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Yamasaki, Satoshi, e Kazuhiko Fukui. "2P266 Tertiary structure prediction of RNA-RNA complex structures using secondary structure information(22A. Bioinformatics: Structural genomics,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S203.

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Aftandiliants, Ye G. "Modelling of structure forming in structural steels". Naukovij žurnal «Tehnìka ta energetika» 11, n. 4 (10 settembre 2020): 13–22.

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Abstract (sommario):
The study showed that the influence of alloying elements on the secondary structure formation of the steels containing from 0.19 to 0.37 wt. % carbon; 0.82-1.82 silicon; 0.63-3.03 manganese; 1.01-3.09 chromium; 0.005-0.031 nitrogen; up to 0.25 wt.% vanadium and austenite grain size is determined by their change in the content of vanadium nitride phase in austenite, its alloying and overheating above tac3, and the dispersion of ferrite-pearlite, martensitic and bainitic structures is determined by austenite grain size and thermal kinetic parameters of phase transformations. Analytical dependencies are defined that describe the experimental data with a probability of 95% and an error of 10% to 18%. An analysis results of studying the structure formation of structural steel during tempering after quenching show that the dispersion and uniformity of the distribution of carbide and nitride phases in ferrite is controlled at complete austenite homogenization by diffusion mobility and the solubility limit of carbon and nitrogen in ferrite, and secondary phase quantity in case of the secondary phase presence in austenite more than 0.04 wt. %. Equations was obtained which, with a probability of 95% and an error of 0.7 to 2.6%, describe the real process.
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Rath, Shonal, e Hardik Agrawal. "Decentralized Computational Structure for the Selection of Dispersed and Non - Structured Data Proposal". International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 10, n. 9 (27 settembre 2021): 815–21.

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Patil, K. S., e Ajit K. Kakade. "Seismic Response of R.C. Structures With Different Steel Bracing Systems Considering Soil - Structure Interaction". Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education 15, n. 2 (1 aprile 2018): 411–13.

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Cacciola, Pierfrancesco, Maria Garcia Espinosa e Alessandro Tombari. "Vibration control of piled-structures through structure-soil-structure-interaction". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 77 (ottobre 2015): 47–57.

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Roy, Christine, Said Bolourchi e Daniel Eggers. "Significance of structure–soil–structure interaction for closely spaced structures". Nuclear Engineering and Design 295 (dicembre 2015): 680–87.

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Benlakhdar, Mohyédine. "« Structure argumentale et structure circonstancielle dans les structures Verbe-Nom »". Études et Documents Berbères N° 15-16, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1998): 211–17.

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Grigorenko, G. M., V. D. Poznyakov, T. A. Zuber e V. A. Kostin. "Peculiarities of formation of structure in welded joints of microalloyed structural steel S460M". Paton Welding Journal 2017, n. 10 (28 ottobre 2017): 2–8.

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HAUCK, J., e K. MIKA. "STRUCTURE MAPS OF SURFACE STRUCTURES". Surface Review and Letters 07, n. 01n02 (febbraio 2000): 37–53.

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Abstract (sommario):
The adatom positions of adsorbates like A=H, Se, Xe on (100) or (111) surfaces of bcc or ccp metals and related compounds like hcp metals, NaCl or ZnS form a square, hexagonal, honeycomb or Kagomé net. The ordered structures can be characterized by the self-coordination numbers of nearest, next-nearest and third neighbors T1, T2, T3 and the T1, T2 values plotted in structure maps for a constant ratio of vacant/occupied sites. Most experimental structures have a single coordination of all A atoms. The interactions between A atoms are attractive for chains of A atoms with T1=2 and repulsive for T1=0 or T1=T2=0. The structures with intermediate T1, T2 values can be characterized by sequences of structural units like squares or hexagons with a different occupation of the corners by A atoms.
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HAUCK, J., W. ERKENS, K. MIKA e K. WINGERATH. "STRUCTURE MAPS FOR POLYMER STRUCTURES". International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, n. 23 (10 settembre 2002): 3449–57.

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Abstract (sommario):
One-, two- and three-dimensional structures A x B y can be characterized by the numbers T1, T2 and T3 of the nearest, next-nearest and third neighbors of the same kind. A smaller number of structures at the border of the T1, T2, T3 structure map is stabilized by enthalpy compared to an increased number of entropy stabilized structures away from the border. Structures with T1 = 2 nearest neighbors of all A atoms are suitable for infinite chains of polymers like (CH) ∞, ( CHCH 2)∞ or ( CH 2)∞.
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Mieldzioc, Adam. "Structure identification for a linearly structured covariance matrix". Biometrical Letters 59, n. 2 (1 dicembre 2022): 159–69.

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Abstract (sommario):
Summary Linearly structured covariance matrices are widely used in multivariate analysis. The covariance structure can be chosen from a class of linear structures. Therefore, the optimal structure is identified in terms of minimizing the discrepancy function. In this research, the entropy loss function is used as the discrepancy function. We give a methodology and algorithm for determining the optimal structure from the class of structures under consideration. The accuracy of the proposed method is checked using a simulation study.
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Tamura, Shohei, Yaemi Teramoto, Jiro Katto e Hiroshi Wako. "1P041 Structural alignment with Delaunay codes characterizing local structures and structural motifs identified by the alignment(1. Protein structure and dynamics (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)". Seibutsu Butsuri 46, supplement2 (2006): S157.

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Knappett, J. A., P. Madden e K. Caucis. "Seismic structure–soil–structure interaction between pairs of adjacent building structures". Géotechnique 65, n. 5 (maggio 2015): 429–41.

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Purser, Gordon H. "Lewis Structures Are Models for Predicting Molecular Structure, Not Electronic Structure". Journal of Chemical Education 76, n. 7 (luglio 1999): 1013.

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Nakaminami, Masamitsu, Tsutomu Tokuma, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Sachinori Sakashita, Toshimichi Moriwaki e Keiichi Nakamoto. "Optimal Structure Design Methodology for Compound Multiaxis Machine Tools - II - Investigation of Basic Structure -". International Journal of Automation Technology 1, n. 2 (5 novembre 2007): 87–93.

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Abstract (sommario):
Compound multiaxis machine tools are used to machine high-value-added parts through integrating milling and turning. Compound machine tools are generally structured based on a conventional NC lathe by incorporating Y axis and automatic tool changer (ATC) components for milling. Due to complexity of the structure and functional versatility required for a compound machine tool, accuracy, productivity, and return on investment (ROI) must be improved over conventional NC lathes and machining centers. In the sections that follow, we discuss design methodology for compound multiaxis machine tools, focusing on the design of an optimal basic structure for high accuracy and high productivity. We propose a box in box structure, a movable column-Y axis, and a boring machine structure. We analyzed static rigidity, dynamic features, and movement accuracy of machine structures theoretically using FEM for three proposed structures. We found that the box in box structure is suitable for compound multiaxis machine tools to achieve high accuracy and high productivity.
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Miehe, Gerhard, e Heribert Graetsch. "Crystal structure of moganite: a new structure type for silica". European Journal of Mineralogy 4, n. 4 (11 agosto 1992): 693–706.

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Kolaki, Aravind I., e Basavaraj M. Gudadappanavar. "Performance Based Analysis of Framed Structure Considering Soil Structure Interaction". Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface 4, Special Issue (30 luglio 2016): 106–11.

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Kuppuraj, Gopi, Fumiko Suzuki, Masahiko Ikeuchi e Kei Yura. "3P050 Structural insights into enzyme-bound flavin adenine dinucleotides (FAD)(01A. Protein: Structure,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S220.

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Standley, Daron M., Hiroyuki Toh e Haruki Nakamura. "S08I2 Functional Annotation Sequence-weighted Structure Alignments(Bioinformatics in the Era of Structural Proteomics)". Seibutsu Butsuri 47, supplement (2007): S11.

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Fadlur Rahman Bayuny, Ahmad, e Razali Haron. "Board structure, ownership structure, and capital structure: Empirical evidence on Shariah and non-Shariah compliant firms in Indonesia". Banks and Bank Systems 18, n. 4 (30 novembre 2023): 241–54.

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Abstract (sommario):
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of board structure and ownership structure on capital structure of Shariah-compliant firms and Non-Shariah-compliant firms in Indonesia. The study used the Generalized Method of Moments to analyze the relationship by applying 2,739 data observations of non-financial companies registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses commissionaire size, director size, female director, female commissionaire, independent director, and independent commissionaire as proxies for board structure, and ownership concentration and government ownership for ownership structure. The results showed that for Sharia-compliant firms, the relevant determinants are all variables of board structure and ownership structure except independent director. For Sharia non-compliant firms, the only non-relevant determinants are female director and commissionaire size. Interestingly, most of the board structure variables in Shariah compliant firms indicate a strong negative relationship with capital structure of firms (except total commissionaire). This may indicate that board structure of Shariah compliant firms strives to lower the leverage level of the firm. This may also indicate that most managers of Shariah compliant firms are risk averse.
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Kim, Tatyana S. "Opposition Text Structure". International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, n. 4 (28 febbraio 2020): 3689–99.

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Millán, Claudia, e Isabel Usón. "Crystallographic structure solution". Arbor 191, n. 772 (30 aprile 2015): a218.

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TAKEYA, H., T. OZAKI e N. TAKEDA. "SMS-30: Fabrication of Highly Reliable Advanced Grid Structure(SMS-V: SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, NDE)". Proceedings of the JSME Materials and Processing Conference (M&P) 2005 (2005): 43–44.

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Cui, Lijuan, e Viktoriia Medvid. "Interactive relationship between China’s industrial structure and human resources employment structure". Problems and Perspectives in Management 20, n. 1 (4 febbraio 2022): 177–89.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study aims to understand the relationship between China’s industrial structure and human resources employment structure. This paper reviewed the relevant data from the China Statistical Yearbook, China Population and Employment Statistical Yearbook between 2010 and 2019 and quantitatively analyzed the interrelationship between the two using the CORREL function, employment elasticity coefficient, and employment structure deviation coefficient. Results indicate that the two have a strong correlation, but the coordination is poor; from the perspective of stimulating economic effect on employment, the total employment elasticity coefficient of the three industries is primarily positive, but the absolute value is close to 0. The synchronous inspiring effect of economic growth of various industries on employment is not apparent. In terms of equilibrium, the degree of structural deviation of the primary industry fluctuated between –0.70 and –0.75 each year, and the degree of structural deviation of the secondary industry has always hovered around 0.4. Although the degree of structural deviation of the tertiary industry was stable overall, mainly in some years, the deviation coefficient was still higher than 0.2, and the degree of imbalance between the economic development of various industries and the employment structure is more severe.
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Smolyak, S. S. "Electronic structure and atomic structure peculiarities of isomorphic modified zinc diphosphates". Functional materials 21, n. 1 (30 marzo 2014): 80–85.

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Kouichirou, Anno, e Takeshi Nishihata. "DEVELOPMENT ON OFFSHORE STRUCTURE". Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, n. 32 (31 gennaio 2011): 50.

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Abstract (sommario):
Authors have developed the offshore structure for control of sea environment named S-VHS construction method, which is composed of the sloping top slit-type caisson and steel pipe piles. The sloping top form enables to realize the remarkable reduction of wave force exerted on the dike body compared with the conventional one. In this paper, hydraulic feature with wave dissipation ability and wave force reduction effect are verified through some hydraulic experiments. After the preliminary study for the valid structure form, reflection and transmission ability for the selected structure models were tested with the hydraulic experiment relevant to the ratio of caisson width and wave length. Finally, wave force experiment was executed and it revealed the performance of wave force reduction. Based on the results, we proposed specific design wave force formula for S-VHS construction method.
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Zhang, Xueqin, Keqiang Zhang, Lu Zhang, Wenqing Wang, Ying Li e Rujie He. "Additive manufacturing of cellular ceramic structures: From structure to structure–function integration". Materials & Design 215 (marzo 2022): 110470.

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Madani, B., F. Behnamfar e H. Tajmir Riahi. "Dynamic response of structures subjected to pounding and structure–soil–structure interaction". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 78 (novembre 2015): 46–60.

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Jabary, R. N., e S. P. G. Madabhushi. "Structure-soil-structure interaction effects on structures retrofitted with tuned mass dampers". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 100 (settembre 2017): 301–15.

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Zhang, Le, Lilong Dang, Feng Luo e Xuefeng Feng. "Solvent-controlled assembly of crystal structures: From centrosymmetric structure to noncentrosymmetric structure". Journal of Molecular Structure 1106 (febbraio 2016): 114–20.

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Doreian, Patrick. "On the evolution of group and network structure II: Structures within structure". Social Networks 8, n. 1 (marzo 1986): 33–64.

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Read, R. J. "Structure-factor probabilities for related structures". Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 46, n. 11 (1 novembre 1990): 900–912.

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Salcedo, Roberto, e L. E. Sansores. "Electronic structure of C40 possible structures". Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 422, n. 1-3 (gennaio 1998): 245–52.

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Bel'ko, I. V. "Structure function of foliatedG K -structures". Mathematical Notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 40, n. 5 (novembre 1986): 875–79.

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Shervashidze, Nino, e Francis Bach. "Learning the Structure for Structured Sparsity". IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63, n. 18 (settembre 2015): 4894–902.

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Machiraju, R., Zhifan Zhu, B. Fry e R. Moorhead. "Structure-significant representation of structured datasets". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 4, n. 2 (1998): 117–32.

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Molina, B., e L. E. Sansores. "Electronic structure of Ge3N4 possible structures". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 80, n. 2 (2000): 249–57.<249::aid-qua19>;2-9.

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Peruzzi, Alberto. "Action of structures, structure of actions". Axiomathes 6, n. 3 (dicembre 1995): 325–48.

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Seemann, Stefan E., Aashiq H. Mirza, Claus H. Bang-Berthelsen, Christian Garde, Mikkel Christensen-Dalsgaard, Christopher T. Workman, Flemming Pociot, Niels Tommerup, Jan Gorodkin e Walter L. Ruzzo. "Does rapid sequence divergence preclude RNA structure conservation in vertebrates?" Nucleic Acids Research 50, n. 5 (21 febbraio 2022): 2452–63.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Accelerated evolution of any portion of the genome is of significant interest, potentially signaling positive selection of phenotypic traits and adaptation. Accelerated evolution remains understudied for structured RNAs, despite the fact that an RNA’s structure is often key to its function. RNA structures are typically characterized by compensatory (structure-preserving) basepair changes that are unexpected given the underlying sequence variation, i.e., they have evolved through negative selection on structure. We address the question of how fast the primary sequence of an RNA can change through evolution while conserving its structure. Specifically, we consider predicted and known structures in vertebrate genomes. After careful control of false discovery rates, we obtain 13 de novo structures (and three known Rfam structures) that we predict to have rapidly evolving sequences—defined as structures where the primary sequences of human and mouse have diverged at least twice as fast (1.5 times for Rfam) as nearby neutrally evolving sequences. Two of the three known structures function in translation inhibition related to infection and immune response. We conclude that rapid sequence divergence does not preclude RNA structure conservation in vertebrates, although these events are relatively rare.
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Lei, Yan, Chenglin Li e Liang Wan. "High-Temperature Tensile Properties of a Cobalt-Based Co-20Cr-15W-10Ni Superalloy with a Bimodal Grain Structure". Crystals 13, n. 2 (29 gennaio 2023): 232.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cobalt-based superalloys are common materials for the manufacturing of various components used in aerospace applications. Conventional cobalt-based superalloys with a unimodal grain structure generally exhibit low strength and ductility at high temperatures. A bimodal grain structure of a cobalt-based superalloy, Co–20Cr–15W–10Ni (CCWN), was designed to achieve both high strength and ductility at high temperatures. The deformation behavior and tensile properties of a CCWN alloy with unimodal fine-grain (FG), coarse-grain (CG), and bimodal (FG/CG) structures were investigated at 900 °C. The microstructures and substructures after high-temperature deformation were examined via electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) to determine the deformation mechanisms. The microstructural observation showed that the bimodal grain structure consisted of FG and CG domains. During high-temperature deformation at 900 °C, the FG structure was mainly deformed by dynamic recrystallization (DRX), maintaining a similar FG structure. The CG structure was mainly deformed by DRV, resulting in a small amount of DRX grains and a large amount of dynamic recovery (DRV) grains. However, the bimodal grain structures were mainly softened via DRX and transformed into a new bimodal structure, ultrafine grain (UFG) and FG. The FG domains tended to deform via dislocations, and the CG domains via twinning. The high-temperature tensile tests revealed that the bimodal-structured alloy exhibited both higher strength and ductility than those of the alloy samples with unimodal FG or CG structure. This is associated with the newly developed UFG/FG structures in the bimodal grain-structured samples during high-temperature deformation. This work may provide new insight into the development of high-temperature alloys with bimodal grain structures.
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Lu, Yaxin, Jeremy Richmond, Kekic Murat, Jianlin Yin e Brett Hambly. "2P039 Structural defects in fibrillin associated with Marfan syndrome(01B. Protein: Structure & Function,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S165.

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Baek, Mihwa, Masakatsu Kamiya, Taichi Nakazumi, Satoshi Tomisawa, Yasuhiro Kumaki, Takashi Kikukawa, Makoto Demura, Keiichi Kawano e Tomoyasu Aizawa. "3P011 Structural analysis of antimicrobial peptide CP1 with LPS by NMR(01A. Protein: Structure,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S213.

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Mills, Stuart J., Anthony R. Kampf, Andrew M. McDonald, Luca Bindi, Andrew G. Christy, Uwe Kolitsch e Georges Favreau. "The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate?sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods". European Journal of Mineralogy 25, n. 4 (20 dicembre 2013): 693–704.

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Razmyshlyaev, O. D., S. Yu Maksymov, O. M. Berdnikova, O. O. Prylypko, O. S. Kushnyaryova e T. O. Alekseyenko. "Effect of external electromagnetic field configuration on metal structure of welded joints of structural steel". Paton Welding Journal 2022, n. 10 (28 ottobre 2022): 13–17.

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Martin, J. R., e Y. J. Doran. "Structure markers". Language, Context and Text 5, n. 1 (26 maggio 2023): 16–48.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract In this paper we revisit the association of types of structure with modes of meaning in systemic functional linguistics (SFL). Focusing mainly on nominal group grammar, we argue that the association of experiential structure with non-recursive systems realised by multivariate structures and logical structure with recursive systems realised by univariate structures needs to be relaxed – in recognition of dependency structures consisting of two elements in a head/dependent relation. We refer to such structures as subjacency duplexes and explore their potential for the analysis of what are often dismissed in SFL as structure markers – adpositions, linkers and binders in particular.
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Kiening, Ochsenreiter, Hellinger, Rattei, Hofacker e Frishman. "Conserved Secondary Structures in Viral mRNAs". Viruses 11, n. 5 (29 aprile 2019): 401.

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Abstract (sommario):
RNA secondary structure in untranslated and protein coding regions has been shown to play an important role in regulatory processes and the viral replication cycle. While structures in non-coding regions have been investigated extensively, a thorough overview of the structural repertoire of protein coding mRNAs, especially for viruses, is lacking. Secondary structure prediction of large molecules, such as long mRNAs remains a challenging task, as the contingent of structures a sequence can theoretically fold into grows exponentially with sequence length. We applied a structure prediction pipeline to Viral Orthologous Groups that first identifies the local boundaries of potentially structured regions and subsequently predicts their functional importance. Using this procedure, the orthologous groups were split into structurally homogenous subgroups, which we call subVOGs. This is the first compilation of potentially functional conserved RNA structures in viral coding regions, covering the complete RefSeq viral database. We were able to recover structural elements from previous studies and discovered a variety of novel structured regions. The subVOGs are available through our web resource RNASIV (RNA structure in viruses;
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Yang, Dongxia, e Changsheng Fan. "The Mechanical Properties of Wood-Based Grid Sandwich Structures". Forests 13, n. 6 (3 giugno 2022): 877.

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Abstract (sommario):
In order to reduce the weight of the panels used in buildings and minimize the use of wood, it is of great practical significance to study the mechanical properties of wood-based sandwich structures for adaptation to modern wood-structured buildings. In this paper, a wood-based pyramid structure specimen with large interconnection space was designed and prepared first. Based on the results of the flat compression, in order to strengthen the core layer of the sandwich structure, an interlocking grid structure can be used. The mechanical properties of two kinds of structure specimens, including bearing capacity, compressive strength, specific strength, load–mass ratio, safety factor distribution, and specific energy absorption, were studied by means of experimental test, theoretical analysis, and finite element analysis. It was concluded that the apparent density of the two structures was lower than that of the materials of which they were composed. However, the overall flat compressive strength of the two structures was higher than that of their constituent materials, which were high-strength materials in the field of natural materials. The mechanical properties of the interlocking grid structures were better than those of the pyramid structures. Based on the criterion of cell structure stability, it can be concluded that the wood-based pyramid structure was a flexural-dominant structure, and the interlocking grid structure was a tensile-dominant structure. The results show that the core layer design plays an important role in the mechanical properties and failure modes of wood-based sandwich structures.
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Stroo-Moredo, Elena, e Marnix Krikke. "Improving the Reuse of Design Data during the Tender Phase". Journal of Ship Production and Design 31, n. 02 (1 maggio 2015): 67–78.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article presents a methodology to improve the reuse of design data in the tender phase. This methodology consists of the implementation of two novel structures: a Functional Breakdown Structure and a System Breakdown Structure. The first provides a tool to capture that key data, which is currently missing, for the reuse at an early stage of design. The second structure ensures that the design data are structured, documented, and easy accessible and retrievable for new tenders. The two structures are linked to ensure the traceability and reusability of design data for new tenders.
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Perez, J. Alvaro, Christelle Pittet, Daniel Alazard e Thomas Loquen. "Integrated Control/Structure Design of a Large Space Structure using Structured H∞ Control". IFAC-PapersOnLine 49, n. 17 (2016): 302–7.

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WEBBER, B., M. EGG e V. KORDONI. "Discourse structure and language technology". Natural Language Engineering 18, n. 4 (8 dicembre 2011): 437–90.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractAn increasing number of researchers and practitioners in Natural Language Engineering face the prospect of having to work with entire texts, rather than individual sentences. While it is clear that text must have useful structure, its nature may be less clear, making it more difficult to exploit in applications. This survey of work on discourse structure thus provides a primer on the bases of which discourse is structured along with some of their formal properties. It then lays out the current state-of-the-art with respect to algorithms for recognizing these different structures, and how these algorithms are currently being used in Language Technology applications. After identifying resources that should prove useful in improving algorithm performance across a range of languages, we conclude by speculating on future discourse structure-enabled technology.
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