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Peplow, Andrew W., Andrew G. Tag, Gulnara F. Garifullina e Marian N. Beremand. "Identification of New Genes Positively Regulated by Tri10 and a Regulatory Network for Trichothecene Mycotoxin Production". Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, n. 5 (maggio 2003): 2731–36.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACT Tri10, a regulatory gene in trichothecene mycotoxin-producing Fusarium species, is required for trichothecene biosynthesis and the coordinated expression of four trichothecene pathway-specific genes (Tri4, Tri5, Tri6, and Tri101) and the isoprenoid biosynthetic gene for farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase (FPPS). We showed that six more trichothecene genes (Tri3, Tri7, Tri8, Tri9, Tri11, and Tri12) are regulated by Tri10. We also constructed a cDNA library from a strain of Fusarium sporotrichioides that overexpresses Tri10 (↑Tri10) and used cDNA derived from the ↑Tri10 strain and a non-Tri10-expressing strain (ΔTri10) to differentially screen macroarrays prepared from the cDNA library. This screen identified 15 additional Tri10-regulated transcripts. Four of these transcripts represent Tri1, Tri13, and Tri14 and a gene designated Tri15. Three other sequences are putative orthologs of genes for isoprenoid biosynthesis, the primary metabolic pathway preceding trichothecene biosynthesis. The remaining eight sequences have been designated Ibt (influenced by Tri10) genes. Of the 26 transcripts now known to be positively regulated by Tri10, 22 are positively coregulated by Tri6, a gene that encodes a previously characterized trichothecene pathway-specific transcription factor. These 22 Tri10- and Tri6-coregulated sequences include all of the known Tri genes (except for Tri10), the FPPS gene, and the other three putative isoprenoid biosynthetic genes. Tri6 also regulates a transcript that is not regulated by Tri10. Thus, Tri10 and Tri6 regulate overlapping sets of genes that include a common group of multiple genes for both primary and secondary metabolism.
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Kim, Eun-Gyung, Bon-Chul Koo e Young-Jin Kim. "Development of a Software Do-TRIZ for TRIZ Learning". Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering 19, n. 8 (31 agosto 2015): 1883–92.

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Fulbright, Ron. "I-TRIZ". International Journal of Innovation Science 3, n. 2 (giugno 2011): 41–54.

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Albers, Albert, Tobias Deigendesch e Hannes Schmalenbach. "TRIZ-box–Improving creativity by connecting TRIZ and artifacts". Procedia Engineering 9 (2011): 214–21.

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Wang, Ke She, Huan Li Liu e Yu Xiang Xu. "The Analysis in the Difficulty of Carrying on the Innovation Based on the TRIZ Theory". Advanced Materials Research 201-203 (febbraio 2011): 241–46.

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Abstract (sommario):
Although TRIZ has obvious advantages over other current known innovative ways in the following aspects: high-efficiency, high degree of controllability, the design staff still has difficulties in using the TRIZ tools, such as matrix technology to solve conflicts, TRIZ algorithm, or even combining the Inventiontool 2.0 Technology Innovative software to design creative programmers, value innovative programmers. This paper, on the basis of introducing the TRIZ theory, analyzes the characteristics of TRIZ theory, introduces the use and application of the process about a computer-aided software product of innovation --Inventiontool2.0, then point out the difficulties in the theoretical innovation based on TRIZ and bring forward the direction of amelioration.
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Zulhasni, Abdul Rahim, Abu Bakar Nooh, Misman Sarimah e T. S. Yeoh. "TRIZ Business Improvement and Innovation Framework for Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprise". Applied Mechanics and Materials 735 (febbraio 2015): 349–53.

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Abstract (sommario):
MPC and MyTRIZ have focused on the initiative to expose the Malaysia TRIZ Practitioners with the latest TRIZ development to acquire a wider perspective of TRIZ practices around the world, encourage Malaysia TRIZ Community to share ideas and collaborate with TRIZ experts from other countries, and apply the knowledge acquired to develop various new products, processes, services or systems for international and local customers. Hence, in order to ignite the effort, a framework was developed to mobilize the initiative of adopting TRIZ for the Malaysian industries, focusing primarily on Small Medium Enterprise (SME). This research explored the framework to expand the knowledge of TRIZ for the targeted industries. Most of the inputs were extracted from the experienced academicians and industrial experts who have used TRIZ as part of their core subject. The proposed framework is expected to meet the needs of business owners, which focuses on the outcome of any improvement or innovation initiative. The proposed outcome-based improvement framework is intended to suit the Malaysian environment and be able to perform effectively in terms of increasing innovation in the industries.
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Zhang, Jian Yi, e Jun Qiang Cao. "TRIZ and its Application in Industrial Design". Advanced Materials Research 194-196 (febbraio 2011): 1892–95.

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Abstract (sommario):
Industrial design is a design practical activity based on innovation. TRIZ is a method and tool about systematic innovation. The invention principles of TRIZ are suitable for finding a new path of industrial design. This paper analyses the basic principle of TRIZ theory, and discusses the application of the principle of TRIZ in industrial design field. On the basis of the theory of TRIZ, two new products are designed. The corresponding result shows the combination of industrial design and innovation methods will promote industrial design.
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Xu, Yuan, Yuanyuan Liu e Zhengfeng Li. "How Different Scientific Cultures Influence Triz Innovations: Applying Actor–Network Theory in Case Studies of Tesla and NIO Electric Cars". Cultures of Science 2, n. 2 (giugno 2019): 81–96.

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Abstract (sommario):
Translation is a critical element in the innovative theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) methodology. It entails three levels: translating specific practical problems into general TRIZ problems, translating general problems into methodological problems using TRIZ's innovation principles, and practically applying theoretical solutions. Moreover, translations of the same technical problems and TRIZ innovation principles may differ. We applied actor–network theory to explain significant differences in TRIZ translation mechanisms that could account for differences in problem-solving results in different regions. We found that variations in innovation elements among different scientific cultures directly influence TRIZ translation mechanisms.
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Luo, Jian. "Study of Building Energy-Saving Based on TRIZ". Advanced Materials Research 442 (gennaio 2012): 58–61.

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Abstract (sommario):
Energy saving always attracts many countries'attentions. Energy saving reform of the existing buildings was accepted in many countries. There are a lot of innovation in energy saving. In this paper, we believe that TRIZ can solve these problems in energy saving. Then, we constructed a model of energy-saving based on TRIZ. This model proposed preliminary solutions by using TRIZ in energy saving. TRIZ will be applied more in this field.
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Sojka, Vladimír, e Petr Lepšík. "Use of TRIZ, and TRIZ with Other Tools for Process Improvement: A Literature Review". Emerging Science Journal 4, n. 5 (1 ottobre 2020): 319–35.

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Abstract (sommario):
Paper reviewing the use of TRIZ tools and methods in combination with other tools for better manufacturing and production processes improvement. A weakness of the current state of process improvement is mainly solving problems by trivial tools as Brainstorming, which leads to not ideal resolutions to problems in the process. This could be improved by the use of TRIZ. A literature review was used for examination of the current state and history of the use of TRIZ principles in a field of production processes. The review is chronologically structured and focuses on attempts to use TRIZ itself or in combination with other tools with a goal improvement of processes or activities related to the process. The research begins before the year 2000 and it ends by the year 2019. The use of TRIZ for process improvement was described by many authors, and many approaches were tried. From the results, it is seen that TRIZ methods should be beneficial for use in practice. Unfortunately, found solutions are either too complex or without specific descriptions. That could be a cause of why the implementation of TRIZ tools is not spread. Results of review lead to a need for a new, more user-friendly approach based on TRIZ principles for use by engineers in real practice.
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Cruz, Ana Beatriz Silva De Oliveira, e Mauro Macedo De Oliveira. "METODOLOGIAS TRIZ E TPM NA RESOLUÇÃO DE PROBLEMAS DE MANUTENÇÃO". Revista Latino-Americana de Inovação e Engenharia de Produção 9, n. 15 (28 giugno 2021): 22.

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Abstract (sommario):
Com o passar dos anos, começaram a surgir diferentes maneiras e ferramentas para melhor realizar o gerenciamento da manutenção. A manutenção autônoma (MA), é um dos pilares principais da Manutenção Produtiva Total (MPT) e traz ao colaborador o senso de zelo pelos equipamentos. Existem várias metodologias para a resolução dos problemas. A Teoria da Resolução inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) busca encontrar soluções inovadoras para problemas que costumam existir, nesse contexto, dentro das indústrias. É esperado corrigir um problema de uma máquina injetora rotativa de solas de calçados. Logo, foi possível fazer a identificação do problema no equipamento por meio da TRIZ e encontrar uma solução viável para a resolução do mesmo utilizando alguns dos principais conceitos da MPT, garantindo então o aumento da produtividade da máquina. Esta pesquisa possui uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa de natureza aplicada. Quanto aos objetos, esta pesquisa pode ser classifica como exploratória, pois se desenrola através de problemas voltados para a manutenção industrial, MPT e a utilização da metodologia TRIZ como intermediária para a solução de problemas. Quanto aos procedimentos adotados, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e um estudo de caso, abordando a utilização dessas técnicas a fim de exemplificar a utilização de tais ferramentas.
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Carvalho, Alexsandro Cardoso, Jailson Souza De Jesus e Luc Quonian. "A metodologia criativa TRIZ analisada por meio de um estudo em patentes". Exacta 14, n. 4 (21 dicembre 2016): 579–92.

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Abstract (sommario):
Este artigo aborda a criatividade como metodologia, especificamente a Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ). Nesta pesquisa exploratória suportada por uma análise de patentes, realizamos análises quantitativas e qualitativas sobre essas patentes objetivando identificar como a TRIZ é utilizada na inovação tecnológica e especificamente a existência de contribuições inovadoras à TRIZ. Analisamos 57 documentos de patentes disponíveis na base Espacenet e, depois de separados, filtrados e normalizados, restaram 27 documentos. Estes foram resumidos e agrupados em categorias e analisados do ponto de vista de país de origem, palavras mais utilizadas, por ano de depósito e applicant. Após análise dos resultados, identificamos a TRIZ como uma importante metodologia de suporte ao processo inventivo e verificamos o esforço de interação da TRIZ com outras metodologias de apoio à criatividade. Também encontramos atualizações na TRIZ referentes ao uso da base de patentes, clusterização de princípios inventivos e soluções de matriz nula.
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Yeh, Chi Hao, Ful Chiang Wu e Ming Jaan Wang. "Using TRIZ-Based Conflicts-Solving Approaches for Product Life Management (PLM) of Innovative 3C Consuming Product". Applied Mechanics and Materials 236-237 (novembre 2012): 278–82.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this paper is to show how to apply TRIZ to resolve conflicts in management area, especially in product life management (PLM) in desinging and manfacturing smart-phone. TRIZ has been well-known as a creative and innovative thinking theory in solving engineering and technology contradictions in the last two decades. However, few studies and practical usage were proposed in management area. Conflicts occurring in product life management including schedule, budget, and risk ones at smart phone R&D process are discussed to demonstrate the ideas guided by 39 TRIZ management parameters, 40 TRIZ innovative principles, and contradiction matrix. The results show that TRIZ is able to provide direct, quick and effective alternatives to resolve the conflicts in PLM. In this manner, huge effort and cost can be saved in further project execution stage. In this paper, an innovative 3C consuming product such as smart-phone is utilized as a case study to describe the proposed TRIZ-based conflicts-solving approaches at PLM stage.
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Liu, Ge Qun, e Wei Guo Liu. "TRIZ-Aided Innovation in Conceptual Design of Control Strategies". Materials Science Forum 532-533 (dicembre 2006): 901–4.

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Abstract (sommario):
Research on innovative methods for Conceptual Design of Control Strategies (CDCS) is of great theoretical and engineering meaning. In this paper, TRIZ-aided innovation in CDCS was proposed. At first, a systematic approach to build a new theory of inventive problem solving specialized for control strategies (TRIZ-CS) was proposed with its systemic structure was given. Then the Block-Signal analysis model (B-S analysis model) was proposed based on Su-Field analysis model in TRIZ with its symbol system and application procedure. Finally four examples were given to show the rationality of TRIZ-aided innovation in CDCS and effectiveness of B-S analysis model. The examples show that TRIZ-aided innovation is a systematic, effective and practical innovative methodology for CDCS.
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Swee, Nikalus Shu Luing, Mum Wai Yip, Chee Sheng Keong, See Chew Tai e Guat Guan Toh. "Improve Electricity Efficiency by Applying TRIZ". Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 3, n. 2 (2015): 149–54.

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Liu, Fang, Ping Jiang e Run Hua Tan. "Conceptual Design for Degreasing Pill Machine Based on TRIZ". Advanced Materials Research 421 (dicembre 2011): 764–69.

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Abstract (sommario):
Conceptual design is the most meaningful period to show the creativity in the process of product design. TRIZ specially deals with innovation and conceptual design. A process model of conceptual design based on TRIZ is constructed. Dropping pill machine is improved by using the proposed process model. A new principle solution is obtained based on effect base in TRIZ. Then contradiction existed in the new principle solution is solved by using the principle of contradiction solving in TRIZ. New degreasing pill machine can output pills automatically, and has high availability.
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Zhang, Hui Di, De Yi Song e Meng Hong Shen. "Applying TRIZ Principles in Inventive Design of Tensioning Device". Applied Mechanics and Materials 101-102 (settembre 2011): 435–38.

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The ability to solve inventive problems is the core of the innovation process. TRIZ have shown results that inventiveness can be understood and developed systematically. Considering the deviation accident of belt conveyor is frequently taken place, so this paper presents a strategy based on TRIZ principles to inventive design of tensioning device for enhancing deviation problem solving for belt conveyor. The useful and potential solutions are induced by using TRIZ principles. The results show that TRIZ is a useful tool which helps in solving problems by eliminating contradictions.
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Cavallucci, Denis, e Nikolai Khomenko. "From TRIZ to OTSM-TRIZ: addressing complexity challenges in inventive design". International Journal of Product Development 4, n. 1/2 (2007): 4.

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Chybowska, Dorota, Leszek Chybowski, Bogusz Wiśnicki, Valeri Souchkov e Srećko Krile. "Analysis of the opportunities to implement the BIZ-TRIZ mechanism". Engineering Management in Production and Services 11, n. 2 (30 luglio 2019): 19–30.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Aiming to strengthen cooperation between scientific entities and enterprises and to overcome related obstacles, the authors propose to create a mechanism of incentives called BIZ-TRIZ, which is an abbreviation for “TRIZ for Business”. This mechanism is used to support cooperation between scientific entities and companies. Close cooperation is achieved by implementing R&D&I services, which is the responsibility of the scientific unit operating for the benefit of the companies involved. Research services are used together with the scientific instrument that reflects achievements in the modern theory of innovative problem solving (TRIZ). The analysis was made using the Maritime University of Szczecin and SME-type companies as an example. This paper describes the basic assumptions concerning the implementation of the BIZ-TRIZ mechanism. Also, it presents the use of SWOT analysis, needs/stakeholder analysis and risk analysis for the implementation of the BIZ-TRIZ mechanism. The paper describes preventative actions for the most important implementation risks and discusses the results of the analyses. Finally, it introduces the main conclusions regarding the purpose of implementing the BIZ-TRIZ mechanism.
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Wang, Xiao, Cong Da Lu e Tao Hong. "Applying TRIZ for Optimization Formulation of Sapphire Precision Lapping". Advanced Materials Research 102-104 (marzo 2010): 564–67.

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This paper presents the parameters optimization by TRIZ theory in the precision lapping of sapphire in order to realize the high efficiency and low damaged lapping. The TRIZ theory was used to optimize processing parameters of sapphire precision lapping based on much experimental data of lapping, then the conflict matrix of internal contradictions was set up and the optimization parameters was obtained. The result of experiment indicated that the face quality of sapphire was improved greatly after optimized by TRIZ. There was a conclusion that TRIZ theory can be used to optimize the processing parameters of sapphire precision lapping which is important to enrich the processing theory of sapphire.
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Wang, Hao Chen, He Ping Lin e Jing Yang. "History, Current Situation and Development Prospect of the TRIZ". Advanced Materials Research 798-799 (settembre 2013): 992–97.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper briefly presents the history of development of the TRIZ namely the Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems, introduces the current situation of the theoretical research and the application of the TRIZ, and propounds the the emphasis and direction of the research and application of the TRIZ in China, which will contribute to the enhance the efficiency and benefits in Computer Aided Manufacturing.
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Liu, Shang, e Dong Yan Shi. "Selecting Problem from Design Contradiction Set Found in QFD". Applied Mechanics and Materials 151 (gennaio 2012): 690–94.

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Abstract (sommario):
To optimize the solution concept towards high value of customer satisfaction, the research on the combination of quality function deployment (QFD) and TRIZ (QFD/TRIZ) has been undertaken in the last decades. And TRIZ is introduced to eliminate the contradictions found in the QFD/TRIZ. However, solution concept is a unity of opposites. It is impossible to eliminate all contradictions. Therefore, it is significant to select and eliminate the contradictions which are mainly encumbrance for solution concept to get high value of customer satisfaction. Through this article, we proposed an approach to help designer analyze, rank and select the contradictions from contradiction set found in QFD. Contradiction model is identified to present the problem of TRIZ and link to QFD. Two computable ways are introduced to express the importance and extensive extent of a contradiction in the contradiction set. And the method to rank and select contradictions in the contradictions set is expatiated. Finally, a case is used to shown the validity of the proposed approach.
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Sojka, Vladimir, e Petr Lepsik. "Algorithm for Process Innovation by Increasing Ideality". Processes 10, n. 7 (29 giugno 2022): 1283.

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Abstract (sommario):
Continual efforts to have better processes lead us to search for new ways to improve and innovate. One of the most powerful approaches to innovating technical systems is the TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving). TRIZ is, unfortunately, very hard to learn and adequately use. This paper introduces a new comprehensive algorithm for the innovation of processes in production based on TRIZ principles. The Algorithm for Process Innovation by Increasing Ideality (AP3I) helps search for innovative ways to improve or change the process—either the whole process or its segments. Besides the original TRIZ, AP3I is easier to use and might be applied by engineers in industrial practice. On the other hand, results from AP3I are probably weaker compared to full TRIZ. Still, the AP3I can be very helpful in efforts to improve processes and can provide powerful ideas. The overall algorithm is also demonstrated in case studies on processes of packing and assembly.
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Daglas, Ashraf, e Wajeeh Daher. "THE IMPACT OF A TRIZ PROGRAM ON SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES". Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 56, n. 5 (30 ottobre 2021): 389–98.

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The present paper examines the impact of a TRIZ educational program on students’ creativity in mathematical problem solving and on psychological variables, namely general self-efficacy, creative self-efficacy, curiosity, and creative emotions. The research sample consisted of 50 sixth grade students. They were distributed into two groups. The control group consisted of 25 students who learned geometry units in the traditional way. The experimental group consisted of 25 students who studied the same unit using a program based on TRIZ theory. The research results indicated that the TRIZ-based educating unit influences positively the four variables, resulting in significant differences in the participating students’ mean scores in favor of the group of students who learned the TRIZ-based mathematics unit. This influence could be a result of the educational TRIZ program features. Theory-based educational programs are suggested for use in the mathematics classroom, as these programs benefit students’ creativity and different psychological variables.
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Yeh, Chi Hao, Cheng Yu Hsieh e Ful Chiang Wu. "The Synergy of TRIZ and Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) for Detecting Surface Defects on Small Metal Parts". Advanced Materials Research 838-841 (novembre 2013): 2030–33.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this paper is to show how to apply TRIZ to resolve difficulties and conflicts in Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) for detecting surface defects on small metal parts and saving effort-spent (energy saving). TRIZ has been well-known as a creative and innovative thinking theory in solving engineering and technology contradictions in the last two decades. However, few studies and practical usage were proposed in AOI area. Conflicts occurring in AOI are discussed to demonstrate the ideas guided by 39 TRIZ management parameters, 40 innovative principles, and contradiction matrix. The results show that TRIZ is able to provide direct, quick and effective alternatives to resolve the conflicts in AOI. In this manner, huge effort and cost can be saved in further execution stage. In this paper, the detection for surface defects on small and precise metal part are utilized as a case study to describe the proposed TRIZ-based conflicts-solution in AOI implementation.
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Rahim, Zulhasni bin Abdul, e Nooh bin Abu Bakar. "Approaches of TRIZ Application in Malaysian Academic and Industry". International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 6, n. 4 (ottobre 2016): 39–49.

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This paper explores the approaches between academic and industry in adopting TRIZ into their respective organization. The study used PRICE2 project management perspective as a baseline to analyze how TRIZ is adopted as project throughout starting-up phase, initiation phase, managing phase and closing phase. A survey is deployed to 153 practitioners from various organization and 45 valid responses were received through email. The results showed that the majority agree that formal planning, tangible measures, expert support, organization formal support, knowledge sharing is among of important elements in adopting TRIZ as project management requirement. The findings showed that common approach is important to synergies innovation improvement for academic and industry in adopting TRIZ method. The limitation of the study is the type of analysis used that leads to a recommendation to adopt new approach or complex data analysis. This may add more value in exploring the adoption of TRIZ in academic and industry, or additional scope of different type organization.
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Ekmekci, Ismail, e Emine Elif Nebati. "Triz Methodology and Applications". Procedia Computer Science 158 (2019): 303–15.

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Cavallucci, Denis, François Rousselot e Cécilia Zanni. "An ontology for TRIZ". Procedia Engineering 9 (2011): 251–60.

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Berdonosov, Victor, e Elena Redkolis. "TRIZ-Fractality of mathematics". Procedia Engineering 9 (2011): 461–72.

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Bonnema, G. Maarten. "TRIZ for systems architecting". Procedia Engineering 9 (2011): 702–7.

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Kluender, Daniel. "TRIZ for software architecture". Procedia Engineering 9 (2011): 708–13.

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Berdonosov, Victor D., e Elena V. Redkolis. "TRIZ Evolutionary Approach: Didactics". Procedia Engineering 131 (2015): 1105–12.

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Moehrle, Martin G. "TRIZ-based technology-roadmapping". International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 1, n. 1 (2004): 87.

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Hwang, In-Keuk, Young-Soo Ahn e Lak-Chea Chung. "Innovation Strategy using the TRIZ Creativity in Industry". Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 9, n. 5 (31 ottobre 2008): 1453–59.

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Shahrin, S., K. A. A. A. Rahman, K. M. Kamarudin, R. Che Me, J. R. Razali, I. Abidin, M. M. Ismail, I. Mustaffa, M. F. A. Jalal e M. F. C. Hassan. "UDP-TRIZ model improvement with a focus group discussion of TRIZ experts". IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 932 (18 dicembre 2020): 012100.

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Zhang, Jian Yi, Jin Gang Jiang, Qiang Lv e Dan Yang Xu. "Conceptual Design of Mobile Phone Based on TRIZ Theory". Key Engineering Materials 620 (agosto 2014): 638–43.

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Abstract (sommario):
Aiming to the young people’s requirements on mobile phone design, market research for target population is done. Requirements on mobile phone design are found. Compared to existing mobile phone, the direction of mobile phone conceptual design is planned. A novel conceptual mobile phone is designed based on TRIZ theory. Based on TRIZ theory, the solution process is simple, has clear goal, and the effect is outstanding. So TRIZ theory is a good way of innovation.
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Pang, Jin Zhu, Xin Bao Guo e Ya Wen Yang. "The Constraints Analysis on TRIZ in Management Innovation Application". Applied Mechanics and Materials 220-223 (novembre 2012): 220–23.

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Abstract (sommario):
The development trend of TRIZ is to be a method that can create and solve problems universally and ultra professionally, so it can be applied to all areas including management innovation. According to the general flow of problem solving of TRIZ, this paper analyses the restrictions of TRIZ used in the management innovation systematically, and it points out that constructing the conflict theory based on management parameters and contradiction matrix is the bottleneck problem.
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Ezzat, Hussin Nouraldin, e Walid Khalil Ismail. "Application of Theoretical Principles (Trize) in Solving Problems... Banks.." JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF BABYLON for Pure and Applied Sciences 27, n. 1 (1 aprile 2019): 427–45.

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Abstract (sommario):
The study seeks to apply the principles of the theory of Triz in resolving banking problems, as this theory is considered one of the most important tools to address and solve issues regarding improving organizational performance and management within institutions and to meet internal and external challenges that may arise. This research aims to offer solutions to banking problems in accordance with the principles of the theory of Triz as well as presenting theoretical and practical concepts of Triz theory and its objectives and principles. The researchers relied on personal interviews with the managers and officials of departments to diagnose banking problems as a tool for collecting data, and then examined these problems and suggested solutions in accordance with Triz theory.
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Luo, Yi Hong, Yun Fei Shao e Ting Chen. "Information System Design on Innovative Methods Integrated by TRIZ". Applied Mechanics and Materials 401-403 (settembre 2013): 1892–95.

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Abstract (sommario):
In order to make information system strategy align effectively with business strategies, it must be identified with regard to the contradictions of the IS planning processes and resolve those contradictions through theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). The IS conceptual design method, the Ideal Final Result (IFR) of IS construction, and contradiction solution methods were put forward through the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and the key performance indicators (KPI) methods. Aiming at the IS architecture design features, this paper improved the strategic alignment model, based on the Innovative Methods Integrated by TRIZ (IMI-TRIZ),fractal organization system (FOS) structure, fractal information system (FIS), and the concept of fractal TRIZ system (FTS), presents the process, method and model of IS architecture design.
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Ren, Weizheng, e Kaile Yu. "Time-space-direction Extension TRIZ Innovation Model for Product Innovation". International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 16 (5 gennaio 2022): 53–59.

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In order to solve the problem that college students are prone to thinking set and direction deviation in the process of innovation practice. TRIZ (Latin abbreviation of "Teoriya Resheniya Izoblatelskikh Zadatch", which means theory of the solution of innovative problems) is extended and matched with the meta conditional features or quantities of the three dimensions of TSD (time, space and direction) of the problem. In this paper, TRIZ-TSD extension problem solving model is proposed to find compatible solutions. TRIZ-TSD extension problem solving model expands the available resources of the original TRIZ analysis tools, strengthens the interaction between the analysis tools, and makes it more suitable for beginners to use in practical innovation. Taking the university student innovation award-winning project "the intelligent wall planting system" as an example, the basic process and practical effect of TRIZ-TSD fusion innovation model in solving specific problems are verified. The basic principle and thinking mode of this method is not only limited to the practice of College Students’ innovation projects, but also has certain reference value for solving problems in other fields.
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Lu, Cong Da, Zhi Ping Liao, Shao Fei Jiang e Gao Jin Liu. "Research on Innovative Product Design System Based on QFD and TRIZ". Materials Science Forum 532-533 (dicembre 2006): 1144–47.

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This paper presents an innovative product design system based on Quality Function Development (QFD) and Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ in Russian abbreviation). House of Quality (HOQ) is the core of QFD. To make QFD more practical and operable for small and medium-sized companies, a simplified model of HOQ is proposed. A set of reasoning scheme for inferring requirements relationships is adopted to facilitate constructing the HOQ. The contradiction in the process of mechanical design is defined by TRIZ as physical contradiction and technical contradiction. These two contradictions are solved through contradiction matrix and inventive principles of TRIZ. The innovative design system mainly uses the tool of contradiction matrix to solve the bottle techniques attained from QFD. By taking the HOQ as its interface the integration between QFD and TRIZ is realized. After conducting quality function development, two outputs can be obtained. They are the technical measure needing improvement and the technical measure that is getting worse while improving the former one. These two measures are taken as inputs of TRIZ module to analyze and solve the problem of product design.
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Jiang, Fan, Chun Liang Zhang, Zhong Wei Liang e Jiang Hua Xiang. "Integrated Model of the TRIZ Theory and Research-Oriented Teaching". Advanced Materials Research 591-593 (novembre 2012): 2175–79.

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In order to integrate between TRIZ theory and research-oriented teaching, relationship model of TRIZ theory and research-oriented teaching is studied, and indicate the integrated model is the supporting role in the three stages of students' innovative ability, such as experience, rethink, construction. Further, the integration scheme of the contextual design, process of students' inquiry learning, comprehensive evaluation of TRIZ in research-oriented teaching. Finally, the teaching practice examples applied of integration model is given.
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López, J., R. L. de Almeida e F. M. Araujo-Moreira. "TRIZ: criatividade como uma ciência exata?" Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 27, n. 2 (giugno 2005): 205–9.

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Abstract (sommario):
TRIZ é a sigla para as palavras russas que, em português, significam Teoria para a Resolução de Problemas Criativos. O estudo de mais de dois milhões de patentes no mundo tem permitido identificar princípios universais de invenção. Ensinando estes princípios e com a ajuda de técnicas psicológicas de geração de idéias, a metodologia TRIZ pretende aprofundar e dinamizar o processo criativo. Neste artigo apresentamos algumas sugestões de como utilizar o método TRIZ na formação de estudantes de Física.
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Kim, Jong Hyeong, Hyung-jik Kim, Jae Nam Jung, Dong-hee Jang e Hyuk-dong Kwon. "Portable-size Drone Design Using TRIZ Method". Journal of The Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers 26, n. 2 (15 aprile 2017): 230–37.

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Rosli, M. U., M. K. A. Ariffin, S. M. Sapuan e S. Sulaiman. "Integrated TRIZ-AHP Support System for Conceptual Design". Applied Mechanics and Materials 548-549 (aprile 2014): 1998–2002.

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Abstract (sommario):
.Amid the fierce rising competition in the market, accelerating the problem solving and decision making process have become major issues in product design especially in conceptual design stage. For years, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) has been extensively applied in problem solving. In this paper, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was proposed to strengthen three major steps in TRIZ methodology namely as problem definition, root cause identification and solution generation. The integration was then structured in the form of computer-based system. The integration, application and software in AHP and TRIZ method have been discussed in this paper. This proposed support system not only provided evidence that TRIZ methodologies improved by the support of AHP and also aided the designers in early design phase such as concept, process and material selection.
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Ding, Zhikun, Shuanglong Jiang, Fungfai Ng e Menglian Zhu. "A new TRIZ-based patent knowledge management system for construction technology innovation". Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 15, n. 4 (7 agosto 2017): 456–70.

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Abstract (sommario):
Purpose The quantity of construction technology innovations in patent database grows at a high speed. More challenging technical problems require knowledge workers to make full use of the huge existing technology innovation knowledge base to propose new innovative solutions. Hence, it is critical to deliver the right knowledge to the right people at the right time. To improve innovation efficiency and effectiveness, this research explores the development of a new patent knowledge management system to satisfy the increasing demand of construction innovations. Design/methodology/approach TRIZ-based patent knowledge management system (TPKMS) development involves the integration of construction patent knowledge management, theory of inventive problem-solving (TRIZ) theory, database techniques and computer programing technology. The contradiction matrix in TRIZ theory serves as the patent knowledge extraction framework, while SQL Server 2000 database management system is employed to manage the extracted patent knowledge, TRIZ and user account information. Visual C++ 6.0 is adopted as the development tool. Findings The developed system to manage construction patent knowledge integrates TRIZ with the database design, enabling the system users to be more problem-focused, systematic and efficient. The system provides a heuristic environment to help improve the innovation effectiveness by motivating knowledge workers’ innovative thinking. Further development of the system is proposed in the context of the age of big data. Originality/value A new TRIZ-based patent knowledge management system for construction technology innovation was developed.
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Fiorineschi, Lorenzo, Francesco Saverio Frillici e Paolo Rissone. "A Comparison of Classical TRIZ and OTSM-TRIZ in Dealing with Complex Problems". Procedia Engineering 131 (2015): 86–94.

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Sire, Pascal, Gilles Haeffelé e Sebastien Dubois. "TRIZ as a Tool to Develop a TRIZ Educational Method by Learning it". Procedia Engineering 131 (2015): 551–60.

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Wang, Zu Yao, e Mei Jun Chen. "TRIZ-Based Industrial Design Methodology". Advanced Materials Research 102-104 (marzo 2010): 93–97.

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Abstract (sommario):
On the basis of the intersection of TRIZ and industrial design, the paper studies the core elements of TRIZ, including principles, methods, rules, and analyses their significance in guiding industrial design practices, also gives research on the application methods of different cases in industrial design. By investigating the commonness of TRIZ and industrial design in products creating activities, the paper summarizes creativity principles and trends forecasting methods in industrial design, so that to found the structure of products innovation knowledge base which grows from creative science and industrial design.
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Kuang, Fu Chun, Zhi Hui Wu e Xin Liu. "A Study on Furniture Innovative Theory Based on QFD and TRIZ". Advanced Materials Research 753-755 (agosto 2013): 1437–41.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper separately analyzed the basic concepts and main points of QFD and TRIZ, discussed the relationship between the two theories and furniture innovation, and then proposed a innovative design model based on QFD and TRIZ, which mainly converts the users’needs into a contradiction matrix of innovative design through the HOQ and uses the creative principles provided by TRIZ to achieve the project design. Based on the example of small dwelling-size apartment’s furniture design, it elaborated the process of the innovative model and verified the effectiveness of the two theories used in furniture design.
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