Książki na temat „Anomalous reflection and transmission”
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Lekner, John. Theory of reflection: Of electromagnetic and particle waves. Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff Publishers, 1987.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaJames, Baker-Jarvis, i National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.), red. Transmission/reflection and short-circuit line methods for measuring permittivity and permeability. Boulder, Colo: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1992.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaBen, Munk, i Lewis Research Center, red. The reflection and transmission properties of a triple band dichroic surface: Final technical report. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University, ElectroScience Laboratory, 1990.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaCenter, NASA Glenn Research, red. Acoustic reflection and transmission of 2-dimensional rotors and stators, including mode and frequency scattering effects. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 1999.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaCenter, NASA Glenn Research, red. Broadband noise of fans-with unsteady coupling theory to account for rotor and stator reflection/transmission effects. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2001.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaCenter, NASA Glenn Research, red. Broadband noise of fans-with unsteady coupling theory to account for rotor and stator reflection/transmission effects. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2001.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaCenter, NASA Glenn Research, red. Broadband noise of fans-with unsteady coupling theory to account for rotor and stator reflection/transmission effects. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2001.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaWeil, Claude. Intercomparison of permeability and permittivity measurements using the transmission/reflection method in 7 and 14 mm coaxial air lines. Boulder, Colo: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1997.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaLekner, John. Theory of Reflection: Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic, Particle and Acoustic Waves. Springer, 2018.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaLekner, John. Theory of Reflection: Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic, Particle and Acoustic Waves. Springer International Publishing AG, 2016.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaLekner, John. Theory of Reflection: Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic, Particle and Acoustic Waves. Springer London, Limited, 2016.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaFrehafer, Mabel Katherine 1886. Reflection and Transmission of Ultra-Violet Light by Sodium and Potassium . . Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2015.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaSmolyansky, Dmitry A. Enhanced accuracy time domain reflection and transmission measurements for IC interconnect characterization. 1994.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaPugliese, Jean-Pierre. Measurements and modelling of reflection and transmission from smooth and rough surfaces at 62 GHz. 1999.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaLehmann, B. Transmission and Reflection Tomographic Inversion of Offset VSP-data and the Use of the Results for Target-oriented Processing of Reflection Seismic Data: Energy: Energy [series]. European Communities / Union (EUR-OP/OOPEC/OPOCE), 1992.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaBroadband noise of fans-with unsteady coupling theory to account for rotor and stator reflection/transmission effects. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2001.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Staff. Broadband Noise of Fans - with Unsteady Coupling Theory to Account for Rotor and Stator Reflection/Transmission Effects. Independently Published, 2018.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaKammer, Steven. Characterisation of Metallic Particle Distributions by Scanning near-Field Optical Microscopy (Snom) in Simultaneous Reflection and Transmission Mode. Anchor Academic Publishing. ein Imprint der Diplomica Verlag GmbH, 2015.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaKammer, Steven. Characterisation of Metallic Particle Distributions by Scanning near-Field Optical Microscopy (Snom) in Simultaneous Reflection and Transmission Mode. GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2014.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaIntercomparison of permeability and permittivity measurements using the transmission/reflection method in 7 and 14 mm coaxial air lines. Boulder, Colo: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1997.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaIbrahim, Ibrahim. Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Plane Waves on and Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Uniaxial Plates: According to a Coordinate-Free Analysis Approach. Independently Published, 2018.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaIbrahim, Ibrahim. Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Plane Waves on and Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Uniaxial Plates: According to a Coordinate-Free Analysis Approach. Independently Published, 2018.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaMsc, Ibrahim Ibrahim. Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Plane Waves on and Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Uniaxial Plates: According to a Coordinate-Free Analysis Approach. Independently Published, 2018.
Znajdź pełny tekst źródłaBi, J. F., i K. L. Teo. Nanoscale Ge1−xMnxTe ferromagnetic semiconductors. Redaktorzy A. V. Narlikar i Y. Y. Fu. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199533053.013.17.
Pełny tekst źródłaOzbay, E., G. Ozkan i K. Aydin. Left-handed metamaterials—A review. Redaktorzy A. V. Narlikar i Y. Y. Fu. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199533046.013.20.
Pełny tekst źródłaHamm, Jonathan Christopher. Genre in Modern Chinese Fiction. Redaktorzy Carlos Rojas i Andrea Bachner. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199383313.013.27.
Pełny tekst źródłaBeenakker, Carlo W. J. Classical and quantum optics. Redaktorzy Gernot Akemann, Jinho Baik i Philippe Di Francesco. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198744191.013.36.
Pełny tekst źródłaKotzen, Matthew. Probability in Epistemology. Redaktorzy Alan Hájek i Christopher Hitchcock. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.013.32.
Pełny tekst źródłaDéroche, François. A Qurʾanic Script from Umayyad Times. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190498931.003.0003.
Pełny tekst źródłaPingyuan, Chen. The Story of Literary History. Redaktorzy Carlos Rojas i Andrea Bachner. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199383313.013.5.
Pełny tekst źródłaAnno, Mariko. Piercing the Structure of Tradition. Cornell University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.7591/cornell/9781939161079.001.0001.
Pełny tekst źródłaPrag, Kay. Re-Excavating Jerusalem. British Academy, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.5871/bacad/9780197266427.001.0001.
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