Kusuma Wijayanti, Puspita Adhi, i Surya Cahyadi. "Antecedents-Consequences Modification to Decrease Hyper-activity and Improve Attention of Child with ADHD". JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 13, nr 2 (30.11.2019): 232–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/jpud.132.03.
The prevalence of ADHD children increases every year. Some researchers have shown that psychosocial behavior therapy (antecedents-consequences modification) was effective to decrease hyperactivity and increase attention to ADHD children. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of antecedents-consequences modification by parents and teachers to decrease hyperactivity and increase attention to a 6 years old boy with ADHD. The study was a single case experimental design. Psychosocial behavior therapy has been used with antecedents-consequences modification. The antecedents-consequences modification was applied by teacher at school and parents at home. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Results showed that there’s a significant decrease of hyperactivity behavior and significant increase of doing his assignment both at school and also at home. Not only about the content of behavior therapy itself, but how to give the therapy is important. Parents and teacher should do the therapy consistently, immediately, specifically and saliency to reach the target of intervention.
Keywords: ADHD Children, Antecedents, Consequences, Modification
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