oxidation Catalysis by Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalyst". University of Sydney. Chemistry, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaSolmi, Matilde Valeria. "Synthèse d'acides carboxyliques à partir de substrats oxygénés, de CO2 et de H2". Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaAliphatic carboxylic acids are used in many industrial sectors and their importance from an economical point of view is increasing. They are currently produced in large quantities, through processes exploiting the mostly non-renewable C0 as C1 synthon. Carbon dioxide is a potential environmentally friendly, renewable and abundant C1 building block. The aim of this work is to provide a catalytic protocol converting C02, H2 and oxygenated substrates to obtain useful chemicals, like carboxylic acids.To this end a homogeneous catalytic Rh system, used to produce aliphatic carboxylic acids starting from oxygenated substrates, C02 and H2 was investigated and optimized. The system consists of a Rh precursor, iodide additive and PPh3 ligand working in a batch reactor under C02 and H2 pressure. The reaction conditions were optimized for each class of investigated substrates: primary alcohols, secondary alcohols, ketones, aldehydes and epoxides. The reaction scope was investigated and 30 different molecules were converted into carboxylic acids, leading to yields of up to 80%. ln addition, the system was studied using a Design of Experiment approach, obtaining additional information regarding the studied parameters.The reaction mechanism and the catalytically active species were studied, by different experiments like competitive reactions, NMR and labelling experiments. This investigation resulted in a deeper knowledge of the reaction pathway, composed of some non-catalytic transformations and two catalytic steps. The reaction proceeds through a reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction (rWGSR) transforming C02 and H2 into C0 and H20, which are consumed in the following hydrocarboxylation of the in-situ formed alkene to give the final carboxylic acid product. The catalytic system is similar to traditional Rh carbonylation and Water Gas Shift catalysts. The PPh3 is needed to supply additional ligands allowing the catalyst to work in reaction conditions with a minimal amount of toxic C0 ligand. ln addition, a heterogeneous catalytic system was investigated for the same reaction. Single atom catalysts (SACs) are receiving much attention as catalytic solution, since they have both the advantages of homogeneous (selectivity, high activity) and heterogeneous (easy separation and recycling) catalysts. Single Rh atoms dispersed on N-doped graphene were synthesized and characterized, obtaining information regarding the chemical and physical structure of the material. Eventually, they were tested as catalysts for C02 activation, carboxylic acid production, hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis reactions
Aliphatische Carbonsauren werden in vielen industriellen Bereichen verwendet und ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung nimmt zu. Sie werden derzeit in gror.en Mengen hergestellt, indem das meistens nicht erneuerbare Kohlenmonoxid als C1-Synthon genutzt wird. Kohlendioxid ist ein potenziell umweltfreundlicher, erneuerbarer und abundanter C1-Baustein. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Protokolls zur katalytischen Umwandlung von C02, H2 und sauerstoffhaltigen Substraten, um nützliche Chemikalien, wie Carbonsauren zu erhalten. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein homogenes Rh-Katalysatorsystems zur Herstellung aliphatischer Carbonsauren aus sauerstoffhaltigen Substraten, C02 und H2 untersucht und optimiert. Das System besteht aus Rh-Prakursor, lodid-Additiv und PPh3 als Ligand, die in einem Batchreaktor unter C02 und H2 eingesetzt werden. Die Reaktionsbedingungen wurden für folgende Substratklassen optimiert: primare Alkohole, sekundare Alkohole, Ketone, Aldehyde und Epoxide. Es wurden insgesamt 30 verschiedene Substrate mit Ausbeuten bis zu 80% zu Carbonsauren umgesetzt. Darüber hinaus wurde das System mit einem ,,Statistische Versuchsplanung"-Ansatz untersucht, um zusatzliche lnformationen zu den untersuchten Parametern zu erhalten. Mechanismus und katalytisch aktive Spezies wurden durch verschiedene Experimente wie Konkurrenzreaktionen, NMR- und Markierungsexperimenten untersucht. Dies erschloss den Reaktionsweg, der aus mehreren nicht-katalytischen Transformationen und zwei katalytischen Schritten besteht. Die Reaktion verlauft durch eine ,,reverse Wassergas-Shift-Reaktion" (rWGSR), die C02 und H2 in C0 und H20 umwandelt. Diese werden wiederum bei der nachfolgenden Hydrocarboxylierung des in-situ gebildeten Alkens unter Bildung der Carbonsaure verbraucht. Das katalytische System ahnelt herkômmlichen Rh-Carbonylierungs- und WGSR-Katalysatoren. PPh3 fungiert als zusatzlicher Ligand, der es dem Katalysator ermôglicht unter den gleichen Reaktionsbedingungen mit minimaler Menge toxischen C0 als Liganden zu arbeiten. Zusatzlich wurde ein heterogenes katalytisches System für die gleiche Reaktion untersucht. ,,Single atom catalysts" (SACs) erhalten gror.e Aufmerksamkeit als neue Katalysatorklasse. Sie kombinieren die Selektivitat und hohe Aktivitat homogener und die einfache Abtrennung und Recycling heterogener Katalysatoren Verschiedene Katalysatoren aus auf N-dotiertem Graphen dispergierten Rh-Atomen, wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Dadurch wurden lnformationen über die chemische und physikalische Struktur des Materials gewonnen und als Katalysatoren für C02-Aktivierung, Carbonsauresythese, Hydrierung und Hydrogenolyse getestet
Ellis, Ieuan. "Interstitial modification of palladium for partial hydrogenation reactions". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaBoopalachandran, Praveenkumar. "Catalytic studies of supported Pd-Au catalysts". Texas A&M University, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaIniesta, Beteta Ester. "Supramolecular Catalytic Systems: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Catalysis". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaEsta tesis doctoral abarca el diseño y desarrollo de catalizadores supramoleculares derivados de complejos de metales de transición para su aplicación como catalizadores en transformaciones de interés. La primera parte de esta tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de catalizadores de cobre(I) regulados supramolecularmente para su aplicación en reacciones de inserción de especies carbénicas metálicas a enlaces O–H, generando derivados α-alquilo/arilo-α-alcoxi/ariloxi. Se abordó el diseño, preparación, caracterización y aplicación de los catalizadores de cobre(I) derivados de ligandos bisoxazolina. Estos estudios demostraron que la actividad catalítica podía modularse con el uso de moléculas externas (agentes de regulación), que interaccionaban con la cadena polioxietilénica del ligando (centro de regulación) a través de interacciones supramoleculares de tipo ion-dipolo. La eficiencia de esta aproximación se demostró en reacciones de inserción de carbenos metálicos sobre alcoholes estructuralmente diversos (derivados cicloalquílicos, alquílicos y arílicos). Esta metodología se utilizó también para preparar intermedios sintéticos avanzados de compuestos con relevancia biológica. La segunda parte de esta tesis doctoral se centra en el uso de interacciones de tipo halógeno para formar el esqueleto de complejos metálicos. Se describe la síntesis de nuevos complejos supramoleculares de platino(II) y paladio(II) mediante el ensamblaje de dos bloques constituyentes que contienen fosfinas como grupos coordinantes, así como grupos capaces de formar enlaces de tipo halógeno. Se caracterizó en disolución y en estado sólido un conjunto de complejos estructuralmente diversos de platino(II) y paladio(II) derivados de difosfinas (supramoleculares). Se realizó un estudio de los intermedios de reacción que condujeron a los complejos de platino(II) finales. Se propone una racionalización mecanística para la formación de los complejos de platino(II) resultantes. El complejo XBPhos-Pt fue inactivo en reacciones de ciclación de eninos e hidrofenilación del etileno. Se presentan estrategias de activación del complejo XBPhos-Pt y análogos para nuevas transformaciones químicas.
This doctoral thesis encompasses the design and development of supramolecular catalysts derived from transition metal complexes and their application as catalysts in transformations of interest. The first part of the thesis focusses on the development of supramolecularly regulated copper(I) catalysts for the insertion of metal carbenes into O–H bonds leading to synthetically useful α-alkyl/aryl-α-alkoxy/aryloxy derivatives. The design, preparation, characterization and application of supramolecularly regulated copper(I) catalysts derived from bisoxazoline ligands is described. Our studies demonstrate that the catalytic performance of these systems can be modulated by the use of an external molecule (i.e. the regulation agent), which interacts with the polyethyleneoxy chain on the ligand (i.e. the regulation site) via supramolecular ion-dipole interactions. This approach has been applied to an array of structurally diverse alcohols (cycloalkyl, alkyl and aryl derivatives). Moreover, this methodology has been used to synthesize advanced synthetic intermediates of biologically relevant compounds. The second part of this thesis focusses on the use of halogen bonding interactions to construct the skeleton of metal complexes. The synthesis of new supramolecular platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes by assembling two building blocks that incorporate phosphines as ligating groups, as well as complementary binding motifs for the assembly through halogen bonding, are reported. A set of structurally diverse platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes derived from (halogen-bonded) diphosphines have been characterized in solution and in the solid state. A broad study of the reaction intermediates that led to the platinum(II) complexes has been performed. A tentative mechanistic rationalization for the formation of the platinum(II) complexes is proposed. The complex XBPhos-Pt has proved to be unreactive as a catalyst in cyclizations of enynes and in the hydrophenylation of ethylene. Strategies towards the activation of XBPhos-Pt and analogues for new chemical transformations are presented.
Fan, Yinan. "Rational synthesis of plasmonic/catalytic bimetallic nanocrystals for catalysis". Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaAmong several nanocatalysts, those based on noble metal NPs deserve particular attention because of their electronic, chemical and even optical properties (in the case of plasmonic-enhanced transformations). Platinum or palladium are well known for their remarkable catalytic properties, but they are expensive and their resources are limited. In addition, single component nanocatalysts can only lead to a limited range of chemical reactions. Thus, our strategy was to develop bimetallic nanocatalysts composed of two metal elements that can exhibit synergistic effects between their physicochemical properties and enhanced catalytic activity. We have thus designed bimetallic nanocatalysts of the core-shell type composed of a silver core and a platinum shell. The interest is to combine the high and efficient catalytic activities of the platinum shell surface with the highly energetic silver core capable of enhancing the activities of the shell through its plasmonic properties. In addition, these bimetallic NPs often exhibit superior catalytic activity due to the modification of the Pt-Pt atomic bonding distance (i.e. the strain effect). In this thesis work, Ag@Pt NPs have been synthesized via a two-step process using chemically synthesized spherical Ag NPs as seeds on the one hand and platinum complexes with oleylamine on the other hand which are then reduced on the surface of the seeds at a controlled temperature. Different Ag seed sizes from 8 to 14 nm with a very low size distribution (<10%) have been obtained by adjusting the reaction time, temperature ramp, Ag precursor concentration and final temperature during the synthesis. The control of the shell thicknesses (from 1 to 6 atomic layers) has been possible by adjusting the ratio of platinum precursor to silver seed concentrations. The catalytic activity of the core-shell Ag@Pt NPs was tested by a model reaction of reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol by NaBH4 in aqueous phase. We have observed that the thickness of the Pt shell and the size of the Ag core influence the catalytic properties and led increased catalytic activity compared to pure silver or platinum. This was attributed to synergistic effects. Furthermore, we have observed an enhancement of the catalytic activity of Ag and Ag@Pt NPs under light irradiation. This is correlated to the generation of hot electrons in the Ag core. Finally, in order to develop a supported nanocatalysis platform, 3D self-assemblies also called supercrystals composed of Ag@Pt nanoparticles have been spontaneously obtained after deposition on a solid substrate due to their narrow size distribution and homogeneous shape. The catalytic activity of these supercrystals for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has been studied by following in situ by optical microscopy the production of H2 gas nanobubbles. Three distinct behaviors in photo-catalytic activity (activity, intermittent activity and non-activity) have been observed on the supercrystals in the same region of interest. In addition, 50% of the assemblies were determined to be active for HER which was shown to be accompanied by oxidative corrosion of silver
Reddy, P. K. "Exploration of catalysts and catalysis under near working conditions". Thesis(Ph.D.), CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaWarren, James Patrick. "Catalytic chemistry of the rhodium/ceria system : model catalysts and dispersed catalysts". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1997.
Pełny tekst źródłaSonqishe, Thantaswa Millecent. "Treatment of brines using commercial zeolites and zeolites synthesized from fly ash derivative". Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe objectives of this project was to ameroliate two waste materials, namely Acid Mine Drainage and Fly Ash and recover the solid residues for conversion into an adsorbent to treat brine. The solid residues were then converted into zeolite P through low temperature hydrothermal treatment. The adsorption capacity of the solid residues, zeolite P derived from the solid residues was compared to the commercial zeolite Y and fresh Arnot fly ash. The quality of the resulting water was assessed using different analytical methods before the reaction with adsorbents and after the reaction and a comparison was done based on the removal efficiency of elements Zeolite P from solid residues was successfully synthesized as confirmed by XRD, BET and FTIR. Brine treatment with fly ash, solid residues, zeolite P and commercial zeolite Y adsorbents was done concentration on the following major elements Na, K, Mg, Ca and Si. Zeolite P had higher or similar removal efficiency that the commercial zeolite Y for the following elements K, Ca and Mg. Fly ash is the only adsorbent that managed to reduce the concentration of Na in brine and also had a good removal efficiency of Mg. Si leached out of all the adsorbents which could be ascribed to Si being the major component of these adsorbents which could indicate some dissolution of these adsorbents under the conditions tested. Overall, zeolite P did not completely remove the major elements, especially for Na, but did result in a cleaner waste stream which would improve brine processing.
Venable, Margaret Hamm. "Syntheses, structures and support interactions of potential metal oxide catalyst precursors". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1990.
Pełny tekst źródłaAshraf, Muhammed Arfan. "Biomimetic ligands for transition metals". Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaLinganiso, Linda Zikhona. "Adsorption studies on supported gold catalysts using temperature programmed desorption (TPD)". Thesis, Wits University, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaWojcik, Karolina. "D-glucosamine as "green" substrate in synthesis of ligands for asymetric catalysis". Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaChenneberg, Ludwig. "Nouvelles avancées en catalyse photoredox : applications en chimie radicalaire de synthèse et en catalyse duale". Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaVisible-light photoredox catalysis has emerged as a very powerful strategy to generate radical species replacing more and more tin-mediated or stoichiometric redox methodologies. The main objective of the research described in this Ph. D. thesis is to develop new synthetic methodologies in radical and organometallic chemistry, and merge them in a dual catalysis process for the preparation of elaborated molecular building blocks. In a first study, we report a photocatalytic alternative of Barton-McCombie deoxygenation based on a visible-light photoreduction of O-thiocarbamates derived from secondary and tertiary alcohols. A mechanistic investigation is presented based on fluorescence quenching and cyclic voltammetry experiments. In a second study, a challenging method of generation of unstabilized alkyl radicals by photooxidation of borate salts or hypervalent silicon species is reported. These radicals are trapped by free radical scavengers or engaged in a photoredox/nickel dual catalysis
Ebadi, pour Negisa. "Développement de systèmes catalytiques à base de Ca pour la polymérisation sélective de glycérol". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Centrale Lille Institut, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaAlthough many applications are listed to valorize glycerol as a co-produced of the biodiesel sector (at a rate of 100 kg of glycerol per ton of biofuel), the most potential solutions based on advanced chemical transformations today reach rarely the commercial stage. This is mainly due to (i) instability on biodiesel production licenses, thus threatening the availability of glycerol and (ii) a price of glycerol that can fluctuate unpredictably. In the concept of biodiesel production unit, where glycerol is the main co-product, into a concept of oilseed biorefinery, where in particular glycerol-derived products with high added value are produced with biodiesel, will make it possible to overcome uncertainties related to the production of biodiesel while promoting the rapid development of glycerol valorization technologies through the evolution of existing production units. In this context, this thesis project based on very promising preliminary results from our team aims to develop a catalytic process for the efficient valorisation of glycerol in linear polyglycerols (PGs). PGs have recently demonstrated exceptional biocompatibility. They also have direct applications (pharmacy, food, etc.), and large manufacturers also see it increasingly as a base for obtaining other molecules, including PGs esters. The proposed research program will provide a better understanding and optimization of a powerful and robust catalytic system in a particularly favorable regional context
Shiels, Rebecca Anne. "Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of silica and polymer supported catalysts for the production of fine chemicals". Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaCommittee Chair: Dr. Christopher Jones; Committee Member: Dr. Dennis Hess; Committee Member: Dr. Hang Lu; Committee Member: Dr. Marcus Weck; Committee Member: Dr. Pradeep Agrawal. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Han, Xu. "Development of innovative methodologies in phosphine organocatalysis and enantioselective gold(I)-catalysis". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaPhosphines play a major role in modern organic chemistry. In the field of catalysis, organophosphorus derivatives can be applied as catalysts in numerous transformations by itself, as organocatalysts, or as ligands in organometallic catalysis. This thesis focused on the application of phosphines both in phosphine organocatalysis and in asymmetric gold(I) catalysis. In the organophosphorus catalysis part, we have developed a phosphine-catalyzed Michael addition/Wittig reaction by using a well-chosen cyclic phosphine catalyst. In this process, silane was used as reducing agent to selectively reduce in situ the phosphine oxide. A series of highly functionalized 1,2-dihydroquinolines were prepared. Besides, a new olefination process was discovered for the synthesis of succinate derivatives. Detailed mechanism research was carried out with H/D exchange experiments. In the asymmetric gold(I) catalysis part, we have developed two new methodologies based on cyclization reactions of 1,n-enyne substrates. A 1,5-enyne cyclization/nucleophilic addition reaction was first developed with an acyclic TADDOL-derived phosphoramidite-Au(I) complex. Twenty examples were carried out with good to excellent yields and up to 94% enantiomeric excess. For the 1,6-enyne cyclization/intramolecular nucleophilic addition sequence, we have synthesized a range of racemic tetracyclic and pentacyclic compounds in high yields. The enantioselective version of this transformation was carried out successfully with both high reactivity and enantioselectivity
Lopes, Silva Susana. "Développement de nouveaux catalyseurs d'hydrotraitement basés sur l'encapsulation d'hétéropolyoxometallates dans des silices mésostructurées : application à la production de carburants propres". Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaEconomic growth in the developing countries over the past decade has increased the global demand for crude oil. It is projected that the global crude slate will become sourer, with a sulfur content above 1.3 wt%. An overall aim of policymakers is thus to ensure that transportation fuels do not surpass a sulfur content of 10 ppm. Several solutions are possible to achieve the nowadays goals, that affect either the process or the catalyst. The latter solution, which does not involve significant additional costs for refiners, is therefore the most studied. One way to improve the nowadays catalysts would be to increase the content of active metal (eg cobalt and molybdenum in the case of CoMo systems). Nevertheless, at higher metal loadings, the formation of refractory species such as CoMoO4 or Co3O4 by sintering during calcination and/or sulfidation steps has been reported for alumina-Supported catalysts. This PhD project is based on the development of new hydrotreating catalysts, through a 2-Step one-Pot method : synthesis of polyoxometalates-Containing mesoporous SBA-15 materials, followed by incipient wetness impregnation of active phase promoter. The encapsulation of these species within the silica matrix would prevent the agglomeration of large particles during sulfidation reactions and could thus lead to systems with high content of active metal well dispersed over the support. One aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of these catalysts in the hydrotreating of several feedstocks, such as diesel oil, gasoline or vegetal oil. A second objective was the understanding of the nature of the different interactions between the active phase precursors and the support, according to each preparation technique.The non-Promoted hybrid catalyst showed a better dispersion of the metallic phase in the oxide state, compared to the catalysts prepared by incipient wetness impregnation, which can be correlated with stronger interactions between encapsulated POM and silica functionalities, such as siloxanes and silanols, as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy. However, the wide-Angle XRD showed the presence of MoO3 crystallites. HRTEM analyzes of the sulfided catalysts showed different species on this catalyst: small MoS2 slabs and metal particles (∼ 1 nm) mainly in the walls but also on the surface of pores; curved MoS2 slabs at mesopores surface leaving the entrance of the pore free; MoS2 hanks blocking the pores.This catalyst showed a relatively low sulfidation rate (determined by XPS), which could be associated with the presence of refractory species already present before activation. Thus, the toluene conversion represented per MoS2 clearly showed the interest of the catalyst prepared by this innovative method, presenting an intrinsic activity two-Fold higher than that of the catalyst prepared by dry impregnation.The subsequent impregnation of the active phase promoter of the hybrid catalyst (Pr(NO3)2, Pr = Ni or Co; 4
Ye, Wei. "Catalytic oxidation of methane over supported palladium catalysts". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaPersson, Katarina. "Bimetallic palladium catalysts for catalytic combustion of methane". Licentiate thesis, Stockholm, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaHuang, Zhenyu. "Magnetic resonance studies of catalysts and catalytic reactors". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaLenden, Philip. "Tandem catalytic processes involving Rhodium-catalysed intermolecular hydroacylation". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaBeach, Nicholas James. "Metathesis Catalysts in Tandem Catalysis: Methods and Mechanisms for Transformation". Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaSmallwood, Keith. "Catalysis and photocatalysis by platinized titanium dioxide and other catalysts". Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1993.
Pełny tekst źródłaCarter, Christabel Anne. "Asymmetric phase transfer catalysis : towards catalysts with a chiral anion". Thesis, University of Leeds, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaMonti, Chiara. "Development of new catalysts for asymmetric catalysis via combinatorial chemistry". Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaNeate, Peter Gregory Nigel. "Pathways to sustainable catalysis : from novel catalysts to mechanistic understanding". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaKonrad, Tina Maria. "Chiral phanephos derived catalysts and their application in asymmetric catalysis". Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaPaterson, A. James. "Exploitation of synergy in oxidation catalysis with bimetallic aluminophosphate catalysts". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaPeneau, Virginie. "Activation of hydrocarbons and their catalytic oxidation by heterogeneous catalysis". Thesis, Cardiff University, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaKieffer, Raphaëlle. "Développement de nouveaux catalyseurs pour la dépolymérisation de la lignine par voie d’oxydation". Thesis, Lyon 1, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaLignin is one of the most abundant biopolymers on earth. It is issued from plants and represents the largest source of aromatics in biomass. Projects aiming at depolymerizing lignin to obtain value-added small molecules for the chemical industry are more and more developed due to the high potential of this bio-resource. The goal of our project was to develop a new catalytic system for the depolymerization of lignin. We have been interested in designing new homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts based on the known structure of the Fe(TAML) complex. We have studied their reactivity and stability under oxidative catalysis conditions, and have compared them to the characteristics of the existing Fe(TAML). To do so, the catalysis study has been realized on lignin small model molecules to avoid the analytical problems related to a polymer backbone. In a first hand, we will present the strategy of functionalization of the known TAML ligand to design new complexes to be grafted on a silica support. In a second hand, we will talk about the results of oxidative catalysis in homogeneous and heterogeneous conditions, and the influence of the ligand structure change on the activity of the catalysts