Tesi sul tema "Temps fixe"
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Landry, Mario. "Commande de vol non-linéaire en temps réel d’un drone à voilure fixe". Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2012. http://espace.etsmtl.ca/1010/1/LANDRY_Mario.pdf.
Testo completoDe, Kelper Bruno. "Simulation à pas fixe et en temps réel de circuits électriques contenant des interrupteurs". Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2002. http://espace.etsmtl.ca/805/1/DE_KELPER_Bruno.pdf.
Testo completoNguyen, Thi Nuyen Chau. "Approximation des temps de réponse des tâches sporadiques à priorité fixe dans les systèmes monoprocesseurs". Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ESMA0014.
Testo completoTwo techniques are used to verify if real-time tasks meet their deadlines : schedulability tests that return a binary result (schedulable or not) and the calculation of the response times (Response Time Analysis - RTA) which determines the length of the longest interval between the release instant and the completion of a task. Both approaches have a pseudo-polynomial time complexity and please note that no polynomial time algorithm is known. In this context, they are not particularly suitable for interactive design of real-time systems or to analyze distributed systems using an holistic analysis. In such scenarios, a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm is slow, since the computations of the task response times are performed many times. Moreover, for some real time systems, such as the control-command systems, it is necessary to know the task worst-case response times and not only the binary decision on the tasks schedulability. In this context, it may be acceptable to use a faster algorithm which provides an approximate analysis instead of the analysis based on exact calculations. As these approximations will produce pessimism in the decision process, it is desirable to quantify this pessimism in such a way as to define a compromise between computation time and resource requirement of processor. That is the reason why, in this work, we propose efficient algorithms to compute upper bounds of worst-case response times and we present results on their qualities in the worst-case (competitive analysis resource augmentation) and in the average (simulations)
Lopez, Ramirez Francisco. "Control and estimation in finite-time and in fixed-time via implicit Lyapunov functions". Thesis, Lille 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIL1I063/document.
Testo completoThis work presents new results on analysis and synthesis of finite-time and fixed-time stable systems, a type of dynamical systems where exact convergence to an equilibrium point is guaranteed in a finite amount of time. In the case of fixed-time stable system, this is moreover achieved with an upper bound on the settling-time that does not depend on the system’s initial condition.Chapters 2 and 3 focus on theoretical contributions; the former presents necessary and sufficient conditions for fixed-time stability of continuous autonomous systems whereas the latter introduces a framework that gathers ISS Lyapunov functions, finite-time and fixed-time stability analysis and the implicit Lyapunov function approach in order to study and determine the robustness of this type of systems.Chapters 4 and 5 deal with more practical aspects, more precisely, the synthesis of finite-time and fixed-time controllers and observers. In Chapter 4, finite-time and fixed-time convergent observers are designed for linear MIMO systems using the implicit approach. In Chapter 5, homogeneity properties and the implicit approach are used to design a fixed-time output controller for the chain of integrators. The results obtained were verified by numerical simulations and Chapter 4 includes performance tests on a rotary pendulum
Dagbagi, Mohamed. "Simulation temps-réel embarquée de systèmes électriques au moyen de FPGA". Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CERG0808/document.
Testo completoThe aim of this thesis work is to develop an IP-Library of FPGA-based embedded real-time simulator IPs (Intellectual Properties) that simulate different elements of an electrical system. These IPs have been designed to be used not only for Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) testing of digital controllers but also for low cost embedded control applications, where the simulator IP and the controller are both implemented and run altogether in the same FPGA device. This emerging class of real-time simulators is expected to be more and more included in the next generation of digital controllers. Indeed, such embedded real-time simulator IPs can be advantageously embedded within digital controllers to ensure functions like observation, estimation, diagnostic or health-monitoring. Conversely to the HIL case, the main challenge when designing such simulator IPs is to cope with their complexity having in mind that, in the case of embedded systems, the available hardware resources are limited due to the cost. Furthermore, this challenge is strengthened by the need of very short simulation time-steps which is typically the case when simulating power converters.To develop these IPs, dedicated design guidelines have been proposed to be followed to manage the complexity of these simulator IPs (model solver, numerical solver, time-step, data conditioning) with regards to the timing and the area/cost constraints (computation time limit, limited hardware resources …).The simulators IPs to be developed have been organized into two main categories: those dedicated to electromagnetic elements of an electrical system and those dedicated to their switching elements.The first category gathers elements where electric, magnetic phenomena are modelized in addition to mechanical phenomena (for moving systems) and potentially thermal phenomena. Three cases are dealt with: the embedded real-time simulator of a three-phase synchronous machine, the one of a three-phase induction machine and the one of a brushless synchronous generator. Also, the advantages of using delta transformation to improve the stability of the numerical solver when short simulation time-step and fixed-point (with limited data precision) are used, have been studied.The second category concerns switching elements such as power converters where switching events are considered. Here again, several converter topologies have been studied: a half-wave rectifier, a buck DC-DC converter, a bidirectional buck DC-DC converter, a H-bridge DC-DC converter, a single-phase H-bridge DC-AC converter, a three-phase voltage source inverter, a three-phase diode rectifier and a three-phase PWM rectifier. For all these IPs, the Associated Discrete Circuit (ADC) modeling approach is adopted.The embedded real-time simulator IP of the three-phase PWM rectifier has been applied in the context of an embedded application. The latter consists of a fault-tolerant control of a grid-connected voltage source rectifier. Thus, this simulator IP is associated with the one of a three-phase RL-filter and are both implemented within the rectifier controller to estimate the grid currents. These currents are injected in the controller in the case of a current sensor fault. The ability of this estimator to guarantee the service continuity in the case of faults is validated through HIL tests and experiments
Thomas, Johan Deville Yannick Hosseini Shahram. "Algorithmes temporels rapides à point fixe pour la séparation aveugle de mélanges convolutifs et/ou sous-déterminés". Toulouse (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3), 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/215.
Testo completoUdupa, Pramod. "Algorithmes parallèles et architectures évolutives de faible complexité pour systèmes optiques OFDM cohérents temps réel". Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN1S039/document.
Testo completoIn this thesis, low-complexity algorithms and architectures for CO-OFDM systems are explored. First, low-complexity algorithms for estimation of timing and carrier frequency offset (CFO) in dispersive channel are studied. A novel low-complexity timing synchro- nization algorithm, which can withstand large amount of dispersive delay, is proposed and compared with previous proposals. Then, the problem of realization of low-complexity parallel architecture is studied. A generalized scalable parallel architecture, which can be used to realize any auto-correlation algorithm, is proposed. It is then extended to handle multiple parallel samples from ADC and provide outputs, which can match the input ADC rate. The scalability of the architecture for higher number of parallel outputs and different kinds of auto-correlation algorithms is explored. An algorithm-architecture approach is then applied to the entire CO-OFDM transceiver chain. At the transmitter side, radix-22 algorithm for IFFT is chosen and parallel Mul- tipath Delay Commutator (MDC) Feed-forward (FF) architecture is designed which con- sumes lesser resources compared to MDC FF architectures of radix-2/4. At the receiver side, efficient algorithm for Integer CFO estimation is adopted and efficiently realized with- out the use of complex multipliers. Reduction in complexity is achieved due to efficient architectures for timing synchronization, FFT and Integer CFO estimation. Fixed-point analysis for the entire transceiver chain is done to find fixed-point sensitive blocks, which affect bit error rate (BER) significantly. The algorithms proposed are validated using opti- cal experiments by the help of arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) at the transmitter and digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) and Matlab at the receiver. BER plots are used to show the validity of the system built. Hardware implementation of the proposed synchronization algorithm is validated using real-time FPGA platform
George, Jonathan Robert. "Délignification prolongée en milieu alcalin à l'aide d'un réacteur à lit fixe et à faible temps de passage : application à la fabrication de la pâte à papier". Grenoble INPG, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998INPG0052.
Testo completoBen, Amor Slim. "Ordonnancement des tâches avec des dépendances et des temps d’exécution probabilistes sur processeur multi-cœurs". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUS188.
Testo completoThe continuous integration of new functionality increases the complexity of embedded systems, while each functionality might impose precedence constraints between the programs fulfilling it. In addition, the prevalence of several processors may create the illusion of higher computation capacity easing the associated scheduling problem. However, this capacity is not exploitable in critical real time systems because of the increased variability of the execution times due to processor features designed to provide excellent average time behavior and not necessarily ensuring small worst case bounds. This difficulty is added to the existence of scheduling anomalies when the systems are built a top of multi-core processors. In this thesis, we consider partitioned scheduling of DAG tasks defining precedence constraints. The variability of execution times is described by probability distributions. We propose a Response Time Analysis (RTA) based on iterative equations and probabilistic operators for independent distributions. For dependent distributions, we model them using Bayesian network. We also use C-space representation combined with SVM classification to estimate the schedulability probability. Moreover, we provide techniques to define priority and sub-task partitioning in a way to increase parallelism. We also decrease analysis complexity by reducing size of graph without altering the precedence structures
Thomas, Johan. "Algorithmes temporels rapides à point fixe pour la séparation aveugle de mélanges convolutifs et/ou sous-déterminés". Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00268239.
Testo completoDans la deuxième partie, consacrée aux mélanges sous-déterminés instantanés et convolutifs, nous cherchons aussi à étendre l'algorithme FastICA en nous basant sur le concept de séparation différentielle. Nous proposons des procédures de blanchiment différentiel des observations qui permettent l'emploi d'itérations à point fixe pour séparer entre elles des sources dites utiles. En convolutif, les contributions sont estimées au moyen d'un filtre de Wiener différentiel non-causal.
La troisième partie, consacrée aux mélanges instantanés de sources contenant un grand nombre d'échantillons, met d'abord en évidence une limitation de l'algorithme FastICA, qui, à chaque itération d'optimisation, calcule des statistiques sur l'ensemble des échantillons disponibles. Le critère du kurtosis étant polynômial relativement aux coefficients d'extraction, nous proposons une procédure d'identification de ce polynôme qui permet d'effectuer l'optimisation dans un espace de calcul moins gourmand. Ce principe est ensuite appliqué aux mélanges instantanés sous-déterminés.
Lauga-Larroze, Estelle. "Contribution à la conception de capteurs de vision CMOS à grande dynamique". Grenoble INPG, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPG0078.
Testo completoThis thesis, carried out within the MEDEA + European project PICS, dealt with the design of CMOS imagers for automotive safety, security and professional broadcast applications. During this thesis, work was focused on improving the CMOS imager dynamic range while keeping minimal values for the fixed spatial noise, the power consumption and the pixel area. Several pixel architectures were investigated such as logarithmic architecture pixels, integration pixels and integration with light adaptive system. These studies resulted in the design of four CMOS imagers. Two circuits have been prototyped. The sensors performances obtained by test validate the proposed pixel architectures
Saidi, Karima. "Stabilisation d’une classe d’EDP non linéaire. Application à l’équation de Vlasov-Poisson". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LORR0225.
Testo completoThe work presented in this thesis concerns the stabilization of a class of nonlinear partialdifferential equations. It is a discretized model of the Vlasov-Poisson equation describing the spatial and temporal evolution, in a plasma, of a distribution function of charged particles. In a first step, we addressed the stabilization of the dynamical systems in fixed time (i.e. stabilization in finite time with a uniformly bounded). Criteria relaxing existing results in the literature have been established. Indeed, we have shown that, for a dynamical system, the combination of slow stability (in the polynomial sense) and fast stability (in the finite time sense) leads to a stability in fixed time. Various applications on the discretized Vlasov-Poisson system also concern the double integrator system with observer and the bilinear systems in infinite dimension where for each of these systems, the stabilizing feedback and/or observers in fixed time are constructed and numerically tested. In a second step, we are interested in the small time stabilization of time varying dynamical systems. In fact, the notion of small time is commonly used in theory of controllability. For stabilization, this small time is located between finite time and the fixed time. We have developed theoretical results based on the energy method guaranteeing the disappearance of the solution in small time. This is obtainedby means of a time excitation of a positive function not integrable in the sense of Lebesgue. Then, we have applied our results on model examples such as the transport equation with boundary control, the wave equation subject to a boundary control of the Wentzell type. Also, for finite and infinite dimensional bilinear systems which are, in addition, typical discretized Vlasov-Poisson models. For each system, we have elaborated its feedback whose construction is based on the integration of temporal and uniform excitations
Peyre, Thierry. "Evaluation de performances sur le standard IEEE802.16e WiMAX". Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00796477.
Testo completoGrenier, Mathieu. "Optimisation de l'ordonnancement sous contrainte de faisabilité". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPL076N.
Testo completoOur goal is to come up with feasible (i.e., all required time constraints are met) on-line real-time scheduling algorithms. These algorithms have to optimise 1) the utilisation of the execution platform (i.e., meet time constraints and use platform at its fullest potential) and/or 2) optimise the application dependent performance criteria. We study two cases : the case of independent periodic tasks scheduled on a processor and the case of periodic traffic streams scheduled on a priority bus. To deal with these two problems, we propose : • Configuration methods to allow to optmlise the utilisation rate of the execution platform by setting the parameters of the policies or of the activities of the considered system. We perform two studies : the allocation of offsets in "Offset free" systems (I.E., offsets can be chosen off-line) and the priorities, policies and quantum allocations in systems compliant to the standard Posix 1003.1B, • A new class of scheduling policies to allow optimising application performance dependent criteria
Villeros, Arias Pablo Andrés de. "Contributions to Multi-agent System Control through Fixed-Time Distributed Optimization". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Valenciennes, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPHF0043.
Testo completoWith the development of distributed computing and large-scale networks during the past decade, consensus-based distributed optimization has become a highly active subject in control engineering due to its application in resource allocation, smart grids, sensor networks, and machine learning. Additionally, in some applications of motion coordination, multiple physical agents should establish a specific formation around a location that is optimal for the whole team. This is a more general case of consensus, where the final position of each agent has an offset according to a desired configuration. Applications of formation control can be found in the automotive and aerospace areas, ranging from assembling structures, exploration of unknown environments, and navigation in hostile environments to cooperative transportation. However, most distributed optimization algorithms do not always exhibit a reasonable convergence rate. This thesis aims to design new distributed optimization algorithms using a multiagent system formalism (i.e., consensus-based approach) while considering time as a hard constraint. In particular, the algorithms in this work are developed under the scope of fixed-time convergence with an arbitrary upper bound of the settling time and have been proven to be robust against communication issues among agents and external disturbances. Several simulations are performed to compare the proposed algorithms with existing schemes and evaluate their applicability to source estimation and collaborative learning
Con el desarrollo de la computación distribuida y las redes de gran escala durante la última década, la optimización distribuida basada en consenso se ha convertido en un tema altamente activo en la ingeniería de control debido a su aplicación en la asignación de recursos, redes inteligentes, redes de sensores y aprendizaje automático. Además, en algunas aplicaciones de coordinación de movimiento, múltiples agentes físicos deben establecer una formación específica alrededor de una ubicación que sea óptima para todo el equipo. Este es un caso más general de consenso, donde la posición final de cada agente tiene un desplazamiento según una configuración deseada. Las aplicaciones del control de formación se pueden encontrar en las áreas automotriz y aeroespacial, abarcando desde el ensamblaje de estructuras, la exploración de entornos desconocidos y la navegación en entornos hostiles hasta el transporte cooperativo. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los algoritmos de optimización distribuida no siempre muestran una tasa de convergencia razonable. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo diseñar nuevos algoritmos de optimización distribuida utilizando un formalismo de sistemas multiagente (es decir, un enfoque basado en consenso) considerando el tiempo como una restricción estricta. En particular, los algoritmos de este trabajo se desarrollan bajo el alcance de la convergencia en tiempo fijo con un límite superior arbitrario del tiempo de asentamiento y han demostrado ser robustos contra problemas de comunicación entre agentes y perturbaciones externas. Se realizan varias simulaciones para comparar los algoritmos propuestos con los esquemas existentes y evaluar su aplicabilidad a la estimación de fuentes y el aprendizaje colaborativo
Tang, Ning. "Calculation of latency of real-time system and fixed-parameter tractibility of UET-UCT scheduling problems". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022SORUS369.
Testo completoThis thesis considers two main problems. The first problem considers the minimization of the makespan and the maximum lateness for a set of dependent tasks with unit duration, unit communication delays release times and due dates. Time windows of tasks are built from upper bounds of the makespan and the minimum maximum lateness respectively. A fixed-parameter algorithm based on a dynamic programming approach is developed to solve this optimization problem. The parameter considered is the pathwidth of the associated interval graph. They are, as far as we know, the first fixed-parameter algorithms for a scheduling problem with communication delays and a limited number of processors. The second problem considers real-time systems. Automotive and avionics embedded systems are usually composed by several tasks submitted to complex timing constraints. In this context, LET paradigm was introduced to improve the determinism of a system of tasks that communicate data through shared variables. The age latency corresponds to the maximum time for the propagation of a data in these systems. Its precise evaluation is an important challenging question for the design of these systems. We considered a set of multi-periodic tasks that communicate data following the LET paradigm. Our main contribution is the development of mathematical and algorithm tools to model precisely the dependence between tasks executions. Experiments on random generated graphs proved that systems with up to 90 periodic tasks with an hyper-period bounded by 100 can be handled within a reasonable time
Anggraeni, Pipit. "Consensus décentralisé de type meneur/suiveur pour une flotte de robots coopératifs soumis à des contraintes temporelles". Thesis, Valenciennes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019VALE0012/document.
Testo completoNowadays, robots have become increasingly important to investigate hazardous and dangerous environments. A group of collaborating robots can often deal with tasks that are difficult, or even impossible, to be accomplished by a single robot. Multiple robots working in a cooperative manner is called as a Multi-Agent System (MAS). The interaction between agents to achieve a global task is a key in cooperative control. Cooperative control of MASs poses significant theoretical and practical challenges. One of the fundamental topics in cooperative control is the consensus where the objective is to design control protocols between agents to achieve a state agreement. This thesis improves the navigation scheme for MASs, while taking into account some practical constraints (robot model and temporal constraints) in the design of cooperative controllers for each agent, in a fully decentralized way. In this thesis, two directions are investigated. On one hand, the convergence rate is an important performance specification to design the controller for a dynamical system. As an important performance measure for the coordination control of MASs, fast convergence is always pursued to achieve better performance and robustness. Most of the existing consensus algorithms focus on asymptotic convergence, where the settling time is infinite. However, many applications require a high speed convergence generally characterized by a finite-time control strategy. Moreover, finite-time control allows some advantageous properties but the settling time depend on the initial states of agents. The objective here is to design a fixed-time leader-follower consensus protocol for MASs described in continuous-time. This problem is studied using the powerful theory of fixed-time stabilization, which guarantee that the settling time is upper bounded regardless to the initial conditions. Sliding mode controllers and sliding mode observers are designed for each agent to solve the fixed-time consensus tracking problem when the leader is dynamic. On the other hand, compared with continuous-time systems, consensus problem in a discrete-time framework is more suitable for practical applications due to the limitation of computational resources for each agent. Model Predictive Control (MPC) has the ability to handle control and state constraints for discrete-time systems. In this thesis, this method is applied to deal with the consensus problem in discrete-time by letting each agent to solve, at each step, a constrained optimal control problem involving only the state of neighboring agents. The tracking performances are also improved in this thesis by adding new terms in the classical MPC technique. The proposed controllers will be simulated and implemented on a team of multiple Mini-Lab Enova Robots using ROS (Robotic Operating System) which is an operating system for mobile robots. ROS provides not only standard operating system services but also high-level functionalities. In this thesis, some solutions corresponding to problem of connection between multiple mobile robots in a decentralized way for a wireless robotic network, of tuning of the sampling periods and control parameters are also discussed
Peyre, Thierry. "Evaluation de performances sur le standard IEEE802. 16e WiMAX". Avignon, 2008. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00796477.
Testo completoThe last decade witnessed the peak of the hertzian communications. The following ones will undoubtedly testify the intensive deployment and the development of all wireless ways of transmission. Due to cheaper equipments, the people are now used with all sorts of connected objects : laptop, smartphone, pad, and more recently, Connected Video display and audio diffusers. All these stuffs allow to keep an access to internet, even in a nomad use. This economical and sociological context promotes the emerging of new solutions metting latent needs by offering better performances. Consumer studies highlight particularly the lack of transmissions solution for Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN). Ad-hoc wireless solutions lead to satisfy the MAN needs, but the throughput is too importantly related to the ad-hoc customer capacity and density over the MAN coverage. The IEEE consortium seeks, through its IEEE802. 16e standart, to provide a wireless transmission technology specifically design for the middle range network. Knowed as WiMAX, this system are based on a point to multipoint architecture. WiMAX standart gathers Base Station (BS) and Subscriber Stations (SS), and defines for both the Physical and MAC layer in the OSI Model. In addition, the standart proposes a set of default parameters for the two first OSI Layers. As any emerging standart, the IEEE802. 16e suffers form a lack of litterature (works, studies and enhancement proposals). More studies are explicitly needed to craft and tune the IEEE802. 16e standart in order to better answer to the specific issues met in the actual context of transmission. In a first step, we present in a large scale the IEEE802. 16e standart specifications. In addition we highlight the main state of art linked to this subject. Second, we propose an original performance model, the first one that takes in account all the MAC layer parameters of the standart. Based on this model, we lead a general and exhaustive performance study of each communication parameters. This study highlights the importance of each parameters and propose some enhancements in fonction of the type of Quality of Service (QoS). In addition, we introduce an call engaging mecanism which respects the QoS on the MAC layer. In a last part, we compute the IEEE802. 16e capacity to manage the incoming and leaving calls. We perform this study by introducing a new Connection Admission Control (CAC). The CAC algorithm achieves sevral objectives : prevent from the lack of ressource for the lowest priority flows as well as optimize the radio resource consumption to facilitate the access for the users. Our study is concluded by proposing an new capacity model and algorithm for the CAC. Moreover, this last proposal prevents the call drop due to user mobility
Grenier, Mathieu. "Optimisation de l'ordonnancement sous contrainte de faisabilité". Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00192466.
Testo completopropres à l'application.
Deux cas ont été analysés : le cas de tâches indépendantes périodiques s'exécutant sur un processeur et le cas de flux de messages indépendants périodiques sur un réseau de terrain avec accès au médium priorisé.
Nous avons donc proposé pour traiter les deux problèmatiques abordées :
1) des méthodes de configurations permettant d'optimiser l'utilisation de la plate-forme d'exécution en fixant d'une manière appropriée les paramètres : des politiques ou des activités du système considéré. Deux études ont été conduites dans ce cadre~: l'allocation des ``offsets'' dans les systèmes ``offset free'' et l'allocation de priorités, de politiques et de quantum dans
les systèmes conformes au standard Posix~1003.1b,
2) une nouvelle classe de politiques d'ordonnancement permettant
d'optimiser des critères de performances propres à l'application.
Speidel, Klaus. "Narration visuelle et récit iconique : raconter une histoire en une image". Thesis, Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040195.
Testo completoBased on his analysis of the possibility of iconic narrative – « telling a story » with a single still picture – Klaus-Peter Speidel develops a new foundation for visual narratology based on cognitive theory and reception aesthetics. Speidel's work is at the intersection of various disciplines : art history, literary theory, semiotics, philosophy of art and picture theory. While the thesis aims at reconstructing the foundations of a theory of visual narrative, the author does not try to replace the existing approaches with a new theory created ex nihilo. The new foundations emerge from his analysis of existing theories as well as a diverse array of pictures which play an important role in the argument. Classical theories of narrative are absorbed rather than rejected. In order to solve the main problem for visual narrative, the problem of time, the author offers a new conceptualisation of the temporal structure of still images. His taxonomy takes into account both the chronology of the story being told and perception time. The final part of the work offers a reinterpretation of G. E. Lessing's Laocoon (1766) a work that has played a major role for modern scepticism concerning the possibility of telling a story with a picture. The author shows that the discussion around Lessing has been biased by a confusion between the possibilities of the picture as such and the aims of artistic pictures. According to Speidel, Lessing's theory has lost much of its value as a theory of art but is still valuable as a theory for certain kinds of pictures, namely pictures that aim at “transparency”
Chu, Xing. "Commande distribuée, en poursuite, d'un système multi-robots non holonomes en formation". Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ECLI0035/document.
Testo completoThe main aim of this thesis is to study the distributed tracking control problem for the multi-robot formation systems with nonholonomic constraint, of which the control objective it to drive a team of unicycle-type mobile robots to form one desired formation configuration with its centroid moving along with another dynamic reference trajectory, which can be specified by the virtual leader or human. We consider several problems in this point, ranging from finite-time stability andfixed-time stability, event-triggered communication and control mechanism, kinematics and dynamics, continuous-time systems and hybrid systems. The tracking control problem has been solved in this thesis via developing diverse practical distributed controller with the consideration of faster convergence rate, higher control accuracy, stronger robustness, explicit and independent convergence time estimate, less communication cost and energy consumption.In the first part of the thesis, we first study the finite-time stability for the multi-robot formation systems in Chapter 2. To improve the pior results, a novel class of finite-time controller is further proposed in Chapter 3, which is also called fixed-time controller. The dynamics of nonholonomic multi-robot formation systems is considered in Chapter 4. In the second part, we first investigate the event-triggered communication and control mechanism on the nonholonomic multi-robot formation tracking systems in Chapter 5. Moreover, in order to develop a digital implement scheme, we propose another class of periodic event-triggered controller based on fixed-time observer in Chapter 6
Rahni, Ahmed Richard Pascal Grolleau Emmanuel Richard Michaël. "Contributions à la validation d'ordonnancement temps réel en présence de transactions sous priorités fixes et EDF". Poitiers : I-Médias, 2008. http://08.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/index.php?id=1740.
Testo completoFilho, Roberto Mendes Porto. "Sincronização da ovulação para a inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) durante a estação reprodutiva desfavorável em fêmeas bubalinas". Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10131/tde-18072005-082046/.
Testo completoDifferent dosage of eCG and hCG were compared in association to progesterone intravaginal device (IVD) in female buffalo during the off breeding season with the purpose of evaluating the follicular growing and ovulation as well as the pregnancy rate after FTAI and functionality of the CL, twelve days after the synchronization. For this, 5 experiments were done. For the establishments of the groups in the experiments 1,2 and 4 blood samples were collected for the analysis of plasmatic concentrations of P4 on D -10 and D0 to verify the cyclicity. In the experiments 3 and 5 the groups were established due body condition score and number of calving. In all the experiments the buffaloes received a IVD associated with 2mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) on D0. On D9 the IVD was extracted and it was followed by the administration of 0,150mg of prostaglandin (PGF). In the exp. 1 the buffaloes of G1 (control, n=9) and G2 (eCG, n=10) received 1500IU of hCG on D11. On G2 was administrated 500IU of eCG on D9. The FTAI was done on D12. The maximun diameter of dominant follicle (MDDF) was 12.6 ± 3.0 and 13.4 ± 1.7mm to the G1 and G2, respectively (P>0,05). The diameter of the ovulatory follicle (DOF) was 14.9 ± 2.9 (G1) and 14.0 ± 1.6mm (G2; P>0,05). The interval between the device withdrawn and ovulation (DWO) was 78.0 ± 12.0 (G1) and 68.0 ± 9.0h (G2; P>0,05). The ovulation rate (OR) was 44.4 (G1) and 70.0% (G2; P>0,05). The CL area (CLA) was 31.6 ± 19.9 (G1) and 29.9 ± 9.7mm2 (G2; P>0,05). The plasmatic concentration of P4 (P4) was 1.3 ± 1.4 (G1) and 2.0 ± 1.6ng/ml (G2; P>0,05). The pregnancy rate (PR) was 22.2 (G1) and 60% (G2; P=0,11). In the exp. 2 the buffalo females of G1 (1500IU of hCG; n=21) and G2 (1000IU of hCG; n=21) received 500IU of eCG on D9. On D11, G1 received 1500IU of hCG and G2 1000IU of hCG. The MDDF was 12.4 ± 2.3 (G1) and 12.2 ± 2.5mm (G2; P>0,05), the DOF was 12.6 ± 2.3 (G1) and 12.5 ± 2.7mm (G2; P>0,05), DWO was 67.7 ± 18.1 (G1) and 72.8 ± 16.7h (G2; P>0,05), the OR was 67.7 (G1) and 67.7% (G2; P>0,05), the CLA was 24.8 ± 9.2 (G1) and 28.3 ± 17.2mm2 (G2; P>0,05) and the P4 was 2.3 ± 1.4 (G1) and 2.4 ± 1.3ng/ml (G2; P>0,05). The exp. 3 was identical to exp.2, although the animals of G1 (n=83) and G2 (n=91) received the FTAI on D12. The PR was 53.0 (G1) and 53,8% (G2; P>0,05). In exp. 4, the animals of G1 (n=10) received 500IU and G2 (n=11) 400IU of eCG. Both groups received 1000IU of hCG on D11. The MDDF was 13.2 ± 1.4 (G1) and 13.8 ± 1.8mm (G2; P>0,05), the DOF was 13.7 ± 1.1 (G1) and 14.2 ± 1.5mm (G2; P>0,05), the DWO was 71.1 ± 11.7 (G1) and 75.0 ± 5.5h (G2; P>0,05), the OR was 70.0 (G1) and 72.7% (G2; P>0,05), the CLA was 28.4 ± 8.6 (G1) and 31.6 ± 10.3mm2 (G2; P>0,05) and the P4 was 2.7 ± 1.2 (G1) and 3.3 ± 2.9ng/ml (G2; P>0,05). In exp. 5 (G1/n=54; G2/n=51) was done the same protocol in the exp. 4, although the animals received the FTAI on D12. The PR was 42.6 (G1) and 43.1% (G2; P>0,05). Dosage of 400IU of eCG and 1000IU of hCG, associated to IVD for FTAI were enough to induce follicular growing, ovulation and pregnancy in buffalo females during the off breeding season.
Almeida, Ricardo Daniel Lopes. "Escalonadores de prioridade fixa em multiprocessadores de tempo-real". Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/11314.
Testo completoDevido evolução tecnológica observada nos últimos anos, os sistemas embutidos com capacidade de multi processamento tornaram-se comuns. Nestes dispositivos, a escassez de recursos obriga a uma distribuição otimizada dos mesmos pelas diversas atividades suportadas. Este tipo de dispositivos contam normalmente com um processador de uso geral, tipicamente um processador da família ARM, e um ou mais processadores direcionados a tarefas específicas, como processadores vetoriais (EVP), utilizados em sistemas de processamento digital de sinal por exemplo. A distribuição de recursos pelas tarefas do sistema é feita por um escalonador. Este pode fazer a distribuição de recursos obedecendo a uma das várias disciplinas conhecidas: Round Robin, First In First Out, Time Division Multiplexing, Fixed Priority, etc. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a investigação de escalonadores de tempo-real baseados em prioridades fixas, com especial atenção para a aplicações de streaming a executar em plataformas multiprocessador, utilizando dataflow. Dataflow é um paradigma que utiliza teoria de grafos para realizar a modelação, programação e análise de aplicações e sistemas. A primeira parte deste projeto é dedicada à análise e modelação de grafos de fluxo de dados onde a distribuição de recursos é feita com recurso a um escalonador de prioridade fixa. A segunda parte será dedicada ao estudo da interferência entre tarefas com níveis de prioridades distintos em grafos independentes, quando mapeados para execução no mesmo processador. Em sistemas embebidos, existem tarefas de alta prioridade (periódicas ou esporádicas) que têm de ser atendidas o mais rapidamente possível quando prontas a executar. Este atendimento irá interferir na execução de tarefas que corram na mesma plataforma com níveis de prioridade inferiores, pois estas serão bloqueadas durante a execução das tarefas de maior prioridade. Esta interferência tem como consequências diretas a diminuição do tempo de resposta das tarefas de alta prioridade e o aumento do tempo de execução das tarefas com níveis de prioridades baixos. Com este trabalho pretendemos verificar quais as vantagens e desvantagens que um escalonador de prioridade fixa pode oferecer neste tipo de situações, quando comparado com outros escalonadores.
Due to the technological evolution that happened recently, embedded systems with multiprocessing capabilities are becoming common. Application requirements often impose resource constrains, leading to the necessity of distributing them in an efficient manner. This type of devices counts normally with a general purpose processor, typically from the ARM family, and one or more task specific processors, such as vector processors (EVP), used in digital signal processing systems for instance. The resource distribution through the tasks is done by a scheduler. The scheduling can be done through one of the known scheduling policies: Round Robin, Fist In First Out, Time Division Multiplexing, Fixed Priority, etc. The main goal with this project is to investigate fixed-priority real-time schedulers, with special focus to streaming applications executing on multiprocessor platforms, using dataflow. Dataflow is a paradigm that uses graph theory for modelling, programming and analysis of applications and systems. The fist part of this project is dedicated to the analysis and modelling of fixed priority dataflow graphs with shared resources distributed through a fixed priority scheduler. The second part is dedicated to the study of interference between tasks with different levels of priority on independent graphs, when mapped to execution on the same processor. Embedded systems frequently have high priority tasks (periodic or sporadic) that need to be dispatched as soon as they become ready to execute. This action is going to interfere in the execution of tasks that are running in the same platform but with lower priority levels, since they are going to be blocked during the execution of the high priority tasks. This interference has two direct consequences: a lower response time for the high priority tasks and an increase in the execution time for the tasks in lower priority levels. With our work, we intend to investigate the advantages and disadvantages that a fixed priority scheduler can offer in this type of situations, when compared with other schedulers.
Herbreteau, Frédéric. "Automates à file réactifs embarqués : application à la vérification de systèmes temps-réel". Nantes, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001NANT2090.
Testo completoWe are concern in our thesis by the verification of ELECTRE programs and Embedded Reactive Fiffo Systems (Embedded RFS). These two formalisms allow to model asynchronous reactive systems with event memorisation, along with their environment. Particularly, we focus on the boundedness problem which is seen as a correctness criterion for reactive systems. We prove that this problem is undeciable, thus we provide a testing method as a partial solution
Hladik, Pierre-Emmanuel. "Ordonnançabilité et placement des systèmes temps réel distribués, préemptifs et à priorités fixes". Nantes, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NANT2096.
Testo completoThe conception of real-time systems needs to produce a validated operational architecture. This architecture results from the mapping of the software architecture onto the hardware architecture in order to achieve timing correctness. This document deals with distributed, pre-emptive real-time systems with fixed priorities. This thesis addresses with the validation of operational architectures through analytical analysis. Our work itemizes classical approaches, classifies these methods and introduces some extensions. The second part of our work introduces a new method for the mapping with constraint programming solver. The feasibility of this technique is shown via the introduction of a specific model that takes into account behaviours of real-time systems
Briday, Mikaël. "Validation par simulation fine d'une architecture opérationnelle". Nantes, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NANT2097.
Testo completoThe validation of real time systems is an essential activity because consequences of an error could be catastrophic. The approach chosen in this PhD thesis is at the end of the development cycle, when the application software is available, at least important parts. The objective is the simulation of the whole operational architecture, which includes an accurate model of the hardware architecture (processors and network) and a software architecture, indirectly trough the executable code (application code and basic software). An important contribution of this thesis is based on generic mechanisms to extract information from the "low level" simulation of the assembly code in a distributed context, to deduce useful "high level" information to the developer. The work is focused on the data flow analysis, the analysis of the schedule of the final application code and the task's stack analysis, implemented into the ReTiS tool
Tarragó, Octavio Fabián Bao. "Sêmen refrigerado bovino reduz os danos espermáticos e aumenta a taxa de prenhez na IATF?" Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10131/tde-25042017-103325/.
Testo completoThe objective of the present study was to evaluate the viability of cooling bovine semen compared to cryopreservation. This study was carried out in two experiments. In the first experiment, the in vitro effects of cooled semen were compared in three commercial extenders at 5° C for up to 48 hours, and cryopreserved in two extender. For this experiment were used ejaculates of 10 Nellore bulls. Each ejaculate was divided into three aliquots, being diluted in the Botubov®, Steridyl® and Bovidyl® extenders. After dilution, the semen was cooled into three extenders and cryopreserved using the Botubov® and Steridyl®. Semen refrigeration was performed at 5° C for up to 48 hours in BotuFlex® passive refrigeration system and cryopreservation performed in TK 3.000® automated system. Semen was evaluated at 0, 24, 36 and 48 hours after refrigeration and after thawing, for each diluent. The sperm kinetics of the spermatic kinetics (CASA, SCA - Sperm Class Analyzer), plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative stress by fluorescent probes were analyzed under epifluorescence microscopy and sperm morphology By Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy (DIC). The Botubov® and Steridyl® diluents were very similar after 48 hours of cooling differing significantly only in the Curvilianear Velocity (VCL) 106.04 m/s and 124.56 m/s. The Bovidyl® diluent yielded results significantly lower than the 48 hours of refrigeration for the variables: total motility (MT), progressive motility (MPRO), fast cells (RAP), curvilinear velocity (VCL), progressive velocity (AP), plasma membrane integrity (PI), high mitochondrial potential (AP), and spermatozoa with intact plasma and acrosomal membranes and high mitochondrial potential (PIAIA). The second experiment was carried out, based on the results of the first experiment I, to evaluate the effects of cooled and cryopreservation of semen on in vivo fertility. We used ejaculates of three bulls of the Brangus, Braford and Angus breeds of a IA center, aged between 5 and 7 years. The semen was collected by artificial vagina, the ejaculate was divided into three aliquots, two aliquots for refrigeration and one for cryopreservation. For cooling, the semen was diluted in the concentrations of 15x106 (R15) and 30x106 (R30) spermatozoa/straw, for cryopreservation diluted in the concentration of 30x106 spermatozoa / vane (CRIO). For all dilutions, the Botubov® medium and the semen stored in 0.5 mL vial were used. Refrigeration was carried out at a temperature of 5° C for 48 hours in BotuFlex® passive refrigeration system and cryopreservation in an automated TK® system. 552 Brangus cows were synchronized in fixed-time artificial insemination programs. The results of the pregnancy rate for the groups of inseminated cows were 49.4% for R15, 43.38% for R30 and 47.59% for cryopreserved semen. It can be concluded that the cooling of the semen at 5° C for 48 hours results in pregnancy rate similar to those obtained with cryopreserved semen, and these results indicate that refrigeration for up to 48 hours may be an option of use for FTAI.
Cunha, Rodrigo Ribeiro. "Inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em primíparas nelore lactantes acíclicas". Universidade Jose do Rosario Vellano, 2011. http://tede2.unifenas.br:8080/jspui/handle/jspui/146.
Testo completoThe objective of this experiment was to evaluate the efficiency of a Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (TAI) protocol in an attempt to improve the reproductive performance of primiparous lactating acyclic Nelore cows. The experiment was conducted for a period of breeding season (BS) of 180 days. Were used 350 Nelore cows with body condition score (BCS) greater than 2.5 (average 2.65 ± 0.01) and days postpartum average of 67.35 ± 1.0 days. The animals were divided into four groups: G1 (n = 61) and G3 (n = 116) - cows with ovarian follicles smaller than 8mm in diameter and absence of CL. G2 (n = 57) and G4 (n = 116) - cows with follicles greater than 8mm and absence of CL. G1 and G2 remained with the bulls in the management of natural mating (NM) throughout the experimental period, from day 0 of BS. The G3 and G4 were treated (Day 0) with an intravaginal device containing 1.0 g of P4 for 8 days and 2mg (2ml) of estradiol benzoate (EB) IM. The withdrawal of P4 (Day 8) were applied IM 400 IU (2ml) of eCG and 75μg (2ml) of cloprostenol and 24 hours later (Day 9), administered 1mg (1ml) IM BE. The TAI was performed between 51-54 hours after withdrawal of P4 (Day 10) using semen from a single bull. After five days of the TAI, cows in groups G3 and G4 were submitted with bulls in the management of NM. All animals were evaluated by ultrasound for cyclicity rates (presence of CL) and pregnancy diagnosis at 45 and 210 days after onset of BS. For the analysis of the presence of CL and pregnancy rates at 45 and 210 days, between groups, were performed a chi-square. For the variable: period of service was used ANOVA and Duncan. At 45 days of BS, the G3 (42.24% A) and G4 (51.70%) presented higher rates of pregnancy (P <0.05) than G1 (0% B) and G2 (3 5% B). A greater number of ovulations was also found (P <0.05) in G3 and G4 when compared to animals maintained only during NM (6.56% C, 28.07% B 50.86% A, 62, 93%, for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively). Pregnancy rates at 210 days were: 22.95% C (G1), 45.61% B (G2), 40.51% B (G3) and 65.51% A (G4). For percentage of animals with CL at 180 days of MS, the G4 (71.55% A) obtained better results than Groups 1, 2 and 3 (42.62% B 56.14% B 48.27% B, respectively). Additionally, groups of TAI + eCG had shorter periods of service (days, P <0.05): G1 (134.00 ± 11.70 A), G2 (119.65 ± 8.27 A), G3 (79, 91 ± 5.38 B) and G4 (81.40 ± 4.59 B). The work suggests that the TAI was effective to improve the reproductive efficiency of primiparous lactating acyclic Nelore cows in compared to females subjected only NM. In addition, primiparous cows subjected to TAI at the beginning of BS had the reduced postpartum anoestrus period and increased pregnancy rates than cows subjected only to NM.
Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de um protocolo de IATF, na tentativa de melhorar o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas nelore primíparas lactantes acíclicas. O experimento compreendeu um período de estação de monta (EM) de 180 dias. Foram utilizadas 350 vacas nelore com escore de condição corporal (ECC) superior a 2,5 (média de 2,65±0,01) e dias pós-parto médio de 67,35±1,0 dias. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: G1: (n=61) e G3: (n=116) - vacas com presença de folículos ovarianos menores que 8mm de diâmetro e ausência de CL. G2: (n=57) e G4: (n=116) - vacas com folículos ovarianos maiores que 8mm e ausência de CL. Os grupos G1 e G2 permaneceram com touros em manejo de monta natural (MN) por todo o período experimental, a partir do dia 0 da EM. Os grupos G3 e G4 foram tratados (Dia 0) com um dispositivo intravaginal contendo 1,0g de P4, por 8 dias e 2mg (2ml) de benzoato de estradiol (BE) IM. Na retirada da P4 (Dia 8), foram aplicados IM 400 UI (2ml) de eCG e 75µg (2ml) de cloprostenol e, 24 horas após (Dia 9), administrou-se 1mg (1ml) BE via IM. A IATF foi realizada entre 51-54 horas após a retirada da P4 (Dia 10) utilizando sêmen comprovado de um único touro. Após cinco dias dos procedimentos da IATF, as vacas G3 e G4 foram mantidas com touros em MN. Todos os animais foram avaliados, por ultrassonografia, para avaliação da taxa de ciclicidade no momento do diagnóstico (presença de CL) e diagnóstico de gestação, aos 45 e 210 dias após início da EM. Para as analises da presença de CL e taxas de gestação aos 45 e 210 dias, entre os grupos, foi realizado o teste de qui-quadrado. Para a variável período de serviço utilizaram-se ANOVA e teste de Duncan. Aos 45 dias da EM, os grupos G3 (42,24%A) e G4 (51,70%A) apresentaram maiores taxas de gestação (P<0,05) que os grupos G1(0%B) e G2 (3,5%B). Um maior número de ovulações também foi encontrado (P<0,05) nos grupos G3 e G4 quando comparados aos animais apenas mantidos em monta natural (6,56%C, 28,07%B, 50,86%A, 62,93%A; para G1, G2, G3 e G4, respectivamente). As taxas de gestação aos 210 dias foram: 22,95%C (G1); 45,61%B (G2); 40,51%B (G3) e 65,51%A (G4). Para porcentagem de animais com CL aos 210 dias, o G4 (71,55%A) obteve resultados superiores aos Grupos 1, 2 e 3 (42,62%B, 56,14%B, e 48,27%B; respectivamente). Adicionalmente, os grupos da IATF obtiveram menores períodos de serviço (em dias; P<0,05): G1(134,00±11,70A), G2 (119,65±8,27A), G3 (79,91±5,38 B) e G4 (81,40±4,59 B). A IATF foi eficiente para melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva de vacas nelore primíparas acíclicas em relação ao uso de somente monta natural com touros. Além disso, vacas primíparas submetidas a IATF no inicio da estação reprodutiva apresentaram menor período de serviço e maior taxa de gestação ao final da estação de monta do que fêmeas submetidas apenas à monta natural.
Oliveira, Neto Ivan Verdussen de [UNESP]. "Protocolos hormonais para transferência de embriões equinos em tempo fixo". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/150927.
Testo completoApproved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-06-21T12:29:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 oliveiraneto_iv_me_bot.pdf: 967546 bytes, checksum: 271829e746e3d0d011517c1d32820c8f (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-21T12:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 oliveiraneto_iv_me_bot.pdf: 967546 bytes, checksum: 271829e746e3d0d011517c1d32820c8f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-27
Nos programas de transferência de embriões um dos principais entraves são a disponibilidade de receptoras aptas por doadora de embrião. Sendo assim, estudos estão sendo desenvolvidos utilizando de diferentes protocolos hormonais para utilização nas receptoras em programas de TE . O objetivo do presente trabalho foi sincronizar éguas receptoras de embriões, independentes da fase do ciclo estral e da atividade ovariana, com o ciclo da doadora, maximizando a utilização das receptoras no programa de transferência de embriões (TE). Foram utilizadas 160 éguas, que foram separadas em grupos de 20 animais conforme a fase do ciclo estral: 1) éguas acíclicas em anestro e transição, 2) cíclicas em estro com folículos < 35 mm, 3) em estro com folículos ≥ 35 mm, 4) em diestro com CL < 5 dias e 5) em diestro com CL ≥ 5 dias. Inicialmente, todos os animais receberam uma aplicação de 10mg de dinoprost trometamina e 1 aplicação de 17β estradiol por 4 dias consecutivos seguido por uma aplicação de 300 mg de altrenogest. Posteriormente, o protocolo foi modificado e realizado em mais um grupo 6) com uma dose de 10mg de dinoprosttrometamina no segundo dia do tratamento. Os embriões foram transferidos de três a oito dias após a aplicação do altrenogest. O diagnóstico de gestação foi efetuado 5 a 7 dias após a TE. Com apenas uma aplicação de prostaglandina no primeiro dia de tratamento todos os animais apresentaram edema uterino acentuado e taxas de prenhez superior a 70%, entretanto as receptoras que ao início do tratamento apresentavam a presença de CL < 5 dias mostraram um edema uterino significativamente menor que os demais grupos e índices de gestação de 40%, inferiores aos observados nos demais grupos. Entretanto, quando este grupo foi submetido a duas aplicações de prostaglandina nos dois primeiros dias do tratamento as taxas de gestação aumentaram para 70%. Baseado nos dados obtidos pode-se concluir que boas taxas de prenhez de receptoras de embrião estão relacionadas a uma eficiente sensibilização uterina ao estrógeno que contribui para a posterior ação progesteronica fundamental para obtenção da sincronização do ambiente uterino.
In embryo transfer programs, one of the main obstacles is the availability of recipients suitable for embryo donors. Thus, studies are being developed using different hormonal protocols for use in recipients in ET programs. The objective of the present study was to synchronize the uterine environment of embryo recipient mares, independent of the estrous phase and ovarian activity, with the donor cycle, maximizing the use of recipients in the embryo transfer program. A total of 160 mares were used, which were separated into groups of 20 animals according to the estrous phase: acyclic mares in anestrus and transition, cyclic estrus with follicles <35 mm, estrus with follicles ≥ 35 mm, in right ventricle with CL <5 Days and in right arm with CL ≥ 5 days. Initially, all animals received an application of 10 mg of dinoprost tromethamine and 1 application of 17β estradiol for 4 consecutive days followed by a 300 mg application of altrenogest. Subsequently, the protocol was modified and another 10mg dose of dinoprost tromethamine was added on the second day of treatment. The embryos were transferred three to eight days after the application of altrenogest. The diagnosis of gestation was made 5 to 7 days after ET. With only one application of prostaglandin on the first day of treatment, all the animals had marked uterine edema and pregnancy rates higher than 70%; however, those receiving at the start of treatment had a CL <5 days showed significantly lower uterine edema than The other groups and gestation rates of 40%, lower than those observed in the other groups. However, when this group underwent two prostaglandin applications on the first two days of treatment, gestation rates increased to 70%. Based on the data obtained it can be concluded that good pregnancy rates of embryo recipients are related to an efficient uterine sensitization to estrogen that contributes to the subsequent progesterone action fundamental to obtain the synchronization of the uterine environment.
Fuller, Jonathan Edward. "Paleoflood hydrology of the alluvial Salt River, Tempe, Arizona". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1987. http://etd.library.arizona.edu/etd/GetFileServlet?file=file:///data1/pdf/etd/azu_etd_hy0163_sip1_w.pdf&type=application/pdf.
Testo completoSouza, Alexandre Henryli de. "Inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em vacas holandesas de alta produção". Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10131/tde-30052008-140055/.
Testo completoThe current thesys has been divided in 5 Experiments. Objectives of Experiment 1 were to evaluate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and/or estradiol cypionate (ECP) on follicular dymanics and conception rate in Holstein cows receiving fixed timed artificial insemination (TAI). On D0, all cows (n = 782) received 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) and one intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR). Eight days later, CIDR was removed and all animals were treated with PGF2?. Simultaneously, animals were divided in 4 groups: G1) eCG + ECP on Day 8; G2) eCG on Day 8 + GnRH 48h later; G3) ECP on Day 8; G4) GnRH 48h later. Blood samples and ultrasound exams were frequently performed in a subset of the animals (n = 96). All the statistical analyses for all experiments were performed with proc GLIMMIX and proc MIXED of SAS. Equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) treatment and body condition score (BCS) affected circulating progesterone in the diestrus. Cows in G2 had greater conception rates than cows in G4 (33,8% vs. 28,9%). In addition, in cows with lower BCS, eCG seems to be even more affective (G2 = 44,4% vs. G4 = 6,1%). In Experiment 2 (n = 26), the objective was to compare the effect of eCG the day of CIDR removal in animals with lower (2,0-2,5) or higher (3,0-3,5) BCS. Some variables such as corpus luteum (CL) volume, histology and circulating progesterone concentration in the diestrus were evaluated. Regardless of the body condition of the animals, eCG increased CL volume and circulating progesterone concentration in the diestrus. BCS negatively affected CL volume and circulating progesterone. There were no differences in large/small CL cell ratio, as well as CL blood flow between experimental groups. In Experiment 3, it was compared conception rate in dairy cows (n = 388) after using the same protocol G2 from Experiment 1 (Chapter I), with or without an ECP treatment at the time of CIDR (new or used) removal. Both ECP treatment and type of CIDR did not significantly affected conception rates. In Experiment 4 (n = 199), despite the fact that follicular diameter was increased in group GnRH 56h (17,8 mm) compared with GnRH 48h (16,5 mm); and of the delayed time of ovulation after CIDR removal (GnRH 56h = 75,3h; GnRH 48h = 79,8h), there were no differences in conception rates after delaying the GnRH treatment from 48h to 56h in cows inseminated 16h after GnRH. In Experiment 5 (n = 185), conception rate did not differ in animals that received GnRH 48h or 56h (at the time of TAI) after CIDR removal, indicating the possibility of using a protocol with only 3 handlings in high producing dairy cows.
Richard, Michaël. "Contribution à la validation des systèmes temps réel distribués : ordonnancement à priorités fixes et placement". Poitiers, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002POIT2321.
Testo completoIn this report, we study fixed priorities real-time distributed systems. In a distributed context, the application cannot be validate by simulation. Schedulability can be verified by an analytic method based on a worst case analysis. We present a method that assigns priorities to tasks and messages. This method is optimal in respect of the holistic analysis. Schedulability of distributed applications strongly depends on software and material architectures mapping. We propose a method achieving, in a simultaneous manner, the allocation of tasks on processors and the priorities assignment to tasks and messages. This searching method is extended in order to consider communications between tasks upon a same processor. Finally, both methods are confronted to an industrial automotive distributed system example
Aouad, Hazar. "Transport de Flux Temps Réels dans un Réseau IPMobile". Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00103576.
Testo completo(Quality of Service) dans un réseau IP. Avant d'entamer nos travaux de recherche, nous
dévoilons tout d'abord les différents mécanismes de QoS que nous étudierons dans la thèse.
MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching), DiffServ (Differentiated Services) et les algorithmes
d'ordonnancement formeront la base du réseau coeur que nous utiliserons. En accord avec
plusieurs travaux, nous définissons trois classes de service à différencier dans le réseau. La
première classe comporte les flux voix. Elle nécessite un délai faible et une gigue réduite. Les
flux de "données critiques", qui requièrent un taux de perte faible et un délai borné, forme la
deuxième classe. La troisième classe, qui regroupe les applications telles que le transfert de
fichiers ou l'échange de courriers électroniques, n'exige aucune condition particulière du
Dans un premier temps, nous modélisons les flux sortant/entrant d'un réseau mobile
sans fil. D'abord, nous modélisons les lois d'inter arrivée des paquets d'un flux agrégé au
niveau de la couche MAC (Medium Access Control) entrant au réseau UTRAN (UMTS
Terrestrial Radio Access Network), le réseau d'accès à l'UMTS (Universal Mobile
Telecommunication Service). Le protocole CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) utilisé
dans ce réseau propose un accès différent en fonction de la QoS demandée. Ensuite, nous
déterminons la loi caractérisant l'inter arrivée des paquets sortant d'un réseau WiFi (Wireless
Fidelity) utilisant la couche MAC 802.11 de base. Pour ces deux réseaux, nous proposons
différents modèles d'agrégation de flux voix, Web, transfert de fichiers ou un multiplexage de
ces différentes classes. Nous mesurons l'adéquation de deux modèles de loi de distributions
aux traces créées. La première distribution est le processus MMPP (Markov Modulated
Poisson Process) qui représente un modèle Markovien. Nous expérimentons deux valeurs du
nombre d'états: 2 et 4. La seconde loi que nous considérons est la loi Gaussienne. Nos
résultats montrent que d'une part, le type des flux agrégés et d'autre part, le réseau utilisé,
influent tous les deux sur le modèle produit.
Dans un second temps, nous développons les équations qui déterminent les
probabilités stationnaires d'une file d'attente implémentant l'ordonnanceur GPS (Generalised
Processor Sharing) avec trois classes de service. En utilisant le mécanisme DiffServ pour
différencier les flux, nous mesurons la QoS à la sortie d'une file unique utilisant WRR
(Weighted Round Robin), un des algorithmes qui approximent GPS. Nous traçons alors les
différentes courbes de délai et de taux de perte observés à la sortie de cette file en fonction de
la pondération et de la charge créée par chacune des classes. Nous appliquons les différentes
conclusions du choix des paramètres que nous tirons d'un seul serveur à un réseau entier. De
plus, nous ajoutons l'ingénierie de trafic de MPLS pour quantifier le gain mesuré par chaque
politique. A partir de ce travail, nous avons pu généraliser nos constatations qui deviennent
valable aussi bien sur une file que dans un réseau.
Dans un troisième temps, nous développons une méthode d'adaptation dynamique du
routage. Nous la proposons afin de palier aux variations de la distribution du délai sur les
liens qui forment le chemin de bout en bout. Ce mécanisme se base sur les techniques de
tomographie des réseaux afin d'estimer la distribution du délai sur les différents tronçons des
chemins observés. Si le délai moyen sur la route utilisée reste supérieur d'un seuil ε pendant
un temps τ au délai moyen d'un autre chemin, le mécanisme déclenche alors la procédure de
modification du chemin emprunté. C'est l'utilisation du protocole MPLS associé à ce
mécanisme qui permet une modification souple et rapide des itinéraires.
Cappelli, Luca. "Struttura fine degli atomi idrogenoidi". Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/16852/.
Testo completoRahni, Ahmed. "Contributions à la validation d'ordonnancement temps réel en présence de transactions sous priorités fixes et EDF". Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00368101.
Testo completoChauvière, Bernard. "Des priorités fixes aux priorités dynamiques en ordonnancement temps-réel : étude comparative et calcul des priorités". Poitiers, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007POIT2347.
Testo completoMassaro, Júnior Flávio Rubens 1976. "Configuring mode changes in fixed-priority preemptively scheduled real-time systems = Configuração de mudanças de modo em sistemas de tempo real escalonados com política preemptiva de prioridade fixa". [s.n.], 2015. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/267726.
Testo completoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Tecnologia
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T04:51:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MassaroJunior_FlavioRubens_M.pdf: 3302871 bytes, checksum: aa117bbaac53f7ead30d1a21700e03aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015
Resumo: Modos de operação e mudanças de modo são uma abstração útil para permitir que sistemas de tempo real sejam flexíveis e configuráveis. Trabalhos prévios em escalonamento preemptivo com prioridades fixas permitem que as tarefas passem de um modo de operação para outro provendo garantias de tempo real. No entanto, a configuração adequada dos parâmetros críticos, tais como o offset de uma tarefa, apesar de trabalhos anteriores terem abordado este assunto, permanece uma lacuna a ser explorada. Sem um método que automatize esta etapa do processo, garantindo ao mesmo tempo que os requisitos básicos sejam atendidos, a adoção plena de mudanças de modo em sistemas de tempo real permanece limitada a sistemas relativamente simples, com um conjuntos de tarefas limitado. Propomos um método para atribuir offsets às tarefas em uma mudança modo, através de uma abordagem Metaheurística (algoritmos genéticos). Este método permite a configuração e/ou a minimização da latência de pior caso de uma mudança modo. A latência de uma mudança de modo é um parâmetro crítico para ser minimizado, uma vez que durante a mudança de modo o sistema oferece funcionalidade limitada, uma vez que o conjunto de tarefas está parcialmente em operação. Também elaboramos uma classificação das mudanças de modo de acordo com as necessidades das aplicações. Esta classificação, quando aplicada a uma série de estudos de casos, permitiu validar a abordagem de minimização/configuração, estender a classificação anteriormente existente e demonstrar que o método é flexível, já que pode acomodar uma ampla variedade de tipos de mudanças de modo
Abstract: Modes of operation and mode-changes are a useful abstraction to enable configurable, flexible real-time systems. Substantial work on the fixed priority preemptive scheduling approach allowed tasks across a mode-change to be provided with real-time guarantees. However, the proper configuration of critical parameters such as task offsets, despite initial work, remains a gap in research. Without a method that automates this design step, while assuring that the basic requirements are met, the full adoption of mode-changes in real-time systems remains limited to relatively simple systems with limited task sets. We propose a method to assign offsets to tasks across a mode-change, using a metaheuristic approach (genetic algorithms). This method allows the configuration and/or the minimization of the worst-case latency of a mode-change. The latency of a mode change is a critical parameter to be minimized, since during the mode change the system offers limited functionality due to the fact that the task set is still incomplete. We also provide a classification of mode changes according to applications¿ requirements. This classification was useful, once applied to a number of case studies, both to validate the configuration approach and to a greater extent to show that the method is flexible in that it can accommodate a wide variety of types of mode-changes
Mestre em Tecnologia
Almeida, Marcelo Ferreira de. "Protocolos de sincronização da ovulação para inseminação artificial com tempo fixo em ovelhas". Universidade do Oeste Paulista, 2009. http://bdtd.unoeste.br:8080/tede/handle/tede/226.
Testo completoThe aim of study was to test the hormonal protocol for FTAI (fixed timed artificial insemination) with progesterone for 6 days applying eCG (Equine Corionic Gonadotrophin) or BE (Estradiol Benzoate) and induction of estrus using: MAP (acetato de medroxiprogesterone) for 6, 9 and 14 days or a single dose of PGF2a or male effect. Experiment 1: In D0 each ewe (n = 31) received CIDR being divided into 3 groups: GC (control) CIDR for 9 days and in withdrawal PGF2a + eCG. In G-eCG CIDR for 6 days PGF2a + eCG and in G-BE estradiol benzoate 24H after PGF2a and the FTAI 50H after the withdraw of CIDR. Experiment 2: On day 0 the sheeps (n = 48) received MAP being divided into 2 groups: G-9 and G-14 MAP by 9 or 14 days + PGF2a in withdrawal and detection of estrus. Experiment 3: divided up the sheeps (n = 151) in 3 groups: the G-6, each ewe received MAP for 6 days + PGF2a in withdrawal, the G-PGF, each ewe received PGF2a and G-EF only introducing ruffians. In exp. 1 pregnancy in the G-eCG (66%) was higher (p <0.05) in which G-BE (11.1%). In exp. 2 there were no differences (p <0.05) in estrus, pregnancy rate or design and in exp. 3 in G-6 (58%) and G-PGF (39%) the rate of estrus was greater (p <0.05) than in G-EF (11%). We concluded that is possible to reduce the time of permanence of progesterone using eCG for FTAI in sheep.
Objetivou-se testar o protocolo hormonal para IATF (inseminação artificial em tempo fixo) com progesterona por 6 dias aplicando-se eCG (gonadotrofina Coriônica Eqüina) ou BE (Benzoato de Estradiol) e indução de estros utilizando-se: esponjas vaginais impregnadas com MAP (acetato de medroxiprogesterona) por 6, 9 e 14 dias ou dose única de PGF2a ou efeito macho. Experimento 1: No D0 cada ovelha (n=31) recebeu CIDR sendo divididas aleatoriamente em 3 grupos: G-C (controle) CIDR por 9 dias e na retirada PGF2a + eCG. No G-eCG CIDR por 6 dias + PGF2a + eCG e no G-BE Benzoato de estradiol 24h após a PGF2a e a IATF 50 h após a retirada do CIDR. Experimento 2: No dia 0 as ovelhas (n=48) receberam MAP sendo divididas em 2 grupos: G-9 e G-14 MAP por 9 ou 14 dias + PGF2a na retirada e detecção de estro. Experimento 3: Dividiu-se aleatoriamente as ovelha (n=151) em 3 grupos: o G-6, cada ovelha recebeu MAP por 6 dias + PGF2a na retirada; o G-PGF, cada ovelha recebeu PGF2a e o G-EF apenas introdução de rufiões. No exp. 1 a prenhez no G-eCG (66%) foi maior (p<0,05) que no G-BE (11,1%). No exp. 2 não houve diferenças (p<0,05) no estro, taxa de prenhez ou de concepção. No exp. 3 no G-6 (58%) e G-PGF (39%) a taxa de estro foi maior (p<0,05) que no G-EF (11%). Concluímos ser possível reduzir o tempo de permanência da progesterona usando eCG para IATF em ovelhas
Li, Jian. "Garantir la qualité de service temps réel selon l'approche (m,k)-firm". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPL012N.
Testo completoThis work focuses on the scheduling algorithms under (m,k)-firm constraint, as well as the applications for QoS (quality of service) management in the networks and distributed real-time system. The research aim is to achieve the deterministic guarantee of QoS with high resource utilization. The contributions in this thesis include (1) proposing a sufficient condition for determining the schedulability of a real-time task set under Distance Base Priority scheduling algorithm; (2) defining a novel real-time constraint which relaxes the (m,k)-firm constraint and provides a more suitable modelling of soft real-time; (3) developing an effective resource provisioning algorithm under this relaxed (m,k)-firm constraint; (4) proposing an active queue management mechanism, called Double Leaks Bucket, which can guarantee the QoS with dynamic dropping of the packets during the networks overload period
Sasportas, Raphaël. "Etude d'architectures dédiées aux applications temps réel d'analyse d'images par morphologie mathématique". Paris, ENMP, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ENMP1082.
Testo completoSantos, Renato dos. "Avaliação de protocolos de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo para bovinos Curraleiro Pé-Duro". reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.26512/2016.02.D.21317.
Testo completoO estudo teve como objetivo verificar a resposta fisiológica de fêmeas da raça Curraleiro Pé- Duro submetidas a diferentes protocolos de sincronização e indução da ovulação, buscando-se o aumento da eficiência reprodutiva. Três experimentos foram realizados para avaliar o melhor momento de indução da ovulação e o tempo de exposição à progesterona. No Experimento 1, 12 vacas receberam um dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (P4) e 2 mg de benzoato de estradiol (BE) intramuscular (IM) no dia zero (D0). Após oito dias (D8) os animais tiveram o implante de P4 removido e receberam 150 μg de D-cloprostenol Sódico (PGF2α) e 300 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica equina (eCG) via IM, sendo então separadas em dois grupos. Grupo 8D (n=6), as vacas receberam 1mg de BE IM no D8, e no grupo 9D (n=6), receberam BE no D9. No Experimento 2, cinco vacas foram submetidas ao mesmo protocolo usado no Grupo 9D do Experimento um, e seis vacas no D8 receberam 150 μg de PGF2α e 300 UI de eCG e no D9 receberam 1 mg de BE e tiveram o dispositivo de P4 retirado (Grupo P4D9). Em ambos os experimento, após a retirada do implante de P4 foram realizadas avaliações ovarianas ultrassonográficas. No Experimento 3, 88 matrizes foram submetidas aos protocolos utilizados nos grupos 8D (n=43) e P4D9 (n=45) e inseminadas em tempo fixo. No Experimento 1, os grupos 8D e 9D levaram a uma taxa de sincronização do folículo dominante de 92% (11/12) e 83% (10/12) e uma taxa de ovulação de 73% (8/11) e 100% (10/10), respectivamente. O tempo para ovulação após a retirada da P4 foi menor nas fêmeas do 8D. No Experimento 2, os grupos 9D e P4D9, levaram a uma taxa de sincronização do folículo dominante de 72% (8/11) e 100% (11/11), respectivamente e a uma taxa de ovulação de 87,5% (7/8) e 91% (10/11), não havendo diferença nos demais parâmetros foliculares estudados. No experimento 3, a taxa de gestação nos grupos 8D e P4D9 foram de 23% (10/43) e 20% (9/45; P>0,05) respectivamente. Conclui-se que, os protocolos utilizados neste trabalho tiveram resultados de desenvolvimento folicular satisfatórios, mas não refletiram em uma boa taxa de prenhes após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Nesse contexto, há necessidade de mais estudos em relação à fisiologia reprodutiva das fêmeas Curraleiro Pé- Duro e quanto à aplicação de protocolos de IATF para animais desta raça.
This study aimed to determine the physiological response of locally adapted females Curraleiro Pé-Duro race under different synchronization protocols and ovulation induction, evaluating the efficiency of these, as well as the determination of ovulation time, ovulatory follicle size, emergency wave and finally the pregnancy rate of females submitted to TAI programs. In one experiment, all females (n=12) on day zero (D0) received an intravaginal device containing 1g of progesterone (P4) which remained for eight days and 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) intramuscular (IM). After that the animals were randomly divided into two groups; 8D treatment (n=6) and 9D treatment (n=6). On removal day of the implant P4 (D8) cows in the 8D group received IM 150 μg of Sodium D-cloprostenol, 300 IU eCG and 1 mg of EB. In 9D treatment group the cows had the implant removed in D8 and received IM 150 μg of D-cloprostenol Sodic and 300 IU eCG, and in contrast to the control group, the animals received IM in D9 1mg EB. The treatments differed among themselves as to the BE application day. For the second experiment, all animals (n=11) in D0 received the same pharmacological treatment of the previous experiment and were randomly divided into two groups; 9D treatment (n=5) and P4D9 treatment (n=6). The animals 9D treatment group had P4 implant removed in D8 and received IM 150 μg of D-cloprostenol Sodic and 300 IU eCG, and D9 received IM, 1mg EB. In contrast the P4D9 treatment group the females received D8 IM 150 μg of D-cloprostenol Sodium and 300 IU eCG and D9 were removed P4 implant followed by IM administration of 1mg of EB. The treatments differed on the withdrawal time of P4 implants. In both experiments, on the P4 implant removal day was also initiated ovarian ultrasound assessment every 24h up to 24h after removal of the P4 implant. After this period, the evaluations were performed every 8 hours for up to 96 hours in the attempt to monitor from the FD to the ovulation. Experiments one and two occurred in crossover format. For the third experiment we used the protocols for the treatment 8D and P4D9 to TAI. Where, for the 8D treatment group (n=43) insemination occurred in the period of 40/42 hours and P4D9 for the treatment group (n=45) 24/26 hours after removing the P4 implant. For the experiment one, the 8D and 9D treatments led to a sync rate of the dominant follicle 92% (11/12) and 83% (10/12) and ovulation rate of 73% (8/11) and 100% (10/10), respectively. There was no effect of treatments on group and interaction day VS group (P> 0.05) in follicular development, only daily growth (P<0.05). The time of ovulation was early in the 8D treatment and variation of ovulation tended to differ (P=0,06). In the second experiment, the treatments 9D and P4D9 led to a sync rate of the dominant follicle 72% (8/11) and 100% (11/11) and ovulation rate of 87,5% (7/8) and 91% (10/11), respectively. For both experiment there was no difference in the luteal volume (P>0,05). As for the three experiments where animals were submitted to TAI, it is found to 8D treatment group and P4D9 treatment group pregnancy rates of 23% (10/43) and 20% (9/45) respectively (P>0,05), concluding that there is still need for more studies on the reproductive physiology of females Curraleiro Pé-Duro, is the hormonal and ultrasonographic control of follicular development, or the development of new methodologies in TAI specific protocols for animals of this breed.
Chatap, Alain-Emile. "Étude et réalisation d'un moniteur temps-réel pour la gestion d'un réseau de télétransmission". Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112112.
Testo completoLi, Jian. "Garantir la qualité de service temps réel selon l'approche (m,k)-firm". Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00140318.
Testo completoLes contributions sont (1) l'établissement d'une condition suffisante d'ordonnançabilité d'un ensemble de tâches sous l'algorithme « distance based priority »; (2) la définition de R-(m, k)-firm, un nouveau modèle qui relâche la contrainte (m, k)-firm et qui permet de modéliser de façon plus juste des exigences du temps réel souple; (3) le développement d'un algorithme efficace de dimensionnement de ressources sous contrainte (m, k)-firm relâchée; (4) la proposition de « Double Leaks Bucket » pour la gestion active de files d'attente permettant de maintenir une QdS en cas de surcharge des réseaux.
Caumont, Olivier. "Simulation et assimilation de données radar pour la prévision de la convection profonde à fine échelle". Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00222771.
Testo completoGreco, Marcelo. "Avaliação de diferentes combinações de tempo de revolvimento, em secador de camada fixa para café". Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, 2006. http://tede.unioeste.br:8080/tede/handle/tede/1286.
Testo completoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This assignment aimed to value the energetic efficiency on coffee drying (Coffea Arabica, L.), with different combinations of time revolvment on a fix layer dryer. The experiment was developed on July, 2004 in Jesuitas city, Paraná. The dryer was compound of: a drying chamber with a capacity to 4,5 m3 of grains, chamber plenum with volum of 2,9 m3, fan with leakage of 473,2 m3 mim-1, two motors with potency of 2 cv (one for the drive of the fan and another one for the drive of the revolvment system) and mechanical system with shovels, that kept the product in horizontal rotatory revolvment. The grain´s contents of damp were gotten by the standard method of greenhouse 105±1ºC for 24 hours. The sample´s collection was carried out with a collector segmented on four different points of the drying chamber at each two hours. The temperature and the air´s damp were gotten through digital thermhigrometer, installed in a meteorological shelter. The drying air´s temperature was 75ºC. The ventilation and the drying kept it continuous during the test, having as treatment the time´s interval and revolvment of one hour, two hours, three hours and continuous revolvment. It was observed the revolvment with intervals of three hours promoted the smaller energy electric (17,11 kWh) and firewood consume (208,25 kg). The average of the energetic efficiency between the treatments was 12,30 MJ kg--1. for the model of dryers used it is recommended the utilisation of the revolvment system with intervals of three hours and continuous dryer, considering that had not been difference in the final quality of the product in sensorial analysis
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficiência energética na secagem de café (Coffea arabica, L.), com diferentes combinações de tempo de revolvimento, em secador de camada fixa. O experimento foi desenvolvido no mês de julho de 2004, no município de Jesuítas-PR. O secador foi composto por: câmara de secagem com capacidade para 4,5m³ de grãos, câmara plenum com volume 2,9m³, ventilador com vazão de 473,2m³ mim-1, dois motores com potência de 2cv (um para o acionamento do ventilador e outro para acionamento do sistema de revolvimento) e sistema mecânico com pás, que mantinha o produto em revolvimento rotatório horizontal. Os teores de umidade dos grãos foram obtidos pelo método padrão de estufa 105±1ºC por 24 horas. A coleta de amostras foi realizada com um coletor segmentado em quatro diferentes pontos da câmara de secagem a cada duas horas. A temperatura e umidade do ar foram obtidas mediante o uso de termohigrômetro digital instalado em abrigo meteorológico. A temperatura do ar de secagem foi de 75oC. A ventilação e secagem mantiveram-se contínuas no teste, tendo como tratamentos os intervalos de tempo e revolvimento de: uma hora; duas horas; três horas e revolvimento contínuo. Observou-se que o revolvimento com intervalos de três horas promoveu o menor consumo de energia elétrica (17,11kWh) e de lenha (208,25kg). A média da eficiência energética entre os tratamentos foi de 12,30MJ kg--1. Para o modelo de secador utilizado recomenda-se a utilização do sistema de revolvimento com intervalos de três horas e secagem contínuas, uma vez que não foram observadas diferenças na qualidade final do produto em análise sensorial
Fontana, Diogo Luiz. "Inseminação artificial pós-cervical em tempo fixo em porcas recebendo pLH no início do estro". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/72057.
Testo completoFixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) associated to post cervical artificial insemination (PCAI) allows a wider use of high indexed boars and an expressive reduction on labor requirements in swine production. The aim of this study was to evaluate FTAI efficiency according to different AI protocols, using pLH – porcine luteinizing hormone - as ovulation inductor. A total of 597 weaned sows whose estrus detection was performed once daily (08:00 am) were allocated into three treatments: Control (n= 199) – the first insemination was performed at estrus onset (0 h) and repeated every 24 h thereafter, during estrus; FTAI1 (n= 199) - sows received a 5 mg (4 ml) i.m. injection of pLH at estrus onset, and were inseminated 24 h after, and FTAI2 (n= 199) - sows received 5 mg of pLH but were inseminated at estrus onset (0 h) and 24 h after. PCAI with homospermic doses (1.5 x 109 total sperm cells/50 ml) were performed in all treatments. Hormonal treatment did not affect the interval onset of estrus to ovulation (P>0.05). The number of inseminations was 2.9, 1.0 and 2.0 for Control, FTAI1 and FTAI2 respectively. Treatments did not affect farrowing rate and total born (P>0.05). Total piglets born per insemination dose was different (P<0.0001) among treatments (4.5, 12.5 and 6.2 for Control, FTAI1 and FTAI2 respectively). The use of pLH at estrus onset associated to a single fixed-time PCAI 24 h after does not compromise the reproductive performance of multiparous sows.
Rosa, Gonçalo Morais Salvador Teles da. "Efeito do diâmetro folicular e da condição corporal sobre a taxa de gestação em vacas Bos indicus sujeitas a programa de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo". Master's thesis, Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/10097.
Testo completoDiversos estudos indicam que o tamanho do folículo pré-ovulatório (FPO) no momento da inseminação influencia de forma significativa as taxas de gestação (TG) e a mortalidade embrionária/fetal, em vacas no pós-parto sujeitas a um protocolo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Para além disso, nos bovinos, o status de energia, particularmente o balanço energético negativo (BEN), tem uma grande influência no desempenho reprodutivo dos mesmos. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como objectivo determinar e compreender a relação existente entre o diâmetro do FPO e os efeitos da condição corporal (CC) sobre a TG, em bovinos Bos indicus (n=376) sujeitos a um programa de IATF. O protocolo utilizado consistiu num protocolo de 3 maneios [Dia 0 (D0) - 2 mg de benzoato de E2 (BE) + dispositivo intravaginal (DIV) com 0,7 g de progesterona (P4); Dia 8 ou D8,5 (D8/8,5) - remoção do DIV de P4 + 1 mg de BE + 0,150 mg de D-cloprostenol (PGF2α) + 300 UI de gonadotrofina coriónica equina (eCG); Dia 9,5 ou D10 (D9,5/10) – IATF]. O diâmetro do FPO (D9,5/10) e a gestação (DG30, DG60, DG100) foram determinados por ultra-sonografia. O score de condição corporal (SCC) foi obtido ao D0 e o cio foi diagnosticado ao D9,5/10, pelo método de pintura da base da cauda. O diâmetro médio do FPO no dia da IATF foi de 15,16 mm. A taxa de gestação média ao DG30, DG60 e DG100 foi, respectivamente, 60,11%, 55,05% e 82,71%. As vacas que apresentaram no dia da IATF FPO de diâmetro superior a 15 mm tiveram uma TG ao DG30 (68,33% vs. 52,55%; p=0,008), DG60 (63,33% vs. 47,45%; p=0,001) e DG100 (85,71% vs. 79,90; p=0,03) estatisticamente superior àquelas com um diâmetro entre os 8,5-15 mm. Em relação ao SCC, as vacas com um SCC ≥5 tiveram uma TG estatisticamente superior ao DG30 (60,94% vs. 55,36%; p=0,05) e DG60 (56,25% vs. 48,21%; p=0,04) em comparação com as de SCC <5. A TG em relação à categoria das fêmeas (primípara vs. multípara), embora sempre superior nas multíparas, apenas ao DG100, revelou um valor com significância estatística (88,42% vs. 64,84%; p=0,01). A perda embrionária foi inferior nos animais com um FPO >15 mm (7,32% vs. 9,71%; p=0,44), nos animais com um SCC ≥5 (7,69% vs. 12,90; p=0,17) e nas fêmeas multíparas (7,43% vs. 11,76%; p=0,65), no entanto, nenhum desses valores revelou significância estatística. Em conclusão, o diâmetro folicular na altura da IATF e a CC dos animais ao início do protocolo revelaram um efeito estatisticamente significativo na TG de fêmeas Bos indicus, sujeitas a um programa de IATF com P4 e E2.
ABSTRACT - Effect of follicular diameter and body condition on the pregnancy rate in Bos indicus cows submitted to a Fixed Time Artificial Insemination program - Several studies indicate that the size of the pre-ovulatory follicle (POF) at the time of insemination, significantly influences the pregnancy rates (PR) and embryo/fetal mortality in cows subjected to fixed-time artificial insemination protocol (FTAI) after calving. Furthermore, in cattle, the energy status, particularly the negative energy balance (NEB), has a great influence on their reproductive performance. Thus, this study aimed to determine and understand the relationship between the diameter of the POF and the effects of body condition (BC) on the PR in Bos indicus cattle (n = 376) subject to a FTAI program. The protocol used was a 3 protocol managements [Day 0 (D0) - 2 mg of estradiol (E2) benzoate (EB) + intravaginal device (IVD) with 0.7 g of progesterone (P4); Day 8 or D8.5 (D8/8.5) - IVD removal + 1 mg of EB + 0.150 mg of D-cloprostenol (PGF2α) + 300 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG); Day 9.5 or D10 (D9.5/10) – FTAI]. The diameter of the POF (D9.5/10) and the pregnancy (DG30, DG60 and DG100) were determined by ultrasound. The body condition score (BCS) was obtained at D0 and the heat was diagnosed at D9.5/10, by the method of tail-head paint. The average diameter of the POF on the FTAI was 15.16 mm. The average PR at DG30, DG60 and DG100 was respectively 60.11%, 55.05% and 82.71%. The cows who showed at the FTAI day, POF greater than 15 mm, had a PR at DG30 (68.33% vs. 52.55%, P = 0.008), DG60 (63.33% vs. 47.45%; p = 0.001) and DG100 (85.71% vs. 79.90; p = 0.03) statistically higher, than those with a diameter between 8.5 to 15 mm. Regarding the BCS, animals with a BCS ≥5 had a PR statistically superior at DG30 (60.94% vs. 55.36%; p = 0.05) and DG60 (56.25% vs. 48.21%, P = 0.04) compared with the animals BCS <5. The PR in relation to females category (primiparous vs. multiparous), although always higher at the multiparous, only at DG100, revealed a value with statistical significance (88.42% vs. 64.84%, p = 0.01). The embryonic loss was lower in animals with a POF >15 mm (7.32% vs. 9.71%, p = 0.44), animals with a BCS ≥5 (7.69% vs. 12.90; p = 0.17) and the multiparous females (7.43% vs. 11.76%, P = 0.65), however, none of those values showed statistical significance. In conclusion, the follicular diameter at the FTAI moment and the BC of the animals at the beginning of protocol revealed a statistically significant effect on PR female Bos indicus submitted to a FTAI program.
Cordioli, Pietro. "Struttura fine dell'atomo idrogenoide". Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/23695/.
Testo completoChapelet, Frédéric. "Fontaine atomique double de césium et de rubidium avec une exactitude de quelques 1E-16 et applications". Paris 11, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA112094.
Testo completoAtomic fountains are the most accomplished development of atomic clocks based on the cesium atom whose hyperfine resonance defines the SI second since 1967. Today these systems are among those which realize the second with the best accuracy. We present the last developments of the cold cesium and rubidium atom dual fountain experiment at LNE-SYRTE. This unique dual setup would allow obtaining an outstanding resolution in fundamental physics tests based on atomic transition frequency comparisons. In order to enable operation with both atomic species simultaneously, we have designed, tested and implemented on the fountain new collimators which combine the laser lights corresponding to each atom. By comparing our rubidium fountain to another cesium fountain over a decade, we performed a test of the stability of the fine structure constant at the level of 5E-16 per year. We carried on the work on the clock accuracy and we focused on the phase gradients effects in the interrogation cavity and on the microwave leakage. The fountain accuracy has been evaluated to 4E-16 for the cesium clock and to 5E-16 for the refurbished rubidium clock. As a powerful instrument of metrology, our fountain was implicated in many clock comparisons and contributed many times to calibrate the International Atomic Time. Furthermore, we used the fountain to perform a new test of Lorentz local invariance