Tesi sul tema "Spectroscopie à rayons X mous"
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Ghiringhelli, Giacomo. "Spectroscopies résonnantes de rayons X mous polarisés circulairement". Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001GRE10234.
Testo completoBenkoula, Safia. "Étude de la structure, des propriétés de surface et de la réactivité de nanoparticules isolées par spectroscopie de photoélectrons par rayonnement synchrotron dans le domaine des rayons X-mous". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015SACLS219/document.
Testo completoDuring the past decade, a world-wide industrial expansion of nanosystems has been taking place at the junction between fundamental and applied sciences. Among these nanosystems, clusters, defined as small particles whose constitution ranges from few atoms (or molecules) to several thousand units, constitute "the missing link" between the isolated atom and the bulk solid. Studying the interactions in the aggregates would allow to understand how the atom is influenced by its neighborhood when it is included in a dense system within other atoms. "Nanoparticle" (NP) is usually defined as a system extanding from several thousands to millions of atoms, and its size is expressed in nanometer (nm, 1 nm = 10^{-9} m).This interest for nanosystems mainly results from their particular physical properties at the nanometer scale, but also from their large "surface to bulk" ratio. Hence, more active sites are available at the surface, enhancing their reactivity. This characteristic is used in numerous fields of applications (heterogeneous catalysis, cleanup, photovoltaics, nanomedicine).% and is also relevant in natural processes (atmospheric sprays, volcanic eruptions).This expansion of the "nanotechnological" activities involves the development of new methods for the characterization of these new kinds of materials, which take a considerable part in our daily life. Among the methods of matter characterization, synchrotron radiation based soft X-ray spectroscopy has shown to be a powerful technique for the study of atoms and molecules as well as materials, and appears today as an efficient technique of characterization in surface science.The idea of this thesis is to combine the atomic selectivity of the spectroscopy applied to dilute matter, with the surface sensitivity of soft X-ray spectroscopy, to study isolated nanosystems (clusters and NPs) in the gas phase, by XPS in the energy range of soft X-ray (typically 100 eV to 1000 eV). We present in this thesis the first results obtained by this approach at the PLEIADES beamline of SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility. PLEIADES is a ultra-high resolution beamline dedicated to the study of dilute matter. The experiments carried out in this work relate to materials often used in the industrial and biomedical fields: TiO2 NPs, Silicon and glycosylated polystyrene NPs. We show how XPS on isolated NPs allows us to answer concrete questions, as the surface reactivity of the NPs, processes and oxidation dynamics, the doping efficiency or the interface ligand/NP. The results presented here not only show the feasibility of the method, but much more than that, prove that it is possible to give insight about surface chemical processes occuring on isolated, randomly oriented NPs
Leroux, Juliette. "Ιnfluence οf nanοhydratiοn οn the structure and radiatiοn-induced fragmentatiοn οf gas-phase biοmοlecules". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMC224.
Testo completoIn the biological medium, water conditions the structure and function of biomolecules, with the first solvation shell playing a fundamental role in these properties. To understand this particular role of water, a bottom-up approach can be utilized, such as investigating the stepwise hydration of biomolecules in the gas phase. This thesis presents an experimental and theoretical study on the influence of nanohydration on the structure and physical processes of gas-phase biomolecules by irradiation with soft X-ray photons. First, we described the experimental setup and the electrospray ionization source dedicated to producing nanohydrated biomolecules. In the second part, we studied the solvation of two model systems: deprotonated adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and protonated phosphorylated amino acid phosphotyrosine. Using quantum chemical calculations, we investigated the influence of stepwise solvation on the three-dimensional structure and spectroscopic characteristics of AMP. We demonstrated that a single water molecule already affects the geometry. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of a single water molecule on the structure and X-ray absorption spectra of phosphotyrosine. By combining soft X-ray spectroscopy with quantum chemical calculations, we could determine the location of the water molecule and demonstrate its features in the X-ray absorption spectrum at the oxygen K-edge. Lastly, we examined the electronic fingerprint of the protonation sites in model peptides using their X-ray spectra at the nitrogen K-edge. We mapped the differences in the electronic transitions caused by different proton locations at the nitrogen and oxygen sites present within the peptide backbone and amino acid side chains
Huart, Lucie. "Effets d’ionisation en couche interne sur des molécules d’intérêt biologique en milieu aqueux". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2022SORUS012.pdf.
Testo completoSince the discovery of ionizing radiation (radioactivity, X-rays, charged particles), the chemistry of water remains widely studied as it underlies many fields from nuclear industry to medicine. If interactions start at the atomic level, they have an impact at the molecular level and can affect the behavior of a living organism in the longer term. In order to understand and predict the impact of ionizing radiations, a precise description of the energy deposition in matter is necessary. Among ionizing events, core-ionizations are usually considered as most energetic events, bringing energy deposition of several hundreds of eV at the scale of an atom. However, they remain poorly described in condensed phase. The aim of this thesis is to use soft X-ray radiation (100 -10 keV) to trigger these K-shell events around different ionization thresholds by irradiating solvated biomolecules. This study first focused on irradiation of pure water, then in the presence of solvated salts to finally investigate the effect on molecules of biological interest. The originality of this multidisciplinary project lies in the association of physico-chemical technics (quantification of radiation-induced damage, development of irradiation devices for low-penetrating radiation) and physical approach (based on electron spectroscopy) to bring a multi-scale description
Ta, Minh-Tri. "Croissance et caractérisations de couches minces d'oxydes à constante diélectrique élevée sur silicium : Etude de la sensibilité de condensateurs MOS aux rayonnements ionisants". Caen, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009CAEN2049.
Testo completoThis work is devoted to the growth on oxide thin film silicon substrate of elements of the family of rare earths, the yttrium oxide (Y2O3) and cerium (CeO2) oxidizes it. The technique of deposit used is r. F. Magnetron sputtering (13. 56 MHz). The yttrium oxide is deposited starting from a metal yttrium target, pulverization being carried out starting from a gas mixture Argon/Oxygen. The thin layers of cerium oxide are obtained by pulverization of a target of CeO2 by Argon. The temperature of growth lies between 200 °C and 800 °C. The possible annealing of oxide films is carried out either by a conventional thermal annealing, or by a fast technique of annealing. In the beginning, we present, according to the growth’s parameters, the structural properties extracted from measurements of x-rays diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Then, we present the results of the electrical measurements (capacity-tension mode) taken on the MOS capacitors containing the Y2O3 or CeO2 layers. Their analysis makes it possible to qualify and to quantify the active defects electrical that are the charge in oxide and the states in the interface oxidizes/silicon, of which the density depends on the growth and annealing conditions. Finally, a sensitivity study of these devices with the gamma rays and with the neutrons is presented. A correlation is made between the crystalline quality of the thin film, the charge density as well in oxide as with the interface/silicon oxidizes, and the sensitivity of the devices. These results show in particular that for the capacitor containing Y2O3 layer, with the important densities of defects confer a very high sensitivity to the gamma rays
Dupuy, Rémi. "Photon and electron induced desorption from molecular ices Spectrally-resolved UV photodesorption of CH4 in pure and layered ices The efficient photodesorption of nitric oxide (NO) ices : a laboratory astrophysics study X-ray photodesorption from water ice in protoplanetary disks and X-ray-dominated regions". Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUS068.
Testo completoThe deposition of energy in the form of electronic excitations in molecules condensed on cold surfaces (10-100 K) can lead to the desorption of some of these molecules. This basic surface science process has consequences in a variety of fields, two of which are of concern here : astrochemistry and vacuum dynamics. Photon and Electron-Induced desorption are studied in this manuscript for thin films of condensed molecules (ices), e.g. CO, H2O, NO or CH4. The first objective is to obtain a quantification of the desorption of the various desorbing species, and to look for the parameters that affect the efficiency of the process. The second objective is to understand the mechanisms of evolution and relaxation of the initial electronic excitations that lead to desorption. Photon-induced desorption is studied at LERMA using synchrotron radiation in the VUV range (5-14 eV) and soft X-ray range (520-600 eV). This allows to obtain spectrally-resolved information, which is crucial both for model implementation and fundamental understanding of the mechanisms. Electron-induced desorption is studied at CERN in the 150-2000 eV range. The results expand the available data on UV photodesorption and allow to determine the relevance of electron or X-ray desorption for astrochemistry. Progress has also been made on the understanding of mechanisms, particularly on the role of energy or particle transport from the bulk to the surface of the ice, on indirect desorption, or on the desorption of ions in the soft X-ray range. A new experimental set-up has also been developed at LERMA for laser desorption and laser spectroscopy experiments, allowing quantum-state and kinetic energy resolved measurements of desorbed molecules
Perron, Jonathan. "Diffusion résonante des rayons x mous dans la glace de spins artificielle". Thesis, Paris 6, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA066562/document.
Testo completoFrustration is a concept in physics which appears when all interactions in a system cannot be satisfied at the same time. Artificial spin ice is an example of a magnetic system that is frustrated by the competition between the dipolar interactions. So far, the properties of this metamaterial has been studied by means of microscopic techniques with the disadvantage of a limited dynamical range. At a time when dimensions of the nanomagnets allow the access to fast dynamics using magnetic fluctuations, the time-resolution of scattering techniques could make them relevant for such studies.Soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (SXRMS) is a magnetic-sensitive technique with a resolution compatible with the dimensions of artificial spin ice. The scope of this thesis is to demonstrate that SXRMS can bring relevant information about the magnetic organisation in artificial spin ice. It is organized in two parts. The fabrication of scattering-compatible artificial spin ice samples is described step by step. Then, the studies of both artificial square and kagome spin ice are presented. Signals of magnetic origin have been recorded, bringing insights in the magnetic organization of the system. While most of the studies have been performed on static systems, a small chapter is presenting a serie of studies using non-microscopic techniques which include systems with fluctuating magnetic moments.The different studies performed within this thesis demonstrate that artificial spin ice can not only be studied by microscopy techniques, but that scattering and non-microscopic methods are also relevant. In particular, it opens the way to more advanced experiments such as, in the x-ray domain, the illumination of the system with a coherent beam in order to resolve the nature of the very short magnetic correlations using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy technique. The presented work is therefore a first step toward the study of dynamics in artificial spin ice
Beutier, Guillaume. "Etude de nanostructures magnétiques par diffraction résonante et cohérente des rayons X mous". Grenoble INPG, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005INPG0154.
Testo completoSoft X-rays (~400-1500 eV) are among the best probes to study ferromagnetic nanostructures. Their wavelength (1-3 nm) is very weil suited to the characterisic lengthscales of these systems : magnetic storage is investigated in ferromagnetic thin films whose thickness and typical magnetic domain size are in the 10-100 nanometers range. Moreover, transition metals, which are commonly used in these materials, have their L3 edge in the soft x-ray energy range. This resonance enhances the x-rays sensitivity to local magnetic moments. Ln this thesis, we show that this sensitivity is useful to study the 3-dimensional configuration of magnetic moments. We study here the case of FePd thin films. By filtering the synchrotron beam with a 10-micrometer sized pinhole, a very coherent beam is selected. Its diffraction pattern, measured with a CCD camera used as a single photon detector, is a high resolution measurement of the Fourier Transform modulus of the object. We present here the coherent magnetic scattering from a FePd microstructure and from a grating of parallel nanolines with perpendicular magnetisation. The recontruction of the exacte magnetic configuration of the nanolines is discussed
Chesne, Marie-Laure. "Utilisation de la diffusion anomale de l'uranium pour déterminer la structure de macromolécules biologiques : des rayons X durs aux rayons X mous". Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002GRE10206.
Testo completoSVATOS, JAN. "Mesure interferometrique directe de l'indice de refraction dans le domaine des rayons x mous". Paris 11, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA112390.
Testo completoGotte, Vincent. "Etudes structurales par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X polarisés". Nancy 1, 1999. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_1999_0248_GOTTE.pdf.
Testo completoHENNET, LOUIS, e J. F. PETROFF. "Optimisation de multicouches nanometriques : nouvelles structures et nouveaux materiaux pour les optiques a rayons x mous". Paris 6, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA066522.
Testo completoMa, Wei. "Caractérisation du processus de réorganisation moléculaire en couche mince de copolymère à bloc et développement de la technique diffusion rayons X mous résonante". Paris 6, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA066643.
Testo completoMenut, Denis. "Contribution au développement de la ligne MARS pour l’analyse au rayonnement synchrotron d’aciers à dispersion d’oxydes irradiés aux neutrons : évolution des phases secondaires sous irradiation". Caen, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016CAEN2020.
Testo completoX-Ray Diffraction coupled with X-ray Absorption Fine Structure analyses at the MARS beamline of the synchrotron SOLEIL facility were used to study the microstructural evolution of oxides phases found in ODS steels irradiated in Material Testing Reactors. Two hold generations of ODS steel grades (DY and MA957) irradiated up to high fluencies (~75 dpa) were studied. These experiments have required specific developments, in particular a dedicated sample holder. An important milestone was overcome integrating the MARS beamline to the nuclearized facilities accessible for CEA. First, XRD analysis provide new results concerning intermediate sizes of precipitates (around 100 nm) essentially from crystallographic point of view, the nano-sized oxides (from 1 to 10 nm) being not detected, due to the material itself, sample preparation as thin foil and experimental set-up calibration. Secondly, XAFS analysis is not a discriminating technique as soon as the absorber atom is involved in the chemical composition of various precipitates found in ODS. Nevertheless, the stability of the Ti with a coordination number of 5 is evidenced whatever the irradiation conditions. As our experimental study was not able to detect the nano-sized oxides, an alternative way is to perform modeling approach of the behavior of massive oxides under irradiation, compared to experimental analyses under ion irradiations. We have shown that the defect-fluorite is an intermediate phase of the crystal-to-amorphous phase transition of the pyrochlore oxide structure, whatever the irradiation conditions and the ratio of the cationic radii, the Ti coordination number remaining around 5 in the amorphous state
Bébin, Philippe. "Étude des interfaces polymère-métal par la spectroscopie photoélectronique des rayons X". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape3/PQDD_0021/NQ55804.pdf.
Testo completoMorales, Ugarte Jorge Eduardo. "Etude Operando des accumulateurs au lithium par couplage spectroscopie à photoémission des rayons X et spectroscopie d’impédance". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAI082.
Testo completoFaced with the major industrial challenges in the field of electrochemical energy storage, a fundamental research effort on the materials involved and their interfaces is nowadays essential for a gain in performance, durability and safety.In this context, it is essential to understand the interfacial processes involved that induce the degradation of the lithium metal-electrolyte interface and lead to a decrease in Coulombic efficiency and promote dendritic growth.In this thesis, we propose a study coupling electrochemical techniques such as impedance spectroscopy with surface analysis techniques such as X-ray photo-emission spectroscopy to study the chemical and electrochemical reactivity between electrolytes and a lithium metal electrode.To this end, special attention has been paid to the ionic liquids based electrolytes, which have been proposed as solvents for lithium salts, particularly for their low saturation vapor pressure, which considerably increases the safety of the batteries thus designed.Finally, this work was devoted in particular to the development of operando XPS assemblies and measurements in order to follow the chemical evolution of the interfaces inside a battery in real time
Jal, Emmanuelle. "Réflectivité magnétique résonante de rayons X mous : une sonde de la distribution d'aimantation complexe au sein de films minces". Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00952868.
Testo completoRoisnel, Thierry. "Etude par spectroscopie de rayons X de quelques composés d'intercalation graphitique d'halogénures métalliques". Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376182211.
Testo completoManuel, Damien. "Etude expérimentale et théorique de l'impact des vibrations sur la spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons x". Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066318.
Testo completoThe purpose of this Ph. D. Work is to improve and expand the way atomic vibrations are taken into account in ab initio X-ray absorption spectra calculations, in the scope of density functional theory (DFT), in the plane wave formalism and by means of pseudo-potentials. Experimental spectra at the Al K-edge in corundum and beryl were recorded for temperature in the 300K-930K range in order to investigate the impact of thermal vibrations on spectral structures. Theoretical models were developed with the aim of numerically reproduce experimental structures, especially in the pre-edge region. Core level shifts, a related phenomenon, was studied on sillimanite, andalusite and potassium germanate, in regard with numerical simulations with DFT. This phenomenon appears when, in a crystalline sample, two or more atoms of a same type are placed in un-equivalent crystallographic sites
Kodjo, Charles Guillaume. "Détermination structurale d'une série de 3,4,5-triméthoxy N-salicylidène anilines par diffraction des rayons X et spectrométries". Aix-Marseille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX11011.
Testo completoRoisnel, Thierry. "Etude par spectroscopie d'absorption de rayons X de quelques composés d'intercalation graphitique d'halogénures métalliques". Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 1988. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00621239.
Testo completoGabison, Laure. "Etude du mécanisme de l'urate oxydase par diffraction des rayons X et spectroscopie RPE". Paris 5, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA05P610.
Testo completoUrate oxidase is a key enzyme of the purine degradation pathway. This protein work without cofactor (metallic nor organic) and catalyse in presence of molecular oxygen, the degradation of urate (uric acid mono-anion) into 5-hydroxyisourate with release of hydrogen peroxide. 5-hydroxyisourate finally decomposes spontaneously or via two specific proteins to allantoïne. Urate oxidase mechanism is studied since the beginning of the century and it still remains nottotally understood. X-Ray diffraction and EPR spectroscopy allow bringing new lighting on urate oxidas mechanism. EPR spectroscopy shows the radical character of the mechanism and brings to propose the electronic state of some intermediate. Tridimensional studies by x-ray diffraction of high resolution inhibitor-enzyme complexes suggest urate déprotonation for the first step of the mechanism to give di-deprotonated intermediate on N3 and N7 atoms of uric acid. Several approach to block the natural substrate in the active site confirm deprotonated state and also permit to propose dehydrourate as stable relational intermediate. Finally different fruitless attempts to detect the hypothetic 5-hydroperoxyisourate intermediate from literature drove to formulate hypothesis of a direct passage to dehydrourate or generation of 4-hydroperoxyisourate. Dehydrourate is the hydroxyled and un-complexe from the active site. From all the result two news alternative mechanism were suggested
Becquart-Gallissian, Alice. "Etude par microscopie électronique et diffraction de rayons X des mécanismes de formation de l'oxyde dans les alliages argent-magnésium". Aix-Marseille 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX30020.
Testo completoInternal oxidation is ideal for following a precipitation reaction from its initial stages up to oxide formation. In this work, the mechanism of oxide formation and its different morphologies, MgO precipitates or inner bands parallel to the surface, have been studied in silver-magnesium binary alloys. The principle techniques of investigation used were conventional and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (CTEM HRTEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), X ray diffraction, scanning électron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). It has been shown for the first time in these alloys that there exists two types of precipitation : inter and intragranular. Moreover, it was pointed out that the formation of coherent precipitate and their growth is the best way to obtain well-defined metal-oxide interface. .
Lopez, Michel Angel. "Synthèse et caractérisation de complexes hétérobimétalliques à base de "Pacman" porphyrines". Dijon, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990DIJOS043.
Testo completoTollens, Elise. "Diffusion du rayonnement X pour la caractérisation de la rugosité superficielle : validation, analyse expérimentale et application à l'étude de matériaux utilisée en métrologie des masses". Paris, CNAM, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CNAM0621.
Testo completoDes éléments de la théorie vectorielle de la diffusion sont développés pour une application à la caractérisation de rugosité de surfaces métalliques. Cette théorie relie, via un facteur optique, la répartition angulaire de l’intensité du rayonnement diffusé par une surface à sa densité spectrale de puissance (DSP). En mode rocking curve, le facteur optique calculé reproduit fidèlement l’intensité des deux maxima (pics de Yoneda) de l’indicatrice de diffusion. Un écart angulaire entre leurs positions théoriques et expérimentales a néanmoins été observé. Par vérification expérimentale, il a été corrélé à une diminution de la densité électronique des couches superficielles en présence de rugosité par rapport à un matériau massif. L’introduction de la notion d’indice effectif de la couche rugueuse (pondération air –matériau) permet alors de mieux approcher les mesures. Ce travail a également permis de mettre en évidence une importante sous estimation de dRMS déterminé à partir de la seule composante diffuse. Une procédure de correction autosuffisante a été mise au point (sur la base des mesures de réflexion spéculaire) puis validée par comparaison des DSP X et visibles (l = 0,1540 et 633 nm) pour quatre matériaux de différentes nature et rugosité. Les résultats ont montré un bon accord, notamment pour les échantillons les moins rugueux. Enfin, la diffusion du rayonnement X a été appliquée à l’étude de surfaces en Platine Iridié (matériau de référence pour la métrologie des masses). L’apport de la réflectométrie X s’avère alors très important puisqu’il permet en combinant trois modes d’analyse, de discriminer les effets du polissage en surface et en volume
Kahloun, Charlie. "Etude des contraintes résiduelles par diffraction de rayons X : statistiques et déconvolution des mesures". Dijon, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991DIJOS008.
Testo completoCaby, Béranger. "Développement de l’analyse combinée par Réflectométrie de rayons X (XRR) et Fluorescence des rayons X en Incidence Rasante (GIXRF) pour des applications micro et nano-électroniques". Caen, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CAEN2055.
Testo completoDue to recent developments in microelectronics, new in-depth characterization techniques are needed. Combined Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence (GIXRF) and X-ray Reflectivity (XRR) analysis is as a promising alternative technique. Indeed, this technique allows obtaining, in a non-destructive way, the depth-profile composition and density of multilayered samples. In the literature, only few works using the potentiality of the XRR-GIXRF technique have been reported. Therefore, in order to accelerate the development of its application in materials characterization, a collaborative international group has been set up between laboratories to share expertise, equipment and analysis software. The objective was to apprehend the methodologies for the XRR-GIXRF acquisition, measurements analysis as well as the physical principles along with the possible limitations of the technique. In this work, after a presentation of the analysis protocols and software, the solutions implemented in different software in order to handle instrumental effects and quantification problems, are discussed. Subsequently, applications of the combined XRR-GIXRF technique on samples of interest are presented. In particular, through the investigation of Ultra-Shallow junctions and various multilayers, the qualitative and quantitative depth-profiling capabilities are demonstrated and compared to classical characterization techniques. Finally, limitations of the technique and possible outlooks are discussed
Schlesser, Sophie. "Spectroscopie X d'ions très chargés et niveaux d'énergie de l'hydrogène pionique". Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00507827.
Testo completoDelhommaye, Steven. "Single-particle modelling of X-ray Absorption and X-ray Raman Scattering spectra : from the impact of vibrations on multipole transition channels to the implementation of L2,3 edges". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022SORUS076.
Testo completoThis thesis work focuses on core level spectroscopies and their modelling by Quantum ESPRESSO, an open-source suite of codes. In particular this work focuses on X-Ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), already well established, and X-Ray Raman Scattering (XRS), proving to be an increasingly popular alternative to XAS, for example under harsh experimental conditions. The first objective of this work was to study the impact of the thermal vibrations of nuclei on the multipole contributions available in XAS and XRS. Indeed, the QHA model used in this work to account for these vibration effects has been used to study light oxides before, but never to assess these effects on the secondary contribution channels of XAS (quadrupole) and XRS (monopole). The study relies on comparison between calculation and experimental data on two well-known reference compounds, rutile TiO2 and α-Al2O3. Moreover, a flaw of the QHA model when trying to reproduce subtle angular dependence signals was discovered and corrected using group theory. The second objective of the thesis was to implement calculation of XRS L2,3 edges in the XSpectra module of Quantum ESPRESSO. It was inspired by the previous implementations of XAS L2,3 edges and XRS K edges calculations in XSpectra. The monopole and dipole contributions were implemented up to the first order of the expansion of the XRS transition operator. It was tested by comparing calculation and measured data on various sulphur compounds. Good agreement with data could be produced, but was found very sensitive to the chosen core hole approximation
Amira, Yassine. "Matériaux ferroélectriques PKGN : synthèse, études par diffraction de rayons X, diélectriques et par spectroscopie Raman". Amiens, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AMIE0110.
Testo completoA new family of a rare-earth ferroelectric Tetragonal Tungsten Bronze (TTB)-type compounds, with general formula Pb2(1-x)K1+xGdxNb5O15 (PKGN) was elaborated by solid state reaction. Structural and electrical properties were investigated using X-ray diffraction and dielectric measurements. Ferroelectric phases are found, and their symmetry, together with the transition temperature strongly depended of the gadolinium concentration. It was shown that at room temperature, for the low gadolinium (Gd) concentration (x < 0. 3) the ferroelectric state is described by the symmetry group Cm2m, while at intermediate Gd concentration (0. 35< x < 0. 70) the symmetry group is mainly described in Pba2 and in compounds with a higher Gd concentration, the space group P4bm is associated to ferroelectricity. The ferroelectric/paraelectric transition temperature strongly changes with the gadolinium concentration, in a non monotonic way. This behavior is due to the existence of structural changes versus composition. Two phase transitions were evidenced for compounds with higher gadolinium rate, where the intermediate phase could be related to an antiferroelectric state. The obtained results were also confirmed by Raman spectroscopy studies which provide strong evidence of the reduction of the disorder in the TTB structure when going from Pb to Gd
MIMOUNI, ABDELHAFID. "Etude des derives de la vitamine b#1#2 par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons x". Paris 12, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA120025.
Testo completoBaumier, Cédric. "Etude des matériaux corrélés de terres rares par diffusion résonante inélastique des rayons X". Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066346.
Testo completoBevilacqua, Elsa. "Etude chimique et minéralogique des peintures : analyse sur poudre par méthodes X, traitement de données". Lille 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989LIL10155.
Testo completoProux, Olivier. "Spectroscopie d'absorption X par détection d'électrons : cas de non-linéarité dans les structures massives et les poudres - ordre local dans les films minces déposés NixAg1-x". Poitiers, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998POIT2263.
Testo completoTENEGAL, FRANCOIS. "Etude des premiers stades de la cristallisation de nanopoudres sicn par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons x au seuil k du silicium, diffusion de neutrons et de rayons x". Paris 7, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA077154.
Testo completoFantin, Roberto. "Etude des matériaux d'électrode positive pour accumulateurs lithium-ions par spectroscopie de photoémission à rayonnement X mous et durs expérimentale et théorique". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024GRALI027.
Testo completoThis thesis has the objective to understand the redox compensation mechanism of positive electrode materials sustaining lithium-ion battery (dis-)charge processes. The study is conducted for LiNiO2, Li2MnO3, and LiCoO2, archetype materials for the state-of-art high-energy positive electrode materials Li[NixMnyCoz]O2. Despite these materials having been studied for decades, the link between electronic correlations and redox mechanism during (de-)lithiation is not well understood. In particular, the role of transition metals and oxygen ions in the redox process is yet to be clarified and resolved in-depth from the surface towards the bulk.To this goal, we establish a novel methodology based on laboratory- and synchrotron-based soft and hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS, HAXPES) to probe qualitatively and quantitatively the electronic structure from the extreme surface down to ~20-30 nm. This allows us to follow the evolution of positive solid electrode-electrolyte interphase, surface electrode material degradation, and bulk electronic structure upon cycling. Notably, the thickness and chemical structure of the surface degradation layer depends on the increase of oxygen valence, related to its interaction with the transition metal. Subsequently, we investigate the evolution of the bulk electronic structure upon cycling by analyzing the transition metal 2p core-level HAXPES spectra with electronic structure simulations based on density functional (DFT) and cluster model (CMT) theories. We evaluate the role of transition metals and oxygen in the redox process by quantifying the 3d-3d Coulomb repulsion and oxygen ligand-metal 2p-3d charge transfer (Δ). The spectra analysis for LiCoO2 and LiNiO2 highlights a decrease of Δ towards the negative charge transfer regime indicating a leading role of the oxygen ions in the charge compensation mechanism. The delithiation process is therefore controlled by the local electron transfer from oxygen 2p orbitals to limit charge accumulation in the metal 3d orbitals
Schlesser, Sophie. "Spectroscopie X d’ions très chargés et niveaux d’énergie de l’hydrogène pionique". Paris 6, 2009. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00507827v3.
Testo completoWeitner, Anny Dupouey Jean-Luc. "Analyse dendrochimique par spectrométrie de rayonnement X application à l'étude de la nutrition des arbres et des variations spatiales et temporelles de l'environnement /". S. l. : S. n, 2007. http://www.scd.uhp-nancy.fr/docnum/SCD_T_2007_0099_WEITNER.pdf.
Testo completoBohr, Frédéric. "Calcul théorique de spectres d'absorption X avec l'approche de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT)". Nancy 1, 1993. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_1993_0097_BOHR.pdf.
Testo completoLarguem, Hadjira. "Évolution structurale et réactivité chimique hors et sous irradiation de céramiques oxydes envisagées pour le confinement spécifique de radionucléides à vie longue". Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006MARN0321.
Testo completoThe perovskite group minerals is a subclass of oxides of broad geophysical and material science interest. This is because (Mg, Fe)SiO3 is supposed to be the main mineral in the mantle. From the material science point of view, perovskite-type structures are refractory phases, which property can be used for the long-term immobilization of radionuclides. Among these perovskite-type structures, titanates and zirconates of alkali-earth elements (such as CaTiO3 and CaZrO3) are able to accommodate cationic substitutions with actinides and rare earth elements, mostly in their Ca sites (apart vacancy defective structures). Also, perovskite-type compounds are closely related to those from other refractory oxide families such as zirconolite ((Ca,Ce)Zr(Ti,Nb,Fe(III))2O7) and pyrochlore ((Na,Ca)2Nb2O6(OH,F)). The first part of this work is devoted to the study of the structural distorsions induced by a Sr (in the Ca site) and Sn (in the Zr site) of both (CaxSr1-x)ZrO3 and Ca(ZrxSn1-x)O3 perovskites. Both X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering spectroscopy are used to follow these two substitution processes. The distorsion of the BO6 octaedra strongly decreases while the ionic radius of cation A increases. On the opposite, it increase while the ionic radius of cation B increases. Then, the incorporation of Nd(III) in CaZrO3 lattice is investigated by Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffractograms and by complementary Raman scattering and XAFS spectroscopies. Analysis of the XRD diffractograms and their Rietveld refinements indicate that the substitution of Nd in CaZrO3 occurs preferentially on the Ca site and the solubility limit occurs at 30 mol. % of Nd2O3. On the opposite, Raman observations suggest that this substitution rather occurs on the Zr site. Complementary experiments carried on, using synchrotron induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy excludes the possibility of a substitution of Nd on the Zr site. The second part of this work deals with the study of the chemical reactivity of CaTiO3 and CaZrO3 perovskite compounds coupled or not with a preliminary irradiation by low energy heavy ions (Xe ions between 150 and 260 keV) at various fluences between 5. 1013 and 3. 1016 ions/cm2. The main features of perovskite alteration can be summarized as follow : - stronger surface reactivity in acid medium ; - formation of a passivating layer able to control the further solubility composed of oxohydroxydes ; - growth of secondary phases enriched in Ti and Zr at the water/ceramic interface. Perovskite, chemical durability is strongly affected by ion irradiation when the critical amorphization dose is reached or excessed. Below that threshold, the surface hydration increase remains relatively limited (< 20 %). Finally, this approach is extended to zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) and pyrochlore (Nd2Zr2O7) compounds with the aim to study both radiation damage and chemical durability
Chabaud, Julien. "Etudes de systèmes d'anti-coïncidence pour les missions spatiales X et Gamma, Simbol-X, IXO et Astro-H". Paris 7, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA077249.
Testo completoX-ray astronomy allows us to understand and explore the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. The scientific performances of future hard X-ray missions necessitate a very low detector background reduction is thus a main issue for obtaining high performance space telescopes. This implies thorough background simulations, and efficient rejection systems. It necessitates also a very good knowledge of the detectors to be shielded. During my PHD, I got a strong experience on these issues by participating to the conception, tests and optimization of the active and passive shielding of the Simbol-X mission, a French-Italian space telescope dedicated to observe the X-ray sky, in the 0. 1 to 80 keV energy band. This shielding is made of plastic scintillators with optical fibers glued on it and readout by multi-anode photomultiplier. I was also responsible of performing the detectors performance tests and the consequent simulations with the GEANT4 and SLitrani Monte-Carlo simulation software. The Simbol-X project has stopped in March 2009. Considering that our work on Simbol-X may be naturally extended to other X-ray missions, we have followed up with a CNES R&D project on the study of background rejection systems mainly in view the IXO/HXI telescope, whose anticoincidence is constituted by BGO blocks readout by APD diods. During my PHD, I have then also participated to the conception and test of the laboratory model of this anticoincidence, cooled down to -20°C thanks to a Peltier system. I have also contributed to the study of LaBr3 detectors, a new kind of scintillating detector, which seems very promising for future background reduction systems
Ramond, Céline. "Probing the femtosecond dynamics of laser-cluster interaction via X-ray and electron spectroscopy : = Sonder la dynamique sub picoseconde de l'interaction laser agrégats par spectroscopie X et d'électrons énergétiques". Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066272.
Testo completoThe work performed during my thesis aims to study the sub-picosecond dynamics of laser- argon cluster interaction using X-ray and energetic electron spectroscopy. One of the key parameter to reveal the temporal competition between the electron heating mechanisms and the cluster expansion is the laser intensity threshold needed to create inner-shell vacancy in cluster atoms. Its evolution with pulse duration has been measured very accurately for two wavelengths, 400 and 800 nm. For long pulse durations, typically more than 800 fs in IR light and 600 fs in blue light, this intensity threshold is a low as 1014 W/cm2, confirming previous results at 610 fs. At this laser intensity, only ionization of the least bound electrons of the argon atom is possible via tunnel effect. This demonstrates that the production of Ar1+ is the ignition process for production of K-shell vacancy in highly charged Arq+. It has also been possible to compare, for the first time, the efficiency of the electron heating mechanisms between both wavelengths (400 and 800 nm) under similar experimental conditions. The mid- IR light is found to be always 10 times more efficient than blue light to create inner-shell vacancies, whatever the pulse duration up to 635 fs. This finding is in clear disagreement with the results present in the literature, as a -6 scaling law was found. Finally, by recording electron energy distribution under the same experimental conditions than the X-ray yield, we demonstrated a strong correlation between the high energy tail of the electron distribution (for energy typically higher than the inner-shell binding energy of the argon atom) and the X-ray emission
Sabat, Hanna A. "Comportement spectral des binaires X dans le domaine X et gamma". Toulouse 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002TOU30107.
Testo completoAlmajdub, Mohamed. "Imagerie haute résolution des tissus mous chez la souris par scanner rayons X : application à l'étude du foie, de la rate et des reins". Lyon 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LYO10139.
Testo completoThe validation of targets and the selection of drug candidates require in vivo studies using animal models developped on mice or rats. The challenge resides in the transposition of clinical imaging methods towards the small animal. This work aimed at developing in vivo imaging methods using high resolution X-ray scanner (micro-CT) and contrast media for the analysis of soft tissues in the mouse. In a first part, we report an inventory of fixtures on the instrumental developments on x-ray scanner and on the contrast media, and show the links between clinical and experimental methods. We then report a first part of our work which consisted in validating the use of a new contrast media for the diagnosis and the follow-up in vivo of spleen and liver tumors on mice. The kinetics of the contrast media was evaluated. On a model of neuro-endocrines tumors in NUDE mice, it was possible to visualize precisely splenic tumors and hepatic metastase. A second work was carried out on the anatomical and functional exploration of the kidney in mice. This study demonstrated that contrast-enhanced micro-CT enables accurate in vivo measurement of kidney volume, lengh and thickness in mice. Reference parameters are reported for 4 strains, all used for transgenesis application. The technique provides a useful follow-up research tool for mouse phenotyping and renal disease studies. The development of intravenous urography (IVU) is also reported. This whole work participates to the development of small animal imaging, allowing pre-clinical studies for animal model characterization and drug efficacy evaluation
Fillaux, Clara. "Etude structurale et vibrationnelle du chlorure de zinc à hautes pressions et hautes températures". Paris 6, 2004. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007985.
Testo completoMoissette, Alain. "Réactivité du graphite avec les solutions sulfatées acides en présence ou non d'uranium : caractérisation spectroscopique des composés d'insertion". Nancy 1, 1993. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_1993_0063_MOISSETTE.pdf.
Testo completoBenihya, Karim. "Nouveaux complexes macrocycliques du bismuth : synthèse et caractérisation par diffraction des RX et spectrométries UV-Visible, Infrarouge et résonance magnétique nucléaire du proton". Aix-Marseille 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AIX11040.
Testo completoMarincea, Stefan. "Cristallochimie et propriétés physiques des borates magnésiens des skarns de la province banatitique de Roumanie". Grenoble INPG, 1998. https://theses.hal.science/tel-01027512.
Testo completoThe present study intends to obtain reliable data on magnesian borates from five skarn deposits in Romania: Baita Bihor, Pietroasa, Ocna de Fier, Masca-Baisoara and Cacova Ierii. These occurrences are typically related to metasomatic areas developed around calc-alkaline intrusive bodies of Late Cretaceous - Paleogene age, which are called by the collective term "banatites", firstly used by von Cotta (1864). The magnesian borates which were identified, namely the ludwigite, the kotoite, the szaibelyite, the suanite and the fluoborite are characteristic for a wellknown geochemical association, the Mg-B-O±Fe one. Minerals from each occurrence were subject to minute analytical investigation including X-Ray powder diffraction, infrared, thermal, electron microprobe and wet-chemical analyses. The thesis offers a good opportunity for a more fully crystallochemical and paragenetical characterization of the five mineral species and also for a desirable comparison with worldwide occurrences
Li, Na. "Spectroscopie de fluorescence : application pour la caractérisation d’interactions entre macromolécules d’intérêt biologiques et l’étude enzymologique de l’activité hélicase". Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00468571/fr/.
Testo completoThis thesis presents the applications of fluorescence detection approaches in understanding the fundamental principles of the light activation of biomolecules, bioassemblies, and their catalytic mechanisms. In this context, three frequently used fluorescent methods have been discussed. The first technique, the fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy, based on measurements in micro-volumes with weak molecular concentration, has been essentially applied to monitor the crosscorrelation of the fluorescence fluctuations of the two complementary DNA strands. In particular, the helicase activity of E. Coli RecQ enzyme and the strand annealing activity of human RecQ5 helicase have been monitored. Results proved that the FCCS approach is particularly well-suited for monitoring the RecQ helicase enzymatic activity. The second technique, the fluorescence steady-state anisotropy measurements, has been adopted to analyse impact of the two main Raltegravir resistance pathways (N155H and G140S/Q148H) on HIV viral replication and the catalytic properties of recombinant integrase (INs). Results demonstrated the Q148H mutation is responsible for predominant resistance to Raltegravir whereas the G140S mutation increases viral fitness in the context of double mutant G140S/Q148H. The third technique, the time-resolved photoluminescence decay measurement, has been conducted to characterise the fluorescent properties of MPA capped CdTe quantum dots (QDs). Results confirmed the advantages of QDs and their promising applications in fluorescent labelling. In conclusion, this thesis encompasses the fundamentals and various applications involving the integration of light, photonics and biology into biophotonics
Munch, Etienne Pelletier Jean-Marc Sixou Bruno. "Impact de la déformation sur la mobilité moléculaire des polymères amorphes". Villeurbanne : Doc'INSA, 2007. http://docinsa.insa-lyon.fr/these/pont.php?id=munch.
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