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Jago, J. R., e T. A. Whittingham. "Experimental studies in transmission ultrasound computed tomography". Physics in Medicine and Biology 36, n. 11 (1 novembre 1991): 1515–27.

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Koulountzios, Panagiotis, Tomasz Rymarczyk e Manuchehr Soleimani. "Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Computed Tomography for Investigation of Batch Crystallisation Processes". Sensors 21, n. 2 (18 gennaio 2021): 639.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Crystallisation is a crucial step in many industrial processes. Many sensors are being investigated for monitoring such processes to enhance the efficiency of them. Ultrasound techniques have been used for particle sizing characterization of liquid suspensions, in crystallisation process. An ultrasound tomography system with an array of ultrasound sensors can provide spatial information inside the process when compared to single-measurement systems. In this study, the batch crystallisation experiments have been conducted in a lab-scale reactor in calcium carbonate crystallisation. Real-time ultrasound tomographic imaging is done via a contactless ultrasound tomography sensor array. The effect of the injection rate and the stirring speed was considered as two control parameters in these crystallisation functions. Transmission mode ultrasound tomography comprises 32 piezoelectric transducers with central frequency of 40 kHz has been used. The process-based experimental investigation shows the capability of the proposed ultrasound tomography system for crystallisation process monitoring. Information on process dynamics, as well as process malfunction, can be obtained via the ultrasound tomography system.
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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., e Tadeusz Gudra. "Multi-parameter ultrasound transmission tomography of biological media". Ultrasonics 44 (dicembre 2006): e295-e302.

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Malik, Bilal, Robin Terry, James Wiskin e Mark Lenox. "Quantitative transmission ultrasound tomography: Imaging and performance characteristics". Medical Physics 45, n. 7 (28 maggio 2018): 3063–75.

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Gudra, T., e K. J. Opielinski. "The multi-element probes for ultrasound transmission tomography". Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 137 (novembre 2006): 79–86.

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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., e Tadeusz Gudra. "Main error sources in ultrasound transmission tomography imaging". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, n. 5 (maggio 1998): 2793.

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Wiskin, James, Bilal Malik, Rajni Natesan e Mark Lenox. "Quantitative assessment of breast density using transmission ultrasound tomography". Medical Physics 46, n. 6 (22 aprile 2019): 2610–20.

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Koulountzios, Panagiotis, Tomasz Rymarczyk e Manuchehr Soleimani. "A Quantitative Ultrasonic Travel-Time Tomography to Investigate Liquid Elaborations in Industrial Processes". Sensors 19, n. 23 (22 novembre 2019): 5117.

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Abstract (sommario):
This work presents an ultrasound tomography imaging system and method for quantitative mapping of the sound speed in liquid masses. It is highly desirable to be able to inspect vessel fluid mass distribution, notably in the chemical and food industrial operations. Optimization of industrial reactors has been crucial to the improvement of industrial processes. There is a great need to investigate how and if tomographic imaging sensors could aid the automatic control of these process tanks. Single-measurement ultrasound techniques and especially spectrometric methods have been a subject of study of industrial applications. Tomographic systems provide key multi-dimensional and spatial information when compared to the well-established single-channel measurement system. Recently, ultrasound tomography has attracted a great deal of interest in a wide spectrum of industrial applications. The system has been designed as 32 piezoelectric ring-array positioned in a 30 cm tank, with an excitation frequency of 40 kHz. Two-dimensional transmission travel-time tomography was developed to reconstruct the fluid mass distributions. Prior experiments are mainly based on inclusions of a few centimetres and on a liquid solution of different concentrations. They have been conducted to test the spatial and quantitative resolution of the ultrasound imaging device. Analysing the reconstructed images, it is possible to provide accurate spatial resolution with low position errors. The system also demonstrated inclusion movement with a temporal resolution of 4 frames per second (fps) in dynamical imaging sense. Sound velocity quantitative imaging was developed for the investigation of ultrasonic propagation in different liquids. This work, for the first time, shows how quantitative sound velocity imaging using transmission mode time of flight data could be used to characterize liquid density distribution of industrial reactors. The results suggest that ultrasound tomography can be used to quantitatively monitor important process parameters.
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Rymarczyk, Tomasz, Michał Gołąbek, Piotr Lesiak, Andrzej Marciniak e Mirosław Guzik. "CONSTRUCTION OF AN ULTRASONIC TOMOGRAPH FOR ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN THE FIELD OF REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION WAVES". Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska 9, n. 4 (15 dicembre 2019): 43–47.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article presents the ultrasonic structure for the analysis of technological processes in the field of reflective and transmission waves. Ultrasound tomography enables the analysis of processes occurring in the examined object without interfering with its interior through appropriate acquisition and analysis of data. The design goal is to verify the repeatability of measurement results by eliminating laboratory equipment. The ultrasonic tomograph has been designed in a modular way and consists of a motherboard connected to an analog signal conditioning board, a liquid crystal display with an integrated graphics processor and a high voltage pulser with a 64 channel multiplexer. The solution was designed for tomographic measurements of technological process properties.
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Li, Yan Qiu, e Shi Liu. "Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Ultrasound Tomography Based on Transmission Mode". Key Engineering Materials 474-476 (aprile 2011): 754–59.

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Abstract (sommario):
One of the key issues in ultrasonic tomography is the calculation of sensitivity and image reconstruction based on the sensitivity. A method is developed to calculate the sensitivity of ultrasonic tomography in rectangular area in this paper. On this basis, numerical modelling calculation of different substances distribution in a rectangular area is made of by using LBP algorithm, the standard Tikhonov regularization method and the Landweber iteration method respectively. Reconstruction simulation experiments of changing the quantity of pixel is conducted. The results show that imaging results of Tikhonov regularization method and the Landweber iterative method are consistent with the original image for the overdetermined problem and superior to those reconstructed by LBP algorithm. The image quality of Tikhonov in the underdetermined problems is poor than that in overdetemined problem and still better than that in the Landweber and LBP algorithm. Compared by numerical simulation, Tikhonov regularization method in both overdetermined or underdetermined problems are better than Landweber iteration and LBP algorithm, and LBP algorithm is only suitable to qualitative analysis.
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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., e Tadeusz Gudra. "Ultrasound transmission tomography image distortions caused by the refraction effect". Ultrasonics 38, n. 1-8 (marzo 2000): 424–29.

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Birk, Matthias, Robin Dapp, N. V. Ruiter e J. Becker. "GPU-based iterative transmission reconstruction in 3D ultrasound computer tomography". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 74, n. 1 (gennaio 2014): 1730–43.

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KANIA, Konrad. "Image reconstruction in ultrasound transmission tomography using the Fermat’s Principle". PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY 1, n. 1 (5 gennaio 2020): 188–91.

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Rymarczyk, T., K. Polakowski e J. Sikora. "Principal component analysis of measured data for ultrasound transmission tomography". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1782, n. 1 (1 febbraio 2021): 012029.

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Razansky, Daniel, Berkan Lafci e Xose Luis Dean-Ben. "Transmission-reflection optoacoustic ultrasound (TROPUS) computed tomography of whole mice". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, n. 4 (aprile 2021): A19.

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Erdogan, H., e J. A. Fessler. "Ordered subsets algorithms for transmission tomography". Physics in Medicine and Biology 44, n. 11 (20 ottobre 1999): 2835–51.

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Li, Shengying, Marcel Jackowski, Donald P. Dione, Trond Varslot, Lawrence H. Staib e Klaus Mueller. "Refraction corrected transmission ultrasound computed tomography for application in breast imaging". Medical Physics 37, n. 5 (28 aprile 2010): 2233–46.

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Zhao, Wenzhao, Hongjian Wang, Hartmut Gemmeke, Koen W. A. van Dongen, Torsten Hopp e Jürgen Hesser. "Ultrasound transmission tomography image reconstruction with a fully convolutional neural network". Physics in Medicine & Biology 65, n. 23 (27 novembre 2020): 235021.

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He, Ning, Jinxu Tao e Shijun Xua. "A new reconstruction approach in diffraction ultrasound tomography: Combine transmission mode with reflection mode tomography". Procedia Engineering 7 (2010): 51–56.

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O'Sullivan, Joseph A., e Jasenka Benac. "Alternating Minimization Algorithms for Transmission Tomography". IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 26, n. 3 (marzo 2007): 283–97.

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Opieliński, Krzysztof J., Piotr Pruchnicki, Tadeusz Gudra, Przemysław Podgórski, Tomasz Kraśnicki, Jacek Kurcz e Marek Sąsiadek. "Ultrasound Transmission Tomography Imaging of Structure of Breast Elastography Phantom Compared to US, CT and MRI". Archives of Acoustics 38, n. 3 (1 settembre 2013): 321–34.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract The paper presents an analysis of the results of ultrasound transmission tomography (UTT) imaging of the internal structure of a breast elastography phantom used for biopsy training, and compares them with the results of CT, MRI and, conventional US imaging; the results of the phantom examination were the basis for the analysis of UTT method resolution. The obtained UTT, CT and MRI images of the CIRS Model 059 breast phantom structure show comparable (in the context of size and location) heterogeneities inside it. The UTT image of distribution of the ultrasound velocity clearly demonstrates continuous changes of density. The UTT image of derivative of attenuation coefficient in relation to frequency is better for visualising sharp edges, and the UTT image of the distribution of attenuation coefficient visualises continuous and stepped changes in an indirect way. The inclusions visualized by CT have sharply delineated edges but are hardly distinguishable from the phantom gel background even with increased image contrast. MRI images of the studied phantom relatively clearly show inclusions in the structure. Ultrasonography images do not show any diversification of the structure of the phantom. The obtained examination results indicate that, if the scanning process is accelerated, ultrasound transmission tomography method can be successfully used to detect and diagnose early breast malignant lesions. Ultrasonic transmission tomography imaging can be applied in medicine for diagnostic examination of women’s breasts and similarly for X-ray computed tomography, while eliminating the need to expose patients to the harmful ionising radiation.
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Lluveras Núñez, Dalmay, Miguel Molero-Armenta, Miguel Izquierdo, Margarita Hernández e José Anaya Velayos. "Ultrasound Transmission Tomography for Detecting and Measuring Cylindrical Objects Embedded in Concrete". Sensors 17, n. 5 (10 maggio 2017): 1085.

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Perez-Liva, Mailyn, José Manuel Udías, Jorge Camacho, Elena Merčep, Xosé Luís Deán-Ben, Daniel Razansky e Joaquín L. Herraiz. "Speed of sound ultrasound transmission tomography image reconstruction based on Bézier curves". Ultrasonics 103 (aprile 2020): 106097.

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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., e Tadeusz Gudra. "Recognition of external object features in gas media using ultrasound transmission tomography". Ultrasonics 44 (dicembre 2006): e1069-e1076.

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Jirik, Radovan, Igor Peterlik, Nicole Ruiter, Jan Fousek, Robin Dapp, Michael Zapf e Jiri Jan. "Sound-speed image reconstruction in sparse-aperture 3-D ultrasound transmission tomography". IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59, n. 2 (febbraio 2012): 254–64.

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Yu, S. K., e C. Nahmias. "Single-photon transmission measurements in positron tomography using137Cs". Physics in Medicine and Biology 40, n. 7 (1 luglio 1995): 1255–66.

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Rymarczyk, Tomasz, Krzysztof Polakowski e Jan Sikora. "A NEW CONCEPT OF DISCRETIZATION MODEL FOR IMAGING IMPROVING IN ULTRASOUND TRANSMISSION TOMOGRAPHY". Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska 9, n. 4 (15 dicembre 2019): 48–51.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this paper a new version of discretization model for Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography is presented. The algorithm has been extensively tested for synthetic noisy data on various configurations of internal objects. In order to improve the imaging quality, the pixels/voxels have been enlarged compared to the figures inscribed in pixels/voxels however no more than figures described on the standard square pixels or cubic voxels. The proposed algorithm provides better quality of imaging.
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Jintamethasawat, Rungroj, Won-Mean Lee, Paul L. Carson, Fong Ming Hooi, J. Brian Fowlkes, Mitchell M. Goodsitt, Richard Sampson et al. "Error analysis of speed of sound reconstruction in ultrasound limited angle transmission tomography". Ultrasonics 88 (agosto 2018): 174–84.

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Rymarczyk, Tomasz, e Jan Sikora. "Optimization Approach for Image Forming in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography (UTT): Real Data Case". Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (28 aprile 2019): 1–11.

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Abstract (sommario):
Effective image reconstruction algorithm that could be used in Ultrasound Transmission Tomography (UTT) is presented in this paper. The reconstruction process was bringing over to the solution of the inverse problem which was converted to the optimization task. The optimization parameters were selected as follows: a position vector defining the position of the obstacle centre (the length of the position vector and its angle) and the internal radius of the test objects (obstacles). In this case, sixteen trial objects were selected, which gives 48th optimization parameters (three parameters for each trial object). During the optimization process some of them could diminish to zero; the others would change the position and dimensions in such a way that the calculated signal become as close as possible to the measured one. The objective function and linear inequality constrain were defined. The optimization process is very sensitive how far away from the optimal solution the starting point was defined. That is why three cases of the selection of the starting point to the optimization process were considered.
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Robins, Thomas, Jorge Camacho, Oscar Calderon Agudo, Joaquin L. Herraiz e Lluís Guasch. "Deep-Learning-Driven Full-Waveform Inversion for Ultrasound Breast Imaging". Sensors 21, n. 13 (3 luglio 2021): 4570.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ultrasound breast imaging is a promising alternative to conventional mammography because it does not expose women to harmful ionising radiation and it can successfully image dense breast tissue. However, conventional ultrasound imaging only provides morphological information with limited diagnostic value. Ultrasound computed tomography (USCT) uses energy in both transmission and reflection when imaging the breast to provide more diagnostically relevant quantitative tissue properties, but it is often based on time-of-flight tomography or similar ray approximations of the wave equation, resulting in reconstructed images with low resolution. Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is based on a more accurate approximation of wave-propagation phenomena and can consequently produce very high resolution images using frequencies below 1 megahertz. These low frequencies, however, are not available in most USCT acquisition systems, as they use transducers with central frequencies well above those required in FWI. To circumvent this problem, we designed, trained, and implemented a two-dimensional convolutional neural network to artificially generate missing low frequencies in USCT data. Our results show that FWI reconstructions using experiment data after the application of the proposed method successfully converged, showing good agreement with X-ray CT and reflection ultrasound-tomography images.
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Gudra, Tadeusz, e Krzysztof J. Opielinski. "The ultrasonic probe for the investigating of internal object structure by ultrasound transmission tomography". Ultrasonics 44 (dicembre 2006): e679-e683.

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Li, Jun, Sava Sakadžić, Geng Ku e Lihong V. Wang. "Transmission- and side-detection configurations in ultrasound-modulated optical tomography of thick biological tissues". Applied Optics 42, n. 19 (1 luglio 2003): 4088.

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Schnall, Mitchell, e Mark Rosen. "Primer on Imaging Technologies for Cancer". Journal of Clinical Oncology 24, n. 20 (10 luglio 2006): 3225–33.

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Abstract (sommario):
Medical images represent maps of the spatial distribution of tissue properties. Each modality probes a specific set of tissue properties such as x-ray attenuation for computed tomography, transmission of sound for ultrasound, and the rate of glucose uptake for fluorodeoxyglucose–positron emission tomography. Understanding the basic principal underlying each modality is important for developing approaches to utilize imaging in cancer research and clinical care. In addition, each modality has specific challenges related to reliable quantitation that are important to appreciate.
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Yao, Weiguang, e Konrad Leszczynski. "Analytically derived weighting factors for transmission tomography cone beam projections". Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, n. 3 (6 gennaio 2009): 513–33.

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Snyder, Donald L., Joseph A. O'Sullivan, Ryan J. Murphy, David G. Politte, Bruce R. Whiting e Jeffrey F. Williamson. "Image reconstruction for transmission tomography when projection data are incomplete". Physics in Medicine and Biology 51, n. 21 (16 ottobre 2006): 5603–19.

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Zhai, Chongpu, Eric B. Herbold e Ryan C. Hurley. "The influence of packing structure and interparticle forces on ultrasound transmission in granular media". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, n. 28 (29 giugno 2020): 16234–42.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ultrasound propagation through externally stressed, disordered granular materials was experimentally and numerically investigated. Experiments employed piezoelectric transducers to excite and detect longitudinal ultrasound waves of various frequencies traveling through randomly packed sapphire spheres subjected to uniaxial compression. The experiments featured in situ X-ray tomography and diffraction measurements of contact fabric, particle kinematics, average per-particle stress tensors, and interparticle forces. The experimentally measured packing configuration and inferred interparticle forces at different sample stresses were used to construct spring networks characterized by Hessian and damping matrices. The ultrasound responses of these network were simulated to investigate the origins of wave velocity, acoustic paths, dispersion, and attenuation. Results revealed that both packing structure and interparticle force heterogeneity played an important role in controlling wave velocity and dispersion, while packing structure alone quantitatively explained most of the observed wave attenuation. This research provides insight into time- and frequency-domain features of wave propagation in randomly packed granular materials, shedding light on the fundamental mechanisms controlling wave velocities, dispersion, and attenuation in such systems.
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Takezaki, Taiichi, Masakazu Kawano, Shuntaro Machida e Daisuke Ryuzaki. "Improvement in lateral resolution of through-transmission scanning acoustic tomography using capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer". Microelectronics Reliability 93 (febbraio 2019): 22–28.

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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., Piotr Pruchnicki, Wlodzimierz Roguski, Mateusz Celmer, Tadeusz Gudra, Jaroslaw Majewski, Mariusz Bulkowski, Tomasz Piotrowski e Andrzej Wiktorowicz. "The effect of crosstalk in a circular transducer array on ultrasound transmission tomography of breast". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135, n. 4 (aprile 2014): 2156.

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Daoudi, Khalid, Peter van Es, Srirang Manohar e Wiendelt Steenbergen. "Two-dimensional spatiotemporal monitoring of temperature in photothermal therapy using hybrid photoacoustic–ultrasound transmission tomography". Journal of Biomedical Optics 18, n. 11 (18 novembre 2013): 116009.

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Ouedraogo, E., P. Lasaygues, J. P. Lefebvre, M. Gindre, M. Talmant e P. Laugier. "Contrast and Velocity Ultrasonic Tomography of Long Bones". Ultrasonic Imaging 24, n. 3 (luglio 2002): 139–60.

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Abstract (sommario):
Our objective is to derive quantitative sound speed images of cortical bone using ultrasonic transmission tomography. Cortical bone is a highly refracting medium, i.e., the sound velocity changes abruptly across the interface between soft tissue and bone. It results in a loss of data compared to classical tomography in soft tissues. In order to correct for degradation by refraction effects, the classical acquisition procedure of projection data is modified; the transducers are oriented according to Snell's law of refraction with the aim of optimizing the sound propagation as parallel longitudinal rays inside the bone. This strategy allows the subsequent application of straight-ray reconstruction by the backprojection technique, which is a classical procedure in x-ray tomography. The method is validated with Plexiglas® solid cylinders and tubes immersed in water. Improved sound velocity images are then derived using conventional Radon transform of the experimental time-of-flight data. The method is then extended to in vitro human femur immersed in water. The geometry of the bone cross-section is reconstructed from measurements using ultrasonic reflection tomography. The result is then introduced in the calculation of the position and orientation of the transducers, which are associated with the parallel acoustical paths in bone in the transmission measurements. The procedure leads to significant restoration enhancement over the non corrected image. The mean value of the velocity of 3,200 ms−1 in the cortical shell is consistent with the values known from literature. These preliminary quantitative images using combined reflected and transmission ultrasound show promise for bone imaging.
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Ferrière, Robert, Serge Mensah e Jean-Pierre Lefebvre. "Weakly Inhomogeneous Media Tomography". Ultrasonic Imaging 25, n. 2 (aprile 2003): 122–33.

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Abstract (sommario):
Our objective is to develop an ultrasonic scanner for breast imaging. High resolution is obtained by using wide-band spherical waves transmitted and measured in the near field zone (i.e., close to the skin) all around the organ. The tomographic approach that we adopt allows us to use low central frequency waves (3–7 MHz) that are suitable for good penetration while maintaining high resolution and contrast. The procedure is thus suitable for early detection of tumors and increases the chances of total recovery. The novelty of the present reconstruction procedure is that it associates the signals acquired in transmission to the data measured in reflection over a large aperture. This enables us to correct the phase aberration induced by weak inhomogeneities whose sizes might be several wavelengths. Numerical tests based on Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulations demonstrate the greater fidelity of the reconstruction.
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Kole, J. S. "Statistical image reconstruction for transmission tomography using relaxed ordered subset algorithms". Physics in Medicine and Biology 50, n. 7 (23 marzo 2005): 1533–45.

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Nuyts, Johan, Bruno De Man, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Wojciech Zbijewski e Freek J. Beekman. "Modelling the physics in the iterative reconstruction for transmission computed tomography". Physics in Medicine and Biology 58, n. 12 (5 giugno 2013): R63—R96.

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Zhao, Wei, Kai Niu, Sebastian Schafer e Kevin Royalty. "An indirect transmission measurement-based spectrum estimation method for computed tomography". Physics in Medicine and Biology 60, n. 1 (12 dicembre 2014): 339–57.

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Liang, Guanghui, Shangjie Ren, Shu Zhao e Feng Dong. "A Lagrange-Newton Method for EIT/UT Dual-Modality Image Reconstruction". Sensors 19, n. 9 (26 aprile 2019): 1966.

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Abstract (sommario):
An image reconstruction method is proposed based on Lagrange-Newton method for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and ultrasound tomography (UT) dual-modality imaging. Since the change in conductivity distribution is usually accompanied with the change in acoustic impedance distribution, the reconstruction targets of EIT and UT are unified to the conductivity difference using the same mesh model. Some background medium distribution information obtained from ultrasound transmission and reflection measurements can be used to construct a hard constraint about the conductivity difference distribution. Then, the EIT/UT dual-modality inverse problem is constructed by an equality constraint equation, and the Lagrange multiplier method combining Newton-Raphson iteration is used to solve the EIT/UT dual-modality inverse problem. The numerical and experimental results show that the proposed dual-modality image reconstruction method has a better performance than the single-modality EIT method and is more robust to the measurement noise.
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Chen, Yang, Liwei Hao, Xianghua Ye, Wufan Chen, Limin Luo e Xindao Yin. "PET transmission tomography using a novel nonlocal MRF prior". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 33, n. 8 (dicembre 2009): 623–33.

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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., e Tadeusz Gudra. "Nondestructive tests of cylindrical steel samples using the ultrasonic projection method and the ultrasound transmission tomography method". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123, n. 5 (maggio 2008): 3701.

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Jeong-Won Jeong, Tae-Seong Kim, D. C. Shin, S. Do, M. Singh e V. Z. Marmarelis. "Soft tissue differentiation using multiband signatures of high resolution ultrasonic transmission tomography". IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 24, n. 3 (marzo 2005): 399–408.

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Reiner, Bruce, Eliot Siegel, Peter Kuzmak e Steve Severance. "Transmission failure rate for computed tomography examinations in a filmless imaging department". Journal of Digital Imaging 13, S1 (maggio 2000): 79–82.

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Lange, Kenneth, Mark Bahn e Roderick Little. "A Theoretical Study of Some Maximum Likelihood Algorithms for Emission and Transmission Tomography". IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 6, n. 2 (giugno 1987): 106–14.

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