Articoli di riviste sul tema "Voice"
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Yancey, Kathleen Blake. "Voices on Voice". College Composition and Communication 47, n. 1 (febbraio 1996): 135.
Testo completoKim, Hyo Chang, Min Chul Cha e Yong Gu Ji. "The Impact of an Agent’s Voice in Psychological Counseling: Session Evaluation and Counselor Rating". Applied Sciences 11, n. 7 (24 marzo 2021): 2893.
Testo completoMorsberger, Katharine M. "Voices of Translation: Poet's Voice and Woman's Voice". Pacific Coast Philology 28, n. 1 (settembre 1993): 3.
Testo completoSorrell, Eleanor, Mark Hayward e Sara Meddings. "Interpersonal Processes and Hearing Voices: A Study of the Association Between Relating to Voices and Distress in Clinical and Non-Clinical Hearers". Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 38, n. 2 (2 novembre 2009): 127–40.
Testo completoHalliwell, Michael. "‘Voices within the Voice’: Conceiving Voice in Contemporary Opera". Musicology Australia 36, n. 2 (3 luglio 2014): 254–72.
Testo completoВАРЕЦЬКА, Софія, Світлана МАЦЕНКА, Діана МЕЛЬНИК e Ярина ТАРАСЮК. "Медійність голосу у драматичному тексті Лесі Українки". Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, n. 11 (4 dicembre 2023): 75–93.
Testo completoRobson, George, e Oliver Mason. "Interpersonal Processes and Attachment in Voice-Hearers". Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 43, n. 6 (29 aprile 2014): 655–68.
Testo completoGrillo, Elizabeth U. "A Nonrandomized Trial for Student Teachers of an In-Person and Telepractice Global Voice Prevention and Therapy Model With Estill Voice Training Assessed by the VoiceEvalU8 App". American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 30, n. 2 (26 marzo 2021): 566–83.
Testo completoSchlier, Björn, Xenia Sitara, Clara Strauss, Aikaterini Rammou, Tania M. Lincoln e Mark Hayward. "Can Gender Differences in Distress Due to Difficult Voices Be Explained by Differences in Relating?" Cognitive Therapy and Research 45, n. 4 (22 gennaio 2021): 831–39.
Testo completoPeters, E. R., S. L. Williams, M. A. Cooke e E. Kuipers. "It's not what you hear, it's the way you think about it: appraisals as determinants of affect and behaviour in voice hearers". Psychological Medicine 42, n. 7 (25 novembre 2011): 1507–14.
Testo completoSimanjuntak, Herlina Lindaria. "The Translation of English Passive Voice into Indonesian". TEKNOSASTIK 17, n. 1 (6 aprile 2019): 40.
Testo completoNancy, Sarah. "« Voice, voice, voice »". Théâtre/Public N° 228, n. 2 (13 aprile 2018): 28–32.
Testo completoNewland, Jane. "Toward a Zeroth Voice: Theorizing Voice in Children’s Literature with Deleuze". Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 1, n. 2 (dicembre 2009): 10–34.
Testo completoSun, YuXiang, Lili Ming, Jiamin Sun, FeiFei Guo, Qiufeng Li e Xueping Hu. "Brain mechanism of unfamiliar and familiar voice processing: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis". PeerJ 11 (13 marzo 2023): e14976.
Testo completoBicer, Ada, Deniz Baskent, Carolyn McGettigan e Thomas Koelewijn. "The effect of explicit and implicit voice training on speech-on-speech intelligibility and listening effort". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153, n. 3_supplement (1 marzo 2023): A330.
Testo completoKarande, Pramod, Shubham Borchate, Bhavesh Chaudhary e Prof Deveshree Wankhede. "Virtual Desktop Assistant". International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, n. 3 (31 marzo 2022): 1916–20.
Testo completoGour, Mr G. B., e Dr V. Udayashankara. "Voice Activity Detection and Pitch analysis in Pathological Voices". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-1, Issue-5 (31 agosto 2017): 423–28.
Testo completoG. Eriksen, Stefka. "Medieval Literary Voices: Embodiment, Materiality and Performance, ed. Louise D’Arcens and Sif Ríkharðsdóttir. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2022, 298 pp." Mediaevistik 36, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2023): 330–32.
Testo completoHuron, David, e Deborah A. Fantini. "The Avoidance of Inner-Voice Entries: Perceptual Evidence and Musical Practice". Music Perception 7, n. 1 (1989): 43–47.
Testo completoDzulfikar, Helmy, Sisdarmanto Adinandra e Erika Ramadhani. "The Comparison of Audio Analysis Using Audio Forensic Technique and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient Method (MFCC) as the Requirement of Digital Evidence". Jurnal Online Informatika 6, n. 2 (26 dicembre 2021): 145.
Testo completoZäske, Romi, Jürgen M. Kaufmann e Stefan R. Schweinberger. "Neural Correlates of Voice Learning with Distinctive and Non-Distinctive Faces". Brain Sciences 13, n. 4 (7 aprile 2023): 637.
Testo completoCambouropoulos, Emilios. "Voice And Stream: Perceptual And Computational Modeling Of Voice Separation". Music Perception 26, n. 1 (1 settembre 2008): 75–94.
Testo completoSchweinberger, Stefan R., Anja Herholz e Volker Stief. "Auditory Long term Memory: Repetition Priming of Voice Recognition". Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 50, n. 3 (agosto 1997): 498–517.
Testo completoDavenport, Brittany, Mike Jackson, James A. Grange e Michelle Rydon-Grange. "Beliefs about voices in voice-hearers: the role of schema functioning". Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 48, n. 5 (29 giugno 2020): 584–97.
Testo completoLiu, Boquan, Evan Polce, Hayley Raj e Jack Jiang. "Quantification of Voice Type Components Present in Human Phonation Using a Modified Diffusive Chaos Technique". Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 128, n. 10 (14 maggio 2019): 921–31.
Testo completoHargreaves, Andy. "Revisiting Voice". Educational Researcher 25, n. 1 (gennaio 1996): 12–19.
Testo completoTaivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina. "Friday in Finnish". Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 27, n. 1 (9 febbraio 2015): 58–74.
Testo completoHolmes, Emma, Grace To e Ingrid S. Johnsrude. "How Long Does It Take for a Voice to Become Familiar? Speech Intelligibility and Voice Recognition Are Differentially Sensitive to Voice Training". Psychological Science 32, n. 6 (12 maggio 2021): 903–15.
Testo completoZoghaib, Alice. "The contribution of a brand spokesperson’s voice to consumer-based brand equity". Journal of Product & Brand Management 26, n. 5 (21 agosto 2017): 492–502.
Testo completoDi Cesare, Michele Giuseppe, David Perpetuini, Daniela Cardone e Arcangelo Merla. "Assessment of Voice Disorders Using Machine Learning and Vocal Analysis of Voice Samples Recorded through Smartphones". BioMedInformatics 4, n. 1 (19 febbraio 2024): 549–65.
Testo completoDe Vries, Raymond G. "Midwives, Obstetrics, Fear, and Trust: A Four-Part Invention". Journal of Perinatal Education 21, n. 1 (2012): 9–10.
Testo completoZoghaib, Alice. "Persuasion of voices: The effects of a speaker’s voice characteristics and gender on consumers’ responses". Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 34, n. 3 (11 marzo 2019): 83–110.
Testo completoKlimenko, Sergei. "Criteria for establishing the inventory of semantic participants and voices in Tagalog". Studies in Language 43, n. 1 (12 giugno 2019): 1–43.
Testo completoSteinhauer, Kimberly. "The Estill Voice Model: A paradigm for voice training and treatment". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154, n. 4_supplement (1 ottobre 2023): A352—A353.
Testo completoAdam-Darque, Alexandra, Marie P. Pittet, Frédéric Grouiller, Tonia A. Rihs, Russia Ha-Vinh Leuchter, François Lazeyras, Christoph M. Michel e Petra S. Hüppi. "Neural Correlates of Voice Perception in Newborns and the Influence of Preterm Birth". Cerebral Cortex 30, n. 11 (9 giugno 2020): 5717–30.
Testo completoDlamini, Boy Bongani. "Currere on the rescue: exploring teachers voices that shape teachers’ actions and identities". International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478) 12, n. 7 (28 ottobre 2023): 492–503.
Testo completoRestrepo, Juan F., e Gastón Schlotthauer. "Invariant Measures Based on the U-Correlation Integral: An Application to the Study of Human Voice". Complexity 2018 (2018): 1–9.
Testo completoPlante-Hébert, Julien, Victor J. Boucher e Boutheina Jemel. "The processing of intimately familiar and unfamiliar voices: Specific neural responses of speaker recognition and identification". PLOS ONE 16, n. 4 (16 aprile 2021): e0250214.
Testo completoAbrams, Daniel A., Tianwen Chen, Paola Odriozola, Katherine M. Cheng, Amanda E. Baker, Aarthi Padmanabhan, Srikanth Ryali, John Kochalka, Carl Feinstein e Vinod Menon. "Neural circuits underlying mother’s voice perception predict social communication abilities in children". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, n. 22 (16 maggio 2016): 6295–300.
Testo completoMoy, Patricia. "The Promise and Perils of Voice". Journal of Communication 70, n. 1 (febbraio 2020): 1–12.
Testo completoPrihatsanti, Unika, Fajriyanthi Fajriyanthi e Urip Purwono. "PENGUKURAN EMPLOYEE VOICE". Jurnal Psikologi 18, n. 1 (16 agosto 2019): 41.
Testo completoLängle, Sonja Theresa, Stephan Schlögl, Annina Ecker, Willemijn S. M. T. van Kooten e Teresa Spieß. "Nonbinary Voices for Digital Assistants—An Investigation of User Perceptions and Gender Stereotypes". Robotics 13, n. 8 (23 luglio 2024): 111.
Testo completoShigeno, Sumi. "Speaking with a Happy Voice Makes You Sound Younger". International Journal of Psychological Studies 8, n. 4 (25 ottobre 2016): 71.
Testo completoAmmerman Yebra, Julia. "“The power of the voice”". RED — Revista Electrónica de Direito 29, n. 3 (2022): 6–24.
Testo completoBIRCHWOOD, M., A. MEADEN, P. TROWER, P. GILBERT e J. PLAISTOW. "The power and omnipotence of voices: subordination and entrapment by voices and significant others". Psychological Medicine 30, n. 2 (marzo 2000): 337–44.
Testo completoFedotova, Sofia. "DEFINITION OF A TIMBRE OF A SINGING VOICE: FACH VOICE CLASSIFICATION". Muzykal'nyj al'manah Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, n. 10 (2020): 112–22.
Testo completoPierce, Jenny L., Kristine Tanner, Ray M. Merrill, Lauren Shnowske e Nelson Roy. "Acoustic Variability in the Healthy Female Voice Within and Across Days: How Much and Why?" Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64, n. 8 (9 agosto 2021): 3015–31.
Testo completoJacobsen, Pamela, Emmanuelle Peters, Thomas Ward, Philippa A. Garety, Mike Jackson e Paul Chadwick. "Overgeneral autobiographical memory bias in clinical and non-clinical voice hearers". Psychological Medicine 49, n. 1 (14 marzo 2018): 113–20.
Testo completoSaevi, Tone. "Voice No Voice Counter Voice..." Phenomenology & Practice 12, n. 1 (30 marzo 2018): 1–3.
Testo completoSowodniok, Ulrike. "Voce in Libertà – Freed Voice: an Applied Anthropology of the Voice". Senses and Society 11, n. 1 (2 gennaio 2016): 50–59.
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