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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Techniques d’allocation de puissance"
Wolton, Dominique. "« On accorde trop de puissance aux techniques. »". France Forum N° 416, n. 2 (1 giugno 2024): 18–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/ffo.416.0018.
Testo completode Preux, J. "Texte de synthèse I — Puissance protectrice". Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 67, n. 752 (aprile 1985): 86–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0035336100084227.
Testo completoGosselin, Sophie, e David gé Bartoli. "De la puissance-matière : techniques de la vie contre biotechnologies". Lignes 51, n. 3 (2016): 21. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/lignes.051.0021.
Testo completoHassaine, Linda, Issam Abadlia, Antar Beddar, Fateh Abdoune e Mohamed Rida Bengourina. "Contrôle Avancé des Onduleurs Photovoltaïques Connectés au Réseau". Journal of Renewable Energies 24, n. 2 (31 dicembre 2021): 181–201. http://dx.doi.org/10.54966/jreen.v24i2.980.
Testo completoMahévas, S., Y. Sandon e A. Biseau. "Quantification of annual variations in fishing power due to vessel characteristics: an application to the bottom-trawlers of South-Brittany targeting anglerfish (Lophius budegassa and Lophius piscatorius)". ICES Journal of Marine Science 61, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2004): 71–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icesjms.2003.09.002.
Testo completoHuyghe, Pierre-Damien. "La forme comme relation ou l’attrait du design". Figures de l'Art. Revue d'études esthétiques 25, n. 1 (2013): 23–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/fdart.2013.1590.
Testo completoSeiti, Arta. "Philippe Forget : Puissance stratégique & réseaux techniques ; Éditions Perspectives Libres, 2019 ; 72 pages". Revue Défense Nationale N° 823, n. 8 (1 ottobre 2019): 126–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rdna.823.0126.
Testo completoBoucheron, Patrick. "Techniques hydrauliques et technologies politiques : histoires brèves d’ingénieurs au service du duc de Milan à la fin du XVe siècle". Mélanges de l École française de Rome Moyen Âge 116, n. 2 (2004): 803–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/mefr.2004.9341.
Testo completoVetter, Thibaut. "À la confluence des cultures techniciennes. Les échanges des techniques et des savoir‑faire militaro‑artisanaux dans le duché de Lorraine (XVIe-début XVIIIe siècle)". Les circulations techniques du Moyen Âge à nos jours, n. 4 (1 novembre 2022): 39–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.57086/rrs.262.
Testo completoRomanowicz, Barbara. "Imagerie globale de la Terre par les ondes sismiques". Reflets de la physique, n. 56 (gennaio 2018): 4–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/refdp/201856004.
Testo completoTesi sul tema "Techniques d’allocation de puissance"
Badran, Ibrahim Hesham Sadat. "Enhancement of Optical Wireless Communications Using Hybrid and Multiple Access Techniques". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ENTA0010.
Testo completoVisible light communication (VLC) is a promising technology for indoor wireless connectivity, offering high-speed data transmission and alleviating spectrum congestion. This thesis explores the integration of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques to improve VLC system efficiency. We investigate various power allocation techniques, including fixed power allocation (FPA), gain ratio power allocation (GRPA), and normalized gain difference power allocation (NGDPA), to enhance resource distribution among users. Different user pairing algorithms, such as next-largest difference user-pairing algorithm (NLUPA) and uniform channel gain difference (UCGD), are also examined. The achievable sum rate for NOMAMIMO-VLC systems is analyzed in scenarios with even and odd user numbers, and results are compared with NOMA without pairing and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). Furthermore, we assess the bit error rate (BER) performance under diversity techniques, such as selection combining (SC), equal gain combining (EGC), and maximum ratio combining (MRC). Finally, we derive an analytic expression for BER for an arbitrary number of users. Overall, our comprehensive study provides valuable insights into NOMA-MIMO-VLC systems for indoor wireless communication
Ticlea, Alexandru Ioan. "Techniques d'immersion pour l'estimation non linéaire : application aux systèmes de puissance". Grenoble INPG, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006INPG0101.
Testo completoThis work lies within the scope of the nonlinear estimation problem. Its contributions mainly concern the transformations through immersion (for the purpose of constructing an observer), which generalize the transformations through diffeomorphism in the way that the dimension of the state spa ce is not necessarily preserved; it may increase. First, we resort to the use of output injection in order to enlarge the class of the systems that can be immersed into a state affine form and we indicate some heuristic ways to construct the immersion. Second, we show that a possibility to obtain a rigorous characterization of the immersion conditions, regardless the presence of output injection, is to tolerate in some way the nonlinearities. Without output injection, the corresponding immersion procedure is systematic. Finally, for the form that results through immersion we present a high gain observer whose synthesis does not rely on the uniform observability assumption
Li, Yiqun. "Contribution à l'optimisation des performances d'antennes de téléphones mobiles à l'aide de techniques d'adaptation". Cergy-Pontoise, 2009. http://biblioweb.u-cergy.fr/theses/09CERG0429.pdf.
Testo completoMobile telephone antenna design can be summarised as a complex “multi-objectives” problem. Hence, in the actual procedure of the mobile phone antenna design, “trial and error” method is widely used thanks to simulation software or measurement tools. Free-space bandwidth is considered as the central decision criterion. A new design approach allowing simultaneous optimization of the antenna performances in free-space and in the presence of a user is applied in this thesis. The central decision criterion is changed to the ratio of TRP / SAR. Bandwidth is compensated in other way, in particular, the matching technique. For this aim, the matching limits between the reflexion coefficient and the bandwidth with a matching network for a mono- and dual-band mobile phone antenna are deduced. The limits allow us a larger degree of freedom in the design of mobile phone antenna. This thesis leads to a practical method for obtaining a good compromise between the various constrains, by adding a matching network, with consideration on the influence of the complete radio transmission chain including the power amplifier
Cesari, Bohigas Albert. "Implémentation de techniques de linéarisation et d'amélioration du rendement pour les amplificateurs de puissance RF". Toulouse, INSA, 2008. http://eprint.insa-toulouse.fr/archive/00000239/.
Testo completoThe antagonism between information capacity and energetic efficiency in the context of wireless communications, more precisely : the trade-off between transmitter linearity and its efficiency ; is the main driver of this thesis. A FPGA5-based architecture for digital predistortion (DPD) linearizers for RF power amplifiers is proposed in this thesis. By means of separating the adaptation process from the predistortion itself, a convenient, simple hardware building block for the DPD architecture inside the FPGA {the Basic Predistortion Cell (BPC){ has been identified. A BPC-based architecture provides independency from the particular DPD function derivation method, and it is easily scalable and reconfigurable, depending on the operation mode and degree of impairments introduced by the transmitter chain in each particular case. In order to support those claims and provide experimental evidence, two main different prototyping scenarios have been developed. In the first one, a DPD adaptive linearizer based on the passivity theory (hyperstable systems) has been designed and implemented on a low-cost mixed FPGA/DSP platform. Besides experimental results, complementary signal proces sing techniques to DPD are also addressed, thus giving a wide insight on realistic scenarios of DPD systems. In the second scenario, an advanced, adaptive DPD system aimed at compensating not only PA's nonlinear behavior, but also its memory effects, is presented. It is based on a Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Moving Average7 structure which is mapped into hardware using a BPC grid-structure. Besides the experimental results on PA efficiency and linearity, FPGA implementation issues {such as adaptation and power consumption{ are also studied. The manipulation of the PA class of operation to improve its efficiency, provided that DPD may be unavoidable due to the impact of memory effects, is discussed as well. Finally, to further improve efficiency, a DPD linearizer with dynamic supply built-in capabilities has been proposed and implemented as discussed in the last part of this thesis. There, an efficient, bandwidth limited, switched DC-DC converter is in charge of the PA supply modulation. The thorough design procedure targeting a FPGA implementation shows how the necessary functions for commanding the supply modulator can be seamlessly integrated within the DPD processor. The experimental results highlight how the proposed solution maintains linearity and enhances the PA efficiency when compared to a DPD-only method
CORNIBERT, LAURENT. "Isolations dielectriques pour circuits microelectroniques de puissance basees sur des techniques de fusion localisee". Toulouse 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999TOU30129.
Testo completoLounis, Zohra. "Apports des techniques de cablages laminaires dans un onduleur à IGBT de moyenne puissance". Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INPL129N.
Testo completoEl, Cheikh Mohamad Khair. "L'IGBT en commutation : analyse du comportement dynamique et évaluation des techniques de commande rapprochée". Aix-Marseille 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995AIX30030.
Testo completoCesari, Albert. "Implémentation de techniques de linéarisation et d'amélioration du rendement pour les amplificateurs de puissance RF". Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00538808.
Testo completoOrdonez, Flores Rafael. "Contribution à l’étude des moyens techniques visant à alléger les contraintes imposées au réseau public à basse tension". Paris 11, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA112173.
Testo completoThis work consists of grouping together a three-phase Active Filter and an “uninterruptible power supply” into a single converter. This converter is then capable of reducing electromagnetic perturbations from the main AC supply and also of acting as a Backup Supply. It can adapt itself to any linear or non linear load, balanced or unbalanced. The converter is connected in parallel with the electric grid to impose optimal waveform currents on the main AC supply or to replace it. To implement the AF, the principal task has been to determine the optimal waveform of the supply currents. The objective is to obtain a maximal Power Factor. Since the supply voltages are distorted, the compensation method of "non active" power is used for reaching the maximal PF. The AF then supplies the non active power that the load absorbs. To mitigate failures from the main AC supply, a battery is connected to AF. A solution which allows minimization of the batteries encumbrance is proposed: it sets up a supplementary dc/dc converter which acts as buck/boost converter. The Active Filter – Backup Supply system works then in one of two modes according to the availability of the AC supply: 1) AC supply available, FACH (French name) mode: the AF compensates for the non active power and supplies the energy necessary for the charger (buck converter) to recharge the battery; 2) AC supply unavailable, OSE (French name) mode: the BS supplies sinusoidal voltages to load from the boost converter – battery group. The AF was validated by a 1. 5kVA experimental model and the global AF-BS system by simulation
Luan, Quoc Hung. "Etude et mise en oeuvre de techniques d'assemblages hybrides pour l'intégration tridimensionnelle en électronique de puissance". Toulouse 3, 2010. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/873/.
Testo completoIn Power Electronics Applications, the general trend is to develop integration leading to an increase of the power density and a decrease of volume, weight and cost while maintaining a high level of reliability. It is particularly, the case for mobile systems or systems involved in transportation (automotive, railways and aeronautics). One of the most promising issues to improve the compactness of the systems is three-dimensional (3D) integration. The shift from classic power modules (where all the chips are coplanar, and the heat only transferred by the back side) to 3D structures allows improving simultaneously the thermal performances (double sides' cooling), the electric ones (reduction of parasitic inductances and decrease of the resistances) and the electromagnetic ones. Interconnections and assembly, improperly called "packaging", play a fundamental role in this field. In this Thesis, thanks to development of nanotechnologies, a hybrid assembly method is proposed. Named " nano scratch ", it consists in a structure of nano copper wires, deposited on at least one of the surfaces to be joined. The interpenetration of these nanowires is then achieved by pressing the surfaces against each other. Hence, not only a mechanical assembly but also an electrical and a thermal connection is realized. This type of assembly is a promising candidate for the replacements of solder technology. This simple and low cost process may favor 3D integration in power electronics applications. In a first part, the different components of a power module are reminded, Then, a state of art of the different interconnection technologies and assemblies used in power modules is presented. The second chapter focuses on an evaluation of the different methods used to fabricate the nanostructures. Electroplating through a nano porous membrane appears to be the most reproducible one and will be the one studied in this thesis. The last chapter, the principle and implementation of an electro-thermo mechanical assembly are presented and tested. .
Libri sul tema "Techniques d’allocation de puissance"
Muamba, Monica. Puissance de Vivre Intentionnellement: Apprenez à Libérer Votre Plein Potentiel Au Quotidien. MKas Lika, 2023.
Cerca il testo completoHeck, Linda. Reprogrammez Votre Subconscient: Techniques de Remodelage des Croyances Par la Puissance des Affirmations. Independently Published, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoCapo-chichi, Dulcina. Puissance de la Prière Pour Nos Enfants: 20 étapes Pour Couvrir Vos Enfants Par la Prière. IEM Press, 2023.
Cerca il testo completoCapo-chichi, Dulcina. La Puissance de la Prière pour Nos Enfants: 20 étapes pour couvrir vos enfants par la prière. IEM Press, 2023.
Cerca il testo completoAlimentation et Puissance Cognitive: Superaliments, Recettes, Collations et Conseils Pour Améliorer Votre Santé Cérébrale, Votre Concentration et Votre Mémoire. Assetdigital, 2023.
Cerca il testo completoPuissance du Langage Corporel: Maîtrisez les Secrets de la Communication Non Verbale. Comment Analyser les Comportements des Gens, Détecter les Mensonges et Améliorer Vos Compétences Relationnelles. Assetdigital, 2023.
Cerca il testo completoMartin, Morgan. Comment Avoir le désir Ardent de Réussir Sa Vie: Les Techniques Efficaces Pour Trouver l'énergie et la Puissance. Independently Published, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoDavid, Campbell, e Empire of Books. Puissance de la Psychologie: Utiliser la Psychologie et les Techniques de Manipulation à Son Avantage, Maîtriser l'analyse Comportementale et Apprendre à Influencer Son Entourage. Independently Published, 2021.
Cerca il testo completoBouafia, Abdelouahab, e Jean-Paul Gaubert. Techniques de Commande Prédictive et Floue du Redresseur à MLI: Redresseur à MLI de Tension à Absorption de Courant Sinusoïdal et Facteur de Puissance Unitaire. Editions universitaires europeennes, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoFemia, Nicola. Power Electronics and Control Techniques for Maximum Energy Harvesting in Photovoltaic Systems. Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoCapitoli di libri sul tema "Techniques d’allocation de puissance"
Minovez, Jean-Michel. "Chapitre I : Ancrage territorial de techniques et de produits traditionnels". In La puissance du Midi, 17–59. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.pur.127398.
Testo completoSpicq, Delphine, e Michèle Virol. "Chapitre 10. Les techniques de la puissance". In Nouvelle Clio, 255–96. Presses Universitaires de France, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/puf.hilai.2016.03.0255.
Testo completoMione, Anne. "Chapitre 7. Puissance et impuissance des normes techniques". In Puissances de la norme, 123. EMS Editions, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/ems.legof.2017.01.0123.
Testo completoBESNIER, Jean-Michel. "Les technologies convergentes ou les paradoxes de la puissance". In L’explosion des formes de vie, 235–47. ISTE Group, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.51926/iste.9005.ch13.
Testo completoVAKAL, Larysa, e Evgen VAKAL. "L’évolution différentielle pour la meilleure approximation uniforme des splines". In Méthodes de calcul et modélisation mathématique en cyberphysique et applications techniques 1, 361–72. ISTE Group, 2024. https://doi.org/10.51926/iste.9164.ch14.
Testo completoLeborgne, Mathieu. "Les territoires des transitions énergétiques". In Les territoires des transitions énergétiques, 265–85. Karthala, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3917/kart.matti.2024.01.0265.
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