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Ring, Tony. Tax warranties and indemnities (with precendents). 2a ed. London: Butterworths, 1990.

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Sinclair, Neil. Warranties and indemnities on share sales. 2a ed. London: Longman, 1992.

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Sinclair, Neil. Warranties and indemnities on share and asset sales. 4a ed. London: FT Law & Tax, 1996.

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G, Minot Winthrop, Glynn Laura C, Rosenblum Howard S e Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. (1982- ), a cura di. Warrants and convertible securities. Boston, MA: MCLE, 1992.

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England), Stock Exchange (London. Covered warrants: An introduction to the service. [London]: The Stock Exchange, 1997.

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A, McKay David. Warrants and convertible securities: Antidilution : why your client wants them and how to tailor the provisions to meet your client's goals. Boston, MA (10 Winter Pl., Boston 02108-4751): MCLE, 1993.

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McHattie, Andrew. The investor's guide to warrants. London: Financial Times/Pitman Pub., 1992.

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McHattie, Andrew. The investor's guide to warrants: Capitalize on the fastest growing sector of the Stock Exchange. 2a ed. London: Pitman, 1996.

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Hudson, Alastair. The law on financial derivatives. 3a ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2002.

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Warranties and Indemnities on Share and Asset Sales (Commercial). 4a ed. Sweet & Maxwell, 1996.

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Lund, Amy E. The Irwin Yearbook of Convertible Securities: Warrants, Bonds, and Preferred Stocks 1995. Irwin Professional Pub, 1995.

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Hybrid corporate securities: International legal aspects : preferred equity, convertible debt, perpetuals, options, warrants, transferable loans, subordination. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1987.

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Banks, Erik. Complex Derivatives: Understanding and Managing the Risks of Exotic Options, Complex Swaps, Warrants, and Other Synthetic Derivatives. McGraw-Hill, 1993.

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权证风险控制与监管法律问题研究. Beijing: Fa lü chu ban she, 2008.

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The law on financial derivatives. London [England]: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996.

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The Law on Financial Derivatives. 2a ed. Thomson Professional Pub Cn, 1998.

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The Law on Financial Derivatives. 4a ed. Sweet & Maxwell, 2006.

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Law on Financial Derivatives. Sweet & Maxwell, 2010.

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