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Schneider, Florian, Stefan Schlatt, Nina Neuhaus e Sabine Kliesch. "Fertilätsprotektion bei Mann-zu-Frau trans Personen: Früh an fertilätsprotektive Maßnahmen denken". Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 33, n. 03 (settembre 2020): 169–71.

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Abstract (sommario):
ZusammenfassungWir stimmen dem in der Leitlinie genannten starken Konsens für Maßnahmen der Reproduktionsmedizin als wichtige Option zur Erfüllung des Kinderwunsches bei trans Personen uneingeschränkt zu. Informationen über diese Maßnahmen müssen Bestandteil von Behandlungen von trans Personen sein. Die geschlechtsangleichende Hormontherapie bei Mann-zu-Frau trans Personen hat jedoch einen negativen Einfluß auf die Spermatogenese. Der Erfolg der Fertiltätsprotektion bei Mann-zu-Frau trans Personen hängt stark von Qualität und Quantität der Spermien bzw. der spermatogonialen Stammzellen ab. Daher sollte die Beratung vor der geschlechtsangleichenden Hormontherapie stattfinden. Zu Beginn sollten eine ausführliche Anamnese, eine körperliche Untersuchung, eine Untersuchung von Serumhormonen (LH, FSH, Testosteron, Östradiol, AMH, Inhibin B) und ggf. eine Untersuchung des Ejakulats erfolgen. Zu den etablierten Methoden der Fertilitätsprotektion zählen Kryokonservierung von Spermien nach Ejakulation, Kryokonservierung von Spermien nach mikrochirurgischer testikulärer Spermienextraktion (mTESE) oder Spermienaspiration aus dem Nebenhoden (MESA) oder Kryokonservierung von spermatogonialen Stammzellen. Letztere sind auch möglich, wenn die geschlechtsangleichende Hormontherapie vor Beginn der Pubertät begonnen wird. Dies ist derzeit noch experimentell. Kryokonservierte Spermien können dazu verwendet werden, im Rahmen einer In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) und intrazytoplasmatischen Spermieninjektion (ICSI) mit Frauen eigene Kinder zu zeugen. Leihmutterschaft oder Eizellenspende ist in Deutschland derzeit nicht möglich.Wir wollen betonen, dass das Gespräch über fertilitätsprotektive Maßnahmen so früh wie möglich stattfinden muss, um den Erfolg zu garantieren und Absprachen zwischen den medizinischen Diszplinen zu ermöglichen. Das Ziel sind individuelle Lösungen, die für trans Personen finanzierbar, gangbar und operativ mit einfachen Mitteln zu erreichen sind.
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Hamm, Jonas A., e Timo O. Nieder. "Trans*-Sexualität neu denken: Eine partizipative Interviewstudie zu gelingender Sexualität ohne Genitalangleichung". Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 34, n. 02 (giugno 2021): 69–78.

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Abstract (sommario):
Zusammenfassung Einleitung Studien zur Sexualität von trans* Personen sind häufig durch das heteronormative Bias geprägt, alle trans* Personen würden eine Genitalangleichung anstreben, um penil-vaginalen penetrativen Geschlechtsverkehr ausüben zu können, als (trans*) Mann in der insertiven, als (trans*) Frau in der aufnehmenden Rolle. Diese Studie untersucht erstmals die Sexualität von trans* Personen, die keine Genitalangleichung anstreben und mit ihrer Sexualität zufrieden sind. Forschungsziele Ziel der Studie ist es, die individuelle Sexualität von Menschen dieser Personengruppe zu beleuchten und die intrapsychischen, interaktionellen und kollektiven Ressourcen zu analysieren, auf die sie dabei zurückgreifen. Darunter fallen auch Strategien, um den scheinbaren Widerspruch von Geschlechtsidentität und Körperlichkeit zu überbrücken. Methoden Es wurden sechs leitfadengestützte qualitative Interviews durchgeführt und mithilfe einer inhaltlich strukturierenden qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Die Studie beinhaltete verschiedene partizipative Elemente. So wurden die Ergebnisse im Rahmen einer partizipativen Feedbackschleife durch die Teilnehmenden kommunikativ validiert. Ergebnisse Die Teilnehmer_innen berichten von vielfältigen, genitalen wie non-genitalen sexuellen Praktiken, die unabhängig von den damit assoziierten Geschlechterrollen stattfinden. Dabei greifen sie auf verschiedene Ressourcen und Strategien zurück. Insbesondere wird die geschlechtsanzeigende Funktion von Genitalien auf drei Ebenen dekonstruiert: individuell durch die Teilnehmenden selbst, interaktionell über die Anerkennung ihrer Geschlechtsidentität durch sexuelle Partner_innen und kollektiv durch die Communitys, in denen sie sich bewegen. Schlussfolgerung Die Studie entkräftet die oft unhinterfragte Vorannahme, dass trans* Personen per se ihre Genitalien nur widerwillig oder unter Erfahrungen von körperlicher Dysphorie in der Sexualität einsetzen. Mit den richtigen Ressourcen müssen sexuelle Rolle, Genitalienstatus und Geschlechtsidentität nicht stereotyp zusammenfallen, um gelingende Sexualität zu praktizieren.
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Scholz, Janek. "Künste des Dazwischen als Künste der Transgression". apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania], n. 10 (30 giugno 2023): 170–90.

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Abstract (sommario):
Diana Salus Text cartas para ninguém (2019) verbindet Lyrik, Comic, Autobiografie und Skizzenbuch. Das transversale Kreuzen gesellschaftlicher Rahmungen steht in besonderer Weise mit der Identität der Autorin als lesbischer trans* Frau in Verbindung. Die vorliegende Untersuchung analysiert das Zusammenspiel zwischen Genre und Gender in Salus Text und stellt die These auf, dass dieser als ein Text im Werden zu verstehen ist, als ein unentwegtes Anschreiben gegen Zuschreibungsprozesse. Gerade die gezielte Verschiebung der Aufmerksamkeit auf die freien Flächen, die leeren Stellen und die Stille machen Salus Werk zu einem Werk des Dazwischen, das die Leser*innen dazu auffordert, sich einerseits mit den eigenen Sehgewohnheiten auseinanderzusetzen und andererseits in Beziehung zu treten und darüber handlungswirksam zu werden.
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Bohle, Ulrike. "Strategien und Mittel des Genderns zwischen Verfestigung und Destabilisierung von Geschlecht". Betrifft Mädchen, n. 2 (28 aprile 2020): 56–61.

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Abstract (sommario):
40 Jahre nach Erscheinen der ersten „Richtlinien zur Vermeidung sexistischen Sprachgebrauchs“ ist ihre Notwendigkeit und Legitimität immer noch umstritten. Leitfäden zur geschlechtergerechten Sprache werden einerseits als unzulässiger Eingriff in die Sprache zurückgewiesen, andererseits wird vor einer Verfestigung normativer Geschlechtermodelle gewarnt. Entstanden sind die ersten Empfehlungen im Kontext der neuen Frauenbewegung aus Kritik an der Diskriminierung von Frauen in und durch Sprache. Feministische Sprachkritik wurde bald in der Gesetzgebung aufgegriffen (s. Stickel 1988: 333 f., Schoenthal 1989: 298 f., Kusterle 2011: 19-21 u. a.) und ist heute Teil von Gender Mainstreaming (Wetschanow 2017) – bis vor kurzem implizit gedacht als Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau. Erst das Erstarken der Trans*- und Inter*-Bewegung seit den 1990er Jahren führte zur rechtlichen Anerkennung eines dritten/unbestimmten Geschlechts (§ 22 Abs. 3 PStG). Eng verwoben mit der Frauen- wie der Schwulen-/Lesben-/Bi-/Trans-/Inter*-Bewegung ist die Entwicklung der Frauenund Geschlechterforschung und der queer studies. Im Zusammenwirken von sozialen Bewegungen, Wissenschaft und Gesetzgebung haben sich im Laufe der Jahre verschiedene Formen des Genderns entwickelt. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Diskussion zu systematisieren. Im ersten Schritt sollen sprach- und geschlechtertheoretische Grundpositionen skizziert werden, aus denen sich bestimmte sprachpolitische Strategien ableiten lassen. Im zweiten Schritt sollen diesen Strategien die verschiedenen Formen zugeordnet werden.
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Kühn, Shafreena, Andrej Wehle, Marcus Kiehlmann e Ulrich Michael Rieger. "Patientenzufriedenheit nach geschlechtsangleichender Mastektomie in Frau-zu-Mann-transidenten Patienten – eine Analyse unter Verwendung eines modifizierten BREAST-Q-Fragebogens". Handchirurgie · Mikrochirurgie · Plastische Chirurgie 53, n. 06 (dicembre 2021): 564–71.

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Abstract (sommario):
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Mastektomie ist essenzieller Bestandteil der geschlechtsangleichenden Operationen in der Gruppe Frau-zu-Mann(FM)-transidenter Patienten. Einschlägige Studien zeigen eine hohe Patientenzufriedenheit in dieser Kohorte, allerdings etablierte sich bisher kein standardisiertes Verfahren zur Evaluation der Effektivität. Methoden Anhand des etablierten Breast-Q-Fragebogens entwickelten wir eine modifizierte Version unter Berücksichtigung spezifischer Fragestellungen hinsichtlich FM-transidenter Patienten. Demnach erfolgte die Anpassung aller Fragen, welche gezielt die Physiologie von Cis-Frauen adressieren. Im Sinne eines „One-Group Post-Test Only“-Designs kontaktierten wir Patienten nach stattgehabter Mastektomie im Zeitraum von 1991 bis 2017 und evaluierten die Ergebnisse des Fragebogens von insgesamt 28 Patienten. Letzterer beinhaltet 57 Fragen hinsichtlich der grundlegenden Zufriedenheit mit der Brustregion, ebenso wie spezifische Fragen zur Zufriedenheit mit dem Mamillen-Areola-Komplex und hinterfragt Themen wie Erwartungen, Selbstbewusstsein, Sexualleben und Bedauern nach erfolgter Mastektomie. Ergebnisse Insgesamt zeigte sich ein hohes Maß an Patientenzufriedenheit nach stattgehabter Mastektomie. Alle befragten Patienten würden den Eingriff wiederholen und nur wenige äußerten Bedauern. Konklusion Die Mastektomie spielt eine entscheidende Rolle hinsichtlich geschlechtsangleichender Eingriffe bei Trans-Männern und zeigt eine hohe postoperative Zufriedenheit als Ausdruck einer Lebensqualitätsverbesserung.
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Grumstrup, Morten. "Fra LBL til LGBT". Culture and History: Student Research Papers 6, n. 1 (2 gennaio 2022): 62–84.

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Denne artikel undersøger trans-inklusionen i 2008 i den daværende Landsforeningen for bøsser og lesbiske, samt udviklingen fra en bøsse-lesbisk forening til en LGBT-forening. Analysen viser at udviklingen til en LGBT-forening begyndte allerede i 1999 da et medlem af foreningens egen ledelse stod frem som transkønnet. Analysen viser at delte livserfaringer (’approximations’) mellem transpersoner og homo- og biseksuelle personer var vigtige for opnåelsen af en trans-inklusion, og dermed en LGBT-udvikling. Analysen viser ydermere at den danske trans-inklusion ikke endte i en kunstig implementering, modsat mange amerikanske
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Straayer, Chris. "Trans men’s stealth aesthetics: navigating penile prosthetics and ‘gender fraud’". Journal of Visual Culture 19, n. 2 (agosto 2020): 255–71.

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This article examines trans commercial production of penile prosthetics, the efficacy of such products in personal and sex-segregated spaces, and their negative valence in the public sphere. Responding to his own experience of gender dysphoria, Transthetics founder Alex designs and produces products for the reparative and enabling embodiment of trans men. Penile prosthetics reflect the longstanding tension between aesthetics and function in the history of prosthetic limbs. The author posits ‘stealth aesthetics’ as a function-injected realism that pushes into reality via utilization of prosthetics in the performance of real life. For some trans men, the phenomenologically incorporated prosthetic is tantamount to a corporeal penis. Cisnormativity, however, outlaws this equivalence. Recent prosecutions of penile prosthetic embodiment as ‘gender fraud’ punitively restrict trans men’s claim on reality, instead exposing their private bodies to public judgment, where genitals produce gender. By contrast, the author advocates the authorization of gender to produce genitals.
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Mau, Søren. "Fra væsen til stoftskfite - Marx' arbejdsbegreber". Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, n. 76 (25 gennaio 2018): 95–111.

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FROM ESSENCE TO METABOLISM - MARX'S CONCEPTS OF WORKThe Marxist tradition is marked by a persistent conflict about the analytical as well as tactical use of the concept of labour: Is labour a trans-historical necessity, or is it rather a specific capitalist phenomenon that should be abolished along with capital and the state? The article shows how these theoretical and tactical conflicts can be traced back to certain ambiguities in the writings of Marx, taken as a whole. Furthermore, the article argues that Marx’s use of the concept can be divided into three periods: (I) In 1844, the concept of labour was a anthropological notion designating the trans-historical essence of the human being and occupying an explanatory and critical function in the critique of bourgeois society. (II) In 1845-48, the trans-historical use of the concept disappears and gives way to a distinction between activity and labour. The latter is now conceptualised as something specific to capitalism. (III) From 1857 onwards, Marx develops a new trans-historical concept of labour, inspired by the concept of metabolism. However, this concept does not have the explanatory and critical function that the early concept of labour had.
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Nichols Busch, Tracy. "The High Line". Transfers 1, n. 2 (1 giugno 2011): 136–40.

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An abandoned freight track on Manhattan’s West Side, considered by local businesses to be nothing more than an eyesore and an impediment to development, became the cause célèbre of New Yorkers in the early twenty-first century. Efforts to “save the High Line” resulted in one of the largest creations of public space in New York history. The 8.8 metertall High Line, which stretches 12 blocks between Ganesvoort Street and 20th Street, features both permanent and temporary art installations that inform visitors of their movement through space and its implication for the natural and constructed worlds. A post-industrial yearning for a more harmonious relationship between humans and the natural world can be detected in New Yorkers’ affection for the High Line. The elevated nature of this raised railroad track creates an ethereal and otherworldly sensation. The traffic below becomes an abstraction and pedestrians, always vulnerable on the streets, are lifted above the fray.
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Xie, Linjun, Liying Zou, Jie Chen e Youxue Liu. "All-Trans Retinoic Acid Inhibits Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Commitment to Adipocytes via Upregulating FRA1 Signaling". International Journal of Endocrinology 2020 (31 gennaio 2020): 1–11.

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Obesity, caused by an increased number and volume of adipocytes, is a global epidemic that seriously threatens human health. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) can differentiate into adipocytes. All-trans retinoic acid (atRA, the active form of vitamin A) inhibits the adipogenic differentiation of BMSCs through its receptor RARG. The expression level of FRA1 (FOS like 1, AP-1 transcription factor subunit) in atRA-treated BMSCs increased, suggesting that atRA-mediated inhibition of BMSCs adipogenesis involves FRA1. BMSCs were transfected with adenovirus overexpressing Fra1 (ad-fra1) or silenced for Fra1 (si-fra1) and then treated with atRA. BMSCs treated with atRA and treated with ad-fra1 showed decreased mRNA and protein levels of key adipogenic genes (Pparg2, Cebpa) and adipogenesis-associated genes (Cd36, Fabp, Lpl, and Plin); atRA had a stronger inhibitory effect on adipogenesis compared with that in the ad-fra1 group. Adipogenic gene expression in Fra1-silenced BMSCs was significantly upregulated. Compared with that in the atRA group, the si-fra1 + atRA also upregulated adipogenic gene expression. However, compared with si-fra1, si-fra1 + atRA significantly inhibited adipogenic differentiation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation showed that RARG directly regulates Fra1 and FRA1 directly regulates Pparg2 and Cebpa. The results supported the conclusion that atRA inhibits BMSC adipogenesis partially through the RARG-FRA1-PPARG2 or the CEBPA axis or both. Thus, vitamin A might be used to treat obesity and its related diseases.
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BANERJEE, KUNTAL. "On the widths of the Arnol’d tongues". Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 34, n. 5 (3 maggio 2013): 1451–63.

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AbstractLet $F: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ be a real analytic increasing diffeomorphism with $F- \mathrm{Id} $ being 1-periodic. Consider the translated family of maps $\mathop{({F}_{t} : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} )}\nolimits_{t\in \mathbb{R} } $ defined as ${F}_{t} (x)= F(x)+ t$. Let $\mathrm{Trans} ({F}_{t} )$ be the translation number of ${F}_{t} $ defined by $$\mathrm{Trans} ({F}_{t} ): = \lim _{n\rightarrow + \infty }\frac{{ F}_{t}^{\circ n} - \mathrm{Id} }{n} .$$ Assume that there is a Herman ring of modulus $2\tau $ associated to $F$ and let ${p}_{n} / {q}_{n} $ be the $n$th convergent of $\mathrm{Trans} (F)= \alpha \in \mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q} $. Denoting by ${\ell }_{\theta } $ the length of the interval $\{ t\in \mathbb{R} ~\mid ~\mathrm{Trans} ({F}_{t} )= \theta \} $, we prove that the sequence $({\ell }_{{p}_{n} / {q}_{n} } )$ decreases exponentially fast with respect to ${q}_{n} $. More precisely, $$\mathop {\mathrm{lim\hphantom{,}sup} }\limits _{n\rightarrow + \infty } \frac{1}{{q}_{n} } \log {\ell }_{{p}_{n} / {q}_{n} } \leq - 2\pi \tau .$$ There is a relation between ${\ell }_{{p}_{n} / {q}_{n} } $ and the width of the Arnol’d tongue, which confirms that the widths of the tongues decrease exponentially fast under suitable conditions.
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Peña Martín, Salvador. "Narrativa de la traducción". TRANS. Revista de Traductología, n. 9 (13 settembre 2017): 99.

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El examen somero de cinco figuras sobresalientes en la historia de la traducción del árabe al español (Alfonso X el Sabio, los moriscos Miguel de Luna y Alonso del Castillo, el misionero franciscano del siglo XVIII Fray Francisco de San Juan del Puerto y el arabista decimonónico Emilio Lafuente Alcántara) nos permite defender un doble enfoque narratológico en los estudios de traducción. Por un lado, el relativo a los agentes individuales en los procesos de traducción, cuyas biografías ofrecen una perspectiva privilegiada a su labor en tanto que conflicto social, y, por otro, lo relativo a la construcción de grandes discursos históricos, estructurados en torno a la noción de lo nuevo frente a lo tradicional.
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Erker, Gerhard, Peter Czisch e Richard Mynott. "Die Bildung eines Zirconium-substituierten Phosphor-Ylids durch sigmatrope Wasserstoffverschiebung / Formation o f a Zirconium Substituted Phosphorus Ylide by Sigmatropic Hydrogen Migration". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 40, n. 9 (1 settembre 1985): 1177–80.

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σ-Crotylmetallocenyl substituted ylides (1) Cp2M(-CH2CH=CHCH3)(CHPPh3), M=Zr,Hf, are formed upon treatment of a mixture of (s-cis-) and (s-trans-η4-butadiene)metallocene complexes with the phosphorus ylide methylenetriphenylphosphorane (4). From the ( s-cis-/s-trans-butadiene) zirconocene equilibrium mixture (7/5) only the (s-cis-conjugated diene)metallocene isomer reacts with the ylide at -50 °C. Under kinetic control the fram-σ-crotylzirconocenyl-ylide (lb) is formed selectively; subsequent crotyl cis-trans-isomerization (1b⇆1b′) takes place at higher temperature (> -20 °C ). A mechanism including a concerted intramolecular homo-1,5- hydrogen migration step is proposed.
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Thompson, Kelly J. "More Than a Name: A Content Analysis of Name Authority Records for Authors Who Self-Identify as Trans". Library Resources & Technical Services 60, n. 3 (28 luglio 2016): 140.

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With the adoption of FRAD and RDA, the scope of name authority records has broadened from a record supporting an authorized heading to a fuller description of a creator. Meant to help user discovery of resources, these practices are problematic when the record describes an author who self-identifies as trans. In this research, name authority records (NARs) for self-identified trans creators were analyzed. This analysis examined the 375 field for “gender,” the contents of that field, and other representations of (trans)gender identities throughout the record. Name authority record creation practices should be examined to ensure that an author’s agency to self-disclose their identities is respected.
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Zhou, Ziying, Zhili Fan, Maninder Meenu e Baojun Xu. "Impact of Germination Time on Resveratrol, Phenolic Acids, and Antioxidant Capacities of Different Varieties of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) from China". Antioxidants 10, n. 11 (27 ottobre 2021): 1714.

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In China, peanut sprouts are popular among consumers as functional vegetables. This study reports the change in total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), monomeric anthocyanin content (MAC), vitamin C, trans-resveratrol content, antioxidant capacities, and phenolic profile of three different varieties of peanut during 8 days of germination. The TPC, TFC, and antioxidant capacity of peanut samples were reduced and then increased with an increase in germination time. TFC values were highly correlated with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) values. MAC values of peanuts were first increased and then decreased during 8 days of germination. The TFC, DPPH, and FRAP values of germinated peanuts were lower compared to the non-germinated peanut. Germination of peanut samples enhanced the total phenolic acids and trans-resveratrol content, but the vitamin C content of peanut sprouts was lower than ungerminated peanuts.
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Oliński, Ryszard. "The Effect of Glutathion on the Reaction of cis-and fra/25-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) with DNA". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 45, n. 11-12 (1 dicembre 1990): 1207–9.

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Abstract Differential pulse polarography study was used to investigate the influence of glutathion on cis-and trans-DDP induced alterations of DNA structure. Though the applied concentration of glutathion has no effect on the reaction of DNA with cis -DDP , it greatly modifies the reac­tion with trans isomer. This may be an important reason for the ineffectivness of the trans-DDP as an antitumor drug.
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Garnett, Sherman W., e Rachel Lebenson. "Ukraine Joins the Fray: Will Peace Come to Trans-Dniestria?" Problems of Post-Communism 45, n. 6 (novembre 1998): 22–32.

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Benkoussa, Madjid, Céline Brand, Marie-Hélène Delmotte, Pierre Formstecher e Philippe Lefebvre. "Retinoic Acid Receptors Inhibit AP1 Activation by Regulating Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase and CBP Recruitment to an AP1-Responsive Promoter". Molecular and Cellular Biology 22, n. 13 (1 luglio 2002): 4522–34.

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ABSTRACT Retinoids exhibit antineoplastic activities that may be linked to retinoid receptor-mediated transrepression of activating protein 1 (AP1), a heterodimeric transcription factor composed of fos- and jun-related proteins. Here we show that transcriptional activation of an AP1-regulated gene through the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway (MAPKERK) is characterized, in intact cells, by a switch from a fra2-junD dimer to a junD-fosB dimer loading on its promoter and by simultaneous recruitment of ERKs, CREB-binding protein (CBP), and RNA polymerase II. All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA) receptor (RAR) was tethered constitutively to the AP1 promoter. AP1 transrepression by retinoic acid was concomitant to glycogen synthase kinase 3 activation, negative regulation of junD hyperphosphorylation, and to decreased RNA polymerase II recruitment. Under these conditions, fra1 loading to the AP1 response element was strongly increased. Importantly, CBP and ERKs were excluded from the promoter in the presence of atRA. AP1 transrepression by retinoids was RAR and ligand dependent, but none of the functions required for RAR-mediated transactivation was necessary for AP1 transrepression. These results indicate that transrepressive effects of retinoids are mediated through a mechanism unrelated to transcriptional activation, involving the RAR-dependent control of transcription factors and cofactor assembly on AP1-regulated promoters.
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Vallone, Mariangela, Maria Alleri, Filippa Bono e Pietro Catania. "A New Wireless Device for Real-Time Mechanical Impact Evaluation in a Citrus Packing Line". Transactions of the ASABE 63, n. 1 (2020): 1–9.

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Abstract. Postharvest handling of fresh fruit is a potential source of bruising and damage, with significant consequences for fruit quality and marketability. In the last 30 years, different types of impact-recording devices (also called electronic fruits or pseudo-fruits) have been developed with the aim of measuring the impacts experienced by fruits during postharvest operations. The aim of this study was to develop and test a novel wireless instrumented sphere to study the critical points in a citrus packing line by measuring the impacts experienced by fruits in real-time. The non-commercial device was based on a MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) sensor node with a sensing range from ±1×g to ±400×g (g = 9.8 m s-2), a ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) memory, a radio frequency (RF) transmitter, a microcontroller, and a 75 mAh lithium battery. The sensor node was placed inside a plastic ellipsoid case with a total weight of 100 g to represent a ‘Tardivo di Ciaculli’ mandarin. An FR receiver allowed real-time transmission of the measured data. Tests were performed in the Consorzio del Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli packing line (Palermo, Italy). Total acceleration values, representing the stresses experienced by fruit in the packing line, were studied using a variance component model. The results showed that total acceleration remained below 20×g in most of the measurements, but considerably higher values, up to 80×g, were obtained between the brushing and waxing machines. In particular, waxing was identified as the most critical operation based on the impact transmitted to the fruit. Our system proved to be effective for immediate on-line assessment of the accelerations experienced by fruits, allowing prompt intervention to guarantee fruit quality in postharvest operations.HighlightsA novel, wirelessly instrumented sphere was developed and tested to study the critical points in a fruit packing line.The total acceleration experienced by the fruits was studied using a variance component model.The system was proven effective in online assessment of the accelerations experienced by fruits. Keywords: Acceleration, Damage, Instrumented sphere, Mandarin, Postharvest.
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Ksila, Mohamed, Anne Vejux, Emmanuelle Prost-Camus, Philippe Durand, Imen Ghzaiel, Thomas Nury, Dorian Duprey et al. "Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activities of Imine Analogs of Trans-Resveratrol towards Murine Neuronal N2a Cells". Molecules 27, n. 15 (23 luglio 2022): 4713.

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Trans-resveratrol is a natural polyphenol showing numerous biological properties, especially anti-tumoral and antioxidant activity. Among numerous resveratrol derivatives, aza-stilbenes, which bear an imine bound, show interesting biological activities. In the present study, we synthesized a series of imine analogs of trans-resveratrol (seven aza-stilbenes) following an easy and low-cost procedure of green chemistry. The toxicity of synthesized aza-stilbenes, which is currently unknown, was evaluated on murine neuronal N2a cells, comparatively to trans-resveratrol, by considering: cell density evaluated by staining with sulforhodamine 101; esterase activity, which is a criteria of cell viability, by staining with fluorescein diacetate; and transmembrane mitochondrial potential, which is known to decrease during cell death, by staining with DiOC6(3) using flow cytometry. In addition, the antioxidant activity was quantified with the KRL (Kit Radicaux Libres) assay, the DPPH (2,2′-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical) assay and the FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) assay. The PAOT (Pouvoir Antioxidant Total) score was also used. The aza-stilbenes provide different cytotoxic and antioxidant activities, which are either higher or lower than those of trans-resveratrol. Based on their cytotoxic and antioxidant characteristics, all synthesized aza-stilbenes are distinguished from trans-resveratrol.
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Han, Xiao, e Hui Wei. "Multiplicity of the large periodic solutions to a super-linear wave equation with general variable coefficient". Communications in Analysis and Mechanics 16, n. 2 (2024): 278–92.

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<abstract><p>In this paper, we were concerned with the multiplicity of the large periodic solutions to a super-linear wave equation with a general variable coefficient. In general, the variable coefficient $ \rho(\cdot) $ needs to be satisfied $ \text{ess inf}\, \eta_\rho(\cdot) &gt; 0 $ with $ \eta_\rho(\cdot) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{\rho''}{\rho}-\frac{1}{4}\big(\frac{\rho'}{\rho}\big)^2 $. Especially, the case $ \eta_\rho(\cdot) = 0 $ is presented as an open problem in [Trans. Amer. Math. 349: 2015-2048, 1997]. Here, without any restrictions on $ \eta_{\rho}(\cdot) $, we established the multiplicity of large periodic solutions for the Dirichlet-Neumann boundary condition and Dirichlet-Robin boundary condition when the period $ T = 2\pi\frac{2a-1}{b} $ with $ a, b \in \mathbb{N}^+ $. The key ingredient of the proof is the combination of the variational method and an approximation argument. Since the sign of $ \eta_\rho(\cdot) $ can change, our results can be applied to the classical wave equation.</p></abstract>
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Babajide, Jacob, e Oyedamade Opakunbi. "SOCIAL-ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF TRANS-BORDER CRIMES IN NIGERIA: 2015-2019". Caleb International Journal of Development Studies 05, n. 01 (30 giugno 2022): 273–89.

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The continuous surge in threats to global security especially orchestrated by trans-border - crimes such as money laundering, arms trafficking, drug trafficking and human trafficking, has given rise to a series of new discussions and strategic thinking among scholars and security experts. Nigeria is not an exception to these threats as it has, lately, been witnessing a handful of these palpable security challenges threatening its peaceful corporate existence and economic prosperity. This paper thus examined the dimensions of trans-border crimes and its socio-economic implications for Nigeria. The paper employed qualitative methodology, secondary data collection and descriptive method of analysis. The paper argues that global interconnectedness facilitates increase in trans-border crimes, especially in Nigeria where the unofficial/unmanned borders surpass the official/manned borders. Therefore, it is found that drug trafficking, arms trafficking, trafficking of persons, car smuggling and internet fraud are prevalent trans-border crimes in Nigeria. The socio-economic implications of trans-border crimes are mostly felt in fueling corruption, infiltrating businesses, hindering development and endangering lives and national security. Identifiable causes of increased trans-border crimes in Nigeria include porous borders, political corruption, and compromised security system. It is concluded that trans-border crimes pose serious national challenges that require multi track strategies and coordinated responses from the government, its agencies, transnational agencies, neighbouring governments and the citizens, to address. The paper, thus, recommended that to significantly minimize the menace of trans-border crimes in Nigeria, the government should adequately police the borders while the appropriate law enforcement officers must be well mobilized and equipped to so do.
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Kim, Kihyun, e Soonsik Kwon. "Scattering for defocusing generalized Benjamin-Ono equation in the energy space $H^{\frac {1}{2}}(\mathbb {R})$". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372, n. 7 (2 luglio 2019): 5011–67.

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Bhoyar, Manish S., Gyan P. Mishra, Pradeep K. Naik e Shashi Bala Singh. "Evaluation of Antioxidant Capacities and Total Polyphenols in Various Edible Parts of Capparis spinosa L. Collected from Trans-Himalayas". Defence Life Science Journal 3, n. 2 (23 marzo 2018): 140.

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<p>The phytochemical screening, antioxidant capacity, and total polyphenols in the methanolic extract of leaves, flower buds, roots and fruits of <em>Capparis spinosa</em> collected from trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh were assessed in an effort to corroborate its medicinal and culinary potential. Highest DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity were observed in the leaves and least in dried fruit samples, even FRAP assay also illustrated the same trend. IC<sub>50 </sub>values of DPPH assay was highly correlated with that of ABTS (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9084) and FRAP assay (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9771). However, IC<sub>50</sub> value of ABTS was reasonably correlated with FRAP assay (R<sup>2</sup>=0.5838). The highest phenolic and flavonoid content was recorded in the leaf samples (24.78 and 5.69 mg GAE/g DW respectively), whereas it was lowest in the dried fruit samples (4.07 mg quercetin equivalent/g DW and nil, respectively). The total phenolic contents were highly correlated with IC<sub>50</sub> value of ABTS (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9084), DPPH (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9388) and FRAP value (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9618). But, total flavonoid contents were highly correlated with ABTS (R<sup>2</sup>=0.7449), DPPH (R<sup>2</sup>=0.8791) and FRAP values (R<sup>2</sup>=0.9588). Thus, this study has validated the medicinal potential of all the edible parts of the <em>C. spinosa.</em></p>
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Balík, J., M. Kyseláková, N. Vrchotová, J. Tříska, M. Kumšta, J. Veverka, P. Híc, J. Totušek e D. Lefnerová. "Relations between polyphenols content and antioxidant activity in vine grapes and leaves". Czech Journal of Food Sciences 26, Special Issue (10 febbraio 2009): S25—S32.

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The occurrence and content of some polyphenols and the antioxidant activity of compounds present in grape berries, stems and leaves of <i>Vitis vinifera</i> L. were evaluated. Three white and three blue varieties of grapevine were investigated. The contents were determined of <i>trans</i>-resveratrol, <i>trans</i>-piceid, caftaric acid, tryptophan, catechin, epicatechin, total polyphenols, and flavanols, both in healthy material and in the samples of the plant material infested with microorganisms (<i>Botryotinia fuckeliana</i> Whetzel anamorph <i>Botrytis cinerea</i> Pers.; Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr; <i>Plasmopara viticola</i> (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl & De Toni). The antioxidant activity of the extracts obtained was determined by different methods: FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power), DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical) and TAC-PCL (Total Antioxidant Capacity of Photochemiluminescence). The content of <i>trans</i>-resveratrol varied between 0.3–2.3 mg/kg and 0.7–12.1 mg/kg in non-infested and infested grape berries, respectively. The content of <i>trans</i>-piceid between 0.6–2.9 mg/kg and 1.5–6.3 mg/kg in non-infested and infested grape berries, respectively. The content of trans-resveratrol varied between 2.5–10.3 mg/kg and 3.7–20.9 mg/kg in healthy and in infected leaves, respectively. The content <i>trans</i>-piceid varied between 11.3–58.4 mg/kg and 18.5–60.9 mg/kg in the healthy and in the infected leaves, respectively. The highest content of trans-resveratrol was found in stems (16.3–276.3 mg/kg). In young lateral shoots, the highest levels of <i>trans</i>-piceid (12.6–99.7 mg/kg) and caftaric acid (474–2257 mg/kg) were determined. The infested grape berries showed a higher antioxidant activity, which was most closely correlated with the content of total polyphenols (correlation coefficient = 0.8336–0.9952).
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Li, Yanran, Ruisheng Jiang, Yuzhe Gao, Yumin Duan, Yifan Zhang, Minpeng Zhu e Zhigang Xiao. "Investigation of the Effect of Rice Bran Content on the Antioxidant Capacity and Related Molecular Conformations of Plant-Based Simulated Meat Based on Raman Spectroscopy". Foods 11, n. 21 (6 novembre 2022): 3529.

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At present, plant-based simulated meat is attracting more and more attention as a meat substitute. This study discusses the possibility of partial substitution of rice bran (RB) for soybean protein isolate (SPI) in preparing plant-based simulated meat. RB was added to SPI at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% to prepare RB-SPI plant-based simulated meat by the high moisture extrusion technique. RB-SPI plant-based simulated meat revealed greater polyphenol content and preferable antioxidant capacity (DPPH radical scavenging capacity, ABTS scavenging ability, and FRAP antioxidant capacity) compared to SPI plant-based simulated meat. The aromatic amino acids (tryptophan and tyrosine) of RB-SPI plant-based simulated meats tend to be masked first, and then the hydrophobic groups are exposed as RB content increases and the polarity of the surrounding environment increases due to the change in the disulfide conformation of RB-SPI plant-based simulated meats from a stable gauche–gauche–gauche conformation to a trans–gauche–trans conformation.
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Oxford, Juniper. "Draft Dodger, Soldier’s Wife: Trans Feminine Lives, Civic Duty, and World War II". Graduate History Review 12 (19 ottobre 2023): 73–117.

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This article examines trans feminine lived experiences in the United States during the Second World War amid persecution amplified by the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, the May Act of 1941, and heightened visibility through local and national news publications. This article contends that there is a longer and more complicated linked history between trans feminine Americans and the U.S. military than has been acknowledged by both scholarship and public discourse. Federal statutes like the STSA and the May Act lent authority to the state and its auxiliaries beyond the singular municipal or county jurisdiction. These factors aided the legal persecution of innumerable Americans with perjury, draft evasion, ‘moral’, and fraud charges. Through case studies of the disparate circumstances surrounding the ‘discovery of sex’ of three individuals, Sadie Acosta, Lucy Hicks Anderson, and Georgia Black, this study illuminates the role of various actors involved in investigating and policing their ‘moral’ crimes and gender variance in the 1940s and 1950s. In the post-war years, the figure of the ‘ex-G.I.’ woman is seen through numerous well-publicized cases in the U.S. and the U.K., showing that trans feminine experiences of World War II could be found both at home and abroad.
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Fahmie, Arief. "Determinants of Academic Fraudulent Behavior Using the Fraud Diamond Theory Approach". Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Kesatuan 12, n. 2 (25 maggio 2024): 295–302.

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Education aims to help humans to increase their potential through the field of study. Education is a process of positive character building so that a person becomes intelligent and has mental, emotional, and spiritual integrity. Education not only conveys knowledge and skills but also trains instincts, and builds habits, attitudes, and correct behavior in students. Various cases of academic fraud have made it difficult for educational institutions to achieve their goals. Fraud can occur in any field including in the academic field. This fraud is usually carried out by adults who consciously and deliberately commit fraud to obtain personal or group benefits. This study examines the effect of pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and capability on academic fraudulent behavior. The population in this study were students of the Accounting Bachelor Program at the Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan. The research sample was 110 respondents. This study uses primary data from a questionnaire designed using a 1-4 Likert scale. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis show that pressure, opportunity, and rationalization have a positive effect on academic fraud behavior, while capability does not affect academic fraudulent behavior.
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This study aims to determine the effect of Internal Audit (X1), Employee Performance (X2) on Internal Control (Y) with the variable Intervening Fraud Prevention (Z) at PT. TransSpace Committee. This research includes causal associative research using a quantitative approach. The sample used in this study amounted to 50 employees of PT. TransSpace Committee. Data was collected using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results of this study are that the contribution of internal audit (X1) to Internal Control (Y) is 0.311, this indicates that the contribution or influence of X1 on Y is 31.1% while the remaining 68.9% is a contribution from the variables other variables not included in the study, and also the contribution of employee performance (X2) to Internal Control (Y) is 0.173, this indicates that the contribution or influence of X2 on Y is 17.3% while the remaining 82.7% is the contribution of other variables not included in the study, and also the magnitude of the contribution of internal audit (X1) to Fraud Prevention (Z) which is equal to 0.307, this indicates that the contribution or influence of X1 on Z is equal to 30.7% while the remaining 69.3% is the contribution of other variables not included in the study, and also the size of the audience's contribution internal t (X1) and internal control (Y) on fraud prevention (Z) which is equal to 0.539, this shows that the contribution or influence of X1 & Y on Z is 53.9% while the remaining 46.1% is a contribution from the variable -Other variables not included in the study, and also the contribution of employee performance (X2) to fraud prevention (Z) is 0.177, this indicates that the contribution or influence of X2 on Z is 17.7% while the remaining is 72.3 % is the contribution of other variables not included in the study, and also the contribution of employee performance (X2) and internal control (Y) to fraud prevention (Z) which is equal to 0.522, this shows that the contribution or influence of X2 & Y to Z is 52.2% while the remaining 47.8% is contributed by other variables not included in the study, and also the amount of k the contribution of internal control (Y) to fraud prevention (Z) is equal to 0.502, this indicates that the contribution or influence of Y on Z is 50.2% while the remaining 49.8% is a contribution from other variables not included in study
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Cao, Daomin, Peng Luo e Shuangjie Peng. "The number of positive solutions to the Brezis-Nirenberg problem". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 374, n. 3 (12 gennaio 2021): 1947–85.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this paper we are concerned with the well-known Brezis-Nirenberg problem { − Δ u = u N + 2 N − 2 + ε u , a m p ; in Ω , u > 0 , a m p ; in Ω , u = 0 , a m p ; on ∂ Ω . \begin{equation*} \begin {cases} -\Delta u= u^{\frac {N+2}{N-2}}+\varepsilon u, &{\text {in}~\Omega },\\ u>0, &{\text {in}~\Omega },\\ u=0, &{\text {on}~\partial \Omega }. \end{cases} \end{equation*} The existence of multi-peak solutions to the above problem for small ε > 0 \varepsilon >0 was obtained (see Monica Musso and Angela Pistoia [Indiana Univ. Math. J. 51 (2002), pp. 541–579]). However, the uniqueness or the exact number of positive solutions to the above problem is still unknown. Here we focus on the local uniqueness of multi-peak solutions and the exact number of positive solutions to the above problem for small ε > 0 \varepsilon >0 . By using various local Pohozaev identities and blow-up analysis, we first detect the relationship between the profile of the blow-up solutions and Green’s function of the domain Ω \Omega and then obtain a type of local uniqueness results of blow-up solutions. Lastly we give a description of the number of positive solutions for small positive ε \varepsilon , which depends also on Green’s function.
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Murathan, Zehra Tuğba. "PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF Diospyros lotus L. FRUITS GROWN IN TURKEY". Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 19, n. 2 (15 aprile 2020): 49–55.

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The present study aimed to analyze total ascorbic acid content (TAC), total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), phenolic composition, fatty acid profiles, and antioxidant activity of Diospyros lotus L. fruits grown in Turkey. The TAC, TPC and TFC of D. lotus extracts were 13.9, 130.3, and 12.7 mg/100 g, respectively. Phenolic compounds, gallic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, trans-ferulic acid, sinapic acid, naringin, rutin trihydrate, resveratrol, ellagic acid, trans-cinnamic acid, and quercetin were identified in persimmon samples. The 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) – ABTS and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activities and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) of fruit extracts were found to be 556.3 µmol/g, 69.6%, and 52.4%, respectively. Fructose was identified as the major sugar (371.01 mg/g), while sucrose was not detected. A total of 17 different fatty acids were identified. Most abundant saturated fatty acid (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were palmitic acid (19.66%), palmitoleic acid (13.28%), and linoleic (18.04%) and gamma-linolenic (11.66%) acids, respectively.
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Vollmannova, Alena, Judita Lidikova, Janette Musilova, Marek Snirc, Tatiana Bojnanska, Dana Urminska, Ivana Tirdilova e Erika Zetochova. "White Lupin as a Promising Source of Antioxidant Phenolics for Functional Food Production". Journal of Food Quality 2021 (28 giugno 2021): 1–11.

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Although white lupin is the oldest known legume in the history, it has been forgotten for many years. Now, the interest of food producers concerning white lupin is increased again. The aim of this study was to evaluate the total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA), and the content of selected phenolics in 11 white lupin cultivars. The determined TPC was in the interval 4260–5663 mg GAE/kg DM and the values of AA determined using DPPH•, ABTS•+, and FRAP methods were in the ranges 0.993–1.878, 5.496–7.924, and 1.328–1.741 μmol TE/g DM, respectively. Individual phenolics content (4-hydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, trans-p-coumaric acid, trans-ferulic acid, myricetin, quercetin, apigenin, and genistein) were determined, too. Caffeic acid (442.9–766.2 mg/kg DM) and myricetin (11.2–21.2 mg/kg DM) are the dominant phenolics in the investigated lupin cultivars. Statistically significant differences in all investigated variables were observed between the tested cultivars except for quercetin. The obtained results show that the Astra and Nelly cultivars are a rich source of phenolic acids.
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Madina, Mst Hur, Huanquan Zheng e Hugo Germain. "New insight into bulb dynamics in the vacuolar lumen of Arabidopsis cells". Botany 96, n. 8 (agosto 2018): 511–20.

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Plant vacuoles are multifunctional organelles with dynamic and transient membranous structures, such as trans-vacuolar strands and bulbs. Bulbs are highly mobile structures that travel along trans-vacuolar strands. A candidate effector protein from Melampsora larici-populina (Mlp124357) fused with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was used to investigate the properties of central vacuoles and their bulbs. We discovered the coexistence of two bulb populations in Arabidopsis cells. In addition to previously-described bulbs, which present even marker protein distribution on the bulb surface, we discerned bulbs displaying irregular fusion protein distribution. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), we also demonstrated that bulbs do not exchange proteins with the tonoplast once they are formed. These results show that more than one type of bulb may co-exist in the same cell and provide evidence of micro-domains on the bulb surface. They also reveal that proteins do not flow freely from the tonoplast to the bulb membrane, giving new insight into the biology of tonoplast-derived substructures.
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Ognik, Katarzyna, Iwona Sembratowicz, Anna Czech, Ewelina Kulak e Malwina Merska. "Effect of an Aloe Preparation and 5-Oxo-1,2,4-Triazine on the Redox Profile of the Blood of Turkey Hens Subjected to Stress". Annals of Animal Science 15, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2015): 93–105.

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Abstract The aim of this study was to determine whether the introduction of stress affects corticosterone and malonyl dialdehyde levels and antioxidant indices of the blood of turkey hens, and whether additives used in conjunction with stress, such as aloe extract supplemented with trans-resveratrol and vitamin C or the amidrazone derivative 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine, can mitigate adverse changes that may occur in these parameters. The experiment was carried out on 360 turkey hens allocated randomly to 6 groups of 60 birds each. Groups C and C(+)stress were the control groups and did not receive any additive. Birds from groups A and A(+)stress were administered aloe extract with the addition of trans-resveratrol and vitamin C in the amount of 0.70 ml/kg body weight (BW)/ day. The turkey hens from groups T and T(+)stress received 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine in the amount of 30 μg/kg BW/day. Blood tests included determination of the content of corticosterone and malonyl dialdehyde (MDA), total plasma antioxidant potential (FRAP) and vitamin C, as well as activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT ) and glutathione peroxidase (PGx). The blood serum samples were also analysed for levels of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The stress factors applied resulted in a significant increase in the level of corticosterone and MDA and in SOD and CAT activity in the blood plasma of the turkey hens. A significant decrease in the level of vitamin C and total plasma antioxidant potential were also recorded in the birds treated with stress. The aloe preparation supplemented with trans-resveratrol and vitamin C caused a significant increase in vitamin C, FRAP, Fe and Cu, and a decrease in the corticosterone and MDA levels in the blood plasma of the turkey hens, while in the blood plasma of birds treated with 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine a significant increase was noted in superoxide dismutase activity and a decrease in the malonyl dialdehyde level. In order to alleviate the negative effect of stress, supplementation of diets with aloe extract supplemented with resveratrol and vitamin C may be considered.
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Storrie, B., R. Pepperkok, E. H. Stelzer e T. E. Kreis. "The intracellular mobility of a viral membrane glycoprotein measured by confocal microscope fluorescence recovery after photobleaching". Journal of Cell Science 107, n. 5 (1 maggio 1994): 1309–19.

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Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) has been a powerful tool for characterizing the mobility of cell surface membrane proteins. However, the application of FRAP to the study of intracellular membrane proteins has been hampered by the lack of specific probes and their physical inaccessibility in the cytoplasm. We have measured the mobility of a model transmembrane protein, the temperature-sensitive vesicular stomatitis viral membrane glycoprotein (ts-O45-G), in transit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. ts-O45-G accumulates in the ER at nonpermissive temperature (39.5 degrees C) and is transported via the Golgi complex to the surface upon shifting cells to the permissive temperature (31 degrees C). Rhodamine-labeled Fab fragments against a cytoplasmic epitope of ts-O45-G (rh-P5D4-Fabs) were microinjected into cells to visualize the intracellular viral membrane protein and to determine its mobility by FRAP with a confocal microscope. Moreover, we have measured the effects of microinjected antibodies against beta-COP on the mobility of ts-O45-G following release of the temperature block. FRAP was essentially complete when rh-P5D4-Fab-injected cells were bleached either following release of labeled ts-O45-G from the ER or upon its accumulation at 20 degrees C in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). In contrast, recovery was reduced by about one third when infected cells had been injected with antibodies that bind to beta-COP in vivo. The diffusion constant of mobile ts-O45-G under all conditions was approximately 10 × 10(−10) cm2/s. These results validate the feasibility of FRAP for the study of an intracellular transmembrane protein and provide the first evidence that such a protein is highly mobile.
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Jo, Yeon-Ji, Han-Seul Cho e Ji-Yeon Chun. "Antioxidant activity of β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes containing trans-cinnamaldehyde by DPPH, ABTS and FRAP". Food Science and Biotechnology 30, n. 6 (giugno 2021): 807–14.

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Jankovic, Zeljka. "Les relations éducatives entre la Serbie et la France dans la période 1936-1940". Prilozi za knjizevnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor, n. 82 (2016): 119–37.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le premier XIXe si?cle met la Serbie en contact plus intense avec la France, berceau des valeurs d?mocratiques et du patrimoine culturel europ?en aux yeux des Serbes subissant l?occupation turque depuis des si?cles. C?est ? partir de cette p?riode que commencent ? se d?velopper les liens culturels, politiques et ?ducatifs plus ?troits entre deux pays, particuli?rement renforc?s pendant la Grande Guerre, o? la France aide les jeunes serbes en leur ouvrant la porte de ses ?coles et universit?s. La Convention sign?e en 1920 en vue de la mise en place de la coop?ration intellectuelle et ?ducative (surtout universitaire) des deux pays pr?voyait ?galement la position privil?gi?e de la langue fran?aise au sein du syst?me ?ducatif serbe : en effet, dans les ann?es 30 du XXe si?cle, celleci sera la mati?re la plus enseign?e apr?s la langue serbe et les math?matiques, et le Minist?re des affaires ?trang?res fran?aises enverra r?guli?rement des livres fran?ais, ainsi que des dipl?mes et m?dailles pour les meilleurs ?l?ves. En raison de la croissance de l?influence politique italienne et surtout allemande dans les Balkans, un Congr?s des clubs fran?ais de Yougoslavie, tenu en 1935, marque le d?but des d?marches coordonn?es visant ? renforcer la pr?sence fran?aise dans tous les domaines de la vie sociale yougoslave. Les responsables du D?partement d??ducation aupr?s de l?Ambassade yougoslave ? Paris (Aleksandar Arnautovic puis Milan Markovic) informaient r?guli?rement Belgrade des activit?s dans la capitale fran?aise et ailleurs. Les boursiers du Gouvernement fran?ais (qui accordait la moiti? de la somme totale du budget aux ?tudiants yougoslaves, dont le nombre variait entre 60 et 100 par an dans la p?riode 1936-1940), du retour dans leur pays, r?pandront l?esprit de la culture fran?aise, ainsi que les connaissances acquises dans tous les domaines. Parmi les personnalit?s importantes qui excelleront dans leur m?tier se trouvent : Dr Vukan Cupic, professeur ? l?Universit? de Belgrade et directeur de l?Institut belgradois pour la m?re et l?enfant (boursier du fonds d?Alexandre de Yougoslavie de la mairie de Marseille 1938-1940), le chimiste Pavle Savic qui collaborait avec Ir?ne Curie, Dr Borisav Arsic qui a soutenu la th?se La Vie ?conomique de la Serbie du Sud au XIX si?cle (Paris, France-Balkans, 1936), Dr Branislav Vojnovic, directeur du Th??tre national, Dr Milos Savkovic qui ?tudiait l?influence de la litt?rature fran?aise sur le roman serbe etc. Les jeunes yougoslaves choisissent surtout la litt?rature, les arts et les sciences humaines. D?autre c?t?, le gouvernement yougoslave finan?ait chaque ann?e cinq ?tudiants fran?ais faisant la recherche au sein des universit?s yougoslaves. De nombreuses conf?rences sont dispens?es par les professeurs yougoslaves et fran?ais ; les ?coles franco-serbes, l?Institut fran?ais, les clubs et les associations de l?amiti? donnent les cours de fran?ais ; l?Association des ?tudiants en langue et litt?rature fran?aises organise les soir?es fran?aises et va r?guli?rement en excursions en France ; le Minist?re d??ducation finance les formations estivales des professeurs de fran?ais. Du c?t? fran?ais, l?Institut slave, la Chaire de serbo-croate ? l??cole de langues vivantes orientales avec des professeurs ?minents tels Andr? Vaillant et Andr? Mazon, le Lectorat serbe ? Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon etc. contribuaient aux ?tudes yougoslaves. La langue serbo-croate a ?t? inscrite sur la liste des langues vivantes que les ?l?ves pouvaient passer au baccalaur?at en 1936. Pourtant, cet ?panouissement sera de nouveau menac? par une p?n?tration politique et ?conomique des forces de l?Axe de plus en plus forte ? la veille de la Deuxi?me guerre mondiale : c?est ainsi que l?allemand devient la langue ?trang?re obligatoire au detriment du fran?ais en 1940, les entreprises fran?aises ferment leurs portes, tandis que de nombreuses activit?s culturelles et d?marches ?ducatives cherchent ? pr?server l??tat privil?gi? dont la France jouissait en Serbie depuis la Grande Guerre.
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Li, Jing, Zhi Wang, Minxia Fan, Guangwan Hu e Mingquan Guo. "Potential Antioxidative and Anti-Hyperuricemic Components Targeting Superoxide Dismutase and Xanthine Oxidase Explored from Polygonatum Sibiricum Red." Antioxidants 11, n. 9 (25 agosto 2022): 1651.

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Abstract (sommario):
Polygonatum sibiricum Red. (P. sibiricum) has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine with a wide range of pharmacology effects. However, the responsible bioactive compounds and their mechanisms of action concerning its antioxidative and anti-hyperuricemic activities remain unexplored. In this work, the antioxidant capacity of P. sibiricum was firstly evaluated with the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2’-azinobis-(3ethylbenzthiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays, from which the ethyl acetate (EA) fraction exhibited the highest DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging, and ferric-reducing capacities. Meanwhile, the EA fraction displayed the highest total phenolic and flavonoid contents among the four fractions. Next, the potential ligands from the EA fraction were screened out by bio-affinity ultrafiltration liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UF-LC-MS) with superoxide dismutase (SOD) and xanthine oxidase (XOD). As a result, N-trans-p-coumaroyloctopamine, N-trans-feruloyloctopamine, N-trans-feruloyltyramine were identified as potential SOD ligands, while N-cis-p-coumaroyltyramine was determined as potential XOD ligand. Additionally, these four ligands effectively interact with SOD and XOD in the molecular docking analysis, with binding energies (BEs) ranging from –6.83 to –6.51 kcal/mol, and the inhibition constants (Ki) from 9.83 to 16.83 μM, which were better than the positive controls. In conclusion, our results indicated that P. sibiricum has good antioxidative and anti-hyperuricemic activities, and its corresponding active ligands targeting SOD and XOD could be explored by the UF-LC-MS method.
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Gootiiz, Batshur. "Services in the Trans-Pacific Partnership: What Would Be Lost?" Journal of World Trade 51, Issue 5 (1 ottobre 2017): 787–816.

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As the fate of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) hangs in balance, an evaluation of what it offers could inform current decisions and shape future negotiations. The TPP’s services component has been hailed as one of the agreement’s major accomplishments. To assess the agreement’s impact on national policy in the major services sectors, we created a new public database. This database reveals that TPP commitments seldom go beyond countries’ applied policies, suggesting the explicit liberalization resulting from the agreement is limited only to a few countries and a few areas. However, the TPP enhances transparency and policy certainty because parties’ services commitments cover more trading partners, more sectors and are in some cases closer to applied policies than their commitments under previous agreements. Furthermore, new TPP rules, including on state-owned enterprises, government procurement and competition policy, could enhance services market access. In particular, the TPP breaks new ground in prohibiting restrictions on international data flows, while at the same time creating unprecedented obligations on all parties to protect consumers from fraud and protect privacy. These dual obligations on importing and exporting countries represent a model for regulatory cooperation that could elicit greater market opening if applied to other areas.
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Uddin, Siraj, Lamia S. Alqahtani e Abdulqader Mustafa. "Chen’s first inequality for hemi-slant warped products in nearly trans-Sasakian manifolds". Mathematica Slovaca 72, n. 5 (1 ottobre 2022): 1273–86.

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Abstract In this paper, we prove that every hemi-slant warped product submanifold of the form N θ × f N ⊥ in a nearly trans-Sasakian manifold M͠ satisfies the following inequality: ∥h∥2 ≥ n 2cot2 θ(∥∇̂(ln f)∥2 – β 2), whereas the warped product by reversing these two factors, i.e., N ⊥ × f N θ satisfying the inequality: $\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \|h\|^2\geq \frac{n_1}{9}\cos^2\theta(\|\widehat\nabla(\ln f)\|^2-\beta^2), \end{array}$ where n 1 = dim N θ , n 2 = dim N ⊥, ∇̂(ln f) is the gradient of ln f and ∥h∥ is the length of the second fundamental form of the warped product immersion in M͠. The equality cases of these inequalities are investigated. Furthermore, we discuss some special cases of these inequalities. Finally, we construct two non-trivial examples.
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Dujmić, Filip, Karin Kovačević Ganić, Duska Ćurić, Sven Karlović, Tomislav Bosiljkov, Damir Ježek, Rajko Vidrih et al. "Non-Thermal Ultrasonic Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Red Wine Lees". Foods 9, n. 4 (9 aprile 2020): 472.

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This study presents the results of conventional aqueous (CE) and non-conventional ultrasound-assisted (UAE) extractions of polyphenolic compounds from lees extracts of red wine varieties (Merlot and Vranac). The effect of ultrasound extraction time (t, s), and amplitude (A,%) from a 400 W ultrasound processor with different ultrasonic probes diameters (Ds, mm) on the amount and profile of polyphenolic compounds in the obtained extracts was investigated and compared to CE. The optimal conditions resulting in maximum extraction of phenolic compounds were: Probe diameter of 22 mm, amplitude 90% and extraction time for Vranac wine lees 1500 s and for Merlot wine lees extraction time of 1361 s. UAE proved to be significantly more effective in enhancing the extraction capacity of trans-resveratrol glucoside (30.57% to 300%), trans-resveratrol (36.36% to 45.75%), quercetin (39.94% to 43.83%), kaempferol (65.13% to 72.73%), petunidin-3-glucoside (41.53% to 64.95%), malvidin-3-glucoside (47.63% to 89.17%), malvidin-3-(6-O-acetyl) glucoside (23.84% to 49.74%), and malvidin-3-(6-O-p-coumaroyl) glucoside (26.77% to 34.93%) as compared to CE. Ultrasound reduced the extraction time (2.5-fold) and showed an increase of antioxidant potential by 76.39% (DPPH) and 125.83% (FRAP) compared to CE.
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Hückstädt, Heiner, e Heiner Homborg. "Synthese und Eigenschaften von trans-Bisnitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridat(III) und Pyridin-nitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridium(III); Kristallstruktur von linear- Bis(triphenylphosphin)iminium-trans-Bisnitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridat(III) / Synthesis and Properties of trans-Bisnitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridate(III) and Pyridine-nitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridium(III); Crystal Structure of linear- Bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium trans-Bisnitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridate(III)". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 52, n. 8 (1 agosto 1997): 1003–10.

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Reaction of bis[phthalocyaninato(2-)iridium(II)] ([(Irpc2-)2]) with nitric oxide in pyridine yields nitrosyl-containing intermediates that are immediately oxidized by air yielding pyri-dine-nitro-phthalocyaninato(2-)iridium(III) ([Ir(py)(NO2)pc2-]). Linear-bis(triphenylphos-phine)iminium trans-bisnitro-phthalocyaninatoiridate(III) (1(PNP)trans[Ir(NO2)2pc2-]) is prepared by air-oxidation of [(Irpc2-)2] in dichloromethane in the presence of (PNP)NO2. It crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1̄ (no. 2) with the following cell parameters: a =10.649(1) Å, b = 12.357(1) Å, c = 12.841(1) Å, α = 75.47(1)°, β = 67.88(1)°, γ = 65.31(1)°, Z = 1. IrIII is in the centre of a slightly waving pc2- ligand coordinating two nitro ligands in an eclipsed fram-arrangement. The average Ir-Niso distance is 1.993(2) Å (Niso: isoindole N atom), the Ir-N distance is 2.189(3) Å (N: nitrite N atom), respectively. The structural data of the nitrite ion are: d(N-O) = 1.194(4) and 1.042(5) Å, ∠(O-N-O) = 131.7(4)°). Spectral properties with diagnostic IR absorption bands at 820, 1331 and 1398 cm-1 confirm the nitro coordination.
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Bednarska, Sabina, Aneta Dabrowa, Joanna Kisala e Idalia Kasprzyk. "Antioxidant properties and resveratrol content of Polish Regent wines from Podkarpacie region". Czech Journal of Food Sciences 37, No. 4 (23 agosto 2019): 252–59.

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The antioxidant properties of cool-climate Regent wines from Podkarpacie region, Poland were investigated. Total polyphenols, total flavonoids, total monomeric anthocyanins, trans-resveratrol concentration, radical scavenging ability using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and total antioxidant capacity with TEAC and FRAP methods were measured. The average contents of the compounds determined for Regent wines were comparable to the respective data available in literature found for warm-climate wines. Correspondence Analysis of the data revealed the relation of total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity and radical scavenging ability of studied wines, and in lesser extent correlation with total flavonoids content. The total monomeric anthocyanins content and resveratrol concentration were poorly related to the total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity.
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Cheli, A. F., F. Soldati, M. Buda e L. Osti. "Ricostruzione del LCA: confronto radiografico fra tecnica trans-tibiale modificata e tecnica antero-mediale". LO SCALPELLO-OTODI Educational 30, n. 2 (luglio 2016): 68–75.

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Effenberger, Franz, Jürgen Roos e Christoph Kobler. "cis-trans-Selektivität enzymkatalysierter Additionen an 4-substituierte Cyclohexanone – Korrelation mit dem Prelog/Ringold-Modell der enzymatischen Hydrierung Enzymkatalysierte Reaktionen, 44. Mitteilung. Diese Arbeit wurde von der Degussa AG gefördert. Herrn Dr. B. Miehlich danken wir für die Modeling-Rechnungen und Frau Dr. A. Baro für die Hilfe beim Abfassen des Manuskripts. – 43. Mitteilung: F. Effenberger, S. Oßwald, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2001, 12, 2581-2587." Angewandte Chemie 114, n. 11 (3 giugno 2002): 1957.<1957::aid-ange1957>;2-#.

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Puścion-Jakubik, Anna, Elżbieta Karpińska, Justyna Moskwa e Katarzyna Socha. "Content of Phenolic Acids as a Marker of Polish Honey Varieties and Relationship with Selected Honey-Quality-Influencing Variables". Antioxidants 11, n. 7 (30 giugno 2022): 1312.

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Phenolic acids are an important component of honey. Literature data indicate their pro-health properties and diversified content in different varieties. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the content of phenolic acids in bee honey. The material for the research was 49 samples of honey obtained from beekeepers from Poland. Selected phenolic acids were determined by HPLC with PDA detection. Additionally, total phenolic content (TPC), color intensity, color on the Pfund scale, water content, electrical conductivity, and FRAP were assessed. A higher trans-ferulic acid content is accompanied by a stronger free radical scavenging ability. It was shown that buckwheat honeys are characterized by a high TPC value (196.59 mg GAE/100 g), color intensity (2109.2 mAU), color on the Pfund scale (159.8 mm Pfund), and high activity in the FRAP assay (0.403 equivalent of µmol Fe2+/mL). The median obtained in the DPPH test for this honey variety was 41.1%. Moreover, the highest median of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (3.129 mg/100 g) in buckwheat honey was shown. Buckwheat honeys have promising antioxidant properties and should be included in diets low in antioxidants.
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Verkhoturova, S. V., V. V. Gorbunov, S. Y. Tsarenok, T. A. Aksenova e N. A. Iljamakova. "Clinical features of osteoporosis among indigenous women of Russian and Buryat ethnicity in Trans-Baikal region". Ural Medical Journal 22, n. 5 (25 ottobre 2023): 23–32.

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Introduction Osteoporosis (OP) is a major social and medical problem for society.The aim of research was to identify risk factors for OP and the incidence of low-energy fractures in women with OP of Russian and Buryat ethnicity in Trans-Baikal region.Materials and methods We examined 98 women with OP (50 of Russian and 48 of Buryat nationality) and 100 women without objective signs of OP, comparable by age and nationality with the main group. All women underwent a questionnaire to identify risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures, determination of bone mineral density (BMD) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and determination of the absolute 10-year risk of major osteoporotic fractures using the online FRAX® calculator.Results The mean age of women with OP of Russian ethnicity was 65.5 [57.0;71.0] years, of Buryat nationality – 65.3 [56.0;69.0] years. Among risk factors in female members of Russian nationality, age older than 65 years, tendency to fall and decreased creatinine clearance were found more frequently. There was an inverse association between proximal femoral BMD and risk of falls (R = -0.31, p = 0.04) and a direct correlation between family history of ОP and spinal BMD (R = 0.65, p = 0.02).Discussion Age over 65 is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis and is included in the FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool) model. Reduces creatinine clearance and a tendency to fall have been associated with the development of OP and fractures in some studies. Our findings are consistent with previous studies.Conclusion Russian women were more likely than Buryat women to have risk factors for OP, such as falls and decreased creatinine clearance. Associations were found between proximal femoral BMD and falls, spinal BMD with a family history of OP and smoking among Russian women.
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Uwineza, Pascaline Aimee, Anna Gramza-Michałowska, Marcin Bryła e Agnieszka Waśkiewicz. "Antioxidant Activity and Bioactive Compounds of Lamium album Flower Extracts Obtained by Supercritical Fluid Extraction". Applied Sciences 11, n. 16 (12 agosto 2021): 7419.

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In this research, supercritical CO2 extraction is applied to extract bioactive compounds from Lamium album (white dead nettle, Lamiaceae). Extraction was performed at various temperatures (40, 50, and 60 °C) using methanol as co-solvent at a constant flow rate of CO2, methanol, and pressure. The collected extracts were characterized in terms of antioxidant capacity by using DPPH, ABTS and FRAP in vitro antioxidant activity assays, whereas the Folin–Ciocalteu procedure was employed to estimate the total phenols content (TPC). On the other hand, phenolic compounds in the extracts were quantitated by liquid chromatography coupled with a photodiode array detector (UPLC-PDA) and confirmed with a mass detector (TQD). The extracts have shown high TPC ranged between 234.17 to 650.17 mg GAE/g extract. DPPH scavenging of the extracts was estimated and obtained EC50 values ranged from 0.12 to 0.37 mg/mL of solution. The ABTS radical scavenging activity ranged from 43.20 to 44.53 µg TE/g. The FRAP value was found within the range of 19.48 to 44.74 µmol TE/g of extract. Differences between extraction conditions were observed. In this research, 50 °C/250 bar was efficient for the TPC, DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays; moreover, statistically, TPCs and FRAP assay showed significant differences between the conditions at α = 0.05. The identification of phenolic compounds in the obtained extract of Lamium album flowers, using UPLC/PDA, revealed that chrysin, pinostrobin, myricetin, and trans-3-hydroxycinnamic acid were the significant molecules present, which may be responsible for the high content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity. The results obtained indicated that SC-CO2 could be considered an alternative method for extracting bioactive compounds of Lamium album. High antioxidant activity and the presence of various bioactive compounds indicate the potential of this plant from the Lamiaceae family and the possibility of its application in various industries, including agriculture, food technology, or pharmacy.
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Mezban Yussuf, Ahmed, e Mundher Mulla Kadhem. "Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis(Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза )". Journal of the College of languages, n. 44 (1 giugno 2021): 253–68.

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Abstract (sommario):
The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial ects that be ar the spec ifics of the wo rld picture of a cer tain people. The article, also, considers the ma in features of a certain literary te xt as an obj ect of the trans lation activity, and deter mines the ma in differences bet ween a lite rary text trans lation and ot her types of trans lation. It provides an analysis of the lingu istic and styl istic features of the wo rk that al lows creating a trans lation me ets most of the crit eria given in the arti cle and sheds light on the rea sons for unders tanding a for eign cultural wo rk of ar t. Статья посв ящена рассмотрению про блем перевода художес твенного текста в лингвокульту рологическом аспекте. В ней рассмат риваются вопросы лингвокульту рологического подхода к проб леме понимания инояз ычного текста и факт оров, влияющих на пер евод художественного тек ста. В дан ной статье перево дческий процесс рассмат ривается сквозь при зму культурологической направл енности. В пере воде в максим альной степени дол жны передаваться авто рский стиль и национальн окультурное своеобразие нар ода, куда вхо дят средства выразите льности, образность и интон ация. Помимо автор ского стиля дол жно еще удел яться особое вним ание тропам, фразеол огизмам, просторечным сло вам и диале ктам, что не сут в се бе специфику кар тины мира опреде ленного народа. Рассмат риваются так же осно вные особенности художес твенного текста, как объ екта переводческой деятел ьности и опреде ляются главные отл ичия перевода художес твенного текста от дру гих видов пере вода. Анализ ируются лингвостилистические особе нности произведения, позво ляющие создать пере вод, соответствующий больш инству приведенных в ста тье критериев , и прово дится ан aлиз при чин понимания инокуль турного художественного произв едения.
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Morkan, İ. Amour, e A. Uztetik-Morkan. "Photochemical Synthesis and Identification of Tetracarbonyl-bis(olefin)metal(0) Complexes of Group VI B Elements". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 55, n. 12 (1 dicembre 2000): 1153–56.

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Abstract (sommario):
Photolysis of hexacarbonyl metal(0) or tetracarbonyl-bis(1,3-butadiene)metal(0) (metal: chromium, molybdenum, tungsten) in the presence of tetracyanoethylene, TCNE, or fumaronitrile , FN, at room temperature yields fram-bis(μ2-tetracyano-ethylene)tetracarbonyl-chromium(0) (1), -molybdenum(0) (2), -tungsten(0) (3) and trans-bis(fumaronitrile)tetracarbonylchromium(0) (4), -tungsten(0) (5) complexes. The complexes were purified by chromatography and recrystallization and characterized by IR , 1H, 13C NMR and mass spectroscopies. It is shown that two tetracyanoethylene ligands are symmetrically bonded to the M(CO)4 moiety through their carbon-carbon double bond in the form of μ2 -TCNE . The two fumaronitrile ligands are bonded to the central atom through their nitrogen atoms. The spectral data are discussed in terms of metal → ligand π - interaction.
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