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Boyer, Loreleï. "Causes et conséquences évolutives de l’asexualité non-clonale chez Artemia". Thesis, Université de Montpellier (2022-….), 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022UMONG006.

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La majorité des espèces parthénogétiques sont souvent perçues comme clonales. La clonalité est coûteuse à long terme, car elle peut entraîner l'accumulation de mutations délétères et une moins bonne capacité d’adaptation. Cependant, les cas d’espèces asexuées non clonales s'accumulent. L’asexualité non-clonale génère des conséquences génomiques et de fitness très différentes de la clonalité, et pourraient représenter une étape-clé dans la transition du sexe vers l’asexualité. De plus, l’asexualité peut être souvent non-obligatoire, avec des événements de sexe cryptiques. Ces évènements peuvent aussi façonner le génome et l'évolution des lignées asexuées. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié le mode de reproduction d'Artemia parthenogenetica, et son rôle dans la transition du sexe vers l'asexualité et l'évolution des lignées asexuées. En particulier, j'ai utilisé la capacité des mâles produits par voie asexuée (“mâles rares”) à se croiser avec des femelles sexuées et à transmettre l’asexualité à leurs descendants (asexualité contagieuse), pour générer expérimentalement de nouvelles lignées. J’ai montré que les Artemia asexués diploïdes ont un mode de reproduction non-clonal, dans lequel la recombinaison entraîne une perte d'hétérozygotie (LOH, pour “loss of heterozygosity”) chez les descendants. Le LOH est coûteux car il peut révéler des mutations délétères récessives. Peut-être en raison de la sélection causée par les conséquences délétères du LOH, le taux de recombinaison chez les Artemia asexués était plus faible que chez une espèce sexuée apparentée. J'ai également constaté que les hybrides sexués avaient une reproduction mixte sexuée et asexuée, et que les femelles asexuées issues de populations naturelles étaient capables de sexe rare. Cela signifie que des événements rares de sexe chez les Artemia asexués pourraient se produire entre un mâle rare et une femelle asexuée se reproduisant sexuellement. En effectuant une revue de la façon don t les modes de reproduction asexués sont identifiés dans la littérature, j'ai constaté que l'identification et la perception générale des asexués étaient biaisées en faveur de la clonalité, car une grande partie des espèces asexuées examinées étaient en fait non-clonales, et les preuves de la clonalité étaient souvent insuffisantes. En outre, la majorité des asexués non-clonaux avaient des modes de reproduction qui entraînaient de faibles taux de LOH. Cela suggère que les asexués non-clonaux évoluent souvent secondairement vers une reproduction plus clonale. Ainsi, même les espèces clonales pourraient ne pas avoir été clonales au cours de leur histoire évolutive. Enfin, avec une analyse génomique sur de nouvelles lignées générées par contagion, j'ai démontré que chez Artemia, les mâles rares sont produits asexuellement par recombinaison et donc LOH sur les chromosomes sexuels ZW. Nous savons que l'asexualité contagieuse, et peut-être des croisements entre lignées, ont eu lieu au cou rs de l'histoire évolutive d'A. parthenogenetica. L'asexualité contagieuse et/ou des événements sexuels chez les asexués constituent peut-être des opportunités pour que le(s) gène(s) contrôlant l'asexualité s'échappe(nt) des lignées en déclin vers de nouvelles lignées. Dans ce cas, l'asexualité contagieuse par le biais de mâles rares pourrait être la raison pour laquelle la recombinaison persiste chez les Artemia asexués. Chez de nombreuses espèces, l’identification de l’asexualité non clonale et des événements de sexe n'est toujours pas claire et nécessite une étude approfondie. Théoriquement, il y a un fort besoin de modèles prenant en compte les conséquences génomiques de l'asexualité non-clonale et non-obligatoire, et leur rôle dans la transition du sexe vers l'asexualité et la maintenance du sexe
The majority of parthenogenetic species are often thought to be clonal. Clonality is costly in the long term, as it can result in accumulation of deleterious mutations and lower adaptability. However, cases reporting non-clonal asexuals are accumulating. Non-clonal asexuality has very different genomic and fitness consequences compared to clonality, and may be a key intermediate step in the transition from sex to asexuality. Additionally, asexuality may be often non-obligate, with events of cryptic sex. These events may also shape the genome and evolution of asexual lineages. In this PhD, I investigated the reproductive mode of Artemia parthenogenetica and its role in the transition from sex to asexuality and the evolution of asexual lineages. Specifically, I used the capacity of asexually produced males (“rare males”) to cross with sexual females and transmit asexuality to their offspring (contagious asexuality), to experimentally generate new lineages. I showed that diploid asexual Artemia have a non-clonal reproductive mode, in which recombination results in loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the offspring. LOH is costly as it can reveal recessive deleterious mutations. Perhaps due to selection caused by the deleterious consequences of LOH, the recombination rate in these asexuals was lower than in a closely related sexual species. I also found that sex-asex hybrids had a mixed sexual and asexual reproduction, and that asexual females from natural populations were capable of rare sex. This means that rare events of sex in asexual Artemia could occur between a rare male and an asexual female reproducing sexually. In a review of how asexual reproductive modes were identified in the literature, I found that there was a bias in the identification and general perception of asexuals toward clonality, as an important part of the asexual species reviewed were in fact non-clonal, and evidence for clonality was often missing. Furthermore, the maj ority of non-clonal asexuals had reproductive modes that resulted in low LOH. This suggests that non-clonal asexuals often evolve secondarily toward a more clonal-like reproduction, so that even clonal species may not have been clonal throughout their evolutionary history. Finally, using genomics on contagion-generated lineages, I found that in Artemia, rare males are produced asexually through recombination and thus LOH on the ZW sex chromosomes. We know that contagious asexuality, and possibly between-lineages crosses, occurred in the evolutionary history of A. parthenogenetica. Perhaps, contagious asexuality and/or within asexual sex events provide opportunities for the gene(s) controlling asexuality to escape declining lineages into new ones. In this case, contagious asexuality through rare males may be the reason why recombination persists in asexual Artemia. Whether non-clonal asexuality and sex events occur in many parthenogenetic species is still unclear, and requires thorou gh investigation. Theoretically, there is a strong need for models taking into account the genomic consequences of non-clonal and non-obligate asexuality, and their role in the transition from sex to asexuality and the maintenance of sex
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De, Ory Zoé. "Un non-désir qui dit son nom : enquête sur une auto-identification émergente, l'asexualité". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024EHES0048.

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À la croisée de la sociologie de la « déviance », de la sociologie de la sexualité et du genre, et de la critique des sciences, cette thèse porte sur un groupe social émergent : les personnes qui s'identifient en tant qu'asexuelles. Venant compléter d'un A le sigle LGBTQIA (+), ces personnes revendiquent une absence de désir et/ou d'attirance sexuelle pour autrui. La recherche s'appuie principalement sur une enquête qualitative par entretiens. Ont été recueillis et analysés les discours, revendications et récits autobiographiques de personnes asexuelles auto-identifiées résidant en France, militantes ou non. Ont aussi été interrogés un ensemble de sexologues et de psychothérapeutes, ainsi qu'un groupe témoin de personnes ne s'identifiant pas à l'asexualité et rapportant des « problèmes » dans leur vie sexuelle. Des événements collectifs (réunions, Marche des fiertés, congrès de sexologie) ont également été observés. L'idée, par ce travail et l'articulation de ces divers matériaux, était d'une part de s'intéresser en profondeur à cette auto-identification historiquement très récente, d'en mieux cerner les contours, les caractéristiques et les enjeux, et d'autre part de questionner le traitement social ordinaire du non-désir sexuel pour autrui, le plus souvent impensé ou implicitement problématisé, à la lumière des normes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, de sexualité, de genre, de santé, d'identité
This thesis uses tools from labelling theory, sociology of “deviance”, sociology of sexuality and gender and criticism of science to focus on an emergent social group: individuals who self-identify as asexual, completing the acronym LGBTQIA(+) and reporting an absence of sexual desire for and/or sexual attraction to others. The dissertation is based on a qualitative survey and on a series of interviews. Discourses and trajectories of French self-identified asexuals (vocal activists or not) have been collected and analyzed. Sexologists and psychotherapists, and individuals having reported some sexual “issues” (without asexual self-identification) have also been interviewed. Finally, collective/community events (meetings, LGBT/Gay Pride, sexology conference in France) have been observed. The purpose of this research was, first of all, to study in detail this recent self-identification (asexuality) in order to better understand its characteristics and its implications, its words and its actions. Moreover, this work tries to highlight the ordinary conception of non-desire, and to propose a reflection, through asexuality, on sexuality, gender, health and identity standards
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Yule, Morag Allison. "Furthering our understanding of asexuality : an investigation into biological markers of asexuality, and the development of the Asexuality Identification Scale". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/36901.

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Human asexuality is defined as an absence of sexual attraction to anyone. Approximately 1% of the population is thought to be asexual. However, there has been a paucity of research into correlates of asexuality as well as into how asexuality is best conceptualized. This is in part due to logistical difficulties in recruiting and identifying representative samples of asexuals. Because of the low prevalence rate of asexuality, and the relatively recent emergence of asexual communities, many individuals who lack sexual attraction may not self-identify as asexual. Previous studies have recruited asexual participants via online web-communities, and relied on self-identification as asexual, which may result in non-representative sampling. The purpose of this study was two-fold. Firstly, in response to continuing debate as to whether asexuality is better understood as a sexual orientation or as a sexual dysfunction, Study 1 aimed to investigate the claim that asexuality would best be conceptualized as a sexual orientation in a large internet sample. Biological markers such as finger length ratios, handedness, and older siblings have may be related to prenatal development, and have been linked to sexual orientation. Asexual men and women were more likely to be non-right-handed than their heterosexual counterparts, and there were significant differences between sexual orientation groups on the number of older brothers and older sisters, and this differed depending on handedness. We found no significant differences between sexual orientation groups on measurements of 2D:4D ratio. However, this is likely due to the relatively small sample size. This is the first study to test and provide empirical support for an underlying biological etiology to account for the lack of sexual attraction characteristic of asexuality. Study 2 presents the development of a brief, self-report measure of asexuality. Initial testing of questionnaire items identified by an expert panel was followed by a study aimed at further refining the questionnaire. Based on discriminant analysis as well as reliability and validity tests, a 10-item measure was identified, and was found to be able to distinguish between sexual and asexual individuals. This measure will be used to obtain more representative samples of asexuals in future research.
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Sharbrough, Joel. "Genomic and phenotypic consequences of asexuality". Diss., University of Iowa, 2016. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/2140.

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Sexual reproduction is expected to facilitate the removal of deleterious mutations from populations because biparental inheritance (i.e., segregation) and recombination during meiosis break down linkage disequilibria (LD), allowing mutations to be selected independently from their genetic background. Accordingly, the absence of recombination and segregation is expected to increase selective interference between loci, translating into reduced efficacy of natural selection. While there now exist multiple lines of evidence demonstrating that asexual lineages do experience accelerated accumulation of putatively harmful mutations, whether these mutations influence phenotype in a manner that could contribute to the maintenance of sex remains almost entirely unevaluated. Here, I use the New Zealand freshwater snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, to address these questions. In particular, I take advantage of the fact that the mitochondrial genome is expected to suffer from these mutational effects and interacts extensively with the nuclear genome to evaluate potential harmful effects of mutation accumulation in asexuals on a genome-wide scale. I present evidence that harmful mutations remain extant longer in asexual populations than in sexual populations, that the degree of functional constraint determines the extent of mutation accumulation in asexuals, that there is genetic variation for mitochondrial function in asexual lineages of P. antipodarum, and that phenotypic variation for mitochondrial function is mediated by both genetic and environmental variation. Together, these analyses provide strong evidence that asexual lineages are accumulating deleterious mutations, and that there is genetic variation, structured by lake, for mitochondrial function.
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Yule, Morag Allison. "Asexuality : investigations into a lack of sexual attraction". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/58647.

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Human asexuality is generally defined as a lack of sexual attraction. Various theories have been proposed to explain how asexuality should best be conceptualized, including that asexuality should be classified as a sexual orientation, that it is due to a mental health difficulty, that it is an extreme variant of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), or that some asexual individuals actually experience a paraphilia of some kind. This dissertation employed a series of Internet-based research studies to investigate these three topics: an examination into mental health correlates of asexuality, a comparison of asexual individuals with individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for HSDD, and an investigation into patterns of sexual fantasy among asexual individuals. By investigating these topics, I sought to test whether asexuality might be a psychopathology, sexual dysfunction, or a paraphilia, with the ultimate goal of testing my hypothesis that asexuality is, in fact, a unique sexual orientation. My findings suggested that asexuality may be associated with higher prevalence of mental health and interpersonal problems, including anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, psychoticism, and suicidality, but that it is not, itself, a mental disorder. I concluded that this may be in response to perceived stigma against their sexual orientation, which might lead to psychological symptoms, or that lack of sexual attraction may arise from an underlying difficulty such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. Next, I found that asexuality is unique from the well-known sexual dysfunction HSDD. In my test of whether asexuality was a paraphilia, I found that asexual individuals were less likely to masturbate than sexual individuals, and that they were more likely to report never having had a sexual fantasy. Further, there was a large amount of unexpected overlap in the content of sexual fantasies between asexual and sexual participants. Together, these findings suggest that at least some asexual individuals may have a paraphilia. Overall, this dissertation highlights that no single theory can explain asexuality, and underscores the diversity among the asexual population. This dissertation leads to a number of new hypotheses about the nature of asexuality that will be the focus of future research.
Arts, Faculty of
Psychology, Department of
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Lilja, Malin. "“This is who I am” : Representation av asexualitet i samtida coming of age-litteratur". Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-42677.

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Syftet med studien är att utforska representationer av asexualitet i samtida coming of age-ungdomsromaner med fokus på hur asexualitet (o)möjliggörs som en oproblematiserad position. Detta görs genom en närläsning av romanerna Tash Hearts Tolstoy, Let’s Talk About Love, Loveless och Beyond the Black Door utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. Romanernas skildringar av asexualitet utmanar föreställningar om att sexuellt begär är en essentiell del i vuxenblivandet och tillåter den asexuella positionen att existera utan att formas av negativa stereotyper. Romanernas huvudpersoner genomgår processer av att komma till insikt om sin asexuella identitet, acceptera den för sig själva och komma ut med den för omgivningen. Den obligatoriska sexualiteten är ständigt närvarande i dessa processer men det är den asexuella positionens marginaliserade position jämte den obligatoriska sexualiteten som framställs som problemet snarare än asexualiteten i sig.
The aim of the study is to explore representations of asexuality in contemporary coming of age young adult novels with a focus on how asexuality is made (im)possible as an unproblematic position. This is done through a close reading of the novels Tash Hearts Tolstoy, Let’s Talk About Love, Loveless and Beyond the Black Door from a queer theoretical perspective. The novels’ depictions of asexuality challenge notions that sexual desire is an essential part of becoming an adult and allow the asexual position to exist without being shaped by negative stereotypes. The protagonists of the novels go through processes of realizing and accepting their asexuality for themselves and also coming out to their surroundings. Compulsory sexuality is constantly present in these processes, but it is the marginalization of the asexual position in relation to compulsory sexuality that is understood as the problem rather than asexuality itself.


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Lundmark, Magnus. "Evolution of asexuality in insects : Polyploidy, hybridization and geographical parthenogenesis". Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-980.

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Jackson, Sydney Nichole, i Sydney Nichole Jackson. "An Analysis of the Theoretical Origins and Persistance of Asexuality in Humans". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/625011.

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Asexuality is defined as a lack of sexual attraction to members of any sex or gender. This phenotype would be considered detrimental in the context of the fitness of the asexual individual, so the question on how this trait originated and continues to persist remains unanswered. Synthesizing studies on asexual humans, homosexual human genetics, evolutionary selection theories, and historical context, the issue of asexuality and the fitness of asexual individuals is considered from multiple points of view. While no clear conclusion is produced, the possibility of a combination of polygenic traits and cultural context not seen in most animal species is proposed as possibly asexuality’s initial origin and persistence in human populations. Further research is needed in queer studies and behavioral evolution before a more definite conclusion can be reached.
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Law, Jennifer Heather. "The evolution of geographic parthenogenesis and the persistence of asexuality in Timema walking-sticks". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/MQ61577.pdf.

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Larsson, Amanda. "“Jag vill ha mer än bara en försmak…” : En kvalitativ studie om sexuella rättigheter och fysisk funktionsnedsättning". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-41502.

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Being viewed as a sexual being is perhaps not something often considered by most able-bodied people. Yet, lacking that kind of consideration is not a luxury that people with physical impairments naturally get. The purpose of this study is to, by using the perspective of crip theory and the social model, examine how the societal view of physical impairment and sexuality affect people with physical impairments and their ability to express and act on their sexuality. Five interviews were transcribed from two podcasts wherein four interviewees, two cisgendered men and two cisgendered women, talk about their personal experiences with navigating a socially, and sometimes physically, inaccessible sexual marketplace. Results show that all four interviewees agree that a societal view of people with physical impairments as unattractive and asexual has affected their self-esteem and self-image by having internalized the societal ableist attitudes of what it means to have an attractive body and to be an attractive partner. Results also show how the female interviewees have experienced an increased need for affirmations of their physical attractiveness through sexual and romantic relationships and how they believe these needs to be grounded in their internalized ableism.  Furthermore, the results of this study reveal how the male interviewees believe their acts of having bought sexual services from sexual surrogates to be grounded in the sexual exclusion they experience from the sexual market because of their physical impairments.
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Ugglesjö, Caroline. "En diskursiv icke-identitet? : Ett anspråk på asexualitet inom vardagens sexualitetsdiskurs". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för hälsa och samhälle (HOS), 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-25902.

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Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur avståndstagandet från sexuell praktik – det vill säga asexualitet – problematiseras inom vardagliga kanaler, så som inom film och media. I det samtida samhället utgör den heterosexuellt aktiva parrelationen en norm utifrån vilken alla andra intima relationer jämförs, granskas och bedöms. Genom att analysera och dekonstruera denna sexualitetsdiskurs traditionellt tvingande praxis, lägger uppsatsen vidare fokus på att synliggöra den asexuella erfarenheten i relation till nämnd heteronorm. Uppsatsens material utgörs av tre filmer som på sina respektive sätt presenterar, och samtalar kring, sex, sexualitet och sexuell identitet. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter representeras av Michel Foucault och hans resonemang kring diskurs, sexualitet och queer, samt av Judith Butler och hennes resonemang kring den heterosexuella matrisen, kön och genus. Resultatet visar i huvudsak att talet om asexualitet endast kan förekomma i samband med talet om sexualitet. Detta motsatsförhållande leder till återbekräftandet av heterosexualitet som den korrekta sexualiteten, vilket både tycks begränsa och möjliggöra för asexualitet: Begränsa på så sätt att det asexuella inte kan talas om, om det inte sätts i relation till något (heterosexualitet i detta fall) – samt möjliggöra på så sätt att man inom just denna motsatsrelation finner utrymme att uttrycka och vidareutveckla en queer-inspirerad, asexuell ordlista och identitet.
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Hagren, Idevall Karin. "Konstruktioner av queer : Interdiskursivitet och pendlande positioneringar i samtal om kön, sexualitet och relationer". Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för kommunikation, medier och it, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-9026.

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Denna studie utgår från tre fokusgruppsamtal med sammanlagt tio personer som betraktar sig själva som queera. Syftet har varit att analysera positioneringar i relation till diskurser som konstituerar kön, sexualitet och relationer, och hur dessa positioneringar och diskurser konstrueras språkligt. Feminist Post-structuralist Discourse Analysis har använts som teori och metod, kompletterad med en analys utifrån systemisk-funktionell grammatik. Analysen har visat hur deltagarna genomgående konstruerar ett ifrågasättande av normer som organiserar och kategoriserar kön, sexualitet och relationer. Utifrån queer positionering har kön och sexualitet genom agentiva verbprocesser konstruerats som dynamiska och mångfaldiga. Även anti-hierarkiska och feministiska diskurser, tillsammans med en ovilja att definiera sexuell läggning och relationer, genomsyrar samtalen. Vidare har det framgått att queer konstrueras som perspektiv, men även som en praktikgemenskap med gränser för vad och vem som är queer. En analys av diskursers samspel med varandra har synliggjort ämnen som på olika sätt utmanar queers gränser, bland annat könsseparatism, pronomenet hen, pornografi och asexualitet. Analysen har dessutom visat att det queera subjektet rör sig mellan olika positioneringar beroende på kontexten, och att positioneringar kan vara såväl intentionella som påtvingade. Den queera pendlar därmed mellan makt och maktlöshet beroende på relationen till andra individer och diskurser.
This thesis is based on three focus group discussions including a total of ten individuals who consider them selves as being queer. The research aim has been to analyze subject positionings in relation to discourses that constitute gender, sexuality and relationships, and how these positionings and discourses are linguistically produced. Feminist Post-structuralist Discourse Analysis, complemented by a systemic-functional grammar analysis, has been the theoretical and methodological approach. The result has shown how the participants consistently position them selves against norms that organizes and categorizes gender, sexuality and relationships. The participants have from queer positionings as agents in verb processes articulated sexuality and gender as dynamic and multiplex. They have also drawn on anti-hierarchical and feminist discourses, as well as articulated a resistance to define sexual orientation and relationships. Queer has been produced as a perspective, but also as a community of practice with it's own norms for what and who can be considered as queer. An analysis of interaction among discourses has exposed issues that challenge the borders of queer, for example gender separatism, gender neutral pronouns, pornography and asexuality. The analysis has furthermore shown that the queer subject move amongst different positionings depending on the context, and that positionings can be intentional as well as imposed. The queer individual is therefore oscillating between power and powerlessness depending on the relationship to other individuals and discourses.
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Burén, Anna Maria. "Kärlek utan sex". Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Discourse Studies, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-1636.

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Ett ord som på pappret inte tar så stor plats, men som i verkligheten är både laddat och exponerat. Sex kittlar och fascinerar. Men det finns också en annan värld, bortom penetration och petting. Denna artikelserie skildrar två olika delar av en verklighet utan det där som alla pratar om.

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Cuthbert, Karen Lilian Kathleen. "Gender without sex(uality)? : exploring the relationship between gender and sexuality at the empirical sites of asexuality and sexual abstinence". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2017. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/8633/.

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This thesis is a case study of the relationship between gender and sexuality at the empirical sites of asexuality and sexual abstinence. Whilst this relationship has been theorised in a number of ways, there has been limited empirical research on how this relationship ‘works’ in practice, with extant studies focusing largely on transgender. I suggest that asexuality and abstinence represent an interesting site to explore this relationship since they represent, for want of a better term, a lack, absence, or negative sexuality (in that there is a lack of sexual attraction to others, or there is an abstention from sexual activity). The study is also warranted due to the insufficient sociological research on abstinence, as well as the limitations of the literature and research in the nascent interdisciplinary field of asexuality studies. Through conducting qualitative research (using interviews and notebooks) with 33 participants who identified as asexual or abstinent, I found that gender and sexuality were experienced as entangled in the lives of participants. With reference to the socio-structural context of hetero-patriarchy, I trace how ideas about sexual desire, sexual activity and sexual agency are (still) gendered, and how this impacts on both the construction of abstinence and asexuality as concepts, as well as in the experiences participants had as asexual people or as people who were practising abstinence. I also explore how sexuality was central to participants’ understandings of gender, and how this affected their gender identities, gendered appearances, and experiences of gendered embodiment. Ultimately, this thesis argues for the importance in theorising and researching gender and sexuality together, and in particular, for the importance of ‘gendering’ sexualities research.
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Santos, Valéria Konc dos. "(AS)Sexualidades: processo de subjetivação e resistência". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2016. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/19428.

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Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-11-29T11:28:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Valéria Konc dos Santos.pdf: 727860 bytes, checksum: 8d8b61e24491b13f861608825f5e02cc (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-29T11:28:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valéria Konc dos Santos.pdf: 727860 bytes, checksum: 8d8b61e24491b13f861608825f5e02cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-03
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The term asexuality is understood in this work as a sexuality array characterized by the absence of sexual attraction or/and sexual activity. Asexuality has become of popular interest over the last years as the mainstream media has given some attention to the subject. Seen as a “novelty” in sexual multiplicities, it still needs further research. This dissertation embraces a theoretical investigation, approaching the locus of communities in virtual space and support forums. It addresses the problem of conceptualization and apprehension of asexuality in a context which many of its features are tangled in essentialist discourses (that define it as a fourth sexual orientation), political and identity discourses (especially when it becomes a movement fighting for recognition — observed in the major asexual communities), or in subject's singular processes. On the other hand, it also can be problematized through the queer approach directed at deconstructing and subverting heteronormative sexuality, as asexuality phenomena also strengthens the struggle and creation of that “new” that disturbs the status quo. People who think of themselves as asexual are beyond the limits of normative sexuality. They affirm that their condition is not a result of trauma, sexual repression, hormonal problems, religious choice, or explained by any other regulatory discourse. Thus, the discussion proposed here indicates that asexual people show rhizomatic and polymorphic sexuality. Although asexuality is encompassed in historical and social conditions that still nourish conservative and colonial thoughts, the conclusion of this work suggests that sexuality may be viewed as a line of flight and, therefore, it entails a micro-political force that struggles to prevent its own suppression as well as its weakening
humana caracterizada pela ausência de atração sexual e/ou ato sexual, vêm se popularizando nas grandes mídias, causando curiosidade e estranheza. Por ser considerada uma “novidade” dentro das multiplicidades sexuais, a assexualidade ainda carece de estudos mais profundos sobre o tema. Esta dissertação faz uma revisão bibliográfica, enfatizando o espaço virtual, lócus de comunidades e fóruns de apoio entre seus membros. A análise sobre o tema, discute sua difícil conceituação e entendimento, sobretudo porque vários aspectos se fundem a discursos essencialistas (quando é caracterizada como uma quarta orientação sexual), políticos e identitários (sobretudo quando se torna um movimento que luta por reconhecimento, tal como observado nas principais comunidades assexuais), até aos processos singulares do sujeito. Por outro lado, também pode ser problematizada através da abordagem queer, que atua na desestabilização e desconstrução da sexualidade heteronormativa, princípio que também se aplica a assexualidade enquanto um fenômeno que atua na resistência e na criação de um “novo” que perturbe o status quo. As pessoas que se autodenominam como assexuais, fogem do padrão da sexualidade normativa e enfatizam que sua condição como tal não está atrelada a traumas, repressão sexual, problema hormonal, escolha religiosa ou qualquer outro discurso regulatório. Desse modo, a discussão provocada sugere que os assexuais apresentam uma sexualidade rizomática e polimorfa. E a conclusão compreende que a assexualidade, apesar de estar elencado a fatores históricos e sociais de uma sociedade que ainda exibe resquícios de um pensamento conservador e colonial, também é uma linha de fuga e, nesse sentido, se modela como uma força micropolítica, que busca não permitir seu esmagamento e tampouco seu esvaecimento
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Bezerra, Paulo Victor [UNESP]. "Avessos do excesso: a assexualidade". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/132159.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T14:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-06-19. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-12-10T14:30:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000851866_20170619.pdf: 257973 bytes, checksum: bebafa46e100f222c5f81a7de0492c6c (MD5) Bitstreams deleted on 2017-06-19T16:12:34Z: 000851866_20170619.pdf,. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2017-06-19T16:13:19Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000851866.pdf: 977149 bytes, checksum: 6878f11a0b50f05b98d6395c5b0d3263 (MD5)
Os assexuais se definem como pessoas que não sentem atração sexual. A ideia de um sujeito assexual traz à tona discussões acerca dos usos políticos do sexo, coloca em exame as epistemologias da sexualidade e suscita debates a propósito dos modos de subjetivação contemporâneos. Nesta tese, procura-se apresentar o percurso científico da assexualidade e traçar uma compreensão sobre esse fenômeno. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se uma narrativa minuciosa de toda a produção bibliográfica sobre o tema, contemplando todos os artigos e livros publicados até o presente, bem como aquelas fontes mais antigas que se relacionavam diretamente com a assexualidade. Compilou-se essas leituras de modo a reconstruir, identificar e contextualizar as primeiras menções ao termo e os desdobramentos do surgimento das comunidades virtuais de assexuais, fato que impulsionou e justifica a atual produção acadêmica a esse respeito. Aponta-se que a produção científica sobre a assexualidade reflete em muito o campo de produção acadêmica em sexualidade, contendo os principais elementos deste último: uma preponderância das tarefas de legitimar, universalizar e naturalizar, geralmente amparadas por uma visão biologista, mas, também contém uma porção de produções críticas e engajadas com a visão das políticas de identidade e de uso do sexo. No segundo capítulo, toma-se como objeto de estudo a assexualidade, e não os assexuais. A partir de alguns artigos, da navegação por seus loci virtuais de encontro e de autores contemporâneos, apresenta-se uma possibilidade de entendimento acerca desse grupo, identificando-o como uma tribo virtual. Ademais, articulam-se as concepções de sociedade do simulacro, do espetáculo, do sujeito da aparência e da subjetividade forjada pelo trabalho imaterial, entre outras, a fim de compreender a emergência da assexualidade e a posição que ela toma nesse cenário...
The Asexuals define themselves as people who do not experience sexual attraccion. The idea of an asexual individual brings up discussions about the political uses of sex, calls into question the epistemology of sexuality and raises debates about contemporary modes of subjectification. This thesis presents the scientific development of asexuality and outlines some understanding on the issue. The first chapter provides a detailed narrative of all the scientific writings on asexuality, covering every article and book published until now, including the early sources that somehow are related to it. These researches were compiled intending to rebuild identify and contextualize the first mentions to the idea of asexuality as well as the unfolding of the asexual's virual communities, which boosted the scientific production on this field. It is noted that the scientific production on asexuality is much like the scientific production on sexuality, rendering the main focusses of the last: the widely held task of legitimating, universalizing and naturalizing, commonly under a biological approach, but it also contains a fewer critical works, aligned with the policies of identity and uses of sex. The second chapter takes asexuality, instead of the asexual individuals, as object of study. Grounded on some articles, on the virtual sites of meeting as well as on some contemporary psychosocial theorists, a possibility of understanding about the group is presented, identifying it as a virtual tribe. Moreover, the ideas of simulacra society, spectacle society, the semblance subject and the subjectivity built over immaterial labor, amongst others, are coordinated in order to comprehend the emergency of asexuality and its position in the present, picturing it as both a form of subjectivation and of resistance. The third chapter reaches to position asexuality within the readings of Foucault's History of Sexuality...
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Göransson, Rebecka. ""Hela mitt liv har jag sagt att jag ligger runt" En studie om asexualitetens innebörd och dess relation till den obligatoriska sexualiteten". Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-27025.

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Asexualitet som begrepp är förhållandevis outforskat och omgärdas av många frågor, varför syftet med denna uppsats varit att belysa såväl asexualitetens innebörd som upplevelsen av att vara asexuell i ett samhälle där uttryckandet av sexualiteten ses som en avgörande del av individens hälsa och välmående. Inför denna uppsats har nio självidentifierade asexuella personer i åldrarna 18 till 45 år intervjuats och vägledande frågor i arbetet är; Hur beskriver informanterna asexualiteten och dess innebörd? Hur har informanternas individuella process till att anamma begreppet asexuell sett ut? Hur upplever informanterna att omgivningen bemöter/har bemött deras asexualitet, samt vilken uppfattning upplever de att omgivningen har kring asexualitet i stort? Påverkas informanterna av den obligatoriska sexualiteten som normsystem och hur återspeglas detta i så fall i deras berättelser?Studien visar att asexualitet är ett komplext begrepp som innefattar såväl individualism som mångfald. Asexuella personer möter en misstro och ett ifrågasättande från omgivningen utifrån ett antagande om en essentiell sexualitet, vilket återspeglar den obligatoriska sexualiteten som normsystem. Informanterna efterfrågar en förståelse för asexualitetens existens och en acceptans för att behovet av sexuella uttryck ser olika ut för alla människor. Vidare framkommer parallella beskrivningar av asexualiteten, som å ena sidan medfödd och inneboende del av individen och å andra sidan som någonting rörligt och i högsta grad föränderligt, vilket kan relateras till de normer som påverkar synen på asexualitet och andra icke-sexuella uttryck. Då dessa uttryck existerar, oavsett om de beskrivs som perioder av bristande lust eller livslång asexualitet, finns det ett värde i att bredda synen på såväl sexualiteten som asexualiteten. Detta då ett breddande kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för välmående i relation till såväl asexualiteten som sexualitetens föränderlighet under livets gång.
The concept of asexuality is relatively unexplored and surrounded by many questions, why the purpose of this essay has been to illustrate the meaning of asexuality as well as the experience of being asexual in a society where expressing your sexuality is considered to be a crucial part of the individual´s health and wellbeing. In this essay interviews have been conducted with nine self identified asexual individuals, aged 18 to 45 years and indicative questions in the essay are: How do the informants describe asexuality and its meaning? What has the individual process of embracing its meaning looked like? How do the informants experience society´s approach to asexuality and what percpetion of asexuality do they feel that society has over all? Are the informants affected by the compulsory sexuality as a normative system and if so, how is this reflected in their stories?This study shows that asexualty is a complex concept that includes both individualism and diversity. Asexual individuals face distrust and questioning attitudes in society, based on assumptions of an essential sexuality, which reflect compulsory sexuality as a normative system. The informants ask for an understanding of the excistence of asexuality, as well as acceptance of the fact that the need for sexual expressions is different for all people. Furthermore the study shows parallel descriptions of asexuality as congenital and inherent, as well as something highly variable, which can be related to the norms that affect the perception of asexuality and other non-sexual expressions. These expressions exist, regardless if they are described as temporary lack of sexual desire or life-long asexuality and therefore there is a value in broadening the perception of both sexuality and asexuality. This broadening can create better conditions for wellbeing in relation both to asexuality, and sexuality as changeable during the path of life.
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Mollet, Amanda Lyn. "“Maybe all these random experiences form a cohesive picture”: towards a grounded theory of asexual college students’ identity development". Diss., University of Iowa, 2018. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/6218.

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For many individuals, the college environment provides the context in which one develops sexual identity. To understand students’ sexual identity development, many theories exist including theories on heterosexuality, queer sexual identities, and those broadly covering all sexual identities. One commonality across these theories is the assumption that all people experience sexual attraction. For students who identify with the spectrum of asexual identities, existing theories do not account for their experiences. Moreover, in hyper-sexualized college environments entrenched in hookup culture, asexual students experience harassment and erasure. The purpose of this study is to develop a theory of asexual college students’ identity development considering the context of their collegiate environment. Having a theory of asexual students’ identity development will allow students to see their experiences represented in theory, provide a framework for student affairs professionals to develop services and resources to support asexual students, and provide theoretical contributions for further research about asexuality. This study uses qualitative inquiry to learn from participants’ stories and experiences by employing constructivist grounded theory methods. Study participants include undergraduate and graduate students who self-identify within the spectrum of asexual identities. The study acknowledges students’ multiple identities including race, gender, ability status, and romantic attraction to create a theory where diverse individuals are depicted. Two questions guide this study: 1) What is the process of asexual college student identity development? and 2) How does the college context influence asexual college students’ identity development?
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Bezerra, Paulo Victor. "Avessos do excesso : a assexualidade /". Assis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/132159.

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Orientador: José Sterza Justo
Banca: Fernando Silva Teixeira Filho
Banca: Diana Pancini de Sá Antunes Ribeiro
Banca: Rafael Siqueira de Guimarães
Banca: Paulo Roberto de Carvalho
Resumo: Os assexuais se definem como pessoas que não sentem atração sexual. A ideia de um sujeito assexual traz à tona discussões acerca dos usos políticos do sexo, coloca em exame as epistemologias da sexualidade e suscita debates a propósito dos modos de subjetivação contemporâneos. Nesta tese, procura-se apresentar o percurso científico da assexualidade e traçar uma compreensão sobre esse fenômeno. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se uma narrativa minuciosa de toda a produção bibliográfica sobre o tema, contemplando todos os artigos e livros publicados até o presente, bem como aquelas fontes mais antigas que se relacionavam diretamente com a assexualidade. Compilou-se essas leituras de modo a reconstruir, identificar e contextualizar as primeiras menções ao termo e os desdobramentos do surgimento das comunidades virtuais de assexuais, fato que impulsionou e justifica a atual produção acadêmica a esse respeito. Aponta-se que a produção científica sobre a assexualidade reflete em muito o campo de produção acadêmica em sexualidade, contendo os principais elementos deste último: uma preponderância das tarefas de legitimar, universalizar e naturalizar, geralmente amparadas por uma visão biologista, mas, também contém uma porção de produções críticas e engajadas com a visão das políticas de identidade e de uso do sexo. No segundo capítulo, toma-se como objeto de estudo a assexualidade, e não os assexuais. A partir de alguns artigos, da navegação por seus loci virtuais de encontro e de autores contemporâneos, apresenta-se uma possibilidade de entendimento acerca desse grupo, identificando-o como uma tribo virtual. Ademais, articulam-se as concepções de sociedade do simulacro, do espetáculo, do sujeito da aparência e da subjetividade forjada pelo trabalho imaterial, entre outras, a fim de compreender a emergência da assexualidade e a posição que ela toma nesse cenário...
Abstract: The Asexuals define themselves as people who do not experience sexual attraccion. The idea of an asexual individual brings up discussions about the political uses of sex, calls into question the epistemology of sexuality and raises debates about contemporary modes of subjectification. This thesis presents the scientific development of asexuality and outlines some understanding on the issue. The first chapter provides a detailed narrative of all the scientific writings on asexuality, covering every article and book published until now, including the early sources that somehow are related to it. These researches were compiled intending to rebuild identify and contextualize the first mentions to the idea of asexuality as well as the unfolding of the asexual's virual communities, which boosted the scientific production on this field. It is noted that the scientific production on asexuality is much like the scientific production on sexuality, rendering the main focusses of the last: the widely held task of legitimating, universalizing and naturalizing, commonly under a biological approach, but it also contains a fewer critical works, aligned with the policies of identity and uses of sex. The second chapter takes asexuality, instead of the asexual individuals, as object of study. Grounded on some articles, on the virtual sites of meeting as well as on some contemporary psychosocial theorists, a possibility of understanding about the group is presented, identifying it as a virtual tribe. Moreover, the ideas of simulacra society, spectacle society, the semblance subject and the subjectivity built over immaterial labor, amongst others, are coordinated in order to comprehend the emergency of asexuality and its position in the present, picturing it as both a form of subjectivation and of resistance. The third chapter reaches to position asexuality within the readings of Foucault's History of Sexuality...
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Wedeen, Maria, i Madeleine Wickenberg. "När den sexuella normen möter den asexuella patienten : En diskursanalys av intervjuer med ungdomsmottagningspersonal om sexualitet, bemötande och asexualitet". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-119458.

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Asexualitet är en sexuell identitet som först nyligen börjat få uppmärksamhet inom forskning och i samhällsdebatten. Det finns ytterst lite forskning på hur asexuella personer bemöts i samhället och mer specifikt i vården. Denna uppsats syftar därför till att skapa ökad förståelse för hur personal på ungdomsmottagningar i Sverige pratar om sexualitet och asexualitet. Studien är en diskursanalys av intervjuer med personal på ungdomsmottagningar i Mellansverige (N=7). Utifrån detta framkommer fyra teman: Den viktiga sexualiteten, Det goda bemötandet, Asexualitet och Det normativa samhället. Under dessa teman presenteras ett antal tolkningsrepertoarer som beskriver hur deltagarna talar om respektive tema. Det främsta fyndet i denna studie är att deltagarna konstruerar sexualitet på ett sätt som inte ger utrymme för asexualitet eller för asexuella personers upplevelser och att detta i sin tur krockar med hur de konstruerar ett gott bemötande.
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Bankers, Laura. "Parasites, ploidy, and sex: implications for gene expression and adaptive molecular evolution in Potamopyrgus antipodarum". Diss., University of Iowa, 2017. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/5709.

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The trajectory of evolutionary adaptation can be influenced both by the interactions of organisms with their environments as well as by the biological characteristics of the organisms themselves. My dissertation research uses the New Zealand freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum to 1) gain important insight into how coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites influence patterns of gene expression and genetic differentiation of hosts and, 2) evaluate how reproductive mode, and ploidy level affect patterns of adaptive molecular evolution. Coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites are a primary source of strong natural selection that can lead to rapid evolutionary change. Here, I used evaluation of patterns of gene expression and genetic differentiation to take critical steps towards characterizing the genomic basis of coevolutionary interactions between P. antipodarum and Microphallus livelyi. I found that M. livelyi-infected P. antipodarum exhibit systematic downregulation of genes relative to uninfected P. antipodarum. The specific genes involved in response to parasites differ markedly across lakes, consistent with population-specific host-parasite interactions leading to population-specific evolutionary trajectories. I also identified a set of rapidly evolving loci that represent promising candidates for targets of parasite-mediated selection across lakes as well as within each lake population. These results constitute the first genomic evidence for population-specific responses to coevolving infection in the P. antipodarum-M. livelyi interaction and provide new insights into the genomic basis of coevolutionary interactions in nature. I also generated and characterized the first transcriptomic resources for Microphallus parasites collected from two species of Potamopyrgus snails (P. antipodarum and P. estuarinus). These data both revealed that these parasites appear to represent distinct genetic lineages, which is interesting in light of the tight coevolutionary interactions between P. antipodarum and M. livelyi, and lay the groundwork for future research. Polyploidy has the potential to facilitate adaptive evolution by providing redundant genome copies that are free to evolve new functions. By contrast, asexuality, with which polyploidy is often associated, is expected to restrict adaptive evolution by decreasing the efficacy of natural selection and access to new genetic variation. I evaluated whether and how ploidy level and reproductive mode influence patterns of adaptive molecular evolution in P. antipodarum to assess 1) the potential evolutionary genomic benefits of recent polyploidy, and 2) how patterns of adaptive molecular evolution in asexuals are influenced by polyploidy. I compared patterns of positive selection in 60 genes across 27 P. antipodarum lineages (10 diploid sexuals, 12 triploid asexuals, 5 tetraploid asexuals) and a diploid sexual outgroup, Potamopyrgus estuarinus. I found little evidence that ploidy level and/or reproductive mode influence patterns of positive selection in P. antipodarum. Even so, this study provides initial steps in evaluating whether ploidy level and reproductive mode influence patterns of adaptive molecular evolution. Taken together, my dissertation work contributes new insights to the field of host-parasite coevolutionary interactions and will inform future studies into how ploidy level and reproductive mode influence patterns of adaptive molecular evolution.
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Lindgren, Matilda. "Obligatorisk Sexualitet och Asexuell Existens : Patologiserad olust, (a)sexuella (icke)subjekt och frånvaro av begär som (o)möjliggjord position". Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-1345.

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Mot bakgrund av att asexualitet på senare år formulerats som en möjlig sexuell identitet, orientering eller preferens är syftet med uppsatsen att teoretisera den asexuella positionen – här definierat som ”frånvaro av lust till sexuell praktik”. Detta görs genom en nära läsning av fyra texter som varit centrala inom feministisk och queer teoribildning, med intentionen att undersöka hur asexualitet positioneras i relation till dessa teorier. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna hämtas från feministiska och konstruktivistiska teorier om kön, sexualitet, makt och subjektstatus, främst Michel Foucault (1976)och Judith Butler (1990). Mina läsningar visar att i Gayle Rubins sexuella värdehierarki (1984) tilldelas positioner utifrån sexuellt aktörskap, och det är således sexuella subjekt som kan emanciperas. I Adrienne Rich’s text om obligatorisk heterosexualitet (1980) tillskrivs även den icke-sexuella kvinnan aktörskapet att undkomma tvångsheterosexualisering - Rich’s införande av ett lesbiskt kontinuum kan ses som en dekonstruktion av en sexuell kategori. I min läsning av Michael Warner (1993) frågar jag huruvida den queera metoden även kan användas till att ifrågasätta normer om att vara sexuell, och i min läsning av Butler (1990) diskuterar jag frånvaro av begär i relation till möjliga subjektspositioner inom ramen för en heterosexuell matris. I min slutdiskussion återknyter jag till Foucault, och problematiserar (a)sexualitet ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv. Jag avslutar med att problematisera den gränsdragning mellan sexuellt och icke-sexuellt vi alla ständigt avkrävs att göra.

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Erdmann, Georgia. "Community structure, trophic ecology and reproductive mode of oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari) in forest ecosystems". Thesis, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-000C-B7E7-7.

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Oliveira, Elisabete Regina Baptista de. "\"Minha vida de ameba\": os scripts sexo-normativos e a construção social das assexualidades na internet e na escola". Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/48/48134/tde-11052015-102351/.

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O objetivo desta pesquisa de doutorado é compreender as trajetórias de autoidentificação de indivíduos assexuais, com destaque para suas interações sociais na escola durante os anos da educação básica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, de natureza qualitativa e de perspectiva sociológica, que se insere nos estudos de diversidade sexual no âmbito escolar, sob a ótica de gênero. A assexualidade é compreendida, neste trabalho, como forma de viver a sexualidade caracterizada pelo desinteresse pela prática sexual, que pode ou não ser acompanhado pelo desinteresse por relacionamentos amorosos. O desinteresse sexual/amoroso - construído social, histórica e culturalmente como transtorno psicológico ou fisiológico - tem sido ressignificado, a partir do início do século XXI, como forma distinta e legítima de sexualidade, situada no espectro mais amplo da diversidade sexual. A emergência de comunidades assexuais virtuais, com vários graus de mobilização em diferentes países inclusive no Brasil - tem dado visibilidade a esta categoria e contribuído para fomentar a discussão e os estudos sobre a assexualidade. Para esta pesquisa, foram entrevistadas 40 pessoas autoidentificadas como assexuais - sendo 8 entrevistas presenciais e 32 entrevistas por e-mail -, as quais foram contatadas pelo Blog Assexualidades, ferramenta virtual de pesquisa criada com o objetivo de facilitar a comunicação com comunidades e indivíduos assexuais brasileiros. A análise teve por base a bibliografia construcionista sobre a sexualidade, com destaque para a Teoria dos Scripts Sexuais dos sociólogos norte-americanos John Gagnon e William Simon, bem como a teoria de gênero de Joan Scott, entre outros/as estudiosos/as da sexualidade na perspectiva construcionista. Os resultados da investigação mostram de que modo os scripts sexo-normativos - diretrizes baseadas em normas sociais que estabelecem o interesse sexual/amoroso como universal e a atividade sexual como compulsória nas relações amorosas, presentes nas construções de sexualidade e gênero - permeiam as experiências de autoidentificação dos/as entrevistados/as, sobretudo, em suas interações na internet e com os pares na instituição escolar. Por um lado, as comunidades virtuais e redes sociais têm um peso significativo na afirmação da assexualidade na contemporaneidade, uma vez que o conceito de assexualidade nasceu e tem se propagado na internet, agregando pessoas do mundo todo em torno da identidade assexual. Por outro lado, a escola se revela local imprescindível para a imposição dos padrões de gênero e sexualidade que chancelam scripts hetero e sexo-normativos, porém, muito ausente em relação ao debate sobre as especificidades da assexualidade e pouco presente na mediação das tensões que podem garantir ou violar o reconhecimento da diversidade sexual em suas ações no âmbito da educação em sexualidade.
The purpose of this doctoral research is to understand self-identification trajectories of asexual individuals, giving emphasis to their school experiences and interactions during basic education. This is an exploratory qualitative sociological research, part of school sexual diversity studies, under the perspective of gender. In this research, asexuality is understood as a form of sexuality characterized by the disinterest in sexual activity, which may or may not be accompanied by the lack of interest in romantic relationships. Sexual/romantic disinterest - constructed socially, historically and culturally as a psychological or physiological disorder - has been reinterpreted as of the beginning of the 20th century, as a distinct and legitimate form of sexuality, situated within the broader spectrum of sexual diversity. The emergence of online asexual communities, with varying degrees of mobilization in different countries - including Brazil - has given visibility to this category and has contributed to discussion and research about asexuality. For this research, I interviewed 40 self-identified asexual people 8 face to face interviews and 32 e-mail interviews - who were contacted through Blog Assexualidades, an online research tool created to facilitate communication with Brazilian asexual individuals and communities. The analysis was based on the constructionist literature on sexuality, particularly John Gagnon and William Simons Sexual Script Theory, as well as Joan Scotts gender theory, among other constructionist theorists. Research results show how sexual normative scripts i.e. assumptions based on the universality of sexual/romantic interest and the naturalization of sexual activity in romantic relationships as part of social construction of sexuality and gender - permeate respondents self-identification experiences, particularly in their internet interactions and their peer relations during the school years. On one hand, online communities and social networks play a significant role in the affirmation of asexuality in contemporaneity, taking into consideration the fact that asexuality was created and has expanded on the internet, gathering people from all over the world around an asexual identity. On the other hand, research findings show that the school environment has been essential for the imposition of gender and sexuality standards that legitimate sexual and heteronormative scripts. However, the school institution has been neglectful about the discussion of the specificities of asexuality and has been doing very little to mediate the tensions that can either guarantee or violate the recognition of sexual diversity in sexuality education initiatives.
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Åkesson, Matilda. "Asexualitetens (o)möjlighet : en kvalitativ studie om sexualnormativitet och identitet". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-108031.

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Syftet med studien som redovisas genom denna uppsats var att undersöka fenomenet asexualitet, genom att undersöka vilka normer som präglar informanternas, som identifierar sig med asexualitet eller som asexuella, berättelser om sina erfarenheter och tankar. Materialinsamlingen utfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med informanter som identifierar sig med asexualitet eller som asexuella och materialet analyserades genom grundad teori. I denna studie belyses aspekterna hur det är att leva som asexuell, vilka normer som genom sexualitet, ålder och genus existerar i relation till asexualiteten och vilken betydelse dessa förväntningar i form av normer får för informanterna och deras förhållningssätt till dessa normer, samt deras relation till begreppet asexuell och asexualitet som en identitet. Resultatet visar på att asexualiteten som identitet görs till en (o)möjlighet då den sexualnormativitet, de normer och begreppet asexualitet och dess mångfald gällande betydelse gör asexualiteten till både en möjlig och en omöjlig identitet.
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Defendini, Hélène. "Bases génétiques et conséquences évolutives de la perte de sexe dans le groupe des pucerons". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023NSARA094.

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La reproduction sexuée est considérée comme le mode de reproduction ancestral des eucaryotes, mais elle été perdue à plusieurs reprises dans de nombreux taxons. Comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels les lignées asexuées apparaissent et persistent dans le temps reste un défi majeur de la biologie évolutive. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai étudié les bases génétiques ainsi que les conséquences évolutives de la perte du sexe chez les pucerons, un groupe qui présente un polymorphisme de reproduction. Le mode de reproduction ancestral des pucerons est la parthénogenèse cyclique (CP, une alternance de plusieurs générations parthénogénétiques et d'une génération sexuée), mais la parthénogenèse obligatoire (OP) est fréquemment observée dans ce groupe. Les lignées OP dérivées ne sont pas capables de produire des femelles sexuées bien qu'elles conservent souvent la capacité de produire des mâles. Pour caractériser les régions génomiques impliquées dans la transition de la reproduction CP à OP, nous avons utilisé des approches de scan génomique sur différents taxons de pucerons plus ou moins proches génétiquement et présentant des variations de mode de reproduction. Nous avons montré que la base génétique de la perte du sexe est différente entre les taxons étudiés, sans convergence apparente dans le contenu génique ou les fonctions des gènes. Ainsi, plusieurs régions génomiques indépendantes peuvent être responsables de la perte du sexe chez les pucerons, ce qui suggère qu'il existe de nombreuses voies menant à l'asexualité dans ce groupe. Ensuite, nous avons étudié les conséquences évolutives de la perte du sexe sur les traits et les gènes essentiels à la reproduction sexuée. Comme il est peu probable que les mâles produits par les lignées OP transmettent leurs gènes (les lignées CP étant généralement séparées géographiquement des lignées OP), nous avons testé la prédiction selon laquelle les traits mâles dégénèrent. La production de mâles était en effet réduite dans les lignées OP, supposément en raison de la contre-sélection, mais le succès reproductif des mâles n'était que légèrement inférieur à celui des lignées CP, probablement en raison de la sélection relâchée qui agit lentement ou d’opportunités reproductives sous-estimées. Comme les lignées OP produisent rarement des mâles et ne produisent pas de femelles sexuées, l'expression génétique des femelles parthénogénétiques n'est plus contrainte par celle des autres morphes. Nous avons donc prédit que la disparition du conflit sexuel (qui survient lorsqu'il existe différents optima spécifiques à chaque morphe pour un trait partagé par différents morphes) entraînerait des changements d’expression des gènes. Nous avons donc comparé les profils d'expression génétique des lignées CP et OP pour différents morphes du puceron du pois. Nous avons observé que l'expression des gènes chez les mâles des lignées OP tendait vers l'optimum des femelles parthénogénétiques, comme le prévoyait la théorie. Plus surprenant, les mâles et les femelles parthénogénétiques des lignées OP surexpriment systématiquement des gènes exprimés dans les gonades des morphes sexués. Ces changements dans l'expression des gènes dans les lignées OP peuvent s’expliquer par un relâchement de la sélection ou la reconversion de réseaux de gènes autrement utilisés dans les lignées sexuées. Cette thèse illustre la pertinence de l'utilisation d'espèces aux systèmes de reproduction polymorphes pour comprendre l'histoire évolutive de la perte du sexe et ses conséquences
Sexual reproduction is considered the ancestral reproductive mode of eukaryotes, yet it has been lost several times in many taxa. Understanding the mechanisms by which asexual lineages appear and persist over time remains a major challenge of evolutionary biology. During my PhD, I investigated the genetic basis as well as the evolutionary consequences of sex loss in aphids, a group that displays reproductive polymorphism. The ancestral reproductive mode of aphids is cyclical parthenogenesis (CP, an alternation of several parthenogenetic generations and one sexual generation), but obligate parthenogenesis (OP) is frequently observed in this group. Derived OP lineages are not able to produce sexual females though they often retain the ability to produce males. First, to characterize genomic regions involved in the transition from CP to OP reproductive mode, we used genome scan approaches on different aphid taxa that are more or less genetically related and exhibit variation in reproductive mode. We showed that the genetic basis of sex loss is different between the studied taxa, with no apparent convergence in gene content norfunctions. Thus, several independent genomic regions may be responsible for sex loss in aphids, suggesting that there are many paths that lead to asexuality in this group. Second, we studied the evolutionary consequences of the loss of sex on traits and genes essential for sexual reproduction. Since the males produced by OP lineages are unlikely to pass on their genes (because CP lineages are usually separated from OP ones), we tested the prediction that male traits should degenerate. Male production was indeed reduced in OP lineages, supposedly resulting from counter-selection, but male reproductive success was only slightly lower than in CP lineages, presumably due to the slow action of relaxed selection orunderestimation of reproductive opportunities. As OP lineages produce rare males and also do not produce sexual females, the gene expression of parthenogenetic females in these OP lineages is no longer constrained by that of other morphs. We thus predicted that the disappearance of sexual conflict (which arises when there are different morph-specific optima for a trait shared by different morphs) would result in shifts of gene expression. We therefore compared gene expression patterns of CP and OP lineages for different morphs in the pea aphid. We observed that gene expression in males from OP lineages tended towards the parthenogenetic female optimum, as predicted by theory. More surprisingly, males and parthenogenetic females of OP lineages consistently over-expressed genes typically expressed in the gonads of sexual morphs. These changes in gene expression in OP lineages may arise from the relaxation of selection or the repurposing of gene networks otherwise used in sexual lineages. This thesis illustrates the relevance of using species with polymorphic reproductive systems to understand the evolutionary history of sex loss and its consequences
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Andresová, Nela. "Neviditelná sexualita: Specifika života asexuálních lidí v rámci heteronormativní společnosti". Master's thesis, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-393098.

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Thesis deals with social life of asexual people in the Czech Republic. The author focuses on the areas of acceptance of their own sexual identity as asexual, coming out and feelings of stigmatization, relationships and intimacy, belonging to LGBT+ community and the perception of the existence of a separate asexual community and the visibility of asexuality in society. For the purpose of the work was carried out qualitative research among asexual people, who selfidentify as asexual. The aim of the analysis was to determine how social life of asexuals differs within the heteronormative society. Thesis is based on differences between asexuals and heteronormative majority, especially in relationships and sexual behavior. The difference is also in other aspects of their life. People often don't know the meaning of asexuality, which can result in social stigmatization of asexuals due to pressure to accept a traditional model of relationship. In some respects, asexual people are similar to other sexual minorities, but not everyone feels to be part of LGBT+ community. Czech asexuals feel to be invisible in our society and they form networks among themselves through the internet forum asexual.cz. However, they don't create a separate community or social movement and they still remain socially invisible....
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Krejčová, Alžběta. "Asexualita - identifikace a sexualita". Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-373595.

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The purpose of this thesis and its research is to cover the asexual community in terms of identification and characteristics of sexual life. In theoretical part the groups Gray-A, demisexual and aromantic are described. It compares the approaches of asexuality as a disorder and as a sexual orientation. It discusses asexuality and relationships, celibacy or physical contact. The research gathered data about group prevalence, self-identification, sexual preferencies - real as well as ideal, masturbation and pornography. The research sample accounted for 160 respondets from the AVEN forum. The online questionnaire was prepared especially for this thesis. The data are presented as whole as well as divided into two age groups - the younger (18-23) and older (24-59) group. The significant difference was found in these areas: usage of sex toys/objects of sexual pleasure, number of sexual partners, relationship status and the age of first sexual intercourse. Theoretical part - in concordancy with research - shows, that a portion of asexuals: has relationships, uses pornography and sexual toys, is romantic and experiences various types of sex.
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Kurowicka, Anna. "Politics of Asexuality. A Critical Analysis of Discourses on Asexualities". Doctoral thesis, 2017. https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/2633.

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The aim of the dissertation “Politics of Asexuality. A Critical Analysis of Discourses of Asexualities” is to explore what various conceptualizations of asexuality reveal about contemporary understandings of sexuality.My dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, each concerned with a different iteration of asexuality, and a conclusion. My work is situated in the field of cultural studies; I draw on the perspectives of gender and queer studies, as well as critical discourse analysis and asexuality studies. The introduction presents Michel Foucault’s theory of sexuality and the gendered and racialized aspects of asexuality.In the first chapter I look into the discursive construction of asexuality within the asexual community built around the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN), as represented in the documents available on the AVEN website. These discourses are aimed at the asexual community and at the broader audience at the same time, which results in certain inconsistencies. As an identity based on a lack of sexual attraction, asexuality provides an opportunity for building alternative forms of personal and family life, ones not rooted in (hetero/homo)sexual and romantic relationships, so it can be used to undermine compulsory sexuality. On the other hand, asexuality understood as essentialist sexual orientation remains within the logic of normative sexuality.The second chapter looks at the second wave and contemporary feminist engagements with asexuality, seen as a strategy for fighting patriarchy. Through a close reading of Dana Densmore’s articles “On Celibacy” and “Independence from the Sexual Revolution” and Valerie Solanas’s SCUM Manifesto, I reconstruct the radical feminist approach to the political dimension of sexuality and discuss their connections with the contemporary vision of asexuality. I claim that this effort of denaturalizing sexuality in favor of its political utility suggests that asexuality can in fact (under specific circumstances) be a way of undermining the dominant regimes of sexuality.In the third chapter I continue my analysis of gendered asexualities by looking at the representations of masculine asexuality in popular TV shows. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory and Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock are examples of the asexual asocial genius with some autistic characteristics. Their asexuality and asexuality are treated as problems which need to be solved so that they can achieve normatively understood happiness as sexual and social subjects. In the last chapter, I analyze the discourses about asexuality used on a Polish-language forum for asexuals and in popular articles. My research suggests parallels between Polish discourses and those produced in English on the AVEN website, especially in terms of defining asexuality as a sexual identity, in opposition to trauma, illness, or celibacy. The influence of the Catholic Church’s teachings on sexual morality turns out to be a negative point of reference: Polish-language asexuals construct their identities in direct opposition to religious celibacy, rejecting religion as a potential allyMy analysis of discourses about asexuality suggests that this concept is deeply entangled with the normative regimes of sexuality dominant in the Western cultures. Sometimes it is used to question sexual normativity, mainly compulsory sexuality. However, in the asexual community and in popular culture asexuality is perceived as a natural sexual orientation, which fits the understanding of sexuality as the truth of the self, criticized by Foucault. The possibilities of thinking (a)sexuality otherwise are limited by the workings of the dominant system of power/knowledge.
Celem rozprawy „Polityka aseksualności. Krytyczna analiza dyskursów na temat aseksualności” jest zbadanie dyskursów dotyczących aseksualności oraz ich związku ze współczesnym zachodnim rozumieniem seksualności.Rozprawa składa się ze wstępu, czterech rozdziałów, z których każdy omawia inny dyskurs na temat aseksualności, oraz zakończenia. Praca sytuuje się w polu studiów kulturowych, w ramach których posługuję się perspektywami studiów nad płcią kulturową i studiów queer, krytyczną analizą dyskursu i studiami o aseksualności. We wstępie prezentuję teorię seksualności Michela Foucault i związki aseksualności z kategoriami płci i rasy.W rozdziale pierwszym analizuję dyskursywną konstrukcję aseksualności tworzoną przez współczesną społeczność aseksualną, a wyrażoną w dokumentach dostępnych na najpopularniejszej stronie internetowej poświęconej tej tematyce, Asexuality Visibility and Education Network. Te dyskursy są kierowane jednocześnie do społeczności aseksualnej i do szerokiego odbiorcy, co skutkuje pewnymi niespójnościami: jako tożsamość oparta na braku pociągu seksualnego, aseksualność sprzyja budowaniu alternatywnych form życia osobistego i rodzinnego, nie bazujących na (hetero/homo)seksualnej i romantycznej relacji, a więc bywa używana po to, by podważać obowiązkową seksualność. Z drugiej jednak strony, aseksualność rozumiana jako esencjonalna orientacja seksualna jest włączona w logikę normatywnej seksualności.Drugi rozdział skupia się na teoriach amerykańskich feministek drugiej fali i współczesnych, zgodnie z którymi aseksualność może być strategią świadomej walki z patriarchatem. W analizie artykułów Dany Dansmore „On Celibacy” i „Independence from the Sexual Revolution” oraz „SCUM Manifesto” Valerie Solanas rekonstruuję polityczne podejście do seksualności typowe dla radykalnych feministek drugiej fali oraz określam ich położenie względem współczesnego postrzegania aseksualności. Twierdzę, że próby denaturalizowania kobiecej seksualności na rzecz jej politycznej użyteczności oferują alternatywne rozumienie aseksualności, która w pewnych warunkach może być sposobem na podważenie dominującego reżimu seksualności.W rozdziale trzecim kontynuuję analizę związku aseksualności z płcią poprzez badanie reprezentacji męskiej aseksualności w popularnych serialach telewizyjnych. Sheldon Cooper z „Teorii wielkiego podrywu” i Sherlock Holmes z „Sherlocka” są przykładami aseksualnego aspołecznego męskiego geniusza z cechami autystycznymi. Ich aseksualność i aspołeczność są przedstawione jako nierozerwalnie splecione ze sobą problemy, które muszą zostać rozwiązane, aby bohaterowie mogli osiągnąć szczęście jako seksualnie i społecznie normatywne podmioty.W ostatnim rozdziale analizuję polskie dyskursy dotyczące aseksualności tworzone przez osoby aseksualne na forum internetowym oraz produkowane w artykułach na ten temat. Moje badania pokazują paralele między polskimi dyskursami i tymi produkowanymi po angielsku na stronie AVEN, szczególnie pod względem definiowania aseksualności jako tożsamości seksualnej stojącej w opozycji do traumy, choroby, ale także celibatu. Kościół katolicki i jego nauka na temat seksualności okazują się negatywnym punktem odniesienia – osoby aseksualne piszące po polsku konstytuują swoje tożsamości w opozycji do religijnego celibatu, nie szukając w religii potencjalnego sojusznika.Analiza dyskursów na temat aseksualności wskazuje na to, że jest to koncepcja głęboko uwikłana w normatywne reżimy seksualności dominujące w kulturze zachodniej. Niekiedy jest używana w celu kwestionowania seksualnej normatywności, przede wszystkim obowiązkowej seksualności. Jednak w obrębie współczesnej społeczności aseksualnej i w kulturze popularnej aseksualność postrzegana jest jako naturalna orientacja seksualna, co wpisuje się w rozumienie seksualności jako prawdy o sobie krytykowane przez Foucault. Możliwości myślenia (a)seksualności w inny sposób są ograniczone poprzez działania dominującego systemu władzy/wiedzy.
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Doležálková, Marie. "Dříve evoluční zatracenci, nyní tvůrci reprodukční strategie: původ a reprodukce samčí linie vodních skokanů Pelophylax esculentus". Doctoral thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-265198.

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Asexual modes of reproduction are usually based on the principle of copying (cloning) DNA from the female and passing it on to the offspring. For most asexually reproducing vertebrates the progeny develop from an unreduced and often unfertilised egg. This is driven by the mechanisms of parthenogenetic and gynogenetic reproduction. While in the former the clonal germ cell develops spontaneously and separately, in the latter a sexual partner is needed to activate the cleavage of the ovum, although without the fusion of the sperm and egg. Therefore in both cases there is no fertilization and the clonal progeny consist solely of daughters, hence the majority of previous studies have only focused on asexual female lineages. However, on rare occasions asexual clonal males can arise when the right fertilization occurs. Whilst these offspring are usually infertile, fertile diploid asexual males have been discovered in just three genera of hybrid origin in vertebrates. One of these unique cases is the European water frog complex of the genus Pelophylax, whose distribution includes the Czech Republic. In areas around the upper Odra River populations of hybrid males were recently discovered who form stable all-male lineages, similar to those formed by asexual females. The results of this study show that males produce...
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Alves, Rita Manuela Ferreira Alcaire. "The Asexual Revolution: discussing human rights through the lens of asexuality in Portugal". Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/88796.

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Tese no âmbito do Doutoramento em Direitos Humanos nas Sociedades Contemporâneas submetida ao Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Coimbra
The present study takes a queer and feminist theoretical approach to discuss the intersections between asexuality and human rights. The aim is to understand how discourses and practices about asexuality – produced by the Portuguese media, healthcare providers and asexually identified people – are being constructed, negotiated and challenged in contemporary Portugal and what they can teach us about human rights. This action-research also lays claim for the importance of the existence of asexual people in the LGBTQI+ communities and that their voices should be considered whenever new relevant social policies are introduced or discussed, or existing ones are rethought. The title pursues a twofold ambition: 1) "The Asexual Revolution" points to my conviction that asexuality can produce knowledge that challenges traditional codes of behaviour related to sexuality and interpersonal relationships; 2) the subtitle – "Discussing human rights through the lens of asexuality in Portugal" – highlights that asexuality can be an epistemological lens and a critical contribution to rethinking intimate citizenship and human rights. The data was collected over 24 months in Portugal and it includes fieldnotes and participant observation reports of asexuality-related events, media coverage from 2001 to 2017 and an account on a focus group with healthcare providers, and semi-structured interviews with self-identified asexuals (April-November 2016). This interdisciplinary and multi-method study uses a descriptive, analytical and critical perspective to identify spaces of change and contestation of normative discourses that are emerging through the collective action of asexual people. The research revealed that positive outcomes towards the subject in Portugal over the past decade have been mainly enabled through spaces where asexually identified people were able to share their lived experiences. Digital platforms, together with asexual activism and media participation have all contributed to creating a difference in the asexuals' lives and general perception about asexuality.
O presente estudo parte de uma abordagem teórica queer e feminista para discutir as intersecções entre a assexualidade e os direitos humanos. Pretende-se compreender como os discursos e as práticas sobre assexualidade – produzidos pelos media, prestadores de cuidados de saúde e pessoas que se identificam como assexuais – estão a ser construídos, negociados e desafiados atualmente em Portugal e o que podem ensinar sobre direitos humanos. Esta investigação-ação reivindica também a importância da existência de pessoas assexuais nas comunidades LGBTQI+ e que as suas vozes sejam consideradas sempre que novas políticas sociais relevantes sejam introduzidas ou discutidas, ou para que as existentes sejam repensadas. O título apresenta uma dupla ambição: 1) "A Revolução Assexual" aponta para a minha convicção de que a assexualidade pode produzir conhecimentos que desafiam os códigos tradicionais de comportamentos relacionados com a sexualidade e as relações interpessoais; 2) o subtítulo – "Discutindo os direitos humanos através da lente da assexualidade" – destaca que a assexualidade pode ser uma lente epistemológica e uma contribuição crítica para repensar a cidadania íntima e os direitos humanos. Os dados foram recolhidos ao longo de 24 meses em Portugal e incluem notas de campo e anotações sobre observação participante de eventos relacionados com assexualidade, cobertura mediática de 2000 a 2017, registo de um focus group com profissionais de saúde e entrevistas semiestruturadas com pessoas que se auto identificam como assexuais (abril a novembro de 2016). Este estudo interdisciplinar e multimétodo utiliza uma perspetiva descritiva, analítica e crítica para identificar espaços de mudança e de contestação de discursos normativos que estão a surgir através da ação coletiva de pessoas assexuais. A pesquisa revelou que os resultados positivos em relação ao conhecimento sobre o tema em Portugal, ao longo da última década, foram principalmente possibilitados por espaços onde pessoas que se identificam como assexuais puderam partilhar as suas experiências vividas. As plataformas digitais, juntamente com o ativismo assexual e a participação nos media, contribuíram para criar diferença na vida de assexuais e na perceção geral sobre a assexualidade.
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Himler, Anna Grace. "Evolutionary ecology and natural history of fungus-growing ants: host-switching, divergence, and asexuality". Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/3071.

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Himler, Anna Grace 1972. "Evolutionary ecology and natural history of fungus-growing ants : host-switching, divergence, and asexuality". 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/13255.

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Foster, Aasha. "Measuring social invisibility and erasure: Development of the Asexual Microaggressions Scale". Thesis, 2017. https://doi.org/10.7916/D8M61XR3.

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The purpose of this dissertation was to create a psychometrically sound measure of asexual prejudice through microaggressions that can be used to document and identify the unique experiences of asexual people (i.e., those reporting a lack of sexual attraction towards others). Asexual prejudice encompasses anti-asexual beliefs and attitudes that stem from sexual normativity which promotes sexuality as the norm while positioning asexuality as deviant (Carrigan 2011; Chasin, 2011; Flore, 2014; Gupta, 2013). Applying Sue’s (2010) description of microaggressions, asexual microaggressions are conscious and/or unconscious daily occurrences of insults and invalidation that stem from implicit bias against asexual people and asexuality. Development of the scale included creating items with content that was derived from close readings of the literature on asexuality and related measures of discrimination, prejudice or bias as well as expert review for clarity and verifying applicability of content. A total of 738 participants participated on-line and half were randomly assigned to Phase 1 for the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) while the other half was assigned to Phase 2 for the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results of the EFA indicate a 16 item four-factor structure for the AMS that capture expectations of sexuality, denial of legitimacy, harmful visibility, and assumptions of causality as descriptors of the types of microaggressions that occur. The CFA revealed support for the AMS total score with good internal consistency and strong validity as reflected in strong positive relationships with stigma consciousness, collective self-esteem, and another measure of discrimination and bias. Combined, the AMS is a valid and reliable measure of asexual prejudice. Contextualization of these results as well as implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.
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Brandt, Alexander. "No sex, No problem? Mutation accumulation in asexual animals". Doctoral thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/21.11130/00-1735-0000-0005-13FE-8.

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Rabeling, Christian. "Diversity and evolution of reproductive systems in Mycocepurus fungus-growing ants". Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/ETD-UT-2010-05-1332.

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The general prevalence of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction among metazoans testifies to the evolutionary, long-term benefits of genetic recombination. Despite the benefits of genetic recombination under sexual reproduction, asexual organisms sporadically occur throughout the tree of life, and a few asexual lineages persisted over significant evolutionary time without apparent recombination. The study of asexual organisms therefore may provide clues to answer why almost all eukaryotes reproduce via meiosis and syngamy and why asexual eukaryotes are almost always evolutionarily short-lived. Towards understanding the evolution of asexual lineages in the Hymenoptera, I first review the diversity of reproductive systems in the Hymenoptera, introduce the study organism, the fungus-gardening ant Mycocepurus smithii, and discuss my research objectives. Second, I integrate information from reproductive physiology, reproductive morphology, natural history and behavior, to document that that queens of M. smithii are capable of thelytokous parthenogenesis, workers are sterile, and males are absent from the surveyed population. These results suggest that M. smithii might be obligately asexual. To place the origin and maintenance of asexual reproduction in M. smithii in an evolutionary context, I use molecular phylogenetic and population-genetic methods to (i) test if M. smithii reproduces asexually throughout its distribution range; (ii) infer if asexuality evolved once or multiple times; (iii) date the origin of asexual reproduction in M. smithii; and (iv) elucidate the cytogenetic mechanism of thelytokous parthenogenesis. During field collecting for these studies throughout the Neotropics, I discovered a new species of obligate social parasite in the genus Mycocepurus. Social parasites are of great interest to evolutionary biology in order to elucidate mechanisms demonstrating how parasites gained reproductive isolation from their host species in sympatry. I describe this new parasite species, characterize its morphological and behavioral adaptations to the parasitic lifestyle, and discuss the parasite’s life history evolution in the context of social parasitism in fungus-growing ants. The dissertation research integrates population-genetic, phylogenetic, physiological and morphological approaches to advance our understanding of the evolution of reproductive systems and diversity of life-history traits in animals.
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Strzelczak, Anna. "Tożsamość osób aseksualnych a ich funkcjonowanie w bliskich związkach". Praca doktorska, 2019. https://ruj.uj.edu.pl/xmlui/handle/item/148726.

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Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska prezentuje doświadczenia osób aseksualnych dotyczące własnej tożsamości i bliskich relacji rozumianych w kategoriach relacji intymnych i romantycznych. Badania oparto na próbie 14 osób, będących częścią internetowej społeczności aseksualnej i zrekrutowanych na podstawie braku pociągu seksualnego. Aby dowiedzieć się w jaki sposób osoby aseksualne rozumieją swoją tożsamość i jaki jest jej wpływ na funkcjonowanie w bliskim związku, zastosowano Interpretacyjną Analizę Fenomenologiczną (IPA). Pozwala ona nie tylko przyjąć perspektywę badanego, ale przede wszystkim odkryć znaczenie i sens analizowanego zjawiska. Wyniki badania wzbogaciły wiedzę z zakresu aseksualności, zwłaszcza w kontekście problematyki bliskich związków, która jak wskazuje literatura przedmiotu, była dotychczas zaniedbywana. W obszernych wywiadach, osoby badane zaprezentowały swój sposób rozumienia tożsamości, swoją koncepcję miłości i idealnej relacji oraz dotychczasowe doświadczenia seksualne, bycia w związku i trudności z tym związane. Na tej podstawie, opracowano model negocjowania tożsamości aseksualnej. Jest on swoistym wkładem w dyskusję na temat aseksualności, jak i propozycją dla praktyki psychologicznej, szczególnie terapii par, w której jeden z partnerów posiada tożsamość aseksualną.
The dissertation focuses on the experiences of asexual people concerning their identity as well as their intimate and romantic relationships. The study was conducted on a sample of 14 members of the Internet-based asexual community, who were recruited on the basis of absence of sexual attraction. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was applied in order to understand how asexual people understand their identity and how it influences their functioning in a close relationship. This type of analysis allows the researcher not only to adopt the perspective of the research participants, but above all to discover the meaning of the analysed phenomenon. The results of the research presented in the dissertation allow for better understanding of asexuality, especially in the context of problems relating to close relationships. These problems, as the review of the subject literature suggests, have been neglected so far. A new model of negotiating an asexual identity constructed by the author of the dissertation is based on in-depth interviews during which the research participants described their understanding of identity, the idea of love and ideal relationship, their sexual experiences, relationships experiences, and the difficulties they encountered. The model contributes to the discussion concerning the topic of asexuality and can also applied in psychological practice, especially in couples therapy when one partners in the couple is asexual.
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Carvalho, Ana Catarina Monteiro. "A assexualidade e a orientação romântica: Estudo comparativo entre o grupo assexual romântico e o grupo assexual arromântico". Master's thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/19305.

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A assexualidade é uma área complexa que até recentemente não era alvo de estudo extensivo, menos ainda no que toca à distinção entre indivíduos assexuais românticos (que experienciam atração romântica) e indivíduos assexuais arromânticos (que não experienciam atração romântica). Foi conduzido um estudo online, com 447 participantes de diferentes comunidades assexuais (55 % sexo feminino; Midade = 24,77, DP = 7,21), com o intuito de examinar como estes grupos se distinguem na sua identificação com a assexualidade, perspetivas e experiências sexuais e românticas, e preocupações com o compromisso e desempenho sexual. Os resultados mostraram que os indivíduos assexuais arromânticos indicaram maior identificação com o construto de assexualidade enquanto ausência de atração sexual, estilos de vinculação mais evitantes e maiores preocupações com o compromisso no contexto da relação. Por contraste, indivíduos assexuais românticos indicaram menor aversão ao sexo; maior experiência sexual atual e anterior; mais parceiros sexuais anteriores; maior frequência de relações românticas, maior motivação para estabelecer uma relação amorosa (com ou sem intimidade sexual) e mais preocupações com o seu desempenho sexual no contexto da relação. Regressões lineares evidenciaram uma associação de algumas das variáveis (e.g., estilo de vinculação ansioso) com as preocupações com o compromisso e com o desempenho sexual, em ambos os grupos. Este estudo permitiu a melhor compreensão das caraterísticas dos grupos romântico e arromântico e, dessa forma, espera expandir o conhecimento da assexualidade e contribuir para a compreensão da mesma.
Asexuality is a complex subject which until recently was not studied extensibly, and even less so in what comes to the distinction between romantic asexual individuals (who experience romantic attraction) and aromantic asexual individuals (who do not experience romantic attraction). An online study was carried out with 447 participants from different asexual communities (55,02% female; Mage = 24,77, DP = 7,21), with the objective of examining how these groups differ in their identification with asexuality, sexual and romantic perspectives and experiences, and concerns regarding commitment and sexual performance. Results showed that aromantic asexual individuals identified more with the asexuality construct as lack of sexual attraction; displayed avoidant attachment styles and bigger concerns with commitment, from a relationship context. In contrast, romantic asexual individuals displayed less sex aversion; more sexual experiences nowadays, as well as in the past; more previous sexual partners; increased frequency of romantic relationships; increased desire of engaging in a romantic relationship (either with or without sex) and more concerns with their sexual performance in a relationship context. Linear regressions showed an association between some of the variables (e.g., Anxious attachment style) and the concerns with commitment and sexual performance, in both groups. This study allowed a better understanding of the characteristics between the romantic and aromantic groups and, consequently, hopes to expand the knowledge about asexuality and contribute to a better understanding of it.
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