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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Théorie de l'égalité des opportunités"
Rickard, Maurice. "Freedom, Equality, and the True Costs of Resources". Dialogue 37, n. 4 (1998): 761–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s001221730000980x.
Testo completoAncelovici, Marcos. "Esquisse d’une théorie de la contestation". Sociologie et sociétés 41, n. 2 (18 febbraio 2010): 39–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/039258ar.
Testo completoFelson, Marcus, e Jan J. M. van Dijk. "La théorie des opportunités et l’erreur de généralisation". Criminologie 26, n. 2 (16 agosto 2005): 29–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/017337ar.
Testo completoRosanvallon, Pierre. "D'une théorie de la justice à une philosophie de l'égalité". Le Débat 169, n. 2 (2012): 142. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/deba.169.0142.
Testo completoGauthier, Yvon. "Note sur la syntaxe et la sémantique du concept d’égalité". Égalité, justice et différence 11, n. 2 (9 gennaio 2007): 349–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/203262ar.
Testo completoPrujiner, Alain. "Introduction. Théorie et réalité de l'égalité juridique des langues au Canada". Les Cahiers de droit 24, n. 1 (12 aprile 2005): 11–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/042531ar.
Testo completoBret, Bernard. "La notion de justice spatiale - une approche inspiree par la philosophie de John Rawls". Revista Movimentos Sociais e Dinâmicas Espaciais 6, n. 1 (25 luglio 2017): 109. http://dx.doi.org/10.51359/2238-8052.2017.229931.
Testo completoDang, Ai-Thu, e Hélène Zajdela. "Fondements normatifs des politiques d'activation : un éclairage à partir des théories de la justice". Recherches économiques de Louvain 75, n. 3 (settembre 2009): 313–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s077045180000347x.
Testo completoTrovato, Frank. "Analyse sociodémographique de la fécondité d’après-guerre au Canada, 1947-2011". Articles 45, n. 1 (11 agosto 2016): 27–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1037272ar.
Testo completoChabaud, Didier, e Joseph Ngijol. "La contribution de la théorie des réseaux sociaux à la reconnaissance des opportunités de marché". Revue internationale P.M.E. 18, n. 1 (16 febbraio 2012): 29–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1008469ar.
Testo completoTesi sul tema "Théorie de l'égalité des opportunités"
Baffo, Boris. "Inégalités de santé liées au revenu : Utilisation de l'indice de concentration et des méthodes de décomposition sur les individus européens". Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024CYUN1349.
Testo completoThis study aims to explain income-related inequalities in the distribution of self-reported health (SRH) using longitudinal EUSLIC data over the period 2004-2029. The conceptual framework of social determinants of health developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which hierarchically structures political and economic contexts, demographics, socio-economic position and finally housing conditions, is used. From the perspective of Equality Opportunity Theory, the first set of determinants are called circumstances (at the basis of unjust inequalities in health) and housing conditions, the efforts (at the basis of fair inequalities in health).Different health variables (related to the SRH) and different methodologies have been implemented in the three chapters of this study. The first two chapters are devoted to assessing the contribution of health determinants, based on a health model and a decomposition method. In the first chapter, the health variable considered is continuous, the health model is the interval regression model, and the decomposition method is that of Wagstaff. In the second chapter, the health variable is self-reported, the model used is the ordered logit model, and the new decomposition method comes from the Shapley value and the Owen value. Chapter 3 aims to understand variations in health inequalities based on inequalities in health's social determinants. The RIF method of regression and decomposition has been explored.The three chapters have shown the persistence of health inequalities in Eu- rope over the period 2004-2019. They show that individual and regional in- come differences have a significant impact on health inequalities. They are also the main drivers over the study period. The results also highlighted the vulnerability of certain population groups (people with less than secondaryeducation, the elderly, retirees). In addition, the results showed the important role of affordability and non-severe material deprivation in explaining these material inequalities. However, when the influence of circumstances is removed, the contributions of affordability and non-severe material deprivation to housing conditions change from positive to negative. In terms of economic policy, the search for a fair redistribution of income must be seen as an important pillar for reducing health inequalities in Europe
Cambour, Daniel. "Théorie de l'égalité". Paris 8, 1997. http://www.bibliotheque-numerique-paris8.fr/fre/ref/167978/180401157/.
Testo completoOur purpose is to consider equality as a category permitting to deploy thought in the infinite to imagine the world and the relationship to otherness. Our approach consisted in questioning ourself in order to determine which concept could, in a same train of thought, capture the point of articulation of the common and the subjective singularity. We have apprehended this category from a philosophical point of view, which implies as a prerequisite that one avoids to qualify it or to assign it to any institutional, legal, economic, ethical or sexual. . . Field. The realisation of equality, as a philosophical word, to elucidate an emancipatory thought depends upon a decision. This decision questions the reality completely subjected to the yoke of inequality in order to allow dragging the being from its ordinariness to expose it to the reality spead out in its infinite diversity. Because placing thought under the concept of equality is always getting + out of oneself ;. Positioning oneself under the concept of equality constitutes a way of thinging and therefore of being, wich builds up a site from which all revealed values may be subjected to dubitative criticism. The emperical existence is not sufficient to produce the ultimate evidence that a subject is true when it has been made known thanks to the event which generated it. And equality accounts for the factual compossibilities. All the possibilities exposed in the infinity of their differences become imaginable under the condition of equality. Equality has not precise ain; il does not prescrive any program nor bind the fate of thought in action to obtaining a result. Because philosophy cannot avoid being subjected to the requirements of the situation, it became necessary, before developing a theory of equality, to follow a negative path to wander in the thorny alleys of inequality. Interpreting the world requires that one measures it in all of its representations. Inequality and equality define indeed two spaces: one finite and restricted universe for the former and an open and infinite space for the latter, both dominated by two forms of logic which are radically antagonistic: a logic of an ontical order in the first case, and a logic of an ontological order in the second case. Politics step in when the insurmontable conflict between those two forms of logic cannot be hidden any more
Siles, Vincent. "Etude sur le typage de l'égalité dans les systèmes de types". Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2010. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00556578.
Testo completoPifarré, i. Arolas Héctor. "Essays in Health and Demographic Economics". Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU10024/document.
Testo completoThis dissertation consists of four essays on health and demographic economics. In the first chapter, I explore the implementation of the theory of equality of opportunity (EOp) developed by Roemer (1998) to health in a joint work with Guillem Lopez and Frederic Udina. A common impediment to the achievement of EOp applications with given resources constraints is that it is unlikely that public policies can fully compensate for existing unfair inequalities. This scenario is particularly relevant in the case of health policy, where public spending coexists with a large private spending component. We argue that if social justice is not attainable, social deliberation should not only focus on choosing the circumstances that ought to be compensated but also reflect on which groups suffering unfair inequalities should be prioritized. The second chapter examines the impact of income-related reporting heterogeneity on the measurement of health inequality. While most studies of health inequality rely on self-reported measures of health, recent research has studied the possibility that part of the existing differences in self-reported health could be due to systematic differences in reporting across socioeconomic groups. The concern is that part of the existing inequalities may not be founded on differences in the “true” health status of individuals. In particular, some studies have concluded that reliance on self-reported health might have resulted in an overstatement on the degree of health inequality of some countries. I study the income-related reporting heterogeneity hypothesis in the 2006 wave of the Catalan Survey of Health and I find that the main contributor to health inequality is the disproportionate concentration of the prevalence of reported conditions in lower income groups. The third chapter, joint with Hippolyte d'Albis and Loesse Jacques Esso, studies the trends in mortality convergence across developed countries from 1960 to 2008. While the epidemiological transition has provided a theory behind the expectation of convergence in mortality patterns, our results reject the convergence hypothesis for a sample of industrialized countries. We study the disparities across the mortality distributions of the countries and our sample and find no evidence of convergence towards a common mortality distribution.The fourth and final chapter of this dissertation examines the relationship between unemployment and fertility. I offer a possible explanation for the apparent contradiction between the empirical work that finds a negative relationship between unemployment and fertility and the theoretical work that emphasizes the lower opportunity cost of childbearing while unemployed. I reconcile these perspectives by distinguishing two forms of unemployment. The first form is structural unemployment while the second is cyclical unemployment, a less permanent component of unemployment that is linked to the economic cycle. I study both effects over the life cycle using cohort data on a panel of developed countries. I find that while structural unemployment has an unambiguous negative effect on fertility, reactions to cyclical unemployment depend on the age at which it is experienced
Mayer, Stéphanie. "Regards féministes sur l'hétérosexualité contemporaine occidentale : essai sur le dispositif hétérosexuel et ses limites pour l'égalité et la liberté des femmes". Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/31747.
Testo completoThat heterosexuality and feminism are not incompatible has not prevented considerable debate among feminists, lesbians, and queer people. Three observations can be drawn from these debates: first, heterosexuality ensures the maintenance of hierarchies between genders and sexualities; second, persistent doubts exist concerning heterosexual women’s agency and critical abilities; and, third, the tools currently available to understand the place of heterosexuality in these women’s lives and to increase their capacity to transform their intimate arrangements with men are largely unsatisfactory. At the center of this research lies the following question: How can feminist literature be used to problematize heterosexual modalities in ways that encourage heterosexual women to engage in political action founded on ideals of liberty and equality? The answer presented here is grounded in critical discourse analysis methodology and anchored in a theoretical framework built on the contributions of poststructuralist and radical materialist feminist perspectives. This project is divided into three sections. The first presents a theoretical exploration of the problematization of heterosexuality through a five-part cartography of the debates between feminists, lesbians, and queer people. This cartography reveals the theoretical and political shortcomings of concern to heterosexual feminists. Their fundamental heuristic contributions to understanding the lived experience of heterosexuality guide this research. The second section seeks to increase understanding of heterosexuality. To do so, the Foucauldian concept of “apparatus” is called upon in an attempt to conceptualize heterosexuality as an apparatus of power composed of six parts, each inhabited by the patriarchal principles of duality, complementarity, and hierarchy. The heterosexual apparatus proposes an understanding of what it means, for women, to be situated as heterosexual in patriarchal societies. The third section pursues a political goal by suggesting different avenues available to feminists who wish to engage in transforming heterosexual ways of living together based on principles of liberty and equality. vi This thesis argues that heterosexual women occupy a strategic position for the significant transformation of heterosexuality in ways that reflect feminist perspectives and demonstrate solidarity with LGBTQ people. Keywords: heterosexuality, heterosexual apparatus, living together, feminist theories, heterosexual feminists, agency
Jean, Joannie. "Mobilisations de la mémoire : une étude diachronique des luttes de mémoire, de légitimité et contre l'impunité à Santiago, Chili (1998-2018)". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/38440.
Testo completoOlympio, Noémie. "Parcours de formation et d’insertion : une comparaison des systèmes éducatifs français et suisse à l'aune de la théorie des capabilités". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1115.
Testo completoInternational comparisons in the field of education seem to be particularly in vogue at the moment, as reflected in the proliferation of books on the subject, the burgeoning number of international reports and a fresh upsurge in standardised student assessments. In this thesis, education systems are examined from the perspective of their ability to contribute to equality and in particular to create opportunities for individuals. We particularly focus on France and Switzerland, two systems in which organisation of education is fundamentally different. These education systems are then compared in the light of Amartya Sen’s theory of capabilities. This theory allows us to investigate the degree of freedom that individuals have in their trajectories and the range of opportunities available to them, what might be called their ‘opportunities space’. Then we analyse how opportunities and constraints open up and close off over time in each education system. Considering that the analysis of people free choices and opportunities require a dynamic approach, the empirical part is based on two longitudinal database. For Switzerland, we make use TREE (Transition from Education to Employment) and the DEPP-EVA panel for France (Department of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance - Adulthood Entry)
Girard-Lemay, Julie. "Entre idéal et pratique : l'égalité politique en théorie de la démocratie". Mémoire, 2007. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/1032/1/M10365.pdf.
Testo completoWegrzycka, Barbara. "La carrière du joueur compulsif : une ré-analyse du cycle gambling-délinquance". Thèse, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/16608.
Testo completoLibri sul tema "Théorie de l'égalité des opportunités"
Cambour, Daniel. Théorie de l'égalité. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoAVRIL-V. La Communauté, c'est l'esclavage et le vol ou Théorie de l'égalité et du droit. Hachette Livre - BNF, 2018.
Cerca il testo completoCapitoli di libri sul tema "Théorie de l'égalité des opportunités"
Bould, M. Dylan, e Viren N. Naik. "Le futur de la recherche en simulation : défis et opportunités". In La simulation en santé De la théorie à la pratique, 389–99. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-2-8178-0469-9_38.
Testo completo"Exemple d’une théorie du changement". In L'égalité des genres et l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles. OECD, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/ed7e2810-fr.
Testo completoRapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Théorie de l'égalité des opportunités"
Kang’oro, Dorothy, Fidele Fidele Ngerero e Ignatius Odongo. Utiliser les technologies numériques pour améliorer le recouvrement des impôts – le cas du Togo. Institute of Development Studies, novembre 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/ictd.2024.090.
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