Articoli di riviste sul tema "Surface tension"
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Yang, Jinlong, Joseph M Michaud, Steven Jansen, H. Jochen Schenk e Yi Y. Zuo. "Dynamic surface tension of xylem sap lipids". Tree Physiology 40, n. 4 (6 febbraio 2020): 433–44.
Testo completoPatterson, Ada M. "Surface Tension". Caribbean Quarterly 68, n. 3 (3 luglio 2022): 319–24.
Testo completoMirsky, Steve. "Surface Tension". Scientific American 305, n. 4 (20 settembre 2011): 92.
Testo completoX-Gal. "Surface tension". Journal of Cell Science 122, n. 14 (1 luglio 2009): 2323–24.
Testo completoEdge, R. D. "Surface tension". Physics Teacher 26, n. 9 (dicembre 1988): 586–87.
Testo completoSajdera, Norbert. "Surface tension". Metal Finishing 98, n. 1 (gennaio 2000): 609–10.
Testo completoSajdera, Norbert. "Surface tension". Metal Finishing 97, n. 1 (gennaio 1999): 609–10.
Testo completoSajdera, Norbert. "Surface tension". Metal Finishing 105, n. 10 (2007): 528–30.
Testo completoSajdera, Norbert. "Surface tension". Metal Finishing 99 (gennaio 2001): 604–5.
Testo completoSajdera, Norbert. "Surface tension". Metal Finishing 100 (gennaio 2002): 599–600.
Testo completoSajdera, Norbert. "Surface tension". Metal Finishing 97, n. 1 (gennaio 1999): 610–11.
Testo completoAbsolom, Darryl R. "The role of bacterial hydrophobicity in infection: bacterial adhesion and phagocytic ingestion". Canadian Journal of Microbiology 34, n. 3 (1 marzo 1988): 287–98.
Testo completoSmith, J. C., e D. Stamenovic. "Surface forces in lungs. I. Alveolar surface tension-lung volume relationships". Journal of Applied Physiology 60, n. 4 (1 aprile 1986): 1341–50.
Testo completoHomman, A. A., E. Bourasseau, G. Stoltz, P. Malfreyt, L. Strafella e A. Ghoufi. "Surface tension of spherical drops from surface of tension". Journal of Chemical Physics 140, n. 3 (21 gennaio 2014): 034110.
Testo completoYamamoto, Takehiro, Issei Moriwaki e Ryotaro Yamasaki. "Apparent Dynamic Surface Tension of Polymer Solutions". Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi 45, n. 4 (2017): 181–83.
Testo completoSzleifer, I., e B. Widom. "Surface tension, line tension, and wetting". Molecular Physics 75, n. 4 (marzo 1992): 925–43.
Testo completoVanhanen, J., A. P. Hyvärinen, T. Anttila, T. Raatikainen, Y. Viisanen e H. Lihavainen. "Ternary solution of sodium chloride, succinic acid and water; surface tension and its influence on cloud droplet activation". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8, n. 16 (6 agosto 2008): 4595–604.
Testo completoLewins, J. D. "Plane Surface Tension". International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 27, n. 3 (luglio 1999): 217–29.
Testo completoYOSHIDA, Hideo. "H110 Surface Tension". Proceedings of thermal engineering conference 2001 (2001): 657–61.
Testo completoJärvik, Oliver. "Prediction of Surface Tension of Heteroatom-Rich Fuel Fractions from Pyrolysis of Oil Shale". issue2 6, n. 6 (1 agosto 2023): 26–33.
Testo completoPeng, Tiefeng, Siyuan Yang, Fan Xiang, Yunpei Liang, Qibin Li, Xuechao Gao e Sanjun Liu. "Film tension of liquid nano-film from molecular modeling". International Journal of Modern Physics B 31, n. 04 (6 febbraio 2017): 1750016.
Testo completoDing, Junqi, Heidi E. Warriner e Joseph A. Zasadzinski. "Relation Between Shear Viscosity and Morphology in Lung Surfactant Monolayer". Microscopy and Microanalysis 7, S2 (agosto 2001): 126–27.
Testo completoREES, S. J., e M. P. JUNIPER. "The effect of surface tension on the stability of unconfined and confined planar jets and wakes". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 633 (25 agosto 2009): 71–97.
Testo completoFujisawa, T., T. Utigard e J. M. Toguri. "Surface tension and density of the molten PbCl2–KCl–NaCl ternary system". Canadian Journal of Chemistry 63, n. 5 (1 maggio 1985): 1132–38.
Testo completoDavies, James F., Andreas Zuend e Kevin R. Wilson. "Technical note: The role of evolving surface tension in the formation of cloud droplets". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, n. 5 (7 marzo 2019): 2933–46.
Testo completoLuo, Daobin, Shengbo Wu, Peidong Yan, Jiaojiao Xie e Qiao Zhu. "Laser scattering from the Ag nanofluids droplet on a plate and the surface tension measurement by scattering technique". Journal of Applied Physics 132, n. 1 (7 luglio 2022): 013101.
Testo completoZhuo, Xiao, e Hyeon Beom. "Effect of Side Surface Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nanowires: A Molecular Dynamics Study". Crystals 9, n. 2 (18 febbraio 2019): 102.
Testo completoCisneros-Zevallos, L., M. E. Saltveit e J. M. Krochta. "698 PB 306 WETTABILITY AND SURFACE TENSION OF FRUIT SURFACES". HortScience 29, n. 5 (maggio 1994): 533a—533.
Testo completoRzeczkowski, Piotr, Beate Krause e Petra Pötschke. "Characterization of Highly Filled PP/Graphite Composites for Adhesive Joining in Fuel Cell Applications". Polymers 11, n. 3 (11 marzo 2019): 462.
Testo completoIkushima, Akira J., Masaaki Iino e Masaru Suzuki. "Surface tension of liquid 4He and 3He". Canadian Journal of Physics 65, n. 11 (1 novembre 1987): 1505–9.
Testo completoXu, Cai Xia, e Hai Rong Tang. "Surface Tension and Bubbles". Advanced Materials Research 354-355 (ottobre 2011): 37–40.
Testo completoMeseguer, J., A. Sanz-Andrés, I. Pérez-Grande, S. Pindado, S. Franchini e G. Alonso. "Surface tension and microgravity". European Journal of Physics 35, n. 5 (7 luglio 2014): 055010.
Testo completoNayar, K. G., D. Panchanathan, G. H. McKinley e J. H. Lienhard. "Surface Tension of Seawater". Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 43, n. 4 (dicembre 2014): 043103.
Testo completoVella, Dominic, e Paul D. Metcalfe. "Surface tension dominated impact". Physics of Fluids 19, n. 7 (luglio 2007): 072108.
Testo completoRosenthal, Andrew J. "Demonstration of Surface Tension". Journal of Chemical Education 78, n. 3 (marzo 2001): 332.
Testo completoKhyat, A. El, A. Mavon, M. Leduc, P. Agache e P. Humbert. "Skin critical surface tension." Skin Research and Technology 2, n. 2 (maggio 1996): 91–96.
Testo completoVeitsman, E. V. "On relativistic surface tension". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 265, n. 1 (settembre 2003): 174–78.
Testo completoBhattacharya, T., A. Gocksch, C. P. Korthals Altes e R. Pisarski. "Surface tension in QCD". Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 20 (maggio 1991): 305–8.
Testo completoMenescal, Rogerio, Robert West e Cameron Murray. "Surface tension of polysilanes". Macromolecules 24, n. 1 (gennaio 1991): 329–30.
Testo completoSATO, Makoto. "Physics of surface tension". Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 72, n. 7 (2006): 845–48.
Testo completoZhu, Ming-Shan, e Chun-Xiao Lu. "Surface Tension of Difluoromethane". Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 39, n. 2 (aprile 1994): 205–6.
Testo completoKOPCZYNSKA, AGNIESZKA, e GOTTFRIED W. EHRENSTEIN. "Surface tension of plastics". Polimery 52, n. 09 (settembre 2007): 666–78.
Testo completoLam, Philippe, Kenneth J. Wynne e Gary E. Wnek. "Surface-Tension-Confined Microfluidics". Langmuir 18, n. 3 (febbraio 2002): 948–51.
Testo completoAdler, Charles L., Valen A. Smith e Natalie M. Haddad. "Rainbow surface tension analysis". Optics Express 16, n. 7 (28 marzo 2008): 5118.
Testo completoOwen, Michael J. "Surface tension of polytrifluoropropylmethylsiloxane". Journal of Applied Polymer Science 35, n. 4 (marzo 1988): 895–901.
Testo completoLuck, W. A. P. "Understanding of surface tension?" Colloid & Polymer Science 279, n. 6 (1 giugno 2001): 554–61.
Testo completoSATO, Kouhei, Atsusi NIDAIRA, Nobuyuki KUSANO, Komei SUZUKI e Hiroshi KOIBUCHI. "String Tension and Surface Tension of Fluid Membranes". Proceedings of Conference of Kanto Branch 2004.10 (2004): 327–28.
Testo completoHarničárová, Marta, Jan Valíček, Jana Müllerová, Milena Kušnerová, Radovan Grznárik e Pavel Koštial. "A New Approach to Surface Tension According to the Surface Topographical Features in Laser Cutting Technology". Defect and Diffusion Forum 334-335 (febbraio 2013): 65–70.
Testo completoCENICEROS, HECTOR D., e THOMAS Y. HOU. "The singular perturbation of surface tension in Hele-Shaw flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 409 (25 aprile 2000): 251–72.
Testo completoVanhanen, J., A. P. Hyvärinen, T. Anttila, Y. Viisanen e H. Lihavainen. "Ternary solution of sodium chloride, succinic acid and water – surface tension and its influence on cloud droplet activation". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 8, n. 2 (14 aprile 2008): 7189–216.
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