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Tavares, Conceição. Albert I do Mónaco, Afonso Chaves e a meteorologia nos Açores: Episódios oitocentistas da construção científica do mundo atlântico. Ponta Delgada: Sociedade Afonso Chaves, 2010.

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Brezina, Corona. Careers in meteorology. New York: Rosen Pub., 2013.

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R, Holton James, Curry Judith A i Pyle J. A, red. Encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences. Amsterdam ; Boston: Academic Press, 2003.

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Gaffney, Timothy R. Storm scientist: Careers chasing severe weather. Berkeley Heights, N.J: Enslow Publishers, 2009.

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Gaffney, Timothy R. Storm scientist: Careers chasing severe weather. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2010.

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Gaffney, Timothy R. Storm scientist: Careers chasing severe weather. Berkeley Heights, N.J: Enslow Publishers, 2009.

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A career in meteorology. [Geneva, Switzerland]: World Meteorological Organization, 2006.

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Sealls, Alan. Career in TV Meteorology: From the Best Weatherman Ever. Intellect Publishing, LLC, 2023.

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Atlas, Robert. Weather Forecaster to Research Scientist: My Career in Meteorology. American Meteorological Society, 2022.

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Atlas, Robert. Weather Forecaster to Research Scientist: My Career in Meteorology. American Meteorological Society, 2022.

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Sealls, Alan. Career in TV Meteorology: From the Best Weatherman Ever. Intellect Publishing, LLC, 2023.

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Weather in the Courtroom: Memoirs from a Career in Forensic Meteorology. American Meteorological Society, 2016.

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Staff, American Meteorological Society, James D. Ramsay, Sundar A. Christopher, John Lanicci i Elisabeth Hope Murray. Navigating Tenure and Beyond: A Guide for Early-Career Faculty. American Meteorological Society, 2019.

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Environmental Security: Concepts, Challenges, and Case Studies. American Meteorological Society, 2019.

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Brezina, Corona. Careers in Meteorology. Rosen Publishing Group, 2012.

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Careers in Meteorology. Rosen Publishing Group, 2012.

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Fleming, James Rodger. First Woman. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198862734.001.0001.

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This book, based on the life and work of Joanne (Gerould) Simpson (1923–2010), charts the history of women in meteorology and the history of tropical meteorology in the context of her long and productive career as pioneer scientist, project leader, and mentor. In 1943 women had no status in meteorology, tropical weather was largely aer incognita, and Joanne Gerould, a new graduate student at the University of Chicago, had just set her sights on understanding the behavior of clouds. Establishing her career in an era of overwhelming marginalization of women in science was no easy matter, and Joanne (who published under three married names and raised three children) had to fight every step of the way. Under the mentorship of Herbert Riehl, she received a PhD degree from Chicago in 1949. Later, while working at Woods Hole, she collaborated with Riehl on their revolutionary and controversial “hot tower” hypothesis that cumulonimbus clouds were the driving force in the tropical atmosphere, providing energy to power the Hadley circulation, the trade winds, and by implication, the global circulation. The mechanism of hot towers alludes to the incessant battle between buoyancy and entrainment in tropical convection, valorizing those clouds that successfully break through the trade wind inversion to soar to the top of the troposphere. The metaphor of hot towers points to the incessant battles Joanne waged between her sky-high aspirations and the dark psychological and institutional forces dragging her down. Yet she prevailed, reaching the pinnacle of personal and professional accomplishment, especially in her years at NASA, as she conditioned the atmosphere for further breakthroughs for women in science. She is best remembered as a pioneer woman scientist, the best tropical scientist of her generation.
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Stevermer, Amy J. Recent Advances and Issues in Meteorology (Oryx Frontiers of Science Series). Oryx Press, 2001.

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Srivastava, Srinivasan Chandrasekaran; Gaurav. Design Aids of Offshore Structures Under Special Environmental Loads including Fire Resistance. Springer Nature, 2018.

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