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Twagira, Elias Mathaniya. "Influence of durability properties on performance of bitumen stabilised materials". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

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Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In both developing and developed countries, to ensure sustained economic growth the quest for optimal roads performance is an extremely high priority. A global increase in the use of foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion materials (BSMs) as a solution to roads maintenance, rehabilitation, and upgrading has become evident. This is driven by environmental policies aimed at conserving energy and limiting the exploitation of new borrows pits. It has therefore become imperative that BSMs are used optimally, and, in order to achieve this, practitioners need to understand the mechanisms that influence durability and long-term performance. The changes in the behaviour of materials and the failure mechanisms of BSM mixes are long-term phenomena. This implies that the study of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the mixes is vital. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the moisture damage and age-hardening characteristics, which are related to materials’ properties, is required. The main objective of this study is to advance BSM technology by assessing the influence of the selected materials on durability behaviour and long-term performance in all phases of application (i.e. mix design, construction, and in-service condition). This study begins with a comprehensive literature review of research dealing with the interactions of binder and mineral aggregates. The properties of bitumen (foamed bitumen or bitumen emulsion) and mineral aggregates were reviewed. This was followed by review into the colloidal behaviour of foam and emulsion and physicochemical and mechanical interaction with mineral aggregates. Factors influencing the interaction of BSMs were then identified. Finally, the fundamental theories on thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, and electrokinetics were used to describe the step-by-step process by which adhesive bonding and cohesion occur in BSMs. The mixture durability in terms of moisture damage was investigated. To achieve this aim, the physical and mechanical moisture-induced damage process was analysed. The test control parameters were established and a laboratory device to quantify these parameters designed. New moisture conditioning procedures were developed and demonstrated in this study. From the moisture induction simulation test (MIST) procedure, it became evident that pulsing water pressures into compacted and cured BSM mixes simulates the hydrodynamic effect that occurs in the field due to dynamic traffic loading. The different mix matrices typically applicable to the recycling processes – such as Hornfels-RAP and Quartzite crushed stone, stabilised with either foamed bitumen or bitumen emulsion and the addition of active filler (cement or lime) – were investigated. It was found that a new moisture-conditioning procedure using the MIST device and monotonic triaxial testing can distinguish those BSM mixes that are resistant to moisture damage from those that are less resistant. The validation of the MIST and monotonic test results was done using the APT device, which is the MMLS3 wet trafficking test. The results on both tests showed good correlations in evaluating and screening BSMs in terms of moisture susceptibility. Field temperature data was collected and a model to accurately simulate the curing of BSMs was identified and proposed for further investigation and validation. It was found from the field temperature data collected in this study that the temperature gradient on the study site varied according to the depth of the BSMs (that is, 10oC-17oC during winter and 17oC– 47oC during summer). Understanding the influence of the temperature conductivity and rate of evaporation is important for inferring moisture damage and age-hardening behaviour and proper selection of BSMs. The age-hardening behaviour of BSMs is linked to the durability properties and longterm performance of these materials. The fundamental characteristics associated with shortand long-term age hardening were investigated in this study. The short-term dimension involved assessing the age-hardening characteristics of the binder (foamed bitumen colloids and bitumen emulsion droplets) prior to the production of BSMs. The long-term study involved extracting and recovering the binder from the briquettes (made from different mixes) compacted in the laboratory and cores extracted from different field pavement sections which were in service for 8-10 years. The study found that the length of time bitumen is kept in circulation in the laboratory plant at elevated temperature (170oC–180oC) before making BSM-foam contributes to the ageing of the binder, especially after eight hours. The foaming process in itself was found not to alter the bitumen properties. It is recommended that a temperature range between 160oC- 165oC be used for the production of foamed bitumen with softer bitumen. This will not compromise its quality. In addition, the time of circulation of bitumen in laboratory plant should not be longer than three (3) hours. The rheological properties of the bitumen recovered from laboratory briquettes and cores from field pavement show that age hardening on foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion during in-service life occurred. The ageing also seemed to be dependent on the effect of traffic, with trafficked areas (i.e. on-wheel path and inner-wheel path) experiencing more ageing than untrafficked areas (i.e. between-wheel path). However, the extraction and recovery process was found to be complex, and produce uncertain results. Although the results show that binders in BSMs undergo age hardening, its distinct behaviour in BSM performance was not obvious from the extensive tests carried out in this study. The last part of the study contains its conclusions and recommendations. The study provides an insight into fundamental material durability properties, and this will assist in improving the current procedure for selection, combining and formulation of the mix matrices for BSMs. In addition, the study provides guidelines that will enable practitioners to confidently apply a mix that is durable and long-lasting. The specific durability-related issues addressed in this study are substance for future research. This novel solution to the application of BSMs will benefit all parties involved in the development of pavement recycling technology.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om volgehoue ekonomiese groei te verseker in beide ontwikkelende en ontwikkelde lande, geniet die soeke na die optimale werkverrigting van paaie ’n baie hoë prioriteit. ‘n Wêreldwye toename in die gebruik van skuimbitumen en bitumen-emulsiemateriale (BSMs) as ’n oplossing vir padonderhoud, rehabilitasie en opgradering is merkbaar. Dit word meegebring deur die omgewingsbeleide wat die ontginning van nuwe leengroewe beperk en besparing van energie bevorder. Die korrekte gebruik van hierdie materiale vereis dat die meganismes wat die duursaamheid en langtermyn-werkverrigting daarvan beïnvloed, deeglik verstaan word. Die verandering in materiaalgedrag en falingsmeganismes van BSM materiale is langtermynverskynsels. Dit impliseer dat bestudering van die fisiochemiese en meganiese eienskappe van die mengsels uiters belangrik is. Dis dus voor die hand liggend hoe belangrik vogbeskadiging en verharding met tyd, wat verwant is aan materiaaleienskappe, is. Die hoofdoelwit met hierdie studie is om die vooruitgang van BSM tegnologie te versnel deur dit moontlik te maak om gekose materiale te evalueer op grond van hulle invloed op duursaamheid en langtermyn-werkverrigting in alle toepassingsfases (naamlik mengontwerp, konstruksie en dienstoestand). Hierdie studie begin met ’n uitgebreide literatuuroorsig oor fundamentele begrippe van die karakterisering van interaksie van die bindstof en die minerale-aggregate. Inligting oor bitumen (skuimbitumen en bitumen emulsies) en eienskappe van minerale aggregate is bestudeer. Dit is gevolg deur ’n studie van die fundamentele begrip van die kolloïdale gedrag van skuim en emulsie, asook fisiochemiese en meganiese interaksie met minerale aggregate. Faktore wat die interaksie van BSM-materiale beïnvloed is geïdentifiseer. Die basiese teorie van termodinamika, hidrodinamika en elektrokinetika is daarna gebruik om stap vir stap die proses en formulering van adhesie-binding en kohesie in die BSMs, wat in hierdie studie aangebied word, te beskryf. Die kwantifisering van mengsel-duursaamheid in terme van vogbeskadiging is ontwikkel. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is die fisiese en meganiese proses van beskadiging deur vogindringing geïdentifiseer. Die gekontroleerde parameters is bepaal en ’n laboratoriumapparaat is ontwerp om hierdie parameters te kwantifiseer. Nuwe vogkondisioneringsprosedures is ontwikkel en in hierdie studie gedemonstreer. Van prosedures van voggeïnduseerde sensitiwiteitstoetsing (Engels: moisture induction simulation test (MIST)) was dit duidelik dat pulsering van waterdruk in BSM materiale die hidrodinamiese effek naboots wat in die veld bestaan as gevolg van dinamiese verkeerslaste. Verskillende mengselmatrikse wat tipies is van hergebruik, soos byvoorbeeld hoornfels-hersikleerde asfalt produk (Engels: recycled asphalt product (RAP)) en vergruisde granietklip, met skuimbitumen of bitumenemulsie gestabiliseer en met byvoeging van aktiewe vulmateriaal (sement of kalksteen), is ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat nuwe vogkondisioneringsprosedures (soos bepaal deur MIST apparaat en drie-assige toets) kan onderskei tussen BSM materiale wat weerstandig is teen vogbeskadiging en dié wat minder weerstandig (vatbaar) is. Die geldigheid van die MIST en monotone toetsresultate is bepaal deur gebruik van die APT apparaat wat ’n MMLS3 nat verkeerstoets is. Die resultate van beide toetse toon goeie korrelasie in die keuring van BM materiale in terme van vogvatbaarheid. In hierdie ondersoek is veldtemperatuurdata versamel en die toepaslike model om verouderende BM lae akkuraat te simuleer is geïdentifiseer en voorgelê vir verdere ondersoek en verifikasie. Daar is uit veldtemperatuurdata bevind dat temperatuurgradiënt op die betrokke terrein gewissel het met die dikte van die BSM, naamlik 10oC-17oC gedurende die winter en 17oC-47oC gedurende die somer. Begrip vir die invloed van temperatuuroordragkoëffisiënt en verdampingstempo is belangrik by die afleiding van vogbeskadiging en verharding met ouderdom en die korrekte keuse van BSM materiale.Verouderingsverhardinggedrag van BSMs is verwant aan die duursaamheidseienskappe en langtermynwerkverrigting van hierdie materiale. Die basiese karakteristieke wat met kort- en langtermyn verouderingsverharding geassosieer word, is in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die klem op die kort termyn is geplaas op die verouderingsverhardingsgedrag van die bindstof (skuimbitumen kolloïdes en bitumen-emulsiedruppels) voordat BSMs vervaardig word. In die lang termyn evaluasie het die studie ekstraksie en herwinning van bindstof uit brikette wat in die laboratorium gekompakteer is (van verskillende mengsels) en uit kerns verkry vanaf verskeie plaveiselgedeeltes na 8-10 jaar diens ingesluit. Die ondersoek het bevind dat die tydsverloop waarin bitumen in sirkulasie gehou is by verhoogde temperatuur (170oC-180oC) in die laboratorium-aanleg voordat BSMs vervaardig is, veral indien na 8 uur, bydra tot die veroudering van die bindstof. Die skuimproses op sigself verander nie die bitumeneienskappe nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat temperature tussen die grense 160oC-165oC gehandhaaf word vir produksie van skuimbitumen met sagter bitumen sonder dat die kwaliteit benadeel word en dat die sirkulasietyd nie 2 tot 3 ure behoort te oorskry nie. Die reologiese eienskappe van die herwinde bitumen vanuit laboratoriumbrikette en kerns van plaveisels toon dat ouderdomsverharding van skuimbitumen en bitumen-emulsie tydens die diensleeftyd plaasvind. Die veroudering is skynbaar ook afhanklik van verkeerseffekte, met belaste areas (in wielspoor of binne wielspoor) wat ’n hoër mate van veroudering toon as onbelaste areas (tussen wielspore). Die ekstraksie- en herwinningsproses op sigself was egter bevind as baie kompleks met uiters onseker resultate. Dit het gelei tot onsekere gedrag in terme van ouderdomsverharding van die BSM bindmiddel (skuim of emulsie). Alhoewel resultate toon dat die bindmiddels ouderdomsverharding ondergaan het, is die BSM werkverrigting nie duidelik uit die uitgebreide toetse wat in hierdie studie uitgevoer is nie. Die laaste deel van die studie bevat gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings. Die studie lewer insig in die fundamentele duursaamheidseienskappe van die materiaal, wat bydra tot verbetering van die huidige prosedure van seleksie, saamstelling en formulering van die mengmatriks vir BSMs. Verder voorsien dit ’n metode wat in die praktyk gebruik kan word om met vertroue duursame mengsels met lang diensbaarheidsleeftye te vervaardig. ’n Nuwe oplossing en vooruitgang in die toepassing van BSMs is daargestel tot voordeel van alle partye betrokke by die ontwikkeling van herwinningstegnologie.
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Mikhailenko, Peter. "Valorization of by-products and products from agro-industry for the development of release and rejuvenating agents for bituminous materials". Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.

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La croissance de caution vis-à-vis l'utilisation des produits pétroliers dans la construction a nécessité le besoin de développement des alternatives. Le BTP, en particulaire pour le secteur routière, a un certain nombre des piste ou les produits pétrolières ont utilisés, par exemple le liant pour les enrobés comme les agents régénérant (pour recyclage des enrobés), mais aussi le produits qui sont utilisés sur le chantier comme les anti-adhérents (ARA) et les débituminants (BR). Alors, il y a une besoin de remplacer les produits d'origines pétrolières par les alternatives bio-sourcés. Ce présent ouvre est une partie d'un projet qui va développer une nouvelle filière dédiée à la production de nouvelles formulations pour le BTP à partir de la transformation des huiles végétales et des graisses animales. Ce thèse concerne les produits développés seront destinés au l'asphalte, et alors, deux types d'applications sont particulièrement visés : (i) des agents anti-adhérents et (ii) des agents régénérants. Un débituminant sera développé aussi. Les produits anti-adhérents ont pour fonction d'empêcher le bitume d'adhérer aux engins de travaux sans effet secondaire, théoriquement, sur la matrice liante.. L'objet du travail est de caractériser l'efficacité et l'innocuité des agents anti-adhérents développés dans le cadre du projet et de développer les méthodes expérimentales visant à les évaluer. Trois essais principaux ont été développés pour caractériser la performance et innocuité des anti-adhérents vis-à-vis des essais qui ont optimisé leur implémentation et paramètres. La performance des anti-adhérents a été caractérisé par l'essai de glissance des enrobés. L'innocuité des anti-adhérents ont été caractérisés par des essais de fendage sur les enrobés et par l'essai de la dégradation de bitume. L'essai de la dégradation de bitume a servi aussi comme une mesure de la performance de débituminant. Les essais sur les anti-adhérents commerciaux d'Etats-Unis et la France a trouvé que ils ont deux modes de fonctionnement : i) lixiviation du bitume et ii) en formation d'une interface entre le les enrobés et la surface métallique. Même comme les deux modes ont été trouvé dans des certains anti-adhérents, le mode interface ont été trouvé préférable, grâce à l'option de garder les mêmes applications du produit pour plusieurs cycles de usage. Ensuite, un produit - basé sur glycérol sourcé de l'agro-industrie - a été développé. Les débituminants commerciaux ont été essayé, aves les conclusions : i) les débituminants plus effectifs ont eu les plus grande % des esters et ii) que les esters chaines courtes (C7-10) d'hautes concentrations ont été trouvé les plus efficace. L'agent régénérant est destiné à régénérer le bitume vieilli issu des agrégats d'enrobés (RAP) en lui redonnant ses propriétés originelles et en assurant leur maintien dans le temps. Le travail sur les agents régénérants se compose de la caractérisation physico-chimique du vieillissement du bitume et du bitume vieilli avec l'agent. Plus précisément, le travail se serve des techniques de spectrométrie IRTF (avec imagerie) et thermogravimétrie. Dans ce contexte, une produit bio-sourcé a été évalué comme une régénérant. Pour la spectroscopie FTIR, une moyenne de polir le mastique a été développé pour rassuré la platitude des échantillons. La régénération du bitume a été observé avec la spectrométrie ITRF, donc quelques peaks (notamment les indices IC=O and IS=O) pendant 0-42 jours de vieillissement dans l'étuve (loin-durée). Il a été trouvé qu'une période de vieillissement de 14 jours à l'étuve était à peu près équivalente au bitume vieilli par un cycle de RTFOT + PAV en termes de rhéologie et de la pénétration. Le mastic (vieilli 14 jours) a ensuite été mélangé avec un agent de bio-source (à 7,5% en poids de mastic). Il a été constaté par imagerie FTIR que l'indicateur de l'oxydation IS=O a été réduit par l'incorporation de l'agent régénérant dans le bitume
The growing health and environmental concerns brought on by the use of petroleum based products in the asphalt construction industry have necessitated the development of alternatives. Infrastructure, especially that involving transportation has many uses for petroleum products including, as fuel, as well as in asphalt pavement construction - where petroleum products have traditionally constituted the binder for the mix as well as the rejuvenating agents (for asphalt recycling) - along with various agents used in the construction process including bitumen removers and asphalt release agents. Thus, there is a need to replace petroleum base agents with bio-sourced and biodegradable substitutes. The present work is part of a project to develop bio-sourced (recycled from agricultural waste) products for the construction industry. This work is dedicated to developing products relating to the asphalt industry. Two types of product applications were envisioned: i) an asphalt release agent (ARA) and ii) an asphalt rejuvenating agent. Additionally, a bitumen remover (BR) developed as part of the work on the ARA. ARAs prevent asphalt from adhering to tools and equipment used in asphalt production, without producing overly negative side effects with regards to the pavement. Three principal tests methods were developed and optimized for the performance and damage to asphalt of the ARAs. The asphalt slide test was developed to quantify the performance of the ARA by sliding hot asphalt mix down a plate with the ARA applied. The testing of the damage to asphalt from ARAs consisted of testing an asphalt cylinder - in contact with an ARA for seven days - in indirect-tensile strength (ITS). The bitumen degradation test consisted of submerging a bitumen sample in an agent over a certain time and weighing the bitumen that did not dissolve in the agent. This was followed by the observation of the bitumen-ARA chemical interaction by FTIR spectrometry. This test served as an assessment of ARA damage to bitumen as well as of the performance of BRs. The testing of the commercial ARAs from both the French and USA markets found that they had two primary modes of functioning: i) by softening the bitumen and ii) by forming an interface between the asphalt and the metal surface. While some agents had elements of both, it was found that interface agents are preferable, due to the ability to use a single ARA application for multiple occasions. With this completed, a water-based bio-sourced substrate ARA - based on glycerol derived from agricultural waste - was developed. The commercially available BRs were tested as well, finding that i) the most effective BRs had the highest ester concentration and ii) that highly concentrated short chained ester (C7-10) were very effective bitumen dissolvers. The goal of rejuvenating agents is to regenerate the old bitumen from recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) by restoring the original properties and ensuring the stability of these properties over time. This part consisted of the development of methods for bitumen and aging, as well as characterization of the chemical rejuvenation of bitumen by FTIR spectrometry (including imaging) and thermogravimetric analysis. A bio-sourced rejuvenating agent was evaluated as well. For the imaging, a mastic polishing method was developed in order to attain as samples as flat as possible for the analysis. The bitumen rejuvenation was observed using FTIR spectroscopy analysis. Several peaks (notably IC=O and IS=O) were observed for bitumen oven aged up to 42 days (long term). It was found that an oven aging period of 14 days was roughly equivalent to bitumen aged by a RTFOT+PAV cycle it terms of rheology and penetration. The mastic (aged for 14 days) was then combined with a bio-sourced agent (at 7.5%w of mastic). It was found by FTIR imaging that the oxidation indicator IS=O, was reduced by the incorporation of the rejuvenating agent
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Edwards, Ylva. "Influence of waxes on bitumen and asphalt concrete mixture performance". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Väg- och banteknik, 2005.

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This doctoral thesis consists of a literature review, presented in two papers, and another six papers describing experimental studies of the influence of different kinds of wax and polyphosporic acid on bitumen and asphalt concrete mixture properties. The literature review should give an extensive description of the field of knowledge concerning wax in bitumen. Effects of wax in crude oil, bitumen and asphalt concrete as well as test methods for studying these effects are described. Theories behind possible mechanisms are also discussed, and commercial wax as additive to bitumen for different purposes included. The experimental parts comprise laboratory studies involving totally five 160/220 penetration base bitumens from different sources, two isolated bitumen waxes, five commercial waxes and one polyphosphoric acid. Asphalt concrete slabs, containing base or modified bitumen were prepared and tested. Binder properties were evaluated using different types of laboratory equipment, such as dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), bending beam rheometer (BBR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), force ductilometer, as well as equipment for determining conventional parameters like penetration, softening point, viscosity, and Fraass breaking point. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC-FID) were used for chemical characterization. The binders were aged by means of the rolling thin film oven test (RTFOT) and pressure ageing vessel (PAV) in combination. Asphalt concrete properties were evaluated at low temperatures using the tensile strain restrained specimen test (TSRST) and creep test at -25°C. Dynamic creep testing was performed at 40°C, as well as complex modulus tests between 0 and 20°C. Binder test results indicated that the magnitude and type of effect on bitumen rheology depend on the bitumen itself, type of crystallizing fraction in the bitumen and/or type and amount of additive used. Bitumen composition was found to be of decisive importance. Adding polyethylene wax or polyphosphoric acid, especially to a non-waxy 160/220 penetration grade bitumen, showed no or positive effects on the rheological behaviour at low temperatures (decrease in stiffness) as well as medium and high temperatures (increase in complex modulus and decrease in phase angle). However, the corresponding positive effects could not be shown in dynamic creep testing (at 40°C) of asphalt concrete mixtures containing these modified binders. Adding FT-paraffin decreased the physical hardening index for all bitumens. Also polyethylene wax and montan wax showed this effect for some bitumens. Slack wax showed a large increasing effect on physical hardening, and polyphosphoric acid none or a minor negative effect. No correlation between physical hardening index (PHI) and wax content by DSC was found in this study, involving both natural bitumen wax and commercial wax. Addition of the commercial waxes used showed no or marginally positive influence on bitumen ageing properties for the bitumens and test conditions used. Comparing asphalt mixture test results to the corresponding binder test results, the effects on asphalt mixtures from adding commercial wax or polyphosphoric acid were less evident. Significant binder physical hardening by BBR could not be confirmed by TSRST.
QC 20101006
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Hammoud, Oussama. "Étude de l’agressivité des pneumatiques sur les couches de roulement des structures routières". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2023.

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Le projet ANR BINARY vise à améliorer la compréhension et l'évaluation des mécanismes de détérioration des couches de roulement de chaussées sous trafic. Ce projet se concentre sur : i) l'arrachement des granulats d’enrobé bitumineux ; ii) la fissuration descendante ; iii) essayer de comprendre les contraintes et déformations impliquées ; iv) étudier l'influence des interfaces entre les couches d'enrobé ; et v) améliorer la prédiction de leur durée de vie.Avec le vieillissement du réseau routier, il est crucial d'avoir une meilleure connaissance des mécanismes de dégradation des couches de roulement. Les normes actuelles pour le dimensionnement des structures de chaussée couvrent l'adhérence, la texture et l'uniformité, mais ne définissent pas des critères mécaniques pour garantir la durabilité des couches subissant les charges du trafic.Cette thèse cherche à approfondir notre connaissance des matériaux bitumineux, notamment les couches de surface. Elle vise aussi à comprendre comment les conditions de charge, la température et la vitesse affectent ces matériaux, neufs et vieillis. Des tests expérimentaux ont été effectués et une modélisation combine les approches des éléments finis (FEM) et des éléments discrets (DEM) pour reproduire ces essais de laboratoire. Enfin, l'interaction pneu-chaussée fait l'objet d'une étude avec une nouvelle approche numérique pour offrir une simulation en conditions plus réalistes
The ANR BINARY project aims to enhance the understanding and assessment of the mechanisms causing deterioration in road pavement layers under traffic. This project focuses on i) the stripping of bituminous mix aggregates; ii) downward cracking; iii) attempting to comprehend the involved stresses and deformations; iv) studying the influence of interfaces between asphalt layers; and v) improving the prediction of their service life.With the aging of the road network, it is crucial to have a better understanding of the degradation mechanisms of pavement layers. Current standards for designing road structures cover adhesion, texture, and uniformity but do not define mechanical criteria to ensure the durability of layers subjected to traffic loads.This thesis seeks to deepen our knowledge of bituminous materials, especially surface layers. It also aims to understand how loading conditions, temperature, and speed affect these materials, both when new and aged. Experimental tests have been conducted, and a modeling approach combines finite element (FEM) and discrete element (DEM) methods to replicate these laboratory tests. Finally, tire-road interaction is studied with a novel numerical approach to provide a simulation under more realistic conditions
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Moloto, Percy Kgothatso. "Laboratory accelerated curing protocol for bitumen stabilized materials". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

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Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research conducted in this study forms part of the Phase II process of the Bitumen Stabilized Materials (BSMs) Guideline improvement initiative. The initiative aims to address areas of concern in the cold mix design procedures for BSMs. Current road rehabilitation using the bitumen stabilization process requires testing of representative specimens as means to evaluate pavement performance over time. In order to adequately acquire specimens representative of field conditions, it is necessary to condition the materials in a process called curing. Although curing procedures have been standard in many countries on different continents, the protocols are varied and an acceptable procedure is currently not available. In order to develop an acceptable curing protocol for BSMs, both field and laboratory environments were investigated. Considering that curing takes time in the field, production of representative samples intended for laboratory testing must undergo accelerated curing in the laboratory. Given the complexities involved in achieving close correlations between field and laboratory environments, the research strived to reconcile field and laboratory material behaviour. In particular, the main objective of the research was to unify the curing protocol for BSMs, with the standardization of the curing protocol being top priority. In this study, laboratory results have confirmed that the different natures of curing mechanisms inherent in a BSM-foam and BSM-emulsion contribute to irreconcilable material behaviour(s). Results have confirmed that curing of BSM-foam is largely a function of water repulsion, with the addition of active filler dominating material performance almost immediately. Unlike BSM-foam, curing of BSM-emulsion is both a function of the breaking of emulsion during the initial phase and the gradual release of moisture with time. In this instance, BSM-emulsion material performance resembled active filler influences past the breaking of the emulsion cycle. Consequently, given the observed differences regarding material behaviour(s), the unification of the curing protocol for BSMs has not been successful. In terms of accommodation of active filler in the final curing protocol for BSMs, findings in this research have revealed that active filler’s tendency to absorb moisture in the initial stages requires longer curing time to help extract the absorbed moisture during the curing process. Although the use of active filler has an impact on curing, its inclusion in a BSM does not justify its extension in the curing time as cementation is not one of the desired properties of these materials. BSMs are primarily desirable for their flexibility in pavement structures. For this reason, active filler was omitted in the final curing protocol due to reasons of simplifying the mix design process. In conclusion, different curing protocols were tested and developed to help produce reconcilable material behaviour in both the field and laboratory environments. Through the reconciliation of key material properties such as the resilient modulus, long term equilibrium moisture conditions and shear parameters, an acceptable standardized curing protocol for BSM-foam and BSMemulsion intended for application in industrial laboratories across South Africa was successfully developed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing tydens hierdie studie gedoen, vorm deel van die Tweede fase van die Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale Riglyne verbeteringsinisiatief. Die inisiatief het ten doel om areas van bekommernis in die kouemengsel-ontwerp-prosedures vir Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale aan te spreek. Huidige padrehabilitasie wat gebruik maak van die Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale proses, vereis toetsing van verteenwoordigende monsters om sodoende plaveiselgedrag oor ‘n tydperk te evalueer. Materiale moet deur die verouderingsproses gekondisioneer word, om sodoende monsters te verkry wat akkuraat verteenwoordigend van veldtoestande is. Alhoewel verouderingsprosesse in meeste lande - op verskillende kontinente - gestandariseerd is, is die protokol verskillend en ‘n aanvaarbare prosedure is nie tans beskikbaar nie. Beide veld- en laboratoriumomgewings is ondersoek, om sodoende ‘n aanvaarbare verouderings-protokol vir Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale te ontwikkel. Wanneer in ag geneem word dat veroudering in die veld tydrowend is, moet vervaardiging van verteenwoordigende monsters vir laboratoriumgebruik versnelde veroudering in die laboratoruim ondergaan. Gegee die kompleksiteite betrokke om goeie korrelasie tussen velden laboratoriumomgewings te verkry, het die navorsing daarna gestreef om die veld- en laboratoriummateriaalgedrag te verenig. Die hoofdoel van die navorsing was om die verouderingsprotokol vir Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale te verenig met die stardaardisering van die verouderingsprotokol as top prioriteit. In hierdie studie het laboratorium resultate bevestig dat die verskillende aard van voorbereidings- meganismes inherent in BSM-skuim en BSM-emulsie bydra tot onversoenbare materiaalgedrag. Resultate het bevestig dat voorbereiding van BSM-skuim ’n funksie van waterrepulsie het en met die byvoeging van aktiewe vullers dominieer dit die materiaalgedrag byna onmiddelik. Anders as BSM-skuim is die voorbereiding van BSM-emulsie beide ’n funksie vir die breek van emulsie tydens die begin fase en die geleidelike vrystelling van vog oor tyd. In hierdie geval het BSM-emulsie se materiaalgedrag die invloed van aktiewe vuller getoon nadat die emulsie gebreek het. Gevolglik, weens die waargenome verskille rakende materiaalgedrag is die vereniging van die voorbereidings- protokols vir BSMs nie suksesvol nie. In terme van inagneming van aktiewe vullers in die finale voorbereidingsprotokol vir BSM’s, is deur navorsing bevind dat aktiewe vullers neig se neiging om vog te absorbeer in die beginstadia dit benodig dus ‘n langer verouderingstyd vir die ontrekking van die geabsorbeerde vog. Hoewel die gebruik van aktiewe vullers ’n impak het op die voorbereiding, reverdig dit nie die verlenging van die verouderingstyd vir die insluiting daarvan in BSM nie, siende dat sementering nie een van die gewenste eienskappe van hierdie materiaal is nie. BSMs word hoofsaaklik verkies vir sy buigsaamheid in paveiselsturkture. Om die mengselontwerp prosesse te vereenvoudig, was aktiewe vullers dus weggelaat in die finale voorbereidingsprotokol. Ter afsluiting was verskeie voorbereidings protokolle getoets en ontwikkel om te help met die vervaardiging van versoenbare materaalgedrag in beide veld-en-laboratoriumomgewings. Deur die versoening van kern materiaal eienskappe soos die elastisiteitsmodulus, lang termynewewigvog kondisies en skuifparameters, is ’n aanvaarbare gestandariseerde voorbereidingsprotokol vir BSM-skuim en BSM-emulsie bedoel vir aanwending in industriele laboratoriums regoor Suid Afrika suksesvol ontwikkel.
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Nwando, Tiyon Achille. "Flexibility and performance properties of bitumen stabilised materials". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014.

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Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates the flexibility and the performance properties of bitumen stabilised materials under the influence of mix variables. The laboratory testing consisted of two main phases. During the first phase (mix design), the strength and the flexibility of the mixes were assessed through ITS (Indirect Tensile Strength), UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength), displacement at break, strain at break and fracture energy. The second phase consisted of a series of triaxial tests done to assess the performance properties (shear strength: cohesion and angle of internal friction; and stiffness: resilient modulus) of the mixes. The mineral aggregates used in this study were milled from different locations of the R35, near Bethal. This was a blend of granular material (dolerite, from various locations of the existing base and subbase layer of the R35) and Reclaimed Asphalt (RA) milled from the existing surfacing. During the mix design phase, two types of bituminous binders were used (bitumen emulsion and foamed bitumen) at bitumen content ranges of 2%, 2.4% and 2.8% each. Two types of active filler were used separately and in combination at a proportion of 1% and 2%. Finally, specimens were tested in wet and dry conditions for each mix combination. During the triaxial testing phase, only the optimum bitumen content of 2.4% was used, both for bitumen emulsion and foamed bitumen, with only cement as active filler in a proportion 1% and 2%. The specimens were tested at different ranges of densities and saturation levels. The flexibility of the mix was assessed through the fracture energy, the strain and the displacement at break parameters. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted on the data to assess the significance of experimental variables on this property. This property was found to be very sensitive to bitumen and cement content added to the mix. When assessing the combined effect and the significance of the variables on the flexibility of the mixes, it was found that fracture energy is mostly influenced by the cement content, followed by the bitumen content, then the type of treatment and finally the testing condition. However, the level of significance was not in the same order for the other two parameters (displacement and strain at break). It was also found that the combined effect of some independent variables (cement content + testing condition, type of treatment + cement content + bitumen content) had a significant effect on the fracture energy and the strain at break respectively. From the ITS and UCS tests, an increase in strength was noticed with the increase of cement content. On the other hand, the increase in bitumen content led to a decrease in strength of the material. The statistical analysis on the ITS and UCS values show that the independent variable with the most significant effect on the ITS is the cement content, followed by the testing conditions, then the bitumen content and finally the type of treatment. The combined effect of cement content + bitumen content was found to be significant both for ITS and UCS. In the second phase triaxial tests were performed in order to evaluate the performance properties of the mixes. It was found that the increase of the active filler content significantly improves the shear strength of the material. It was also found that at a fixed cement content, specimens tested at low density and/or high level of saturation show low shear strength. The Mr-θ model was used to model the resilient modulus of the mixes and the model coefficients used to evaluate the effect of experimental variables on the resilient modulus. It was found that the resilient modulus of the mixes increases as the bulk stress increases. This confirms the stress dependent behaviour of bitumen stabilised materials. The analysis show that increasing the percentage of active fillers content results in a significant increase in the resilient modulus values. An increase in relative density also resulted in an increase in the resilient modulus of the mixes, while the opposite effect was observed with the increased of the saturation level. Besides the engineering properties and the mechanical test parameters, other parameters such as the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) was calculated in order to evaluate the moisture sensitivity of the mixes. Weakening due to moisture was found to be more predominant in the mixes with less active filler. In addition, bitumen emulsion mixes were found to have a better resistance to moisture weakening effects compared to foamed bitumen. In addition, a comparison between the rapid curing and the accelerated curing was done. Higher ITS and UCS results were obtained for specimens cured using long term curing compared to specimens cured using the accelerated curing method. In conclusion, flexibility is an important property of bitumen road construction material (bitumen stabilised material include) however, it is not an easy property to measure. Although, displacement/strain at break and fracture energy from ITS and UCS were able to give us some indications on the main factors governing the flexibility of bitumen stabilised materials (the bitumen and active filler content), more accurate and adequate tests are required to evaluate the parameter.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die buigsaamheid en gedragseienskappe van bitumen gestabiliseerde materiale was getoets om sodoende die invloed van verskeie mengselveranderlikes te evalueer. Die ondersoek het uit twee fases bestaan. Tydens die eerste fase (mengfase) is die sterkte en buigsaamheid deur middel van indirekte treksterkte toetse (ITS), onbegrensde druksterkte toetse (UCS), verplasing – en vervorming by breekpunt sowel as breek-energie toetse gedoen en ondersoek. Die tweede fase het bestaan uit ʼn reeks drie-assige triaksiaal toetse. Triaksiaaltoetse is uitgevoer om die gedragseienskappe soos die skuifsterkte, kohesie, hoek van interne wrywing, styfheid en weerstand modulus te ondersoek. Die gemaalde mineraal-aggregaat wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, was verkry op verskeie areas van die R35, geleë naby Bethal. Die materiaal is ʼn mengsel van granulêre materiaal (van die bestaande kroonlaag en stutlaag van die pad) en herwonne asfalt (RA). Tydens die mengontwerp fase is twee tipes bitumen gebruik naamlik bitumenemulsie en skuimbitumen in hoeveelhede van 2%, 2.4% en 2.8%. Twee tipes aktiewe vulstof (hoeveelhede van onderskeidelik 1% en 2%) was saam met elk van die verskeie bitumen-hoeveelhede gebruik. Proefstukke van elk van hierdie mengsel kombinasies is onder beide nat en droë kondisies getoets. Tydens die tweede fase, is slegs die optimum binder inhoud (2.4%) gebruik vir beide emulsie- en skuimbitumen, gekombineer met 1% en 2% aktiewe vulstof. Proefstukke was getoets by ʼn reeks van verskillende digthede en versadigingvlakke. Die buigsaamheid was ondersoek deur middel van breek-energie, vervorming en die verplasing by breekpunt. ʼn Analise van variasie (ANOVA) is uitgevoer op die toetsdata om sodoende die te evalueer of die veranderlikes beduidend is ten opsigte van buigsaamheid. Daar is gevind dat die buigsaamheideienskap sensitief is vir beide bitumen en sement inhoud. Met assessering van die gekombineerde effek en betekenis van die veranderlikes op die buigsaamheid van die mengsels, is daar gevind dat die hoogste beduidende veranderlike t.o.v breek-energie die sement inhoud is, gevolg deur die bitumeninhoud, tipe behandeling en laastens die toetskondisie. Die orde van belangrikheid verskil vir die ander twee parameters (verplasing en vervorming by breekpunt). Daar is ook gevind dat die gekombineerde effek van sommige veranderlikes (sement inhoud en toets kondisie, tipe behandeling en sement inhoud tesame met bitumen inhoud) ook beduidend was t.o.v breek-energie en vervorming by breekpunt. Vanuit die ITS en UCS toetse was daar ʼn toename in sterkte waargeneem soos die sementinhoud toeneem. Aan die anderkant, het ʼn toename in bitumeninhoud ‘n afname in sterkte veroorsaak. Die statistiese analise van ITS en UCS resultate, toon dat die grootste beduidende onafhanklike t.o.v ITS waardes ook die sement inhoud was, gevolg deur toets kondisies die grootste effek, bitumen inhoud en die tipe behandeling. Die gekombineerde effek van sementinhoud en bitumeninhoud, was betekenisvol vir beide ITS en UCS. Drie-assige triaksiaaltoetse was uitgevoer om die gedragseienskappe van die mengsels te evalueer. Daar is gevind dat die toename in sement inhoud, die skuif sterkte van die materiaal grootliks verbeter. By ʼn konstante sementinhoud, wys toetsresultate van proefstukke wat getoets is by lae digthede en hoë vlakke van versadiging, lae skuif sterkte. Die Mr – θ model was gebruik om die veerkragsmodulus van die mengsels te moduleer en die modelkoëffisiënte is gebruik om die effek van eksperimentele veranderlikes op die weerstand modulus te evalueer. Met toename in die omhullende spanning is ‘n toename in die veerkragsmodulus waargeneem, wat bevestig dat die gedrag van bitumen gestabiliseerde materiale spannings afhanklik is. ʼn Toename in die sement en relatiewe digtheid het ʼn merkwaardige toename in die veerkragsmodulus tot gevolg gehad, terwyl die teenoorgestelde waargeneem is met toename in versadigingsvlakke. Buiten die ingenieurseienskap en meganiese toetsfaktore, is ander faktore (soos die trekspanning verhouding) bereken om die vogsensitiwiteit van die mengsels te evalueer. Mengsels met laer sement inhoud het groter verswakking ervaar met blootstelling aan water. Bitumenemulsie proefstukke toon beter weerstand teen water as skuimbitumen. Vergelyking tussen versnelde en korttermyn nabehandelingsprosedure van proefstukke, toon hoër ITS en UCS waardes vir die versnelde nabehandelingsprosedure prosedure. Buigsaamheid is ‘n belangrike eienskap van bitumen in padkonstruksie materiale (insluitend bitumen gestabiliseerde materiale), maar word moeilik gemeet. Alhoewel verplasing/vervorming by breekpunt en breek energie, bepaal vanaf ITS en UCS, ‘n indikasie toon van die hooffaktore (binder en sement) wat buigsaamheid van bitumen gestabiliseerde materiaal beïnvloed, word meer akkurate toetse benodig om die eienskap te ondersoek.
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Campher, Lizemari. "Shrinkage and flexibilty behaviour of Bitumen Stabilised Materials". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015.

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Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increasing awareness of climate change causes a growing interest in pavement rehabilitation. Pavement rehabilitation by in-situ stabilisation with bitumen reduces the extraction of natural aggregate resources while enhancing flexibility and durability properties, which lowers maintenance costs over the design-life of the pavement structure. Incorporating Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs) into a pavement structure can therefore have economic and environmental benefits, but more research is needed to fully understand the behaviour and potential of these materials. Stabilising materials with bitumen provides useful properties to pavement layers. The “TG2 2nd Edition, Bitumen Stabilised Materials” was published by the Academy of South Africa in May 2009, which provides a good understanding of the usage of Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs). However, the shrinkage and flexible behaviour of these materials are still not fully understood and therefore more research on these materials is needed. The aim of this project is thus to determine the shrinkage and flexible behaviour of BSMs to incorporate these behavioural types in the revised design method for flexible pavements in the SAPDM. In addition, the influence of several additives on the shrinkage and flexible behaviour of BSMs have been evaluated to get an improved understanding of these properties. The additives included cement (1% and 2% content) and both bitumen emulsion (0.9% and 2.4% content) and foamed bitumen (only 2.4% content). Two linear shrinkage testing methods have been designed to test the shrinkage potential of BSMs, including a beam testing method and a cylindrical testing method. Based on the usage of the shrinkage measurements the applicable method can be used to determine the shrinkage potential of a BSM. The flexibility is a more complex property and was tested using a simple monotonic beam test. The strain-at-break parameter obtained from this test provided an indication of the material flexibility. Slight differences in the trends were observed between beam and cylindrical shrinkage due to specimen geometry, exposed surface area and shrinkage testing direction. Beam specimens initially show swelling when bitumen is added to the mixture and shrinks thereafter. Cylindrical specimens on the other hand show initial shrinkage followed by a slight length increase, where after shrinkage continues. The additives had the same influence on the shrinkage for both the beam and cylindrical specimens. Although all shrinkage measurements were small, an increase in bitumen reduced shrinkage and an increase in cement increased shrinkage. Stabilisation with foamed bitumen rather than bitumen emulsion proved to show less shrinkage, but only in combination with 2% cement. The strain-at-break, dissipated energy and material stiffness calculated from the monotonic beam tests provided a good indication of the flexibility behaviour of BSMs. Higher bitumen content increased the flexibility potential and an increase in cement decreased the flexibility potential of BSMs. This project has provided good insight on both the shrinkage and flexibility behaviour of BSMs, which can be used in the revised copy of the SAPDM. Increased bitumen contents decreases the shrinkage potential and increases the flexibility of a BSM. Increased cement contents on the other hand, increases shrinkage and decreases flexibility of BSMs. The correct combination of cement and bitumen in a BSM can thus provide a material with the wanted flexibility while keeping the shrinkage to a minimum.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende bewustheid van klimaatsverandering veroorsaak toenemende belangstelling in die rehabilitasie van plaveisels. Plaveisel rehabilitasie deur in-veld stabilisasie met bitumen verminder die ontginning van natuurlike hulpbronne, terwyl die verbetering van buigsaamheid en duursaamheid eienskappe die onderhoudskoste verlaag oor die ontwerp-lewe van die plaveiselstruktuur. Die inkorporasie van Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale (BGM) in 'n plaveisel struktuur kan dus omgewings en ekonomiese voordele inhou. Meer navorsing word wel benodig om die gedrag van hierdie materiale beter te verstaan. Die stabilisering van materiale met bitumen verskaf nuttige eienskappe aan 'n plaveisellaag. Die "TG2 2de Uitgawe, Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale" is gepubliseer deur die Akademie van Suid-Afrika in Mei 2009 en verskaf 'n goeie begrip van Bitumen Gestabiliseerde Materiale (BGM). Die krimpings en buigsaamheid gedrag van die materiaal word wel nog nie ten volle verstaan nie en daarom word meer navorsing oor hierdie materiaal benodig. Die doel van hierdie projek is dus om die krimpings gedrag sowel as die buigsaamheid gedrag van 'n BGM te bepaal en sodoende die kennis te gebruik in die hersiende ontwerp metode vir buigsame plaveisels in die SAPDM. Die invloed van verskeie bymiddels op die krimpings en buigsaamheid gedrag van 'n BGM is ook geëvalueer om 'n beter begrip van hierdie eienskappe te verkry. Die bymiddels sluit sement in (1% en 2% inhoud) asook beide emulsie bitumen (0,9% en 2,4% inhoud) en skuim bitumen (slegs 2.4% inhoud). Twee lineêre krimpings toets metodes was ontwerp om die krimping potensiaal van BGM's te bepaal, wat 'n balk toets metode en 'n silindriese toets metode insluit. Die metode wat gebruik sal word om die krimping van 'n BGM te bepaal moet baseer word op die toepassing waarvoor die krimpings resultate gebruik gaan word. Die buigsaamheid is 'n meer komplekse eienskap en was getoets met behulp van 'n eenvoudige monotoniese balk toets. Die spanning-by-breekpunt waardes wat verkry was vanuit die balktoetse, het 'n goeie aanduiding van die buigsaamheid van die materiaal verskaf. Klein verskille in krimpingstendense tussen balk en silindriese proefstukke is opgemerk tydens die projek en is veroorsaak deur die geometrie van die proefstuk, die blotgestelde oppervlakte asook die rigting van kimp toetsing. Balk proefstukke toon aanvanklike swelling wanneer bitumen bygevoeg is, gevolg deur krimping. Silindriese proefstukke aan die ander kant toon aanvanklike krimping gevolg deur 'n effense toename in lengte, waarna krimping weer plaasvind. Die bymiddles het dieselfde invloed op die krimping van beide die balk en silindriese proefstukke. Alhoewel al die krimpingswaardes baie klein was, het 'n toename in bitumen 'n vermindering in krimping voortgebring en 'n toename in sement het 'n toename in krimping voortgebring. Stabilisasie met skuim bitumen in plaas van emulsie bitumen toon verlaagde krimping, maar slegs in kombinasie met 2% sement. Die spanning-by-breekpunt, verkose energie en materiaal styfheid wat bereken is vanaf die monotoniese balk toets resultate, het 'n goeie aanduiding van die buigsaamheid gedrag van BGM's verskaf. 'n Hoër bitumen inhoud verhoog die buigsaamheid potensiaal van BGM‟s terwyl 'n toename in sement die buigsaamheid potensiaal van BGM's verlaag. Hierdie projek bied goeie insigte vir beide die krimpings en buigsaamheid gedrag van BGM's, wat in die hersiende ontwerp metode van die SAPDM gebruik kan word. Verhoogde bitumen inhoud verminder die krimping potensiaal en verhoog die buigsaamheid van 'n BGM. Verhoogde sement inhoud aan die ander kant, verhoog krimping en verminder buigsaamheid van BGM's. Die korrekte kombinasie van sement en bitumen in 'n BGM kan dus 'n materiaal produseer met die gewenste buigsaamheidseienskappe en terselfde tyd die krimping tot 'n minimum beperk.
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Powell, Mark William. "An investigation of chemical factors influencing bitumen-mineral adhesion". Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 1992.

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Ali, Mahdi. "Study of the bitumen aging effects on the rheological properties and fatigue behavior". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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A study of bitumen aging effects on the rheological properties and fatigue behavior is carried out on five polymer modified bitumen provided by an oil company. Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR), is used to perform advanced experimental investigation. It allows practicing frequency sweep tests, fatigue tests and time sweep tests. Polymer modified bitumen with different percentage of SBS with or without the presence of crumb rubber are tested before and after short and long aging processes. Master curves were generated based on frequency sweep tests data, they are studied, and a comparison was conducted between each bitumen before and after aging. In this thesis, the DSR is presented, as well as the testing procedure and the tested materials. A fatigue life analysis of the results, based on the use of two different criteria, the first criterion is classically used: it consists in defining the failure as a 50% loss of the initial stiffness. The other criteria based on dissipated energy data. This thesis provides results which show the effects of several factors on fatigue and healing response such as bitumen type, ageing, the presence of rubber and polymer modification.
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Mulusa, William Kapya. "Development of a simple trixial test for characterising bitumen stabilised materials". Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009.

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Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
The need for a more reliable testing procedure for the characterisation and Quality Assurance/ Control of Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs), besides UCS and ITS testing, has long been recognised by the roads industry. In fact, at CAPSA 2004 and CAPSA 2007, discussions of improved test methods for granular materials, i.e. possible replacement tests for CBR procedures, were conducted in workshops. Triaxial testing for the evaluation of shear parameters is widely recognised as a reliable method of measuring these critical performance properties of granular and Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs). However, the triaxial test in its current state as a research test has little chance of extensive use by practitioners and commercial laboratories, because of complexity, cost and time issues. Major adaptations to the research triaxial test are necessary, before this useful test can have a chance of being accepted by road practitioners. The main aim of this study is to investigate possibilities of developing a simple, affordable, reliable and robust test for characterizing granular and bitumen stabilized materials thus linking test outcome with in-situ performance. This is achieved through the innovative design and manufacture of a prototype triaxial cell capable of accommodating 150 mm diameter by 300 mm deep specimens. The cell is simpler than the research (geotechnical) triaxial cell and the operational protocols have been streamlined, thereby reducing the time and steps required in assembling specimens and testing them. In order to ensure the development of an appropriate triaxial cell for industry, a survey was conducted aimed at investigating currently available facilities, testing capacity and resources within civil engineering laboratories in South Africa. Findings of the survey (Appendix 4) have provided guidance with regard to the nature and sophistication of any new tests to be developed. The survey highlighted some of the limitations and lack of sophistication of the current loading frames used for CBR and UCS testing such as lack of electronic LVDTs, limited overhead space, limited loading capacity and others. Most laboratories would need to invest in new loading facilities to carry out triaxial tests. A review of the test procedure for monotonic triaxial test showed that two main factors contribute to the complexity of the research (geotechnical) triaxial cell namely, time taken to assemble the specimen accurately in the cell and secondly the inherent design of the cell which makes it water and/or air tight at relatively high pressures. The design of the Simple Triaxial Test, therefore, was aimed at overcoming the drawbacks of research triaxial test e.g. fitting a membrane to each specimen to be tested, through considerable simplification by means of a new structure design and procedure of assembly of specimen into the cell. The advantage of addressing these issues would be reduction in the number of steps required in the test procedure and therefore reduction in testing time. The design of the cell particularly was preceded by a conceptualization process that involved investigation of numerous options. Concepts such as the bottle, encapsulated-tube, bottle and sandwich concepts were considered and given reality checks. In addition, available triaxial procedures of a similar nature e.g. Texas Triaxial, were evaluated and analyzed. Ultimately, with some trials and innovation, a design was developed for a simple triaxial cell comprising a steel casing with a latex tube which is then introduced around the specimen sitting on a base plate. It is based on the ‘tube concept’ in which the specimen acts like a ‘rim’ and the cell acts like a ‘tyre’ providing confinement to the triaxial specimens for testing, within the tube. This approach eliminates the use of O-rings and membranes for the specimen and tie-rods for the triaxial cell, thus reducing testing time considerably. The overall dimensions of the cell are 244 mm diameter by 372 mm height (Appendix 5). The cell was manufactured at Stellenbosch University Civil Engineering workshop and preliminary tests were conducted under this study. Parallel tests were also conducted with the Research Triaxial Test setup at Stellenbosch University in order to determine if preliminary results obtained with the Simple Triaxial Test setup were comparable therefore providing a means of validating the data. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) show that variability between Simple Triaxial Test (STT) and Research Triaxial Test (RTT) results is less significant whilst that within samples of STT and RTT results is quite significant. Comparisons also show that good correlation were obtained from Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Hornfels + 3.3 % Emulsion + 0 % Cement mix and mixes with the G2 base course aggregate whilst completely different correlation was obtained from RAP + 3.3 % Emulsion + 1% Cement. It is evident however that the differences observed stem from material variability i.e. random variability to one degree or the other and not to the STT apparatus. It is recommended for future research that more STT versus RTT testing be done especially on a mix with known mechanical properties when compacted to a specified dry density, e.g. graded crushed stone (G1) compacted to 100% mod. AASHTO. In summary, a locally made, low cost, relatively durable triaxial cell with relatively easy and quick specimen assembly procedures has been developed. It is now possible to perform triaxial tests on 150 mm diameter by 300 mm high specimen relatively easily and quickly. However, the challenge of validating results obtained, as well as improving the manufacture process of its main component, the tube, still remains.
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Dadras, Ethan. "An Assessment of the Asphalt Fatigue Equation for Bitumen Stabilised Materials". Thesis, Curtin University, 2016.

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The aim of this research is to characterise the laboratory fatigue performance of a typical foamed bitumen mix used in Western Australia. It has also investigated the applicability of Austroads fatigue equation for the design of in-situ foamed bitumen stabilised materials. A new four-point bending device was utilised as a scaled up version which allows testing of much larger beams by removing the constraint that the maximum width and thickness are dominated by maximum aggregate size.
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Weston, Carl Thomas. "A study into the mechanical properties of foamed bituminous stabilised materials". Thesis, Peninsula Technikon, 2001.

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Thesis (MTech (Civil Engineering))--Peninsula Technikon, 2001
Of the most essential objectives of a good mix design procedure is to be able to assess the compactibility of a mix in the laboratory, i.e. to relate laboratory compaction to compaction on site and to give insight into the prediction of the expected performance of the mix. Foamed bitumen treated material has been used with success in many countries around the world. Regardless of the success story, it is also true that there is a dearth of knowledge concerning the understanding of the effect of the current used compaction methods on the mechanical and volumetric properties of foamed bitumen treated material. The use of a variety of mix design and evaluation procedures around the world has led to difficulties in correlating and assessing results obtained in different environments. Experience and research have also revealed the tendency of current mix design methods to underrate the engineering properties of foamed bitumen treated material. This project entails an investigation into the volumetric and mechanical properties of mixes with three types of granular materials. Test specimens were prepared using four of the most commonly used laboratory compaction methods and one field simulating compaction method. The main objectives of the project were to: • Determine and compare the influence of the different compaction methods on the volumetric and mechanical properties of foam bitumen mixes • To make recommendations regarding the suitability of the different compaction methods for use in the mix design of foamed bitumen mixes. Marshall, Hugo, Gyratory and Refusal Density with Kango Hammer compaction were employed as laboratory compaction methods. A Hydrostatic double-drum vibrating roller was used to simulate field compaction. Graded crushed stone and gravel material were used as the granular materials. Indirect tensile (strength and stiffness) and Semi-circular bending (strength) testing was used to assess the mechanical properties. Use was made of 80/100 and 150/200 penetration grade bitumen. The study revealed that binder type has no influence on the mechanical properties of foamed mixes, whilst compaction method influences mechanical properties significantly. The SCB test was found to be inappropriate for foam mixes with low binder contents. All the laboratory compaction methods were found to be suitable for the design of foam Mixes. The results reported in this thesis needs to be validated by more extensive as testing was limited to only two types of granular materials.
National Research Foundation and The Institute for Transport Technology
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Lombard, Le Riche. "Influence of surface seal variables on bitumen bond strength properties". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014.

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Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Surface seals are widely used in South Africa. There are a number of reasons which include affordability, versatility and durability. There are, however, in some cases problems with stone loss that can lead to a shortened lifespan of the pavement. The loss of aggregate chippings in surface seals poses a major problem in the seal pavement industry. This study aims to identify the influencing factors that lead to these adhesive failures as well as to find optimum combinations of binders and aggregates at various conditions. Various binders commonly used in South African surface seal construction will be tested using the Bitumen Bond Strength (BBS) test method. The binders used in the study include 80/100 penetration grade bitumen, elastomer modified bitumen, bitumen rubber, elastomer modified emulsion and cationic rapid setting emulsion. Aggregates used in the study include dolerite, granite and quartzite. The test samples were cured and tested at two temperatures, 15 °C and 35 °C. The samples were also cured for 2, 6 and 24 hours respectively. The study tackles a wide range of variables in order to obtain a good understanding of adhesion properties of surface seals used in South Africa. Tests were repeated at least once to ensure repeatability and in some cases up to four repeats were performed. The loading rate at which the tests were performed had a significant influence on the BBS results. This rate varied which complicated the process of comparing the results. It was therefore decided to unify the loading rates. The BBS results exposed the difference between hot applied binders and emulsions. The former having significant stronger adhesion properties. It was also confirmed by the results that temperature plays a key role in the BBS results due to the visco-elastic properties of bitumen. These influences will be discussed along with others such as aggregate types and curing times. The type of failure is also discussed. Failure can either be adhesive or cohesive, the former being a failure between the aggregate and the binder while the later refers to a failure in the binder itself. The results of other students will also be discussed and compared to the results of this study. These include results of predecessors that tested emulsions as well as results from tests done on fractured aggregate surfaces and precoated aggregates. This study showed very similar results as these from other students, except for tests done with emulsions. It was discovered that the method of curing of the emulsions must be adapted to ensure proper curing of the emulsions. It was found that aggregates did not influence the BBS properties to the same extent as temperature and binder application type. The BBS results of hot applied binders also did not significantly increase as the curing time increased, but the results of emulsions showed some increase. However, the emulsions needed more time to cure properly.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oppervlak seëls word algemeen gebruik in Suid-Afrika. Daar is verskeie redes hiervoor waaronder bekostigbaarheid,veelsydigheid en duursaamheid. Daar is egter in sommige gevalle probleme met klipverlies wat kan lei tot n verkorte leeftyd. Hierdie klipverlies ontstaan as gevolg van verskeie redes of kombinasies daarvan. Die studie beoog om hierdie faktore wat die adhesie eienskappe beïnvloed te identifiseer sowel as om optimum kobinasies van bindmiddels en klipsoorte te bewerkstellig by verkeie kondisies. ‘n Verskeidenheid van bindmiddels wat algemeen in Suid-Afrika gebruik word, word in die studie getoets met die Bitumen Bond Sterkte (BBS) toets metode. Die bindmiddels wat in die studie gebruik word sluit 80/100 penetrasie graad bitumen, elastomeer gemodifiseerde bitumen, bitumen rubber, elastomeer gemodifiseerde emulsie en kationiese snel settende emulsie. Die klipsoorte wat vir die studie gebruikword is doleriet, graniet en kwartsiet. Hierdie gesteentes word algemeen in die praktyk gebruik. Die toets monsters word ook by twee temperature gekuur en getoets. Hierdie temperature is 15 °C en 35 °C. Die toets monsters word ook onderskeidelik vir 2, 6 en 24 uur gekuur. Die studie ondersoek 'n wye verskeidenheid van veranderlikes om sodoende 'n goeie begrip van adhesie eienskappe van die oppervlak seëls wat in Suid-Afrika gebruik word te verkry. Elke toets was ten minste een maal herhaal om herhaalbaarheid te verseker. Sommige toetse was tot 4 keer herhaal. Die belasting tempo van die toetse het ‘n beduidende uitwerking op die BBS resultate as gevolg van die visko-elastiese eienskappe van bitumen. Hierdie tempo het gewissel en dit moeilik gemaak om die resultate te vergelyk. Daarom was daar besluit om die tempo van die toetse te verander na ‘n gelykvormige tempo. Daar was ‘n duidelike verskil in BBS resultate van die warm toegepaste bindmiddels en die emulsies. Die warm bindmiddels het baie hoër BBS resultate gelwer. Dit was ook bevestig in die resultate dat temperatuur ‘n beduidende rol speel in die BBS. Hierdie invloede sal bespreek word tesame met ander, soos klipsoorte en kuring tye. Die tipe versaking word ook bespreek. Versaking kan plaasvind as gevolg van adhesie of cohesie, waar adhesie versaking 'n versaking is tussen die klip en die bindmiddel terwyl cohesie versaking verwys na 'n versaking in die bindmiddel self. Die uitslae van die ander studente sal ook bespreek word en vergelyking word met die resultate van hierdie studie. Dit sluit die resultate van voorgangers in wat emulsies getoets het sowel as die resultate van toetse wat gedoen is op gebreekte klipoppervlaktes en bitumen behandelde klippe. Hierdie studie het baie soortgelyke resultate getoon as dié van ander studente, behalwe vir die toetse wat gedoen was met emulsies. Daar is vasgestel dat die metode van kuring van die emulsies moet aangepas word om behoorlike kuring van die emulsies te verseker. Daar is ook gevind dat klipsoorte nie die BBS eienskappe in dieselfde mate as temperatuur en bindmiddel toepassingstipe beïnvloed het nie. Die BBS resultate van warm aangewende bindmiddels het ook nie aansienlik verhoog soos die kuringstyd toegeneem het nie, maar die resultate van emulsies het wel 'n toename getoon. Die emulsies het wel meer tyd nodig gehad om behoorlik te kuur.
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Davies, E. "Rheological and engineering properties of asphaltic paving materials with polymer modified and conventional binders". Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1993.

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De, Beer M. "Behaviour of cementitious subbase layers in bitumen base structures". Pretoria : [s.n.], 2009.

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Nassar, Ahmed Izat Mohammed. "Enhancing the performance of cold bitumen emulsion mixture using supplementary cementitious materials". Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2016.

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Several benefits are gained from using cold mix asphalt (CMA) instead of hot mix asphalt (HMA). The benefits include conservation of materials and reducing energy consumption, preservation of the environment and reduction in cost. One of the common types of CMA is cold bitumen emulsion mixture (CBEM) which is the mixture produced by mixing mineral aggregate with bitumen emulsion. Despite the efforts applied in the last few decades in order to improve and develop CBEM utilization, certain deficiencies remain that make it inferior to HMA, resulting in restricting or minimizing of its use. However, the development of CBEM for road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance is steadily gaining interest in both pavement engineering industrial and research sectors. The present study was primarily aimed at evaluating the effect of using different cementitious materials on the performance of CBEM. The idea of the research is to provide a sustainable filler from supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to be used as fillers to provide enhanced properties of CBEMs. By achieving this aim it is expected that the utilization of CBEM would increase, allowing them to be used as structural pavement materials with some confidence. Research was first undertaken to optimize the mix design of CBEM using a statistical approach known as response surface methodology (RSM), as an alternative approach to achieve acceptable engineering properties. The optimization of CBEM was investigated, to determine optimum proportions to gain suitable levels of both mechanical and volumetric properties. This optimization focussed on the mix design parameters, namely bitumen emulsion content (BEC), pre-wetting water content (PWC) and curing temperature (CT). This work also aimed to investigate the effect of the interaction between these parameters on the mechanical and volumetric properties of CBEMs. The results indicate that the interaction of BEC, PWC and CT influences the mechanical properties of CBEM. However, PWC tends to influence the volumetric properties more significantly than BEC. The individual effects of BEC and PWC are important, rather than simply the TFC which is used in conventional mix design of CBEM. Furthermore, the experimental results for the optimum mix design corresponded well with model predictions. It was concluded that optimization using RSM is an effective approach for mix design of CBEMs. The study also investigated in-depth the performance characteristics of CBEMs using different filler treatments. The study was extended to understand the performance enhancement through mineralogical and microstructural investigations. The research was designed to use cement, binary and ternary blended fillers (BBF and TBF). Fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) were used as BBF while silica fume (SF) was added to the BBF to obtain TBF. A significant improvement was achieved in mechanical and durability properties of CBEMs due to incorporation of both cement and blended fillers. Also, the results indicated that TBF was more suitable than BBF for the production of CBEMs. The microstructural assessment indicated that the effect of BBF on the internal microstructure of CBEMs was slightly negative and more noticeable in CBEMs containing FA. Mineralogical and microstructural assessments also suggested that the presence of bitumen emulsion might not affect the hydration of the silicates in treated CBEMs. The formation of additional CSH was observed due to the replacement of conventional limestone filler by cement, BBF and TBF. However, it seems that this can cause a delay in the formation of other hydration products (Ettringite) resulting from the hydration of aluminates in cement. Furthermore, it is proposed that the addition of SF to BBF mixtures can eliminate the delay in formation of hydration products caused by the bitumen emulsion. The present work was also aimed at better understanding the curing mechanism of CBEMs and to bridge the gap between laboratory curing and field evolution of these mixtures. This was achieved by evaluating the effect of the curing process on CBEM performance and developing a prediction model to assess in-situ CBEM performance using maturity relationships. Different contributory factors affecting the curing process were investigated such as curing temperature and relative humidity (RH) in addition to the impact of curing time and the presence of cement/active fillers. The results indicated that high curing temperature is responsible for additional stiffness gain by increasing the binder stiffness due to ageing and by increasing the moisture loss by evaporation during the curing process. However, at high curing temperature the moisture loss by evaporation may hinder the hydration of cement/active fillers. Moreover, the results also indicated that the high RH level influences the stiffness modulus of CBEMs negatively. The laboratory results were then used to develop a tool to assess in-situ curing of CBEMs using the maturity approach, which is widely used to estimate in-situ concrete properties. A strong correlation was found between maturity and the stiffness values obtained from the laboratory tests, which resulted in development of maturity-stiffness relationship. The application of this relationship to assess the in-situ stiffness of CBEMs is presented using three hypothetical pavement sections in the United Kingdom, Italy and Qatar; to simulate different curing regimes. A pavement analysis and design study was conducted to evaluate the incorporation of treated CBEMs into a pavement structure. CBEMs are suggested to be used in two scenarios: the first is as a surface course and the second is as a base course. The scope of the study is limited here to design based on the fatigue criterion only. Although, the structural design was based on practical hypothetical layer thicknesses, the results provided useful insight into the structural capabilities of CBEMs.
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Peden, Robert Alexander. "A study of the characteristics and parameters affecting the performance of road surfacing materials with particular reference to the adhesive aspects of road surface binding dressers". Thesis, University of Ulster, 1995.

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Dal, Ben Matteo. "hiResilient response and performance of bitumen stabilized materials with foam incorporating reclaimed asphalt". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014.

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Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increased use of reclaimed asphalt (RA) in Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs), shortcomings in the existing design guidelines and manuals and ongoing developments in the concepts and understanding of these materials require further research into the fundamental properties and behaviour of BSMs. The state-of-the-art of foamed bitumen techniques is reviewed in the literature study. Current best practices in the design of BSMs and pavements incorporating such materials are also included in this literature study. Shortcomings and areas for further improvement of the design practice have been identified. With new environmental legislation, the importance of BSM technology including RA as an environmentally-friendlier and more sustainable construction technique is set to increase in the coming years. Changes in the behaviour of materials and failure mechanisms of BSM mixes are long-term phenomena. This implies that the study of the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the mixes with increasing amount of RA is vital. Therefore, fundamental understandings of moisture damage and thermo-physical characteristics, which are related to material properties, are required. The main objective of this study is to advance BSM technology by assessing the influence of the selected materials on durability behaviour, temperature distribution and long-term performance in all phases of application (i.e. mix design, construction, and in-service condition). This study begins with a comprehensive literature review of research dealing with the interactions between RA and mineral aggregates. The properties of RA and mineral aggregates were reviewed. This was followed by a review into the mechanical properties of BSM-foam mixes with high percentage of RA and its durability performance. Factors influencing the temperature gradient of BSMs were then identified. Achieving a better understanding of the fundamental performance properties and temperature influence on the behaviour of BSMs with high percentage of RA is one of the key factors of this research, with a view to using the extended knowledge for improvements to current mix design and structural design practices. Finally, the fundamental theories on thermo-conductivity and the mechanical properties of the BSM were used to create a relationship between temperature and mechanical properties in a pavement section. A laboratory testing programme was set up to study the properties and behaviour of BSMs and to establish links with the compositional factors, i.e. the type of binder used, the percentage of RA in the mix and the addition of a small amount of cement as active filler. BSMs were blended in three different proportions of RA and good quality crushed stone materials: 100% RA (with 2 % bitumen content), 50% RA and 50% G2 Hornfels crushed stone (with 2.1% bitumen content) and 100% G2 (with 2.3 % bitumen content). Tri-axial testing was carried out to determine shear parameters, resilient modulus and permanent deformation behaviour, while brushing testing was carried out to determine the possible durability performance of the BSMs. The mixture durability in terms of moisture damage was investigated. Temperature data were collected and a model to accurately simulate the temperature distribution in the BSMs was identified and proposed for further investigation and validation. It was found from the laboratory temperature data collected in this study that the temperature gradient varied according to the depth of the BSMs. A considerable part of the efforts of this study were dedicated to characterise and model the temperature distribution in a pavement section, taking into account the mechanical properties and performance of the BSMs at different temperature layers. The study provides an insight into fundamental mechanical performance, material durability properties, and the thermal capacity and conductivity of the BSM-foam mixes with high percentage of RA. This will assist in improving the current procedure for selection, combining and formulation of the mix matrices for BSMs. In addition, the study provides guidelines that will enable practitioners to confidently understand the relationship between temperature gradient and mechanical behaviours of BSM-foam pavement section. The specific durability-related issues addressed in this study are substance for future research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende gebruik van herwonne asfalt (Engels: reclaimed asphalt (RA)) in bitumen gestabiliseerde materiaal (Engels: Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs)), tekortkominge in die bestaande ontwerpriglyne- en handleidings en deurlopende verbeteringe in die konsepte en begrip van hierdie material vereis verdere navorsing oor die fundamentele eienskappe en gedrag van BSM. In die literatuurstudie word die huidige stand van kennis van die ontwerp van skuimbitumentegnieke ondersoek. Die literatuurstudie dek ook die huidige beste praktyke in die ontwerp van BSM en plaveisels wat hierdie materiale insluit. Tekortkominge en areas van verdere verbetering in die ontwerppraktyke is geïdentifiseer. Onlangse omgewingswetgewing verhoog die belangrikheid van BSM tegnologie, insluitend RA, as ‘n meer omgewingsvriendelike en volhoubare konstruksie-tegniek. Hierdie faktor sal in die toekoms al hoe belangriker word. Die verandering in die gedrag van materiaal en die falingsmeganismes van BSM mengsels is langtermynverskynsels. Dit impliseer dat die studie van die fisio-chemiese en meganiese eienskappe van mengsels met toenemende verhoudings van RA van kardinale belang is’n Fundamentele begrip van die vogskade en temo-fisiese eienskappe, wat verwant is aan die materiale se eienskappe, word vereis. Die primêre doelwit van die studie is die bevordering van BSM tegnologie deur die invloed van die geselekteerde materiale op duursaamheid, temperatuurverspreiding en langtermyn gedrag in al die fases van toepassing (mengselontwerp, konstruksie en in-dienstoestand) te bepaal. Die verhandeling begin met ‘n omvattende literatuuroorsig van navorsing oor die interaksie tussen RA en mineraalaggregate. Die eienskappe van RA en die mineraalaggregate word bespreek. Dit word gevolg deur ‘n oorsig van die meganiese eienskappe van die BSM-skuimbitumenmengsels met ‘n hoë persentasie RA en die duursaamheidgedrag daarvan. Faktore wat die temperatuurgradient van BSM beïnvloed word dan aangetoon. ‘n Beter begrip van die fundamentele gedragseienskappe en die invloed van temperatuur op die gedrag van BSM met ‘n hoë persentasie RA is een van die sleutelfaktore van hierdie navorsing. Dit het ten doel om die uitgebreide kennis te gebruik om huidige mengselontwerp en strukturele ontwerppraktyke te verbeter. Laastens is die fundamentele teorie van termogeleiding en die meganiese eienskappe van BSM gebruik om ‘n verhouding tussen temperature en meganiese eienskappe in ‘n plaveiselsnit te ontwikkel. ‘n Laboratoriumtoetsprogram is opgestel om die eienskappe en gedrag van BSM te bestudeer en om verwantskappe tussen samestellende faktore soos die tipe bindmiddel gebruik, die persentasie RA in die mengsel en die toediening van klein hoeveelhede sement as aktiewe vuller te bepaal. BSM is in drie verskillende verhoudings van RA en goeie gehalte gebreekte klipmateriaal vermeng: 100% RA met 2 % bitumen, 50% RA en 50 % G2 Hornfels gebreekte klip met 2.1 % bitumen en 100% G2 met 2.3 % bitumen. Drie-assige druktoetse is gebruik om skuifsterkteparameters, elastiese modulus en permanente vervormingsgedrag te bepaal. Borseltoetse is gebruik om die duursaamheidgedrag van BSM te bepaal. Die mengsels se duursaamheid is ook in terme van vogskade ondersoek.
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Aoyagi, Yuichi [Verfasser]. "Aging processes of sealing materials / Yuichi Aoyagi". Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019.

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Fransson, Christoffer. "Accelerated aging of aluminum alloys". Thesis, Karlstad University, Karlstad University, Karlstad University, Karlstad University, 2009.

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In order to determine storage life for aluminum alloys it is essential to have a good knowledge on the accelerated aging behavior and the mechanical properties that are affected. The selected aluminum alloys are AA2017, AA6082, AA7075 and the study has been focused on their impact toughness and hardness relation to aging beyond peak conditions. To be able to plot the mechanical properties versus aging time and temperature, Differential Scanning Calorimetric runs have been the key to obtain supporting activation energies for a specific transformation. The activation energies have been calculated according to the Kissinger method, plotted in Matlab. Arrhenius correlation has also been applied to predict the natural aging time for long time storage in 30 degrees Celsius. It could be concluded that the results from the mechanical test series show that the constructed Arrhenius 3D method did not meet the expectations to extrapolate constant activation energies down to storage life condition. Scanning electron microscopy together with light optical microscopy analyses show how important it is to apply notches in proper test specimen directions and how precipitates are grown, as it will affect impact toughness and hardness.

An ending discussion is held to explain how mechanical testing progressed and how other external issues affected the master thesis operations.

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Twagirimana, Emmanuel. "Evaluation of adhesion properties in bitumen-aggregate systems for winter surfacing seals using the bitumen bond strength test". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014.

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Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Flexible pavement designers have a choice of two wearing course: either asphalt concrete or surfacing seals. The latter have been widely used by several countries as their preferred wearing course over other methods, especially countries with a limited number of average inhabitants per square kilometre. Moreover, the surfacing seals were identified as an efficient cost effective road preventive maintenance technique. Surfacing seals in New Zealand, South Africa and Australia cover about 65%, 80% and 90% of their surfaced road networks respectively. The preference of surfacing seals is due to their competitive initial cost and ease of construction. In South Africa, the life expectancy of surfacing seals varies between 8 and 12 years with an average of 10 years. This has not been the case in a number of surfacing seals constructed in winter, especially when the night recorded temperature is below 10oC. The dominant failure mechanism is ravelling (chip loss) soon after construction due to traffic loading. This chip loss is linked to the poor adhesion bond development rate in the bitumen-aggregate system during winter adverse conditions. In order to address the issue of premature chip loss the need for the development of a robust adhesion test method was identified. For that purpose, recently, researchers in the bitumen industry developed the Bitumen Bond Strength test method. This method was used in this study. This study intends to contribute to the understanding of binder-aggregate adhesion bond development for winter surfacing seals using the BBS test. Binder type, precoat type and conditioning, aggregate type and curing time are amongst the factors influencing winter seals adhesion bond performance. An experimental matrix involving three types of binder, two types of aggregate, four different precoating fluids, two precoat conditionings and two binder-curing times were then developed and investigated. Winter weather parameters affecting adhesion properties were also taken into consideration during the course of the investigation. Throughout the test, the procedure described in AASHTO TP 91-11 was followed. However, in order to enhance the control of the binder application temperature, a new method for hot applied binder sample preparation was developed as part of this study. The findings show that there is a significant difference between adhesion properties of the hot applied binders (70/100 and S-E1) and the emulsion (SC-E1). In most of the cases, the hot applied binders performed better than the emulsion. The failure mode observed was found to be linked to the condition of the precoating. The influence of the precoat type and conditioning, and effect of binder curing time were significantly highlighted. The use of a dry precoat benefited the adhesion bond strength up to around 50% relatively to the corresponding non-precoated combination. However, a decrement in the bond strength due to precoating of up to 28.7% was also observed. A statistical analysis using ANOVA did not illustrate any statistical significant effect of the aggregate type. The interaction effects analysis using ANOVA revealed the aggregate type interacting with precoat type to be the most influential interaction at level two. The precoat conditioning implication to the adhesion development rate, which influences the time for opening to traffic after construction, was illustrated. Insightful aspects on the compatibility between the binder type and precoat type and conditioning during the aggregate precoating practices and on the time for opening to traffic are highlighted. Finally, the repeatability analysis proved the BBS test to be a repeatable testing method with caution. Recommendations for further studies that could support the conclusions drawn in this study were provided.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Buigbare plaveiselontwerpers het 'n keuse van twee deklae: óf Asfalt of oppervlak seëls. Laasgenoemde word algemeen gebruik deur verskeie lande as hul voorkeur deklaag, veral die lande met beperkte aantal gemiddelde inwoners per vierkante kilometer. Verder, is die seëls geïdentifiseer as 'n doeltreffende koste-effektiewe deklaag tegniek. Oppervlakseëls in Nieu-Seeland, Suid-Afrika en Australië dek ongeveer 65%, 80% en 90% van hul padnetwerke onderskeidelik. Die seëls se voorkeur is te danke aan hul mededingende aanvanklike koste en eenvoudige vorm van die konstruksie. In Suid-Afrika wissel die seël se lewensverwagting tussen 8 en 12 jaar met 'n gemiddeld van 10 jaar. Dit is egter nie die geval van 'n aantal seëls wat in die winter gebou word nie, veral wanneer die aangetekende nagtemperatuur onder 10o C daal nie. Die dominante swigtingsmeganisme is stroping (klipverlies) kort na konstruksie. Hierdie klipverlies is gekoppel aan die power kleef-ontwikkeling van bitumen gedurende die winter. Ten einde die probleem van voortydige klipverlies aan te spreek het die behoefte vir die ontwikkeling van 'n robuuste toetsmetode ontstaan. Om hierdie rede het navorsers onlangs in die bitumenbedryf die “BBS toetsmetode” ontwikkel en is dié toetsmetode in hierdie studie gebruik. Hierdie studie beoog om by te dra tot die begrip van bindmiddel-klip kleefontwikkeling vir die winter seëls dmv die BBS toets. Die faktore, insluitend maar nie beperk tot bindmiddeltipe, voorafdekking (“PRECOAT”) -tipe en kondisionering, aggregaattipe en kuurtyd beïnvloed winter seëls se kleefeienskappe. 'n Eksperimentele matriks met drie tipes bindmiddels, twee tipes aggregate, vier verskillende voorafdekking-vloeistowwe, twee voorafdekking kondisionering en twee bindmiddel kuurtye is toe ontwikkel en ondersoek. Winter weer parameters wat kleefeienskappe beïnvloed is ook in ag geneem tydens die verloop van die ondersoek. Regdeur die studie is die prosedure AASHTO TP 91-11 gevolg, maar ten einde die beheer van die bindmiddel spuittemperatuur te verbeter, is ‘n nuwe metode vir warmspuit-bindmonsters voorbereiding ontwikkel as deel van hierdie studie. Die bevindinge toon dat daar 'n beduidende verskil tussen die kleefeienskappe van die warm aangewende bindmiddels (70/100 en S-E1) en die emulsie (SC-E1) is. In die meeste van die gevalle het die warmspuit-bindmiddels beter as emulsie gevaar. Daar is gevind dat die swigtingsmeganisme verbind word met die toestand van die voorafdekking. Die invloed van voorafdekkingtipe, kondisionering, en die effek van bindmiddelkuurtyd is duidelik uitgelig. Die gebruik van droë voorafdekking het die kleefkrag tot sowat 50% verhoog relatief tot die ooreenstemmende onbedekte klipkombinasie. Daar is egter ook ‘n verlaging van die kleefkrag weens voorafdekking gevind van tot so hoog soos 28,7 persent. Die statistiese ontleding met behulp van ANOVA het geen statisties beduidende effek van die verksillende aggregaattipe te vore gebring nie. Die interaksie-effek analise, met behulp van ANOVA, het wel die interaksie met voorafdekkingtipe met aggregaat die mees invloedryke bevestig. Die voorafdekking kondisioneering het ver rykende kleefkrag implikasies bloot gelê, wat die tyd vir die opening van die verkeer na konstruksie beïnvloed. Insigwekkende aspekte oor die versoenbaarheid tussen die bindmiddeltipe, voorafdekkingtipe, kondisionering, voorafdekkingpraktyk en tyd tot opening vir verkeer word uitgelig. Ten slotte, die herhaalbaarheidsanalise het die BBS toets as 'n herhaalbare toetsmetode met omsigtigheid bewys. Daar is aanbevelings tot verdere studies, wat uit die gevolgtrekking gekom het, gemaak.
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Kashaya, Asiimwe Annie. "Surface run-off behaviour of bitumen emulsions used for the construction of seals". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013.

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Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Factors influencing surface run-off of bitumen emulsions were studied in order to understand binders for use in the construction of surfacing seals. Run-off of the binder from the road surface causes an inconsistent film thickness leading to ravelling (Johannes, Hanz & Bahia n.d.) and bleeding at the upstream and downstream regions, respectively. There is currently no accepted specification for surface run-off viscosity. Practice mainly relies on empirical tests and experience. As the establishment of such a specification encompasses performance of the binder in various environments or field conditions, this study was undertaken to determine performance of the selected binder. Viscosity was kept constant by spraying the emulsion at a constant temperature and also holding the pavement temperature constant. In order to study the run-off behaviour of the binder, run-off tests were conducted at various gradients, texture depths and spray rates. Surfacing seals of various texture depths were constructed in the laboratory. Using a spray bar, the emulsion was sprayed at various spray rates. The sample surfaces were tilted to various gradients. Results portrayed the effects of the three factors (spray rate, gradient and texture depth) on the amount of runoff. An increase in the magnitude of the factors resulted in a variation in the runoff (increase or decrease). One notable finding was that the runoff from the 9.5 mm seal was less than that from the 13.2 mm seal. The other significant finding was that spray rate had the largest effect on runoff, followed by texture depth, and gradient.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sekere eienskappe wat oppervlakdreinering van bitumen emulsies op paaie beinvloed, is bestudeer om sodoende binders wat gebruik word in die konstruksie van die seëls beter te verstaan. Afloop van die binder vanaf die padoppervlak kan lei tot die vorming van ‘n laag met ongelyke dikte wat moontlike rafeling (Johannes, Hanz & Bahia nd) en bloeing vanuit die onderkant van die pad tot gevolg kan hê. Daar is tans geen aanvaarde spesifikasies wat hierdie verskynsels inperk nie. Konstruksie praktyk berus hoofsaaklik op empiriese toetse en ondervinding. Hierdie studie is dus onderneem om prestasie van die geselekteerde binder vas te stel. Viskositeit was konstant gehou deur die aangewende emulsie en padtemperatuur konstant te hou. Ten einde die afloopgedrag van die binder te bestudeer, is toetse uitgevoer op verskeie hellings, tekstuurdieptes en aanwendingskoerse. Seëls van die verskillende tekstuurdieptes is gebou in die laboratorium, en emulsies op hierdie oppervlaktes aangewend. Die toetsoppervlakte is gekantel om die vereiste helling te kry. Resultate vir die drie faktore wys die invloed op afloop. ‘n Toename in die grootte van die faktore het gelei tot 'n variasie in die afloop (toename of afname). Een noemenswaardige bevinding was dat die afloop van die seël van 9,5 mm minder was as dié van die seël van 13,2 mm. Belangrike bevindinge sluit ook in dat die spuitkoers die grootste invloed het op afloop, gevolg deur die tekstuur diepte en die gradiënt.
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Taylor, Keith Allen. "Aging phenomena in ferrous martensites". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.

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Thesis (Sc.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, 1985.
Includes bibliographical references.
by Keith Allen Taylor.
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Pournoman, Sara. "Oxidative Aging of Binders with High Recycled Asphalt Materials". Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, 2017.

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The objectives of this research effort focused on the oxidative aging of binders with high recycled asphalt materials. A coordinated program of forced-draft oven aging experiments was conducted on eleven sorts of binder blends including three different types of base binders from TX, NH, and NV, two different types of recycled material (RAP/RAS), and two different types of recycling agents (RA). Implementing the Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) isothermal frequency sweep tests, the oxidation kinetics and rheological performance were determined for the evaluation materials. Results indicated that the oxidative aging rates were influenced by the aging temperature, duration, base binder type, as well as the utilized asphalt modifier, i.e. recycled materials and RAs. It was also noted that the RAs reduced the overall stiffness in the investigated stages of oxidation. However, differential aging rates and hardening susceptibilities were observed between the RA and RAP/RAS additions to each of the three bases, noting that these differences were not consistent with the type of RAS, i.e. MWAS or TOAS. Additionally, the base binder aging properties due to the addition of the recycled material was highly influenced by the RA dosages within each blend.

Furthermore, the binder blend oxidative aging predictions at binder specific geographical location indicated that using the recycled materials along with the RAs at the optimum dosage, according to the proposed methodology, was able to restore the binder blend properties to the virgin binder.

The influences of the recycled material and RAs on the PG 64-28P base binder were also investigated through the binder PG grading and mortar testing. Consistent directions for the influence of the evaluation materials were observed within both procedures, suggesting the capability of the mortar procedure in characterizing the effects of RAP and RA materials on virgin binder without the use of chemical extraction.

The Uniaxial Thermal Stress and Strain Test (UTSST) was also conducted on the PMFC and RPMLC specimens of the NV field project to investigate the influence of the high recycled material and RAs on the asphalt mixtures. Through consideration of the thermo-viscoelastic properties, marked differences in the binder oxidation were noted between the experimental factors. Typically, decreases in the viscous response of the mixtures as well as increases in both the stiffness and brittle behavior were observed with aging and also inclusion of the recycled material. Although the addition of the RAs to the recycled mixtures indicated some extent of properties restoration, crack initiation and fracture were observed to occur in significantly warmer temperatures compared to the virgin mixture.

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Varma, Remya. "On the quantification of healing in asphalt materials". Licentiate thesis, KTH, Bro- och stålbyggnad, 2021.

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Asphalt materials exhibit self-healing characteristics. In order to evaluate the healing capabilities of these materials, numerous investigations are carried out by researchers. These investigations include various definitions of healing and mechanical test methods to quantify the extent of healing. Irrespective of these extensive studies, there is no unique method to evaluate the healing in asphalt materials. The biasedness to the test conditions and complexity due to the involvement of other phenomena such as stress relaxation and strain recovery make the characterization of healing a challenging process. The work presented in this thesis includes the development of experimental and analytical approaches to contribute to the understanding of healing in asphalt materials. The thesis focuses on both fracture mechanics and damage mechanics-based approaches to evaluate the healing in asphalt materials. In the first case, three-point bending tests are carried out to characterize the healing following the fracture. The experimental protocol is carefully designed to avoid the effect due to low temperature physical hardening of the material during the rest period. Different healing indices appealing to linear elastic fracture mechanics and viscoelastic fracture mechanics are compared. While healing is generally defined based on the recovery of certain parameters following the rest period, the comparison across healing indices shows that the quantitative interpretations of healing are dependent on the post-processing methods. The damage mechanics-based approach discussed in this study includes creep and recovery tests in shear. Here, unlike the first case, the samples are not fractured during the test. The damage is considered to be a part of the viscoplastic deformation and the recovery of viscoplastic deformation is defined as the healing. The method proposed in this study is useful to isolate the viscoelastic effects to quantify the healing of damage.
Asfaltmaterial uppvisar självläkande egenskaper. För att utvärdera dess läkande förmågor utförs många undersökningar av forskare. Dessa undersökningar inkluderar olika definitioner av läkning och mekaniska testmetoder för att kvantifiera graden av läkningen. Trots dessa omfattande studier finns det ingen unik metod för att utvärdera läkning i asfaltsmaterial. Påverkan av testförhållandena och komplexiteten från inverkan av andra fenomen, såsom spänningsrelaxation och töjningsåterhämtning, gör karakteriseringen av läkning en utmanande process. Arbetet som presenteras i denna uppsats inkluderar utvecklingen av experimentella och analytiska metoder för att bidra till förståelsen av läkning i asfaltsmaterial. Uppsatsen fokuserar på både brottmekaniks- och skademekaniksbaserade metoder för att utvärdera läkning i asfaltsmaterial. I det första fallet utförs trepunktsböjningstest för att karakterisera läkningen efter brott. Det experimentella protokollet är noggrant designat för att undvika effekten av hårdnande vid låg temperatur under viloperioden. Dessutom jämförs olika läkningsindex baserade på linjärelastisk brottmekanik och viskoelastisk brottmekanik. Trots att läkning generellt definieras baserat på återhämtningen av vissa parametrar efter viloperioden, så visar jämförelsen av läkningsindexen att den kvantitativa tolkningen av läkning beror på metoderna för efterbehandling.  Den skademekaniksbaserade metoden som diskuteras i denna studie inkluderar kryp- och återhämtningstest i skjuvning. Till skillnad mot det första fallet så spricker här inte proven. Skadan anses istället vara del av den viskoplastiska deformationen och återhämtningen av viskoplastisk deformation är definierad som läkning. Metoden som föreslås i denna studie är användbar för att isolera de viskoelastiska effekterna för att kvantifiera läkningen av skada.
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Zhang, Hui. "Aging characteristics of solid polymeric materials used for electrical insulation". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Hastie, Robert L. "The effect of physical aging on the creep response of a thermoplastic composite". Diss., This resource online, 1991.

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Jenkins, Kim Jonathan. "Mix design considerations for cold and half-warm bituminous mixes with emphasis of foamed bitumen". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000.

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Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion as binders for use in road rehabilitation is gaining favour globally. High-level road facilities through to unpaved roads requiring attention are being treated with these binders due to environmental, economic and practical benefits in the use of cold bituminous mixes. In addition, static and mobile plant with the capability of performing stabilisation using bitumenemulsion and foamed bitumen has become commercially available and widely utilised, as a result of development in recycling technology and lapse in patent rights on foam nozzles. An understanding of the behaviour and failure mechanisms of these cold mixes, as well as sound guidelines for the mix design procedures of cold mixes, especially foamed bitumen, and design guidelines for pavements structures incorporating these materials, are lacking however. Mix designs are carried out primarily on the basis of experience and pavement designs are empirically based. The main objective of this dissertation is to address the need for a fundamental understanding of foamed bitumen and foamed bitumen mixes, and in so doing to develop techniques for adjudicating mixes, optimising their composition and rationalising their design both as mixes and as layers in road pavements. At the same time the exploration of new applications for foamed bitumen and the possibilities for progressive related technology, is a priority. To commence, this study includes an appraisal of most of the literature available on foamed bitumen. This is followed by a fundamental investigation of the colloidal mass of foam that is produced when small quantities of cold water are added to hot bitumen. Factors influencing the quality of the foam are identified and a Foam Index is developed for characterisation and optimisation of the foam. The spatial composition of a cold foamed bitumen mix, including Interaction of the foam with moist mineral aggregate, is also addressed in this dissertation. In particular, the stiffening of the filler mastic using foamed bitumen as binder is analysed. Techniques of optimising the sand type and content in the mix are also developed and guidelines for desired aggregate structures for foam treatment are established. The temperature of the mineral aggregate has been shown to have a profound influence on the behaviour and performance of a foamed bitumen mix. This has been selected as a focal area of further investigation and the research has lead to the development of a new process called "The half-warm foamed bitumen treatment process" that can produce mixes with almost the quality of hot mix asphalt with up to 40% less energy consumption. Other processes developed in this research include the use of cold mix asphaltic blocks for construction of road pavements in developing areas. This technology enhances the use of a high labour component in road construction in an economically competitive manner. The dissertation provides details for mix design and construction of the cold mix blocks. Finally, the study includes models for the performance prediction of foamed bitumen mixes. In particular, foamed mixes that exhibit stress-dependent behaviour have been investigated and models established on the basis of triaxial testing and accelerated pavement testing for the prediction of permanent deformation of such layers under repeated loading. Practical applications of the research findings are summarised in Appendix F. This includes: • methods for optimisation of the foamed bitumen properties, • guidelines for the selection of the ideal aggregate structure for cold foamed mixes, • procedures for carrying out cold mix design in the laboratory (including mixing, compaction and curing), • procedures for manufacturing half-warm foamed mixes in the laboratory, • methods for manufacturing cold mix blocks, and • pavement design methods for road structures incorporating foamed mix layers. Appendix G outlines statistical techniques that are relevant to the design of experiments in pavement engineering including examples of applications of these procedures. The techniques are applied selectively in the relevant chapters of the dissertation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van skuim bitumen en bitumen emulsie as bindmidel in pad rehabilitasie begin groter voorkeur wêreldwyd geniet. Van hoë vlak padfasiliteite tot ongeplaveide paaie wat aandag benodig, word met hierdie binders behandel vanweë die omgewings-, ekonomiese en praktiese voordele wat hierdie koue bitumen mengsels inhou. Voorts is statiese en mobiele masjinerie wat die vermoë het om stabilisasie in die gebruik van bitumenemulsie en skuimbitumen te bewerkstellig, in die handel verkrygbaar. Dit word algemeen gebruik as 'n uitvloeisel van ontwikkelings in herwinningstegnologie en die verslapping van patenteregte op skuim sproeikoppe. 'n Leemte bestaan in die begrip van die gedrags- en swigtingsmeganismes van hierdie koue mengsels, asook goeie riglyne vir die mengselontwerp van koue mengsels en in besonder skuimbitumen, en ontwerpriglyne vir plaveisel strukture waar hierdie materiaal geinkorporeer is. Mengselontwerpe word hoofsaaklik uitgevoer op grond van ondervinding, terwyl plaveiselontwerpe empiries gebaseer is. Die hoofdoel van die verhandeling is om die behoefte vir 'n fundamentele begrip van skuim bitumen en skuimbitumen mengsels aan te spreek, en daardeur tegnieke te ontwikkel vir die be-oordeling van mengsels, optimsering van hul samestelling en rasionalisering van hulontwerp vir beide mengsels en plaveisellae. Terselfdertyd is die ondersoek na nuwe toepassings van skuim bitumen en die moontlikhede van nuwe tegnologie 'n prioriteit. As beginpunt sluit hierdie studie 'n waardeskatting van die meeste literatuur beskikbaar op skuim bitumen in. Dit word gevolg deur 'n basiese ondersoek na die kolloidale massa van skuim wat geproduseer word wanneer klein hoeveelhede koue water by warm bitumen gevoeg word. Faktore wat die gehalte van die skuim beinvloed word uitgewys en 'n Skuim Indeks is ontwikkel vir die karakterisering en optimisering van die skuim. Die ruimtelike samestelling van 'n koue bitumen mengsel, wat die interaksie van die skuim met vogtige minerale samevoegings (aggregate) insluit, word ook aangespreek. Besondere aandag word gewy aan die verharding van die vuiler mastiekgom wat gebruik word as bitumen binder. Tegnieke om die sandtipe en inhoud van die mengsel te optimiseer is ontwikkel en riglyne vir die verlangde samevoegingstrukture (aggregate strukture) vir skuimbehandeling is opgestel. Daar is bevind dat die temperatuur van die minerale aggregaat 'n duidelike invloed op die gedrag en verrigting van 'n skuimbitumen mengsel het. Dit is gekies as In fokuspunt vir verdere studie en die navorsingswerk daarop het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van In nuwe proses wat "Die half-warm skuim bitumen behandelings proses" genoem word. Hierdie proses produseer mengsels wat byna gelykstaande is aan die gehalte van warm gemengde asfalt, maar met tot 40% minder energie verbruik. Ander prosesse wat met dié navorsing ontwikkel is, sluit koue gemengde asfaltiese blokke in, wat gebruik word in die konstruksie van padplaveisel in ontwikkelende gebiede. Hierdie tegnologie bevorder die ekonomiese gebruik van 'n hoë arbeidskomponent in padkonstruksie. Die studie stel besonderhede vir die mengselontwerp en konstruksie vir koue gemengde blokke voor. Laastens sluit die studie modelle in vir die werkverrigtingsvoorspelling van skuimbitumen mengsels. Op basis van drie-assige proewe in die laboratorium en versnelde belasting van paaie is modelle ontwikkel vir skuim bitumen mengsels wat spanningsafhanklike gedrag vertoon (die sogenaamde "granulêre" groep) om die permanente deformasie in die lae as gevolg van herhaalde verkeersbelasting te voorspel. 'n Opsomming van al die praktiese toepassings van die ontwikkelings van die navorsing word in Appendix F verskaf. Dit sluit in: • optimesering van die eienskappe van skuimbitumen, • riglyne vir gewenste samestelling van aggregaat in skuimbitumen mengsels, • ontwerp metodes vir koue skuimbitumen mengsels in die laboratorium (meng, verdigting en curing), • produksie metodes vir half-warme mensels in die laboratorium, • produksie metodes vir blokke wat met koue mengsels gemaak word, en • plaveiselontwerp metodes van strukture wat skuimbitumen lae inkorporeer. Appendix G gee 'n oorsig van statistiese tegnieke wat relevant is vir die ontwerp van eksperimente, insluitend voorbeelde van toepassings van die prosedures in plaveiselingenieurswese. Die tegnieke word selektief toegepas in die relevante hoofstukke van die verhandeling.
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Eriksson, Rickard. "Structural Changes in Lithium Battery Materials Induced by Aging or Usage". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Strukturkemi, 2015.

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Li-ion batteries have a huge potential for use in electrification of the transportation sector. The major challenge to be met is the limited energy storage capacity of the battery pack: both the amount of energy which can be stored within the space available in the vehicle (defining its range), and the aging of the individual battery cells (determining how long a whole pack can deliver sufficient energy and power to drive the vehicle). This thesis aims to increase our knowledge and understanding of structural changes induced by aging and usage of the Li-ion battery materials involved. Aging processes have been studied in commercial-size Li-ion cells with two different chemistries. LiFePO4/graphite cells were aged under different conditions, and thereafter examined at different points along the electrodes by post mortem characterisation using SEM, XPS, XRD and electrochemical characterization in half-cells. The results revealed large differences in degradation behaviour under different aging conditions and in different regions of the same cell. The aging of LiMn2O4-LiCoO2/Li4Ti5O12 cells was studied under two different aging conditions. Post mortem analysis revealed a high degree of Mn/Co mixing within individual particles of the LiMn2O4-LiCoO2 composite electrode. Structural changes induced by lithium insertion were studied in two negative electrode materials: in Li0.5Ni0.25TiOPO4 using in situ XRD, and in Ni0.5TiOPO4 using EXAFS, XANES and HAXPES. It was shown that Li0.5Ni0.25TiOPO4 lost most of its long-range-order during lithiation, and that both Ni and Ti were involved in the charge compensation mechanism during lithiation/delithiation of Ni0.5TiOPO4, with small clusters of metal-like Ni forming during lithiation. Finally, in situ XRD studies were also made of the reaction pathways to form LiFeSO4F from two sets of reactants: either FeSO4·H2O and LiF, or Li2SO4 and FeF2. During the heat treatment, Li2SO4 and FeF2 react to form FeSO4·H2O and LiF in a first step. In a second step LiFeSO4F is formed. This underlines the importance of the structural similarities between LiFeSO4F and FeSO4·H2O in the formation process of LiFeSO4F.
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Matsuo, Miyuki. "Color Change of Lignocellulosic Materials during Natural Aging and Heat Treatment". Kyoto University, 2012.

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Kyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)教授 川井 秀一, 教授 杉山 淳司, 准教授 仲村 匡司
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Milne, Terence Ian. "Towards a performance related seal design method for Bitumen and modified road seal binders". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2004.

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Thesis(PhD (Civil Engineering))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Bitumen based road surfacing seals and asphalt wearing courses have been used by society's Engineers "to counter the damage to the existing unsurfaced roadways by the newly developed automobile with its rubber driving wheels" since the early 1900's. Early experiments were conducted with both tar and bitumen to find a suitable material to alleviate the situation, and ongoing research has been carried out through the past century and into the new millennium, throughout the world, examining improvements, from materials used, to design and construction methods. However, there is still much to be understood, improved and refined, when considering road surfacing seal design. Pavement designers have the choice of utilizing either an asphalt (graded aggregate remanufactured with a bitumen binder and applied as a complete product) or a surfacing seal (including variations of bitumen binder sprayed onto the road surface, with the addition of single size stones, either in one or two layers of binder and aggregate, i.e. single or double seals) as a pavement wearing course. Current road surfacing seal design practice depends on empirical analysis and experience, being primarily a volumetric based assessment of bitumen application. This research project assesses South African seal design philosophy, investigates design areas where review or updating is required to accommodate changing bitumen sources and types, and traffic loading. Seal performance criteria are examined, with the development of a matrix of influences on seal performance. Using this, the need for a seal design method based on mechanistic material properties is proposed, and the prototype example of such a numerical model using finite element method is presented. To contribute further towards a performance related seal design method, the feasibility of modelling of road surfacing seals using mechanistic principles was examined. The potential of developing failure and fatigue criteria or relationships to enable assessment of the expected seal performance, with inclusion of different component material characteristics and variations, varying traffic and environmental conditions, was also examined. From assessment of literature, and understanding of the components of the seal, pavement, and influencing factors, a choice of numerical model of seal performance was made. The Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis was selected for the purpose of modelling seal performance. The model was developed to enable examination of the interaction of individual seal components (i.e. stone and bitumen), at micro-mechanic scale. The prototype 3-dimensional numerical seal model was undertaken in 2002 and 2003 at Technical University Delft, using the CAPA research program. On the basis of the linear calculations the developed numerical prototype model is able to provide insight into seal behaviour and distinction between mechanical (seal geometry) and chemical (components) seal aspects, and insight into stress and strain development in the different seal types. Simulations of different seal, environmental and traffic scenarios are provided to demonstrate the potential of the model (excluding seal aggregate interlock and embedment effects at prototype stage). In order to provide data for the verification of the prototype numerical model, and to further contribute to the development of a performance related seal design method, performance tests were developed, with a new tool for assessment of comparative seal performance using the Model Mobile Load Simulator Accelerated Pavement Testing apparatus. The performance of each different seal binder type - Penetration grade Mumen, SBS, SBR, EVA and Bitumen Rubber - was undertaken. A methodology for the assessment of in-service seal performance was developed, and the performance of the respective seals reported. The results of this examination showed that each binder type has its unique contribution to seal performance. These new performance tests will be able to assist designers in the added determination of the fundamental binder properties on seal performance, and the seals' ability to contribute to the overall performance of the pavement. An additional comparative performance test method was developed to enable assessment of the effect of ageing and moisture, to complement the MMLS results. In summary, the performance testing has assisted in identifying the critical parameters a seal designer should consider during the design process. From this research, it is evident that the current seal design method requires further development to able designers to predict the effect of: Varying axle loads, tyre pressures and design speed; Varying characteristics of the different binders, (i.e. temperature - viscosity relationships, adhesion and visco-elastic behaviour); on the performance of seals. The major areas for suggested improvement in current seal design methods towards a performance based design method are: inclusion of variable traffic load and environmental characteristics, including temperature and moisture influences, and inclusion of mechanistic material characteristics into the design methodology.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bitumengebaseerde padoppervlakseellae en asfaltslytlae is sedert die 1900's deur ingenieurs gebruik as teenwig teen die skade wat die pas ontwikkelde voertuig met sy rubberwiele aan bestaande ryvlakke sonder oppervlakbehandeling aangerig het. In vroeëre eksperimente wat daarop gemik was om 'n geskikte materiaal te vind om die probleem teen te werk, is 'n kombinasie van teer en bitumen gebruik. Sedertdien word voortgesette navorsing steeds wêreldwyd gedoen om verbeterings te ondersoek, nie net ten opsigte van materiale nie maar ook ontwerp- en konstruksiemetodes. Wat die ontwerp van padoppervlakseëling betref is daar egter heelwat wat reg begryp, verbeter en verfyn moet word. Plaveiselontwerpers het die keuse om of 'n asfalt te gebruik (gegradeerde aggregaat voorafvervaardig met 'n bitumen bindmiddel en aangewend as 'n klaarproduk), of 'n oppervlakseël (een laag of twee lae [m.a.w. enkel- of dubbelseël] bitumen bindmiddel met aggregaat [enkelgrootte klippies] bygevoeg, gespuit op die padoppervlak). In die praktyk berus die ontwerp van padoppervlakseëling tans op empiriese analise en ervaring (wat hoofsaaklik 'n volumetriesgebaseerde assessering van die aanwending van bitumen is). Hierdie navorsingsprojek doen 'n waardebepaling van die Suid-Afrikaanse filosofie van seëlontwerp, en ondersoek ontwerpterreine wat hersiening of bywerking benodig om vir veranderende bitumenbronne en -tipes, asook verkeerslading, voorsiening te maak. Met die ontwikkeling van 'n matriks van die invloede op seëlprestasie is die kriteria vir seëlprestasie ondersoek. Op grond daarvan word aangevoer dat daar 'n behoefte is aan 'n seëlontwerpmetode gebaseer op die meganistiese eienskappe van materiaal, en word 'n voorbeeld van 'n numeriese modelprototipe wat die eindige-element-metode gebruik, voorgelê. Ten einde 'n verdere bydrae te lewer tot die ontwikkeling van 'n prestasiegerigte seëlontwerpmetode, is die uitvoerbaarheid van die modellering van padoppervlakseëllae gebaseer op meganistiese beginsels, ondersoek. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die potensiaal vir die ontwikkeling van kriteria vir die vasstel van mislukking en vermoeidheid of verhoudinge wat die assessering van die verwagte seëlprestasie (ingesluit die verskillende kenmerke en variasies van seëlkomponentmateriaal en wisselende verkeers- en omgewingsomstandighede) moontlik kan maak. Met oorweging van die bestudeerde literatuur en 'n begrip van die komponente van seël, plaveisel en inwerkende faktore, is 'n keuse van 'n numeriese model vir seëlprestasie gemaak. Die eindige-element-metode (Finite Element Method [FEM]) is gekies as die analitiese metode vir die modellering van seëlprestasie. Die model is ontwikkel om die ondersoek van die interaksie tussen individuele seëlkomponente (klip en bitumen) op mikromeganiese skaal moontlik te maak. Die ontwikkeling van die driedimensionele, numeriese, model-seëlprototipe is tussen 2002 en 2003 by die Delft Tegniese Universiteit gedoen, met gebruikmaking van die CAPA-navorsingsprogram. Wat lineêre berekenings betref, kan die ontwikkelde numeriese modelprototipe 'n insig gee in seëlgedrag en in die onderskeid tussen aspekte van seëlgeometrie (meganies) en seëlkomponente (chemies), asook in die spanning- en vervormingsontwikkeling van die verskillende tipes seël. Simulasies van verskillende seël-, omgewings- en verkeerscenario's word voorgestel om die potensiaal van die modelprototipe te demonstreer. Met die oog daarop om data vir die verifikasie van die numeriese modelprototipe te voorsien, en om verder tot die ontwikkeling van 'n prestasiegerigte seëlontwerpmetode by te dra, is prestasietoetse, met 'n nuwe instrument vir die assessering van vergelykende seëlprestasie met behulp van die Model Mobile Load Simulator Accelerated Pavement Testing apparaat, ontwikkel. Die prestasie van elke verskillende tipe seëlbindmiddel- penetrasiegraad bitumen, SBS, SBR, EVA en bitumenrubber - is getoets. 'n Metodologie vir die assessering van die ingebruiksprestasie van seëllae is ontwikkel, en daar is verslag gedoen oor die prestasie van die verskillende seëllae. Die resultate van die ondersoek het getoon dat elke tipe bindmiddel 'n eie unieke bydrae tot die prestasie van die seël lewer. Die nuwe prestasietoets sal ontwerpers help met die bepaling van die grondliggende bindmiddeleienskappe wat by seëlprestasie ter sprake is, asook van die seël se vermoë om tot die algehele prestasie van die plaveisel by te dra. 'n Bykomende prestasievergelykingstoetsmetode vir die assessering van die effek van veroudering en vogtigheid is ontwikkel om die MMLS-resultate aan te vul. Ter opsomming, die prestasietoetsing het bygedra tot die identifisering van die kritiese parameters wat die seëlontwerper tydens die ontwerpproses in gedagte behoort te hou. Die navorsing wat gedoen is, dui daarop dat die huidige seëlontwerpmetode verder ontwikkel moet word om ontwerpers in staat te stel om die effek van die volgende te kan voorspel: Wisselende aslas, banddruk en ontwerpspoed; Verskillende kenmerke van die verskillende bindmiddels (bv. temperatuur viskositeitsverhoudinge, vashegting en viskoëlastiese gedrag). Wat huidige seëlontwerpmetodes betref, is die hoofterreine waarop 'n verbetering voorgestel word, die insluiting van veranderlike verkeerslas- en omgewingskenmerke, ingesluit die invloed van temperatuur en vogtigheid, en insluiting van meganistiese kenmerke van materiaal in die ontwerpmetodologie.
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Coughlin, Daniel Robert. "Characterization of Stoichiometric and Aging Effects on NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys". The Ohio State University, 2013.

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Wei, Qingfeng 1971. "Strain-induced precipitation in ferrite during isothermal aging of Nb microalloyed steel". Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=82641.

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In niobium (Nb) microalloyed steels one of the strengthening mechanisms is precipitation of Nb(C, N). Precipitation in austenite has been studied and applied for many decades, but its precipitation in ferrite has been paid less attention. Some of the findings are somewhat contradictory.
Due to environmental and resource saving consideration in recent years, more and more scrap has been recycled and re-used. Thus, tramp elements inevitably exist in steel such as Cu, Sn, Ni and so on. These elements may influence properties of steels at some extent although they are very little in content.
The X80 steel examined in this thesis contains up to 0.09%wt. Nb, as well as 0.4% Cu, both of which can potentially precipitate in ferrite. However, most research has shown that Cu levels below 0.5% in steel do not precipitate out under normal processing conditions.
In the present work, this X80 steel was processed by a variety of thermomechanical treatments. The as hot deformed mechanical properties were tested and microstructures were characterized by field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). At low aging temperatures, simulating the coiling stage in steel hot rolling, many fine Cu precipitates were observed in ferrite compared to a few relatively large Nb containing precipitates. These results were rationalized, and the consequences were discussed.
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Kelfkens, Rex Willem Constantyn. "Vibratory hammer compaction of Bitumin stabilized materials /". Thesis, Link to the online version, 2008.

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Greyling, Andries Hendrik. "Development of a standard test method for determining the Bitumen bond strength of emulsions : a South African perspective". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012.

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Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chip and spray surfacing seals has been widely used in South Africa as the preferred surface treatment for rural roads. The design of these seals has also experienced renewed interest and continuous development in several other countries over the past two decades. In South Africa seals are continually used as increasing attention is given to the periodic maintenance of existing surfaced roads. There is also a significant increase in the use of surfacing seals in North America as the need to develop more energy and resource efficient surfacing options becomes a priority. Despite this growing use of surface seals, the seal design and especially the selection of binder type and grade does not always follow scientific processes. Seals are often designed based on client preference, previous experience, material availability and industry trends. With an ageing road network and limited funding to ensure timeous maintenance, the focus in South Africa is moving towards more stringent and scientific design processes. The USA and Europe, forced by increasing traffic volumes and heightened performance demands, are moving towards performance- based specification to account for deficiencies in their current surface seal design methods. One of the major failure mechanisms of surface seals is ravelling which takes place when the binder and the aggregate bond becomes weak and are broken by the forces generated by traffic. This leads to loose aggregate on the road which in turns leads to bare surface patches and broken windscreens. To prevent and address this as part of the development of performance-based specifications, the need for a simple and inexpensive technique for evaluating bitumen and bitumen emulsion bond strength development over time, as well as binder-aggregate compatibility, was identified. Although various tests exist for investigating adhesion between bituminous emulsions and aggregate chips most of the tests does not deliver the level of information required by the performance-based specifications. The Bitumen Bond Strength (BBS) test method was therefore developed with the aim to address some of the limitations encountered in evaluating bond strength between binders and aggregates. The BBS test (AASHTO TP-91, 2011) was developed by the University of Wisconsin – Madison (UWM) in partnership with the University of Ancona – Italy (UAI) and the University of Stellenbosch – South Africa (US) specifically for evaluating bond strength between aggregates and hot applied binders and emulsions, respectively. US became involved in BBS test efforts in 2008 to assist in the development and practical evaluation of the BBS test method. UAI contributed significantly to the development of the test apparatus through their work in conjunction with UWM. Due to time and resources available, the involvement of the US was limited to various discussion sessions, a study tour, the evaluation of the BBS test, and conducting a series of control tests. By using the Bitumen Bond Strength test it was possible to evaluate the practicality and repeatability of the developed procedure and the results measured was successfully used to evaluate the bond strength development of modified and unmodified bitumen emulsions on tillite and granite aggregates. It was also possible to correlate the results achieved at the University of Stellenbosch with results from the University of Wisconsin-Madison due to the fact that testing took place at both institutions. The development of the test and the inter-laboratory test results in essence reinforced the hypothesis that the BBS test protocol can be used to effectively evaluate bond strength of different emulsion types and aggregate types. Except for the loading rate which is a known critical influence, the emulsion type and curing intervals are both identified as the most significant other factors contributing to bond strength development. Aggregate type is also identified as a significant factor that will influence the bond strength development. Interactions between emulsion type and curing interval are identified as the most significant interaction. A lot of further validation test on the BBS test method is still required for the test to be integrated into a performance-based specification system for surface seals.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Chip and Spray” oppervlak seëls is die verkose seël tipe vir gebruik op Suid Afrikaanse plattelandse paaie. Die ontwerp van hierdie tipe seëls is ook tans besig om hernude aandag te trek in heelwat lande. In Suid Afrika word die tipe seël al meer gebruik soos die behoefte na herseël projeke op die verouderde pad netwerk groei . Daar is ook heelwat groei in die gebruik van “Chip en Spray” seëls in Noord Amerika aangesien daar n behoefte is om n meer energie en materiaal effektiewe seëls te gebruik. Ten spyte van die groeiende gebruik van hierdie seëls het daar min wetenskaplike ontwikkeling plaasgevind in the ontwerp daarvan. Seëls word meestal ontwerp gebaseer op klient voorkeur , ondervinding, materiaal beskikbaarheid en ook industrie norms. ‘n Verouderde pad netwerk dwing die Suid Afrikaanse industrie om meer deeglike en wetenskaplike ontwerp prosedures te volg. Die VSA en Europa word deur vinnig groeiende verkeersvolumes en verhoogte kwaliteits behoeftes gedwing om prestasie gebaseerde spesifikasies te ontwikkel. Een van die hoof defekte op seëls is klipverlies wat plaasvind as die verbinding tussen die bitumen en aggregaat verswak en gebreek word deur die kragte wat deur verkeer oorgedra word. Dit lei tot los klip op die pad wat weer tot skade aan voertuie lei. Om dit te voorkom en aan te spreek het die behoefte laat ontwikkel vir n maklike en goedkoop tegniek om te meet hoe sterk die verbinding is wat ontwikkel tussen verskillende bitumen, bitumen emulsies en aggregaat monsters. Alhoewel daar alreeds toetse bestaan wat kan toets hoe sterk die verbinding is , gee die meeste van die toetse nie die informasie wat benodig word deur die voorgestelde prestasie gedrewe spesfikasies nie. Die “Bitumen Bond Strength” (BBS) toets metode is daarom ontwikkel om die tekortkoming in die toets van die bitumen en aggregaat verdindinge aan te spreek. Die BBS toets (AASHTO TP-91, 2011) is ontwikkel by die Universiteit van Wisconsin – Madison (UWM) in vennootskap met die Universiteit van Ancona – Italy (UAI) en die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) , spesifiek om die die sterkte van die verbinding wat vorm tussen aggregaat en bitumen te meet. Die US het in 2008 betrokke geraak by die BBS toets studie om hulp te verleen met die ontwikkeling en praktiese evalueering van die BBS toets metode. As gevolg van tyd en personeel tekorte is die betrokkendheid by die US beperk tot verskeie besprekings sessies, n studie toer, die evalueering van die BBS toets sowel as die voltooing van n uitgebreide stel toetse. Deur die voltooing van eksperimente met die BBS toets was dit moontlik om die uitvoerbaarheid en herhaalbaarheid van die ontwikkelde prosedure te toets. Die resultate van die toetse is suksesvol gebruik om die ontwikkeling van die verbinding sterkte tussen gemodifiseerde en ongemodifiseerde bitumen emulsies en tilliet en graniet te definïeer en te evalueer. Dit was ook moontlik om die resultate van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die Universiteit of Wisconsin-Madison suksesvol met mekaar te vergelyk aangesien toetse by beide die instansies voltooi is. Die ontwikkeling van die toets en die inter laboratorium toets resultate het dit moontlik gemaak om die hipotese te bevestig dat die BBS toets prosedure effektief gebruik kan word om die bitumen en aggregaat verdindinge te toets en te evalueer. Behalwe vir die tempo van die lading waarteen die aftrek sterkte getoets word , is die emulsie tipe en die nabehandeling tydperk beide geidentifiseer as die mees beduidende invloede wat bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die verbinding sterkte. Die aggregaat tipe is ook geidentifiseer as n belangrike faktor wat die verbinding sterkte ontwikkeling sal beïnvloed. Die interaksie tussen die emulsie tipe en nabehandeling tydperk was geïdentifiseer as die mees beduidende interaksie. Daar sal wel nog heelwat eksperimente voltooi moet word met die BBS toets prosedure voordat dit volkome geïntegreer kan word as deel van n prestasie gebaseerde spesifikasie stelsel vir die ontwerp van seëls.
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Nieftagodien, Riyaaz. "Suitability of microwave application to heat reclaimed asphalt and crushed aggregates as an energy efficient method in the production of half warm mix". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013.

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Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The pavement construction industry aims to reduce its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by investigating various energy efficient practices. The industry has focused on reducing energy consumption by producing Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) surfacing materials that are workable at lower temperatures in relation to Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), as a means to reduce carbon emissions. Half-Warm Foamed Bitumen Mixtures (HWF) is a relatively new material and is produced at temperatures below 100°C. This translates to large energy savings to overcome the latent heat of steam when exceeding 100°C. The characteristics of HWF mixes are a compromise between those of Foamed Bitumen Stabilised material (BSM-foam) and HMA characteristics. These include to a limited extent the improved tensile strength, particle coating and durability of HMA; and the shear strength of BSM-foam. The use of microwave technology as an efficient heating method to produce improved engineering properties of BSM-foam is proposed in this study. The benefits include energy saving due to its volumetric heating capability as well as rapid heating which improve productivity when using suitable materials. The aspect of recycling material brings forth further energy saving and emissions reduction when reusing materials. The portability of the in-plant recycling machines is an ideal candidate with logistical advantages to implement microwave generators to produce HWF mixes. This study is subdivided into four parts as it progressively investigates the potential to heat aggregates and produce HWF material. Firstly it investigates the heating potential of four aggregates, namely Hornfels, Quartzite, Eucrite, Granite and Reclaimed Asphalt (RA) at various moisture contents using a microwave apparatus. The second part discusses the thermodynamics of the preliminary investigation to provide insight into the third part, the Primary Investigation. The primary investigation evaluates the tensile strength and shear properties of two material blends by respectively implementing Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and monotonic triaxial tests on specimens. The two blends were a combination of RA and crushed hornfels. The fourth and final part evaluates the HWF properties in relation to those of the equivalent BSM-foam product by means of a pavement analysis. The highest laboratory production temperature achieved was depicted by the material properties, microwave power capability and production rates. This temperature was consistently recorded at 50°C which theoretically simulates an in-field production rate of approximately 25 tons per hour. ITS test results indicate 100% increase in tensile strengths and an increase in compaction density for the HWF mixes. Large reduction in moisture contents is also observed after curing in relation to BSM-foam. The benefits in improving a layer within a pavement structure have an effect on the pavement’s overall performance. This could assist in reducing the requirement for premium layers e.g. thickness of HMA within the structure, thereby further assisting energy conservation. The evaluation of the microwave heated HWF mixes can be considered economical if designed with a purpose to meet the thermal dynamic requirements of a material considering the microwaves volumetric potential.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die plaveisel konstruksie-industrie poog om hul kweekhuisgas (KHG) uitskeiding te verlaag deur verskeie energie doeltreffende metodes te ondersoek. Die industrie fokus op die vermindering van energie-verbruik deur middel van die produksie van Warm Mengsel Asfalt (WMA) oppervlak materiale wat werkbaar is in laer temperature in verhouding tot “Hete Mengsel Asfalt (HMA)” as `n metode om koolstof uitskeiding te verlaag. Half-Warm Skuim-Bitumen Mengsels (HWS) is `n relatief nuwe materiaal en word vervaardig onder 100 °C. Dit lei tot groot energie besparings en oorkom sodoende die latente hitte van stoom wanneer temperature van 100 °C oorskry word. Die karakter-eienskappe van HWS mengsels is `n kompromie tussen Skuim-Bitumen Gestabiliseerde materiaal (BSM-S) en HMA eienskappe. Dit sluit tot `n beperkte mate in die verbeterde spankrag, partikel bestryking; en die skeer krag van BSM-S. Die gebruik van mikrogolf-tegnologie as effektiewe verwarmingsmetode vir verbeterde ingenieurseienskappe van BSM-S word voorgestel in hierdie studie. Die voordele sluit in energie besparing as gevolg van die volumetriese verwarmingsvermoë sowel as snel verhitting wat produktiwiteit verbeter tydens die gebruik van gepaste materiale. Die gebruik van herwinde materiaal bring verdere energiebesparing en uitskeiding-vermindering mee. Die draagbaarheid van binne-aanleg herwinningsmasjinerie is ‘n ideale kandidate met logistieke voordele vir die installering van mikrogolf-opwekkers vir die produsering van HWS mengsels. Dié studie word onderverdeel in vier dele terwyl dit toenemend ondersoek instel na die potensiaal van hitte versameling asook die produksie van HWS stowwe. Eerstens ondersoek dit die verwarmingspotensiaal van vier versamelings naamlik horingsteen, kwartsiet, eukrite, graniet en Herwinde Asfalt (HA) teenoor verskeie vogskattings-mikrogolf aperate. Die tweede deel bespreek die termodinamika van die voorlopige ondersoek om insig te bied vir die derde deel, die primêre ondersoek. Die primêre ondersoek evalueer die rekbaarheid en skeereienskappe van twee materiaal-mengsels van ITS en monotoniese drieassige toetse onderskeidelik op verskillende monsters. Die twee mengsels was `n kombinasie van HA en gemaalde horingsteen. Die vierde en finale deel evalueer die HWS eienskappe in verhouding tot die van die ekwivalente BSM-S produk deurmiddel van `n sypad-analise. Die hoogste laboratoriumproduksie temperature wat bereik was, was uitgebeeld deur die materiaal-eienskappe, mikrogolf krag kapasiteit en produksiekoers. Hierdie temperature was deurlopend aangeteken teen 50 °C wat `n teoretiese voorstelling is van `n binneveld produksie tempo van ongeveer 25 ton per uur. ITS toets resultate wys `n 100 % verhoging in spankrag asook `n toename in kompakte vir die HWS mengsels. Groot afname in voginhoud is ook waargeneem na bewerking in verhouding tot BSM-S. Die voordeel verbonde aan die verbetering van `n lag binne `n plaveisel-struktuur, het `n impak op die plaveisel se algemene uithoubaarheid. Dit kan bydra tot `n verlaging in die vereiste binne die struktuur en verdere bydra tot energie besparing. Die evaluering van mikrogolf verhitte HWS stowwe kan as ekonomies beskou word wanneer dit doelgerig vervaardig word om te voldoen aan die termodinamika vereistes van `n materiaal, wanneer die mikrogolf volumetriese potensiaal in ag geneem word.
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Chen, Binbin. "Pyrolytic biochar stability assessed by chemical accelerating aging method". Thesis, KTH, Materialvetenskap, 2020.

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Now that the EU and Sweden have adopted a new climate policy framework to regulate net carbon emission. A new concept, negative CO2 emission, has been considered to neutralize the CO2 generated from necessary consumption of fossil fuel. Biochar, as a pyrolytic product from biomass, can store carbon in a relatively stable way. Therefore, it is one of the most promising and outstanding tools for carbon sink. Biochar stability, defined as the ratio of remaining carbon in biochar after 100 years, is the most crucial factor when using biochar for carbon storage. So far, various approaches have been proposed to measure and predict biochar stability, such as elemental analysis, proximate analysis, accelerating aging methods. Each method has its pros and cons. The reliability of these methods still needs to be verified. In this project, the chemical accelerating aging method has been selected for assessing biochar stability, because this method captures both chemical and physical properties of biochar. Besides, the gas, liquid, and solid products generalized during the chemical treatment are collected and analyzed separately in order to study the oxidation mechanism. Biochar in this project is produced from miscanthus and seaweed at various pyrolysis temperature. It is found that biochar stability can be increased by enhancing pyrolysis temperature, and miscanthus biochar is more sensitive to pyrolysis temperature within the pyrolysis temperature range of 350-600℃. The highest biochar stability (73%) has been achieved with miscanthus-derived biochar produced at 550 ℃, which demonstrates high potential as carbon sequestration tool.
Nu när EU och Sverige har antagit en ny klimatpolitisk ram för att reglera nettokoldioxidutsläppen. Ett nytt koncept, negativt koldioxidutsläpp, har ansetts neutralisera den koldioxid som genereras av nödvändig förbrukning av fossila bränslen. Biokol, som en pyrolytisk produkt från biomassa, kan lagra kol på ett relativt stabilt sätt. Därför är det en av de mest lovande och enastående verktyg för kolsänka. Biokolsstabilitet, definierad som förhållandet mellan återstående kol i biokol efter 100 år, är den viktigaste faktorn vid användning av biokol för kollagring. Hittills har olika metoder föreslagits för att mäta och förutsäga biokolsstabilitet, såsom elementär analys, proximate analys, accelererande åldrande metoder. Varje metod har sina för-och nackdelar. Tillförlitligheten hos dessa metoder måste fortfarande kontrolleras. I detta projekt har den kemiska accelererande åldrandemetoden valts ut för att bedöma biokolsstabilitet, eftersom denna metod fångar upp både kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaper hos biokol. Förutom, gasen, flytande, och fasta produkter generaliserade under den kemiska behandlingen samlas in och analyseras separat för att studera oxidation mekanism. Biokol i detta projekt framställs av miscanthus och tång vid olika pyrolystemperatur. Det visar sig att biokolsstabiliteten kan ökas genom att öka pyrolystemperaturen, och miscanthusbiokol är mer känsligt för pyrolystemperatur inom pyrolystemperaturområdet 350-600°C. Den högsta biokolsstabiliteten (73%) har uppnåtts medbiokol som framställts vid 550°C och som visar stor potential som kolbindningsverktyg.
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Morian, Nathan E. "Influence of mixture characteristics on the oxidative aging of asphalt binders". Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, 2014.

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The objective of this research effort focused on the evaluation of asphalt mixtures with respect to thermal cracking. Preliminary investigations soon indicated that a fundamental evaluation of thermal cracking was highly dependent upon the more complicated understanding of asphalt binder oxidation. The oxidation of asphalt binders within an asphalt mixture were understood to potentially be influenced by the mixture characteristics (i.e. air void levels, binder content, etc.) and aggregate properties (i.e. aggregate absorption, gradation, etc.). Therefore, this study was conducted in order to investigate and quantify the effects different aggregate sources and mixture properties may have on the oxidation and thermal cracking performance of asphalt mixtures.

The investigation specifically focused on quantifying the oxidation of the asphalt binder alone and as part of the asphalt mixture when subjected to isothermal oven aging. The oxidation parameters of pan-aged asphalt binders were quantified, according to the standard of practice in the industry. These parameters were then compared to extracted and recovered mixture-aged asphalt binders to examine the influence of the main aggregate and mixture factors on the binder oxidation. The study observed differences between the pan-aged and mixture-aged asphalt binders in terms of oxidation kinetics, rheological measures, and the combined effect represented as the hardening susceptibility.

Further evaluation of the binder oxidation based upon the dynamic modulus measures indicated marked influences of the mixture characteristics, the individual component materials, and the interactions between the investigated factors.

Differentiation of the experimental factors was further identified by the newly developed low-temperature evaluation method, Uniaxial Thermal Stress and Strain Test (UTSST). The UTSST provides a fundamental approach to characterize the thermo-viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures permitting the pragmatic evaluation of changes in the stiffness and overall behavior of mixtures as a function of oxidative aging. Five distinct stages in the UTSST modulus were identified as thermo-viscoelastic properties, which are identified as a function of temperature: viscous softening, viscous-glassy transition, glassy hardening, crack initiation, and fracture stages.

Through consideration of the thermo-viscoelastic properties, marked differences in the binder oxidation were noted between the experimental factors. Typically, decreases in the viscous response of the mixtures as well as increases in both the stiffness and brittle behavior were observed with aging. The evaluation method provides definitive measures to monitor multiple aspects of the performance of asphalt mixtures subjected to thermal loading.

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Allen, Susan Marie. "Effect of alumina particle additions of the aging kinetics of 6061 aluminum matrix composites". Thesis, Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 1990.

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Thesis (M.S. in Mechanical Engineering)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 1990.
Thesis Advisor(s): Dutta, I. "June 1990." Description based on title screeen viewed on October 15, 2009. DTIC Descriptor(s): Scanning, aging(materials), composite materials, growth(general), thermal stability, phase, particles, aluminum oxides, electrical resistance, kinetics, hardness, metastable state, isotherms, calorimetry, protective treatments, addition, measurement DTIC Indicator(s): Aluminum matrix composites. Author(s) subject terms: Aluminum matrix composites. Includes bibliographical references (p. 54-56). Also available in print.
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Hartfield, Susan E. "The effect of aging on the mechanical behavior of Fe-Ni-C martensites". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.

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Elwardany, Michael Dawoud. "Phenomenological Modeling and Laboratory Simulation of Long-Term Aging of Asphalt Mixtures". Thesis, North Carolina State University, 2018.

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The accurate characterization of asphalt mixture properties as a function of pavement service life is becoming more important as more powerful pavement design and performance prediction methods are implemented. Oxidative aging is a major distress mechanism of asphalt pavements. Aging increases the stiffness and brittleness of the material, which leads to a high cracking potential. Thus, an improved understanding of the aging phenomenon and its effect on asphalt binder chemical and rheological properties will allow for the prediction of mixture properties as a function of pavement service life. Many researchers have conducted laboratory binder thin-film aging studies; however, this approach does not allow for studying the physicochemical effects of mineral fillers on age hardening rates in asphalt mixtures. Moreover, aging phenomenon in the field is governed by kinetics of binder oxidation, oxygen diffusion through mastic phase, and oxygen percolation throughout the air voids structure. In this study, laboratory aging trials were conducted on mixtures prepared using component materials of several field projects throughout the USA and Canada. Laboratory aged materials were compared against field cores sampled at different ages. Results suggested that oven aging of loose mixture at 95°C is the most promising laboratory long-term aging method. Additionally, an empirical model was developed in order to account for the effect of mineral fillers on age hardening rates in asphalt mixtures. Kinetics modeling was used to predict field aging levels throughout pavement thickness and to determine the required laboratory aging duration to match field aging. Kinetics model outputs are calibrated using measured data from the field to account for the effects of oxygen diffusion and percolation. Finally, the calibrated model was validated using independent set of field sections. This work is expected to provide basis for improved asphalt mixture and pavement design procedures in order to save taxpayers’ money.

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MAZZONI, GIORGIA. "Self-healing potential and RAP inclusion as sustainable strategies for never-ending bituminous materials". Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2018.

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Benefici economico-ambientali incoraggiano l’uso di fresato (RAP), proveniente dalla demolizione di vecchie pavimentazioni stradali, da introdurre nella produzione di nuove miscele. In particolare, riciclare a caldo il RAP permette una riduzione dei costi di produzione e dei problemi di smaltimento, oltre a un risparmio delle risorse naturali, grazie allo sfruttamento della fase sia bituminosa sia litica. Tuttavia, i regolamenti delle agenzie stradali e pubbliche amministrazioni impongono restrizioni sulle percentuali di RAP implementabili (10÷30%) per la scarsa conoscenza dei meccanismi di interazione tra bitume riattivato da RAP e bitume vergine. Assunzioni inaccurate possono causare ammaloramenti prematuri della miscela, come fessurazioni da fatica, data la più severa ossidazione, e conseguente rigidezza, del bitume da RAP rispetto a quello vergine. In questo contesto, l’attività di dottorato si è posta l’obiettivo di valutare gli effetti causati dal riciclaggio a caldo di alti quantitativi di RAP. Poiché la prestazione in sito di miscele bituminose è strettamente legata alla fase legante e ai suoi costituenti (filler e bitume), la sperimentazione è stata indirizzata all’analisi delle interazioni tra diverse tipologie e dosaggi di bitumi da RAP, rigeneranti e filler. Accanto alla “classica” caratterizzazione reologica, protocolli di prova innovativi sono stati applicati per ottenere un quadro globale del comportamento dei materiali e comprensivo di risposta a fatica, self-healing e tixotropia. Sulla base delle evidenze sperimentali, l’impiego di un maggior contenuto di RAP è possibile, senza l’insorgenza di effetti dannosi sulla miscela finale, con una corretta progettazione. La tecnica di produzione, stesa e compattazione, la provenienza e le proprietà del RAP e dell’eventuale rigenerante devono essere selezionate opportunamente per migliorare le proprietà della miscela alle basse e intermedie temperature senza comprometterne le prestazioni alle alte temperature.
Economic and environmental advantages encourage the use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), coming from the milling of old pavements, to be introduced in new bituminous mixture. In particular, hot recycling of RAP allows a reduction of production costs and disposal issues as well as natural resources conservation thanks to the exploitation of both bituminous and lytic component. However, regulations of road agencies and public administrations usually impose restrictions on RAP percentages (from 10 to 30%) due to uncertainties concerning the interaction between bitumen released from RAP and virgin bitumen. Inaccurate assumptions on the related effects could lead to mixtures subjected to premature distresses, such as fatigue failure, considering the higher oxidation, and consequently viscosity (stiffness), of aged bitumens if compared to that of virgin bitumens. In this context, the Ph.D research aimed at evaluating the effects caused by hot recycling of high RAP contents. Since it is expected that field performance of bituminous mixtures is mainly led by mastic phase and its components (i.e. filler and bitumen), the experimental study focused on analysing interactions among different types and dosages of RAP bitumens, rejuvenators and fillers. Besides the “classical” rheological characterisation, more innovative tests and analyses were performed in order to get an overall picture of the mechanical behaviour of the materials investigated in terms of fatigue, self-healing and thixotropy. Based on the overall findings, the inclusion of higher RAP contents appears possible, without negatively affecting the final mixture performance, when an appropriate design is considered. Production process, paving technology, source, properties and dosage of RAP and, eventually, rejuvenator need to be properly selected so as to improve low and intermediate temperature properties of the mixture without penalising its high temperature performance.
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SETHI, VARUN. "Effect of Aging on Abrasive Wear Resistance of Silicon Carbide Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2007.

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Fox, Bronwyn Louise. "The manufacture, characterization and aging of novel high temperature carbon fibre composites". View thesis entry in Australian Digital Theses Program, 2001.

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Alsaifi, Fadi. "Aging of FeCrAl Surface Coatings". Thesis, KTH, Materialvetenskap, 2019.

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This Thesis is about the aging of FECRAL surface coatings. In this thesis various substrates have been investigated such as 16 Mo3, 304, 347, Sanicro 31, 800HT, Nikrothal 80 and Kanthal APMT. These substrates have been coated with different FeCrAl alloys, using two different coating methods spraying with (High Velocity Air Force) and welding with (Metal Inert Gas). The purpose of coating is to achieve specific properties of the layer without affecting the original properties of the substrate. Therefore, it is important to investigate the boundary layer between these two different materials to observe how the interdiffusion of different substances such as Cr, Al, Fe and C is affected, which is the purpose of this project. The method used to investigate this purpose was to expose these combinations in different temperatures and in different environments for different time intervals. Then, using LOM, SEM and EDS analysis, the change that the boundary layers have undergone is examined. Some calculations in DICTRA have also been performed to see if it was possible to find any connection between experimental data and simulation results. The result showed carburization of FeCrAl-coatings on 16Mo3 substrates which can lead to deterioration of mechanical properties in the substrates but also decreased corrosion resistance for the coated layers. The result has also shown that it is difficult to perform spraying for small cylindrical products. The reason for this may be the high powder dispersion and the expansion of certain products when spraying, which causes the layer to loosen due to the shrinkage followed by cooling. APMT sprayed with Nikrothal 80 has shown high porosity in the substrates and high interdiffusion of Fe and Ni. High Ni diffusion in low Al alloys such as K 198 may be a reason why the coated layer cannot optimally form the protective oxide.
Detta projekt handlar om åldring av FECRAL ytbeläggningar. I den här avhandlingen så har olika substrat blivit undersökta såsom 16Mo3, 304, 347, Sanicro 31, 800HT, Nikrothal 80 och Kanthal APMT. Dessa substrat har blivit belagda med olika FeCrAl legeringar, med hjälp av två olika beläggningsmetoder, påsprutning (High Velocity Air Force) och påsvetsning (Metal Inert Gas). Syftet med att materialet beläggs är att uppnå specifika egenskaper utan att påverka substratens ursprungliga egenskaper. Det är därför viktigt att undersöka gränsskiktet mellan dessa två olika material för att se hur interdiffusionen av olika element såsom Cr, Al, Fe och C påverkas av värmebehandling. Metoden som användes för att undersöka detta var att exponera dessa kombinationer i olika temperaturer och i olika miljöer för olika tidsintervall. Därefter med hjälp av LOM, SEM och EDS analys undersöktes förändringen som gränsskikten har genomgått. Några beräkningar i DICTRA har även utförts för att se om det var möjligt att hitta någon koppling mellan experimentella data och simuleringsresultatet. Resultaten visade att 16Mo3 kombinationer fått en tydlig hög uppkolning i skiktet vilket kan påverka mekaniska egenskaperna och korrosionbeständigheten under användning vid höga temperaturer. Resultatet har även visat att det är svårt att utföra påsprutning för små cylindriska produkter. Anledningen till detta kan vara hög pulverspridningen samt den termiska expansionen av vissa produkter vid påsprutning som leder till att skiktet kan lossna på grund av krympningen vid svalning. APMT påsprutad med Nikrothal 80 har visat hög porositet i substraten och hög interdiffusion av Fe, Al och Ni under exponering vid 1200°C. Hög uppblandning och diffusion av nickel för det FECRAL belagda skiktet med relativt låg halt av aluminium K 198 kan vara en anledning till att belagda skiktet inte kan forma en skyddande oxid på ett optimalt sätt.
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Piezoelectric materials have numerous applications like high temperature accelerometers, pressure, flow and NDT transducers, acoustic emission, ultrasonic cleaning, welding, high voltage generators, medical therapy etc. The commonly used piezoelectric material, PZT continues to dominate the commercial market for piezoelectric actuators applications. The primary limitations of PZT are the lower Curie temperature TC <390oC and rapid thermal degradation avobe 200oC. Continuing efforts are focused on the development of piezoelectric materials suitable for high temperature applications >200oC. These materials will be very useful for making sensors for space exploration, oil and geothermal well drilling tools, oil & gas pipeline health monitoring and automotive smart brakes. Recently material based on (1-x)Bi(Me)O3-xPbTiO3 developed with TC~460oC, and d33~500 pC/N compared to TC~390oC and d33~220 pC/N of pure PZT. Enhanced room temperature properties and higher transition temperature makes this material interesting for further investigation as a high temperature piezoelectric material. Reliability of technological piezoelectric devices is a major concern for their applications. Many piezoelectric materials undergo a process of aging, associated with a spontaneous decrease of electromechanical properties. In the current work thermal degradation and aging behavior of high temperature piezoelectric material BSPT was evaluated and compared with the commonly used PZT.
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Stimilli, Arianna. "Advanced Experimental Study on Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Hot Recycled Bituminous Materials with High RAP Content". Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2015.

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Oggigiorno, la produzione di conglomerati con elevate percentuali di fresato (RAP) rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide da affrontare. L’inclusione di RAP garantisce vantaggi in termini ambientali ed economici, soprattutto tramite riciclaggio a caldo, tecnica che permette il simultaneo sfruttamento della fase bituminosa e lapidea di una miscela. Attualmente i quantitativi di RAP comunemente utilizzati sono limitati data la mancanza di esperienza e di prove scientifiche che dimostrino la possibilità di includere fresato senza penalizzare le prestazioni della pavimentazione. L’attività di dottorato si è posta l’obiettivo di investigare in modo rigoroso vantaggi e svantaggi di miscele riciclate a caldo con elevate percentuali di RAP. A tal fine, è stato realizzato un vasto programma sperimentale comprendente avanzate analisi chimiche, reologiche e meccaniche su un’ampia gamma di materiali (bitumi, miscele di laboratorio e miscele realizzate in impianto). Oltre alle comuni indagini di laboratorio, sono stati elaborati innovativi protocolli di prova e metodi di elaborazione per l’analisi di problematiche non ancora propriamente affrontate in ambito scientifico (i.e. auto-riparazione, adesione, ri-attivazione del bitume nel RAP, proprietà di rilassamento). L’ottima correlazione riscontrata fra i risultati dei diversi step di laboratorio dimostra la validità scientifica delle indagine effettuate e dei nuovi protocolli e metodi di analisi proposti. Sulla base dell’intero studio sperimentale, non emergono elementi che scoraggino l’uso di alte percentuali di RAP. Al contrario, i risultati dimostrano che tramite un accurato mix design e l’adozione di specifici accorgimenti (e.g. vagliatura del RAP in più frazioni, standardizzazione del processo produttivo) l’aggiunta di fresato può significativamente migliorare le prestazioni della pavimentazione, garantendo ottime proprietà reologiche e meccaniche.
Recycling is a major challenge to address in road materials design. The inclusion in new asphalt mixtures of high amounts of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), coming from the milling of old pavements, provides economic and environmental benefits, particularly when referred to hot recycling since this technique allows the concurrent exploitation of bituminous and aggregate components of asphalt mixtures. Currently, the maximum amount of RAP commonly used is limited due to lack of experience and scientific proofs of the possibility to include RAP without penalizing pavement performance. The PhD research aimed at scientifically verifying advantages and disadvantages of hot recycled mixtures containing high RAP content. To this aim, a wide experimental program was carried out involving advanced chemical, rheological and mechanical analysis on a wide set of bitumens, laboratory and in plant asphalt mixtures. The latter were used to realize three full scale experimental sections along an in-service Italian highway. Besides the traditional laboratory investigations, innovative test protocols and data analysis were elaborated to address those issues not properly investigated yet, such as self-healing, adhesion, RAP bitumen re-activation degree, relaxation properties. Optimum correlation was found between the results collected in each laboratory step, hence demonstrating the scientific validity of the laboratory investigations performed and the reliability of the new test and analysis methods proposed. Based on the overall findings, no elements which discourage the use of high amount of RAP were identified. On the contrary, the study demonstrated that with proper mix design and specific precautions (e.g. RAP fractioning, gradation optimization, standardized production process) the adding of RAP guarantees optimum rheological and mechanical properties, and enhances mixture performance in terms of rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking, main distresses of a flexible pavement.
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Wang, Yu. "BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN ACCELERATED AND FIELD AGING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC BACKSHEETS". Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Ebels, Lucas-Jan. "Characterisation of material properties and behaviour of cold bituminous mixtures for road pavements". Thesis, Link to the online version, 2008.

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Puebla, Karina. "Effects of build orientation, aging, and pre-conditioning on mechanical properties for stereolithography-manufactured ASTM type I specimens using a design of experiments approach". To access this resource online via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ UTEP, 2009.

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