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Sludge: Management and disposal. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: PTR Prentice Hall, 1994.

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Elliott, Herschel A. Biosolids disposal in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pa: Center for Rural Pennsylvania, 2007.

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Vesilind, P. Aarne. Sludge management & disposal for the practicing engineer. Chelsea, Mich: Lewis Publishers, 1986.

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Regional Conference on Sewage Sludge Technology and Management (1st 2003 Kuwait, Kuwait). Sewage sludge technology and management. A cura di Al-Awadi Nader 1950-, Al-Muzaini S e Moghissi A. Alan. Elmsford, NY: Cognizant Communication Corp., 2007.

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Committee, Washington (State) Legislature Senate Environment and Natural Resources. Use vs. disposal: Sludge management '90 : a legislative report. [Olympia, Wash.]: The Committee, 1990.

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Land, Brenda. Remote waste management. [San Dimas, Calif.?]: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, 1995.

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Ferguson, Gael. Sustainable wastewater management: A handbook for smaller communities. Wellington, N.Z: Ministry for the Environment, 2003.

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A management guide to retrofitting wastewater treatment plants. Lancaster, Pa: Technomic Pub. Co., 1998.

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International Solid Waste Association. Working Group on Sewage & Waterworks Sludge. Sludge treatment and disposal: Management approaches and experiences. Copenhagen: European Environment Agency, 1998.

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George, Cogger Craig. Biosolids management guidelines for Washington State. Olympia, Wash: Washington State Dept. of Ecology Solid Waste & Financial Assistance Program, 2000.

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Washington (State). Legislature. Senate. Environment and Natural Resources Committee. Sludge management '90: Use vs. disposal : a legislative report. [Olympia, Wash.]: Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee, 1990.

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Boydell, A. N. Waste management issues in British Columbia. [British Columbia]: Round Table, 1990.

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Rowe-Evans, Annwen. Sanitation infrastructure: A handbook of wastewater technology and management systems. Vancouver: Centre for Human Settlements, University of British Columbia, 1999.

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Indonesia. Direktorat Pengembangan Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman. Materi bidang air limbah: Diseminasi dan sosialisasi keteknikan bidang PLP. Jakarta]: Direktorat Pengembangan Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman, Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, 2012.

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Fei shui chu li shi yong ji shu ji yun xing guan li. Beijing Shi: Hua xue gong ye chu ban she, 2013.

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Shephard, Frank C. Managing wastewater: Prospects in Massachusetts for a decentralized approach : a discussion of options and requirements. [Chestnut Hill, MA]: Marine Studies Consortium, 1996.

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Shephard, Frank C. Managing wastewater: Prospects in Massachusetts for a decentralized approach : a discussion of options and requirements. [Chestnut Hill, MA]: Marine Studies Consortium, 1996.

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Wastewater management review for the fertilizer manufacturing sector. Edmonton: Alberta Environment, Environment Service, Environmental Sciences Division, 1999.

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Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. A special report of the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee on septage management and disposal. [Harrisburg, PA]: The Committee, 1991.

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Proctor & Redfern Limited. Development of a methodology to investigate the cost-effectiveness of various sludge management systems. [Don Mills, Ont.]: Proctor & Redfern Group, 1988.

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Workshop on "Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture in Vietnam: Water Management, Environment and Human Health Aspects" (2001 Hanoi, Vietnam). Wastewater reuse in agriculture in Vietnam: Water management, environment and human health aspects : proceedings of a workshop held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 14 March 2001. A cura di Sally L. (Liqa), Hoek Wim van der e Ranawake Mala. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute, 2001.

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Crites, Ronald W. Small and decentralized wastewater management systems. Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998.

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South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. Sanitation and wastewater management in Tonga. Tonga: SOPAC, 2008.

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George, Tchobanoglous, a cura di. Small and decentralized wastewater management systems. Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998.

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Vialle, Marvin. Septage management strategic plan. [Olympia, Wash.]: Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 2003.

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Ole, Fryd, a cura di. Sustainable wastewater management in developing countries: New paradigms and case stories from the field. Reston, Va: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2009.

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Kugelman, Irwin J. Centralized management of small treatment plants using instruments and remote alarms. Cincinnati OH: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water Engineering Research Laboratory, 1988.

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Botswana. Botswana's policy for wastewater and sanitation management. [Gaborone]: Ministry of Local Government, 2001.

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Florida. Dept. of Environmental Regulation. Study of environmental regulations and procedures for wastewater management: Final report. [Tallahassee]: Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 1987.

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National Conference on Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management (1988 Palm Beach, Fla.). Proceedings of the National Conference on Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management : June 27-29, 1988, Palm Beach, Florida. Silver Spring, Md. (9300 Columbia Blvd., Silver Spring 20910-1702): Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, 1988.

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National Conference on Municipal Treatment Plant Sludge Management (1986 Orlando, Fla.). Proceedings of the National Conference on Municipal Treatment Plant Sludge Management: May 28-30, 1986, Orlando, Florida. Silver Spring, Md. (9300 Columbia Blvd., Silver Spring 20910): Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, 1986.

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Duguid, Terry. Better treatment: Taking action to improve water quality : report on public hearings : City of Winnipeg wastewater collection and treatment systems. Winnipeg, Man: Manitoba Clean Environment Commission, 2003.

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Hanson, Adrian. Onsite wastewater management: A manual for tribes. Las Cruces, NM: NM State University, Cooperative Extension Service, 2013.

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Foundation, Water Environment Research, e United States. Environmental Protection Agency, a cura di. Solids process design and management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.

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Analysis of waste management policies in Palestine: Domestic solid waste and wastewater. Bethlehem: Applied Research Institute, ARIJ, 2005.

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National Conference on Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management (1987 Boston, Mass.). Proceedings of the National Conference on Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Management, May 27-29, 1987, Boston, Massachusetts. Silver Spring, Md: Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, 1987.

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Services, Inc DSM Environmental. Survey results on biosolids management/disposal costs and methods: Prepared for Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Residuals Management Section. Ascutney, VT (Thrasher Rd & Route 5, P.O. Box 466, Ascutney 05030): DSM Environmental Services, 1999.

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Medalie, Laura. Wastewater collection and return flow in New England, 1990. Bow, N.H: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1996.

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Medalie, Laura. Wastewater collection and return flow in New England, 1990. Bow, N.H: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1996.

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Marshall, Karen. Regional wastewater treatment systems: A national survey of state problems and solutions. Lexington, Ky. (Iron Works Pike, P.O. Box 11910, Lexington 40578-1910): Council of State Governments, Center for Environment, 1991.

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Medalie, Laura. Wastewater collection and return flow in New England, 1990. Bow, N.H: U.S. Geological Survey, 1996.

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Medalie, Laura. Wastewater collection and return flow in New England, 1990. Bow, N.H: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1996.

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Lal, Padma Narsey. Economics of liquid waste management in Funafuti, Tuvalu. Apia, Samoa: SPREP, 2006.

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Cheng shi wu shui wu ni guo cheng jian liang ji zi yuan hua li yong li lun yu ji shu. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 2012.

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Schwartz, K., e E. D. de Ruyter van Steveninck. Improving municipal wastewater management in coastal cities: A training manual for practitioners focussing on objective oriented planning, innovative technological and financial approaches, stakeholder involvement, presentation techniques. The Hague, Netherlands: UNEP/GPA-UNESCO-IHE, Train-Sea-Coast GPA, 2004.

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Focus on sewage management. [Olympia Wash.]: Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 2006.

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Federation, Water Environment, a cura di. Industrial wastewater management, treatment, and disposal. 3a ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2008.

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Municipal Sewage Sludge: Management, Processing and Disposal, Volume IV (Water Quality Management Library). CRC, 1995.

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Programme, United Nations Environment, a cura di. Domestic wastewater management. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 1988.

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J, Kim Byung, e Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (U.S.), a cura di. Army industrial sludge management technologies: An evaluation and recommendations for improvement. Champaign, Ill: US Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 1995.

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