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Reichertz, Jo. "Hermeneutic Sociology of Knowledge". Arbor 189, n. 761 (30 giugno 2013): a036.

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Pickering, Andrew. "Sociology of knowledge and the sociology of scientific knowledge". Social Epistemology 11, n. 2 (aprile 1997): 187–92.

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Farias, Daniel Costa. "As condições de possibilidade do conhecimento sociológico: a constituição processual da sociologia segundo Norbert Elias". Simbiótica 9, n. 1 (21 maggio 2022): 38–58.

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Abstract (sommario):
Resumo Este texto analisa como Norbert Elias pensa a influência dos processos de desenvolvimento social do conhecimento na constituição da sociologia. Seguimos três etapas. Primeiro, demonstramos o conceito de Processo em Elias. Depois, verificamos como o autor entende a constituição da sociologia. No fim, mostramos a relação entre os processos históricos de produção de conhecimento e a constituição da sociologia. Aqui vamos evidenciar a importância, segundo Elias, da evolução do conhecimento com as dinâmicas de longo prazo do desenvolvimento social e, igualmente, da composição da sociologia enquanto uma ciência relativamente autônoma. Partimos da perspectiva de que, para Elias, o patrimônio social de conhecimento em constante expansão possibilitou um método científico adequado para analisar a sociedade. Utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica como metodologia. Assim, pesquisaremos um ponto pouco explorado nos trabalhos de Elias. Palavras-chave: Norbert Elias; conhecimento; processo; sociogênese. Abstract This text analyzes how Norbert Elias thinks about the influence of the processes of social development of knowledge in the constitution of sociology. We follow three steps. First, we demonstrate the concept of Process in Elias. Afterwards, we verify how the author understands the constitution of sociology. In the end, we show the relationship between the historical processes of knowledge production and the constitution of sociology. Here we will highlight the importance, according to Elias, of the evolution of knowledge with the long-term dynamics of social development and, also, of the composition of sociology as a relatively autonomous science. We start from the perspective that, for Elias, the constantly expanding social patrimony of knowledge enabled an adequate scientific method to analyze society. We use bibliographic research as a methodology. Thus, we will research a little explored point in Elias' works. Keywords: Norbert Elias; knowledge; process; sociogenesis. Resumen Este texto analiza cómo piensa Norbert Elias sobre la influencia de los procesos de desarrollo social del conocimiento en la constitución de la sociología. Seguimos tres pasos. Primero, demostramos el concepto de Proceso en Elias. Posteriormente, verificamos cómo el autor entiende la constitución de la sociología. Al final, mostramos la relación entre los procesos históricos de producción de conocimiento y la constitución de la sociología. Aquí destacaremos la importancia, según Elias, de la evolución del conocimiento con la dinámica de largo plazo del desarrollo social y, también, de la composición de la sociología como ciencia relativamente autónoma. Partimos de la perspectiva de que, para Elias, el patrimonio social del conocimiento en constante expansión posibilitó un método científico adecuado para analizar la sociedad. Utilizamos la investigación bibliográfica como metodología. Por lo tanto, investigaremos un pequeño punto explorado en las obras de Elias. Palabras clave: Norbert Elias; conocimiento; proceso; sociogénesis.
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Sieh, Dawn M. "Sociology as Knowledge". American Behavioral Scientist 56, n. 10 (3 agosto 2012): 1343–60.

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Kropp, Kristoffer, Gry Malling Loehr e Heine Andersen. "Dansk Sociologis rolle i dansk sociologi – vidensdeling og inspiration gennem 25 år". Dansk Sociologi 25, n. 3 (9 ottobre 2014): 9–41.

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Abstract (sommario):
Artiklen skildrer historien om Dansk Sociologi fra etableringen i 1989-1990 til jubilæumsåret 2014. Initiativet blev taget af Dansk Sociologforening under den institutionelle krise i faget, der kulminerede da undervisningsminister Bertel Haarder besluttede at lukke uddannelsen. Tidsskriftet har været benyttet som publiceringskanal af en meget stor andel af danske sociologer og oplagstal har været stigende frem til omkring 2006. De seneste 10-15 år har man kunnet se et skift i indholdsprofilen, fra en dominans af teoretisk orienterede emner over mod en bred vifte af empiriske emner og en tilpasning til en mainstream akademisk, upersonlig form. Dansk Sociologi er et udpræget pluralistisk tidsskrift og kontroverser mellem forskellige teoretiske retninger eller om specifikke spørgsmål har man ikke set. Artiklen drøfter også fremtidige udfordringer som især er internationalisering, de nye digitale medier og krav om open access. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristoffer Kropp, Gry Malling Loehr and Heine Andersen: The Role of Dansk Sociologi in the Development of Danish Sociology. Dissemination of Knowledge and Inspiration for 25 years This article describes and evaluates the journal Dansk Sociologi (Danish Sociology) from its inception in 1989-1990 until its 25th anniversary in 2014. The Danish Sociological Association took the initiative to set up the journal during sociology’s institutional crisis due to fact that the Minister of Education had decided to close the sociology department at the University of Copenhagen, the only place in Denmark with the discipline. The article discusses the evolution of the journal’s organizational framework, its authors, editors, and content. The journal has been used as a vehicle for publication by a large proportion of Danish sociologists. Subscriptions have been growing until 2006. There has been a shift from theoretical articles to a wider range of empirical ones, and from a more discussion-based form to a more detached and standardized academic one. There has been considerable pluralism, and there have been no major controversies. The challenges that the journal must address are an internationalization pressure that could weaken authors’ incentives to write for a Danish journal, the transition to internet media, and finally requirements for open access that could threaten the journal’s economy. Keywords: the journal Dansk Sociologi, the Danish Sociological Association, sociology’s history.
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Serpa, Sandro, e Carlos Miguel Ferreira. "Sociology as Scientific Knowledge". Journal of Educational and Social Research 9, n. 3 (1 settembre 2019): 178–84.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Sociology is a science with specificities and which can potentially offer a more rigorous knowledge about reality. The goal of this position paper is, by means of a thorough literature review, to contribute to demonstrating the urgency of using a sociological stance in a more complete understanding of the social, as well as of Sociology itself as a science. It is concluded that Sociology, a multi-paradigmatic science, seeks to articulate macro-social dynamics with local processes, allowing to connect the subjective significances with the practices, and which focus on the articulations between systems and actors, between structures and practices, between the reality of the social conditions of existence, and the social construction of reality. As an implication, Sociology as a scientific representation and practice of the social, can be cumbersome by helping to dismantle commonly shared preconceived ideas about the instituted social order.
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Wright, Theodore P. "The Sociology of Knowledge". American Journal of Islam and Society 4, n. 1 (1 settembre 1987): 89–100.

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Abstract (sommario):
The concept “sociology of knowledge” emerged from European sociologyand especially from Marxist thought which posited that the socialcharacteristics of a category of thinkers determine their intellectual productsas much or more than the intrinsic merit of their ideas themselves.’ whileMarxists, as materialists, naturally emphasized the effects of the social classof their bourgeois and feudal opponents on the latter‘s thinking in order to discounttheir arguments, the notion of social determinism can be equally wellapplied to other categories of thinkers such as national, ethnic, or religious inanalyzing their impact on an academic discipline, provided that one is carefulnot to assume a simplistic, one-to-one correlation between a thinker‘s socialbackground or religion and his ideas.It is my purpose in this paper to explore the causes, degree, and possibleconsequences of the disproportionate role of people of Jewish origin, if notfaith, in the development of the social sciences, particularly in the periodsince World War II in North America, compared to the as yet meager impactof Muslims in those fields. The powerful impact of Jewish scholars is not juston U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, which is well-known if controversial,but, anterior to policy-making , they have largely shaped the paradigms,the conceptual apparatus, with which most Westerners, approach, perceive,and analyze society in general and the Muslim world in particular.A cautionary note first is in order. Scholars who are by others or bythemselves designated as “Jewish” vary, like Muslims and Christians, fromthe most orthodox to the most secualr, so one must avoid stereotyping and ...
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Stanfield, John H. "The Sociology of Knowledge". American Behavioral Scientist 56, n. 10 (3 agosto 2012): 1299–300.

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Baber, Zaheer. "Sociology of scientific knowledge". Theory and Society 21, n. 1 (febbraio 1992): 105–19.

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Vratusa(-Zunjic), Vera. "The sociology of knowledge". Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 37, n. 3 (2001): 290–92.

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Longhurst, Brian. "A New Sociology of Knowledge? McCarthy, E. Doyle: Knowledge as Culture: The new sociology of knowledge". Human Studies 21, n. 3 (luglio 1998): 309–16.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article is a selective introduction to the description and characterization of the changes that have occurred in the sociology of knowledge since the publication of Max Scheler’s book in 1924 to contemporary times, most often conceptualized by the term knowledge society. A brief review of the main threads in the field of sociology of knowledge was intended to draw attention to the theoretical and practical advantages of particular approaches, as well as their disadvantages, resulting in a trivial study of the phenomenon of knowledge in question. The descriptive character of this article also allowed for a number of systematizations within specific approaches (e.g. Michel Foucault) and within a broad perspective of the knowledge phenomenon.
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Smith, Dorothy E. ":Knowledge as Culture: The New Sociology of Knowledge". Symbolic Interaction 22, n. 2 (maggio 1999): 183–84.

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Loader, Colin, Volker Meja e Nico Stehr. "Knowledge and Politics: The Sociology of Knowledge Dispute." Social Forces 71, n. 2 (dicembre 1992): 528.

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Fuchs, Stephan, e E. Doyle McCarthy. "Knowledge as Culture: The New Sociology of Knowledge." Social Forces 76, n. 1 (settembre 1997): 337.

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Nelson, Rodney D., Volker Meja e Nico Stehr. "Knowledge and Politics: The Sociology of Knowledge Dispute." Contemporary Sociology 20, n. 6 (novembre 1991): 927.

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Ashcraft, Richard, Volker Meja e Nico Stehr. "Knowledge and Politics: The Sociology of Knowledge Dispute". Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 19, n. 4 (1994): 569.

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Schneider, Mark A., e E. Doyle McCarthy. "Knowledge as Culture: The New Sociology of Knowledge". Contemporary Sociology 27, n. 1 (gennaio 1998): 107.

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Lynch, Michael, e David Bogen. "Sociology's Asociological "Core": An Examination of Textbook Sociology in Light of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge". American Sociological Review 62, n. 3 (giugno 1997): 481.

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Keller, Reiner. "Entering Discourses: A New Agenda for Qualitative Research and Sociology of Knowledge". Qualitative Sociology Review 8, n. 2 (30 agosto 2012): 46–75.

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Abstract (sommario):
The article argues for a new agenda in qualitative research and sociology of knowledge. It starts with the assumption that meaning-making activities which lie at the heart of sociology’s interpretative paradigm today are widely embedded in expert proceedings and organized or institutionalized work on symbolic ordering. This holds true for the sciences or other specialized discourse realms (like religion), but it also counts for public discourses/public arenas. While interpretative traditions in sociology have addressed issues of discourse research, they did not succeed in establishing a proper sociological approach to discourse. Therefore, the article proposes a sociology of knowledge approach to discourse (SKAD), located in the social constructivist tradition of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Such an approach is able to account for discourses as processes of symbolic ordering and to take up questions of discourse research raised by French philosopher Michel Foucault. Foucault indeed insisted on discourses as “truth games” and activities which set up knowledge claims. But, this interest in politics of knowledge has not so far been taken up in today’s arenas of discourse research. Therefore, SKAD proposes concepts and procedures for a new agenda of sociology of knowledge, deeply committed to qualitative and interpretative research traditions in sociology.
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Zafirovski, Milan. "Convergent origins, divergent destinations: sociology's contributions and connections to economics in a historical and interdisciplinary framework". Social Science Information 46, n. 2 (giugno 2007): 305–54.

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Abstract (sommario):
English This article explores selected significant instances of sociology's contributions and connections to economics. These contributions are framed and analyzed within a historical and interdisciplinary setting of the originally common or convergent roots (Enlightenment philosophical rationalism and liberalism) and early co-developments, and yet the subsequently (especially since the 1930s) divergent trajectories and destinations of sociology and economics. These contributions are divided into two general categories: theoretical-substantive and methodological-epistemological. Sociological analyses of market phenomena, societal development and institutions are adduced as examples of sociology's theoretical contribution to economics. Ideal-types, Verstehen, and sociology of knowledge exemplify its methodological contributions and connections to economics. The article aims to help bridge a gap in the current literature in which such contributions and connections of sociology to economics are rarely recognized and considered in favor of those in the opposite (“rational-choice”) direction. French L'article explore certains apports importants de la sociologie à l'économie et les interrelations entre les deux disciplines. Ces apports sont analysés dans une perspective historique et interdisciplinaire, des racines originellement communes ou convergentes des deux disciplines (le rationalisme philosophique des Lumières et le libéralisme) et de leur développement initial commun à leurs trajectoires et destinations par la suite - en particulier depuis les années trente - divergentes. Ces apports se répartissent en deux grandes catégories: théoriques-formels et méthodologiques-épistémologiques. Les analyses sociologiques des phénomènes de marché, du développement de la société et des institutions sont donnés en exemples de contributions théoriques de la sociologie à l'économie. Les types-idéaux, Verstehen, et la sociologie de la connaissance témoignent de son apport méthodologique à l'économie et de ses liens avec celle-ci. L'article a pour ambition de combler un vide dans la littérature qui n'atteste que rarement l'existence de tels apports de la sociologie à l'économie, en privilégiant plutôt à l'inverse les apports de l'économie à la sociologie ("choix rationnel").
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Ehara, Yumiko. "Gender and Sociology of Knowledge". TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES 9, n. 4 (2004): 8–11.

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Zakharov, M. Yu, A. A. Komarova e O. V. Kryshtanovskaya. "Confucian sociology of managerial knowledge". Vestnik Universiteta, n. 3 (12 aprile 2019): 169–72.

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Abstract (sommario):
The article attempts to conceptualize the nature of managerial knowledge in traditional Chinese culture and the possibility of using methodological potential of current sociology of knowledge for this task. The role and significance of cognitive problematics in the history of old China have been formulated, Confucian type of knowledge has been analyzed; the placein this ancient management knowledge has been considered a statement on formation of predetermination of social consciousness of the Chinese has been substantiated. A conclusion on historical significance, productiveness and potential of Confucian sociology for formation of sociocultural mechanism of management of China has been made.
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KANO, Yoshimasa. "Educational Sociology as Scientific Knowledge". Journal of Educational Sociology 64 (1999): 21–37.

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McCauley, Robert N. "Sociology of Knowledge as Epistemology". Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews 35, n. 6 (giugno 1990): 569–71.

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Steiner, Philippe. "The Sociology of Economic Knowledge". European Journal of Social Theory 4, n. 4 (novembre 2001): 443–58.

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Swidler, Ann, e Jorge Arditi. "The New Sociology of Knowledge". Annual Review of Sociology 20, n. 1 (agosto 1994): 305–29.

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Abbott, Andrew. "Reconceptualizing knowledge accumulation in sociology". American Sociologist 37, n. 2 (giugno 2006): 57–66.

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Balon, Jan. "O samotné myšlence jednotné sociologie: Harvard a Columbia". Teorie vědy / Theory of Science 33, n. 3 (21 novembre 2011): 358–86.

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Abstract (sommario):
On the Very Idea of Unified Sociology: Harvard and ColumbiaAbstract: The article concentrates on the historical context of American sociology's development in the period between 1930 and 1965, which is here associated with a specific project of the field's unification elaborated at Harvard University and Columbia University. It is argued that the idea of unified sociology is worked in the very project of American sociology as a science and found its genuine expression in the efforts to reach "objectivity and coherence" of sociological thought/knowledge. It also distinctly formed the professional identity of the discipline. It was expected that the scientific integrity would be achieved by means of securing the continuity of theory and practice, which was to provide a general methodological pillar for cumulative research. The historical contextualization of this formative period studies how the very idea of unified sociology affected both theoretical and methodological perspectives within the discipline and also the possibility of its integrated research agenda.O samotné myšlence jednotné sociologie: Harvard a ColumbiaAbstrakt: Článek se zaměřuje na historický kontext vývoje americké sociologie v období mezi lety 1930-1965, jež je spojeno se specifickým projektem sjednocení oboru rozpracovaným na Harvardské a Kolumbijské univerzitě. Samotná myšlenka jednotné sociologie je neoddělitelně vpletena do celého projektu americké sociologie jako vědy a své „čisté" vyjádření nalezla v úsilí prokázat „objektivitu a koherenci" sociologického myšlení/vědění. Zcela zřetelně také formovala profesní identitu oboru. Prostředkem zajištění vědecké integrity bylo především zajištění kontinuity teorie a praxe, ježby založilo a o něž by se mohlo opírat pevné metodologické „sebevědomí". Historická kontextualizace tohoto formativního období si klade za cíl sledovat, nakolik myšlenka sjednocené sociologie ovlivnila teoretické a metodologické perspektivy v rámci oboru i vlastní představy o možnosti jeho integrované výzkumné agendy.
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Rezai-Rashti, Goli, e James G. Ladwig. "Revisiting the Sociology of School Knowledge". Educational Researcher 26, n. 5 (giugno 1997): 32.

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Marcel, Jean-Christophe. "On Halbwachs’s Sociology of Knowledge Program". Durkheimian Studies 24, n. 1 (1 dicembre 2020): 133–43.

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Abstract (sommario):
‘La doctrine d’Émile Durkheim’, sheds light on the intellectual connection between Durkheim and Halbwachs. Halbwachs agrees with Durkheim that knowledge consists of a set of classifications whose origin is social, and that evolution moves from totemic classifications to spatial classifications and contemporary conceptual thinking, but without much knowledge of the passage from the second to the third stage of this evolution. Halbwachs sketches, as a complement, an element of response to fill this void, and in doing so, announces his future work. To the categories of thought studied by Durkheim, he adds those of change and of the individual, which he will use in his later works to explain the movement of civilization. In doing so, he proves his involvement in developing the durkheimian program onsociology of knowledge.
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Kilminster, Richard, e Susan S. Hekman. "Hermeneutics and the Sociology of Knowledge." Contemporary Sociology 17, n. 3 (maggio 1988): 377.

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Ristić, Dušan. "Renewal of the Sociology of Knowledge". Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7, n. 18 (2012): 81–82.

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Lafountain, Marc J., e Susan J. Hekman. "Hermeneutics and the Sociology of Knowledge." Social Forces 66, n. 3 (marzo 1988): 864.

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Kanygin, Gennady V., e Maria S. Poltinnikova. "Scientific Knowledge in Sociology: Problem Statement". Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research, n. 1 (14 febbraio 2019): 27–32.

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Abstract (sommario):
The article opens a cycle of publications, which analyze the similarities and differences between the two wide spread modern approaches to the description of society - sociological and informational ones. Both approaches have the same methodological problem to be solved. The problem of expressing hidden knowledge about society that participants in social processes operate with the help of natural language in the course of social communication. In order to harmonize sociological and informational approaches of describing society, it was proposed any natural language statements involved in describing society to be arranged according to the basic principle of information technology - modularity. The proposed way of harmonizing informational and sociological methods of building knowledge about society is invoked by the need to solve two scientific problems formulated in sociology itself - the constructability of social objects and the complexity of social relationships. The paper's methodological proposals are embodied in their computer realization, which practical application is demonstrated in other publications of the authors.
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Breslau, Daniel. "Is the sociology of knowledge unethical?" Social Epistemology 11, n. 2 (aprile 1997): 217–22.

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Wickham, Gary, e Harry Freemantle. "Some Additional Knowledge Conditions for Sociology". Current Sociology 56, n. 6 (novembre 2008): 922–39.

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Kurzman, Charles. "Epistemology and the Sociology of Knowledge". Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24, n. 3 (settembre 1994): 267–90.

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Freidson, Eliot. "Knowledge and the practice of sociology". Sociological Forum 1, n. 4 (1986): 684–700.

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Batiuk, Mary Ellen, e Barbara Hargrove. "Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 24, n. 4 (dicembre 1985): 448.

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Young, Michael. "Knowledge and the Sociology of Education". Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia 44 (1 settembre 2020): 10–17.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper does not go into detail concerning the current debate around the idea of “powerful knowledge”, however, a brief account of the history and context of the sub-discipline as it has developed in England, is presented. For that purpose, some references to the important works of Basil Bernstein are explicated. It was he after all, following the critical reception of his early work on linguistic codes, who first argued that knowledge, or as it is sometimes expressed “the stuff” and not just “the who” of education, was crucial to any serious debate. Some hot points in the debate between Bernstein and Michael Young are presented. The suggestion is given that differently from Bernstein ideas to take into account „pedagogical code“ in the knowledge reproduction we have to begin with the distinction between memorisation of knowledge which is close to the idea of consumption, and developing a relationship to knowledge which has more affinity with becoming a member of a community.
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Bloor, David. "Idealism and the Sociology of Knowledge". Social Studies of Science 26, n. 4 (novembre 1996): 839–56.

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Pollner, Melvin, e Steve Woolgar. "Knowledge and Reflexivity: New Frontiers in the Sociology of Knowledge." Contemporary Sociology 20, n. 3 (maggio 1991): 458.

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Nakamura, Kazuo. "From a Sociology of Knowledge to a Praxiology of Knowledge". Annual review of sociology 2001, n. 14 (2001): 174–86.

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Jones, Robert Alun, Nico Stehr e Volker Meja. "Society and Knowledge: Contemporary Perspectives on the Sociology of Knowledge". Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 10, n. 3 (1985): 324.

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Roh, Sunhee. ""Sociology of Metaverse: A Perspective of Sociology of Knowledge on Metaverse"". Journal of Humanities and Social sciences 21 13, n. 4 (30 agosto 2022): 1233–46.

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Perić-Romić, Ranka. "Applicability of sociological knowledge: Between conventional and applied sociology". Socioloski godisnjak, n. 16 (2021): 7–21.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper analyzes the role and position of sociology in contemporary society, as well as the growing demands for transforming and abandoning traditional forms of studying sociology, in order to adapt it to the market needs. In that sense, the subject of the paper includes analysis, consideration and critical attitude towards such one-sided approach, with the aim of pointing out that applied sociology cannot be considered sociology as a social science if it renounces theoretical approaches and reflections on certain social problems on the theoretical level, in numerous sociological disciplines recognized as space within which certain research can only be done. The paper also discusses the objectivity of sociology researchers in terms of commissioned research, which often have to confirm the expected results, in order to justify certain actions of project orderers. Different forms of limitations sociologists have in stated cases affect the decadence of sociologists in a professional sense. Using the analytic-synthetic approach, the paper points out the necessity of promoting sociology and applying sociological knowledge in different areas and segments of social life, emphasizing the conditions under which objectivity and scientificity can be achieved in practice. Furthermore, the importance of transformation of the sociological academic community is also pointed out, as it should be the catalyst for changes in the understanding and role of sociology, starting from the fact that applied sociology must imply the existence of conventional, disciplinary, i.e. academic sociology. One of the main goals of the paper is to indicate the possible directions of sustainability and contribution of sociology in contemporary society, as well as areas in which sociological knowledge is necessary. It also points out the possible challenges and contemporary trends that sociology is periodically facing or it may face, with the need to develop applied sociology.
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Connell, Raewyn. "CANONS AND COLONIES: THE GLOBAL TRAJECTORY OF SOCIOLOGY". Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro) 32, n. 67 (maggio 2019): 349–67.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract The history of sociology as a field of knowledge, especially in the English-speaking world, has been obscured by the discipline’s own origin myth in the form of a canon of “classical theory” concerned with European modernity. Sociology was involved in the world of empire from the start. Making the canon more inclusive, in gender, race, and even global terms, is not an adequate correction. Important types of social knowledge, including movement-based and indigenous knowledges, resist canonization. The turn towards decolonial and Southern perspectives, now happening across the social sciences, opens up new perspectives on the history of knowledge. These can be linked with a more sophisticated view of the collective production of knowledge by the workforces that are increasingly, though unequally, interacting. Potentials for a more effectively engaged sociology emerge.
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Connell, Raewyn, e Ivan Kislenko. "Canons and Colonies: a Global Trajectory of Sociology". Sotsiologicheskoe Obozrenie / Russian Sociological Review 22, n. 3 (2023): 219–36.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The history of sociology as a field of knowledge, especially in the English-speaking world, has been obscured by the discipline’s own origin myth in the form of a canon of “classical theory” concerned with European modernity. Sociology was involved in the world of empire from the start. Making the canon more inclusive, in gender, race, and even global terms, is not an adequate correction. Important types of social knowledge, including movement-based and indigenous knowledges, resist canonization. The turn towards decolonial and Southern perspectives, now happening across the social sciences, opens up new perspectives on the history of knowledge. These can be linked with a more sophisticated view of the collective production of knowledge by the workforces that are increasingly, though unequally, interacting. Potentials for a more effectively engaged sociology emerge.
Gli stili APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO e altri

Ferreira, Carlos Miguel, e Sandro Serpa. "Future Anticipation in Sociology". Science Insights 39, n. 1 (12 ottobre 2021): 333–41.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The ability to make forecasts about events is a goal favored by the so-called exact sciences. In sociology and other social sciences, the forecast, although often sought after, is not likely to be realized unconditionally. This article seeks to problematize and discuss the connection between sociology and forecast. The object of study of sociology has particular features that distinguish it from other scientific fields, namely facts and social situations, which deal with trends; the systems of belief of social scientists and policymakers that can influence the attempt to anticipate the future; the dissemination of information and knowledge produced by sociology and other social sciences, which have the potential to change reality and, consequently, to call into question their capacity for the social forecast. These principles pose challenges to sociology’s heuristic potentials, making the reflection on these challenges indispensable in the scientific approach to social processes.
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