Articoli di riviste sul tema "Sweden and Europe"
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Helmfrid, Staffan. "Sweden, Europe and the World". GeoJournal 31, n. 4 (dicembre 1993): 466.
Testo completoEdström, Bert. "Japan in Europe and Sweden". European Review 8, n. 4 (ottobre 2000): 511–20.
Testo completoJASCHHOF, MATHIAS, e CATRIN JASCHHOF. "New Dicerurini from Europe, mostly Sweden (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae)". Zootaxa 4559, n. 2 (20 febbraio 2019): 245.
Testo completoMakko, Aryo. "Sweden, Europe, and the Cold War: A Reappraisal". Journal of Cold War Studies 14, n. 2 (aprile 2012): 68–97.
Testo completoSilfverhielm, Helena, e Claes Göran Stefansson. "Sweden". International Psychiatry 3, n. 1 (gennaio 2006): 9–12.
Testo completoOLDBERG, INGMAR. "Peace Propaganda and Submarines: Soviet Policy toward Sweden and Northern Europe". ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 481, n. 1 (settembre 1985): 51–60.
Testo completoThor, G. "Caloplaca Lucifuga: A New Lichen Species From Europe". Lichenologist 20, n. 2 (aprile 1988): 175–78.
Testo completoJørgensen, P. M. "The Lichen Genus Pterygiopsis in Northern Europe". Lichenologist 22, n. 3 (luglio 1990): 213–17.
Testo completoShaaban, Rasha. "'Mind the gap': the role of intercultural dialogues in building other Europes". Soundings 73, n. 73 (1 dicembre 2019): 102–10.
Testo completoCarlsnaes, Walter. "Sweden facing the new Europe: Whither neutrality?" European Security 2, n. 1 (marzo 1993): 71–89.
Testo completoAlbin, Björn, Katarina Hjelm, Jan Ekberg e Sölve Elmståhl. "County Differences in Mortality among Foreign-Born Compared to Native Swedes 1970–1999". Nursing Research and Practice 2012 (2012): 1–9.
Testo completoKılıçer, Aybars Arda. "Mechanisms of Electoral Support for Populist, Far-Right, and Anti-Immigration Parties: A Comparative Analysis of the Electoral Successes of AfD in Germany and SD in Sweden". Transatlantic Policy Quarterly 21, n. 1 (15 giugno 2022): 163–78.
Testo completoRingvold, A. "Epidemiology of Glaucoma in Northern Europe". European Journal of Ophthalmology 6, n. 1 (gennaio 1996): 26–29.
Testo completoMeurling, S., S. Kärvemo, N. Chondrelli, M. Cortazar Chinarro, D. Åhlen, L. Brookes, P. Nyström et al. "Occurrence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Sweden: higher infection prevalence in southern species". Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 140 (3 settembre 2020): 209–18.
Testo completoOlsson, Ingrid U. "Recent 14C Activity in the Atmosphere, “Clean Air” and the Chernobyl Effect". Radiocarbon 31, n. 03 (1989): 740–46.
Testo completoDługosz, Sabina. "Right-Wing Populism in Sweden – the Case of the Sweden Democrats". Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia 31, n. 2 (28 dicembre 2024): 37–51.
Testo completoBennet, Louise, Ruzan Udumyan, Carl Johan Östgren, Olov Rolandsson, Stefan P. O. Jansson e Per Wändell. "Mortality in first- and second-generation immigrants to Sweden diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: a 10 year nationwide cohort study". Diabetologia 64, n. 1 (26 settembre 2020): 95–108.
Testo completoFiadi, Ilham Rilin. "Towards NATO Membership: Looking into the End of Sweden's Neutrality Amidst Strategic Shift in Europe". Hasanuddin Journal of Strategic and International Studies (HJSIS) 2, n. 2 (26 giugno 2024): 65–83.
Testo completoLejeune, Aude. "Disability Rights and Cross-National Disparities in Europe". Current History 121, n. 833 (1 marzo 2022): 90–95.
Testo completoSchvéd, Brigitta Kinga. "A 17. századi svéd gyarmatosítás egy rövid epizódja". Belvedere Meridionale 31, n. 3 (2019): 25–38.
Testo completoARUP, Ulf, Emma ARNENG e Ulrik SØCHTING. "Caloplaca fuscorufa—a misunderstood species in northern Europe". Lichenologist 39, n. 5 (settembre 2007): 409–14.
Testo completoAndersson, Martin. "Rural Migration in Premodern Europe: Sweden, 1613–1618". Journal of Migration History 8, n. 2 (15 giugno 2022): 156–72.
Testo completoCastellani, Victor. "A European Sweden, or an Almost-Swedish Europe?" European Legacy 12, n. 3 (maggio 2007): 351–56.
Testo completoAshraf, Aysha. "Political Entrepreneurship: The Role of the European Commission and Sweden in Adopting Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) 2014-2020". Praxis International Journal of Social Science and Literature 6, n. 9 (25 settembre 2023): 249–59.
Testo completoCanning, Victoria. "Degradation by design: women and asylum in northern Europe". Race & Class 61, n. 1 (23 maggio 2019): 46–63.
Testo completode Vahl, Erik, Giulia Mattalia e Ingvar Svanberg. "“Cow Healers Use It for Both Horses and Cattle”: The Rise and Fall of the Ethnoveterinary Use of Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) Koch (fam. Apiaceae) in Sweden". Plants 12, n. 1 (26 dicembre 2022): 116.
Testo completoRundfelt, Rolf. "Insider Trading: Regulation in Europe". Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 1, n. 2 (aprile 1986): 125–30.
Testo completoAvtsinov, Vyacheslav. "How Finland Appeared on the Map of Europe". ISTORIYA 12, n. 7 (105) (2021): 0.
Testo completoPekkarinen, Antti. "Oligolectic bee species in Northern Europe (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)". Entomologica Fennica 8, n. 4 (1 dicembre 1997): 205–14.
Testo completoEklund, Hanna. "Enlargements, and Displacements of Social Europe: the Example of Sweden". European Constitutional Law Review 14, n. 1 (marzo 2018): 114–30.
Testo completoSujecka, Jolanta. "Who Gets Carried Away by Europe?" Colloquia Humanistica, n. 5 (17 dicembre 2016): 199.
Testo completoKorytin, A. V., N. S. Kostrykina e T. A. Malinina. "Carbon taxation in Europe". Law Enforcement Review 7, n. 4 (9 gennaio 2024): 55–65.
Testo completoSwedberg, Richard. "Tocqueville in Sweden". Tocqueville Review 22, n. 1 (gennaio 2001): 201–5.
Testo completoKubka, Andrzej. "Szwecja i problemy spójności współpracy państw w Europie Bałtyckiej w 2018 roku". Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe 16, n. 1-2 (30 novembre 2018): 5–21.
Testo completoHoltz-Bacha, Christina, Bengt Johansson, Jacob Leidenberger, Philippe J. Maarek e Susanne Merkle. "Advertising for Europe". Nordicom Review 33, n. 2 (1 dicembre 2012): 77–92.
Testo completoJenkins, Jennifer, Marko Modiano e Barbara Seidlhofer. "Euro-English". English Today 17, n. 4 (ottobre 2001): 13–19.
Testo completoEkblad, Solvig. "Mental health among recent immigrants to Sweden from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union". International Psychiatry 5, n. 3 (luglio 2008): 55–57.
Testo completoNyström, Kerstin. "Symposium: Sweden/Serbia and Europe – Periphery or Not?" Nordisk Østforum 27, n. 02 (13 giugno 2013): 179–84.
Testo completoCarlsson, Jan. "EMC Europe 2014 in Gothenburg, Sweden - “A Memorable Symposium”". IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 4, n. 1 (2015): 118–20.
Testo completoWastegård, Stefan, e Jane Boygle. "Distal tephrochronology of NW Europe – the view from Sweden". Jökull 62, n. 1 (15 dicembre 2012): 73–80.
Testo completoCarlsson, Jan. "EMC Europe 2022 Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden - Onsite Event". IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 12, n. 3 (2023): 118–19.
Testo completoChuguryan, Simona, Kristina Baculakova e Rudolf Kucharcik. "The welfare state crisis and the strengthening of the far-right in Sweden as a result of increasing migration". Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan University 2, n. 1(4) (31 maggio 2023): 117–36.
Testo completoCiobanu, Veniamin. "Data pertaining to the outbreak of the Lithuanian insurrection (25 March 1831), retrieved from Swedish diplomatic sources". Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies 3, n. 1 (15 agosto 2011): 65–86.
Testo completoRausing, Gad. "The wheeled cauldrons and the wine". Antiquity 71, n. 274 (dicembre 1997): 994–99.
Testo completoMorgan, Julian, Florence Hubert, Dawn Holland e Dirk te Velde. "Section III. Prospects for Europe". National Institute Economic Review 164 (aprile 1998): 46–62.
Testo completoAgafoshin, M. M., e S. A. Gorokhov. "Impact of external migration on changes in the Swedish religious landscape". Baltic Region 12, n. 2 (2020): 84–99.
Testo completoBerglund, Björn E. "How Humans Have Shaped European Nature". Nature and Culture 6, n. 1 (1 marzo 2011): 97–99.
Testo completoVoronov, K. "Security Modus Operandi of the Northern Europe". World Economy and International Relations 65, n. 1 (2021): 82–89.
Testo completoMarks, Sarah. "Psychotherapy in Europe". History of the Human Sciences 31, n. 4 (ottobre 2018): 3–12.
Testo completoKÚDELA, MATÚŠ, PETER H. ADLER e TATIANA KÚDELOVÁ. "Taxonomic status of the black fly Prosimulium italicum Rivosecchi (Diptera: Simuliidae) based on genetic evidence". Zootaxa 4377, n. 2 (31 gennaio 2018): 280.
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