Tesi sul tema "Tabaru language"

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Gilliot, Claude. "Exégèse, langue et théologie en Islam : l'exégèse coranique de Tabari (m. 311-923) /". Paris : J. Vrin, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35308364k.

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Emmrich, Thomas. "Tabu und Meidung im antiken China : Aspekte des Verpönten /". Bad Honnef : Bock und Herchen, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36671063t.

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Uría, Varela Javier. "Tabú y eufemismo en latín /". Amsterdam : A. M. Hakkert, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37027611r.

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Vesna, Jusufović. "Еротографија у српској књижевности XVIIIи XIX века". Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2014. https://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=85919&source=NDLTD&language=en.

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Abstract (sommario):
У овом раду пажња је усмерена је на истраживање корпуса литерарног материјала еротске садржине, односно књижевно-уметничких текстова с елементима еротског,који су обухваћени периодом од почетка осамнаестог до краја деветнаестог века. Циљ рада је редефинисање релевантаног корпуса еротске грађе у оквиру прозних и поетских књижевних текстова изабраног временског периода, те њихово прикључивање јединственом еротографском литерарном систему. Задатак и важност овог подухвата лежи у неопходности утврђивања позиције еротографије у српској књижевности, чије истраживање, разуме се, још увек нијезавршено. 
U ovom radu pažnja je usmerena je na istraživanje korpusa literarnog materijala erotske sadržine, odnosno književno-umetničkih tekstova s elementima erotskog,koji su obuhvaćeni periodom od početka osamnaestog do kraja devetnaestog veka. Cilj rada je redefinisanje relevantanog korpusa erotske građe u okviru proznih i poetskih književnih tekstova izabranog vremenskog perioda, te njihovo priključivanje jedinstvenom erotografskom literarnom sistemu. Zadatak i važnost ovog poduhvata leži u neophodnosti utvrđivanja pozicije erotografije u srpskoj književnosti, čije istraživanje, razume se, još uvek nijezavršeno. 
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Johansson, Linda. ""Fula ord" : En undersökning i ungdomars språkbruk". Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Humanities (HUM), 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-3675.

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Abstract (sommario):

Uppsatsens huvudfrågor var att undersöka vilken attityd ungdomar har till användandet av de som benämns som fula ord samt varför de använder dem. Ett ord som kallas för fult innebär att de är ett tabubelagt ord. Det är ett ord som är kraftfullt, framkallar reaktioner vilket innebär att det inte bör sägas. De som personer som använder dessa ord mest är arbetarklassen och ungdomar, framförallt killarna. Dock har tjejerna börjat jämna ut skillnaderna genom att använda de ”fula orden” allt mer.

Orsakerna till att de så kallade fula orden används är för det första för att uttrycka känslor. Det kan vara när en plötslig känslomässig förändring sker eller när man utsätts för fysisk smärta. Sedan kan det också vara en språklig anledning som tas till för att chockera och förstärka ens budskap. Lägg där till att de kan användas för att visa på vänskap och samhörighet, men också för att visa på makt.

Ungdomars attityd gentemot att använda de som kallas för fula ord varierar, men de flesta använder dem om än i olika omfattning. De anser inte att de ska användas i offentliga sammanhang som i nyhetsprogram i media, men att det är okej i den privata sfären. Det är också i den privata sfären som de flesta använder dem oavsett kön, ålder eller klass. Det egna användandet beror dock till stor del på den uppfostran man har fått samt vilken attityd gentemot dem man har. När killar och tjejer jämförs påvisas inga större skillnader, även om tjejerna i större omfattning använder sig av eufemism. Det ska bero på att tjejer oftare strävare efter ett mer vårdat språk.

Medias påverkan på attityden och användandet av de så kallade fula orden är omtvistad. De används i allt större omfattning idag i underhållningsprogram och på internet, även om de mer allvarliga delarna av medias utbud oftast inte brukar dem. Dock förekommer de allt mer i skrift idag, då många privatpersoner skriver både krönikor, bloggar och allt mer SMS.

Uppfattningen att många av de ”fula orden” blivit allt mer stereotypa och mindre chockerande resulterar i att behovet av nya uppkommit. Det vanligaste sättet att bilda nya är att låna från andra språk rakt av eller att översätta dem till svenska. Behovet av att provocera och framkalla reaktioner finns dock kvar, även om möjligheten styrs av omgivningens attityd gentemot de så kallade fula orden.




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Villessèche, Julie. "The Board and the Commission (1909-present) : study of a language criterion through film classification". Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE2084/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse pose la question du travail des examinateurs au travers des classifications britannique et française de films : au Royaume-Uni, le BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) est l’institution en charge de la classification des films ; en France, c’est la Commission de Classification des Œuvres cinématographiques qui s’en occupe. La problématique de ce sujet est : comment les pratiques des examinateurs et les évolutions sociales et institutionnelles ont façonné la création et le développement d’un critère langage au sein des systèmes de classification britannique et français ? En effet, selon les stéréotypes, ces classifications sont généralement mises en opposition : le BBFC est présenté comme une machine à compter les jurons, alors que la classification française est décrite comme étant libérale. Cette thèse vise à expliquer l’origine de ces stéréotypes et à mettre en lumière la place du critère langage au sein de ces classifications de films
This thesis wonders about the work of examiners within British and French filmclassifications: in the UK, the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is theinstitution in charge of film classification; in France, it is the Commission ofClassification of Cinematographic Works. The question here is: how have the work ofexaminers and institutional and societal evolutions shaped the creation and thedevelopment of a language criterion within British and French film classificationsystems? Indeed, stereotypically, those classifications are generally opposed: the BBFC is presented as a swearword-counting system, while the French classification is described as liberal. This thesis aims at explaining the origin of those stereotypes and at highlighting the true place of language within film classifications
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Ngwaba, Chidinma. "Les termes de la gynécologie obstétrique en igbo : enquête sur un domaine tabou dans une langue sans documents écrits". Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE2107/document.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
La présente étude porte sur la terminologie de la gynécologie-obstétrique en langue igbo. L’objectif principal est double : d’une part, recenser et classer les termes de la gynécologie-obstétrique en igbo et examiner l’adéquation entre la terminologie igbo et la terminologie internationale des langues de grande diffusion comme l’anglais et le français ; d’autre part, tenter de dégager les procédés à l’œuvre dans la création terminologique du domaine. Des vides ayant été constatés dans la terminologie igbo du domaine par rapport au français et à l’anglais, nous avons essayé de les combler, validant ainsi l’idée selon laquelle la langue igbo, à l’instar de toutes les langues, a bel et bien la capacité de désigner tout concept, quel qu’en soit le domaine. Notre recherche vise spécifiquement à recueillir les termes igbo de la gynécologie-obstétrique autant pour permettre les types de jugement théorique que nous nous sommes engagée à faire que pour les fins utilitaires d’un tel recueil. La méthode utilisée pour étudier la terminologie de la gynécologie-obstétrique en igbo devait convenir à l’étude d’un domaine tabou dans une langue sans documents écrits. Nous avons donc dû tenter de recueillir oralement les termes recherchés, en utilisant des techniques permettant de contourner la réticence de nombreux locuteurs igbo à s’exprimer sur le sujet.Pour constituer la nomenclature du domaine, nous avons mené une enquête sur le terrain auprès d’un groupe de locuteurs igbo constitué de 57 professionnels de santé soit 20 gynécologues-obstétriciens, 10 sages-femmes, 3 infirmiers, 15 médecins traditionnels, 5 sages-femmes traditionnelles, deux chefs de village et deux personnes âgées. Notre démarche s’est inspirée de la socioterminologie de Gaudin (2003, 2005) et de la méthodologie d’enquête d’Halaoui (1990, 1991), auxquelles nous avons emprunté l’aspect méthodologique de la recherche en terminologie des langues africaines. Au vu des résultats de notre enquête, nous avons constaté des vides terminologiques que nous avons tenté de combler à partir des propositions des personnes rencontrées et en nous inspirant de la démarche proposée par Diki-Kidiri (2008). Les matrices terminologiques sous-jacentes aux termes proposés ont été dégagées et analysées. Elles témoignent des tendances générales de l’igbo en la matière. Ce travail aboutit donc à la création d’un lexique trilingue anglais-français-igbo des termes de la gynécologie-obstétrique. Ce lexique contient les termes désignant l’anatomie du bassin féminin et parties génitales, l’anatomie des parties génitales internes femelles, l’anatomie de l’organe sexuel masculin, la physiologie du système reproducteur, le développement de l’embryon, la physiologie de la nutrition pendant la lactation et la grossesse, la surveillance fœtale, le travail/accouchement, le nouveau-né, les maladies liées aux organes reproducteurs, les maladies sexuellement transmissibles, les anomalies structurales, le cancer du système reproducteur et les maladies du système urinaire. Notre travail comprend trois parties. La première partie intitulée « La langue igbo du Nigeria » est composée de trois chapitres. Le chapitre 1 : « le Nigeria Terre de diversité ethnique et Linguistique », le chapitre 2 : « Description de la langue Igbo » et le chapitre 3 : « Problèmes Terminologiques igbo ». La deuxième partie intitulé « Un domaine Terminologique particulier : La médecine » comporte deux chapitres. Le chapitre 4 : « La maladie et la santé chez les igbo », et le chapitre 5 : « La pratique de la médecine au Nigeria ». La troisième partie : « La terminologie igbo de la gynécologie-obstétrique : Etat des lieux » comprends deux chapitres. Le chapitre 6 : « L’enquête sur le terrain » et Le chapitre 7 : « La création Terminologique en igbo : Le cas de la gynécologie-obstétrique »
This study focuses on gynaecology-obstetrics terminology in Igbo. Our main objective is to take an inventory of Igbo terms in the area of gynaecology-obstetrics and classify them. This will enable us to examine and evaluate the adequacy of Igbo terms in relation to English and French terms. A second objective involves exposing the methodology used in Igbo term creation in the gynaecology-obstetrics domain.In our research we noticed that gaps exist in the area of gynaecology-obstetrics of the Igbo language when compared to English and French languages. We tried to fill in the gaps thereby validating the idea whereby the Igbo language like all other languages, is capable of naming concepts in any area. Our research specifically aims at collecting Igbo terms from the domain of gynaecology-obstetrics in a way that enables us explain or give information on the method of collection of such terms.The method used in the terminological study of the gynaecology-obstetrics domain in Igbo, should be suitable in studying a taboo domain of a language without written documents. An oral documentary research became necessary. Thus the Igbo terms were compiled by means oral documentation research using techniques that helped us bypass the hesitation or reluctance of many Igbo speakers to express themselves on our area of research.To constitute the nomenclature of the domain, we carried out field work. This involved the observation of and interviews with Igbo speakers namely: traditional doctors, orthodox doctors, midwives both traditional and orthodox, nurses, local chiefs and elderly persons. We thus interviewed 57 resource-persons and experts: 20 doctors, 3 nurses and 10 midwives (for the orthodox medicine component), 15 traditional doctors, 5 traditional midwives, 2 local chiefs and 2 elderly persons (for the traditional medicine component). We were equally inspired by socioterminology as exposed by Gaudin (2003, 2005) and the methodology of research as outlined in Halaoui (1990, 1991) from which we borrowed the methodology of research in terminology of African languages.Looking at our field work result, we noticed terminological gaps which we tried to fill using proposals from the people we interviewed. The work also involved the creation of terms for concepts and objects not already named in Igbo. This naming drew principally on the method described in Diki-Kidiri (2008). An analysis of the process underlying each coinage is included. The result obtained is a clear indication that the Igbo language can be used to name things.This work equally proposes a trilingual glossary: English-French-Igbo. The glossary covers such areas as: Anatomy of the female pelvis and the external genitalia, Anatomy of the internal genital organs – female, Anatomy of the male reproductive system, Physiology of the reproductive system, Development of the embryo, Physiology and nutrition in pregnancy and lactation, Foetal surveillance, Labour, The new born infant, Infections of the reproductive organs, Infections of the reproductive tract, Sexually transmitted diseases, Structural anomalies, Cancers of the reproductive system and Disorders of the urinary system.Our work comprises three parts. Part 1: “The Igbo Language of Nigeria” consists of three chapters. Chapter 1: “Nigeria a Land with ethnicity and Linguistic diversity”, Chapter 2: “Description of the Igbo Language” and Chapter 3: “Problems of Igbo Terminology”. Part 2: entitled “A Distinctive Terminological Domain: Medicine” is made up of two chapters. Chapter 4: “Sickness and Heath among the Igbos” and Chapter 5: “Practicing Medicine in Nigeria”. Part 3 comprises two chapters. Chapter 6: “Field Work” and Chapter 7: “Creating Terms in Igbo: the Gynaecology-Obstetrics Domain”
Nnyọcha anyị a dabere n’ihe gbasara amụmamụ maka ọmụmụ nwa na nwa ohụụ n’asụsụ igbo.Ebum n’obi anyị nke mbụ bụ ịchọpụta ma hazie aha dị iche iche e nwere n’asụsụ igbo gbasaraọmụmụ nwa na nwa ohụụ na ngalaba amụmamụ maka ọmụmụ nwa na nlekọta nwa ohụụ. Nkea ga-eme ka anyị nwalee aha ndịa e nwere n’asụsụ igbo na ngalaba amụmamụ maka ọmụmụnwa na nlekọta nwa ohụụ na aha ndi e nwere na olu bekee m’obụ frenchi. Ebum n’obi anyị nkeabụọ bụ ikwupụta otu anyị si nwete ma depụta aha gbasara ọmụmụ nwa na nlekọta nwa ohụụn’asụsụ igbo. Anyị kwadoro usoro mkpụrụ edemede nke igbo izugbe.Mgbe anyi n’eme nnyocha a, anyị chọpụtara n’oghere dị n’asụsụ igbo n’ihe metutara mkpọpụtaaha ihe. Nke a mere n’enwere ọtụtụ ihe ndi n’enweghị aha n’asụsụ igbo na ngalaba amụmamụmaka ọmụmụ nwa na nlekọta nwa ohụụ. Ihe ndia nwechara aha n’asụsụ ndi ọzọ. Anyị gbalịrịịfachisi oghere ndia dị n’asụsụ igbo iji gosi n’asụsụ a bụ asụsụ igbo nwekwara ike ịkpọpụta ahaihe ndi ha aka akpọbeghị aha.Usoro anyị kwesiri ịgbaso mgbe anyị na-amụ gbasara mkpọ aha n’asụsụ igbo na ngalabaamụmamụ maka ọmụmụ nwa na nlekọta nwa ohụụ, kwesiri ka ọ bụrụ nke ga-adaba na ọmụmụihe gbasara asụsụ n’enweghị ihe ndeda gbasara ngalaba amụmamụ a na kwa ngalaba nwereọtụtụ nsọ ala. Nke a mere oji dị mkpa na anyị gara mee nchọpụta n’obodo jụọ ajụjụ ọnụ iji mataaha ndi a n’agbanyeghị na ọ dịghịrị ndi mmadụ mfe ikwu maka ngalaba ihe ọmụmụ a.viNdi anyị gakwuru maka ajụjụ ọnụ a bụ ndi dibịa bekee, ndi nọọsụ, ndi dibịa ọdịnala, ndi ọghọnwa, ndi nchịkọta obodo na ndi okenye. N’ihe niile, anyị na ihe dịka mmadụ 57 kparịtara ụka.Nke a gụnyere ndi ọkachamara. N’ime ha e nwere ndi dibịa bekee 20, ndi nọọsụ 3 na ndi ọghọnwa bekee 10 n’otu akụkụ. N’akụkụ nke ọzọ, e nwere ndi dibịa ọdịnala 15, ndi ọghọ nwaọdịnala 5, ndi nchịkọta obodo 2 na ndi okenye 2. Anyị dabekwara na sosioteminọlọjị nkeGaudin (2003, 2005) na kwa usoro Halaoui (1990, 1991). Usoro a gbasara ịjụ ndi igbo ụfọdụajụjụ ọnụ na iso ha nọrọ mgbe ha na-arụ ọrụ.Nchọcha anyị gụnyekwara ịkpọpụta aha dị iche iche n’asụsụ igbo nke sistemu njiamụnwa nkenwoke na nwaanyị, aha gbasara nwa e bu n’afọ na nke nwa a mụrụ ọhụụ. Anyị gbasoro usoroDiki-Kidiri (2008) maka mkpọpụta aha. Anyị mekwara nkọwa iji gosipụta otu anyị si kpọọ ahandịa. N’ikpe azụ anyị depụtara aha ndi niile anyị ji rụọ ọrụ na asụsụ bekee, frenchi na kwa igbo.Aha ndi anyị depụtara gbasara : Amụmamụ ọkpụkpụ ukwu nwaanyị na njiamụnwa, Amụmamụime njiamụnwa kenwaanyị, Amụmamụ ọganụ njiamụnwa kenwoke, Fiziọlọjị sistemunjiamụnwa, Ntolite nwa nọ n’afọ, Fiziọlọjị kenri na mmiriara n’afọ ime, Nledo nwa nọ n’afọna kwa nwaọhụụ, Imeomume, Mbido ndụ nwaọhụụ, Ọrịa ọganụ njiamụnwa, Ọrịa nwaanyị,Nkwarụ, Kansa njiamụnwa na kwa Ọrịa akpamamịrị
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Almeida, Laura de. "À guisa de uma tipologia para os tabus lingüísticos - proposta para um glossário". Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8139/tde-19082008-115800/.

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Abstract (sommario):
O objetivo central desta pesquisa é apresentar uma tipologia dos tabus lingüísticos presentes em atlas lingüísticos brasileiros. O corpus do trabalho constitui-se das respostas apresentadas por sujeitos em seis atlas lingüísticos brasileiros, a saber, Atlas Prévio dos Falares Baianos (APFB), Atlas Lingüístico de Sergipe I (ALS I), Atlas Lingüístico de Sergipe II (ALS II), Esboço para um Atlas Lingüístico de Minas Gerais (EALMG), Atlas Lingüístico da Paraíba (ALPB) e o Atlas Lingüístico do Paraná (ALPR). Tomamos por base o Questionário Semântico-lexical (QSL) que consta dos \"Questionários 2001- Projeto Atlas Lingüístico do Brasil (ALiB)\", do qual destacamos apenas a questão referente ao campo semântico proposto. Foram selecionados seis campos semânticos para a realização da presente análise, sendo eles: fenômenos atmosféricos, corpo humano, religião e crenças, doenças, ciclos da vida e convívio e comportamento social. Com base em Guérios (1979) fizemos um estudo preliminar das manifestações do tabu lingüístico em língua portuguesa e apresentaremos os meios de substituição dos vocábulos tabus que se manifestaram nas variantes lingüísticas encontradas em atlas lingüísticos. Ao final deste estudo, elaboramos um glossário constante de fichas terminológicas devidamente catalogadas referente aos termos denominados como tabus lingüísticos das variantes lingüísticas elencadas. Por meio deste trabalho, pretendemos contribuir em certa medida para a análise deste rico material que são os atlas lingüísticos.
The main objective of this research is to present a typology of the linguistics taboos existent in the Brazilian Linguistic Atlases. The corpus of this paper is made up of the answers presented by the interviewers in six Brazilian Linguistics Atlases, that is to say, Atlas Prévio dos Atlas Prévio dos Falares Baianos (APFB), Atlas Lingüístico de Sergipe I (ALS I), Atlas Lingüístico de Sergipe II (ALS II), Esboço para um Atlas Lingüístico de Minas Gerais (EALMG), Atlas Lingüístico da Paraíba (ALPB) e o Atlas Lingüístico do Paraná (ALPR). It will be based on the questionnaire \"Questionário Semântico-lexical (QSL)\" that consists of \"Questionários 2001- Projeto Atlas Lingüístico do Brasil (ALiB)\", from which we will use only the questions referring to the semantics field worked on. We selected six semantic fields to work on in this analysis, which are: atmosphere phenomena, human body, religion and beliefs, diseases, cycles of life and living and social behavior. Based on Guérios (1979), we will make a preliminary study of the linguistic taboo manifestation in the Portuguese language and we will present the means of substitution of the linguistic variants found in the linguistic atlases. A glossary having terminological files about the linguistics taboo typology will be presented at the very end. Finally, this paper tends to contribute, to a small extent, to the richness of these linguistic taboos.
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Englin, Annika. "Svordomar är kraftuttryck : En språkvetenskaplig undersökning om hur attityder till svordomar och bruket av svordomar i tal och i text ser ut bland studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige". Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-19500.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur attityder till svordomar och bruket av svordomar i tal och i text ser ut bland studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige. Metoden i denna uppsats är en datainsamling som sker genom en kvalitativ enkätundersökning där studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige besvarar ett antal frågor om svordomar. Deras kön, ålder och program/kurs tas i beaktning så att det går att dela upp data och gå djupare bland annat för att undersöka skillnader mellan män och kvinnors svar. Resultatet redovisas kvantitativt. Det var 32 stycken studenter som fyllde i enkäten vid högskolan i Mellansverige. 10 stycken var män och 22 stycken var kvinnor. Resultatet visar att studenterna tycker att svordomar är okej och de använder alla svordomar i tal och många också i text. Den vanligaste svordomen i tal var Fan och Jävlar för både män och kvinnor och det var samma i text. Studenterna använder mest svordomar som kraftuttryck för att visa känslor när de är arga, har ont och är irriterade. De svordomar både männen och kvinnorna ansåg var värst var enligt alfabetisk ordning: Cunt, Fitta, Hora, Kuk och Slyna, de fem orden rangordnades i toppen men det skilde sig i vilken ordning orden hamnade.
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Fakhreddine, Mehra. "L’Interdit linguistique en langue espagnole et cultures hispaniques : étude pragma-linguistique de l'euphémisme et du dysphémisme". Thesis, Perpignan, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PERP0048.

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Abstract (sommario):
Tout discours obéit à la règle de l’interdit, l’euphémisme représente un moyen de détournement par excellence, permettant d’éviter « les paroles de mauvais augure » pour dire « des paroles de bon augure ». Il joue le rôle d’un « déodorant du langage » comme le disent Jamet et Jobert. Bref, l’euphémisme est à l’opposé d’un langage âpre, le dysphémisme. L’intérêt de ce dernier, n’est pas la rupture avec les associations du mot tabou, mais bien au contraire, dans le fait qu’il s’efforce de les évoquer avec plus d’intensité. Pourtant, l’euphémisme et le dysphémisme, loin de se réduire à des procédés banals qui font l’objet d’une simple substitution lexicale du terme interdit, sont avant tout des phénomènes éminemment énonciatifs dont la valeur dépend du contexte. Ainsi, l’euphémisme ou le dysphémisme n’existe pas en lui-même, mais en fonction de sa situation de communication et de sa reconnaissance par le récepteur. Notre réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une analyse pragma-linguistique de l’euphémisme et du dysphémisme en langue espagnole. Notre objectif majeur est d’interroger le processus d’euphémisation et le processus dysphémique : d’un côté, selon une approche sémantico-lexicale qui se limite à une substitution du tabou par le biais des procédures linguistiques euphémiques ou dysphémiques, et de l’autre, selon une approche pragmatique, par laquelle le signe tabou acquiert sa valeur en fonction de son entourage contextuel, et dans laquelle l’euphémisme ou le dysphémisme sont considérés comme des actes de langage. Nous voulons par ce choix illustrer qu’au plan discursif l’euphémisme et le dysphémisme sont l’objet d’une visée communicative différente de celle du plan proprement linguistique ou sémantique
Any discourse obeys the rule of prohibition; the euphemism is a means of diversion by excellence, to avoid "ominous words" to mean "auspicious words." It acts as a "deodorant language" as Jamet and Jobert say. In short, the euphemism is the opposite of a harsh language, the dysphemism. The advantage of the latter, is not breaking with the associations of the taboo word, but rather is that it strives to evoke with greater intensity. Yet the euphemism and dysphemism, far from being reduced to mundane processes that are the subject of a simple lexical substitution of the prohibited term, they are above all eminently enunciative phenomena whose value depends on the context. Thus, the euphemism or dysphemism does not exist in itself, but according to the communication situation and its recognition by the receiver. Our thinking is part of a pragma-linguistic analysis of the Spanish language of euphemism and dysphemism. Our major objective is to question the process of both euphemism and dysphemism: on one side, according to a semantic-lexical approach that is limited to a substitution of the taboo through linguistic procedures of euphemism or dysphemism, and on the other side, according to a pragmatic approach in which the taboo sign acquires its value based on its contextual surroundings, and in which the euphemism or dysphemism are considered acts of language. We want to illustrate that by this choice at the discursive plan the euphemism and the dysphemism are subject to different communicative focus than the strictly linguistic or semantic plan
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Ribeiro, Alexandre do Amaral. "Quando negar e legitimar : reflexões sobre preconceito e politicas linguisticas". [s.n.], 2006. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/270857.

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Orientador: Kanavillil Rajagopalan
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T07:12:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ribeiro_AlexandredoAmaral_D.pdf: 955361 bytes, checksum: c2b049d4e4302e9960af96c13a012b5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
Resumo: A pesquisa apresentada nesta tese aponta para a necessidade de se rever metodologias, princípios e pressupostos que sustentam a Lingüística, considerando o seu papel e função em uma sociedade, reconhecidamente, de identidades e saberes fluidos. Tomando como objeto de estudo o Preconceito Lingüístico, entendido no contexto da condição pós-moderna e de um mundo globalizado, procura repensar a Lingüística e as políticas lingüísticas, na perspectiva dos traços de ambivalência que marcam a pós-modernidade. Dentre suas hipóteses, formula que as políticas lingüísticas podem ser tão preconceituosas quanto quaisquer formas de preconceito, correndo mesmo o risco de ratificá-los, de legitimá-los. A luta contra o preconceito pode não passar de um engodo ideológico. Formas de preconceito podem estar implícitas, portanto, no discurso em defesa de uma língua, assim como nos discurso que admitem a pluralidade lingüística. Por isso, ao mesmo tempo em que reúne elementos para entender a inserção da Lingüística e do preconceito lingüístico na pósmodernidade, reivindica a proposição futura de uma Crítica da Razão Lingüística como uma base necessária para ampliação dos estudos da linguagem
Abstract: The research for this thesis points to the necessity of reviewing methodologies, principles and presuppositions which sustain the mainstream Linguistics, considering its role and function in a society seen as society of fluid identities and knowledges. Taking Linguistic Prejudice as study object and understanding it in the context of postmodern society and of a globalized world, we try to rethink Linguistics and politics of language in the perspective of post modern typical ambivalent characteristics. Among our hypotheses, we suggest that linguistic politics may have as much prejudice as any other forms of prejudice, so that it is possible to ratify and legitimate them through these politics. The struggle against prejudice may be nothing but a mistake, an ideological fantasy. Therefore, at the same time this thesis puts together elements which allow to understand the insertion of Linguistics in the post-modernity, it claims for a future proposition of a Critique of Linguistic Reason as a necessary base to broaden up language studies
Doutor em Linguística
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Regis, Jean-Paul. "Etude sociolinguistique des tabous en anglais contemporain". Paris 7, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA070042.

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Viktor, Alexandra. "Fläskbatongen och skinkmackan : En undersökning av vilka ord som förekommer vid benämning av manliga och kvinnliga könsorgan". Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Svenska, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-43630.

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Denna uppsats är ämnad att undersöka vilka ord som används som benämningar för manliga och kvinnliga könsorgan samt att identifiera eventuella likheter och skillnader mellan hur män och kvinnor benämner dessa. Avsikten är även att kartlägga vad metaforerna bland orden säger i relation till samhället i stort. Studiens forskningsfrågor är: Vilka är de mest förekommande orden för manliga och kvinnliga könsorgan? Vilka ord använder män respektive kvinnor och finns det några likheter eller skillnader mellan könen? Vilka metaforer går att kategorisera och vad säger de? Materialet som analyserats består av en digital enkät som besvarats av 81 vänner och bekanta från sociala medier samt 85 gymnasieelever från tre skolor i olika delar av Sverige. Den inhämtade datan analyserades sedan genom att grupperas i semantiska kategorier. De vanligaste orden för könsorganen identifieras och sätts i relation till tidigare forskning och uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter. Resultatet visade på ett fortsatt språkligt tabu kring föreliggande ämne. Både de manliga och kvinnliga informanterna var överens om att de mest förekommande benämningarna för könsorganen var de stigmatiserade orden kuk och fitta. Det skilde sig heller inte mellan män och kvinnor vilka fem ord de angav som vanligast för kvinnliga och manliga könsorgan. Ordet snippa verkar även fått fäste i det svenska folkets ordförråd sen lanseringen 2006. Metaforerna bland könsorganens benämningar har inte bildats slumpmässigt utan metaforiska samband identifieras. Dessa bidrar till en upprätthållning av en könsskillnad mellan män och kvinnor där mannen är överordnad kvinnan genom de aktiva och hotfulla metaforerna medan kvinnan framställs passiv och hjälplös. Vårt tänkande är i grunden metaforiskt och används för att förstå den verklighet vi lever i.
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Swingler, David Diniz. "Tabu linguístico: mapeamento das atitudes relacionadas a palavrões e à influência que os fatores sociais, conversacionais, emocionais e de identidade exercem no seu uso cotidiano". Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2016. http://tede.biblioteca.ufpb.br:8080/handle/tede/8575.

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Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-08-25T11:00:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 3044439 bytes, checksum: 6b60355b6db30d425cc3768f536b5a5d (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T11:00:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 3044439 bytes, checksum: 6b60355b6db30d425cc3768f536b5a5d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-22
There is nothing new about the use of swearwords in human language. In fact, it is believed that swearing is as old as language itself. Studies about swearing, as well as personal experience, show us that this type of language produces a emotional impact that can have both positive and negative effects. Despite its ubiquitous presence in the speech of Brazilians, few linguistic studies have been produced on the subject. Therefore, the present work aims at mapping out the attitudes of college students that frequent Praça da Alegria in regards to swearwords and the influence that social, conversational, emotional, as well as identity factors have in their day-to-day use. According to the existing literature on language attitudes, it is not unusual to encounter gaps or inconsistencies in relation to the language attitudes professed by individuals and what they actually do when they speak (language behavior). Studies show that this contradiction result from the influence of external factors such as context, interlocutor type, place, etc., as well as internal factors such as beliefs, emotions, intentions, etc. Thus, in order to understand the relation between attitudes held about swearwords and swearing in day-to-day social interaction, we have conducted this sociolinguistic research. The present study is of a qualitative nature and is based primarily on an Interactional Sociolinguistic and Ethnography of Communication framework. The corpus used is comprised of data collected from 29 college students at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (the Federal University of Paraíba) in a recreational area known as Praça da Alegria, using three methods: questionnaires, direct (non-participant) observation and semi-structured interviews. After that, the data was analysed in accordance to the concepts found in Language Attitude theory, as well as Accommodation Theory; and then triangulated in order to guarantee more precise and reliable results. As a result, it was found that: 1) the idea of the meaning of the term swearword, in fact, varied from person to person, nevertheless, there was, in general, a difference between the meaning of the terms swearword and offensive word; 2) the degree of offensiveness of a word is subject to individual opinion; 3) the more offensive a word was considered to be, the less frequently it was said to get used; and 4) social, conversational, emotional and identity factors, in fact, influenced considerably the individuals decision to use or not use this type of language.
O uso de palavrões não é algo novo no comportamento linguístico humano. Na verdade, acredita-se que eles são tão antigos quanto a própria linguagem. Estudos mostram que esse tipo de linguagem produz um forte impacto emocional que pode gerar tanto efeitos positivos, quanto negativos. Apesar de sua ubíqua presença na fala dos brasileiros, poucos estudos linguísticos foram produzidos sobre o assunto no Brasil. Portanto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo mapear as atitudes dos estudantes universitários frequentadores da Praça da Alegria relacionadas a palavrões e à influência que os fatores sociais, conversacionais, emocionais e de identidade exercem no seu uso cotidiano. De acordo com a literatura existente sobre atitudes linguísticas, não é incomum que constatemos uma lacuna no que diz respeito às atitudes professadas pelos indivíduos sobre certas línguas ou aspectos da linguagem, e o seu uso propriamente dito (comportamento linguístico). Estudos mostram que essa incoerência resulta da influência de fatores externos tais como contexto, tipo de interlocutor, local, etc., bem como fatores internos tais como crenças, emoções, intenções, etc. Assim sendo, a fim de melhor entender a relação entre atitudes sobre palavrões e o seu uso em interações sociais do dia-a-dia, realizamos essa investigação sociolinguística. O presente estudo é predominantemente qualitativo e foi fundamentado principalmente no aporte teórico da Sociolinguística Interacional e da Etnografia da Comunicação. O corpus utilizado foi composto de dados coletados entre 29 estudantes universitários em uma área de lazer conhecida como Praça da Alegria, situada na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), por meio de três métodos: questionário, observação não-participante e entrevista semiestruturada. Posteriormente, foram analisados os dados relacionados aos conceitos referentes as atitudes linguísticas e a Teoria da Acomodação, que por fim foram triangulados no intuito de garantir resultados mais precisos e confiáveis. Como resultado dessa pesquisa, foi constatado que: 1) a noção do significado do termo palavrão, de fato, varia de pessoa para pessoa, não obstante, existe, de modo geral, uma diferença entre a noção dos termos palavrão e palavra ofensiva; 2) o grau de ofensividade de uma palavra é sujeito à opinião do indivíduo; 3) quanto mais ofensiva uma palavra, menos usada ela é; e 4) os fatores sociais, conversacionais, emocionais e de identidade, de fato, influenciam consideravelmente na decisão do indivíduo de usar (ou não) esse tipo de linguajar.
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Lidbäck, Jonathan. "Functions of taboo expressions in YouTube discourse: The case of iDubbbzTV". Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för språk, litteratur och interkultur (from 2013), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-77931.

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The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between usage of taboo expressions in a selected YouTube clip, and how the audience of iDubbbzTV react to these taboo expressions and how they use them themselves. The data used in this study is in the form of spoken and written language which is transcribed and collected from a selected iDubbbzTV YouTube clip and its comment section. This qualitative study of the usage of taboo expressions in YouTube discourse shows that many cases of taboo expressions are used together with jokes and also sometimes serve as call-backs. Some taboo expressions are also used as intensifiers, which can feature in both negative and positive contexts. The study also finds that interpretations of taboo expressions can vary depending on co-text and contextual knowledge.
Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera samband mellan användandet av tabuuttryck i ett valt YouTubeklipp samt publikens egna respons och användande av dessa uttryck. Datan som används i denna studie är både muntligt och skriftligt språk. Denna data hämtas från videoklippet samt kommentarsfältet från den valda videon. Denna kvalitativa studie av tabuordsanvändande i YouTubediskurs visar att flera fall av tabuuttryck används i samband med skämt eller återkopplingar. Vissa tabuuttryck används i ett förstärkande syfte som både kan användas i negativ och positiv bemärkelse. Det har också visat sig att tolkningar av tabuuttryck kan variera beroende på förkunskap angående kontext och co-text.
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Bertels, Julie. "Influence de la valence émotionnelle de stimuli auditifs sur l'orientation de l'attention". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210337.

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L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’investiguer l’influence de la valence émotionnelle négative, positive ou taboue des mots parlés sur l’orientation des ressources attentionnelles, dans la population tout-venant. Pour ce faire, j’ai élaboré des adaptations auditives de paradigmes expérimentaux qui avaient été utilisés auparavant dans le but d’explorer l’influence du contenu émotionnel de stimuli visuels sur l’allocation de l’attention :le paradigme de déploiement de l’attention (Etudes 1 et 3), le paradigme de Stroop émotionnel (Etude 2) et le paradigme d’indiçage spatial émotionnel (Etude 4).

En particulier, les Etudes 1, 3 et 4 m’ont permis d’examiner l’influence de la valence émotionnelle de ces stimuli sur l’attention sélective à une localisation spatiale, évaluée au travers des réponses à une cible subséquente.

Dans la situation de compétition pour les ressources attentionnelles spécifique au paradigme de déploiement de l’attention (Etudes 1 et 3), nous avons observé un engagement préférentiel des ressources attentionnelles vers la localisation spatiale des mots tabous, lorsque ceux-ci étaient présentés à droite, par rapport à la localisation spatiale des mots neutres présentés conjointement. Ces biais attentionnels ont été observés quelle que soit l’attention portée volontairement aux stimuli, la nature de la tâche à réaliser sur la cible, ou la charge cognitive liée à la tâche. De tels biais ont également été observés envers la localisation spatiale des mots négatifs et positifs, mais de manière moins robuste. Lorsque deux stimuli rivalisent pour l’orientation des ressources, la valence choquante serait donc cruciale pour l’orientation de l’attention spatiale. De plus, les mots tabous induisent un ralentissement général des temps de réaction (TRs) à la cible subséquente, quelle que soit sa localisation spatiale.

Au contraire, lorsque des mots-indices sont présentés isolément dans le paradigme d’indiçage spatial émotionnel (Etude 4), la valence émotionnelle négative des mots, mais pas leur valence choquante, paraît cruciale pour l’observation d’effets spatiaux :les stimuli les plus négatifs moduleraient l’orientation spatiale automatique de l’attention suscitée par leur présentation périphérique. Plus précisément, ils empêcheraient l’application de processus attentionnels inhibiteurs des localisations déjà explorées. En outre, la présentation d’un indice périphérique négatif accélère le traitement d’une cible subséquente, quelle que soit sa localisation spatiale.

L’influence de la dimension émotionnelle des mots parlés sur l’attention sélective à une dimension (non-émotionnelle) de ces stimuli a été investiguée grâce au paradigme de Stroop émotionnel (Etude 2). Contrairement à mes autres études, aucun déplacement attentionnel spatial n’était impliqué dans cette situation puisque les participants devaient répondre à chaque essai à une dimension non-émotionnelle (l’identité du locuteur) du stimulus (potentiellement émotionnel) présenté. J’ai ainsi observé une influence de la dimension émotionnelle taboue ou négative des mots sur le traitement de la dimension pertinente d’un mot neutre subséquent, mais pas sur le traitement de la dimension pertinente de ces mots eux-mêmes, suggérant l’occurrence d’effets lents, inter-essais, des mots tabous et négatifs, mais pas d’effet rapide.

Ces données appuient donc l’existence, dans une population tout-venant, d’un mécanisme de traitement involontaire du contenu émotionnel des mots parlés qui influence non seulement l’orientation spatiale et dimensionnelle de l’attention mais également, de manière plus générale, la latence des réponses fournies par le sujet.

Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation

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Hroudová, Šárka. "Jazyk španělské nadávky". Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-313662.

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v anglickém jazyce "The language of Spanish Insults" The objective of the present paper was to explore, as the title indicates, the rich variety of the Spanish insults. We centered mainly on the comparison of the Spanish insults to the Czech insults and observed the diferences and specific characteristics of Spanish insults. We began the first part with the definition of formal and informal language and its sociolects, because we believe that it helps to understand the properties of the insults, since they have many common characteristics with the sociolects. Afterwards, we tried to describe the historical and cultural backgrounds, because due to different evolutions in each country, the habits to use insults and curses are different, especially concerning the curses, which are still very common in Spain. In Czech Republic the curses fell into oblivion during the last century, while the people were becoming more atheistic. The role of taboo is also very important, because in each society, taboo is what's influencing the usage and the importance of every insult. Neverthless, the insults don't serve only for attacking somebody or to show disappointment, but they also have other functions, such as identifying with the members of the group or to address someone in a friendly way. In the practical part,...
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Nedbalová, Žofie. "Tabu a eufemizace v komunikaci českých Neslyšících". Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-384313.

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The thesis investigates one aspect of intracultural communication among the Czech Deaf community. Namely, it surveys those themes which are considered to be taboo among Czech Deaf signers and in which ways they are discussed. This topic is explored from the pragmalinguistic perspective. The meanings of terms such as "taboo" and "euphemism" are explained on the basis of theories of politeness. Thereafter, the topics that are regarded to be taboo in the Czech (hearing) culture are presented, as the source of euphemisms in some foreign sign languages. On the basis of such knowledge, the methodology for a pilot investigation into the tabulation of how communication within the Czech Deaf community was created. Based on semi-structured interviews with five Deaf informants it is examined whether the topics of death, serious diseases, human anatomy and physiology, sexual behavior, social inequality in regards to economic status, as well as socially unacceptable behavior such as drunkenness, lying, stealing and cheating are felt to be taboo during communication among the Czech Deaf community. It was proved that the community tabooed many of these topics in a similar way as the hearing Czech. If the Deaf users of Czech Sign Language need or want to talk about them, they often use such lexemes that could be,...
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Junková, Anna. "Tabu a noa v komunikaci. Realizace jazykových tabu v tištěných médiích". Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-300150.

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Taboo and noa in communication. Realization of linguistic taboos in the print media. This thesis deals with issues of the taboo and noa in language and communication. The core of this thesis is to identify the essential tabooed themes in contemporary society and ways of their linguistic realization in the print media. In the theoretical part of this thesis is the first explained substance of the terms such as taboo, noa, communication and linguistic taboos with regard to the interrelations between these terms. In the empirical part are then defined tabooed themes occurring in the concrete texts of the diary Mladá fronta DNES and Blesk and of the periodical Rytmus života and ways of their linguistic grasping. The thesis focuses above all on the manifestations of speech restrictions in the lexical plan of the language.
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Egortchenko, Daria. "Eufemismy v současné ruštině". Master's thesis, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-329083.

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This thesis describes the issue of the use of euphemisms in contemporary Russian language. It is aims to determine thematic areas in which euphemisms are used in contemporary Russian and compare it with conclusions of previous research. Another purpose of the research is determine function of euphemisms for particular thematic areas and compare frequency of incidence of euphemisms in lifestyle magazines for woman and newspaper with extensive target group. Material for the research was derived from the Russian press. Collected examples have not been used in previous studies. Based on theoretical findings thematic areas of using euphemisms and their functions were determined. Collected examples were explored from several perspectives - function, thematic areas they were used for, connection between context and perception of particular name as euphemism, description in the literature etc. One of the conclusions of this thesis is finding that there are thematic areas where euphemisms are used in contemporary Russian that have not been described in the literature. It has been determined that thematic areas of euphemisms incidence and frequency of their use were differed according to sort of periodicals they were found in. In case of frequent occurrence of particular euphemism can be regarded as its...
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Sukhanek, Oleksandr. "Jazyková situace v původem českých komunitách na Jižní Ukrjině (zejm. na Krymu a ve vesnici Novgorodkovka)". Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-340419.

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Abstract. The work is analysing the language situation in Czech communities in Crimea and Novgorodovka village. Fieldwork data from those communities and archive material studies present main reasons of migration from Czech lands to imperial Russia and development of Czech settlements in southern Russian regions. The description of Russian and Ukrainian influence on Czech language phenomena and transformations on all language levels is given, as well as some features of Northeast Bohemian preserved in spoken Czech of Crimean settlers. Key words: Crimean Czech, Crimea, Taurida governorate, Alexandrovka, Bohemka, Tabor, Carekvich, Novgorodkovka, Czechohrad, Czech community, ethnic minority, language community, migration, pronunciation deviation, Northeast Bohemian, cross- language interference.
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