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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Structure"


Yamasaki, Satoshi, e Kazuhiko Fukui. "2P266 Tertiary structure prediction of RNA-RNA complex structures using secondary structure information(22A. Bioinformatics: Structural genomics,Poster)". Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S203. http://dx.doi.org/10.2142/biophys.53.s203_1.

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Aftandiliants, Ye G. "Modelling of structure forming in structural steels". Naukovij žurnal «Tehnìka ta energetika» 11, n. 4 (10 settembre 2020): 13–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.31548/machenergy2020.04.013.

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Abstract (sommario):
The study showed that the influence of alloying elements on the secondary structure formation of the steels containing from 0.19 to 0.37 wt. % carbon; 0.82-1.82 silicon; 0.63-3.03 manganese; 1.01-3.09 chromium; 0.005-0.031 nitrogen; up to 0.25 wt.% vanadium and austenite grain size is determined by their change in the content of vanadium nitride phase in austenite, its alloying and overheating above tac3, and the dispersion of ferrite-pearlite, martensitic and bainitic structures is determined by austenite grain size and thermal kinetic parameters of phase transformations. Analytical dependencies are defined that describe the experimental data with a probability of 95% and an error of 10% to 18%. An analysis results of studying the structure formation of structural steel during tempering after quenching show that the dispersion and uniformity of the distribution of carbide and nitride phases in ferrite is controlled at complete austenite homogenization by diffusion mobility and the solubility limit of carbon and nitrogen in ferrite, and secondary phase quantity in case of the secondary phase presence in austenite more than 0.04 wt. %. Equations was obtained which, with a probability of 95% and an error of 0.7 to 2.6%, describe the real process.
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Rath, Shonal, e Hardik Agrawal. "Decentralized Computational Structure for the Selection of Dispersed and Non - Structured Data Proposal". International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 10, n. 9 (27 settembre 2021): 815–21. https://doi.org/10.21275/sr21916144223.

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Patil, K. S., e Ajit K. Kakade. "Seismic Response of R.C. Structures With Different Steel Bracing Systems Considering Soil - Structure Interaction". Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education 15, n. 2 (1 aprile 2018): 411–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.29070/15/56856.

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Cacciola, Pierfrancesco, Maria Garcia Espinosa e Alessandro Tombari. "Vibration control of piled-structures through structure-soil-structure-interaction". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 77 (ottobre 2015): 47–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.04.006.

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Roy, Christine, Said Bolourchi e Daniel Eggers. "Significance of structure–soil–structure interaction for closely spaced structures". Nuclear Engineering and Design 295 (dicembre 2015): 680–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2015.07.067.

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Benlakhdar, Mohyédine. "« Structure argumentale et structure circonstancielle dans les structures Verbe-Nom »". Études et Documents Berbères N° 15-16, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1998): 211–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/edb.015.0211.

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Grigorenko, G. M., V. D. Poznyakov, T. A. Zuber e V. A. Kostin. "Peculiarities of formation of structure in welded joints of microalloyed structural steel S460M". Paton Welding Journal 2017, n. 10 (28 ottobre 2017): 2–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2017.10.01.

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HAUCK, J., e K. MIKA. "STRUCTURE MAPS OF SURFACE STRUCTURES". Surface Review and Letters 07, n. 01n02 (febbraio 2000): 37–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0218625x00000075.

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Abstract (sommario):
The adatom positions of adsorbates like A=H, Se, Xe on (100) or (111) surfaces of bcc or ccp metals and related compounds like hcp metals, NaCl or ZnS form a square, hexagonal, honeycomb or Kagomé net. The ordered structures can be characterized by the self-coordination numbers of nearest, next-nearest and third neighbors T1, T2, T3 and the T1, T2 values plotted in structure maps for a constant ratio of vacant/occupied sites. Most experimental structures have a single coordination of all A atoms. The interactions between A atoms are attractive for chains of A atoms with T1=2 and repulsive for T1=0 or T1=T2=0. The structures with intermediate T1, T2 values can be characterized by sequences of structural units like squares or hexagons with a different occupation of the corners by A atoms.
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HAUCK, J., W. ERKENS, K. MIKA e K. WINGERATH. "STRUCTURE MAPS FOR POLYMER STRUCTURES". International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, n. 23 (10 settembre 2002): 3449–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0217979202012141.

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Abstract (sommario):
One-, two- and three-dimensional structures A x B y can be characterized by the numbers T1, T2 and T3 of the nearest, next-nearest and third neighbors of the same kind. A smaller number of structures at the border of the T1, T2, T3 structure map is stabilized by enthalpy compared to an increased number of entropy stabilized structures away from the border. Structures with T1 = 2 nearest neighbors of all A atoms are suitable for infinite chains of polymers like (CH) ∞, ( CHCH 2)∞ or ( CH 2)∞.
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Tesi sul tema "Structure"


Sibai, Munira. "Optimization of an Unfurlable Space Structure". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/99908.

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Abstract (sommario):
Deployable structures serve a large number of space missions. They are vital since spacecraft are launched by placing them inside launch vehicle payload fairings of limited volume. Traditional spacecraft design often involves large components. These components could have power, communication, or optics applications and include booms, masts, antennas, and solar arrays. Different stowing methods are used in order to reduce the overall size of a spacecraft. Some examples of stowing methods include simple articulating, more complex origami inspired folding, telescoping, and rolling or wrapping. Wrapping of a flexible component could reduce the weight by eliminating joints and other components needed to enable some of the other mechanisms. It also is one of the most effective methods at reducing the compaction volume of the stowed deployable. In this study, a generic unfurlable structure is optimized for maximum natural frequency at its fully deployed configuration and minimal strain energy in its stowed configuration. The optimized stowed structure is then deployed in simulation. The structure consists of a rectangular panel that tightly wraps around a central cylindrical hub for release in space. It is desired to minimize elastic energy in the fully wrapped panel and hinge to ensure minimum reaction load into the spacecraft as it deploys in space, since that elastic energy stored at the stowed position transforms into kinetic energy when the panel is released and induces a moment in the connected spacecraft. It is also desired to maximize the fundamental frequency of the released panel as a surrogate for the panel having sufficient stiffness. Deployment dynamic analysis of the finite element model was run to ensure satisfactory optimization formulation and results.
Master of Science
Spacecraft, or artificial satellites, do not fly from earth to space on their own. They are launched into their orbits by placing them inside launch vehicles, also known as carrier rockets. Some parts or components of spacecraft are large and cannot fit in their designated space inside launch vehicles without being stowed into smaller volumes first. Examples of large components on spacecraft include solar arrays, which provide power to the spacecraft, and antennas, which are used on satellite for communication purposes. Many methods have been developed to stow such large components. Many of these methods involve folding about joints or hinges, whether it is done in a simple manner or by more complex designs. Moreover, components that are flexible enough could be rolled or wrapped before they are placed in launch vehicles. This method reduces the mass which the launch vehicle needs to carry, since added mass of joints is eliminated. Low mass is always desirable in space applications. Furthermore, wrapping is very effective at minimizing the volume of a component. These structures store energy inside them as they are wrapped due to the stiffness of their materials. This behavior is identical to that observed in a deformed spring. When the structures are released in space, that energy is released, and thus, they deploy and try to return to their original form. This is due to inertia, where the stored strain energy turns into kinetic energy as the structure deploys. The physical analysis of these structures, which enables their design, is complex and requires computational solutions and numerical modeling. The best design for a given problem can be found through numerical optimization. Numerical optimization uses mathematical approximations and computer programming to give the values of design parameters that would result in the best design based on specified criterion and goals. In this thesis, numerical optimization was conducted for a simple unfurlable structure. The structure consists of a thin rectangular panel that wraps tightly around a central cylinder. The cylinder and panel are connected with a hinge that is a rotational spring with some stiffness. The optimization was solved to obtain the best values for the stiffness of the hinge, the thickness of the panel, which is allowed to vary along its length, and the stiffness or elasticity of the panel's material. The goals or objective of the optimization was to ensure that the deployed panel meets stiffness requirement specified for similar space components. Those requirements are set to make certain that the spacecraft can be controlled from earth even with its large component deployed. Additionally, the second goal of the optimization was to guarantee that the unfurling panel does not have very high energy stored while it's wrapped, so that it would not cause large motion the connected spacecraft in the zero gravity environments of space. A computer simulation was run with the resulting hinge stiffness and panel elasticity and thickness values with the cylinder and four panels connected to a structure representing a spacecraft. The simulation results and deployment animation were assessed to confirm that desired results were achieved.
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Peters, David W. "Design of diffractive optical elements through low-dimensional optimization". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/54614.

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Abstract (sommario):
The simulation of diffractive optical structures allows for the efficient testing of a large number of structures without having to actually fabricate these devices. Various forms of analysis of these structures have been done through computer programs in the past. However, programs that can actually design a structure to perform a given task are very limited in scope. Optimization of a structure can be a task that is very processor time intensive, particularly if the optimization space has many dimensions. This thesis describes the creation of a computer program that is able to find an optimal structure while maintaining a low-dimensional search space, thus greatly reducing the processor time required to find the solution. The program can design the optimal structure for a wide variety of planar optical devices that conform to the weakly-guiding approximation with an efficient code that incorporates the low-dimensional search space concept. This work is the first use of an electromagnetic field solver inside of an optimization loop for the design of an optimized diffractive-optic structure.
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Thakur, Sudhir K. "Structure and structural changes in India: A fundamental economic structure approach". The Ohio State University, 2004. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1092857658.

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Plessas, Spyridon D. "Fluid-structure interaction in composite structures". Thesis, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/41432.

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Abstract (sommario):
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In this research, dynamic characteristics of polymer composite beam and plate structures were studied when the structures were in contact with water. The effect of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) on natural frequencies, mode shapes, and dynamic responses was examined for polymer composite structures using multiphysics-based computational techniques. Composite structures were modeled using the finite element method. The fluid was modeled as an acoustic medium using the cellular automata technique. Both techniques were coupled so that both fluid and structure could interact bi-directionally. In order to make the coupling easier, the beam and plate finite elements have only displacement degrees of freedom but no rotational degrees of freedom. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique was applied to the transient responses of the composite structures with and without FSI, respectively, so that the effect of FSI can be examined by comparing the two results. The study showed that the effect of FSI is significant on dynamic properties of polymer composite structures. Some previous experimental observations were confirmed using the results from the computer simulations, which also enhanced understanding the effect of FSI on dynamic responses of composite structures.
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Keyhani, Ali. "A Study On The Predictive Optimal Active Control Of Civil Engineering Structures". Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2000. https://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/223.

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Abstract (sommario):
Uncertainty involved in the safe and comfort design of the structures is a major concern of civil engineers. Traditionally, the uncertainty has been overcome by utilizing various and relatively large safety factors for loads and structural properties. As a result in conventional design of for example tall buildings, the designed structural elements have unnecessary dimensions that sometimes are more than double of the ones needed to resist normal loads. On the other hand the requirements for strength and safety and comfort can be conflicting. Consequently, an alternative approach for design of the structures may be of great interest in design of safe and comfort structures that also offers economical advantages. Recently, there has been growing interest among the researchers in the concept of structural control as an alternative or complementary approach to the existing approaches of structural design. A few buildings have been designed and built based on this concept. The concept is to utilize a device for applying a force (known as control force) to encounter the effects of disturbing forces like earthquake force. However, the concept still has not found its rightful place among the practical engineers and more research is needed on the subject. One of the main problems in structural control is to find a proper algorithm for determining the optimum control force that should be applied to the structure. The investigation reported in this thesis is concerned with the application of active control to civil engineering structures. From the literature on control theory. (Particularly literature on the control of civil engineering structures) problems faced in application of control theory were identified and classified into two categories: 1) problems common to control of all dynamical systems, and 2) problems which are specially important in control of civil engineering structures. It was concluded that while many control algorithms are suitable for control of dynamical systems, considering the special problems in controlling civil structures and considering the unique future of structural control, many otherwise useful control algorithms face practical problems in application to civil structures. Consequently a set of criteria were set for judging the suitability of the control algorithms for use in control of civil engineering structures. Various types of existing control algorithms were investigated and finally it was concluded that predictive optimal control algorithms possess good characteristics for purpose of control of civil engineering structures. Among predictive control algorithms, those that use ARMA stochastic models for predicting the ground acceleration are better fitted to the structural control environment because all the past measured excitation is used to estimate the trends of the excitation for making qualified guesses about its coming values. However, existing ARMA based predictive algorithms are devised specially for earthquake and require on-line measurement of the external disturbing load which is not possible for dynamic loads like wind or blast. So, the algorithms are not suitable for tall buildings that experience both earthquake and wind loads during their life. Consequently, it was decided to establish a new closed loop predictive optimal control based on ARMA models as the first phase of the study. In this phase it was initially established that ARMA models are capable of predicting response of a linear SDOF system to the earthquake excitation a few steps ahead. The results of the predictions encouraged a search for finding a new closed loop optimal predictive control algorithm for linear SDOF structures based on prediction of the response by ARMA models. The second part of phase I, was devoted to developing and testing the proposed algorithm The new developed algorithm is different from other ARMA based optimal controls since it uses ARMA models for prediction of the structure response while existing algorithms predict the input excitation. Modeling the structure response as an AR or ARMA stochastic process is an effective mean for prediction of the structure response while avoiding measurement of the input excitation. ARMA models used in the algorithm enables it to avoid or reduce the time delay effect by predicting the structure response a few steps ahead. Being a closed loop control, the algorithm is suitable for all structural control conditions and can be used in a single control mechanism for vibration control of tall buildings against wind, earthquake or other random dynamic loads. Consequently the standby time is less than that for existing ARMA based algorithms devised only for earthquakes. This makes the control mechanism more reliable. The proposed algorithm utilizes and combines two different mathematical models. First model is an ARMA model representing the environment and the structure as a single system subjected to the unknown random excitation and the second model is a linear SDOF system which represents the structure subjected to a known past history of the applied control force only. The principle of superposition is then used to combine the results of these two models to predict the total response of the structure as a function of the control force. By using the predicted responses, the minimization of the performance index with respect to the control force is carried out for finding the optimal control force. As phase II, the proposed predictive control algorithm was extended to structures that are more complicated than linear SDOF structures. Initially, the algorithm was extended to linear MDOF structures. Although, the development of the algorithm for MDOF structures was relatively straightforward, during testing of the algorithm, it was found that prediction of the response by ARMA models can not be done as was done for SDOF case. In the SDOF case each of the two components of the state vector (i.e. displacement and velocity) was treated separately as an ARMA stochastic process. However, applying the same approach to each component of the state vector of a MDOF structure did not yield satisfactory results in prediction of the response. Considering the whole state vector as a multi-variable ARMA stochastic vector process yielded the desired results in predicting the response a few steps ahead. In the second part of this phase, the algorithm was extended to non-linear MDOF structures. Since the algorithm had been developed based on the principle of superposition, it was not possible to directly extend the algorithm to non-linear systems. Instead, some generalized response was defined. Then credibility of the ARMA models in predicting the generalized response was verified. Based on this credibility, the algorithm was extended for non-linear MDOF structures. Also in phase II, the stability of a controlled MDOF structure was proved. Both internal and external stability of the system were described and verified. In phase III, some problems of special interest, i.e. soil-structure interaction and control time delay, were investigated and compensated for in the framework of the developed predictive optimal control. In first part of phase III soil-structure interaction was studied. The half-space solution of the SSI effect leads to a frequency dependent representation of the structure-footing system, which is not fit for control purpose. Consequently an equivalent frequency independent system was proposed and defined as a system whose frequency response is equal to the original structure -footing system in the mean squares sense. This equivalent frequency independent system then was used in the control algorithm. In the second part of this phase, an analytical approach was used to tackle the time delay phenomenon in the context of the predictive algorithm described in previous chapters. A generalized performance index was defined considering time delay. Minimization of the generalized performance index resulted into a modified version of the algorithm in which time delay is compensated explicitly. Unlike the time delay compensation technique used in the previous phases of this investigation, which restricts time delay to be an integer multiplier of the sampling period, the modified algorithm allows time delay to be any non-negative number. However, the two approaches produce the same results if time delay is an integer multiplier of the sampling period. For evaluating the proposed algorithm and comparing it with other algorithms, several numerical simulations were carried during the research by using MATLAB and its toolboxes. A few interesting results of these simulations are enumerated below: ARM A models are able to predict the response of both linear and non-linear structures to random inputs such as earthquakes. The proposed predictive optimal control based on ARMA models has produced better results in the context of reducing velocity, displacement, total energy and operational cost compared to classic optimal control. Proposed active control algorithm is very effective in increasing safety and comfort. Its performance is not affected much by errors in the estimation of system parameters (e.g. damping). The effect of soil-structure interaction on the response to control force is considerable. Ignoring SSI will cause a significant change in the magnitude of the frequency response and a shift in the frequencies of the maximum response (resonant frequencies). Compensating the time delay effect by the modified version of the proposed algorithm will improve the performance of the control system in achieving the control goal and reduction of the structural response.
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Keyhani, Ali. "A Study On The Predictive Optimal Active Control Of Civil Engineering Structures". Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/223.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Uncertainty involved in the safe and comfort design of the structures is a major concern of civil engineers. Traditionally, the uncertainty has been overcome by utilizing various and relatively large safety factors for loads and structural properties. As a result in conventional design of for example tall buildings, the designed structural elements have unnecessary dimensions that sometimes are more than double of the ones needed to resist normal loads. On the other hand the requirements for strength and safety and comfort can be conflicting. Consequently, an alternative approach for design of the structures may be of great interest in design of safe and comfort structures that also offers economical advantages. Recently, there has been growing interest among the researchers in the concept of structural control as an alternative or complementary approach to the existing approaches of structural design. A few buildings have been designed and built based on this concept. The concept is to utilize a device for applying a force (known as control force) to encounter the effects of disturbing forces like earthquake force. However, the concept still has not found its rightful place among the practical engineers and more research is needed on the subject. One of the main problems in structural control is to find a proper algorithm for determining the optimum control force that should be applied to the structure. The investigation reported in this thesis is concerned with the application of active control to civil engineering structures. From the literature on control theory. (Particularly literature on the control of civil engineering structures) problems faced in application of control theory were identified and classified into two categories: 1) problems common to control of all dynamical systems, and 2) problems which are specially important in control of civil engineering structures. It was concluded that while many control algorithms are suitable for control of dynamical systems, considering the special problems in controlling civil structures and considering the unique future of structural control, many otherwise useful control algorithms face practical problems in application to civil structures. Consequently a set of criteria were set for judging the suitability of the control algorithms for use in control of civil engineering structures. Various types of existing control algorithms were investigated and finally it was concluded that predictive optimal control algorithms possess good characteristics for purpose of control of civil engineering structures. Among predictive control algorithms, those that use ARMA stochastic models for predicting the ground acceleration are better fitted to the structural control environment because all the past measured excitation is used to estimate the trends of the excitation for making qualified guesses about its coming values. However, existing ARMA based predictive algorithms are devised specially for earthquake and require on-line measurement of the external disturbing load which is not possible for dynamic loads like wind or blast. So, the algorithms are not suitable for tall buildings that experience both earthquake and wind loads during their life. Consequently, it was decided to establish a new closed loop predictive optimal control based on ARMA models as the first phase of the study. In this phase it was initially established that ARMA models are capable of predicting response of a linear SDOF system to the earthquake excitation a few steps ahead. The results of the predictions encouraged a search for finding a new closed loop optimal predictive control algorithm for linear SDOF structures based on prediction of the response by ARMA models. The second part of phase I, was devoted to developing and testing the proposed algorithm The new developed algorithm is different from other ARMA based optimal controls since it uses ARMA models for prediction of the structure response while existing algorithms predict the input excitation. Modeling the structure response as an AR or ARMA stochastic process is an effective mean for prediction of the structure response while avoiding measurement of the input excitation. ARMA models used in the algorithm enables it to avoid or reduce the time delay effect by predicting the structure response a few steps ahead. Being a closed loop control, the algorithm is suitable for all structural control conditions and can be used in a single control mechanism for vibration control of tall buildings against wind, earthquake or other random dynamic loads. Consequently the standby time is less than that for existing ARMA based algorithms devised only for earthquakes. This makes the control mechanism more reliable. The proposed algorithm utilizes and combines two different mathematical models. First model is an ARMA model representing the environment and the structure as a single system subjected to the unknown random excitation and the second model is a linear SDOF system which represents the structure subjected to a known past history of the applied control force only. The principle of superposition is then used to combine the results of these two models to predict the total response of the structure as a function of the control force. By using the predicted responses, the minimization of the performance index with respect to the control force is carried out for finding the optimal control force. As phase II, the proposed predictive control algorithm was extended to structures that are more complicated than linear SDOF structures. Initially, the algorithm was extended to linear MDOF structures. Although, the development of the algorithm for MDOF structures was relatively straightforward, during testing of the algorithm, it was found that prediction of the response by ARMA models can not be done as was done for SDOF case. In the SDOF case each of the two components of the state vector (i.e. displacement and velocity) was treated separately as an ARMA stochastic process. However, applying the same approach to each component of the state vector of a MDOF structure did not yield satisfactory results in prediction of the response. Considering the whole state vector as a multi-variable ARMA stochastic vector process yielded the desired results in predicting the response a few steps ahead. In the second part of this phase, the algorithm was extended to non-linear MDOF structures. Since the algorithm had been developed based on the principle of superposition, it was not possible to directly extend the algorithm to non-linear systems. Instead, some generalized response was defined. Then credibility of the ARMA models in predicting the generalized response was verified. Based on this credibility, the algorithm was extended for non-linear MDOF structures. Also in phase II, the stability of a controlled MDOF structure was proved. Both internal and external stability of the system were described and verified. In phase III, some problems of special interest, i.e. soil-structure interaction and control time delay, were investigated and compensated for in the framework of the developed predictive optimal control. In first part of phase III soil-structure interaction was studied. The half-space solution of the SSI effect leads to a frequency dependent representation of the structure-footing system, which is not fit for control purpose. Consequently an equivalent frequency independent system was proposed and defined as a system whose frequency response is equal to the original structure -footing system in the mean squares sense. This equivalent frequency independent system then was used in the control algorithm. In the second part of this phase, an analytical approach was used to tackle the time delay phenomenon in the context of the predictive algorithm described in previous chapters. A generalized performance index was defined considering time delay. Minimization of the generalized performance index resulted into a modified version of the algorithm in which time delay is compensated explicitly. Unlike the time delay compensation technique used in the previous phases of this investigation, which restricts time delay to be an integer multiplier of the sampling period, the modified algorithm allows time delay to be any non-negative number. However, the two approaches produce the same results if time delay is an integer multiplier of the sampling period. For evaluating the proposed algorithm and comparing it with other algorithms, several numerical simulations were carried during the research by using MATLAB and its toolboxes. A few interesting results of these simulations are enumerated below: ARM A models are able to predict the response of both linear and non-linear structures to random inputs such as earthquakes. The proposed predictive optimal control based on ARMA models has produced better results in the context of reducing velocity, displacement, total energy and operational cost compared to classic optimal control. Proposed active control algorithm is very effective in increasing safety and comfort. Its performance is not affected much by errors in the estimation of system parameters (e.g. damping). The effect of soil-structure interaction on the response to control force is considerable. Ignoring SSI will cause a significant change in the magnitude of the frequency response and a shift in the frequencies of the maximum response (resonant frequencies). Compensating the time delay effect by the modified version of the proposed algorithm will improve the performance of the control system in achieving the control goal and reduction of the structural response.
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Guy, Nicolas. "Modèle et commande structurés : application aux grandes structures spatiales flexibles". Thesis, Toulouse, ISAE, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ESAE0036/document.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Dans cette thèse, les problématiques de la modélisation et du contrôle robuste de l’attitude des grandes structures spatiales flexibles sont considérées. Afin de satisfaire les performances de pointage requises dans les scénarios des futures missions spatiales, nous proposons d’optimiser directement une loi de commande d’ordre réduit sur un modèle de validation d’ordre élevé et des critères qui exploitent directement la structure du modèle. Ainsi, les travaux de cette thèse sont naturellement divisés en deux parties : une partie relative à l’obtention d’un modèle dynamique judicieusement structuré du véhicule spatial qui servira à l’étape de synthèse ; une seconde partie concernant l’obtention de la loi de commande.Ces travaux sont illustrés sur l’exemple académique du système masses-ressort, qui est la représentation la plus simple d’un système flexible à un degré de liberté. En complément, un cas d’étude sur un satellite géostationnaire est traité pour valider les approches sur un exemple plus réaliste d’une problématique industrielle
In this thesis, modeling and robust attitude control problems of large flexible space structures are considered. To meet the required pointing performance of future space missions scenarios, we propose to directly optimize a reduced order control law on high order model validation and criteria that directly exploit the model structure. Thus, the work of this thesis is naturally divided into two parts : one part on obtaining a wisely structured dynamic model of the spacecraft to be used in the synthesis step, a second part about getting the law control. This work is illustrated on the example of the academic spring-masses system, which is the simplest representation of a one degree of freedom flexible system. In addition, a geostationary satellite study case is processed to validate developed approaches on a more realistic example of an industrial problem
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Schiefer, Stefan. "Crystal structure of fiber structured pentacene thin films". Diss., lmu, 2007. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-75797.

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Zedek, Nadia. "Complex ownership structures, banks' capital structure and performance". Thesis, Limoges, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIMO0005/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse examine l’impact de la structure actionnariale sur la structure du capital et la performance des banques commerciales européennes sur la période 2002-2010. Elle est composée de trois essais empiriques. Le premier chapitre teste l'effet de la divergence entre les droits de contrôle et les droits pécuniaires d'un actionnaire ultime sur l’ajustement du ratio du capital à son niveau optimal et sur l’offre de crédit par les banques. Les résultats montrent qu’en présence de divergence entre les droits de contrôle et les droits pécuniaires, les banques n’émettent pas du capital pour augmenter leur ratio et, au contraire, elles réduisent leur taille en ralentissant leur offre de prêts. Le chapitre 2 teste l’effet de cette divergence sur la rentabilité et le risque bancaires en temps normal et en temps de crise. Les résultats montrent que bien qu'une divergence entre les droits de contrôle et les droits pécuniaires soit associée en temps normal à une rentabilité plus faible et un risque plus élevé elle a, à contrario, amélioré la rentabilité et contribué à la résilience des banques pendant la crise financière de 2007-2008. Le troisième chapitre teste si le réseau des actionnaires auquel la banque est liée au sein d’une chaîne de contrôle affecte la relation entre la diversification et la performance. Les résultats montrent que la présence des investisseurs institutionnels dans les chaînes de contrôle aide les banques à tirer des bénéfices lorsqu’elles diversifient leurs activités
This dissertation examines the role of ownership structure in explaining capital structure and performance of European commercial banks from 2002 to 2010. It comprises three empirical essays. The first chapter explores the effect of greater control rights than cash-flow rights of an ultimate owner on the bank’s capital ratio adjustment and its lending decisions. The results show that whenever control rights exceed cash-flow rights, banks do not issue equity to increase their capital ratio and, instead, downsize by mainly slowing their lending. Chapter 2 provides evidence on how the divergence between control and cash-flow rights affects bank profitability and risk during normal times and distress times. The findings emphasize that during normal times the divergence between control and cash-flow rights is associated with lower profitability and higher risk. Conversely, during the acute financial crisis period (2007-2008), such a divergence improves profitability and banks’ resilience to shocks. The third chapter takes into account differences in the strength of ownership network to which banks belong when assessing the effect of greater activity diversification on bank performance. The results show that diseconomies of diversification vanish the stronger is the ownership network surrounding the bank in the control chain. Such mitigating roles are attributable to the presence of domestic and foreign institutional owners in the pyramid
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Violette, Michael A. "Fluid structure interaction effect on sandwich composite structures". Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/5533.

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The objective of this research is to examine the fluid structure interaction (FSI) effect on composite sandwich structures under a low velocity impact. The primary sandwich composite used in this study was a 6.35-mm balsa core and a multi-ply symmetrical plain weave 6 oz E-glass skin. The specific geometry of the composite was a 305 by 305 mm square with clamped boundary conditions. Using a uniquely designed vertical drop-weight testing machine, there were three fluid conditions in which these experiments focused. The first of these conditions was completely dry (or air) surrounded testing. The second condition was completely water submerged. The final condition was a wet top/air-backed surrounded test. The tests were conducted progressively from a low to high drop height to best conclude the onset and spread of damage to the sandwich composite when impacted with the test machine. The measured output of these tests was force levels and multi-axis strain performance. The collection and analysis of this data will help to increase the understanding of the study of sandwich composites, particularly in a marine environment.
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Libri sul tema "Structure"


Baerlocher, C., J. M. Bennett, W. Depmeier, A. N. Fitch, H. Jobic, H. van Koningsveld, W. M. Meier, A. Pfenninger e O. Terasaki, a cura di. Structures and Structure Determination. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-69749-7.

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Kwon, Young W. Fluid-Structure Interaction of Composite Structures. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57638-7.

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International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (4th 1989 Mexico City, Mexico). Structural dynamics and soil-structure interaction. A cura di Cakmak A. S. 1934- e Herrera Ismael. Ashurst: Computational Mechanics, 1989.

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Chiarotti, G., a cura di. Structure. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/b41604.

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Crane, Tillman. Structure. San Francisco: Custom & Limited Editions, 2001.

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Taylor, Kim. Structure. New York: J. Wiley, 1992.

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Taylor, Kim. Structure. New York: J. Wiley, 1992.

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Huang, C. T. James, e Robert May, a cura di. Logical Structure and Linguistic Structure. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-3472-9.

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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development., a cura di. Industrial structure statistics =: Statistiques des structures industrielles. Paris: O.E.C.D., 1987.

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Beach, Charles M. Structural unemployment, demographic change or industrial structure? Kingston, Ont: Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, 1986.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Structure"


Kahle, Reinhard. "Structure and Structures". In Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 109–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93342-9_7.

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Whitaker, Todd, e Courtney Monterecy. "Structure, Structure, Structure". In Turning It Around, 35–41. New York: Routledge, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003321323-5.

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Bates, Frederick L. "Structure and Structural Analysis". In Sociopolitical Ecology, 49–67. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-0251-1_3.

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Beverungen, Daniel, Martin Matzner e Jens Poeppelbuss. "Structure, Structure, Structure? Designing and Managing Smart Service Systems as Socio-Technical Structures". In The Art of Structuring, 361–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-06234-7_34.

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Nayak, Chittaranjan, Snehal Walke e Suraj Kokare. "Optimal Structural Design of Diagrid Structure for Tall Structure". In ICRRM 2019 – System Reliability, Quality Control, Safety, Maintenance and Management, 263–71. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8507-0_39.

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Stede, Manfred, e Arthit Suriyawongkul. "Identifying Logical Structure and Content Structure in Loosely-Structured Documents". In Linguistic Modeling of Information and Markup Languages, 81–96. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-3331-4_5.

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Kaufmann, Stephan. "Structure". In Mathematica as a Tool, 227–327. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8526-3_3.

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Pelleg, Joshua. "Structure". In Mechanical Properties of Silicon Based Compounds: Silicides, 5–12. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22598-8_2.

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Kamins, Ted. "Structure". In Polycrystalline Silicon for Integrated Circuits and Displays, 57–122. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-5577-3_2.

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Tichý, Milík. "Structure". In Topics in Safety, Reliability and Quality, 94–102. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-1948-1_4.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Structure"


Fares, Reine, Maria Paola Santisi d'Avila, Anne Deschamps e Evelyne Foerster. "STRUCTURE-SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION ANALYSIS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAMED STRUCTURES". In XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics. Athens: EASD, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.47964/1120.9231.19162.

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Bruck, Hugh A. "Processing-Structure-Property Relationships in Hierarchically-Structured Polymer Composites for Multifunctional Structures". In ASME 2008 9th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASMEDC, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/esda2008-59088.

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This research focuses on elucidating on the processing-structure-property relationship in hierarchically-structured polymer composites that are being developed for multifunctional structures. This is accomplished through characterization of the transition in mechanical behavior that occurs across length scales and compositions by: (a) development of model hierarchically-structured composite materials using a combination of model nanoscale and microscale ingredients (carbon nanofibers (CNFs) and carbon microfibers (CMFs)) reinforcing a High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) thermoplastic polymer that can be extruded or solvent processed, (b) characterization and modeling of the transition compositions in the polymer nanocomposites through melt rheology, and (c) the effect of the CNF on the dynamic compressive behavior of CMF-reinforced polymer composites.
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"Structure/Flow Interaction in Inflatable Structures". In 55th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.iac-04-u.3.a.06.

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Georg, Gersende, Hugo Hernault, Marc Cavazza, Helmut Prendinger e Mitsuru Ishizuka. "From rhetorical structures to document structure". In the 9th ACM symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1600193.1600235.

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Liu, Chuang, Yuyao Wang, Yibing Zhan, Xueqi Ma, Dapeng Tao, Jia Wu e Wenbin Hu. "Where to Mask: Structure-Guided Masking for Graph Masked Autoencoders". In Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-24}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2024/241.

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Graph masked autoencoders (GMAE) have emerged as a significant advancement in self-supervised pre-training for graph-structured data. Previous GMAE models primarily utilize a straightforward random masking strategy for nodes or edges during training. However, this strategy fails to consider the varying significance of different nodes within the graph structure. In this paper, we investigate the potential of leveraging the graph's structural composition as a fundamental and unique prior in the masked pre-training process. To this end, we introduce a novel structure-guided masking strategy (i.e., StructMAE), designed to refine the existing GMAE models. StructMAE involves two steps: 1) Structure-based Scoring: Each node is evaluated and assigned a score reflecting its structural significance. Two distinct types of scoring manners are proposed: predefined and learnable scoring. 2) Structure-guided Masking: With the obtained assessment scores, we develop an easy-to-hard masking strategy that gradually increases the structural awareness of the self-supervised reconstruction task. Specifically, the strategy begins with random masking and progresses to masking structure-informative nodes based on the assessment scores. This design gradually and effectively guides the model in learning graph structural information. Furthermore, extensive experiments consistently demonstrate that our StructMAE method outperforms existing state-of-the-art GMAE models in both unsupervised and transfer learning tasks. Codes are available at https: //github.com/LiuChuang0059/StructMAE.
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Anderson, L. M., S. Carey e J. Amin. "Effect of Structure, Soil, and Ground Motion Parameters on Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction of Large Scale Nuclear Structures". In Structures Congress 2011. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/41171(401)249.

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Tuss, Jim, Allen Lockyer, Kevin Alt, Flerida Uldrich, Robert Kinslow, Jayanath Kudva e Allan Goetz. "Conformal loadbearing antenna structure". In 37th Structure, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.1996-1415.

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ZHAO, BANGHUA, e WENBIN YU. "Multiscale Structural Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Using Mechanics of Structure Genome". In American Society for Composites 2017. Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publications, Inc., 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.12783/asc2017/15171.

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Abney, Steven. "Prosodic structure, performance structure and phrase structure". In the workshop. Morristown, NJ, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.3115/1075527.1075629.

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Hwang, Jyh-Jing, Tsung-Wei Ke, Jianbo Shi e Stella X. Yu. "Adversarial Structure Matching for Structured Prediction Tasks". In 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/cvpr.2019.00418.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Structure"


Bell, Gary, e Duncan Bryant. Red River Structure physical model study : bulkhead testing. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), giugno 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/40970.

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The US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, and its non-federal sponsors are designing and constructing a flood risk management project that will reduce the risk of flooding in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area. There is a 30-mile long diversion channel around the west side of the city of Fargo, as well as a staging area that will be formed upstream of a 20-mile long dam (referred to as the Southern Embankment) that collectively includes an earthen embankment with three gated structures: the Diversion Inlet Structure, the Wild Rice River Structure, and the Red River Structure (RRS). A physical model has been constructed and analyzed to assess the hydraulic conditions near and at the RRS for verification of the structure’s flow capacity as well as optimization of design features for the structure. This report describes the modeling techniques and instrumentation used in the investigation and details the evaluation of the forces exerted on the proposed bulkheads during emergency operations for the RRS.
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Ebeling, Robert, e Barry White. Load and resistance factors for earth retaining, reinforced concrete hydraulic structures based on a reliability index (β) derived from the Probability of Unsatisfactory Performance (PUP) : phase 2 study. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), marzo 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/39881.

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This technical report documents the second of a two-phase research and development (R&D) study in support of the development of a combined Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methodology that accommodates geotechnical as well as structural design limit states for design of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reinforced concrete, hydraulic navigation structures. To this end, this R&D effort extends reliability procedures that have been developed for other non-USACE structural systems to encompass USACE hydraulic structures. Many of these reinforced concrete, hydraulic structures are founded on and/or retain earth or are buttressed by an earthen feature. Consequently, the design of many of these hydraulic structures involves significant soil structure interaction. Development of the required reliability and corresponding LRFD procedures has been lagging in the geotechnical topic area as compared to those for structural limit state considerations and have therefore been the focus of this second-phase R&D effort. Design of an example T-Wall hydraulic structure involves consideration of five geotechnical and structural limit states. New numerical procedures have been developed for precise multiple limit state reliability calculations and for complete LRFD analysis of this example T-Wall reinforced concrete, hydraulic structure.
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Rauh, Joshua, e Amir Sufi. Capital Structure and Debt Structure. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, novembre 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.3386/w14488.

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Hadjipanayis, George, e Alexander Gabay. Electronic Structure and Spin Correlations in Novel Magnetic Structures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), giugno 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1797990.

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Weinstein Agrawal, Asha, Samuel Speroni, Michael Manville e Brian D. Taylor. Pay-As-You-Go Driving: Examining Possible Road-User Charge Rate Structures for California. Mineta Transporation Institute, ottobre 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.31979/mti.2023.2149.

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This report lays out principles to help California policymakers identify an optimal rate structure for a road-user charge (RUC). The rate structure is different from the rate itself. The rate is the price a driver pays, while the structure is the set of principles that govern how that price is set. We drew on existing research on rate setting in transportation, public utilities, and behavioral economics to develop a set of conceptual principles that can be used to evaluate rate structures, and then applied these principles to a set of mileage fee rate structure options. Key findings include that transportation system users already pay for driving using a wide array of rate structures, including some that charge rate structured based on vehicle characteristics, user characteristics, and time or location of driving. We also conclude that the principal advantage of RUCs is not their ability to raise revenue but rather to variably allocate charges among various types of users and travelers. To obtain those benefits, policymakers need to proactively design rate structures to advance important state policy goals and/or improve administrative and political feasibility.
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Melnyk, Yuriy. KRPOCH Structure. KRPOCH, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.26697/structure.krpoch.

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Heymsfield, Ernie, e Jeb Tingle. State of the practice in pavement structural design/analysis codes relevant to airfield pavement design. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), maggio 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/40542.

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An airfield pavement structure is designed to support aircraft live loads for a specified pavement design life. Computer codes are available to assist the engineer in designing an airfield pavement structure. Pavement structural design is generally a function of five criteria: the pavement structural configuration, materials, the applied loading, ambient conditions, and how pavement failure is defined. The two typical types of pavement structures, rigid and flexible, provide load support in fundamentally different ways and develop different stress distributions at the pavement – base interface. Airfield pavement structural design is unique due to the large concentrated dynamic loads that a pavement structure endures to support aircraft movements. Aircraft live loads that accompany aircraft movements are characterized in terms of the load magnitude, load area (tire-pavement contact surface), aircraft speed, movement frequency, landing gear configuration, and wheel coverage. The typical methods used for pavement structural design can be categorized into three approaches: empirical methods, analytical (closed-form) solutions, and numerical (finite element analysis) approaches. This article examines computational approaches used for airfield pavement structural design to summarize the state-of-the-practice and to identify opportunities for future advancements. United States and non-U.S. airfield pavement structural codes are reviewed in this article considering their computational methodology and intrinsic qualities.
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Zhu, Minjie, e Michael Scott. Two-Dimensional Debris-Fluid-Structure Interaction with the Particle Finite Element Method. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA, aprile 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.55461/gsfh8371.

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In addition to tsunami wave loading, tsunami-driven debris can cause significant damage to coastal infrastructure and critical bridge lifelines. Using numerical simulations to predict loads imparted by debris on structures is necessary to supplement the limited number of physical experiments of in-water debris loading. To supplement SPH-FEM (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Method) simulations described in a companion PEER report, fluid-structure-debris simulations using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) show the debris modeling capabilities in OpenSees. A new contact element simulates solid to solid interaction with the PFEM. Two-dimensional simulations are compared to physical experiments conducted in the Oregon State University Large Wave Flume by other researchers and the formulations are extended to three-dimensional analysis. Computational times are reported to compare the PFEM simulations with other numerical methods of modeling fluid-structure interaction (FSI) with debris. The FSI and debris simulation capabilities complement the widely used structural and geotechnical earthquake simulation capabilities of OpenSees and establish the foundation for multi-hazard earthquake and tsunami simulation to include debris.
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Dove, Richard C. Evaluation of In-Structure Shock Prediction Techniques for Buried RC structures. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, marzo 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada248371.

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Warren, Terry, Barry White e Robert Ebeling. Corroded Anchor Structure Stability/Reliability (CAS_Stab-R) software for hydraulic structures. Information Technology Laboratory (U.S.), gennaio 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/26273.

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