Article numbers can now be cited from online journals

Our website now allows referencing articles from online journals with article number!

You have perhaps stumbled upon articles published in online journals that do not have a page range. This is quite common in the contemporary world, where more and more journals are going online. In the same issue, every article available as a PDF file can have page numbers from 1 to or none at all. Here is one such article:

As page numbers in such articles do not allow identifying the location of the source material in the issue, online journals often provide these publications with unique article numbers, the so-called eLocators. Such article numbers are required to be presented in references by many international citation styles.

From now on, when you cite an online journal article on our website, you can fill in the 'Article number' field, and we will generate your citation according to the chosen style. Also, we have deployed automatic article number parsing when you add appropriate materials from catalogues. Try searching for the aforementioned article in catalogues on our homepage by its title or DOI and add it to your list of references. You will get the following reference:

– According to APA (7th ed.):

Lamas, L., Senatore, J. V., & Fellingham, G. (2020). Two steps for scoring a point: Creating and converting opportunities in invasion team sports. PLOS ONE, 15(10), Article e0240419.

– According to Chicago (17th ed., notes and bibliography):

Lamas, Leonardo, José Vitor Senatore, and Gilbert Fellingham. "Two Steps for Scoring a Point: Creating and Converting Opportunities in Invasion Team Sports." PLOS ONE 15, no. 10 (2020): e0240419.

For the Ukrainian standards available on Grafiati, which do not provide any explicit instructions on how to deal with article numbers, we have sought advice from the Book Chamber of Ukraine. Taking into account the recommendations of the bibliographers of the Book Chamber, we have implemented the generation of references with article numbers for the Ukrainian standards too.

Thanks to this innovation, your references will become as correct and up-to-date as ever!

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