Tesi sul tema "Viticulture"
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Pierozan, Vinício Luís. "O território da viticultura orgânica no território da vitivinicultura da “Serra Gaúcha” : o caso dos viticultores de Cotiporã - RS". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/172491.
Testo completoThe grape is the main fruit cultivated in the organic system in the state of the Rio Grande Do Sul, having its concetrated production in the region of the Mountain range “Gaúcha”, consolidated viticulture territory in formed state and national evel from a historical socioeconomic process that had beginning with the settling of the geographic space for the “Italian colonist.” Grape growing carried through in the Mountain range “Gaucha” has some particularitities as, for example, the small property, to little mechanization due to the rough relief and mainly the use of hand of familiar workmanship. This study it analyzed the development of practised organic grape growing in the city of Cotiporã, located in the mountain range region of the state of the Rio Grande Do Sul. The city consists in a territory directed toward the production of present conventional grape in the interior of the viticulture territory of the Mountain range “Gaúcha.” Most of the grape produced in the city, equivalent 89.8% of the total, is processed in the neighboring cities that more than concentrate 90% of the viticulture companies of the state. However, in the interior of the city if it verifies the movement on the part of a group of agriculturists who migrated and others that still are in process of ecological agriculture transistion of dominant conventional grape growing in the region for organic grape growing. The research pointed that the organic production of grape if finds in expansion in the city and the Mountain range “Gaúcha”, and is constructing to a net of production relations and a productive chain different, but similar in some relations established for conventional grape growing. This new relation involving the production of organic grape ruled by the social and economic sustainability ambient, centered in familiar agriculture and the protagonism of the grape grower throughout the productive chain was called of territory of organic grape growing.
Fassier-Boulanger, Sylvaine. "Paysages et viticulture : le vignoble jurassien". Paris 10, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA100121.
Testo completoBoyer, John D. "Geographic Analysis of Viticulture Potential in Virginia". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/37034.
Testo completoFirst, to delineate regions across Virginia that had greater or lesser viticulture potential from a physical and climatological basis, weather station data were collected for minimum winter temperatures, maximum summer temperatures, precipitation, length of growing season, and day versus night temperature differentials. In addition, elevation and slope models were constructed to complement the climatic variables in identifying areas that contained factors most conducive to grape production. To validate this regional assessment, the history of fruit industries within the state are outlined geographically to display the evolution of the fruit industries, and to establish the factors which have shaped the current fruit landscape.
Secondly, at the local scale, a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach was used to identify sites at the county scale that had greater or lesser viticulture potential from a physical basis. Composite maps, constructed by individual counties in the state, were produced from a series of physical databases. The individual databases (sources and resolution in parentheses) included land-use (Virginia Gap Analysis; 30meter2 resolution), slope, aspect, and elevation (USGS 1:24,000 Digital Elevation Model; 30meter2), and soils data (USGS Digital Line Graph (DLG-3)). Each physical feature layer was given a numerical classification, then all layers were combined to produce a 0 to 100 scale in the final, composite image.
Given this model of potential vineyard suitability, existing fruit operations in select counties were geo-located on each feature layer using a Global Positioning System (GPS: 1-2meter accuracy). Actual data on occurrences of frosts, minimum winter temperatures, and other site variables were collected from these fruit operations and surrounding weather stations as a sample to validate the model. A strong correlation between areas containing characteristics of current fruit acreage--namely apple--and sites high in potential for viticulture according to the model.
Studying the history of geographic distribution of apple and grape industries across
the state reinforces the regional assessment of viticulture potential, formulated by the
climatic and topographic analysis. Employment of GIS approach at the local site scale
was shown to be an effective tool for site selection at the local scale with certain caveats.
In addition, the evaluation procedure integrating GIS and GPS technologies allows us to
visually assess the distribution pattern of each of the factors employed individually; and, in
turn, physically identify and locate areas of viticulture potential created from the
combination of those factors.
Master of Science
Telebak, Tripo. "Évaluation des rendements en fonction de différents moyens de protection de la vigne contre le gel hivernal au Québec". Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoYing, Guang-guo. "The environmental behaviour of herbicides in Australian viticulture". Title page, contents and abstract only, 1999. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phy515.pdf.
Testo completoLlewellyn, C. A. "Practical soil protection and stabilization in Mediterranean viticulture". Thesis, Cranfield University, Cranfield University at Silsoe, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1826/1214.
Testo completoNorrie, Brendon Paul. "The development of viticulture and winemaking in Marlborough". Thesis, University of Canterbury. Geography, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/1986.
Testo completoJulião, Letícia. "Competitividade da viticultura regional e brasileira: uma análise setorial e comparativa com produtores mundiais". Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/12/12139/tde-17112015-142147/.
Testo completoThe Brazilian agribusiness generates profits to the trade balance of Brazil, and the fruit sector follows the same rhythm. The table grape is one of the fruits that impact the trade balance, because it is widely exported and imported. This scenario was only possible to the market opening in the 90s, and thus Brazil was able to become more competitive in domestic and international markets. Competitiveness is important to the economy, whether of a country, of a sector or a company. Thus, a sectorial analysis of the viticulture competitiveness was conducted, based on productivity, technological and institutional environment. In this research, it was used triangulation technique in the methodology to conduct the Brazilian regional analysis: qualitative research (interview with producers of the main producing regions of table grape of Brazil); statistical analysis using Generalized Linear Models of secondary data (price of table grape) obtained in Cepea database; and documental analysis (based on the laws, rules and other documents available). Based on this, it was found that the São Francisco Valley (BA/PE) is the most competitive region in Brazil. This region invests more in technology, has business management (while the others regions are tagged by family farmers) and stands out in the marketing. In addition, in Brazil, the institutional environment, in general, does not generate competitive advantages for grape growers - the exception is the strong cooperatives located in Northeast. The international competitiveness was conducted by descriptive analysis of statistics - price, production, productivity, export, import and apparent consumption of table grape in Brazil, Chile and Italy. Also, a documental analysis of international trade was conducted. Data were obtained from the IBGE, MDIC, Odepa, Eurostat and USDA databases. Overall, Chile and Italy have a stronger institutional environment to international trade of table grapes than Brazil. Anyway, the Brazilian international competitiveness has increased in recent years compared to Chile and Italy. Thus, it can be concluded that even with unfavorable institutional environment, both domestically and external, Brazil was able to advance in competitiveness during the years analyzed in this work. This is mainly attributed to the investments occurred in the main Brazilian table grape region - São Francisco Valley.
Webb, Leanne Beryl. "The impact of projected greenhouse gas-induced climate change on the Australian wine industry /". Connect to thesis, 2006. http://eprints.unimelb.edu.au/archive/00003030.
Testo completoHenry, Dominique. "Imagerie radar en ondes millimétriques appliquée à la viticulture". Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2018. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/23535/1/HENRY_Dominique.pdf.
Testo completoPixner, Konrad. "Analysis of parameters to challenge fundamental principles in viticulture". Master's thesis, ISA, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/8595.
Testo completoThree different pruning methods were used as a model system to challenge fundamental principles in viticulture. Different viticultural and physiological parameters of field grown Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Chenin blanc and Syrah have been quantified, analysed and compared; main focus was on the comparison of ratios between and amongst vegetative and reproductive parameters. Changes in grapevine morphology due to the pruning system as already described in literature could be proofed; number of buds left at winter-pruning is “correlated” with the number of shoots, leaves and bunches formed during the next year. Shoot length, internode length, leaf size and bunch mass are correlated inversely to the number of remaining winter buds. Source:sink relationship has been affected by pruning method due to changes in size and priority of the source and sink organs, which also affected carbon allocation as well as plant biomass development. Impacts on the rachis development have been found, impacting on the % share of berries on a bunch and the ratio rachis length to rachis mass. Alternative pruned vines seemed to have more sanitary problems and appeared not to be adapted for high quality grape production. Almost no parameter or ratio was stable when changing pruning system; indicating the difficulty of imposing absolute numbers and use them as a recipe for decision making in viticulture
Buesa, Pueyo Ignacio. "Field practices for adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107365.
Testo completoField practices for adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change Mediterranean viticulture is being affected by climate change, which threatens wine typicity and, therefore, the whole viticulture sustainability. The main factors expected to affect grapevine cultivation are water scarcity, warm air temperature and the increase in the air carbon dioxide concentration, and impact of these factors will be mainly the: i) advancing of grapevine phenology, thereby decoupling berry technological and phenolic composition and ii) increasing vine water requirements. This PhD Thesis aimed at evaluating the effects of different field practices to adapt Mediterranean grapevine cultivation to climate change. Three experiments were performed in Valencia (Spain) to assess the effects of 1) regulated deficit irrigation; 2) training systems architecture and; 3) canopy management. The main responses evaluated were vineyard water-use efficiency (WUE) and grape composition. Experiment 1 was undertaken for three seasons in a drip-irrigated, cv. Muscat of Alexandria/161-49C vineyard to define the most sustainable irrigation strategy for white winegrapes in eastern Spain. For this, four treatments were tested: (i) Control, irrigated at 100% of estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) for the entire season; (ii) sustained deficit irrigation (SDI), irrigated at 50% of Control; (iii) early deficit (ED), where pre-veraison irrigation was withheld, followed by 100% ETc; and (iv) late deficit (LD), irrigated as in the Control until veraison and thereafter at 25% ETc until harvest. Results showed that yield in ED and LD was reduced 25 and 15%, respectively, compared to that of the Control, while yield under SDI did not differ significantly from that of the Control and was similar to that of the ED and LD treatments. All the deficit irrigation treatments had some carry-over effects on vine performance due to a significant decrease in shoot fruitfulness and in cluster mass due to smaller berries. Experiment 2 highlights that the response to the minimizing of the radiation load intercepted by the canopy is cultivar-dependent and that decreasing the radiation load in the Mediterranean vineyards could have positive effects on the whole vine's WUE. The effectiveness of the LLR technique seemed to depend on its final impacts on leaf area-to-fruit ratio and vine water status, the cultivar's photosynthetic compensation capacity and the environmental conditions. Therefore, under low vigour vine conditions, severe defoliation might not be advisable for adapting Bobal and Tempranillo to global warming due to the detrimental effects on red wine quality. On the contrary, the results of deficit irrigation and row orientation experiments provided novel insights on WUE as possible techniques to alleviate vineyard water scarcity. Therefore, the field practices studied are effective in adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change in terms of water stress. On the other hand, the impacts of the studied techniques in terms of thermal stress alleviation were not fully positive. Hence, further research is needed to determine the possibility of using other field practices, besides LLR, to couple berry sugars and phenolic maturity.
Tècniques de cultiu per adaptar la viticultura mediterrània al canvi climàtic La viticultura mediterrània s'està veient afectada pel canvi climàtic, el que amenaça la tipicitat del vi i, per tant, la sostenibilitat de la vitivinicultura. Els principals factors que es preveu que afecten el cultiu de la vinya són l'escassetat d'aigua, els increments tèrmics i l'augment de la concentració de diòxid de carboni en l'aire, el que influirà en la vinya: i) avançant la seva fenologia, dissociant així la maduració tecnològica i fenòlica del raïm i ii) incrementant les necessitats hídriques de la vinya. Aquest treball pretén avaluar els efectes de diferents tècniques de cultiu per a l'adaptació de la viticultura mediterrània al canvi climàtic. Es van realitzar tres experiments a València (Espanya) estudiant els efectes de: 1) el reg deficitari controlat; 2) l'arquitectura dels sistemes de conducció i 3) el maneig del dosser vegetal. Les principals respostes avaluades van ser l'eficiència en l'ús de l'aigua de la vinya (EUA) i la composició del raïm. L'experiment 1 es va dur a terme durant tres campanyes en una vinya de Moscatell d'Alexandria/161-49C regat per goteig amb l'objectiu de definir l'estratègia de reg més sostenible per al raïm blanc en el llevant espanyol. A tal efecte, es van assajar quatre tractaments: (i) Control, regat al 100% de l'evapotranspiració del cultiu (ETc) durant tota la campanya; (ii) reg deficitari sostingut (SDI), regat al 50% del Contol; (iii) dèficit primerenc (ED), on es va restringir el reg abans del verol, seguit d'un 100% d'ETc; i (iv) dèficit tardà (LD), regat com el Control fins al verol i posteriorment al 25% de l'ETc fins a la verema. La producció en l'ED i el LD es va reduir en un 25 i 15% respectivament en comparació a la del Control, mentre que la producció del SDI no va diferir significativament del Control ni dels tractaments d'ED i LD. Tots els tractaments amb reg deficitari mostraren efectes acumulatius en la productivitat dels ceps, com a conseqüència de la reducció del nombre de raïms per sarment i del tamany del pomell a causa de la menor grandària de la baia. L'experiment 2 posa de manifest que la resposta a la minimització de la radiació interceptada pel dosser vegetal és dependent de la varietat i que reduir la càrrega de radiació en ceps de clima mediterrani podria tindre efectes positius en l'EUA de la vinya. L'efectivitat de la tècnica de LLR pareix dependre dels seus efectes sobre la relació àrea foliar/producció i l'estat hídric de la vinya, de la capacitat fotosintètica compensatòria de la varietat i de les condicions ambientals. Per consegüent, en vinyes de baixa vigorositat, una defoliació severa pot no ser recomanable per a adaptar les varietats Boval i Ull de llebre al calfament global, tenint en compte els efectes perjudicials sobre la qualitat del vi negre. Per contra, els resultats dels experiments de reg deficitari i d'orientació de les files d'espatlera proporcionen noves troballes en l'EUA com a possibles tècniques per pal·liar l'escassetat d'aigua a la vinya. Per tant, les tècniques de camp estudiades resulten eficaces a adaptar la viticultura mediterrània al canvi climàtic pel que fa a l'estrés hídric. No obstant, els seus efectes en termes de mitigació de l'estrés tèrmic no van ser del tot positius. Per tant, cal realitzar més investigacions per a determinar la viabilitat d'emprar altres pràctiques de camp, distintes al LLR, per a equilibrar la maduresa glúcida i fenòlica del raïm.
Buesa Pueyo, I. (2018). Field practices for adapting Mediterranean viticulture to climate change [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107365
Van, der Wath Jan-Georg. "An optimal commercially available wireless sensor network in viticulture". Diss., University of Pretoria, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/56120.
Testo completoVir meer as n dekade het navorsing in draadlose sensor-netwerke heelwat aandag ontvang. Verskeie draadlose sensor-netwerk standaarde is voorgestel en is steeds onder ontwikkeling. In presisie-landbou, spesifiek wingerdbou, is draadlose sensor-netwerke reeds as voordelig bewys. Die wydverspreide implementering van sisteme van so aard in die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf lei egter steeds gebrek. Die spesifieke behoefte aan n draadlose sensor-netwerk vir n Suid-Afrikaanse wingerdboer, asook die waardebepaling van kommersiële sisteme wat tans beskikbaar is, is ondersoek, om sodoende beter insigte te verskaf rakend die redes vir die stadige implementering daarvan. n Uitvoerbare kommersieel-beskikbare sisteem is geïdentifiseer en deur gebruik te maak van die geïdentifiseerde vereistes is n sisteem voorgestel wat as optimale oplossing vir draadlose sensor-netwerke vir n Suid-Afrikaanse wynplaas kan dien. Die koste van sensor-sisteme is die belangrikste faktor vir n wynboer. Dit veroorsaak teenstrydigheid met die ontwerp-paradigma van draadlose sensor-netwerke waar nodusse in n oorbodige wyse geïnstalleer word. Gevolglik word n netwerk geskep waar nodusse in staat is om pakkies via verskeie roetes na n eindbestemming te kan stuur. Die fokus verskuif daarna om nodusse eerder yl te installeer met groter kommunikasie-afstande tussen in. Diefstal is ook n bekommernis en die installasie van sigbare sensors en sonpanele word dus n hoër risiko. Die installasie van die nodusse op die grond en buite sig, veroorsaak steurings in die radio sein en gevolglik word die kommunikasie reikafstand drasties verminder. Omdat die installasie van sonpanele buite die kwessie is, moet n battery se leeftyd ten minste een seisoen duur. Die DASH7 draadlose standaard voldoen aan die vereistes vir n langer kommunikasie-afstand en verlengde battery-leeftyd. Die verbinding daarvan met die outonoom vier-propeller helikopters beloof om n optimale oplossing daar te stel. Nodusse kan dus buite sig geïnstalleer word, met die robotvliegtuig wat direk bo-oor vlieg en kommunikasie bewerkstellig om sodoende die sensor-data te onttrek. Die BLAST beginsel wat deur DASH7 gebruik word, pas in by dié benadering en behoort in meer diepte ondersoek te word. Tog kommersiële implementering daarvan sal moet wag totdat die ontwikkeling van die standaard voltooi is.
Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2015.
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Barnuud, Nyamdorj Namjildorj. "Determining climate change impacts on viticulture in Western Australia". Thesis, Curtin University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/1677.
Testo completoEsteve, Karine. "Procédé de traitement biologique aérobie d'effluents phytosanitaires en viticulture". Bordeaux 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BOR13550.
Testo completoFlores, Shana Sabbado. "Viticulture durable dans le contexte du Brésil : une proposition". Thesis, Dijon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DIJOL009/document.
Testo completoThe thesis involves the proposition of a framework for the sustainability of viticulture in Brazil using a territorial approach built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaúcha and Vale do São Francisco based on preliminary studies. Those studies involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks’ observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The framework proposed is called BaccuS. It is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. There are eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. They articulate the five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, political-institutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability). Each topic has indicators, in which factors to consider and practical examples in Brazil or internationally are detailed. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory
A tese envolve a proposição de um protocolo para a sustentabilidade da vitivinicultura do Brasil com uma abordagem territorial a partir de dois estudos exploratórios na Campanha Gaúcha e no Vale do São Francisco baseados em pesquisas prévias. Essas pesquisas contaram com trabalho de campo em três países (França, Itália e Espanha) e observação de protocolo em outros cinco (África do Sul, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Estados Unidos e Chile). O protocolo proposto é chamado BaccuS. É estruturado em forma matricial, com um eixo correspondendo a dimensões e outro a diretrizes, ambas em ordem crescente de complexidade e desenvolvimento. As cinco dimensões de sustentabilidade (ambiental, econômica, social, político-institucional e territorial) e as quatro diretrizes (gestão, articulação e cooperação, inovação e aprendizado e sustentabilidade) são articuladas por 18 temas, que representam áreas principais para a ação, de modo a promover a sustentabilidade no território do vinho. Cada tema possui indicadores, nos quais exemplos práticos de aplicação no Brasil ou internacionalmente são considerados. Além disso, dez indicadores de síntese indicam iniciativa ou programas que podem ser implantados e repercutir positivamente em diversos indicadores. O protocolo BaccuS pode ser aplicado em diversas escalas, na vinícola ou no território
Flores, Shana Sabbado. "Viticulture durable dans le contexte du Brésil : une proposition". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Dijon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DIJOL009.
Testo completoThe thesis involves the proposition of a framework for the sustainability of viticulture in Brazil using a territorial approach built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaúcha and Vale do São Francisco based on preliminary studies. Those studies involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks’ observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The framework proposed is called BaccuS. It is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. There are eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. They articulate the five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, political-institutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability). Each topic has indicators, in which factors to consider and practical examples in Brazil or internationally are detailed. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory
A tese envolve a proposição de um protocolo para a sustentabilidade da vitivinicultura do Brasil com uma abordagem territorial a partir de dois estudos exploratórios na Campanha Gaúcha e no Vale do São Francisco baseados em pesquisas prévias. Essas pesquisas contaram com trabalho de campo em três países (França, Itália e Espanha) e observação de protocolo em outros cinco (África do Sul, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Estados Unidos e Chile). O protocolo proposto é chamado BaccuS. É estruturado em forma matricial, com um eixo correspondendo a dimensões e outro a diretrizes, ambas em ordem crescente de complexidade e desenvolvimento. As cinco dimensões de sustentabilidade (ambiental, econômica, social, político-institucional e territorial) e as quatro diretrizes (gestão, articulação e cooperação, inovação e aprendizado e sustentabilidade) são articuladas por 18 temas, que representam áreas principais para a ação, de modo a promover a sustentabilidade no território do vinho. Cada tema possui indicadores, nos quais exemplos práticos de aplicação no Brasil ou internacionalmente são considerados. Além disso, dez indicadores de síntese indicam iniciativa ou programas que podem ser implantados e repercutir positivamente em diversos indicadores. O protocolo BaccuS pode ser aplicado em diversas escalas, na vinícola ou no território
Saint-Ges, Véronique. "Innovations environnementales dans la viticulture : une lecture économique du cas girondin". Bordeaux 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BOR40030.
Testo completoMabrouk, Hatem. "Influence de la vigueur et du système de conduite de la vigne (Vitis vinifera L. ) sur sa structure géométrique et son microclimat lumineux en tant que facteurs de la qualité de la vendange". Montpellier, ENSA, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ENSA0010.
Testo completoGilbert, François. "Minervois, Saint-Chinian, Faugères : crise viticole et politique de qualité dans les côteaux languedociens /". Montpellier : Université Paul-Valéry, Laboratoire de géographie rurale, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34939527p.
Testo completoMcCarthy, Alan John. "Landcare : a means of sustaining viticulture in the Barossa Valley /". Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 1997. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09ENV/09envm1228.pdf.
Testo completoRouvellac, Éric. "Le terroir, essai d'une réflexion géographique à travers la viticulture". Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Limoges, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00933444.
Testo completoPaoli, Jean-Noël. "Fusion de données spatialisées, application à la viticulture de précision". Montpellier, ENSA, 2004. https://hal-agrosup-dijon.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01997479.
Testo completoDuring the last decade, spatial knowledge management has become increasingly popular in Agriculture and the Environment. These data can be used to consider the spatial and temporal variability of a culture. Nevertheless, this involves the aggregation of all the available data in order to produce a diagnostic and to propose suitable actions. The main problems are the heterogeneity of the different data sets (numeric or symbolic, with different spatial resolutions), and the imprecision and the uncertainty associated with the data and their locations. To overcome these problems, we propose a method to translate all the data into qualitative data and to estimate all the studied variables on the suitable locations. Our method takes into account imprecision, uncertainty, conflicts, and lack of information. We implement a new approach both for the description and for the treatment of the data. The description of the information is based on fuzzy sets and possibility theory. The spatial estimation process is based on a Choquet integral. Our approach is applied on Precision Viticulture data. Our first application is the diagnostic of expert zones manually delineated by experts. Our second application is a field segmentation in order to perform distinct levels of treatment. These examples shows that our approach is valid. Nevertheless, we identify some limitations. Further work is needed to improve our aggregation operator and to consider all the particular aspects of spatial data treatment
Alonso, Ugaglia Adeline. "Une approche évolutionniste de la réduction des pesticides en viticulture". Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR40051/document.
Testo completoThe environmental damage caused by the intensive use of pesticides challenges the current production model in appellation wine growing. We mobilize here an evolutionary framework to understand the lack of change in vineyard phytosanitary protection despite increasing regulatory and social pressure in recent years. After analyzing grape growers’ pesticide lock-in, we consider new protection practices via the concept of environmental innovation. Our case analysis and evolutionary model allow us to show that IPM could significantly reduce pesticide use along win-win trajectories, but also that the lack of specific implementation know-how in farms hampers its adoption. We therefore highlight the importance of learning processes for pesticide reduction in grape growing. In the absence of formal R & D, growers need specialized advice and structured extension services to meet the challenge they face: producing profitable and environmentally friendly wines. Public policies can therefore be based on this result to drive the expected change in a reasonable time
Stellin, Fabio. "Composting in viticulture: effects on microbial activity and soil fertility". Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3423754.
Testo completoIl carbonio del suolo migliora le proprietà fisiche e chimiche del terreno ed è ampiamente accettato che il contenuto di carbonio è un fattore importante nella salute generale del terreno e delle colture. In Italia e soprattutto in Veneto la perdita di materia organica del suolo è un problema importante per tutti i settori dell'agricoltura e sicuramente anche in viticoltura. Al fine di ripristinare la materia organica del suolo è stato proposto in questo lavoro un modello di gestione sostenibile per il riutilizzo di biomasse di origine animale e vegetale (letame bovino, tralci di vite e vinacce) derivate dalle pratiche agricole. In particolare, l’attività di ricerca si è concentrata sullo studio degli effetti determinati dalla distribuzione di ammendante compostato sui principali aspetti della produzione e della qualità di due vigneti, entrambi situati nella zona D.O.C.G. di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene. La caratterizzazione del materiale compostato è stata ottenuta mediante lo studio dell’evoluzione di alcuni gruppi microbici attivi nei processi di fermentazione e il monitoraggio delle variazioni di temperatura, umidità, pH, contenuto di carbonio, azoto, zolfo e metalli pesanti. L'introduzione di alcuni indici innovativi come la capacità biodegradativa della sostanza organica valutata tramite la degradazione di fili di cotone e seta inseriti nel terreno ha permesso la diagnosi dello stato nutrizionale della vite. Le variabili studiate sono state sottoposte ad analisi della varianza ad una via (one-way ANOVA) utilizzando il software statistico "STATISTICA 12” ottenendo in alcuni casi ampie e significative differenze (p <0.05). Le viti trattate hanno mostrato un miglioramento della produttività e degli aspetti qualitativi delle uve grazie al contributo sia di compost da letame sia di compost da sarmenti e vinaccia, con una certa variabilità correlata alla quantità distribuita e al metodo di distribuzione in campo. Questo miglioramento è certamente conseguente ad un aumento della fertilità biologica del terreno mostrato da una maggiore degradazione dei fili di cotone e seta relativi alle tesi trattate rispetto al controllo non trattato. L’Analisi ARISA effettuata su campioni di compost maturo ha anche mostrato inaspettati e importanti processi di selezione della microflora utile (batteri e funghi). In conclusione, il compost si è rivelato un eccellente ammendante in grado di ripristinare la fertilità dei suoli vitati e di migliorare lo stato nutrizionale della vite.
Ferras, Catherine. "Châteaux de la vigne en Biterrois et Narbonnais /". Montpellier : Université Paul Valéry, 1989. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35091240z.
Testo completoThèse soutenue sous le titre : "Architecture privée au XIXe siècle, les châteaux du vignoble en Bas-Languedoc occidental" Bibliogr. p. 135-153.
Giordano, Simona. "Agriculture traditionnelle et innovante.Le secteur vitivinicole biologique : une comparaison entre Les Pouilles (Italie) et le Languedoc-Roussillon (France)". Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30019/document.
Testo completoIn a global context characterized by a systemic and multi-faceted crisis, it is clear that the changes that could be defined structural and continuous (climate change, increasing pressure on renewable resources, population growth) are associated with a dramatic economic crisis whose consequences are still not entirely predictable in terms of deepening poverty, contraction of international markets, credit crunch and prospects for development. In this context, agriculture is facing decisive challenges, of uncertain outcome, especially in some regions of the world; the development patterns that emerge are different and are combined, on the one hand, in an agricultural sector "family" still very fragile and, on the other hand, in a capitalist-like farming more and more dominant. However, just by the crisis situation mentioned, it seems that new opportunities can be born, although in the long run; the rift that has arisen and the breaking of the schemes have revealed the vulnerability of agricultural and agro-food systems placing its focus on the need for innovation and on questioning the development models. In a context and in a time of enormous uncertainty, varying the values and norms underlying the society, they must show creative and reinvent the way of producing, processing and distribution of agricultural products in the long period that takes into account the territories and the communities that live there, all focusing attention on the concept of sustainability. In the framework of sustainable development, different farming and agro-food systems moved in an agro-ecological perspective, promoting local food systems. These ones are evolving in parallel, in competition or in complementarity with the dominant production systems, and take different forms depending on whether they themselves emerge in countries where agriculture is at high rate of capital consumption, chemical inputs and fossil energy, or in those countries where the access to such resources is scarce and, consequently, the labor productivity is low. At a global level, it is essential to increase the awareness of the existence of such innovative systems, to capitalize on these experiences, some of which in the embryo, and to bring out a new conceptual paradigm of development in agriculture, all this not only in a technological and organizational perspective. It is necessary to wonder about the state of knowledge necessary to promote sustainable development, calling into question the primacy of scientific knowledge in relation to other types of knowledge and creating new links between research, economic actors, civil society actors and policy makers. Accordingly, it is the agricultural research to play a leading role on the path to innovation, with the understanding that agriculture is no longer called to exercise only a purely productive role, but of complex interactions with the environment and with society as a whole. In a scientific debate that becomes increasingly lively, also thanks to the imminent opening of the event Expo 2015 in Milan, the role is highlighted that, in this process of innovation, each actor can play as well as the characterization of the factors that determine the innovations themselves, in a contrast and comparison of positions on which are the innovative processes really needed and useful for sustainable development. Without any claim of being exhaustive, the present work aims at investigating some aspects of innovation in agriculture and at providing some food for thought about the role that it can play in the journey towards a real development of rural communities , those who live in the territories where agriculture itself finds its “raison d'etre”
Acevedo, César. "Extrapolation spatialisée d'une mesure locale de l'état hydrique de la vigne à partir de données auxiliaires". Montpellier SupAgro, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NSAM0023.
Testo completoThis thesis focused on the spatial estimation of vines water status. Its objective was to propose and validate an approach to take into account the spatial variability in order to better estimate the plant water status at a given date. After a state of the art showing tools and methods exist for estimating the water status of plants, this thesis showed, firstly, the availability of measurements of reference to estimate the plant water status with a low spatial resolution and secondly, the existence of information with high spatial resolution but indirectly related to the variable of interest. This state of art led to propose a collaborative approach between reference measurements and auxiliary data at high resolution. It considers a function of extrapolation of the water status which allows to take into account the spatial variability characterized by the auxiliary data on a defined area (zone of validity). Such an approach has never been proposed in the literature. In response to questions and to validate the proposed approach, experiments were carried out in nine fields of vineyard INRA Pech-Rouge (Gruissan France). A database of pre-existing thesis was also used. A database developed by the thesis was also used. These data have identified the advantages and limitations of a spatial estimation of plant water status. For moderate to severe water restriction (<-0. 4 MPa), spatial variability of vines water status is determined by certain environmental factors. The main factor identified is the soil. When the soil units are characterized, spatial variability is structured according to plant vigor. The study of information such as multispectral airborne images and the soil electrical properties showed the benefit of this information to characterize the spatial variability of plant water status. The modeling stage focused on a spatial domain corresponding to the block. For a first approach, this scale of work permits to minimize inter-block sources of variability like variety, training system, date of plantation, etc. An extrapolation model of plant water status has been proposed and validated in two databases. This model is based on a collection of site specific coefficients which are constant over time. Each coefficient, models the linear relationship between plant water status measured on a reference site, and the plant water status at a given site, regardless of date. When water restriction is large, the proposed approach can explain a significant proportion of the spatial variability of plant water status (r² = 0. 70). The identification of this general model, gave the formalism to take into account the auxiliary data. Compared to a classical approach similar to the estimation of the mean field, the model with auxiliary data explains a significant part of the spatial variability of plant water status (r² = 0. 71), when water restriction is large. At the within-field level, selected auxiliary information refers mainly to plant vigor
Este trabajo de tesis se focaliza en la estimación espacial del estatus hídrico de la viña. Tiene por objetivo proponer y validar una metodología que considera la variabilidad espacial del cuartel vitícola, de manera de estimar lo mejor posible el estatus hídrico de la planta en una fecha determinada. Posterior a una revisión exhaustiva de literatura de las principales herramientas y métodos existentes para estimar el estatus hídrico de las plantas, este trabajo puso en evidencia, por un lado, la posibilidad de utilizar mediciones de referencia para estimar el estatus hídrico de planta con una baja resolución espacial y por otro, la posibilidad de utilizar información auxiliar de alta resolución espacial que está relacionada indirectamente a la variable de interés. Este trabajo propone una metodología conjunta entre las mediciones de referencia y la información auxiliar de alta resolución, la cual es original y jamás propuesta hasta ahora en la literatura. Así, se propone una función de extrapolación del estatus hídrico que considera la variabilidad espacial sobre un área determinada (zona de validación) la cual es caracterizada por datos auxiliares. Para responder a las preguntas científicas y validar la metodología propuesta, se planificó un dispositivo experimental que comprendió nueve cuarteles vitícolas de la estación experimental del INRA de Pech-Rouge (Gruissan, Francia) que permitió crear una importante base de datos. Además se utilizó una base de datos pre-existente a la tesis. Estos datos permitieron identificar las ventajas y las limitaciones de una estimación espacial del estatus hídrico de las plantas. Para restricciones hídricas moderadas a fuertes (<-0,4 MPa), la variabilidad espacial del estatus hídrico de la viña está determinada por ciertos factores ligados al medioambiente. Así, el principal factor identificado fue el suelo. Una vez que las unidades pedológicas han sido caracterizadas, la variabilidad espacial se presentó estructurada en función del vigor de las plantas. Además, el estudio de la información auxiliar tal como, imágenes aéreas y propiedades eléctricas de suelo, mostró las ventajas de esta información para caracterizar la variabilidad espacial del estatus hídrico de las plantas. Las etapas de modelización fueron concentradas a la escala del cuartel. Así, en una primera etapa, esta escala de trabajo permitió minimizar las fuentes de variabilidad entre cuarteles vitícolas ligadas al cultivar, sistema de conducción, edad de plantación, etc. Un modelo de extrapolación del estatus hídrico fue propuesto y validado sobre dos bases de datos. Este modelo fue basado sobre una colección de coeficientes sitio-específicos locales y constantes. Cada coeficiente local, permitió modelar la relación lineal existente entre el estatus hídrico medido en un sitio de referencia y el estatus hídrico medido en cualquier otro sitio al interior del cuartel, sin importar la fecha de medición. Bajo condiciones de restricción hídrica elevada, el modelo permitió explicar una parte importante de la variabilidad espacial del estatus hídrico de la planta (r2=0,70). La identificación de este modelo general, permitió proponer una metodología para introducir datos auxiliares. Comparado con un método clásico de estimación, esta última permitió explicar una parte importante de la variabilidad espacial del estatus hídrico de las plantas (r2=0,71) en condiciones de restricción hídrica elevada. A nivel de cuartel, las variables auxiliares seleccionadas están relacionadas principalmente al vigor de las plantas
Biondi, Marco. "Dynamics of grape berry volume change during ripening". Online access for everyone, 2007. http://www.dissertations.wsu.edu/Thesis/Fall2007/m_biondi_112707.pdf.
Testo completoTrambouze, William. "Caractérisation et éléments de modélisation de l'évapotranspiration réelle de la vigne à l'échelle de la parcelle". Montpellier, ENSA, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996ENSA0008.
Testo completoBartoli, Pierre Boulet Daniel. "Dynamique et régulation de la sphère agro-alimentaire : l'exemple viticole /". Montpellier : Institut national de la recherche agronomique, 1989. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35101078d.
Testo completoMartin, Damian. "Zonage des potentialités viticoles des costières de Nîmes : carte du vignoble des costières de Nîmes /". [Nîmes] (allée du Mas-de-la-Bastide, 30900) : [Costières de Nîmes], 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376240551.
Testo completoRuffing, Kai. "Weinbau im römischen Ägypten /". St. Katharinen : Scripta Mercaturae Verl, 1999. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39005825c.
Testo completoWeldon, Alexander Nicholas. "A wine climate model : using climatic variables and GIS for viticulture potential". Thesis, University of Canterbury. Geography, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/2058.
Testo completoGrans, Catherina. "Tractors and horses in viticulture. Research on soil, grapes, must and labor". Master's thesis, ISA-UL, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/13342.
Testo completoHorses versus machines? Who would believe nowadays a mere animal can compete with the power of human engineering. This thesis has the objective to examine the effects of modern technology in viticulture in comparison to an old fashioned way of working with draft animals such as horses. Analyses were carried out during nine months and one vintage in two different vineyards with differences in cultivation practices with horses as draft animals on mostly bare soil or tractors with an alternate natural grass cover in the wine region Palatinate, Germany. Soil textures are the same in both comparable sites. The vineyard which was cultivated with horses is referred as vineyard horse and the vineyard which is cultivated mechanically is referred as vineyard tractor. Organic matter shows higher contents in the vineyard horse in topsoil as well as in subsoil. The C/N Ratio shows no big differences. Mineral contents of soil were measured as nitrogen, phosphor, potassium and magnesium with differences in values. The vineyard tractor counts with a higher average number of clusters per vine. Differences in percentage regarding total botrytis are minimal and vineyards show a higher infestation frequency in the vineyard horse but the infestation strength within the grape is lower in this vineyard. The cultivation with horses show higher values as density level, degree in Oechsle, total extract, pH, total acidity, tartaric acid and malic acid. The analyses of nutrients in must show higher contents of macronutrients in the vineyard horse as nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. Very high differences can be found within the amounts of nitrogen. The micronutrients in must such as iron, zinc, manganese and copper resulted in very similar values. The labor in working with draft animals in vineyards is more than two times higher compared to the vineyard that is mechanized. It is necessary to get a more detailed view including more vintages and more vineyards which can be analyzed in order to come to a more scientifically sound conclusion.
Brady, Thomas Anthony 1950. "AN ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF PREMIUM VINEYARDS AND WINERIES IN ARIZONA (VITICULTURE, ENOLOGY)". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276390.
Testo completoVidal, Marion. "Sortir des phytos en viticulture : pratiques professionnelles, action collective et normalisation environnementale". Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU20058/document.
Testo completoPesticides used in agriculture are a known environmental problematic fact. Despite the involvement of agriculture and the contribution of significant public funding, agri-environmental public policies deployed for over 40 years struggle to achieve their goals, where sustainable production systems remain convincing but marginal. Faced with this context, designing and spreading alternative techniques to chemicals remains a challenge for government and professionals. From case of a professional project aiming at removing herbicides in the South West of France vineyards, this thesis proposes to re-examine, through the prism of a sociology that pay attention to action (less than actors), the innovation capacity of agriculture and the responsiveness of public authorities about agri-environment, focusing on the analysis of professional collective action as a way of regulating environmental public issues, and considering its development out, in parallel, upstream or below established public policies offer. The research shows that in such conditions, objects, mobiles and collectives comprised by environmental action are heterogeneous, ambiguous, variable and flexible, throughout their discussions. Plurality and change situations emphasize as much unpredictability of collective action that impossibility of standardization, that are likely to call (on the contrary) differentiated institutional responses to the same environmental problem
Vidal, Marion. "Sortir des phytos en viticulture : pratiques professionnelles, action collective et normalisation environnementale". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU20058.
Testo completoPesticides used in agriculture are a known environmental problematic fact. Despite the involvement of agriculture and the contribution of significant public funding, agri-environmental public policies deployed for over 40 years struggle to achieve their goals, where sustainable production systems remain convincing but marginal. Faced with this context, designing and spreading alternative techniques to chemicals remains a challenge for government and professionals. From case of a professional project aiming at removing herbicides in the South West of France vineyards, this thesis proposes to re-examine, through the prism of a sociology that pay attention to action (less than actors), the innovation capacity of agriculture and the responsiveness of public authorities about agri-environment, focusing on the analysis of professional collective action as a way of regulating environmental public issues, and considering its development out, in parallel, upstream or below established public policies offer. The research shows that in such conditions, objects, mobiles and collectives comprised by environmental action are heterogeneous, ambiguous, variable and flexible, throughout their discussions. Plurality and change situations emphasize as much unpredictability of collective action that impossibility of standardization, that are likely to call (on the contrary) differentiated institutional responses to the same environmental problem
Manea, Mihaela. "Potentiel, valorisation et perspectives de développement de l’œnotourisme en Moldavie Occidentale". Thesis, Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040251.
Testo completoThe doctoral thesis with the title "Potential, valorisation and development prospects of wine tourism in western Moldova" has as aim the identification, evaluation and use of the wine tourism Moldova resources by taking as an example the Alsatian model to exploit this form of tourism. The thesis is divided into five chapters, first made a general discussion of everything means wine tourism and its models of development in the states of New World and Old World. Then it is presented the place of Moldova in the national context concerning viticulture and tourism to argue the choice to choose this region. Moldova is the region with the largest wine area of the country. The third chapter is the most important part of the thesis containing the comparison between the two regions, Alsace and Moldova to see the state of development of Moldova and Alsace. Moldova must adopt this model because there is evidence that it is a model of success. The last chapters are focused on the questionnaires applied to tourists and winemakers of the two regions to highlight their views on the development of wine tourism
Gómez-Sierra, Fabio Aldemar. "Vins et paysans dans le Boyacá, Colombie : indicateurs d'un changement technique dans la société rurale". Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE2008/document.
Testo completoThis anthropological study describes multiple activities initiated through the creation in (1982) and subsequent extension in (1999) of a wine-making project conducted in the high Andean altiplano with a group of farmers of the Department of Boyaca in Colombia. This region has undergone a historical process of deterritorialization. Nowadays, it is the home of a robust peasant population which heavily relies on numerous small properties known as minifundios and micro-minifundios, which are generally farmed by peasant households on hillsides. From this study, it is argued that the application of specialized information (based on specialized methods) to agriculture has been very limited in the region of our study. Therefore, this lack of specialized practices has contributed to the significant level of poverty these communities face, especially the rural dwellers. This is to say, agricultural practices represent a decisive factor for the use of natural resources and cultural development. In the particular case of vegetable and mineral exploitation, this study argues that the current practices have mostly been led by priests, politicians and military authorities. Thus, the need for a science-based approach entwined with cultural traditions of the local peasant communities encouraged the creation of this study called Proyecto vitivinícola del Valle del Sol y territorios afines, and carried out in above mentioned region. From a descriptive and economic standpoint, we claim that there has been a scarce or nonexistent technical and technological agricultural development in the region
Gray, John D. "The basis of variation in the size and composition of grape berries". Title page, contents and abstract only, 2002. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phg7794.pdf.
Testo completoLéger, Bertrand. "Recueil et formation de procédés experts pour conduire une protection intégrée du vignoble". Montpellier SupAgro, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NSAM0011.
Testo completoConsumption of phytopharmaceutics by French viticulture is high. Two fungal diseases, powdery mildew and downy mildew make up for 70% of the yearly pesticides spendings for that crop. As they can cause total destruction of the harvest these diseases are seen as pestilences by the growers. As of today, considering the risks, chemical protection is the sole efficient mean of protection. A Crop Health team (Santé Végétale in Bordeaux) has undertaken since 2001 to solve the difficult task of designing decisional pest management systems for the vineyard. Innovative systems have to demonstrate that, in conformance with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles, it is possible to produce high quality grape with a low number of fungicide treatments. The team achieves this by evaluating disease levels plot by plot and by structuring knowledge in what we call a Decision Workflow System (DeWS). The pathologists have adopted an iterative design scheme, interweaving design phases with plot scale experiments. At the end of the third iteration (2001 2003 2005) they felt the need for a more formalised approach. My task consisted in identifying, and, if required, creating the formal tools and methods that would allow the experts to ameliorate their design. The three following needs were stated: to be able to communicate the DeWS; to be able to evaluate its operational aspect; to make the DeWS reliable. The DeWS concept is a prescriptive approach, making decisions at the operational level, for which crop protection is seen as a process spanning over the whole season. Knowledge elicitation of the process was carried out using the discrete events system language Statechart. Statechart Diagrams have been used as the media between the expert designers and the knowledge engineer. This novel knowledge elicitation method is a research result on its own along with the resulting model of the Grapevine powdery and downy Mildew DecisionWorkflow System (GrapeMilDeWS) (POD Mildium in French). Two validation methods were designed to evaluate the quality of the elicited model and identify differences of behaviour between decision observed during the experiments and the model's simulations. The model has been validated against the data from two experiments (2005; 2006). It showed 85% decision similarity. This thesis highlights the advantages of the workflow management Engineering (using Statecharts) to analyse and design crop protection systems
Bartoli, Pierre, e Daniel Boulet. "Dynamique et régulation de la sphère agro-alimentaire : l'exemple viticole". Montpellier 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MON10039.
Testo completoJordan, David J. "An offering of wine an introductory exploration of the role of wine in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Judaism through the examination of the semantics of some keywords /". Connect to full text, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/482.
Testo completoTitle from title screen (viewed Apr. 28, 2008). Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Dept. of Semitic Studies, Faculty of Arts. Degree awarded 2003; thesis submitted 2002. Includes bibliography. Also available in print form.
Lereboullet, Anne-Laure. "Vulnérabilité et capacité d'adaptation au changement climatique de deux systèmes vitivinicoles méditérranéens : un cas d'étude comparatif France (Roussillon)- Australie (McLaren Vale)". Paris 7, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA070022.
Testo completoClimatic trends for the last thirty years have been challenging agriculture, and especially vitiviniculture, which is highly dependent on environmental variations, and they are projected to intensify in the following decades. This dissertation aims to analyse the vulnerability to climate change of two wine-producing regions: Roussillon in France and McLaren Vale in Australia. We consider those two field sites as social-ecological systems, as climate is only one of die many variables regulating the organization and development of the local wine industries. Their vulnerability has been analysed through a focus on three components, emerging from interactions between physical and human elements: their exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to climate change. We used a rnixed-methods approach based on both quantitative (climate data analysis) and qualitative (interviews) data. Roussillon's greater vulnerability to climatic changes recently observed and simulated for the future can be explained by its greater exposure to the perturbation and by its socioeconomic and legislative situation that intensifies sensitivity and hinders adaptive capacity. However, actors from a less vulnerable system like McLaren Vale also need to keep a cautious eye on the evolution of their system's trajectory, whose sustainability might be impaired in the future. Elements such as individual entrepreneurship linked to technical and organizational innovation, embedded within a collective development projet at the system's spatial scale, arise as key processes requiring the greatest attention from actors in both systems
Wong, Pui-yi Pearl, e 王貝兒. "Climate's influence toward global viniculture quality". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2011. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B46733590.
Testo completoBarbaste, Mireille. "Détermination de l'origine géographique et du millésime des vins". Pau, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PAUU3040.
Testo completoThe aim of this work was wine authentication. Trace and ultra trace minerals, strontium and lead isotopes ratio, phenolic composition of wine were studied. Several analytical technics were used : ICP-MS with three different type of analysers and heteronuclear 2D NMR. Trace and ultra trace minerals were measured by ICP-MS an adapted method was used to measure mineral enrichment due to bentonites treatment during vinification. Concentration values obtained for a collection of wines allowed to test the capacity of minerals to perform wine differenciation and authentication. Rapid, precise and accurate measurement of lead and strontium isotope ratios in wine by inductively coupled plasma sector field multicollector mass spectrometry is presented. The use of lead or strontium isotope ratio to determine wine origin is discussed. Phenolic wine extracts were prepared and analysed by 2D NMR (HMBC-GAS). Data analysis applied to NMR data allowed complete wine authentication from variety to origin and vintage. Phenolic compounds were found to be representative of plant genetics, and of growing conditions of vine and grapes
Wassenaar, Tom. "Reconnaissance des états de surface du sol en milieu viticole méditerranéen par télédetection à très haute résolution spatiale". Montpellier, ENSA, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ENSA0005.
Testo completoSluys, Shona Lee. "Climatic influences on the grapevine: a study of viticulture in the Waipara basin". Thesis, University of Canterbury. Geography, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/1338.
Testo completoNeethling, Etienne. "Adaptation de la viticulture au changement climatique : vers des stratégies à haute résolution". Thesis, Rennes 2, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REN20045/document.
Testo completoAdaptation to climate change is a major challenge facing the viticulture sector. Within an appropriate temporal and spatial framework, the aim of this thesis was to enhance the conception of climate change adaptation in viticulture, all towards constructing high resolution strategies. The methodological framework used in this study consisted of several steps. Using a regional climate model, the first step was to evaluate the potential impacts of future climate changes on grape growing in the Anjou-Saumur wine growing sub-region. With warming predicted to continue by +1.1°C to +3.8°C in the far future, grapevine phenology is expected to advance significantly. Secondly, two contrasting study areas in Anjou-Saumur were equipped with climatic and agronomic measurements at vineyard-level scales. For three consecutive growing seasons, local variability in climate- and grapevine-related variables were studied. Results have shown a strong spatial variability in local climate conditions, which were reflected on grape phenology and grape composition. This spatial heterogeneity in local conditions should represent an important buffer in response to future climate changes, allowing winegrowers to manage the expected climate change impacts. And finally, wine growers’ perceptions, vulnerability and adaptive processes to climate variability and change were assessed through individual semi-structured interviews. Within the context of climate change and the key issues surrounding adaptation, this thesis have highlighted the importance of local environmental knowledge and contextual understanding in framing adaptation strategies across different temporal and spatial scales