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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Tours (France). Saint-Clement (Church)"


Miclon, V., M. Gaultier, C. Genies, O. Cotté, F. Yvernault e E. Herrscher. "Social Characterization of the Medieval and Modern Population from Joué-lès-Tours (France): Contribution of Oral Health and Diet". Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 31, n. 1-2 (1 ottobre 2018): 77–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.3166/bmsap-2018-0025.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The social and cultural changes that occurred between the medieval and modern periods in urban contexts are well documented; however, those in rural contexts are less well understood. This research aims to bridge this gap by analysing changes in dietary practices and oral health conditions between the medieval and modern eras, and by identifying their relationship with the social status of individuals buried at the rural site of the church of Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul in Joué-lès-Tours (Indre-et-Loire, France). The objectives of this study are to jointly analyse the isotopic data concerning the diet of 37 individuals and the osteological and archaeological data, and to tie these results in with local historical and archaeozoological data. While the burial practices identified between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries suggest social distinctions between groups of individuals, the study of diet (δ13C and δ15N) and the state of oral health point to a homogeneous social group characterized by the preferential consumption of pig meat, poultry and freshwater resources, and a degraded state of health. The available parochial registers and regional archaeozoological knowledge tend to confirm this hypothesis. This study confirms the relevance of the isotopic tool, which supplies dietary information to reinforce the archaeo-anthropological framework of interpretation, and also provides a critical examination of some of the criteria used to discuss the social composition of a set.
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Deboick, Sophia L. "Céline Martin’s Images of Thérèse of Lisieux and the Creation of a Modern Saint". Studies in Church History 47 (2011): 376–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0424208400001091.

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Abstract (sommario):
At the time of the death of Sœur Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus (Marie-Françoise-Thérèse Martin, 2 January 1873 — 30 September 1897) the Carmelite convent of Lisieux was a hidden and poor community, destined to remain as obscure and forgotten as Thérèse herself had been during her nine-year career as a nun. Just twenty-eight years later, Thérèse had been made a saint and the Carmel of Lisieux had become the focus of the attention of the whole Catholic world. There was little remarkable about Thérèse’s short and sheltered life, but she has enjoyed an incredible ‘posthumous life’ through her second career as a saint. The autobiographical writings she produced during her time at the Carmel were published in 1898 asL’Histoire d’une âme (The Story of a Sout)and were an instant success, later becoming a classic of Catholic spirituality. Her canonization in 1925 was the quickest since 1588 at the time, and Pope Pius XI referred to her rapid rise to fame as a ‘storm of glory’, later calling her ‘the star of his pontificate’. Named Patroness of the Missions in 1927, she became Patroness of France, alongside Joan of Arc, immediately after the liberation of France in 1944, and in 1997 Pope John Paul II named her a Doctor of the Church. Only the third woman to earn this title, she became ranked alongside the legendary names of Teresa of Àvila and Catherine of Siena. Since 1994 her relics have been on an almost constant world tour and when they visited Ireland in 2001 the organizers estimated that seventy-five per cent of the total population turned out to venerate them — some 2.9 million people. In September and October 2009 they visited England and Wales, a unique event in the religious history of Britain, which stimulated considerable interest in Thérèse as a historical personality. But while the biographies of Thérèse proliferate, the importance of her posthumous existence for European religious culture continues to be overlooked. This paper looks at the construction of the cult of Thérèse of Lisieux after her death, paying particular attention to the role which the Carmel of Lisieux and its key personalities played in this process, and highlighting the central role played by images and commercial products in the development of the cult.
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Maldavsky, Aliocha. "Financiar la cristiandad hispanoamericana. Inversiones laicas en las instituciones religiosas en los Andes (s. XVI y XVII)". Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, n. 8 (20 giugno 2019): 114. http://dx.doi.org/10.18239/vdh_2019.08.06.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
RESUMENEl objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre los mecanismos de financiación y de control de las instituciones religiosas por los laicos en las primeras décadas de la conquista y colonización de Hispanoamérica. Investigar sobre la inversión laica en lo sagrado supone en un primer lugar aclarar la historiografía sobre laicos, religión y dinero en las sociedades de Antiguo Régimen y su trasposición en América, planteando una mirada desde el punto de vista de las motivaciones múltiples de los actores seglares. A través del ejemplo de restituciones, donaciones y legados en losAndes, se explora el papel de los laicos españoles, y también de las poblaciones indígenas, en el establecimiento de la densa red de instituciones católicas que se construye entonces. La propuesta postula el protagonismo de actores laicos en la construcción de un espacio cristiano en los Andes peruanos en el siglo XVI y principios del XVII, donde la inversión económica permite contribuir a la transición de una sociedad de guerra y conquista a una sociedad corporativa pacificada.PALABRAS CLAVE: Hispanoamérica-Andes, religión, economía, encomienda, siglos XVI y XVII.ABSTRACTThis article aims to reflect on the mechanisms of financing and control of religious institutions by the laity in the first decades of the conquest and colonization of Spanish America. Investigating lay investment in the sacred sphere means first of all to clarifying historiography on laity, religion and money within Ancien Régime societies and their transposition to America, taking into account the multiple motivations of secular actors. The example of restitutions, donations and legacies inthe Andes enables us to explore the role of the Spanish laity and indigenous populations in the establishment of the dense network of Catholic institutions that was established during this period. The proposal postulates the role of lay actors in the construction of a Christian space in the Peruvian Andes in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, when economic investment contributed to the transition from a society of war and conquest to a pacified, corporate society.KEY WORDS: Hispanic America-Andes, religion, economics, encomienda, 16th and 17th centuries. BIBLIOGRAFIAAbercrombie, T., “Tributes to Bad Conscience: Charity, Restitution, and Inheritance in Cacique and Encomendero Testaments of 16th-Century Charcas”, en Kellogg, S. y Restall, M. 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Bouvier, Armel, Jean-François Reynaud, Pierre Guibert e Christian Sapin. "Luminescence dating applied to Saint-Irénée’s church (Lyon, France)". Open Journal of Archaeometry 2, n. 1 (21 maggio 2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/arc.2014.5259.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of the study presented here is to propose a new view on the chronology of early medieval buildings in Europe and on the related building modes. If several studies have proved the efficiency of this multidisciplinary process, the case of St. Irenee’s church is very representative of the contributions of such an approach. This church is one of the oldest witnesses of the Christianization in Lyon, capital city of Gauls, and of its evolution under the aegis of Burgonds. However the small number of preserved remains of its early states has shown uncertainties in the interpretation of the chronology of the building use. There are two possibilities: is it the monument described by Gregory of Tours at the end of the 6th century? Or is it the result of the Burgond building politics at around the 9th century? Lumine scence dating on architectural ceramics brought then a new approach very complementary of the historic and archaeological data, yielding new interrogations on the use and reuse of ancient material. Some evidence allowed lifting the veil on the sanctuary origins and its evolution through time. Finally, different building phases have been determined and allowed to understand the transformation of the church between its foundation and the 10th century.
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Hoogvliet, Margriet. "A List of 267 French Texts in Tours: A Hub for Reading in the Vernacular". Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica - Nuova Serie, 23 dicembre 2020, 115–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.54103/2611-318x/14377.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article analyses the late fifteenth-century booklist on folios 78r to 82v of Manuscript français 2912 of the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, listing over 267 books in French. A close study of the material aspects of the document itself and of the texts listed in the inventory has allowed for a new dating of the booklist, to shortly after 1494, and for a fairly reliable hypothesis concerning the owner of the books: a bookseller specialising in second-hand books in French. The geographical indication in the booklist, «In Tours in front of the hôtel [town house] of monseigneur de Dunois», can be located in the town on the basis of historical maps: in the Grand Rue (now the rue Colbert) against the southern wall of the church of Saint-Julien or next to its southern and main entrance. Comparison with other book producers and booksellers in Paris and in Flanders shows that this is a typical location. The names and locations of booksellers and artisans active in the production of books in Tours as contained in the notarial archives of the town have unfortunately not permitted an identification of the bookseller, although the printer Simon Pourcelet had his printing workshop and bookshop nearby. Documented lending activities of booksellers in Flanders and the open character of other late medieval libraries and book collections show that this remarkably rich collection of literary, historical, pragmatic, and religious books in French was most likely an open access hub for reading in the vernacular in the bustling heart of late medieval Tours.
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Tesi sul tema "Tours (France). Saint-Clement (Church)"


Drapeau, Samuel. "L'église Saint-Michel, la fabrique d'un monument : étude historique, artistique et archéologique de l'église Saint-Michel de Bordeaux". Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BOR30041.

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Abstract (sommario):
L’église Saint-Michel de Bordeaux est construite à la fin du Moyen Âge au centre d’une paroisse urbaine très dynamique. L’activité portuaire et commerciale fait vivre de nombreux artisans et enrichit les puissants marchands du quartier de la Rousselle. Ils sont investis dans le gouvernement de la commune et financent copieusement le chantier de leur église paroissiale. Leurs pratiques pieuses et leur activité à la tête de l’administration de la fabrique et des confréries sont représentatives de la religion civique à la fin du Moyen Âge. L’église accueille depuis la fin du XVe siècle un collège de prêtres-bénéficiers, au service des nombreuses fondations pieuses et des confréries installées dans les chapelles latérales. Elles sont construites durant le second chantier gothique, qui met en œuvre à partir du second quart du XVe siècle une vaste église flamboyante de plan basilical. Celle-ci succède à une première église gothique menée à son terme durant le XIVe siècle selon un parti-pris architectural de type « halle ». Le chantier de la cathédrale, qui introduit à Bordeaux les formes du gothique rayonnant du Nord de la France, est une source d’inspiration à Saint-Michel, dans le domaine de la modénature et de la sculpture monumentale. Le chantier flamboyant voit l’arrivée de maîtres-maçons dont l’œuvre a pu être identifiée. Elle se réfère aux chantiers normands, parisiens ou financés par le roi de France. Les Lebas de Saintes apportent leur culture artistique et leur technique à l’accomplissement du transept, à la conception de la nef et du clocher isolé. La faible influence de l’œuvre de Saint-Michel sur la création artistique locale est compensée par le rayonnement de son clocher-tour, un des plus hauts clochers du royaume. Son chantier exceptionnel est très bien renseigné par 11 années de comptes de la fabrique. Ils illustrent les conditions de travail et l’équipement nécessaire à la construction à grande hauteur. Un des autres chefs-d’œuvre de l’église, le portail nord, est probablement réalisé vers 1520 par Imbert Boachon, maître-maçon, imagier, menuisier, selon la nature des travaux et selon les villes ou il travaille. Aujourd’hui, la silhouette de l’église et du clocher, tous deux isolés au milieu de plusieurs places, ne reflète plus totalement la morphologie de l’œuvre médiévale. Des faiblesses structurelles obligent les hommes du XIXe siècle à reconstruire le chevet. Le clocher est rénové par Paul Abadie et l’église reçoit une esthétique gothique influencée par l’archéologie monumentale et les doctrines de la restauration patrimoniale de l’époque
The church of St Michael of Bordeaux has been built in the late Middle Ages, in a very dynamic urban parish. The fluvial and commercial activities of the port generate work for craftsmen and enrich the powerful merchants from the borough of La Rousselle. These merchants are invested in the communal government and finance the building of their parish church. Their pious practices and their activity at the head of the parish fabric and friaries are good examples of the late medieval civic religion. From the end of the fifteenth century, the church receives a college of priest provided by religious benefits. They are in the service of many pious foundations and friaries which are established in the lateral chapels. These chapels are built during the second gothic construction, which makes a big Flamboyant style church with the plan of a basilica. This building follows a first gothic church, conducted at its term during the fourteenth century in accordance to a “halle” architectural volume. The construction of the cathedral of Bordeaux, which introduces the gothic style from the north of France, is an inspiration for St Michael, in the domain of modenature and monumental sculpture. The Flamboyant construction induces the arrival of some master mason, whose work can be identified. That work is influenced by Norman, Parisian and French king’s financed buildings. The Lebas from Saintes give their artistic culture and their technique to the accomplishment of the transept, to the conception of the nave and the isolated bell tower. The low influence of the work of St Michael of Bordeaux on the local artistic creation is balanced with the bell tower, one of the tallest in the French kingdom. Its constructions are well informed thanks to an eleven years’ register for the fabric accounting. It illustrates the work conditions and the necessary equipment for high tall building. One of the masterworks of the church, the north portal, is probably made around 1520 by Imbert Boachon, master mason, sculptor or joiner according to the kind of the work or the town where he works. Nowadays, the silhouette of the church and the bell tower are isolated in the middle of many places and are not totally representative of the medieval made morphology. Some structural frailties oblige the nineteenth century men to rebuild the chevet. The bell tower is renovated by Paul Abadie and the church receives a gothic aesthetic which is influenced by monumental archaeology and the patrimonial restorations doctrines of that period
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Libri sul tema "Tours (France). Saint-Clement (Church)"


Marchant, Sylvie, e Marie-Hélène Priet. Cathédrale de Tours. Tours: Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2019.

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Farmer, Sharon. Communities of Saint Martin: Legend and ritual in medieval Tours. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.

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Riou, Samuel. Le site de la chapelle Saint-Libert dans la Cité de Tours: Histore et archéologie d'un espace urbain du IVe siècle à nos jours. [France]: Feracf, 2016.

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Farmer, Sharon. Communities of Saint Martin: Legend and Ritual in Medieval Tours. Cornell University Press, 2019.

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Sculptures de l'église Saint-Pierre-Saint-Avertin: Paroisse de Saint-Avertin, diocèse de Tours. [Tours]: Association diocésaine de Tours, Paroisse de Saint-Avertin, 1985.

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Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St. Martin: The Local Foundations of a Universal Saint. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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Maurey, Yossi. Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St Martin: The Local Foundations of a Universal Saint. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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Maurey, Yossi. Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St Martin: The Local Foundations of a Universal Saint. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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Maurey, Yossi. Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St Martin: The Local Foundations of a Universal Saint. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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Maurey, Yossi. Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St Martin. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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