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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Bathymetric and tidal archives"


Lei, J., F. Li, S. Zhang, H. Ke, Q. Zhang i W. Li. "ACCURACY ASSESSMENT OF RECENT GLOBAL OCEAN TIDE MODELS AROUND ANTARCTICA". ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W7 (14.09.2017): 1521–28.

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Due to the coverage limitation of T/P-series altimeters, the lack of bathymetric data under large ice shelves, and the inaccurate definitions of coastlines and grounding lines, the accuracy of ocean tide models around Antarctica is poorer than those in deep oceans. Using tidal measurements from tide gauges, gravimetric data and GPS records, the accuracy of seven state-of-the-art global ocean tide models (DTU10, EOT11a, GOT4.8, FES2012, FES2014, HAMTIDE12, TPXO8) is assessed, as well as the most widely-used conventional model FES2004. Four regions (Antarctic Peninsula region, Amery ice shelf region, Filchner-Ronne ice shelf region and Ross ice shelf region) are separately reported. The standard deviations of eight main constituents between the selected models are large in polar regions, especially under the big ice shelves, suggesting that the uncertainty in these regions remain large. Comparisons with in situ tidal measurements show that the most accurate model is TPXO8, and all models show worst performance in Weddell sea and Filchner-Ronne ice shelf regions. The accuracy of tidal predictions around Antarctica is gradually improving.
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Bouchkara, M., K. El Khalidi, A. Benazzouz, N. Erraji Chahid, I. Joudar, B. Zourarah i M. Maanan. "STUDY OF MORPHODYNAMIC AND SEDIMENTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE OUALIDIA LAGOON (MOROCCO) USING BATHYMETRIC DATA: FIRST INVESTIGATIONS AFTER THE SEDIMENT TRAP DREDGING". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVI-4/W3-2021 (10.01.2022): 53–63.

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Abstract. Coastal lagoons are highly dynamic and physically complicated systems. They are environmentally productive and socio-economically valuable. Contemporary global development and management pressures require a better understanding of their dynamics and sustainability. The present study focuses on the problem of water confinement in the Oualidia lagoon (Atlantic coast of Morocco). This lagoon is characterized by an asymmetric tidal propagation, with a shorter duration of the flood (rising tide) than the ebb (falling tide). In the long term, this contributes to the reduction of depths and the confinement of water upstream. After extensive studies, a sediment trap was created in 2011 to trap the finest sediment in the upstream part of the lagoon. This study aims to analyze the morphodynamical and sedimentological changes in the lagoon of Oualidia, after the sediment trap dredging. For this purpose, bathymetric surveys covering 6 years between 2006 and 2012 were analyzed, providing sufficient data to identify the morphological changes that the lagoon has undergone during this period. The data analysis was followed by a study of the lagoon bed dynamics using profile lines extracted from the bathymetric data in a GIS environment. As a result, the findings partly show that over 6 years, an average height of +0.65 m was gained by the lagoon, while the average change in the eroded areas was estimated to be −0.42 m. In addition, the eroded area in the lagoon was estimated to be about 1,513,800 m2 with an erosion volume of 633,383 m3, while the accumulated area found was about 2,699,396 m2 with an accumulation volume of 1,765,866 m3. These changes can be related to the large input of marine sediment, mainly caused by tidal currents and waves, but also to the creation of a sediment trap in the upstream area of the lagoon.
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Nirwansyah, A. W., i B. Braun. "ASSESSING TIDAL FLOOD UPON SOLAR SALT FARMING AREA IN NORTH PART OF JAVA USING HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL". ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-3/W8 (22.08.2019): 283–86.

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<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> This study aims to assess the impact of high tide upon salt production areas in north part of Java, Indonesia. Single case in June 2016 was applied using MIKE 21 in salt production area of Cirebon. The inputs are tidal height records, bathymetry, digital elevation model (DEM) from Geospatial Information Agency (GIA), and wind data from OGIMET. Peak water level from tidal constituent is extracted from the simulation. The exposed that were generated from peak level of water elevation showed that tidal event has led to 82.9% of salt production area being inundated. West and east part are recorded as the most affected location due to this extreme event. The maximum water level has reached about 38 cm and covered more than 6,489.38 ha during the tide. Whilst the accurate identification will provide valuable information for flood assessment upon marginal agriculture in coastal area.</p>
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Rayo, J., J. Seriosa, J. Villa Juan i V. P. Bongolan. "ENHANCING COASTAL RESILIENCY OF HYPOTHETICAL LAND RECLAMATION SCENARIOS WITH MANGROVE FOREST AND OYSTER REEF ASSESSED BY ADCIRC AND SWAN STORM SURGE MODEL". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVI-4/W6-2021 (18.11.2021): 243–48.

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Abstract. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of mangrove forests and oyster reefs on reducing the damages from typhoons in hypothetical land reclamation scenarios in Atimonan, Philippines. Storm surge simulations were ran using ADCIRC and SWAN coupled model on the local government unit’s (LGU) land reclamation plan and the proposed crenulate bay reclamation plan, both with concrete seawall, mangrove forests and oyster reefs. Inputs to the model include modified topography and bathymetry, coastline, land cover, typhoon Durian data and tidal potential constituents. Simulations show that the crenulate bay reclamation plan is better by 39.15% than the LGU’s land reclamation plan on reducing typhoon winds and storm surge inundation extent induced by Typhoon Durian. However, this advantage comes with an additional implementation cost of 11.02%. This study is envisioned to help the land reclamation project of Atimonan LGU to be resilient against typhoon winds and coastal inundation.
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Faizuddin, A. R. M., i M. M. Razali. "VARIATION OF CHART DATUM TOWARDS MARITIME DELIMITATION DUE TO RISING SEA LEVEL". ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-4/W5 (5.10.2017): 73–80.

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The importance of Chart Datum in hydrographic surveying is inarguable because its determination is part of the process to obtain the actual depth of bathymetry. The Chart Datum has a relationship with the determination of base points because any uncertainty of the base points would definitely cause uncertainty to the determination of the maritime baseline. If there is any doubt on the baselines, it will then cause doubt on the maritime zones as well which includes the equidistant line that forms the border between the two countries. However, due to the ongoing rising sea level, there has been some variations of the Chart Datum in some areas in Malaysia. This research discusses about the variation of Mean Sea Level and Chart Datum for the tide gauge stations at Geting, Cendering, Sedili and Tioman at East Coast and Kukup, Langkawi, Lumut and Penang at the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The tidal analysis was carried out by using the 23 years of data beginning at 1993 to 2015. The observed tidal data for 23 years were processed and analysed by using GeoTide software. In this research, the Harmonic Analysis technique was used in order to calculate the values of Mean Sea Level and the Chart Datum while the slope of the shoreline is modelled by using Global Mapper. The linear trend of the Mean Sea Level and the Chart Datum was analysed to determine the increase of the annual sea level in millimetres accuracy and also to determine the variation of the Chart Datum for each tidal station and its impact towards maritime baseline. The result has shown that the linear trend of sea level rise varies from 24 millimetres per year up to 168 millimetres per year at the East Coast and 24 millimetres per year up to 96 millimetres per year at the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. As for the maritime baseline, results has indicated that there exist shifting in the horizontal which are varies from 1.564 metres per year to 3.299 metres per year at the East Coast and from 1.331 metres per year up to 5.857 metres per year at the West Cost of Peninsular Malaysia. From the analysis, it can be stated that the horizontal shift occur greater at the East Coast rather than at the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. As a conclusion, the sea level rise does have significant impact towards maritime baseline. Furthermore, the determination of a stable Chart Datum is important to define the maritime baseline in other to avoid conflict with other neighbouring countries.
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Uda, Takaaki, Masumi Serizawa, Toshiro San-nami i Toshinori Ishikawa. "PREDICTION OF FORMATION OF DYNAMICALLY STABLE EBB TIDAL DELTA AND MEASURES FOR PREVENTING OFFSHORE SAND LOSS". Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, nr 32 (29.01.2011): 73.

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We developed a model for predicting the evolution of an ebb tidal delta based on the BG model, which was proposed by the present authors using the Bagnold concept of the equilibrium slope. Bathymetric changes around the inlet of Imagire-guchi between 1978 and 2005 were quantitatively analyzed to investigate the evolution of the ebb tidal delta and sand deposition offshore of the inlet. The model was applied to this inlet. The predicted bathymetric changes were in good agreement with the measured changes. Some measures for preventing the offshore sand loss were also considered by applying the model. The most effective measure was predicted to be cross-shore sand bypassing.
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Fofonova, Vera, Alexey Androsov, Lasse Sander, Ivan Kuznetsov, Felipe Amorim, H. Christian Hass i Karen H. Wiltshire. "Non-linear aspects of the tidal dynamics in the Sylt-Rømø Bight, south-eastern North Sea". Ocean Science 15, nr 6 (16.12.2019): 1761–82.

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Abstract. This study is dedicated to the tidal dynamics in the Sylt-Rømø Bight with a focus on the non-linear processes. The FESOM-C model was used as the numerical tool, which works with triangular, rectangular or mixed grids and is equipped with a wetting/drying option. As the model's success at resolving currents largely depends on the quality of the bathymetric data, we have created a new bathymetric map for an area based on recent studies of Lister Deep, Lister Ley, Højer Deep and Rømø Deep. This new bathymetric product made it feasible to work with high-resolution grids (up to 2 m in the wetting/drying zone). As a result, we were able to study the tidal energy transformation and the role of higher harmonics in the domain in detail. For the first time, the tidal ellipses, maximum tidally induced velocities, energy fluxes and residual circulation maps were constructed and analysed for the entire bight. Additionally, tidal asymmetry maps were introduced and constructed. The full analysis was performed on two grids with different structures and showed a convergence of the results as well as fulfilment of the energy balance. A great deal of attention has been paid to the selection of open-boundary conditions, model validation against tide gauges and recent in situ current data. The tidal residual circulation and asymmetric tidal cycles largely define the circulation pattern, transport and accumulation of sediment, and the distribution of bedforms in the bight; therefore, the results presented in the article are necessary and useful benchmarks for further studies in the area, including baroclinic and sediment dynamics investigations.
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Salas-Monreal, David, Mayra Lorena Riveron-Enzastiga, Jose de Jesus Salas-Perez, Rocio Bernal-Ramirez, Mark Marin-Hernandez i Alejandro Granados-Barba. "Bathymetric flow rectification in a tropical micro-tidal estuary". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 235 (kwiecień 2020): 106562.

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Gao, J., G. Q. Zhou, H. Y. Wang, X. Zhou, Y. X. Mu, S. H. Long i F. Yang. "LIDAR BATHYMETRIC EVALUATION BASED ON SCATTERING CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM". ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-3/W10 (7.02.2020): 97–103.

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Abstract. The evaluation of the bathymetric capability of traditional airborne lidar system is mostly based on the formula of bathymetric capability by evaluating the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd). This method is derived form the assumption that the reflectance of sediment is fixed. In this study ,however,the reflectance of sediment is not fixed. Therefore, this study improves the ability of bathymetric formula, and proposes a particle scattering classification algorithm to obtain the transmissivity value. The algorithm filters the scattering modes of particles by scattering discrimination factor (q), and obtains the transmissivity values by using the scattering intensity formulas. Experiments show that, when the transmissivity is in the range of 0–1 and the average values of Kd(532 nm) are 0.1150 m−1, 0.0894 m−1 and 0.0903 m−1 in January, June and October respectively, accordingly, the bathymetric capabilities are 0–44 m, 0–61.5 m and 0–52.5 m, respectively. Compared with the original bathymetric method, these results show that the maximum bathymetric value has measured by the improved bathymetric capability formula and scattering classification algorithm has decreased under the influence of the change of sediment reflectance, and the result is more consistent with the actual situation and more accurate.
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Zhang, Ying, Zeng Zhou, Liang Geng, Giovanni Coco, Jianfeng Tao i Changkuan Zhang. "SIMULATING THE FORMATION OF TIDAL CHANNELS ALONG AN OPEN-COAST TIDAL FLAT: THE EFFECTS OF INITIAL PERTURBATION". Coastal Engineering Proceedings, nr 36 (30.12.2018): 84.

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A state-of-the-art morphodynamic model (Delft3D) was used to explore the effects of bathymetric perturbation on the morphodynamic modeling of tidal channels and flats. Short-term and medium-term modeling results indicate that the two-way interaction of the hydrodynamic forcing and initial perturbation has influence on the evolution of tidal channel ontogeny. There is a critical range of the magnitude of initial perturbation, within which the morphodynamic development tends to be similar. By comparing with the case without initial perturbation, the case with a slight increase in perturbation magnitude can considerably enhance the rate of the morphodynamic development.
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Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Bathymetric and tidal archives"


Fossi, Fotsi Yannick. "Dynamique morpho-sédimentaire de l’estuaire du Wouri, Cameroun". Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022.

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L’estuaire du Wouri, situé au coeur du Golfe de Guinée et ouvert sur l’océan Atlantique est soumis à un large éventail d’influence atmosphérique, océanique, continentale et anthropique à différentes échelles de temps (court et long-terme) contrôlant son évolution. La première partie de cette thèse, axée sur des archives remontant au 20ème siècle, a permis de reconstituer l’histoire de l’évolution du littoral estuarien du Wouri. Parallèlement, pour déterminer les tendances d’évolution des hauteurs d’eau, quantifier et qualifier la cinématique du trait de côte et des fonds dans l’estuaire, un travail d’inventaire, de numérisation et d’analyse des documents historiques a été réalisé. Ceci a permis d’enregistrer une évolution du niveau moyen à un rythme d’environ 25mm/an en 17 ans (2002 – 2019). Les résultats ont révélé une prédominance des variations dominées par l’érosion en aval et inversement par l’accrétion en amont, sur la période de 64 ans (1948-2012). Ces tendances sont accentuées par la présence de facteurs amplificateurs (pression anthropique et changement climatique). Afin d’étudier les processus hydrodynamiques et sédimentaires à court terme, une modélisation numérique de la propagation de la marée et la distribution des salinités et des sédiments fins a été réalisée à l’aide de TELEMAC 3D (calibré et validé grâce aux mesures in-situ acquises au cours de l’année 2019). La marée a montré une asymétrie dominée par le jusant dans sa partie inférieure et inversement par le flot dans sa partie supérieure. La distribution de la salinité a permis de caractériser l’estuaire de bien mélangé en vive-eau, particulièrement en étiage à stratifié en morte eau, particulièrement en période de crue. Les variations saisonnières, du régime fluvial ont montré une migration longitudinale de la position de la zone de turbidité maximale : déplacement en amont pendant les étiages et en aval pendant les crues avec pour conséquence une exportation massive de sédiments dans la partie intermédiaire et aval de l’estuaire. Dans un contexte actuel du changement climatique associé aux forts impacts anthropiques, cette étude souligne la nécessité de l’utilisation des archives historiques, de données in-situ couplées à un modèle numérique pour mieux comprendre l’évolution passée et actuelle de l’hydrodynamique et de la dynamique sédimentaire
The Wouri estuary, located in the heart of the Gulf of Guinea and open to the Atlantic Ocean, is subject to a wide range of atmospheric, oceanic, continental and anthropic influences at different time scales (short and long term) controlling its evolution. The first part of this thesis, based on archives dating back to the 20th century, allows us to reconstruct the history of the evolution of the Wouri estuary coastline. At the same time, in order to determine the evolution trends of the water levels, to quantify and qualify the kinematics of the coastline and the bottoms in the estuary, an inventory, digitization and analysis of historical documents was carried out. This allowed to record an evolution of the average level at a rate of about 25mm/year in 17 years (2002 - 2019). The results revealed a predominance of variations dominated by erosion downstream and conversely by accretion upstream, over the 64-year period (1948-2012). These trends are accentuated by the presence of amplifying factors (anthropogenic pressure and climate change). In order to study the hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes in the short term, a numerical modeling of the tidal propagation and the distribution of salinities and fine sediments was performed using TELEMAC 3D (calibrated and validated thanks to in-situ measurements acquired during 2019). The tide showed an asymmetry dominated by the ebb in its lower part and inversely by the flood in its upper part. The distribution of salinity allowed to characterize the estuary from well mixed in spring tide, particularly in low water to stratified in neap tide, particularly in flood period. Seasonal variations of the river regime have shown a longitudinal migration of the position of the maximum turbidity zone : upstream during low water and downstream during high water with a massive export of sediments in the intermediate and downstream part of the estuary. In a current context of climate change associated with strong anthropogenic impacts, this study highlights the need to use historical archives, in-situ data coupled with a numerical model to better understand the past and present evolution of hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics
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HUNG, RUO-EN, i 洪若恩. "The Memory of Stone tidal weir during Japanese-Occupied period-A Case of the Archives of Office of Taiwan Governor-General". Thesis, 2018.

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Stone tidal weir is a long-established intertidal fishery in Taiwan. It not only has a relatively high value of historical history, but also makes a considerable contribution to Taiwan's early local fisheries. Stone tidal weir’s distribution covers the coastal areas along the coast of northern Taiwan and the fisheries along the shores of the Penghu region. It is an indispensable fishing method. Stone tidal weir is a man-made object built of dry stones in shallow water. It is easily damaged by wind waves and must be maintained regularly to maintain its state. However, after the 1970s, the benefits of other fisheries have greatly increased, making Stone tidal weir s benefits relatively poor, and fishermen are no longer paying attention to the operation of the Stone tidal weir fishery. In 2009, the Ministry of Culture listed Penghu Stone tidal weir Group as one of the 18 potential sites of Taiwan's world heritage. This shows its preciousness. The purpose of this study is to categorize Taiwan’s Stone tidal weir in the Meiji period from the files of the Governor’s Office in Taiwan and the Governor’s Office in Taiwan. Through content analysis, it can be seen that the distribution and quantity of Taiwan’s Shihu in today’s Taiwan and today’s differences, and through the map The nested approach will complete the Taiwan-Shanghai Shihu knowledge system. Finally, this study makes conclusions and recommendations, provides reference for the government and follow-up researchers, and will continue to preserve the Stone tidal weir culture.
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Mullan, Sean. "Tidal sedimentology and geomorphology in the central Salish Sea straits, British Columbia and Washington State". Thesis, 2017.

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Intra-archipelago waterways, including tidal strait networks, present a complex set of barriers to, and conduits for sediment transport between marine basins. Tidal straits may also be the least well understood tide-dominated sedimentary environment. To address these issues, currents, sediment transport pathways, and seabed sedimentology & geomorphology were studied in the central Salish Sea (Gulf and San Juan Islands region) of British Columbia, Canada and Washington State, USA. A variety of data types were integrated: 3D & 2D tidal models, multibeam bathymetry & backscatter, seabed video, grab samples, cores and seismic reflection. This dissertation included the first regional sediment transport modelling study of the central Salish Sea. Lagrangian particle dispersal simulations were driven by 2D tidal hydrodynamics (~59-days). It was found that flood-tide dominance through narrow intra-archipelago connecting straits resulted in the transfer of sediment into the inland Strait of Georgia, an apparent sediment sink. The formative/maintenance processes at a variety of seabed landforms, including a banner bank with giant dunes, were explained with modelled tides and sediment transport. Deglacial history and modern lateral sedimentological and morphological transitions were also considered. Based on this modern environment, adjustments to the tidal strait facies model were identified. In addition, erosion and deposition patterns across the banner bank (dune complex) were monitored with 8-repeat multibeam sonar surveys (~10 years). With these data, spatially variable bathymetric change detection techniques were explored: A) a cell-by-cell probabilistic depth uncertainty-based threshold (t-test); and B) coherent clusters of change pixels identified with the local Moran's Ii spatial autocorrelation statistic. Uncertainty about volumetric change is a considerable challenge in seabed change research, compared to terrestrial studies. Consideration of volumetric change confidence intervals tempers interpretations and communicates metadata. Techniques A & B may both be used to restrict volumetric change calculations in area, to exclude low relative bathymetric change signal areas.
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Części książek na temat "Bathymetric and tidal archives"


Plecha, S., S. Rodrigues, P. Silva, J. Dias, A. Oliveira i A. Fortunato. "Trends of bathymetric variations at a tidal inlet". W River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2007, Two Volume Set, 19–23. CRC Press, 2007.

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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Bathymetric and tidal archives"


Lafon, Virginie M., J. M. Froidefond i P. Castaing. "Bathymetric mapping by SPOT images to quantify sand movement in the tidal inlet of Arcachon, France". W Aerospace Remote Sensing '97, redaktorzy Giovanna Cecchi, Edwin T. Engman i Eugenio Zilioli. SPIE, 1997.

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Hanson, Hans, Magnus Larson i Nicholas C. Kraus. "A New Approach to Represent Tidal Currents and Bathymetric Features in the One-Line Model Concept". W Fourth Conference on Coastal Dynamics. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001.

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