Libri sul tema "Text Data Streams"
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Dufort, Benoit, e Gordon W. Roberts. Analog Test Signal Generation Using Periodic ΣΔ-Encoded Data Streams. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Testo completo1959-, Roberts Gordon W., a cura di. Analog test signal generation using periodic [sigma delta]-encoded data streams. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoDufort, Benoit. Analog test signal generation using periodic [sigma delta]-encoded data streams. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoVerderaime, V. Test load verification through strain data analysis. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoLane, Norman E. Users manual for the Automated Performance Test System (APTS). Orlando, FL: Essex Corp., 1990.
Cerca il testo completoSwarts, Jason, e Cheryl Geisler. Coding Streams of Language: Techniques for the Systematic Coding of Text, Talk, and Other Verbal Data. University Press of Colorado, 2020.
Cerca il testo completoAnalyzing streams of language: Twelve steps to the systematic coding of text, talk, and other verbal data. New York: Longman, 2003.
Cerca il testo completoGiacovazzo, Carmelo. Phasing in Crystallography. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Testo completoAnalog Test Signal Generation Using Periodic -Encoded Data Streams. Island Press, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoTest load verification through strain data analysis. MSFC, Ala: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoShepard, Jonathan. The Shaping of Past and Present, and Historical Writing in Rus’, c.900–c.1400. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoRoberts, G. W., e Benoit Dufort. Analog Test Signal Generation Using Periodic S-Encoded Data Streams (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science Volume 591) (The ... Series in Engineering and Computer Science). Springer, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoPhillips, Lawrence M., e Leslee J. Shaw. Cost Effectiveness of Imaging with Nuclear Cardiology. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Testo completoSturgess, Jane, Derek Duane e Rebekah Ley, a cura di. A Medic's Guide to Essential Legal Matters. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoBenedek, David M., e Gary H. Wynn, a cura di. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for PTSD. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Testo completoSchwartz, Peter J., e Lia Crotti. Monogenic and oligogenic cardiovascular diseases: genetics of arrhythmias—catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoKaufman, J. Gilbert, e Elwin L. Rooy. Aluminum Alloy Castings. ASM International, 2004.
Testo completoVogelnest, Larry, e Timothy Portas, a cura di. Current Therapy in Medicine of Australian Mammals. CSIRO Publishing, 2019.
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