Tesi sul tema "Sports virtuels"

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Chen, Chi-Chih. "Virtual Sports Stock Exchange". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2740.

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The goal of this project is to create a web application to help people learn about the stock market. The Virtual Sports Stock Exchange (VSSX) simulates market trading based on the world of sports. It allows users to experiment with different economic models. Virtual Sports Stock Exchange (VSSX) uses HTML and Java Server Page to generate the output and calculations and it uses Java Servlet to interact with the Oracle 9i database.
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Widblom, Viktor. "Fotbollskultur, nu även virtuellt : En analys av e-sporten & traditionell sport med Simulacra & Simulation". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för idrottsvetenskap (ID), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-95237.

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Abstract (sommario):
Bakgrund Det som idag beskrivs som e-sport har funnits sedan 1940-talet i en eller annan form. Med teknologiers framfart har detta kommit till att bli en del av den stora globala marknaden och även idrottsorganisationer investerar i e-sportlag som en del i att följa utvecklingen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att söka förståelse kring relationen kring e-sport och sport. Vidare har lyfts vad som händer just inom ramarna för corona- pandemin i sammanhanget. Metod Med etnografisk metod erbjuds här ett perspektiv på hur det kan se ut i samspelet mellan e-sport och sport, för idrotten i allmänhet, och för fotbollen i synnerhet. Data samlades in på ett online-baserat evenemang kallat Stay And Play Cup som arrangerades av EA Sports i tider av corona-pandemi. Analysen gjordes med teoribildningen som Jean Baudrillard står för i sin bok Simulacra & Simulation där han avhandlar relationen mellan verklighet, symboler och samhälle med fokus på kultur och media. Resultat Här bekräftas att de finns en relation kring e-sport och sport som kan behöva tittas närmare på ur ett idrottsvetenskapligt perspektiv. Vidare diskuteras vad det kan komma att innebära för idrott att e-sporten tar mark på en global marknad. Slutsats Fotbollen visar tecken på att bära på kulturella drag där spelandet av FIFA ingår. Strömningar om e-sportens närmare relation till fotbollen bekräftas.
Background What is now described as eSports has existed in one form or another since the 1940s. With the advancement of technologies, this has become part of the large global market and sports organizations are also investing in eSport-teams as part of following developments. Purpose of this essay is to seek an understanding of the relationship between e-sports and sports. Furthermore, what is happening within the context of the corona pandemic has been highlighted in this context. Method With ethnographic methodology, a perspective is offered here of what it might look like in the interaction between eSports and sports, for sports in general, and for football in particular. Data was collected at an online-based event called Stay and Play Cup, organized by EA Sports in times of corona pandemic. The analysis was done with the theory formation that Jean Baudrillard stands for in his book Simulacra & Simulation where he deals with the relationship between reality, symbols and society with a focus on culture and media. Result The result confirms that there is a relationship around e- sports and sports that may need to be looked at more closely from a sports science perspective. Furthermore, it is discussed what it could mean for sports that e-sports take ground in a global market. Conclusion Football shows signs of carrying on cultural traits that include the playing of the game FIFA. Currents about e-sport's closer relationship with football are confirmed.
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Stinson, Cheryl Ann. "Virtual Reality for Sport Training". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/23179.

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Abstract (sommario):
Virtual reality (VR) has been successfully applied to a broad range of training domains; however, to date there is little research investigating its benefits for sport training. In this work we investigated the feasibility and usefulness of using VR for two sport subdomains: sport psychology and sport biomechanics. In terms of sport psychology training, high-fidelity VR systems could be used to display realistic 3D environments to induce anxiety, allowing resilience-training systems to prepare athletes for real-world, high-pressure situations. For sport biomechanical training, we could take advantage of the 3D tracking available in VR systems to capture and display full-body movements in real-time, and could design flexible 3D environments to foster a valuable and engaging training experience.
To address using VR for sport psychology training, in this work we present a case study and a controlled experiment. Our work addresses whether a VR system can induce anxiety in participants, and if so, how this anxiety impacts performance, and what the implications are for VR system design.
To address using VR for sport biomechanical training, in this work we present a case study describing the development of a VR-based jump training application. Our work addresses whether an effective VR biomechanical training system can be achieved using standard computer equipment and commodity tracking devices, and how we should design the user experience of a VR sport training system to effectively deliver biomechanical principles.
Master of Science
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Tavernini, Davide. "Sport vehicles and virtual riders modeling". Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3423504.

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The Optimal Maneuver Method is a package for optimal control problem simulations based on the mathematical formulation of a vehicle model capable of getting the dynamics of the system and on the concept of ideal rider. The work presented in this thesis covers different purposes: the development of the current methodology applied to motorcycles in order to improve matching between experimental evidence results and lap-time simulations, second to formulate different single, two, four-wheeled vehicle models for different application cases. Third to create flexible libraries to manage components that are communal between the different models and require a particular formulation. Fourth to apply the Optimal Maneuver Method for studying the optimality of some specialized driving techniques that are nowadays under investigation, as aggressive maneuvers outside the linear behavior of tires, which knowledge are at the base of modern active chassis control systems.
Il Metodo della Manovra Ottima è un pacchetto software per simulazioni basate su problemi di controllo ottimo. Esso consiste nella formulazione matematica di un modello di veicolo capace di cogliere la dinamica del sistema a cui è associato e si basa sul concetto di pilota ideale. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi copre diversi aspetti: lo sviluppo della già esistente metodologia applicata in campo motociclistico al fine di migliorare la corrispondenza tra prove sperimentali e risultati delle simulazioni, secondo la formulazione di diversi modelli di veicolo ad una, due e quattro ruote per diverse applicazioni. Terzo lo sviluppo di un pacchetto di librerie in grado di gestire alcuni componenti comuni a più modelli di veicolo che richiedono una particolare formulazione. Quarto l’applicazione del Metodo della Manovra Ottima per lo studio dell’ottimalità di certe tecniche di guida adottate da piloti professionisti che sono al momento oggetto di studio, come manovre aggressive oltre il comportamento lineare degli pneumatici, la cui comprensione è alla base dei moderni sistemi di controllo attivo del veicolo.
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Chiloiro, Giuseppe Marco. "Virtual coach for super sports cars: a possible AI application". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.

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Abstract (sommario):
The dream of the human being has always been to reach the perfection. This is true for life in general, but also for sports competitions including motorsport. In car racing, the optimum is represented by the perfect lap, performed by the driver in the minimum possible time, following the ideal race line with the appropriate velocity. However, due to the intrinsic nature of human being this is unfeasible and the only way to get as close as possible to the perfection is to rely on technology and artificial intelligence. Focusing on motorsport, the actual knowledge of vehicle dynamics and the development of optimization techniques can help in reaching great improvements in terms of race performance. This is exactly the objective of this thesis in which the implementation of a virtual coach for super sports cars has been carried out, in order to provide useful suggestions to the driver during and after the performance. In particular, the algorithm on which the virtual coach is based, computes the ideal race line and the optimal velocity in every point, giving also an accurate estimation of the best reachable lap time. The virtual coach is able to adapt to each super sports car and circuit, since the vehicle and racetrack models are generated starting from the physical parameters introduced by the user as inputs to the algorithm. The optimization of the race line is performed by solving the minimum lap time problem through the optimal control theory and the optimal velocity is computed for each point of the ideal trajectory. After the first lap, the algorithm associates the driver to a category level and shows which are the sectors of the circuit where a higher improvement is possible, adapting the targets in terms of lap time and velocity to the driver’s capabilities and allowing a step by step improving of the performances. The algorithm has been tested on a large variety of vehicles and circuits, providing accurate results in terms of ideal race lines and velocities.
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Roma, i. Casanovas Francesc. "E-xcursionismes 2.0. L'excursionisme català a l'inici del segle XXI. Una visió des de l'antropologia". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/9231.

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Abstract (sommario):
Aquesta tesi estudia la situació social de l'excursionisme a la Catalunya dels primers anys del segle XXI des de la perspectiva de l'antropologia de l'esport. Temàticament es divideix en dues parts clarament diferenciades. La primera d'elles fa una anàlisi descriptiva de la situació actual d'aquest fet social des d'aproximacions quantitatives i qualitatives. En la segona part s'estudien les noves comunitats virtuals que estan sorgint i que serveix per vehicular la sociabilitat pròpia d'aquest moviment.
L'estudi analitza les principals línies de futur del fet excursionista a Catalunya.
Esta tesis estudia la situación social del excursionismo en la Cataluña de los primeros años del siglo XXI desde la perspectiva de la antropología del deporte. Temáticamente se divide en dos partes claramente diferenciadas. La primera de ellas hace un análisis descriptivo de la situación actual de este hecho social desde aproximaciones cuantitativas y cualitativas. En la segunda parte se estudian las nuevas comunidades virtuales que están surgiendo y que sirven para vehicular la sociabilidad propia de este movimiento.
El estudio analiza las principales líneas de futuro del hecho excursionista en Cataluña.
This thesis examines the social situation of mountainneering in Catalonia in the early years of the 21th century from the perspective of anthropology of sport. Thematically is divided into two clearly differentiated parts. The first part is a descriptive analysis of the current situation of this social fact from quantitative and qualitative approaches. The second part focuses on the new virtual communities that are emerging and which serves to convey sociability characteristic of this movement.
The study shows the main lines of future hikers made in Catalonia.
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Torsson, Michael. "Cyborg athletes : A European history of gender, technology and virtue in sports". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-95623.

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Abstract (sommario):
This essay takes its start in a discussion on gender, sports and cyborgs by Swedish philosopher Kutte Jönsson in his book Idrottsfilosofiska introduktioner. I argue that he is wrong in arguing for agnosticism as to what sport is. Instead I give an historic account of what sport is and what values is inherent in our modern conception of sport. According to my account there are at least four distinct European traditions of sport. These are the Greek, Roman, Nordic and British traditions and each have their own history and their own set of values. Based on these traditions and what they have in common I suggest the following definition: sport is a public display of mental and physical discipline corresponding to socially relevant values and includes an element of competition. I then discuss how this definition of sports and the many different, and sometimes conflicting, values inherent in our modern conception of sports, effect the line of reasoning suggested by Jönsson. I conclude that they strengthen his position and that gender separation should in sports should be abolished. I have found that one central value within the field of sport, expression of self, is especially important. I also argue that the same arguments pose a strong challenge for arguments against doping and other technological enhancements in sports.
Den här uppsatsen bygger vidare på Kutte Jönssons diskussion om genus, sport och och cyborger i Idrottsfilosofiska introduktioner i vilken han tar ställning för en agnostisk hållning till vad sport är. Jag menar tvärtom att vi har mycket god kunskap om sportens historia och att det går att skapa en definition utifrån vad olika idrottsliga traditioner har gemensamt. I den här uppsatsen tittar jag på de fyra stora idrottsliga traditionerna i Europa. Dessa är den grekiska, romerska, nordiska och den brittiska traditionen. Utifrån vad dessa har gemensamt föreslår jag i uppsatsen följande definition av sport. Sport är ett publikt uppvisande av mental och fysisk disciplin som motsvarar socialt relevanta värden och inkluderar ett element av tävlan. I uppsatsen diskuterar jag sedan hur denna definition och framför allt de många olika, ofta konkurrerande, värden som finns nedärvda i begreppet sport påverkar Jönssons diskussion. Jag kommer fram till att de stärker hans argumentation och att vi bör överge könsseparation inom idrottsvärlden. Av de värden jag har funnit inom de olika idrottstraditionerna är ett särskilt viktigt, nämligen värdet av att atleterna kan uttrycka sig själva genom sitt idrottsutövande. Jag argumenterar även för att samma resonemang utgör en allvarlig utmaning för de som vill att doping och andra tekniska förstärkningar av kroppen ska vara förbjudna i sportsliga sammanhang.
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Brodie, Rona. "Developing character education in physical education and sports : a virtue ethical account". Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2006. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/3155/.

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Traditionally Physical Education (PE) and sports in secondary schools in the United Kingdom have aimed towards moral goals. Not all of these goals have been well thought through. Where these goals have been systematically developed, they have followed a narrow and prescriptive conception of moral education that mainly focuses on adherence to predetermined rules and principles. From Aristotle we have a less reductive view of moral education - virtue ethics - which revolves around the development of good character as constituted by the "morally" good person. Drawing on group interviews with exceptional teachers and the writings of virtue ethicists, I develop a sketch of a character education programme that is based on talk and reflection (Pincoffs, 1986), and that cultivates the joyful disposition through direct engagement in sporting activities. Outlining what such a character education in PE and sports might look like, I start by exan-ýining what already exists in terms of "moral practices" within sports themselves (MacIntyre, 1985). Sports traditions aim at developing certain sorts of persons. By talking about and reflecting upon what might constitute a good sportsperson with colleagues, teachers can begin to identify for themselves the sorts of persons they want to see playing sports. Part of playing and teaching sports well is learning to discern between the value of different activities and the company of different sorts of persons. By nurturing and developing certain sorts of dispositions over others, teachers can help pupils shape their own involvement and ethical outlook in PE and sports. Through the cultivation of a joyful disposition teachers can help pupils to develop good character and live flourishing lives. This emphasis on joyfulness also brings into sharper focus what has been previously missing in PE and sports policy documents, namely the significance of an emotional engagement in PE and sports when it comes to educating for good character.
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Keller, Kyle Tinnell. "THE ROLE OF PERSONAL IDENTITY IN STEREOTYPE THREAT SPORTS STEREOTYPES AND VIRTUAL WORLDS". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/192500.

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Faure, Charles. "Analyse en réalité virtuelle de la coopération lors d'une interception de balle : interaction et interférence". Thesis, Rennes 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN20038.

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Abstract (sommario):
Dans nos actions quotidiennes, nous interagissons avec le monde environnant, et bien souvent, nous coordonnons nos actionsavec celles des autres pour être plus efficaces. Seulement, dans certaines situations, une interférence apparaît entre les participants, donnant lieu à une coopération inefficace voire délétère. Or, très peu d’études se sont intéressées à ce phénomène, pourtant fréquemment rencontré, par exemple dans les sports collectifs. Ce travail a pour objectif l’analyse de cette interférence, via la construction et l’utilisation de situations collaboratives en réalité virtuelle, lors d’une tâche d’interception de balle. En l’absence de communication verbale, deux individus devaient décider tacitement lequel interceptait la balle, etlequel s’effaçait pour laisser le partenaire réaliser l’interception.Au travers de deux études complémentaires, nous avons étudié l’impact des conditions de la tâche sur la coopération et l’interférence entre les participants, lors d’interceptions réalisées face-à-face ou côte-à-côte. Nos résultats suggèrent tout d’abord que la coordination d'équipe émerge de l'interaction directe entre les participants durant l’essai. De plus, nousavons observé que si la division de l’espace d’interception est globalement bien définie, il existe cependant une “zone d’incertitude” où de nombreux essais sont manqués, traduisant la difficulté des participants à mettre en place des patterns d’interception efficace dans cette zone. L'interférence qui apparaîssait alors entre eux dépend de la complexité de la tâche(incertitude sur l'action du partenaire, information visuelle disponible, mode d'interception)
In our daily life activities, we interact with the surrounding world, and we often coordinate our actions with those of others inorder to be more effective. However, in some cases, interference between participants occurs, resulting in inefficient or evendeleterious cooperation. However, very few studies have looked at this phenomenon, although it is a common situation, frequently encountered for example in the collective sports. This work aims at analyzing this interference,through the construction and use of collaborative situations in virtual reality, during a ball interception task. In the absence of any verbal communication, two participants had to tacitly decide who would perform the interceptive action, and who would not.Through the design of two complementary studies, we studied the impact of the conditions on the cooperation and the interference between the participants, during interceptions performed face-to-face or side-by-side. Our results suggest that team coordination emerges from direct interaction between participants during the trial. Moreover, we observed that although the division of the interception space is globally well defined, there is however an "area of uncertainty" where many trials are missed, showing participants’ difficulty in identifiying efficient patterns of interception in this area. Then, the interference that appeared between them depends on the task complexity (uncertainty on the action of the partner, visual informationavailable, mode of interception)
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Price-Rhea, Kelly. "Women's Golf has a Virtual Opportunity". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2019. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/5534.

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Lagergren, Ebba. "En idrottsarena bortom det fysiska rummet : En studie kring besökares förväntningar av en virtuell arena inklusive avgörande nyckelfaktorer för användarens avsikt att besöka den virtuella arenan". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik (DVMT), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-40655.

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Abstract (sommario):
Utveckling inom digitala- och sociala medier håller på att omdefiniera hur åskådarskap kommer se ut i framtiden. I kombination med en pandemi och en global klimatkris ställer det nya krav på hur sportarenor kan generera besökare till sina evenemang. Studiens syfte var därför att skapa förståelse för vilka förväntningar besökaren har på en virtuell arena samt skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som är avgörande för användarens avsikt att besöka en virtuell arena. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och empiri har samlats in genom tre strukturerade fokusgrupper. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT 2) användes som baslinje i studien och har utifrån analys och diskussion av studiens empiri utökats med fler element för att vara applicerbar i den befintliga fallet. Resultatet visade att en virtuell arena bör bidra med ett mervärde jämfört med en fysisk arena. Detta genom tillgång till exklusivt material och exklusiva områden. Vidare drogs slutsatserna att förväntad möjlighet till social interaktion, förväntad förbättrad informations- och upplevelsekonsumtion och förväntad möjlighet till personaliserad upplevelse har indirekt inverkan på användarens avsikt att använda den virtuella arenan genom hedonisk motivation och prestationsförväntan. Förväntad ansträngning visade sig vara en avgörande faktor som i sin tur påverkas av tillgänglighet, användarvänlighet och teknisk prestanda. Prisvärde visade sig vara en starkt avgörande faktor. Slutligen konstaterades intresse för sporten vara en ny modererande faktor med direkt inverkan på användarens avsikt att besöka den virtuella arenan.
Development within digital and social media is redefining how spectators will experience sport in the future. In combination with a pandemic and a global climate crisis, it creates new demands on how sports arenas can generate visitors to their events. The aim of this study was therefore to gain an understanding of the visitor’s expectations on a virtual arena as well as to identify key factors that affect the consumer’s intention to visit a virtual arena. The study has a qualitative approach and empirical data has been collected through three structured focus groups. Unified Theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT 2) was used as a theoretical foundation and was extended with more elements through analysis and discussion, to better suit the current situation. The results of the study indicated that a virtual arena should contribute added value compared to a physical arena, through access to exclusive material and exclusive areas. Furthermore, it was concluded that expected opportunity for social interaction, expected improved information- and experience consumption and expected opportunity for personalized experience have an indirect impact on the visitor’s intention to use the virtual arena through hedonic motivation and performance expectancy. Effort expectancy proved to be a crucial factor which in turn is affected by accessibility, ease of use, and technical performance. Price value is shown to be a strong decisive factor. Finally, it is stated that interest in the sport is a new moderating factor with a direct impact on the user’s intention to visit the virtual arena.
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Dasso, Montes Oscar, Kubota Angela Yemiko Kanashiro, Quispe Myriam Karina Wilhelm e de la Fuente Omar Alonzo Stein. "FitHealth: Comunidad virtual para ejercitarse". Master's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/631698.

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Abstract (sommario):
Vivimos en un mundo con altos niveles de estrés y responsabilidades que afectan nuestra salud. Ante esta problemática, la actividad física es considerada como una estrategia preventiva que influye de manera positiva en la salud y estado de ánimo de las personas. Por esa razón, presentamos “FitHealth: Comunidad virtual para ejercitarse”, una aplicación móvil con servicio de geolocalización que conecta en tiempo real una red de entrenadores personales calificados con personas que desean ejercitarse en comunidad. Nuestra propuesta de negocio ofrece acceso a un entrenador personalizado en el momento deseado, de manera fácil, adaptada a sus necesidades y en el lugar en que lo requiera. El beneficio de acercar el servicio al usuario cobra especial valor tomando en cuenta el ahorro de tiempo y estrés ocasionado por el transporte caótico de la ciudad. El servicio es único en el mercado actual. La oferta de valor está centrada en un servicio personalizado de calidad, que promueve la ejercitación en grupo como elemento de motivación y en el lugar donde se desee. A partir de un breve sondeo, encontramos que 73% de los encuestados estaría dispuesto a utilizar FitHealth. La rentabilidad del negocio se sustenta en el volumen de conexiones y en el porcentaje que se cobrará al entrenador y al usuario por el uso del servicio. Los resultados financieros demuestran un VAN de S/. 190,622 y un TIR de 27%, con una recuperación de la inversión en el cuarto año, respaldando la factibilidad y viabilidad de la propuesta del negocio.
We live in a world with high levels of stress and responsibilities that affect our health. To be able to face this problem, physical activity has been considered as a preventive strategy that positively influences the health and mood of people. That is why we introduce "FitHealth: Virtual Community to Exercise," a mobile app with geolocation service that connects (in real-time) a network of qualified personal trainers with people who wants to work out in the community. Our business proposal offers access to a personalized trainer at the desired time, quickly, tailored to the user's needs, and where they need it. The benefit of bringing the service to the user takes on a unique value considering the time and stress savings for just avoiding the chaotic transport of the city. There is no other service like ours in today's market. The offer of value relay on a quality personalized service that promotes group exercise as an element of motivation, and at the moment it is solicited. From a brief survey, we found that 73% of respondents would be willing to use FitHealth. The profitability of the business relays on the volume of connections and in the percentage that will be collected to the coach and the user for the service. The financial results demonstrate a VAN of S/. 190,622 and a TIR of 27%, with a recovery of the investment in the fourth year, supporting the feasibility of the business proposal.
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Ouergli, Faika. "La promotion des valeurs olympiques au sein des communautés virtuelles : le cas de Facebook". Phd thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00993225.

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Abstract (sommario):
Notre recherche sera centrée sur les interactions entre les réseaux sociaux et les organisations sportives au niveau de la promotion des valeurs de l'olympisme à savoir l'amitié, le respect et l'excellence. L'intérêt et la spécificité de cette recherche consiste dans le manque d'études qui portent sur les relations entre les individus et les organisations sportives via les réseaux sociaux et plus particulièrement sur la promotion des valeurs de l'olympisme. Par ce travail de recherche, nous espérons mieux cerner le positionnement et la perception du mouvement olympique par le biais de ses valeurs. Au plan méthodologique, après l'analyse du contenu et de l'architecture de sites institutionnels comme celui du Comité International Olympique et de certains comités olympiques nationaux, nous avons opté de combiner deux méthodes : la Netnographie ainsi que des entretiens semi-directifs en ligne et un questionnaire à choix multiple qui ont été analysé par les logiciels Sphinx et Tropes. Notre étude portant sur les réseaux sociaux, nous avons créé sur Facebook une page intitulée " Promotion des valeurs olympiques " qui nous permettra d'appliquer les techniques qualitatives citées précédemment. La population visée par cette recherche est composée de personnes ayant une expérience dans le domaine sportif (champions du monde, olympique et nationaux, membres des comités nationaux, des professeurs de sport et d'éducation physique, etc.). Il est bien évident que l'importance et la récence de ce type d'étude au niveau des organisations sportives devra nécessiter par la suite une démarche plus approfondie et étendue, relayée par des études quantitatives sur des publics aux profils divers.
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Bluestein, Jeremy. "Entry level sport boat virtual modeling to promote user-centered design". Connect to resource, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1811/6465.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Honors)--Ohio State University, 2006.
Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages: contains 51 p.; also includes graphics. Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-47). Available online via Ohio State University's Knowledge Bank.
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Hülsmann, Felix [Verfasser]. "Motor Learning in Virtual Reality: From Motion to Augmented Feedback / Felix Hülsmann". Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1199005215/34.

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Bossard, Cyril. "L'activité décisionnelle en situation dynamique et collaborative : application à la contre-attaque au football". Brest, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BRES2044.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans une démarche empruntée à la psychologie cognitive ergonomique et se déroule en quatre phases analyse empirique de l’activité, modélisation, simulation et évaluation. Notre première étude s’attache à identifier le contenu et les conditions d’activation des schémas typiques de 12 joueurs experts en football. Au cours d’un situation d’étude privilégiée, des données d’enregistrement ont été recueillies et complétées par des verbalisations provoquées. L’analyse du contenu permet d’identifier au niveau de l’activité individuelle des récurrences dans les significations produites par les experts face au contexte. Sur un plan collectif l’analyse révèle l’émergence de cinq formes de coordination d’actions. Les résultats montrent que l’activité décisionnelle repose sur la reconnaissance par les experts de situations types, la flexibilité des schémas, l’évolution des coordinations d’actions entre partenaires sur la base d’un contexte partagé. La modélisation obtenue par l’analyse de l’activité permet d’enrichir un modèle informatique de joueur virtuel. Pour évaluer la crédibilité comportementale de ces agents, nous menons une expérimentation in virtuo inspirée du test de Turing auprès de 48 sujets. Les résultats suggèrent que les sujets novices immergés dans l’environnement virtuel ne distinguent pas les différences comportementales entre un agent virtuel autonome et un avatar (agent guidé par un individu). Cette étude nous permet de considérer le potentiel applicatif de l’environnement virtuel CoPeFoot à la fois comme un outil pour la recherche et comme un outil au service de la formation
This research work is part of an approach borrowed from ergonomics and cognitive psychology, and can be broken down into the following four stages: empirical analysis of the process, modeling, simulation, and evaluation. Our first study deals with identifying the content and conditions of the activation of 12 expert football players’ typical schemata. During a specially designed study, behavioural data was recorded supplemented by verbal data collected during self- confrontation interviews. A content analysis conducted in context identified recurrent meanings produced by the experts. At group level, the analysis reveals the emergence offive forms of coordination. Results show that decisionmaking is based on experts’ recognition oftypical situations, the flexibility of schemata, and the evolution of the coordination of actions between teammates on the basis of shared context. Modeling obtained from the analysis of experts’ decision-making processes enabled us to enrich the virtual players’ digital model. In order to evaluate the behavioral credibility of these agents, we conducted an in virtuo experiment inspired by the Turing test, carried out on 48 subjects. Results suggest that novice subjects immersed in the virtual environments do not recognize the behavioral differences between autonomous virtual agents and avatars (agents controlled by humans). This study enables us to consider the potential applications of the virtual environment CoPeFoot both as a research tool and as a tool for assisting in training methods
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Mallek, Maroua. "Expertise en sport de balle dans des tâches de poursuite virtuelle : importance de l'implication des processus perceptivo-moteurs". Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMC221/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
L’objectif de ce travail était d’identifier certains des déterminants perceptivo-cognitfs et/ou perceptivo-moteurs de l’expertise dans les sports de balle dans des environnements virtuels. Des joueurs de tennis et de basket avec différents niveaux d’expertise ont été testés au cours d’une première partie expérimentale comportant deux études de jugements perceptivo-cognitifs et une étude de poursuite visuo-manuelle. Les résultats n’ont pas montré de différence liée à l’expertise dans les tâches de jugements perceptivo-cognitifs, mais seulement dans la tâche de poursuite visuo-manuelle. Ce résultat questionne sur le rôle des représentations (ou des modèles internes) dans le développement de l’expertise et met en avant l’importance des régulations perceptivo-motrices pour discriminer l’expertise. Sur la base de ces résultats et afin d’explorer davantage l’expertise dans le registre perceptivo-moteur, une seconde partie expérimentale comportant trois expérimentations a été réalisée en utilisant des tâches de poursuite visuo-manuelle. Les résultats révèlent des capacités d’adaptation et de régulation du mouvement supérieures des experts particulièrement dans les situations où les trajectoires sont peu prévisibles. Les résultats obtenus au cours de cette thèse permettent en définitive de mettre en évidence que les tâches de poursuite visuo-manuelle aussi schématiques soient-elles, sont discriminantes de l’expertise en sport de balle. Ils soulignent des perspectives de développement des environnements virtuels pour tester et entraîner les experts dans le registre perceptivo-moteur
The aim of this thesis is to identify the perceptual-cognitive and perceptual-motor determinants of expertise in ball sports in virtual environments. Tennis and basketball players with different levels of expertise were tested. To this purpose, the first experimental part contained two perceptual judgment studies and a visuomotor tracking study. Results did not show any difference between experts and non-experts in perceptual judgment tasks, but only in the visuomotor tracking task. Results raise some questions about the role of representations (or internal models) in the development of expertise. Results highlight the importance of perceptual-motor regulations to discriminate expertise. In order to explore more deeply the perceptual-motor process of expertise, a second experimental part involving three experiments was performed using visuomotor tracking tasks. Results reveal higher adaptation and regulation abilities of experts, particularly in the most constraint periods of tracking. This finding highlights that the visuomotor tracking tasks can discriminate expertise in ball sports. The present thesis reveals the potential of virtual environments to test and train perceptual-motor processes of experts
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Pereira, Laercio Elias 1948. "Centro esportivo virtual : um recurso de informação em educação fisica e esportes na internet". [s.n.], 1998. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/275332.

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Abstract (sommario):
Orientador: João Batista Andreotti Gomes Tojal
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Fisica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-27T12:10:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_LaercioElias_D.pdf: 3441536 bytes, checksum: e69816024d97cd74329b8e14c77eb9b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998
Resumo: Partindo da necessidade de facilitar a disseminação e busca da informação para profissionais, estudantes e pesquisadores da preparação profissional em Educação Física e Esportes, num ambiente em que a quantidade de informação duplica a cada dois anos, buscou-se a alternativa dos recursos da Internet, elegendo para este trabalho um experimento de potencialização de três canais de informação: 1) Sítio W3; 2) Lista de discussão e 3) Gatekeepers (pessoas, vetores de tecnologia). Optou-se pela construção de um centro referencial (informação sobre a informação), a partir de tecnologias Internet utilizadas pelos projetos do Núcleo de Informática Biomédica da Unicamp e, como modelo inicial, a proposta do Hospital Virtual, uma metáfora de um hospital real, para a montagem do Centro Esportivo Virtual ¿ CEV. No primeiro capítulo são apresentadas a escolha, justificativa do tema e a metodologia, passando-se à discussão sobre a informação em Educação Física e Esportes, com ênfase na sua evolução no Brasil. . São também descritos, os recursos oferecidos pela Internet - potenciais ou efetivamente utilizados no trabalho - além dos conceitos de gatekeepers e colégios invisíveis. A seguir são apresentadas a descrição da versão experimental do CEVe a versão atualizada a partir da interação dos três canais de informação escolhidos para o trabalho. Ao final, são apresentadas conclusões baseadas na evolução entre as duas versões do CEVno período analisado, com a sugestão de possibilidades para a evolução e aperfeiçoamento do processo de construção permanente de um centro referencial de informação em Educação Física e Esportes
Abstract: Taking as its starting point the need to simplify the retrieval and dissemination of information among professionals, students and researchers in the fields of Physical Education and Sports, in an environment in which the amount of information duplicates every two years, this study examined the question of searching on the Internet for resources. Three information channels were studied due to their significance: (1) sites on the World Wide Web; (2) discussion lists; and (3) gatekeepers (vectors of 'people technology¿). The construction of a referral center (information about information) was chosen as one of the infrastructures for organizing the information drawn from the Internet technologies, particularly the Center for Biomedical Informatics oft he State University of Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two other infrastructures used were the Virtual Hospital (a metaphor of a real hospital), and the construction of the Virtual Sports Center. The first chapter discusses the choice, justification of the subject and the methodology, followed by a discussion concerning information in the fields of Physical Education and Sports, with emphasis on their evolution in Brazil. This was followed by a description of the resources offered on the Internet--both real and potential--as well as the concepts of gatekeepers and invisible colleges. Next there is a description of the experimental version of the Virtual Sports Center and an updated version analyzing the three channels of information chosen for this study. Finally, there are conclusions based on the evolution between both versions of the Virtual Sports Center (www.cev.org.birn) the period under study, with suggestions as to possibilities leading to the evolution and imporvement of the permanent construction process of an information referral center in Physical Education and Sports
Doutor em Educação Física
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Alt, Jeromy. "The effect of task demand on decision making in dynamic, sport-like virtual environments". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1584015762619272.

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Inglese, François-Xavier. "Contribution à l'analyse de l'interaction dynamique en environnement virtuel : primitives et aides logicielles". Angers, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ANGE0036.

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La réalité virtuelle apparaît comme une technologie pouvant couvrir un grand champ d'applications, dont l'entraînement sportif et les jeux vidéo. Dans ces domaines, les techniques de réalité virtuelle impliquent une interaction avec des objets virtuels en mouvement ou à mettre en mouvement. La contribution du travail présenté dans ce mémoire réside dans l'analyse de l'interaction dynamique en environnement virtuel, et plus particulièrement lors de tâches impliquant le lancer, la frappe et l'interception d'objets en mouvement. Une modélisation originale est proposée. Par ailleurs, une structure d’aides logicielles spécifiques, dont l’objectif est de faciliter la réalisation et l’apprentissage de tâches dynamiques (c'est-à-dire impliquant des objets en mouvement ou que l'humain doit mettre en mouvement), est présentée. Ces aides logicielles sont ensuite validées à travers des expériences portant sur le lancer et l’interception de balles, le tir à l’arc et le bowling
Virtual reality is a technology covering a large field of applications, among which are sports training and video games. In these domains, virtual reality techniques imply an interaction with moving virtual objects, or virtual objects to be set in movement. The contribution of the work presented in this report lies in the analysis of dynamic interaction in virtual environment, and more particularly during tasks implying the throw, the striking and the interception of moving objects. An original modelization is proposed. Besides, a structure of specific software cues, the objective of which is to facilitate the realization and the learning of dynamic tasks (that is implying moving objects or objects the human being has to set in movement), is presented. These software cues are then validated through experiments concerning the throw and the interception of ball, archery and tenpin bowling
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Rual, Coline. "Quels effets d’empowerment et de valorisation de la consommation induits par l’utilisation régulière de dispositif numérique ? : Le cas des objets de quantifield-self et des communautés virtuelles dans la consommation sportive active". Thesis, Lorient, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LORIL547.

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Empowerés grâce aux dispositifs numériques, les consommateurs actuels œuvrent pour des relations plus égalitaires avec les entreprises. Le défi marketing de rester compétitif et attractif en optimisant la valeur perçue des offres est renouvelé face à des consommateurs en capacité de contrôle et en quête de personnalisation de leur expérience. Si les DN sont souvent considérés comme un moyen d’enrichir l’expérience du consommateur, en ont-ils réellement la capacité ? Peu de recherche ont été menée sur cette question. Les auteurs se sont intéressés aux déterminants de l’adoption des DN, à leurs composantes intrinsèques de valorisation, ou centrée sur l’étude d’une utilisation ponctuelle lors de contexte de consommation extraordinaire. Ces recherches montrent des effets ambigus. Mobilisant l’approche de la valeur perçue, notre recherche propose d’étudier les effets de l’utilisation régulière de deux DN (OCQS : objets connectés de quantified-self ; CV : communautés virtuelles) sur l’expérience de consommation sportive active (CSA) et d’étudier le rôle médiateur de l’empowerment du consommateur sur ces effets. Après avoir déterminé les composantes de valorisation et de dévalorisation de la CSA, nous avons développé une échelle de mesure de la valeur de la CSA et adapté une échelle de mesure de l’empowerment du sportif auprès de 1833 sportifs réguliers. Les résultats mettent en évidence l’absence d’effet des OCQS sur l’empowerment, sur les composantes de la valeur et tendent à montrer une influence négative sur les intentions de poursuite dans la pratique. A l’inverse, nos résultats montrent que l’utilisation de CV influence positivement et de manière indirecte les intentions de poursuite de l’activité et enrichit l’expérience par l’effet médiateur de l’empowerment. C’est en favorisant l’empowerment que les DN peuvent enrichir l’expérience de consommation et augmenter les intentions comportementales de fidélisation vis-à-vis de la pratique de consommation
The advances in digital technologies (DT) are transforming consumer behavior and how they consume. They no longer accept the role of a passive consumer and shift the power from suppliers to empowered consumers. It is now more than ever a challenge for marketers to know how to meet consumer’s need to gain more control and for live personalized experience. Customer perceived value of the offer is a priority to compete. Today’s DT are often used to enhance value of the experience perceived by the customer, but, does DT really enrich the consumer experience? Literature suggests that not much research has been conducted on this topic. Most studies focus on technology adoption and intrinsic perceived value of DT. The rare studies about DT’s effects on consumer experience highlight the existence of a diversity of effects. Such research focuses on one-time use of DT, mostly during extraordinary consumption (museum visit). Based on the approach of perceived value framework, this research examines the effect of the regular use of two DT in sports (QS: quantified-self; VC: virtual community) on the active sportsmen regulatory experience by the mediating role of empowerment. We carried out an experiment involving 1833 participants. Results show that the use of QS influences neither perceived value of experience nor consumer empowerment rather even tends to negatively influence intention to pursue active sport. In contrast, the use of VC indirectly influences intention to pursue the activity by enriching the perceived value of the experience by the mediating role of empowerment. To conclude, DT can enrich the perceived value of experience and positively influence behavioral intention by increasing perceived empowerment
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Bosco, Elisa <1991&gt. "Il Dynamic Pricing nel mondo dello sport italiano: i casi Virtus Entella e Fiat Torino". Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/12792.

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Lo scopo dell’elaborato è quello di analizzare come il Dynamic Pricing si può integrare con il mondo dello sport italiano e di comprendere qual è il valore aggiunto che tale strategia di prezzo può portare alle squadre che decidono di implementare questo metodo di determinazione del prezzo. Per procedere con lo studio di questo argomento verrà data definizione del Dynamic Pricing al fine di comprenderne appieno le potenzialità, verrà analizzato il settore sportivo italiano per individuare opportunità e minacce e verranno presentati i casi delle squadre Virtus Entella e Fiat Torino che rispettivamente per calcio e basket sono state le prime ad implementare il Dynamic Pricing nella stagione sportiva italiana 2016/2017.
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Poulus, Dylan Robert. "Stress and coping in esports". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2021. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/225934/1/Dylan_Poulus_Thesis.pdf.

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The purpose of this programme of work was to investigate the psychological factors associated with success in competitive and elite esports athletes. More specifically, this thesis explores the stress and coping process, mental toughness, and the factors that esports athletes perceive make them successful. The methods incorporated cross-sectional, longitudinal, and qualitative approaches to enhance understanding of the psychological determinants of success in esports. With the rapid growth of esports competitions the findings of this PhD programme inform practitioners working with competitive and elite esports athletes and guide future investigations into the psychology of esports
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Burns, Anne-Marie. "On the Relevance of Using Virtual Humans for Motor Skills Teaching : a case study on Karate gestures". Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00813337.

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The main question of that thesis is on the relevance of using virtual humans to teach complex motor skills. The first study explores the question of the feasibility of learning by imitation of a virtual human by comparing the improvement of the performance on three karate gestures for three groups, namely a traditional class, a video-based group and a virtual reality group. The second study investigates the influence on the learning task of having a self representation in the virtual environment. The participants have a feedback of their movements represented on a mirrored cylindrical gray avatar. The impact of that avatar on the learning task of the participants is assessed by two means. Performance evaluations are performed and give an external perspective on the learning. Evocation interview are also performed to get an insight of the learning task from the participants point of view. Finally, these two studies are completed by a third one investigating the possibility to have an automatic performance evaluator in order to reduce grading discrepancies generated by humans graders. Such a tool would be required to have an objective performance evaluation of all the participants in order to compare the four learning environments presented in that thesis and eventual further iteration of these environments. The conclusion our the studies presented in that thesis are that learning motor skills from the imitation of a virtual human is possible. Consequently, virtual learning environments for motorskills teaching are relevant. Furthermore, these environments can be used in various types of applications. They can be used as a study tool for standard and controlled investigation of teaching by demonstration. They can also be used in an engineering loop for the development of further learning environments and training accelerators. They also have a potential usage in the development of exergames in response to the international obesity crisis
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Krause, Jennifer M., Scott Douglas, Brandy M. Lynch e LeAnn E. Kesselring. "Let's Get Virtual: Observing Physical Education Field Experiences through Synchronous Video Conferencing". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/4017.

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The student-teaching experience is the most noteworthy experience for a teacher candidate (TC) in a teacher preparation program. University supervisors play a crucial role in this experience through feedback, support and maintaining congruency between the student teaching environment and the teacher preparation program. Due to issues related to time, distance and budget, completing on-site observations of the TC can be challenging. This article serves as a practical guide for university supervisors to virtually observe TCs using synchronous video conferencing. Technology and equipment needed, preparation tasks, and factors to consider are explored.
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Arroxellas, Raquel Daffre de. "Análise cinemática do arremesso da bocha adaptada e sua relação com a realidade virtual". Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2015. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/1648.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Raquel Daffre de Arroxellas.pdf: 1889141 bytes, checksum: 07e930a39238d807ca84844bd95c67f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-09
The boccia is a sport that, although it appeared to meet people with severe cerebral palsy, now allows the participation of other deficiencies, since the athletes are quadriplegic and fall into one of four functional classes of the sport. to date, no studies were found that related to biomechanics of bocce throw and the biomechanics of throw in virtual games, these games, which allow manipulation of the virtual world through real movements. based on these concerns, the objectives of this study are to describe and correlate the kinematic analysis of the upper limb in the throw of the boccia and throw of the bowling kinect sports, microsoft game studios® xbox video game (bowling kx). best throws of 6 subjects were analyzed (3 to bc2 class and 3 to bc4 class) with both the balls of boccia as the bowling kx. to make collections, we designed a kinematic analysis protocol, which has been shown effective for the proposed. the treatment was conducted at images dvideow program, being possible to analyze the elbow and wrist angles as well as the linear velocity of each marker in each frame of the throw. the handle angles showed significant statistically data between the throw made with the boccia and performed on the bowling kx for three subjects, while the elbow angles to only one subject. the results indicate that statistically is not possible to say that the engine manager boccia throw is similar to bowling kx throw, however, the graphics of such throws when analyzed, can indicate some similarities in angulation wrist and elbow. the average linear velocity of the throws was similar for all subjects analyzed. thus, the bowling kx practice can assist in training the linear velocity of throws made in the circumstances of this study.
A bocha adaptada é um esporte que, apesar de ter surgido para atender às pessoas com paralisia cerebral severa, hoje em dia permite a participação de outras deficiências, desde que os atletas sejam tetraplégicos e se enquadrem em uma das quatro classes funcionais da modalidade. até a presente data, não foram encontrados estudos que relacionassem a biomecânica do arremesso da bola de bocha adaptada com a biomecânica do arremesso realizado nos jogos virtuais, jogos estes, que permitem a manipulação do mundo virtual por meio de movimentos reais. partindo dessas inquietações, os objetivos deste estudo são descrever e correlacionar a análise cinemática do membro superior no arremesso da bola de bocha adaptada e no arremesso no jogo de boliche do kinect sports, microsoft game studios® do videogame xbox (boliche kx). foram analisados os melhores arremessos de 6 sujeitos (3, pertencentes a classe bc2 e 3, a classe bc4) tanto com a bola de bocha adaptada quanto no jogo do boliche kx. para realizar as coletas, foi elaborado um protocolo de análise cinemática, que se demonstrou eficiente para o proposto. o tratamento das imagens foi realizado no programa dvideow, sendo possível analisar os ângulos de punho e cotovelo, assim como a velocidade linear de cada marcador, em cada quadro do arremesso. não houve diferença significante entre os ângulos de punho nos arremessos realizados com a bola de bocha adaptada e nos arremessos realizados no jogo do boliche kx para três sujeitos, enquanto os ângulos de cotovelo foram iguais para apenas um sujeito. os resultados obtidos indicam que estatisticamente não é possível afirmar que o gestor motor do arremesso da bola de bocha adaptada é similar ao arremesso do jogo do boliche kx, porém, quando analisados os gráficos de tais arremessos, pode-se indicar algumas semelhanças na angulação do punho e do cotovelo. a média da velocidade linear dos arremessos foi semelhante para todos os sujeitos analisados. dessa forma, a prática do jogo do boliche kx poderá auxiliar no treinamento da velocidade linear dos arremessos realizados nas circunstâncias deste estudo.
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Hennessy, Neil James. "The development of elite Rugby Union officiating in Wales : a critical analysis". Thesis, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10369/5677.

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Rugby refereeing requires its practitioners to possess certain qualities. MacIntyre (1981) emphasises the importance of moral goods defined with respect to a community of virtuous persons engaged in a social practice. Whereas a virtue ethics account of playing and coaching has evolved (Brown, 1990; McNamee, 1995), little philosophical work exists on the role and status of elite match officials. The significance attached to the outcome of elite sport contests provide principled and instrumental reasons as to why this particular sporting aspect requires attention. Existing sports officiating research deals primarily with psychological (Bar-Eli et al., 1995; Boyko et al., 2007; Nevill et al., 2002; Weinberg et al., 1990) and physiological issues (Castagna et al., 2007; Inácio da Silva et al., 2008; Reilly et al., 2006). This work does little to explain the role and function of elite officiating. This interpretive study aims to enhance role understanding within a MacIntyrean framework, using elite Rugby Union officiating in Wales as its particular context. It examines the extent to which elite Rugby officiating can be considered part of a social practice by investigating the elite referee’s role as an arbitrator of justice and fairness and other responsibilities that may constitute the internal goods and virtues that safeguard the game. This analysis provides principled foundations for identifying those aspects of the referee development structure that represent ‘good practice’ and those that require reform. Key findings suggest (i) that Rugby refereeing is unique within sports officiating, (ii) that officiating is an integral yet imprecisely understood part of the practice; what Morgan (2007) refers to as a social collaboration and (iii) that greater interactivity between playing, coaching and officiating would enhance the growing understanding of Welsh Rugby as a commodified product. Subsequent recommendations include implementing a holistic approach to developing the game through the creation of a Rugby triumvirate and maximising the limited resources in the referee development process through early talent identification.
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Silva, Jesús, Naveda Alexa Senior, Suarez Ramiro Gamboa, Palma Hugo Hernández e Núẽz William Niebles. "Method for Collecting Relevant Topics from Twitter supported by Big Data". Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/652145.

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Abstract (sommario):
There is a fast increase of information and data generation in virtual environments due to microblogging sites such as Twitter, a social network that produces an average of 8, 000 tweets per second, and up to 550 million tweets per day. That's why this and many other social networks are overloaded with content, making it difficult for users to identify information topics because of the large number of tweets related to different issues. Due to the uncertainty that harms users who created the content, this study proposes a method for inferring the most representative topics that occurred in a time period of 1 day through the selection of user profiles who are experts in sports and politics. It is calculated considering the number of times this topic was mentioned by experts in their timelines. This experiment included a dataset extracted from Twitter, which contains 10, 750 tweets related to sports and 8, 758 tweets related to politics. All tweets were obtained from user timelines selected by the researchers, who were considered experts in their respective subjects due to the content of their tweets. The results show that the effective selection of users, together with the index of relevance implemented for the topics, can help to more easily find important topics in both sport and politics.
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Vedel, Charlotte. "Increasing lifting performances : Biomechanics for an optimized training". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, INSA, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023ISAL0054.

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Abstract (sommario):
Plus que le sport, l’haltérophilie et la force athlétique sont largement utilisées dans la préparation physique pour la performance sportive. Comme ils consistent tous deux à soulever des charges importantes, ils doivent être bien exécutés pour éviter les blessures et améliorer la forme physique et les performances. A ce jour, les conseils de coachs expérimentés ou diplômés ou autoproclamés pullulent dans les salles de sport et sur le web, mais très peu s'appuient sur des connaissances scientifiques. Les mêmes instructions techniques sont souvent données à des hommes et des femmes ayant des caractéristiques anthropométriques et des formations différentes. Comme elles ne sont pas individualisées, ces instructions pourraient être au mieux non optimales pour la plupart des athlètes, ne leur permettant pas d'exprimer tout leur potentiel et, au pire, dangereuses et provoquant des blessures. L'objectif central de notre projet est le développement et la validation d'un modèle humain virtuel personnalisé optimisé. D’une part, un modèle mécanique virtuel d’un athlète effectuant un squat a été conçu numériquement et mis en mouvement par le développement d’un algorithme génétique minimisant une fonction de coût. D’autre part, une expérience a été conçue pour mesurer la cinématique du squat d’athlètes expérimentés. Les résultats de la simulation et de l'expérimentation ont ensuite été confrontés, les différences expliquées et les axes d'amélioration répertoriés
More than sports, weightlifting and powerlifting are widely used in fitness/resistance training for sport performance. As they both consist of lifting additional weights they must be well executed to avoid injuries and enhance fitness and performance. To date, pieces of advice from experienced or graduated or self - proclaimed coaches, swarm in gyms and on the web, but very little are based on scientific knowledge. The same technical instructions are often given to men and women with different anthropometry and training history. As they are not individualized, these instructions could be at best suboptimal for most athletes, not enabling them to express their full potential and, at worst, dangerous and causing injuries. The central objective of our project is the development and validation of an optimised personalized virtual human model. On the one hand, a virtual mechanical model of an athlete squatting was numerically designed and set into motion by the development of a genetic algorithm minimizing a cost function. On the other hand, an experiment was designed to measure the squat kinematics of experienced athletes. The results of the simulation and experimentation were then confronted, the differences explained and areas of improvement listed
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Aliaga, Palacios Loana Antonella, Haaker Alessandro Aservi, Bazán Valeria Milagros Rubi Celi, Ackerman Leon Chrem e Moreno Fernando Franco Giraldo. "VITTAFIT: Plataforma virtual para mantener un estilo de vida saludable". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655089.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
El presente proyecto muestra la validación del modelo de negocio VITTAFIT, plataforma web que ofrece rutinas de ejercicios y esquemas nutricionales personalizados en base al objetivo de cada cliente, sumado a la asesoría virtual de un nutricionista y preparador físico. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa de personas pertenecientes a los niveles socioeconómicos A y B de los distritos de Lima Moderna y Lima Top, validándose el problema principal de la investigación. Es decir, el alto nivel de complejidad para mantener un estilo de vida saludable en personas de 18 a 55 años de Lima Moderna y Lima Top. Para lanzar el servicio en el año 2021, mediante un estudio de mercado, se analizaron detalladamente las tendencias del mercado generadas en la pandemia por el Covid-19, así como todo lo relacionado a la alimentación de los peruanos y su frecuencia para ejercitarse. Por otro lado, el informe se dividió en los siguientes planes: estratégico, operaciones, recursos humanos, marketing, responsabilidad social empresarial, financiero y de financiamiento, con el propósito de quedar bien estructurado. Luego, se identificaron los objetivos y se plantearon las estrategias de cada área junto a su presupuesto para verificar la rentabilidad del negocio. En ese sentido, tras realizar un exhaustivo análisis financiero, se obtuvieron resultados positivos, deduciendo que el negocio sí sería rentable. Finalmente, el aprendizaje obtenido en este proyecto fue inmenso y muy provechoso para nuestra formación como profesionales al aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el estudio de la carrera.
This project shows the validation of the VITTAFIT business model, a web platform that offers exercise routines and personalized nutritional schemes based on the objective of each client, added to the virtual advice of a nutritionist and physical trainer. For this, a qualitative and quantitative investigation of people belonging to socioeconomic levels A and B of the districts of Modern Lima and Lima Top was carried out, validating the main problem of the investigation. That is, the high level of complexity to maintain a healthy lifestyle in people between 18 and 55 years old from Modern Lima and Lima Top. To launch the service in 2021, through a market study, the market trends generated in the Covid-19 pandemic were analyzed in detail, as well as everything related to the diet of the Peruvians and their frequency of exercise. On the other hand, the report was divided into the following plans: strategic, operations, human resources, marketing, corporate social responsibility, financial and financing, in order to be well structured. Then, the objectives were identified and the strategies of each area were proposed together with their budget to verify the profitability of the business. In this sense, after conducting an exhaustive financial analysis, positive results were obtained, deducing that the business would be profitable. Finally, the learning obtained in this project was immense and very beneficial for our training as professionals by applying the knowledge acquired during the study of the degree.
Trabajo de investigación
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Keukelaere, Camille de. "Modes de coordination interindividuelle et régulation du partage en situation dynamique collaborative : application au handball et au théâtre d'improvisation". Thesis, Brest, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BRES0015/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les études de psychologie des industries et des organisations montrent que la compréhension partagée (CP) conditionne la performance collective. Nous mobilisons le concept de la Team Situation Awareness pour identifier les éléments qui concourent à la CP et à son évolution au cours de l'action. Une analyse en handball nous a permis d'identifier (a) 4 formes typiques d'articulation des activités individuelles, (b) 7 contenus typiques et (c) 6 processus typiques interindividuels. Nos résultats montrent que les formes de partage sont locales et ponctuelles, alternant entre trois modes de coordination en cours d'action : (1) application du plan, (2) ajustement transitoire en fin d’action, (3) adaptation en temps réel au contexte de jeu. L’analyse de la dynamique du partage met en évidence que le sentiment de performance collective est subordonné à une fluidité dans l'enchaînement des actions et au jugement de sécurité quant à l'évaluation de la situation. L'analyse en théâtre d'improvisation conforte la classification proposée dans la première étude. Notre étude a permis d'apporter des éléments sur les activités collaboratives en situation dynamique, et notamment sur la fonction de la CP qui peut être considérée comme un phénomène dynamique dont la principale fonction est de maintenir un potentiel de coordination suffisant entre les partenaires d'une équipe. À partir de nos résultats, nous proposons une modélisation qui rend compte des mécanismes de CP à deux échelles : (1) à l'échelle de l'équipe, nous proposons une modélisation qui renseigne l'alternance des modes de coordination en fonction des contraintes de l'environnement ; (2) à une échelle locale, nous proposons une modélisation qui rend compte de la régulation du partage entre les agent de l'équipe
In the field of I/O psychology, most of studies estimate that team performance under temporal pressure is directly related to shared understanding (SU) within a team. In order to account for the dynamics of SU within a team, we have studied the evolution of contents, forms and mechanisms of the sharing process, as a function of context variability and temporal pressure. We primarily work in line with the Team Situation Awareness model, that is usually mobilized in work situations. A first study allowed us to identify the various elements of SU and its dynamics in feminine handball competitions. The analysis permitted to identify (a) four typical forms of shared understanding, (b) seven typical contents shared and (c) six typical interaction processes between teammates. Results shows that sharing forms are local and punctual, alternating between two main modes of SU : either a preestablished plan follow-up, together with possible adaptation to conclude a given action, or a real-time adaptation to the context of action. A second study deals with improvisational theatre, regulated in real time by the director through earphones. Our results show that the sharing typical forms, contents and processes that rise in this activity also correspond to the classification we made in the first field study, which strengthens the genericity of our proposal. These results invite us to think that online regulation may either enhance or hamper the SU and thus the collective performance, respectively by improving the update and interaction processes between actors, or by overloading the cognitive activity of the team members in the course of action. Based on these results, we propose to consider the SU as a process that works over two space and time scales: on the global scale, SU may envolve over long periods within a team; and on a local scale, SU is actually developed through interpersonal updating and in situ adjustment processes. In order to account for these two scales, we proposed a team coordination model together with an interindividual regulation model. Our work opens the way to the study of the correlation between local mechanisms of shared understanding and the global dynamics of a collaborative activity
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Candelario, Ramírez Frank Eduardo, Medina Jesús Alberto Ochoa, Anticona Lizbeth Erika Ulloque, Tapia Ariana Elizabeth Vargas e Zambrano Babsy Helen Vargas. "Estudio de viabilidad de un gimnasio virtual personalizado de entrenamiento con asesoría nutricional y tienda online de artículos deportivos – Profit Gym". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655098.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
En el proyecto actual se refleja el desarrollo de una idea de negocio propuesta por un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Cada una de las competencias adquiridas por parte de cada integrante durante el transcurso de la carrera fueron puestos en práctica en el trabajo. El primer punto fue reconocer el problema en la coyuntura actual, la población tiene la necesidad de permanecer mayor tiempo en casa y combatir el virus del COVID-19; dado que el índice de contagio no está controlado. Asimismo, la comunidad médica informó la importancia de mantener una vida saludable para mantener un organismo apto para reducir el impacto del virus. Por este motivo, desarrollamos un servicio para que las personas tengan acceso a beneficios que le permitan mantener una vida saludable desde casa sin necesidad de exponerse en la calle. El público objetivo seleccionado fue personas de 18 a 50 años de edad de los NSE A - B, pertenecientes a Lima Moderna. Por consiguiente, se fundó Profit Gym, una plataforma web que ofrece planes integrales de entrenamientos y asesorías de nutrición en conjunto; acompañado de una tienda virtual que ofrece productos complementarios para lograr el objetivo de cada usuario. Para el logro de lo mencionado anteriormente, se realizó un análisis previo para el desarrollo de estrategias que comprendan el Plan de Marketing, Plan de Operaciones, Plan Financiero, Plan de Recursos Humanos y Plan de Responsabilidad Social para la evaluación del negocio e implementación del proyecto de manera exitosa.
The current project reflects the development of a business idea proposed by a group of students from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). Each of the skills acquired by each member during the course of the race were put into practice at work. The first point was to recognize the problem at the current juncture, the population needs to stay longer at home and fight the COVID-19 virus; because the contagion rate is not controlled. The medical community also reported the importance of maintaining a healthy life to maintain an organism fit to reduce the impact of the virus. For this reason, we develop a service so that people have access to benefits that allow them to maintain a healthy life from home without having to expose themselves on the street. The target audience selected was people aged 18 to 50 years of age from the NSE A - B, belonging to Lima Modern. Profit Gym was therefore founded, a web platform that offers comprehensive training plans and nutrition consulting together; accompanied by a virtual store that offers complementary products to achieve the goal of each user. For the achievement of the above, a previous analysis was carried out for the development of strategies that includes the Marketing Plan, Operations Plan, Financial Plan, Human Resources Plan and Social Responsibility Plan for the evaluation of the business and implementation of the project successfully.
Trabajo de investigación
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Kocian, Rafael Castro. "O uso de ambientes virtuais para formulação de políticas públicas para os equipamentos de lazer esportivo de São José do Rio Pardo/SP /". Rio Claro, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/152396.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Orientador: Afonso Antonio Machado
Banca: Graziela Pascom Caparroz
Banca: Silvia Deutsch
Banca: Gustavo Lima Isler
Banca: Rubens Venditti Junior
Resumo: As discussões sobre as políticas públicas relacionadas aos equipamentos de esporte e lazer ganharam destaque após a realização dos megaeventos esportivos que o país sediou, afinal, não é raro encontrar equipamentos abandonados, sem utilização pela população. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os equipamentos públicos de esporte e lazer de São José do Rio Pardo/SP e elaborar uma proposta de plataforma virtual para realização de debates sobre o esporte e lazer no município. Trabalhamos com uma pesquisa qualitativa, com levantamento de dados bibliográficos e de campo. Para a pesquisa de campo utilizou-se de levantamento de dados através da Lei de Acesso à Informação e de visitas in loco, com registros fotográficos e anotações em caderno de campo. Os dados coletados foram registrados na ferramenta de georeferenciamento Google My Maps. Os resultados demonstram que o município possui 26 equipamentos de esporte e lazer, com uma concentração ampla na região Oeste. Apesar da quantidade a distribuição é falha, seja pela presença nas regiões Leste e Norte, seja pela realização de atividades na região Oeste, caracterizando assim, uma centralização da oferta de atividades de esporte e lazer. Por fim, apresentamos uma proposta de plataforma virtual para a participação da população em debates sobre os equipamentos de esporte e lazer. A formulação é baseada em três eixos, denominados: "Conheça", onde os cidadãos recebem informações e tiram dúvidas; "Construa", onde é possível registrar su... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Discussions on public policies related to sports and leisure equipment gained prominence after the sportive mega events which the country hosted, once, it is not uncommon to find abandoned places, unused by the population. The objective of this research was to evaluate the public sports and leisure facilities of São José do Rio Pardo / SP State to elaborate a proposal of a virtual platform for conducting debates on sport and leisure in the city. We work with a qualitative research, with bibliographical and field data collection. For field research, we did a data recovery using publics records, available by the national law on information access (Lei de Acesso à Informação) and on-site visits, with photographic records and annotations in a field notebook. The data collected was recorded in the Google My Maps georeferencing tool. The results show that the municipality has 26 sports and leisure equipment, with a wide concentration in the west region. Despite the number, the distribution is flawed, either by the presence in the East and North regions, or by the performance of activities in the West region, characterizing, therefore, a centralization of the offer of sports and leisure activities. Finally, we present a proposal for a virtual platform for the participation of the population in debates on sports and leisure equipment. The formulation is based on three axes: "Know", where citizens receive information and ask questions; "Build", where it is possible to register suggest... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Pilavci, Burak. "On-pitch success in UEFA Champions League : an empirical analysis of economic, demographic and traditional factors". Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Internationella Handelshögskolan, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-22568.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper’s aim is to discover the impact of economical, demographic and traditional determinants on clubs’ on-pitch success in UEFA Champions League. Generally it is assumed by people that financially strong clubs tend to win on the pitch most of the time. Is it really true? Is it always the same wealthy teams which win in the end? Football is a type of entertainment and people would like to see games with uncertain outcomes and a balanced competitiveness between two sides. In this way they can enjoy this entertainment. In that case, how uncertain is the outcome and how balanced is the competition in UEFA Champions League? In order to answer all these questions a multiple regression analysis is built including economic, demographic and traditional variables both at club and country level. These mentioned explanatory variables are GDP per capita of the home country, population of the host city, total market value of the team’s players, capacity of the stadium, country’s participation in international tournaments, club’s age, rank of the next best team from the same country and country’s hosting an international tournament. It turned out that financially advantageous clubs which have stadiums with larger capacities and located in more populated cities have more chances of winning than the others. Then again, it is observed that countries’ football tradition and dedication does not have a significant impact on clubs’ on-pitch success in UEFA Champions League.
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Bideau, Benoit. "Biomécanique du mouvement et interactions sportives". Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 2, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01059095.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le mouvement sportif est fortement contraint par les interactions possibles avec le milieu dans lequel il évolue, par le matériel qu'il utilise, ou par ses adversaires ou partenaires. Ma recherche s'est donc orientée sur l'étude de ces interactions pour comprendre leurs influences sur l'efficacité du geste et la performance. En fonction des différentes activités sportives cette analyse du mouvement est basée soit sur une approche purement biomécanique, soit sur une approche orientée vers le contrôle moteur. En effet l'approche biomécanique permet une compréhension précise de la performance motrice lorsque l'activité sportive peut se faire sans interactions directes avec l'adversaire. Cette notion implique que le mouvement du sportif ne soit pas modulé par celui de son adversaire. La natation, l'athlétisme font partie de cette catégorie de sport sans interactions directes. Dans ces activités la modélisation du mouvement peut se faire sur des critères cinématiques, dynamiques ou énergétiques. Néanmoins si le mouvement n'est pas modulé par celui de l'adversaire il peut l'être par le matériel utilisé : les chaussures en athlétisme ou les palmes en natation peuvent influer sur les critères biomécaniques. Nous nous intéresserons également aux activités où le mouvement du sportif est modulé par celui de son adversaire. Ces activités, généralement de duels, seront considérées comme activités avec interactions directes. De ce fait l'approche purement biomécanique du mouvement ne permet pas de comprendre la performance. En effet, l'action du sportif est dépendante de sa capacité à prélever des informations sur la séquence motrice de son opposant. L'analyse de la prise d'informations visuelles en relation avec l'action du sportif peut se révéler essentiel pour une optimisation du processus d'entrainement. D'une manière générale, quel que soit le type d'interaction l'objectif poursuivi est d'isoler par différentes méthodes les paramètres de l'efficacité du geste sportif. Pour isoler ces paramètres il est nécessaire de contrôler les différentes variables pour étudier leur influence sur la performance. La réalité virtuelle est un moyen de contrôle des variables pour l'analyse des interactions sportives. Les travaux présentés portent sur la validation et l'utilisation de la réalité virtuelle pour la compréhension des duels sportifs.
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Castro, Marroquín Cesar Enrique, Rodriguez Juan Sebastian Guevara, Sajamin Jessenia Sonia Poicon, León Elizabeth Antuanette Rojas e Azato Miyuki Jennifer Tengan. "HEALTH STREAM". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/656924.

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Abstract (sommario):
Este emprendimiento fue planteado por un grupo de estudiantes de la facultad de Negocios de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) que están próximo a obtener el grado de bachiller de Administración y Negocios Internacionales. Los conocimientos adquiridos durante estos años de la carrera nos han permitido plantear un modelo de negocio con una propuesta de valor de manera objetiva y directa. En primer lugar, se identificó el problema que es la tasa de crecimiento de enfermedades con trastornos psicológicos como es el estrés y ansiedad que están padeciendo las personas por el confinamiento social obligatorio a causa de la pandemia del COVID-19. Por estas razones, creamos la plataforma “Health Stream” que brinda diferentes cursos virtuales de deportes, para reducir el estrés que se da por la rutina del home office y clases. Asimismo, se ofrece talleres nutricionales y psicológicos para que el usuario pueda mejorar su estilo de vida. De esta forma, ponemos a disposición un servicio completo con tres planes de pago siendo Clásico, Gold y Premium. En conclusión, luego de haber realizado el lanzamiento de la página pudimos obtener diferentes críticas constructivas que nos ayudaron en el proceso del proyecto de negocio, por lo cual realizamos mejoras continuas para obtener la versión final.
This entrepreneurship was proposed by a group of students from the Business School of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) who are about to obtain their bachelor's degree in Administration and International Business. The knowledge acquired during these years of study has allowed us to propose a business model with a value proposition in an objective and direct manner. First, we identified the problem that is the growth rate of diseases with psychological disorders such as stress and anxiety that people are suffering from the mandatory social confinement due to the pandemic of COVID-19. For these reasons, we created the "Health Stream" platform that offers different virtual sports courses to reduce the stress caused by the home office routine and classes. We also offer nutritional and psychological workshops so that users can improve their lifestyles. In this way, we offer a complete service with three payment plans: Classic, Gold, and Premium. In conclusion, after the launching of the website we were able to obtain different constructive criticisms that helped us in the process of the business project, which is why we made continuous improvements to obtain the final version.
Trabajo de investigación
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Kocian, Rafael Castro [UNESP]. "O uso de ambientes virtuais para formulação de políticas públicas para os equipamentos de lazer esportivo de São José do Rio Pardo/SP". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/152396.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Submitted by RAFAEL CASTRO KOCIAN null (rafaelkocian@gmail.com) on 2018-01-02T13:18:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE DOUTORADO_RAFAEL CASTRO KOCIAN.pdf: 11554044 bytes, checksum: 43be031d42fef64e54810686d5fa5c7b (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Aparecida Puerta null (dripuerta@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-01-03T16:54:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 kocian_rc_dr_rcla.pdf: 11496873 bytes, checksum: 740c47c0d91244afb5f3324dad5e30fe (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-03T16:54:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 kocian_rc_dr_rcla.pdf: 11496873 bytes, checksum: 740c47c0d91244afb5f3324dad5e30fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-12
As discussões sobre as políticas públicas relacionadas aos equipamentos de esporte e lazer ganharam destaque após a realização dos megaeventos esportivos que o país sediou, afinal, não é raro encontrar equipamentos abandonados, sem utilização pela população. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os equipamentos públicos de esporte e lazer de São José do Rio Pardo/SP e elaborar uma proposta de plataforma virtual para realização de debates sobre o esporte e lazer no município. Trabalhamos com uma pesquisa qualitativa, com levantamento de dados bibliográficos e de campo. Para a pesquisa de campo utilizou-se de levantamento de dados através da Lei de Acesso à Informação e de visitas in loco, com registros fotográficos e anotações em caderno de campo. Os dados coletados foram registrados na ferramenta de georeferenciamento Google My Maps. Os resultados demonstram que o município possui 26 equipamentos de esporte e lazer, com uma concentração ampla na região Oeste. Apesar da quantidade a distribuição é falha, seja pela presença nas regiões Leste e Norte, seja pela realização de atividades na região Oeste, caracterizando assim, uma centralização da oferta de atividades de esporte e lazer. Por fim, apresentamos uma proposta de plataforma virtual para a participação da população em debates sobre os equipamentos de esporte e lazer. A formulação é baseada em três eixos, denominados: “Conheça”, onde os cidadãos recebem informações e tiram dúvidas; “Construa”, onde é possível registrar sugestões e debater propostas; e “Escolha”, onde são tomadas decisões a serem implantadas no município.
Discussions on public policies related to sports and leisure equipment gained prominence after the sportive mega events which the country hosted, once, it is not uncommon to find abandoned places, unused by the population. The objective of this research was to evaluate the public sports and leisure facilities of São José do Rio Pardo / SP State to elaborate a proposal of a virtual platform for conducting debates on sport and leisure in the city. We work with a qualitative research, with bibliographical and field data collection. For field research, we did a data recovery using publics records, available by the national law on information access (Lei de Acesso à Informação) and on-site visits, with photographic records and annotations in a field notebook. The data collected was recorded in the Google My Maps georeferencing tool. The results show that the municipality has 26 sports and leisure equipment, with a wide concentration in the west region. Despite the number, the distribution is flawed, either by the presence in the East and North regions, or by the performance of activities in the West region, characterizing, therefore, a centralization of the offer of sports and leisure activities. Finally, we present a proposal for a virtual platform for the participation of the population in debates on sports and leisure equipment. The formulation is based on three axes: “Know”, where citizens receive information and ask questions; “Build”, where it is possible to register suggestions and discuss proposals; and Choice, where decisions are taken to be implemented in the city.
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS)
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Maes, Arnaud. "Intervention du triptyque communauté virtuelle, multinationales et techniques d'information et de communication sur la communication virtuelle des masses : enjeux et stratégie de gouvernance de l'internet et rôle des TIC dans la co-régulation société civile et multinationales marchandes : étude de cas : sportmalin.com, le site communautaire d'e-commerce des sports et des loisirs en France". Aix-Marseille 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX32026.

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Abstract (sommario):
L’avènement des TIC accentue le phénomène des communautés virtuelles. Privilégiant plutôt l’aspect social que technologique, l’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre la communication et l’organisation dans ces communautés. Le problème terrain a été d’étudier ce phénomène dans un contexte communautaire. Les investigations se sont alors focalisées sur l’analyse d’un site sportif d’e-commerce primé par de nombreux prix d’innovation en terme de modèle de constitution communautaire: Sportmalin. Com Dès lors sur le plan théorique, nous envisageons les TIC comme « des artéfacts communicationnels ». Le principal intérêt est de révéler que le phénomène communautaire provient majoritairement d’une médiation entre trois objets antinomiques du système mais néanmoins interreliés : les outils communautaires, les enjeux mercantiles et la volonté des membres de faire partager leurs connaissances. Pendant 20 mois, l’analyse nous apprend qu’une adéquation est possible entre une problématique mercantile et communautaire. Tel un rouage, chaque partie (communautés virtuelles, outils communautaires, TIC, marketing et multinationales) se complète tout en restant dépendante les unes des autres. L’ensemble du phénomène de communauté virtuelle résulte de stratégies d’acteurs et de choix rationnels. Bien que les communautés virtuelles semblent être le produit d’efforts délibérément coordonnés d’un ensemble d’acteurs, le facteur humain constitue la variable instable de ce système communautaire. La conclusion révèle que la « communauté virtuelle commerciale », telle que nous allons la décrire au cours de cette étude, constitue le modèle universel de toute communauté virtuelle artefact
The increasing of ICT accentuates the phenomenon of the virtual communities. Rather privileging the social aspect more than the technological aspect, the aim of this thesis is to understand communication and organization in these communities. The ground problem has been to study this increasing phenomenon in a community context. The investigations then focused on the analysis of a community site of e-business in sports awarded by numerous innovation prizes as model of a community constitution: sportmalin. Com. Therefore from a theoretical point of view, it is necessary to understand the ICT as “communicational actefacts”. The principal interest was to reveal that the community phenomenon mainly results from a mediation between three antinomic objects of the system but nevertheless linked together : the community technical tools, the mercantile stakes and the will of the members to share and exchange their knowledge. The survey led during twenty months teaches us that an adequacy is possible between a mercantile and a community problematics. Just like a cog of a system, every part (virtual communities, community tools, the ICT, marketing initiative and the multinationals) completes the other as well as remaining dependent with the others. The analysis grants that the whole phenomenon of virtual community is the sole result of strategy of actors and rational choices. Although the virtual communities seem to be the product of deliberately coordinated efforts of a set of actors, the human factor is the unstable variable of this community system. The conclusion of this research reveals that the “ virtual commercial community ”, such as we are going to describe it in this study, establishes the universal model of any virtual community artefact
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Filo, Karol. "REVITALIZACE A PROSTOROVÁ KULTIVACE PIARISTICKÉHO GYMNÁZIA V MIKULOVĚ". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-316427.

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Abstract (sommario):
The main purpose is to show the way, how gymnasium in Mikulov can overcome its difficult existence situation by the architectural and urban study. The solved territory is defined by the campus of the school, Piarist Street, Comenius Street And Under the platter street. In this triangle is also a memorial tree, church, fallen memorial, park, 3 bus stops, mixed civic amenities and family housing. The proposal respects or supports them. The most problematic attributes that the design reacts to are the declining interest in grammar schooling, the untapped potential of a more active relationship between region and city and also non-human environment surrounding the school grounds associated with an inconvenient traffic situation in the city. The result of the solution is to be a positive spatial-functional-operational transformation of the site at a strategic-urban-architectural level with a long-term effect.
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Loubier, Jean-Christophe. "Perception et simulation des effets du changement climatique sur l'économie du ski et la biodiversité". Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00006990.

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Abstract (sommario):
Dans les hautes vallées alpines, on observe des conflits d'intérêts entre l'économie du ski et les objectifs de préservation de la biodiversité dans le cadre du changement climatique global. Les enjeux sont importants et la concertation en matière d'aménagement devient très difficile Nous avons cherché à développer une méthodologie et un instrument d'aide à la concertation par heuristique visuelle. L'expérimentation de cet instrument est conduite sur le territoire de la Savoie et de la Haute Savoie. Cette thèse se développe en trois temps. Le premier temps définit le contexte général du changement climatique d'un point de vue global. Nous établissons ensuite un changement d'échelle pour nous rapprocher de l'échelon local. Il s'agit d'identifier les mécanismes d'émergence des conflits d'intérêts en fonction des enjeux simultanés économie du ski/préservation de la biodiversité. Le second temps développe une méthodologie pour aider la concertation autour de ce type de conflits par simulation interactive. C'est l'approche par heuristique visuelle. Nous montrons comment, une base de données doit être conçue, pour permettre la mise en œuvre de ce concept. Nous définissons également les types d'outils qui doivent être utilisés ainsi que leurs agencements pour la construction de l'environnement de simulation. Cette partie propose également une stratégie particulière d'amélioration de l'information continue quand il apparaît un besoin d'interpolation sur un faible jeu de données. Enfin, le dernier temps développe l'expérimentation sur notre terrain d'étude.
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Bílek, Jan. "Aerospace - Futuristický kokpit moderního letounu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-237164.

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Abstract (sommario):
This work describes the visualization design of the flight related quantities in a cockpit of a modern light sport aircraft. It focuses on the utilization of the state of the art trends in flight data displays and introduces the innovative implementation of the aircraft's energy state smart clues that reduce pilots' workload. The initial part of the work presents a research into the flight, engine and navigation data presentation on analog instruments, followed by their illustrative depiction in glass cockpits. Within the framework of this thesis, Microsoft Flight Simulator has been used as a source of the flight related data. Final advances in the display design were introduced through the implementation of the synthetic vision system and a visualization of the virtual tunnel in the sky.
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Steinebach, Mario, Christine Häckel-Riffler, Caroline Pollmer, Antje Brabandt, Janine Mahler, Michael Chlebusch, Thomas Doriath, Rico Hinkel e Anett Kretzer. "TU-Spektrum 1/2006, Magazin der Technischen Universität Chemnitz". Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2006. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:swb:ch1-200600234.

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Steinebach, Mario, Christine Häckel-Riffler, Antje Brabandt, Janine Mahler, Michael Chlebusch, Thomas Doriath, Nicole Leithold, Jana Klein e Sara Rodefeld. "TU-Spektrum 3/2006, Magazin der Technischen Universität Chemnitz". Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2006. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:swb:ch1-200602090.

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Lin, Yen-Chun, e 林彥君. "Knowledge Sharing Behaviors of Sports Virtual Community Members". Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/96544394978041357730.

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Abstract (sommario):
Virtual community is a platform of knowledge sharing where seekers of specific knowledge and the providers of needed knowledge will meet. Due to the participants of a virtual community usually have common interests; they have huge information and knowledge to share with each other. Sharing is the essentiality and the most important concepts of virtual communities, once members stop interacting with each other, the community stop functioning as well. The most popular virtual community in Taiwan is a Bulletin Board System (BBS) named PTT where contains more than 600,000 registered users and 8,000 message boards, 379 sports related message boards are included. However, sports message boards of PTT are no more than a platform for users to interact with each other. To make these boards informative relies heavily on users’ sharing behaviors. Some users of PTT sports message boards share knowledge and information constantly without compensation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the factors affect knowledge sharing intentions and behaviors in sport virtual community. Furthermore, relationship between knowledge sharing behaviors and different levels of group identification, as well as fan identification, were also discussed in this study. Theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen was adopted to be the main concept of this study. 469 valid online questionnaires were collected. Results indicated that relationship between behavior and attitudes and subjective norms were fully mediated by intention, perceived behavioral control was partly mediated by intention, and behavior was negatively affected by perceived behavioral control. In addition, intention of people with high level of fan identification was only affected by attitude and subjective norms; perceived behavioral control was not included. Moreover,intention of people with high level of group identification was not predicted by perceived behavioral control. The findings of this study could understand the sports knowledge sharing behaviors intention in virtual community and relationship with fan identification and group identification behaviors. Additionally, this study could assist practitioners in terms of improving virtual community management, social interaction and interchange in sport virtual world.
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Salum, Cecilia. "Desarrollo de una tienda virtual para Onda Sports". Master's thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11086/4706.

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Abstract (sommario):
Tesis (Maestría en Dirección de Negocios) -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina, 2016.
La cantidad de comercio llevada a cabo electrónicamente ha crecido de manera extraordinaria debido a Internet. Una gran variedad de comercio se realiza de esta manera. Internet como herramienta de negocios ofrece grandes oportunidades, ya que la comodidad de comprar en-línea está haciéndose popular entre los consumidores y se espera que las ventas a través de la Red tengan un crecimiento explosivo en los próximos años. Esto trae aparejado numerosos cambios y beneficios en cuanto a la comunicación con el cliente, la forma de hacer publicidad, la disminución de costos, entre otros. Se trata de una nueva forma de hacer negocios en la que la competencia pasa a ser global, el mercado se extiende más allá de los límites tradicionales y se elimina de una ubicación temporal y geográfica. Se crea el “Marketspace”; se pueden realizar compras en cualquier momento y lugar.
Fil: Salum, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.
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Cheng, Han-wen, e 鄭涵文. "A Legal Study on The Virtual Channels of Sports Lottery in Taiwan". Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/92aq27.

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TSENG, WEN-LING, e 曾文伶. "A Study of Users' Needs to Virtual Community Services of Sports Websites". Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/65095785231114109996.

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Abstract (sommario):
The developments of internet and technology have dramatically changed our daily life. Internet has become one of the most important channels to search information and do communication. The study is to investigate the virtual community services of sports websites and users' needs. “Content analysis” and “web questionnaire” have adopted in the study. First of all, we used content analysis to study examined the different virtual community service on current of 20 online sports websites. At the same time, the researcher used questionnaire for online user object by using those virtual community service. Effective questionnaires are 338 copies. All data was analyzed with descriptive, independent t-test, and one-way analysis of variance by SPSS 22.0 version. The research results are as below: 1. “Subjectlized information service” and “home link means” are the most emphatic items of the virtual community services of the sports websites. However, “entertainment services” and “personalized design means” are not. 2. Various the virtual community services of the sports websites to “subjectlized information service” the smallest difference to “entertainment services” the biggest difference. Services Presentation places “home link means” the smallest difference, with “personalized design means” the biggest difference. 3. “Subjectlized information service” and “searching design means” are highly needed of users’ needs. “Customer support service” and “personalized design means” are not. 4. There was no significant difference in the needs of different backgrounds the virtual community services of the sports websites. 5. Services provided by the virtual community services of the sports websites and users' needs differ services to “entertainment services” and a relatively large gap between the needs of users, the service presentation to “searching design” and the relatively large gap between user requirements. According to the results of the study, it will provide applicable suggestions for manager, users and future researchers of the virtual community services of the sports websites.
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Lin, Yaung-Wei, e 林元巍. "A Study of E-Sports Participants’ Virtual Products Purchasing Willingness Impacted by Their Own Involvement and Game Performances of these E-Sports". Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/62118072334241393822.

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Abstract (sommario):
The popularity of e-Sports in Taiwan has been increasing significantly in recent years. With the increasing of the number of players, more and more competitions were now broadcasted on TV and internet platforms which result in the creation of the emerging decorative virtual products. Unlike traditional online game products, this type of merchandise is only used for decorations. The study was to understand the correlation between e-Sport participants’ involvement along with game performance and virtual products purchasing intentions, and analyze if it can be used in the future to predict and gauge the potential market. The researcher of this study adopts questionnaire survey to collect data, and the subjects of this study were university students in Tainan who were also e-Sports players. The total amounts of 500 questionnaires were issued to those e-Sport’s Participants by purposive sampling. Totally, 458 valid samples were left. The effective response rate was 91.6 %. The valid data were analyzed by SPSS statistics. The results show that most e-Sport’s Participants are male (82.1%), mainly they are on silver rank (23.6%) with monthly disposable income of under 10,000 NT, gaming time are more than 4 hours each time, and at least 10 times a week. 93.7% of these players have purchased from the online store. The purchasing willingness is significantly influenced by those factors above (amount of monthly disposable income, playing times per week, and gaming duration per time), which make the conclusion of this study can positive describe as: the purchasing willingness of e-Sports participants can be predicted. Based on the findings in this study, the researcher suggest e-Sports companies to develop more decorative virtual products in a great diversity, ally with other companies, and find strategies for attracting potential female players. The further studies can be developed by analyzing various factors such as age, occupation, region, type of game, type of virtual products, and so on.
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You, Jia-Hung, e 尤家鴻. "Study on Combining Virtual Reality design with sport machine". Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/x39p33.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study aims at employing high-speed camera, odometer and accelerometer to collect information such as images, distances and slope of roads. The collected information will be transferred to programmable data through image and signal processing, used to create Hybrid VR and interactive program. Furthermore, in order to understand the performance of the created program, the calculated data has to be compared with the data from the other experiments. After verifying the capability of the created program, the created program will be integrated with fitness equipment and three-axis motion platform. According to player’s motion, the created program can automatically and immediately control the resistant force of the fitness equipment, alter the slope, roll, rotation and angle of three-axis motion platform, and modify the corresponded images. The destination of this study is to give players the feeling of being in the action, and to make players to be willing to do exercise by the created program, fitness equipment and three-axis motion platform.
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