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Stoddard, Roger E. A library-keeper's business. New Castle, Del: Oak Knoll, 2002.

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Group, Primary Research. Corporate & business library benchmarks. Wyd. 2. New York: Primary Research Group, 2012.

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Inc, Digital Research, red. GEM draw business library. Monterey,CA: DigitalResearch Inc, 1986.

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Riechel, Rosemarie. Public library services to business. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1994.

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J, Campbell Malcolm, red. Manual of business library practice. Wyd. 2. London: C. Bingley, 1985.

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Business Library. Walnut Creek, 1995.

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Galloway, Paul, i Garrett Adams. Business Library. Pentagon Press, 2005.

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Hamel, Gary, i Stuart Crainer. Ultimate Business Library. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2005.

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Small Business Library. Socrates Media Llc, 2005.

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Global Business Library. Deep & Deep Publications,India, 2002.

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Media, Irwin New. Multimedia Business Library. Wyd. 2. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 1996.

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Business Man's Library. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Reserach / Business Library. Springer, 2005.

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Kapoor, Jack R., Robert J. Hughes i William M. Pride. Business: Library Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006.

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Global Business Library. Deep & Deep Publications,India, 2002.

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Business Practice Library. Aspen Pub, 2002.

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Business Contract Forms (Business Practice Library). John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1990.

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English, Robert J. Business Contract Forms (Business Practice Library). John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1989.

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English, Robert J. Business Contract Forms (Business Practice Library). John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1988.

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Pride, William M. Business Library: Volume of Pride-Business. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006.

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Forte, Eric, i Michael R. Oppenheim, red. The Basic Business Library. Wyd. 5. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400616594.

Pełny tekst źródła
Everything you need to know in order to start, maintain, and provide service for a business collection, and to research virtually any business topic. Now in its fifth edition, The Basic Business Library is a modern sourcebook of core resources for the business library and the business information consumers and researchers it serves. This up-to-date guide also discusses strategies for acquiring and building the business collection in a Web 2.0/3.0 world and recommended approaches to providing reference service for business research. This text includes numerous real-world examples that cover market research, investment, economics, management and marketing. This is a single-volume guide to doing business research and managing business resources and services in a multitude of library environments. Readers will gain an understanding of the nature and breadth of providers of business information; learn the types and formats of information available; become familiar with key resources and providers in major categories such as marketing, financial information, and investment; and understand how to collect, use, and provide access to business information resources.
Style APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO itp.

Parker, Robert B. Bad Business: Library Edition. Random House, 2007.

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Davidson, J. H. Offensive Marketing (Business Library). Wyd. 2. Penguin Books Ltd, 1987.

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Pride, William M. Business Library Seventh Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001.

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Nobes, Christopher. Accountancy Explained (Business Library). Penguin Books Ltd, 1990.

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Business and Professional Library. Rosen Pub Group, 1986.

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Offensive Marketing (Business Library). Penguin Books Ltd, 1987.

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Accountancy Explained (Business Library). Penguin Books Ltd, 1990.

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Library of Unfinished Business. Cloud Ink Press Limited, 2022.

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Purchasing (Business Library Series). Wyd. 2. Barron's Educational Series, 2001.

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Cerillo, William A. Proving Business Damages, 1997 (Business Practice Library). Wyd. 2. Wiley Law Pubns, 1997.

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Publications, USA International Business. Brunei: Industrial & Business Directory (World Business Library). Intl Business Pubns USA, 2003.

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Leza, Richard L., i Jose F. Placencia. Develop Your Business Plan (Successful Business Library). Wyd. 2. PSI Research, 1989.

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Leza, Richard L., i Jose F. Placencia. Develop Your Business Plan (Successful Business Library). PSI Research, 1985.

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Lust, Jeanelle, i Knudsen Law Firm. Nebraska Human Resources Library: HR Compliance Library. American Chamber of Commerce Resources, 2021.

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Balachandran, M. Academic Business Library, a Core Collection: Mathematics of Business & Economics (Academic Business Library, a Core Collection). Vance Bibliographies, 1986.

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Company, The System. Business Correspondence Library; Volume 2. Franklin Classics Trade Press, 2018.

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Telegraph colour library: Business 2. London: Telegraph Colour Library Innovation Centre, 2004.

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Murphy, James D. Business Is Combat: Library Edition. Wyd. 3. Blackstone Audiobooks, 2002.

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Media, Allegro New. Business Library/Cd-Rom Disk. Allegro New Media, 1993.

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Managing People (Successful Business Library). PSI Research, 1985.

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The Music Business Contract Library. Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, 2008.

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Business Man's Commercial Law Library. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Financial Products (Business Practice Library). Wyd. 2. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1994.

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Publications, Wiley Law. Business Legal Forms Disk Library. John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

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Bep. TURBO POWER (Business Productivity Library). Random House Information Group, 1994.

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Publishing, Harcourt Brace. Harcourt General Business Refer Library. Harcourt Brace Legal and Professional Publica, 1999.

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Bloom, Andrea. Lender Liability (Business Practice Library). John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1994.

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(Editor), Maggie Ashcroft, i Max Broome (Editor), red. Business of School Library Services. Capital Planning Information Ltd, 1993.

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Coggan, Philip. Money Machine (Penguin Business Library). Penguin UK, 1999.

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