Articoli di riviste sul tema "Structure"
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Yamasaki, Satoshi, e Kazuhiko Fukui. "2P266 Tertiary structure prediction of RNA-RNA complex structures using secondary structure information(22A. Bioinformatics: Structural genomics,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S203.
Testo completoAftandiliants, Ye G. "Modelling of structure forming in structural steels". Naukovij žurnal «Tehnìka ta energetika» 11, n. 4 (10 settembre 2020): 13–22.
Testo completoRath, Shonal, e Hardik Agrawal. "Decentralized Computational Structure for the Selection of Dispersed and Non - Structured Data Proposal". International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 10, n. 9 (27 settembre 2021): 815–21.
Testo completoPatil, K. S., e Ajit K. Kakade. "Seismic Response of R.C. Structures With Different Steel Bracing Systems Considering Soil - Structure Interaction". Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education 15, n. 2 (1 aprile 2018): 411–13.
Testo completoCacciola, Pierfrancesco, Maria Garcia Espinosa e Alessandro Tombari. "Vibration control of piled-structures through structure-soil-structure-interaction". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 77 (ottobre 2015): 47–57.
Testo completoRoy, Christine, Said Bolourchi e Daniel Eggers. "Significance of structure–soil–structure interaction for closely spaced structures". Nuclear Engineering and Design 295 (dicembre 2015): 680–87.
Testo completoBenlakhdar, Mohyédine. "« Structure argumentale et structure circonstancielle dans les structures Verbe-Nom »". Études et Documents Berbères N° 15-16, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1998): 211–17.
Testo completoGrigorenko, G. M., V. D. Poznyakov, T. A. Zuber e V. A. Kostin. "Peculiarities of formation of structure in welded joints of microalloyed structural steel S460M". Paton Welding Journal 2017, n. 10 (28 ottobre 2017): 2–8.
Testo completoHAUCK, J., e K. MIKA. "STRUCTURE MAPS OF SURFACE STRUCTURES". Surface Review and Letters 07, n. 01n02 (febbraio 2000): 37–53.
Testo completoHAUCK, J., W. ERKENS, K. MIKA e K. WINGERATH. "STRUCTURE MAPS FOR POLYMER STRUCTURES". International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, n. 23 (10 settembre 2002): 3449–57.
Testo completoMieldzioc, Adam. "Structure identification for a linearly structured covariance matrix". Biometrical Letters 59, n. 2 (1 dicembre 2022): 159–69.
Testo completoTamura, Shohei, Yaemi Teramoto, Jiro Katto e Hiroshi Wako. "1P041 Structural alignment with Delaunay codes characterizing local structures and structural motifs identified by the alignment(1. Protein structure and dynamics (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)". Seibutsu Butsuri 46, supplement2 (2006): S157.
Testo completoKnappett, J. A., P. Madden e K. Caucis. "Seismic structure–soil–structure interaction between pairs of adjacent building structures". Géotechnique 65, n. 5 (maggio 2015): 429–41.
Testo completoPurser, Gordon H. "Lewis Structures Are Models for Predicting Molecular Structure, Not Electronic Structure". Journal of Chemical Education 76, n. 7 (luglio 1999): 1013.
Testo completoNakaminami, Masamitsu, Tsutomu Tokuma, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Sachinori Sakashita, Toshimichi Moriwaki e Keiichi Nakamoto. "Optimal Structure Design Methodology for Compound Multiaxis Machine Tools - II - Investigation of Basic Structure -". International Journal of Automation Technology 1, n. 2 (5 novembre 2007): 87–93.
Testo completoMiehe, Gerhard, e Heribert Graetsch. "Crystal structure of moganite: a new structure type for silica". European Journal of Mineralogy 4, n. 4 (11 agosto 1992): 693–706.
Testo completoKolaki, Aravind I., e Basavaraj M. Gudadappanavar. "Performance Based Analysis of Framed Structure Considering Soil Structure Interaction". Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface 4, Special Issue (30 luglio 2016): 106–11.
Testo completoKuppuraj, Gopi, Fumiko Suzuki, Masahiko Ikeuchi e Kei Yura. "3P050 Structural insights into enzyme-bound flavin adenine dinucleotides (FAD)(01A. Protein: Structure,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S220.
Testo completoStandley, Daron M., Hiroyuki Toh e Haruki Nakamura. "S08I2 Functional Annotation Sequence-weighted Structure Alignments(Bioinformatics in the Era of Structural Proteomics)". Seibutsu Butsuri 47, supplement (2007): S11.
Testo completoFadlur Rahman Bayuny, Ahmad, e Razali Haron. "Board structure, ownership structure, and capital structure: Empirical evidence on Shariah and non-Shariah compliant firms in Indonesia". Banks and Bank Systems 18, n. 4 (30 novembre 2023): 241–54.
Testo completoKim, Tatyana S. "Opposition Text Structure". International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, n. 4 (28 febbraio 2020): 3689–99.
Testo completoMillán, Claudia, e Isabel Usón. "Crystallographic structure solution". Arbor 191, n. 772 (30 aprile 2015): a218.
Testo completoTAKEYA, H., T. OZAKI e N. TAKEDA. "SMS-30: Fabrication of Highly Reliable Advanced Grid Structure(SMS-V: SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, NDE)". Proceedings of the JSME Materials and Processing Conference (M&P) 2005 (2005): 43–44.
Testo completoCui, Lijuan, e Viktoriia Medvid. "Interactive relationship between China’s industrial structure and human resources employment structure". Problems and Perspectives in Management 20, n. 1 (4 febbraio 2022): 177–89.
Testo completoSmolyak, S. S. "Electronic structure and atomic structure peculiarities of isomorphic modified zinc diphosphates". Functional materials 21, n. 1 (30 marzo 2014): 80–85.
Testo completoKouichirou, Anno, e Takeshi Nishihata. "DEVELOPMENT ON OFFSHORE STRUCTURE". Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, n. 32 (31 gennaio 2011): 50.
Testo completoZhang, Xueqin, Keqiang Zhang, Lu Zhang, Wenqing Wang, Ying Li e Rujie He. "Additive manufacturing of cellular ceramic structures: From structure to structure–function integration". Materials & Design 215 (marzo 2022): 110470.
Testo completoMadani, B., F. Behnamfar e H. Tajmir Riahi. "Dynamic response of structures subjected to pounding and structure–soil–structure interaction". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 78 (novembre 2015): 46–60.
Testo completoJabary, R. N., e S. P. G. Madabhushi. "Structure-soil-structure interaction effects on structures retrofitted with tuned mass dampers". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 100 (settembre 2017): 301–15.
Testo completoZhang, Le, Lilong Dang, Feng Luo e Xuefeng Feng. "Solvent-controlled assembly of crystal structures: From centrosymmetric structure to noncentrosymmetric structure". Journal of Molecular Structure 1106 (febbraio 2016): 114–20.
Testo completoDoreian, Patrick. "On the evolution of group and network structure II: Structures within structure". Social Networks 8, n. 1 (marzo 1986): 33–64.
Testo completoRead, R. J. "Structure-factor probabilities for related structures". Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 46, n. 11 (1 novembre 1990): 900–912.
Testo completoSalcedo, Roberto, e L. E. Sansores. "Electronic structure of C40 possible structures". Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 422, n. 1-3 (gennaio 1998): 245–52.
Testo completoBel'ko, I. V. "Structure function of foliatedG K -structures". Mathematical Notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 40, n. 5 (novembre 1986): 875–79.
Testo completoShervashidze, Nino, e Francis Bach. "Learning the Structure for Structured Sparsity". IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63, n. 18 (settembre 2015): 4894–902.
Testo completoMachiraju, R., Zhifan Zhu, B. Fry e R. Moorhead. "Structure-significant representation of structured datasets". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 4, n. 2 (1998): 117–32.
Testo completoMolina, B., e L. E. Sansores. "Electronic structure of Ge3N4 possible structures". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 80, n. 2 (2000): 249–57.<249::aid-qua19>;2-9.
Testo completoPeruzzi, Alberto. "Action of structures, structure of actions". Axiomathes 6, n. 3 (dicembre 1995): 325–48.
Testo completoSeemann, Stefan E., Aashiq H. Mirza, Claus H. Bang-Berthelsen, Christian Garde, Mikkel Christensen-Dalsgaard, Christopher T. Workman, Flemming Pociot, Niels Tommerup, Jan Gorodkin e Walter L. Ruzzo. "Does rapid sequence divergence preclude RNA structure conservation in vertebrates?" Nucleic Acids Research 50, n. 5 (21 febbraio 2022): 2452–63.
Testo completoLei, Yan, Chenglin Li e Liang Wan. "High-Temperature Tensile Properties of a Cobalt-Based Co-20Cr-15W-10Ni Superalloy with a Bimodal Grain Structure". Crystals 13, n. 2 (29 gennaio 2023): 232.
Testo completoLu, Yaxin, Jeremy Richmond, Kekic Murat, Jianlin Yin e Brett Hambly. "2P039 Structural defects in fibrillin associated with Marfan syndrome(01B. Protein: Structure & Function,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S165.
Testo completoBaek, Mihwa, Masakatsu Kamiya, Taichi Nakazumi, Satoshi Tomisawa, Yasuhiro Kumaki, Takashi Kikukawa, Makoto Demura, Keiichi Kawano e Tomoyasu Aizawa. "3P011 Structural analysis of antimicrobial peptide CP1 with LPS by NMR(01A. Protein: Structure,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S213.
Testo completoMills, Stuart J., Anthony R. Kampf, Andrew M. McDonald, Luca Bindi, Andrew G. Christy, Uwe Kolitsch e Georges Favreau. "The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate?sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods". European Journal of Mineralogy 25, n. 4 (20 dicembre 2013): 693–704.
Testo completoRazmyshlyaev, O. D., S. Yu Maksymov, O. M. Berdnikova, O. O. Prylypko, O. S. Kushnyaryova e T. O. Alekseyenko. "Effect of external electromagnetic field configuration on metal structure of welded joints of structural steel". Paton Welding Journal 2022, n. 10 (28 ottobre 2022): 13–17.
Testo completoMartin, J. R., e Y. J. Doran. "Structure markers". Language, Context and Text 5, n. 1 (26 maggio 2023): 16–48.
Testo completoKiening, Ochsenreiter, Hellinger, Rattei, Hofacker e Frishman. "Conserved Secondary Structures in Viral mRNAs". Viruses 11, n. 5 (29 aprile 2019): 401.
Testo completoYang, Dongxia, e Changsheng Fan. "The Mechanical Properties of Wood-Based Grid Sandwich Structures". Forests 13, n. 6 (3 giugno 2022): 877.
Testo completoStroo-Moredo, Elena, e Marnix Krikke. "Improving the Reuse of Design Data during the Tender Phase". Journal of Ship Production and Design 31, n. 02 (1 maggio 2015): 67–78.
Testo completoPerez, J. Alvaro, Christelle Pittet, Daniel Alazard e Thomas Loquen. "Integrated Control/Structure Design of a Large Space Structure using Structured H∞ Control". IFAC-PapersOnLine 49, n. 17 (2016): 302–7.
Testo completoWEBBER, B., M. EGG e V. KORDONI. "Discourse structure and language technology". Natural Language Engineering 18, n. 4 (8 dicembre 2011): 437–90.
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